THE TIME ! 9BBHBB We are constantly freshening up our stock with the Latest Styles in Men's , Women's and Children's Shoes. Our latest invoice i Neat in appearance , serviceable in wear , and moderate in price. It is a well = se = selected stock and a cheap one. amaaaasB VAHUE & PETTY , Proprietors , GANSCHOW'S OLD STAND. . < HcCOOK , NEBRASKA g Sale of Men's , Boys' and Children's We can pay no better tribute to a successful season's business than to have a of every Summer Suit in our store at ir Our Policy is : "Not to carry over any of this season's stock for next season's selling'/ ' ery FRANK J. MORGAN The Leading Clothier H. H. TARTSCH , Manager. MENARD BLOCK L/fe > MUSICAL _ SURROUNDINGS May not make a musical genius but they facilitate the study o [ music. The smaller instruments shown here are very much above the average in point of quality and perfection of finish. Even the very cheapest are well made and produce clear , sweet and perfect notes. None of the instruments are ex pensive. We have. Violin Outfits for Mandolin Outfits for = 3-00 Guitar Outfits for 6.00 Good Accordeons for = 3.00 We also carry extra cases , strings and trimmings of all kinds. s Leading' Notion House , COLSON & THRONE , McCOOK , Proprietors , NEBRASKA. > x /rv SLy r Xv ' < 2L ik l < Si r ' % / V ' WHITE'S CREAM T.Tnst in On.intitr. Host in Oualitv. s WN w > > y rw S > VNX JrfV/ > > y / /x/x/v/x/vr 20 Years Hashed al ] WG temedE8) ) JAMES F. B&LLARD , St. Louis. l4 uri > S STJJ * S J > ' * s v * ' s sv' ' \ McCONNELL & BEllilY. s REDWILLOW. Eli Crockford and wife are talking of jnov ing to Washington. A good many neighbors have gone to the old soldiers' reunion at Cambridge. No bloated monoixily has thus far appro printed our prospective street car lines. John Kuminer has found a new location and will shortly leave , taking his family They give up farming and go into the hole ! business. Benjamin Baker xvill depart , next week for Washington territory where his son Anth ony now resides. The family will remain on the farm this winter , but Air. Carter has it rented for next year. The exodus of neighbors need not be taken seriously. The chances are that there will be too much mud in the new localities ; leastwise nearly every one gets back here in time. Ne braska sunshine wins them all. We could not get our items in , last week , and consequently the new baby belonging to George Uaker and wife did not get a proper send off. She was born August 23d , is a beautiful child and resembles her parents very muli. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Danbury , Neb. , September 1,1809. Notice is hereby given that A. L. Haley has filed in the village clerk's office his bond and petition for a license to sejl Malt , Spirituous and Vinous liquors in the Village of Danbury , Red Willow county , Nebraska , for the re mainder of the municipal year ending April 30,1900. 9-i-3ts A. L. HAI.IY , Applicant. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the co-partner ship heretofore existing between M. L. Gaff- ney and W. C. Ihilger , under the firm name of ' 'Ihe McCook Steam Laundry , " is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All indebted ness due said firm will be paid to M. L. Gaff- ney , she alone being authorized to receipt for the same. The firm of Gaffney & Mend- ricks assumes and will pay all debts of the old firm. Dated this 3ist day of August , 1899. 1-9-415 W. C. JJui.r.ER , M. L. GAFKNEY. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 340 To J. E. Seeley , Permelia King , George F. Burt , Sarah J. Jones and to all whom it may concern. The board of county commissioners has es tablished and ordered opened a road com mencing at the southwest corner of section (29) ( ) twenty-nine in Indianola precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence due west one mile and terminating at the northeast corner of section 36-3-28 , and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or be fore noon of the 2 d day of October , A. D. 1809 , or said road will be established without reference thereto. R. A. GREEN , 8-l8-4ts. County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. September 7,1899. Notice is hereby given that the fol low iiinamed settler has filed notice of his inlriilion to make final proof in support of his clamand ; that said proof will be made before the ic isler or receiver of U. S. Land Ufhce ? t McCook. Nebraska , on Saturday. October 14 , i ) , viJ : Gottlieb Fiechtner , ii. E. No. 11197 for the 'ois numbered two (2) ( ) and three (3) ( ) sec. 6 , T. 3 N , R. 30 W. lie names the JoUowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon a > id cultivation of , said land , vL : John Lo.en-c , Chailes Welchlin , William Poll and John Ileuilein all of McCookNeb. 9-8 6t F. M. RATIIISUN , Register. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land Office at TlcCook , Neb. September 5 , io > Not'cc 's licicby "iven that the fo'- ' lowinn-naired settles has hied notice of h'S intention to make finnl proof ; n stippoi t of Irs claimand , llipt said proof _ will be made beio-e the ' 'e ister or receiver of U. S. Lpnd Office at McCook , Nobiaska. on Fnday , Octobei 13 , i" % vu : Nils Swcnson , II. E. No. 10020 fo4 the W % NE % nnd N / NW % sec. 24. T. 5 N , R-30 W. lie names the following witnes- es to prove his continuous residence upon pnd cultivation of , said land. v ; : And'e\7P. L : - son , McCook , Neb. , Cbr'sloffer C. Duelrnd , Quick , Neb. , Doivey Shepherd atid Henry C. Shepherd , boih of Osborn. Neb. 9 8-6t F. M. "A riinuN , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. August 16 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the _ follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said nroof will be made before the register or receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , October 7,1899 , viz : Joseph E. Nelms , II. E. No. 10430 "or the NE K sec. 31 , T. 6 N R.27W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , William B. Whittaker , John Engstrom and Charles Wal lace , all of Quick , Neb. 8-i8-6ts F. M. RATIIBUN , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the District Court of Red Wi'low county , Ne braska , under a decree in an action wherein Lillian M. Pitney is plaintiff and Sidney Dodge is defendant , to me directed and de livered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of Menard's hall in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 251 ! ) day of Septem ber , 1899 , at the hour of I o'clock , p. m. , the Following described real estate , towit : The east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section : wenty. township one , range twenty-nine , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 2ist day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. C. II. Boyle , Plaintiffs Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from : he District Court of Red Willow county , Ne- jraska , under a decree in an action wherein Fredric Plasmeyer is plaintiff and Julia A. Allen and Frank P. Allen are defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for : ash , at the east _ door of Menard's hall in Mc Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 25th day of September , 1899 , at the hour of I o'clock , p. m. , the following described real estate , towit : Lot number four , block twenty- .hree , Original McCook , in Red Willow coun ty , Nebraska. Dated this 2ist clay of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. [ . E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from he district couit of Red Willow county , Ne- ) raska , under a decree in an action wherein Srnma R. Reed is plaintiff , and William A. Wallin et al. are defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale , and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of Menard's hall , in McCook , Red Wil- ow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of October , : S99 , at the hour of I o'clock , p.m. , the follow- ng described real estate , to-wit : Lots num- > erS , 9 , 10 and II in section number 19 , in ownship number3 north , range 28 west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 30th day of August , 1809. J. R. XKEL/Sheriff. . E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , issued from he district court of Red Willow county , Ne- iraska , under a decree in an action wherein ames G. Johnson is plaintiff , and Alexander W. Campbell et al. are defendants , to me di rected and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at he east front door of Menard's hall , in Mc- ! Took , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of October , 1899 , at the hour of I o'clock p. m. , the following described real es- ate , to-wit : The southeast quarter of the lortheast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section fifteen , in own hip four north , range twenty-nine west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Ne- jraska. Dated this "oth day of August , 1899. J. R. NEEL. Sheriff. V. S. Morlan , Attorney for Plaintiff. THE McGOOK OUR BRANDS : " 91 Patent , " "Anchor Brand , " "Pride of McCook , " "Whole Wheat Health Flour. " SOLD BY- C. L. DeGROFF & CO. , JOSEPH MENARD , J. A. WILCOX & SON , JAMES NcADAMS , H. H. TROTH , C. UHRICH & CO. , JOHN GRANNIS and JOHN SCHMIDT. C. L. Miller uses " 91 Patent" exclus ively for making1 bread. We are informed that some merchants who do not sell our flour , are selling flour from other mills and calling it McCook flour , or just as good as McCook flour. DON'T BE DECEIVED. The famous " 91 Patent" can only be found in the above-named and - stores , un der the same brand that we have used since 1891. THE McCOOK MILLING CO. BOX ELDER. James Oakley threshed 210 bushels of millet seed. seed.Bom Bom To Hen Johnson and wifea , daughter on August 3iit. Mae Creasmnn nnd Geitrude Moore ha\e gone back to McCook to attend school , com ing term. John Dngue tlneshed his wheat north of the store , one day lost week , getting about tea bushels per acre. The ladies of the Box Elder M. E. church will give a general supper at the parsonage on Wednesday evening , Sept. 13. Everybody invited. Rev. D L. Matson left , eaily this week , for conference , seM'ng off most of his household f.oods prepainlo'y to the move cnstomaiy to our Methodist min'slC'S. Success attended the ice cream pniiy given by Wm. Walters at James Oakley's , August 2blh. the you.ig folks all unpii'iiiously declare. The.'e weie e'ghty p'esent to enjoy the > e iresbnieuls anil gnmes. Tliere was a st'rprise-receplion at the home of Commissioner and Mrs. Stephen Belles , lasl Sain cbv evening , in honor of Stephen D. Bol'es ' , J' . . nod 1-icil Kinjjhoni. l\vo of our laf'y lettned boys of the gplJant I'ij-i'Jipg First. ' 1 lie e were abotil ica t > c ls piescnt lo we'cqme ' liie boys bach to tlie'i i > o ues ? nci oi > r socie'v. Relrtshiiient ice Cierm ? id cnl.event li ht to the spot hpt wnm eveo- i > j. It WPS pn enjoyrb'e ' affBoih bovs have re-enle ed the locod-house in McCook. COLEMAN. ' M. Il.Co'e ' has so'dac in'she'sof ' hswheai. School in distt , S commences. Momh-y. Eunice Gobecv ere * . II. B. Wa'es ' lips bpshe's ' of I > et slo ed tip o a li' iie v > ' < "e. W. S. Bi. ! e h < s sir oped one car of hs wiiePt and ui" shp ; "no'-icrsoon. M i. G ov'oeoliew : s lie-e fo nev dpyr- . lie ii'ii'.sof ' en. ng a irrm here aim i-yitig liis lucK Maj'd CoHn.-n wc"l 10 McCoo1 Sri drv , whc.e'she wili at end bcl-ool fo the lie t irne moiiuis. The Rev. Sptch ? ! w' " p each rt toe Cole- bchoo'-tiou ' - . . . , in mati - e iie-.i Sundry rt 3 p. m. ij'ace ' of Rev. Maytield. W : : -id MIS. II. B.Ves w-ot down lo Cabr dg' ' . Wedne drv o - . 07. rod v ' ) spe.ui l * e b.-'p ' 'ce or Uiecck pt the o'd ' soldiei's e-'n oo. Ira Dv-ie ; lias uo I ed ? pp i of toe Sio - mer for h'mc1Hejp'ced . .oe whepi. 1'ps sold Sc"0 wo ill , p-id IP I ? londav inoI'ng look lie 6 . I pn'n ; -Ii's . , t a. ui ; r no - < pe , lo p.tieiid ti > e PCiidemv bi nine mon. ia. Tiie Bapi'--l aoulhweoieiii Ab oc' . I o iv"'l ' Isold iliei : ee' 115 , lu"'p'1. ' . a. Z'o-i 11-11 elm cl' , ' i li' ; < ; ( own. , o.i i ' ? Jsaui-iirv and Si iius'v , fani'ie-iibcM ? 2. 2H' 2.1. A ' : .e number o ooU-d nvn's c s rod spep' e s \rill be P' e c > 't. 1 lie no cc iv'ii' tr. amsnen' cr , I. jSi. Cla I. of KP PPS C.v \7i'te.s. I v H ! ie will ) you. " Ano'tfori w 'tes , "I v. 'H beoo hriid and b iiig apoihf wi.Ii nic. " ' 'Ill's ' i'l ' be a jia-it ! grt'i ii - . 'iid oiir prop'ev"'i ' : i > a oul and e Ic id 10 i-ice : i-'ip'Ste s and thev vcs a real ioya1 wc'come. ' The Repub-'can cprcus1' ' be he'd pt liie uoleiiipn -cbopl-Iiousc , in Co'emp-i ' precnci. : September i = . ! i. i 9. at 4 oc'oek n. > ! , or the pi'ipore of t'ecltni ' forr t'e' " aics to ihe : outitv convent o-i anu 10 t ' > SPCL a'l ' o-'er ! jus'oess that my p-ope 'y ' crme be jie ihe meeli 15. J. BKTZ , Coiiim'ticeninn. j fruits , Jelliea , pickles or catsup are more easily , more quickly , more healthfully sealed with Befined Partifflne Wai than by any other method. Dozensofotheruaeawillbe foundforReflned In every household. It la clean , tasteless nnd odorless air , water and acid proof. Get a pound cake of It with a list of its many usea from your druggist or grocer. Bold everywhere. Made by , STAN AK OIL CO. C. H BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg , Upstairs JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. of Lincoln Land Co. Office First National bank. McCOOS SURGICAL HOSPITAL , L > r. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Dffice and Hospital over First National Bank. Dffice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. . efore 9 a. r.i. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNSTTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. 3 * 5 r k r ? * u , i NEW GOODS Arc now arrivingdaily. . The assortment is larger and better than ever before. We never were better prepared to supply your wants in . . . . Dress Goods , Notions , Ladies' ' Suits , Waists , Skirts , Capes , Jackets , Fur Collarettes. Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing , Hats and Caps , Blank Underwear . , Shoes , Groceries. Try us and be convinced that Our Prices are always the Lowest. THE . . . . G. L. DeGROFF & CO. Call us up FRESH AND SALT MEATS , PHONE BACON. BOLOGNA CHICKENS , TURKEYS , & .C. . * .C. -AND Give Your Order for Anything : Handled or Kept in Stock by a First = Class and Up = to = Date Dealers In Live Stock o e ooo Cash Paid for Hides EVERIST , MARSH & CO. Of fnfSP P Obstinate sores and ulce/s which " ' refuse to heal under ordinary treat- ment soon Income chronic and Sllf PlTPfl deep- uul CU seated , and are a sure sign that the By 0 0 P entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They j ti Oi 0 are a severe drain upon the Sj'stem , and are con stantly sapping' away the vitality. In every case the poison must he eliminated fr in the blood , and no amount of external treatment can have any eftect. There is no uncertainty about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim made for it is backed up strongly by convincing 535 testimony of those who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience Mr. L. J. Clark , of Orange CourthouseVa. , writes : "For six years I had au obstinate , running ulcer on rny ankle , which at times caused me intense suffering. I was so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly , ' but did me no good. I then tried various blood rernedie's , without the least benefit. S. S. S. was so highly recom mended that I concluded to try it , and the effect was wonderful. It seemed to get right at the seat of the disease and force the poison out , and I was soon com pletely cured. " Swift's Specific T BLOO ! drives out every trace of impurity in the blood , and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate , deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable , and con tains not a particle of potash , mercury , or other mineral. S. S. S. euros Contagio- " Blond Poison. Scrofula , Cancer. Catarrh , Eczema , Bhauinatism , Sores. Ulcers. Boils , or any other blood trouble. Insist upon S. C 3 ; nothing can take its place. T ! -r.V 3 bohs by Swift Specific Cornpanj , Atlanta , Ga.