7 * pm _ _ * -f - ! &m fi | M > Colonel Charles E. Jones , the Geor gia historian , has compiled a list of the surviving Confederate generals , which shows that out of the original nineteen lieutenant generals , seven survive ; of the eighty-one major generals , sixteen are living , and of 365 brigadier gener als , ninety-two survive. The living lieutenant generals are James Long- street , Alexander P. Stewart , Stephen D. Lee , Simon B. Buckner , Wade Hampton , John B. Gordon and Josepl1 Wheeler. Money makes the mare go , but rail way officials prefer to run trains on time. " \Vcstcrii Intellectual I'roditctH. "The Farmer's Cheerful Helper" Is the title of a book for which a copy-t right has been granted to the author , \ G. W. Hamilton of Des Moines. Patents have been allowed but not yet issued as follows : To W. H. Lyon and J. C. Wallich , of Creston , la. , for a mail pouch that is adapted to be opened and closed quicker than the old style and when closed and locked nc- cess to the contents without a key Is impossible except by cutting a flex ible part thereof. To W.D. Weir of Gilmore - more City , la. , for a portable and trans formable hoisting machine. A mast is mounted on p. truck , a boom swiv- cled to the mast and means for oper ating it , a crane mounted on the truck and means for swinging it horizontally f > and vertically and a fork adapted for lifting corn shocks detachably con- .jnected therewith and all the parts so arranged and combined that they can be readily adjusted to transform the machine to adapt it to be used advan tageously in doing various kinds of hard work on a larm. Authors and inventors entitled to protection for their intellectual pro ducts pursuant to our copyright and Patent laws can consult us in person or by letter without charge. THOMAS G. ORWIG , J. RALPH ORWIG , REUBEN G. ORWIG. Registered Attorneys. . DCS Moines , la. , Aug. 19 , ' 99. Talk must be the equivalent of money , otherwise gossip wouldn't gam currency so easy. Arc Ton Using Allen's Foot-Kase ? It Is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y. Carroll D. Wright says : "Ten thousand people starve to death each year in Greater New York , while nearly $400,000 a day passes over the saloon bars of that city for liquor. " FnultlcsB Starch Is rapidly superseding the old style starch es. It saves labor , saves money and makes collars and cuffs look like new. All grocers sell it ; large package lOc. Rev. F. B. Meyer , of London , said recently : "The one thing that brings comfort to a man's heart is to know that he is on the path of duty when God put him. " IlaH's Catarrh Cnro Is tnkeu internally. Price , 75c. When , in 1SC1 , Governor Kirkwood , cf Iowa , appointed Senator Allison colonel in the volunteer service and set him to raise four regiments the lat ter received most assistance from a big Scotch-American college lad who offered his services in any capacity. This man brought a company of his college friends and did other good work in enlisting recruits. He was David B. Henderson , next speaker of the house. The man who takes his whiskv straight usually takes his walks other wise. Lookatyourtongue ! If it's coated , your stomach isbad , your liver out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue , cure your dyspepsia , make your liver right. Easy to take , easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich Muck ? Thenjiso ' Thenjisofor the BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Whiskers so rtt. or rnuceisTS. p R. P. H'li A CO.N _ CMU , N. H S3&S3.50 SHOES Worth $4 to $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THE CK5CIXC fc e W. L. Doug ! * * * nme ud prlc * tUnprd an bottom. Take no Fubetltute claimed to lie as pood. Largest makers of $3 and 93M shoes In the world. Your dealer should keep them It not. we will send you apalron receipt of price. State kind Of leather , elro and width , plain or cap toe. Catalogue A Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton , Mass. CANDY CATHARTIC None so good , but It costs no more than the poorest. a--- > " n CHAPTER XV. ( Continued. ) "Was this what you were working for ? " I demanded , with a sudden jeal ous suspicion. "Perhaps I was ! " she answered loft ily. "I hope she will never be sorry that she chose wrong. " "I hope not ! " I assented cordially. "A real gentleman , " repeated Miss Woodward "as free-handed and free- spoken as a prince a gentleman who knows how to treat a woman , even if she is only a servant a gentleman I'd work my fingers to the bone for , and so would a good many more ! " "You did your best for him , " I could not help saying. "You have nothing lo reproach yourself with. ' " It was true , as Widdrlngton had raid , that all the women were fasci nated by handsome , dare-devil Charlie. What wonder that Nona had felt his power ? I could only be thankful that the fascination had not gone deeper. "No ; I've nothing to reproach myself with , " the maid assented. "And I'll pray night and day for my young lady , that she may see her mistake before it Is too late. " And with this parting shot the reso lute virago marched sternly from the room without a word of farewell civil ity. ity.I I finished my interrupted letters , and then sought Nona. She met me with a dismayed face. "Such a strange thing has happened , " the exclaimed. "Woodward has left at a moment's notice. She would -not give any explanation of her going , only Bald that she was sorry to inconven ience me. but circumstances obliged her to leave at once ; and she has gone. " "The most extraordinary proceed ing , " chimed in Miss Elmslie. "I told Nona that she could insist upon Wood ward's remaining until she had found another servant If it had not hap pened that a young girl from the vil lage is at liberty to take her place at once , it would have been most incon venient and awkward ; and Woodward was such an excellent maid. I suppose common thief. You will not allow it promise me you will not. " "It will not be so bad as that , " I as sured her. "Of course he must be made to surrender the will. However , we will not talk about him any longer. This is my last evening , you know , and I have a thousand things to say. The time is too precious to waste , ray dar ling. " I left the Rectory on the following day. The next few months were passed in a dream of happiness which left me little thought for Charlie Branscombe or his concerns. Occa sionally , it is true , I was brought into relations with Widdrington , for my connection with the office could not be abruptly terminated , and In the matter of Forest Lea I felt that I had a special responsibility to discharge. The de tective was actively following up clue after clue as they came Into his hands. His pride and his professional interest were thoroughly roused by his first failure , and he was bent on completing the case in which he had already worked so hard. Mr. Charles Brans combe had not left England so much Widdrington was sure of. Probably want of means had prevented his going far from home and the numerous friends and adherents who were always ready to help him. "I shall run him down yet , " Wid drington confidently asserted. "He must be starved out sooner or later. " In the meantime Forest Lea was shut up and deserted , at the Rector's constant regret ; and only a vague im pression of the truth floated about the neighborhood , where my darling still remained , under the friendly protec tion of Mr. and Mrs. Heathcote. She had promised to be mine in the summer , when the first anniversary of the good old Colonel's death had come and gone. Then we were to have a pretty wedding in the village church a wedding all flowers and sunshine , such as became our hopes and our happiness. I was fully occupied in preparing for that supreme event. I was refurnish- \ ' "WHERE'S THE YOUNG FELLOW GONE TO ? " she has had some quarrel with the servants and she never had a good temper. " "I wonder , " began Nona , and then stopped suddenly. . "What do you wonder ? " I asked. "Nothing , " she laughed , "only an odd idea of mine. " "Tell me your ideas ; I like to hear them all. " "I was wondering whether Tillott's leaving had anything to do with Wood- ward's. I know she liked him , and thought him a great improvement on Charles ; but then he was so much younger. Of course it was very silly of me to connect the two events. " "I don't know about that I think it was very sagacious of you , " I an swered. "Then there is something. What are you laughing at ? What is it ? " "You are right , my dearest. Wood ward's and Tillott's departures do hang together. " And then , Miss Elmslie having dis creetly retired , I told Nona the whole story from beginning to end , only en joining on her the secrecy which the dear little indiscreet" Miss Elmslie could never have been trusted to pre serve. Nona's astonishment was unbounded. "What a plot ! " she exclaimed. "It Is like a book ; and Woodward , who seemed so quiet and so respectable , was helping it all. And that man Til- lott was a detective. How strange it all is ! I feel as if I were in a dream. The will was really stolen then , not lost , and and now I understand ; you puzzled me so when you persisted you had seen me at Molten , and that I had taken your bag. I was puzzled , and and a little angry" blushing. "Yes , you were thoroughly mysti fied , " I agreed. "Oh , I do hope , " said Nona , "that man , Widdrington , vrill never , never find Charlie poor Charlie , who was my playfellow and friend , and my poor uncle's pet and darling , treated like a ing my newly-acquired home a lovely old house in Kent , amongst the hop gardens and woods of the Weald and sparing no pains to make it a fitting nest for the sweet , gentle dove who was to preside over it In such happy occupation , with fre quent visits to the Midshire Rectory , the months passed quickly away. I had no personal part in the next act of the drama which concerned Mr. Charles Branscombe , and must leave its chronicle to another pen. CHAPTER XVI. A little maid in a blue cotton gown and a white muslin cap was picking peas in a cottage garden. She was taking her work in leisurely fashion , sitting on a three-legged stool with her basket in her lap , and gathering the plump pods as they dangled close to her hand. The vines grew high that year , and the little maid as she sat was almost hidden in the green valley ; not so much hidden , however , but that a hot and flustered police officer saw her as he tramped heavily up the path , and blurted out an abrupt question "Where's the young fellow gone to ? " She looked up with a pair of tranquil blue eyes , growing round with aston ishment , as she repeated after him , In a strong country accent "Young fellar ? What young fellar d'ye mean ? " She looked so fresh and so pretty , and the yellow fringe which peeped out from under her cap was so infantile in its innocent simplicity , that Mr. James Brown felt a momentary impulse , in spite of his flustration , to chuck her under the cool rounded chin , ant ! aven perhaps help h oicelf to a kiss from her red lips. If he hacm't been so hot and so worried where the dickens could that young rip have got to ? he would certainly have taken advantage of his opportunities. As it was he pur sued his investigation and resisted the temptation. "A youne fellar in a light tweed suit he was making straight for here , " he explained. "I saw him before me over the fields not ten minutes ago , and I'll swear I hardly lost sight of him. He must be in the house ; there isn't an other place this way not even a shave of wood to hide him and Smith and Varley would have stopped him further down. He must be in the house. " "Maybe , ye can ask , " retorted the damsel indifferently , reaching out her hand towards a group of pods , as if dismissing the subject. The officer went his way , with just another admiring glance at the pretty figure in the charming green avenue. The door at the cottage stood wide open ; a black cat was dozing in the sun ; all was quiet and sleepy ; there was not a sound about the place. The officer's loud knock brought a stupid servant-girl with a snub nose and a wide-open mouth to answer his reit erated question. "Where's the the young gentleman who came in here just now ? I want to speak to him. " "There's no young gentleman here. " she replied "only my master and misses , and they're both old. " "Where are they ? Tell them Mr. James Brown wants to speak to them. " The girl preceded him into the parlor at the end of the passage , after knock ing at the door , and gave his message verbatim "Mr. James Brown wants to speak to ye. " A decent old man of the retired tradesman class , disturbed in his after noon nap , looked up with blinking eyes at the impatient constable , whilst his comely old partner put down the stock ing she was darning , and prepared to interview the visitor. "Good afternoon , sir , " rhe said , civ illy. "Won't you take a seat ; it's warm walking. " Was it real innocence or only a sham ? Mr. Brown was not going to ba taken In ; these people were probably allies of Mr. Charles Branscombe old servants or something of that sort. The old gentleman's yawn was too demonstrative , and he did not mean to let the old lady's civility put him off the scent he was quite up to that game. He glanced sharply around the room , behind the old man's ponderous arm-chair , at the cupboard door , even up the chimney , before he answered in his most official tone "A young gent entered this house about ten minutes or maybe a quarter of an hour ago , Mr. Charles Brans- combe by name. I've got business with him very particular business , if you'll let him know. " "Mr. Charles Branscombe , " echoed the old man ; "he's not here , and hasn't been , to my knowledge. " "Then it's without your knowledge , " retorted Mr. Brown , who was getting cross. "I'll take my davy he's some where on the premises ; and , as I hold a warrant for his apprehension , I shall have to 'search for him with your leave or without it. " "You're an ill-mannered upstart that's what you are , " exclaimed Mr. Walker , very wide awake now , and starting up to face Mr. Brown. "And I dare you to search my house war rant or no warrant , I'm an honest man , and I've nothing to do with your scamps : and if I was ten years younger I'd kick you out faster than you came in that's what I'd do" warming as he v.rent on. "Hush , Samuel ! " interposed the dame , laying her hand upon his arm , as he shook his fist in the intruder's face. "Never mind his manners it's only his ignorance. We don't mean to resist the law ; if he's got a warrant , let him show it , and he's welcome to search if he likes. He'll soon see it's no use. My husband is old , sir" aside to Mr. Brown , as the old gentleman walked to the window , and wiped his forehead with his handkerchief "and he's apt to be hasty when he's waked sudden out of his sleep. Let us see your warrant , if you please , sir. " ( To be continued. ) MAN'S LUNGS SPRUNG A LEAK. That Is AVIiy the Cleveland Uackinnn IVas So Greatly Swelled. From the Cleveland Leader : It is not often that a thin man becomes alarmingly obese within twenty-four hours. This , however , was the experi ence of Martin McHugh , who is a hack driver , and lives at 216 Hamilton street. Wednesday morning he was too small for his clothes. Several hours later he had a pronounced "bay window , " his hands , feet , legs and arms were twice their natural size , and his cheeks as sumed rotund proportions that sur prised the members of his family. He did not stop there , but continued to grow big. finally being compelled to discard his clothing and take to a bed. Dr. D. D. Steur was called. He said it was evident that McHugh's lungs were leaking. This , according to the physi cian , became more evident when it was seen that with each breath the rotund portions rose and fell. In speaking of the curious case Dr. Steur said : "Mc Hugh was injured by being struck with the thill of a wagon. He felt no im mediate effects , but was obliged to go home later in the day. Every portion of his body seemed to ache. He then commenced to bloat , his body swelling to twice its natural size. When called in by the family I saw at once that one of the man's lungs had been In jured and was leaking air. With Dr. N. Stone Scott I decided on an opera tion. The body was punctured. The air came out with alarming force. The disabled lung was then laid bare. It had been injured , a splinter having probably entered the casing. The wound was cleaned and the lung care fully sewed. From last reports the pa tient was doing nicely and will soon bo at his old stand. " Willie , aged } , noticed the moon In the western sky one morning after sunrise. Having never seen both orbs at once he was deeply impressed and , running into the house , exclaimed : "Oh , mamrna , I've got a good joke on the angels ! " "Why , Willie , what do you mean ? " asked the astonished mother. "They forgot to tauc tna moon in , " answered the little fellow. Senator Hanna's rheumatism , accord ing to letters from Europe , has cent ered In his knee-cap and it is feared that sesamoiditis may set in and per manently stiffen the leg. Mr. W. H. Ijams , who has been re cently ic-elected treasurer of the Bal timore and Ohio railroad , has been in the employ of the company for forty- six years , and has been treasurer since May , 186G. When a small boy in Bal- tim'orc he saw the great parade that Baltlmoreans arranged to celebrate the of the Baltimore laying of the corner-stone timore and Ohio railroad on July 4 , 182S. Taintless .Starch. Best and ROCS furthest , gives stiffness nml elasticity. No sticking , blistering or break ing. Every grocer sells it , nearly every body uses it. 10 a puckago. Love is a dream. Whether it is a nightmare or not depends a lot on what you had for dinner. Inventions. ) 417 inventors received patents the last week and of this number 131 sold either the entire or a part of their right before the patent issued. Amongst the large con cerns who bought patents the last week are the American Bell Telephone Co. , Boston , Mass. Unitype Com pany , Manchester , Conn. Piano Manufacturing Co. , Chicago , 111. Bevel Gear Wheel Co. , Newark , N. J. Remington Arms Co. , Ilion , N. Y. American Type Founders' Co. , New York City. Geometric Drill Co. , Westville , Conn. Parties desiring full information as to the law and practice of patents , may obtain the same in addressing Sues & Co. , Lawyers and Solicitors , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Nebr. When a woman happens to hit upon a good argument , she talks on an other which kills it. Hush ! Don't You Hear the IJahy Cr.r ? The only me mrdlclne for f-our cunl colic In nurs ing ( tallies IsCascnretBCandyCntliautlo.MakP niothl er'b milk mildly purgative. .Drtipgfots , lUtYJrxViOc. Life's thorns were created to keep people from acting hoggish with the roses. Piso's Cnro for Consumption is ou - only medicine for coughs mid < -olds. Mrs. C. lieltz , 439 8tb Ave. , Doi'vor. Col. , Ncv.S/'Jo. A motor car passenger service is mooted between Pretoria and the Transvaal. Cut Kates on All Railway * ; I' . II. IM > ill > ii Ticket Broker , 3505 Farnam. Omaha. Sardou , like Balzac , keeps a store of notebooks and scrapbooks for use in his work. ยง HSbuysnew uprightplano. Schmol- ler & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St. , Omaha. When a wise man wants to advertise anything in a neighborhood he con fides it as a secret to his wife. Hire. * VIn * low's Soothing Syrnp. For children teething , softens the Kuirs , reduces l Cauitnatlon , allays pain , cures wind colic. i3c a bott.u , A convention invitation from Charleston , S. C. , to the Democratic party should not be overlooked ? t is the News and Courier that says : "Why not invite the Democratic con vention to come to Charleston ? We had one here before the war , which made the liveliest times for the whole country that it has ever hud. Let us have the next one , and see what comes of it. " The Marquis of Salisbury has for many years been an earnest student i.f chemistry and found time to discover and complete an important chemic ? ! process in his private laboratory j > t Hatfield , the results of which will be made known to the world on his be half at a forthcoming meeting of one of the learned societies. French railroad companies have been ordered by the courts to provide their passengers with season tickets without advertisements. The Western railroad had increased the number of advertisements till a season ticket was as thick as a pocketbook and commu'- crs refused to carry them. D. L. Moody says : "What good does it do a man to get a college edu cation , if at the same time he gets the drink habit. What good Is the ed ucation in his head , if he goes out with the grip of the liquor demon on his throat. ? " Every woman has an idea that she "holds her age well. " jv V rfvt- & If there is anything in a name the young lady who has just been appoint ed postmistress of a town in Okla homa ought not to remain single till the snow llics. Her card hcnm this inscription : "Ima Daisy Cook. " John Ruskin says : "He only is ad vancing in life whose heart is getting softer , whose blood warmer , whose brain quicker , whose spirit Is entering into living peace. And the men who have this life in them , are the true lords or kings of the earth they , and they only. " A Letter to Mrs. Pinkham Brought Health to Mrs. Archambo. [ LETTER TO MRS. FINKHAU NO. " DIAK Mits. I'INKIIAM For two years I felt tired and to weak and dizzy that some days I could hardly go around the house. H.ickacheand head ache all the time and my food would not digest and had such pains in the womb and troubled with leucorrhwa and kidneys were affected. "After birih of each child I grew veaker , and hearing so much of the good you had done , 1 wrote to you and have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Tinklmm's Vegetable Compound , one box of Lo/cngesoueboxof Liver Pills , one package of Sanative Wash , rnd to day I am fix-ling as well as I ever did. When I gel up in the morning I feel as fresh as I did when a girl and cat ami sleep well and do all of my work. If ever I feel weak again shall know where to get my strength. J know 3'ourmedicinecurcd me. " Mus. SAUNA AllCIIAMISO , ClIAKLKMONT , MASS. The present Mrs. I'inkham's experi ence in treating female ills Jo unparal leled ; for years she worked Bide by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham , and for sometime past lias had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business , treating1 by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing voincn a year. All women who suffer ire invited to v.-rite to Mrs. Pinkham t Lynn , Mass. . for advice , which will No matter how much mother-in-law there is in her family , every woman thanks God that there is more in her neighbor's. Do Your Feet Aclie mid Hum ? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns. Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At uli Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LcRoy , N. Y. There was never but one really brave man. He told a woman he didn't think her baby was unusually bright for its age. Special Katen Kant , Via < ) . & St. I. , and For the G. A. R. encampment at rbil- adeplhia tickets will be bold Sent 1 , 2 and 3 , good returning Sept. 20th. | Stopovers will be allowed at Niagara. i Falls , Washington and many other points , choice of routes. For uites , timetables and all information ca ! : at city office , 1415 Fa run m st. , ( Paxton Hotel blcck ) , or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Nfb. If all flesh is grass cannibals must be vegetarians. An Excellent Combination.1 The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy , . Syufp OF FIGS , manufactured by the CALIFOIJNIA FIG SYRUP Co. , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting1 them in the form most refreshing to the- taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive , cleansinjr the system effectually , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers- gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from , every objectionable quali" and sub stance , and its acting on tue kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants , by a method known to the CALIFORNIA P'IG SYRUP Co. onty. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FEANCTSCO. CAI * X.OUT8VHJ.E. KT. NEW YORE. IT. Y. For sale by all Dru ists - Price SCc. per Lottie W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 35 1899