HWord We have the highest regard for the medical profession. Our preparations are not sold for the purpose of antagon izing them , but rather as an aid. We lay it down as an established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri ous to expectant mothers. The distress and discomforts experienced during the months preceding childbirth can be a ! ' leviated only by external treatment by applying a liniment that softens and re- laxcs the over-strained muscles We make and sell such a liniment , com bining tinr.jredients ; in a manner hitherto unknown , and call it V/c kno'.v that in thousands of cases it ha. ; proved more than a blessing to cxpcctrat mothers. It overcomes morn ing sickness. It relieves the sense of tightness. Headaches cease , and dan ger from Swollen , Hard and Rising linr.sis is avoided. Labor itself is shortcai cl end shorn of most of the pain. We Know that many doctors recom mend it , and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy it because they are sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial ju-jt a fair test. There is no possil le chance or injury being the result , be cause Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $ i a bottle tle , and should be used during most of the period of irestatSon , although great rcJSef is expe-icnccd if used only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il- lustrntcd book about Mother's Friend. "THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. QA. LAOIE'S FriEPd V&1 ' i.i l IVt tiyr.i I' I- I il n ? IHOIIsl Ml'il . (111 l ( > lit * (1 > \ I Nic fii ! F I'j.n ; IN- j IM-rtpptilii'sti- . SJ GO ? ; i Ix' i'- iir < t > i i . t ii iit i i -5 in < T.I ! ! balm's FS-arn-'urv. | Ui-pt. T. Develop mm mmn : n < l iiinl inil , < - : L man of jouiso.I 5rci tl fr oi > e of run Dofor'.s Qiifitim hlinUNo I\M ( JIM'S IM'ilH'fl Illll.i . Nl-Xllol \ \ < i. li - ii e i < I o i f -i I j wv < r , niaiti after Moo's ' | n mail ti rod Kelt : n < : < Vmli oeele < urcUoi II no cluitKP. Wliei- yi ti ; uo Millet ii > Iioiu elh ctof M t 31 b ii t1 w -i i I > ciii'l to siy : JliMi we siif todiiy lia- only f Jtn who ri iuiraiiit'p : i cui with our TuikNli u i n ' \cr fall to cur i tin. itli l a- , tin RO. Dn not look fuillioi. . - f.'c .ii in p uili ; ; > t our blank. IRI nnn ' Dni nHxjpi ( | | | " ) ' " ' % pd. om [ DLUuU'rUICUIl nifritif ! ! Ujiiiriii : et ' i cm.it.y . .i ' . i > ii.'itler hou si-v- . r IHIU ionv . -iinii.ijr. with i urkKli Syphiii- , i inc. $2 Ii \ A ! i o ulilii nriinii 'cil. \\'rli - uorjvii' * : > ii- > Di'j)1 T HAHN'S PI-APVCY. OMAHA. NLB Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I have had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. 1 .got so weak I could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Diarrhoea Rrmedy cured me sound and well. J R Gil l > s , Fincastle , Va I had chronic Itanhoea for tut-'vt ' years. Three botlles of Chamberlain' . ' Colic , Cholera and Diairhoea Remedy cured me. S. L. Shaver , Fincastle , Va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent farmers and reside near Fi'n- -castle , Va. They procured the remedy from Mr. W. E. Casper , a druggist of that place , who is well acquainted with them and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by McCon iiell & Berry. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re lieves the intense itching. It soothes , heals and cures chronic cases where sur geons fail. It is no experiment ; its sales increase through its cures. Every bottle guaranteed. Price , 50 cts. in bottles - -tles , tubes 75 cts. at McConneli & Berry's. America's Greatest Circus Coming Back to McCook , September 18th , Bigger and Grander Than Ever , ANEW NEW ; Bid SEX TUPLE CIRCUS. A MULTITUDE OF DARING AND EX PERT GYMNASTS. A DOZEN FAMOUS EXPERT BARE BACK RIDER5. HUNDREDS OP TRAINED- ANIMALS OF EVERY KIND. A Scintillating V/hlrl of Ever- changing Sur prises , Inter spersed with the Exhilarating , Youth-Renewing , Laugh-Compelling Antics of MORE THAN 20 FUNNY CLOWNS. A Continuous 2-Hours Session by a Company of 300 Arenic Artists , Occupying 3 RINGS , 2 STAGES , HIPPODROME , AND AERIAL SPACES And PRODUCING ASTONISHED DE LIGHT , FUN AND GOOD HUA10R. WORTH MANY TIMES THE PRICE OF ADMISSION. J ! -WILL EXHIBIT AT- McCOOK , MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 18TH. Reserved numbered seats and admissions , Show = day , without any advance in price at McConneli & Berry's drug store Good Enough to Take. The finest quality of loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's ough Remedy and the roots used in its pieparaiion yive it a flavor similar to that of maple syrup , making it very pleasant to take. As a medicine for the : ure of coughs , colds , la grippe , croup ind whooping cough it is unequalled by my other. It always cures , and cures juickly. For sale by McConneli & Berry. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. Ml druggists refund money if it fails to : ure. 25C. The genuine has L. B. Q. on : ach tablet. Machine Oil. We can and will compete with all local or eastern dealers on Machine Oils. Let us quote you prices. MCCONNELL & BERRY. THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. Some persons say they are never influenced by an advertisement. It is not expected that any one will buy Ivory Soap solely because it is suggested by an advertisement , but if you have never used Ivory Soap , you may be induced to ask some friend about it ; should you find as you probably will that she is enthusiastic in its praise , then you may try it. Millions of people use Ivory Soap ; they use it because they like it. You too will like it. There is a difference 111 bUdpb. . COPYRIGHT IMS BY THE PROCTIR * GAMBLE CO. CINCINNATI WORLD'S SHOWS THE INVINCIBLE MONARCH OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD. JOOO People & & 500 Horses & & 65 Railroad Cars & & 25 Elephants jf & jfi 300 Performers < & JOO Dens and Cages o& 5 Big Arenas & * J2 Acres of Tents I Aerial Enclave , & $3,700,000 Invested & J-4 Mile Race Track. $7,400 Daily Expenses. A HAJESTIC , IMPOSING , IDEAL , PATRIOTIC SPECTACLE , OF OR , THE LIGHT OF LIBERTY ! OVER 1000 PEOPLE AND HUNDREDS OF HORSES IN THE CAST. LOGKHART DANOIN6 FAMOUS , ACROBATIC PLAY-ACTING , PHANT GQIiiDI&NS. LOUDERTHAN THE BIG THOUSAND TON 20 UMAN BRAS BAND BAN MENTHE NE GREAT BIGGEST FEATURE. BAND OUT. HERR SOUDER'S WONDERFUL FUNNY ELEPHANT BRASS BAND. _ _ MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK , ONE 50c. TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS J8S. RAILROADS. . . CHILDREN , UNDER 12 YEARS OLD , HALF PRICE. CHEAP TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY , AT 2 AND 8 P. M DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER. THE ACKNOWLEDGED GREATEST SHOW OM EARTH. F. D. BUKGESS , Plumber and Steam Filler McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. > xgviM gvm/ H. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA DR. JOHN JOHNDENTIST. DENTIST. . of Chicago. A diseased liver declares itself by rnoroseuess , mental depression , lack of energy , restlessness , melancholy and constipation. Herbine will restore the - liver to a healthy condition. Price at McConneli & Berry's. White's Cream Vermifuge is perfectly harmless , and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic , and by its strengthen ing properties will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 25 cts. at McConneli & Berry's. You may bridle the appetite , but you : an not bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it , help it along a little no\v and then with a dose of Herbine , the best liver regulator. Price 50 cts. at McConneli & Berry's. a THE ONLY EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD PRESENTING John O'Brien's jfft | Ilrtnf r A rtV 6 1 HORSE ACT. 6 A FINEUflBQE'Q IN ONE RING , AT ONE TIME , I BRED nVSl t PERFORMED BY ONE MAN. ( Jooo CIGAR FOR * o e SATISFIES THE MOST CRITICAL AT ALL DEALERS A.DAV15'50N5SCO. MAKER5 JOHN G.WOODWARD&CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLl/FFS.IOWAr ' ITABLER'S -BUCKEYE ; OINTMENT t CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ! J ? known for 15 years as the J BEST REMEDYfor PILES. 5 SOIJ ) BY AM , DRUGGISTS. Propirsily EICHAEDSCiT USD. CO. , ST. LOU13. At McGQNNELL & BERRY'S. VlcCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. J Special attention paid to lauling furniture. Leave orders t either lumber yard. lv /M. f | ( ? r HIPPODROME OF THRILLING SPEED CONTESTS UNDER THE LARGEST COLISEUM TENTS EVER ERECTED. 3 GREAT MENAGERIES of the Marvelous , Rare and Costly Created Beings ' of the Earth , & ; Earth's Waters and the Air. The BIGGEST ZOO tl ° I IN THE WORLD. /A SUPERB , GLORIOUS ORIGINAL 'DEPARTURE , some thing New. Old Ideas Abandoned. Twice the LARGEST , MOST MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY PAGEANT EVER SEEN , Presented in "f 3O ENORMOUS SEPARATE SECTIONS , EACH ONE A BIG GLORIOUS PARADE. V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. # f CITIZENS BANK ! wf OF McCOOK , NEB. $ f * * 4 Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5,000 # .1 ! . _ = DIRECTORS = # / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. NATIONAL XWtf ooo j Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6O,000 coo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. H. FREES , V. Pres. . F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEHNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.