The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 01, 1899, Image 2

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F. ar. ICIJIfllKLI , , Publisher.
The plague at Astrakhan , Russia , Is
declared not to be bubonic.
Both General Brooke and Genera
Wood have denied to the War depart
ment reports of riots and disturbances
in Santiago.
Salvation Army folks are forbi.lden
to use trumpet , drum or tamoburlne
on the streets of Philadelphia and
I speech only is left to them in their
public worship.
Postoffice departn.-mt officials have
received word that the stage running
from Salmon to Red Lodg ? , Mont , was
held up but the mails were not mo
While delirious from illness Daniel
Montgomery , a wealthy farmer living
near Milan , Mo. , attempted to ki',5 his
wife and little boy with a hatchet and
then cut his throat with a razor.
General Otis cables from Manila That
the sailing of the Zealandia and Valen
cia with Montana troops and dis
charged men on board , has been ar
rested by prevailing typhoon.
Assistant Secretary V.mderlip has
instructed the collector of customs at
Port Townsend not to institute pro
ceedings against the seven Canadian
fishing vessels seized last month.
The Dawes commission announces
the land ofllce for the Cieek nation
located at Muscogee will close Septem
ber 1. Land offices will be opened for
the Creeks at Ukinulgse and We-
A cable dispatch received at the War
department from Major General
Woods states tint Major Russel B.
Harrison , who is ill with yellow fever
at Santiago , now appears to be out
of danger.
Majors William C. Brown , John C.
Gilmore and Henry B. Mulford have
been ordered to report for duty at
Fort Crook , where the Thirty-ninth
United States volunteer infantry is to
be recruited.
Major General Nelson A. Miles and
Adjutant General Corbhi notified the
general committee of the Grand Army
of the Republic encampment , which
begins in Philadelphia September 4 ,
that they will attend the reunion.
President McKinley has been elected
to represent the local encampment No.
78 , Union Veteran union , at the na
tional encampment to be held in Balti
more September 13-14-1H. Thepresident
is a member of the local organization.
Bishop John P. Newman's will
shows his estate to be worth $50 000.
Aside from two or threa nominal be
quests , the estate is left for the life
use of the widow , after which it goes
to the Drew theological seminary ,
Madison , N. J.
Four Indians nave oeen bound over
by the United States commissioner for
the murder of Yellow Bull on the Rose
bud Indian reservation about six
weeks ago. They are : John Swift ,
Long Horn , Pretty Eagle and Noisy
The secretary of war has appointed
Alexander R. Speel of St. Paul , Minn. ,
chief of the division of customs and
insular affairs of the Wai1 department
in place of Major John J. Persning ,
wno has been ordered to Manila for
duty on the staff of General Otis.
The Treasury department has ad
vised American customs officials on
Puget sound that fishermen who find
themselves in over five fathoms of
water at high tide for a distance of
seven miles from the eastern shore of
Point Roberts toward Blaine are al
most certain to be fishing in American
The Treasury apartment has re
ceived from the auditor general of Ha
waii a comparative statement of the
imports into the islands for June , 189S
and 1899 , and the receipts and expendi
tures for July , 1898 and 1899. It shows
a net increase in the importations from
the United States since the islands
came under our sovereignty.
A game of cards resulted in a trag
edy at Noel , Mo. William Matney ,
James Smith and a stranger engaged
in a game Jn the woods on the river
bank , Matjiey T 2 PCCHgei ( 9 ! Cheat
ing and ia fhS difficulty which fol
lowed he drew a revolver and forced
the stranger to jump into the river ,
Smith exepecting to be forced to jump
into the river , pulled his revolver and
killed Matney.
Daniel J. Campau , Michigan member
of the Democratic national committee ,
denies that there is any truth in the
reported movement on foot to have the
next national convention held three or
four months earlier than usual. He
said : "There has been no talk among
the members of the committee , and I
have heard of no such movement. It
is not likely that the meeting of the
national committee to fix the date of
the convention will be held before next
January. "
Union Pacific construction gangs are
still at work cutting down grades on
the main line in Wyoming , and sur
veyors are kept busy mapping out new
short cuts to get around steep hills.
It has been decided to cut off a piece
of line on Lookout hill , to lessen the
grade and take out several curves.
Over 100,000 yards of dirt will be re
moved and two and one-half miles of
new track built. This piece of work
will be completed early this fall. Next
year the track between Cooper and
Lookout is to be shortened three-quar
ters of a mile.
The Lake Shore met the Erie's cut
rate on excursion business to New
York , for the first week of September.
The Navy department does not look
with favor on the proposition to have
the historic war ship Constitution take
part in the Dewey demonstration at
New York.
A war between Englmd and the
Transvaal would give the Portguese
sttlements on Delagoa toy grand op
portunities for blockade running.
Russia has decided to establish a
system of education , largely state aid
ed , for children of the nobility , landed
gentry and officials.
u ; v.ii i
Gordon's Troops Are Be-enforced and
Revolvers Added to Belts ,
Outinw la Still Delimit and Friends Out
side ISoaxt Unit He Is Provided With
Food Through Underground
The Situation at the Front.
PARIS , Aug. 28 ( New York World
Cablegram. ) Guerin explains this
evening that the black flag was hoist
ed as a sign of resistance.
At 5 o'clock the chief of police de
scended the main drain close to Castle
Guerin with the supposed view of
making a subterranean attack. In the
meantime revolvers have been aded
to the belts of the police. Guerin is
heard practicing shots Inside the
house and the cafe opposite the fa
mous No. 51 was closed today.
By order of Cardinal Richard , the
archbishop , imposing ceremonies were
celebrated in all Paris churches to ex
piate the sacrilege at St. Joseph's last
Sunday. Public prayers are every
where offered up as an amende hon
orable and the Miserere was sung at
Motre Dame.
PARIS , Aug. 28. The anti-Semites
assert they are conveying food sup
plies by an underground passage to
Jules Guerin , the anti-Semite agitator ,
and his beleaguered companions at the
Rue de Chabrol.
Today a man was arrested for at
tempting to pass the republican guards
stationed in that thoroughfare. The
troops on the cordons have been in
creased , but otherwise there has been
no change in the situation since yes
MANILA , Aug. 22 ( via Hong Konk ,
Aug. 28. Recent events have proved
somewhat discouraging to officials who
are trying to accompany war with a
policy of conciliation. Two new mu
nicipal governments have collapsed
through the treachery of the mayors.
Today the mayor of San Pedro Ma-
cati , who was elected by the people
under the direction of Prof. Dean
Worcester of the United States ad
visory commission for the Philippines ,
was brought to Manila and lodged in
jail. The United States ofllcers at
San Pedro Macati found that he was
using his office as a recruiting station
for the Philippine army. Four dis
guised insurgent officers were helpIng -
Ing him.
The mayor of Balinag was also ar
rested and confined in the same prison.
The Americans caught him passing
between the lines of the two armies
with incriminating documents , which
the authorities secured. Another
prominent native mayor is under sur-
When the result of the election at
[ mus , which General Lawton and Prof.
Worcester engineered , was announced ,
the Americans inquired as to the
whereabouts of the people's choice and
were informed that he was in prison
at Bilibid , where the authorities had
placed him on suspicion of being a
revolutionist. He was released and in
stalled as mayor.
TTventy-One Governors Appointed Dele
gates to Join In Discussion.
NEW YORK , Aug. 28. The govern
ors of twenty-one states are- an
nounced as having appointed delega
tions to attend the conference entrusts
trusts by the civic federation of Chicago
cage and called to meet in that city
September 13 to 16. The call states
the object to be purely educational
and strictly non-partisan , the commit
tee on arangements being composed of
men of different political faiths and
representing all sides of the problem
to be discussed. The subject for dis
cussion is trusts and combination ,
their ues and abuses , railway , labor ,
industrial and commercial.
It is stated by the promoters that
the United States Industrial commis
sion has arranged to attend the con
ference in a body and that the Inter
state Commerce commission has also
an ( * wiN participate in the
Root Inspects Regiments.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 28 Sec-
cretary Root and Adjutant General
Corbin paid a flying visit to th ° army
camp at Camp Meade , Pa. They left
here last night at midnight and re
turned to the city late this afternoon.
Their object was to inspect the two
new regiments of volunteer ifnnatry ,
the Twenty-seventh and Twenty-
eighth , which have just been recruited
and are now rendezvoused at that
camp , preparatory to their departure
for the Philippines. Both the secre
tary and the adjutant general are en
thusiastic over the fine appearance
of the men of the regiments.
Soldier Attempts Death
WASHINGTON , Aug. 28. Maimed
and cut off from hope of a livelihood
Newton Molman , until recently an en
listed man of the United Stales army ,
serving in Montana and Wyoming ,
tried to kill himself with a revolver at
Cobb's hotel today. He had taken
measures to make the attempt success
ful by turning on the gas in case the
bullet missed its mark. He failed in
both cases , for the ball glanced from
his skull and he was discovered and
sent to a hospital before the gas had
done its work.
Accident to the Wilmington.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 28. A dis
patch today by the Navy department
from the commander of the Wilming
ton at Montevideo states that it has 5
lost a flange of one of its propellers.
It does not state how serious the dam
age may be , or whether any delay will I
be occasioned. The officials here say ,
however , that the remaining propeller
and the crippled one will give ample
power to proceed in case it is not con
venient to dock it at Montevideo. The
ship has been up the Amazon.
Receipts Exceed Kxpcndlturcs Under
Military Kulp.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 28. The war
department gave out today for pub
lication an interesting statement of
the financial condition of the island of
Cuba. It shows that under the man
agement of the United States govern
ment the receipts of the island from
January 1 , 1899 , to June 30 of the cur
rent year exceed the expenditures by
the very handsome sum of $1,480.21.
This statement probably will be a sur
prise to many persons who had
thought that Cuba under the militarv
occupation of the United States was
not self-sustaining.
During the period named the re
ceipts from all sources were $6,982,010 ;
disbursements , $5,501,988. Of the
money disbursed $1,712,014 was ex
pended in sanitation ; $505,203 in the
erection and improvement of barracks
and quarters ; $443,563 in the estab
lishment , etc. , of the rural guard and
administration ; $250,674 on public
works , harbors and forts ; $293,881 in
charities and hospitals ; $242.146 for
civil government ; $723,281 on munici
palities ; $88,944 in aid to the destitute ;
$42,205 in quarantine matter ; total ,
The statement for July shows that
the customs collections in the entire
island for July alone were $1,201,537 ;
internal revenue collections. $56,351 ;
postal collections , $15,000 ; miscellane
ous collections , $65,435 ; grand total of
receipts for the month , $1,339,324 ; dis
bursements , $1,029,877.
Sick Soldiers to Be Transported to Their
Homes Free.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 28 Most of
the eastern states which have troops
at the Presidio , or soldiers who have
to be mustered out here , are taking
steps to provide them with transporta
tion to their homes. In response to
telegrams sent by the mayor at the
request of the Red Cross society ask
ing their attitude in the matter , the
governors of several states have wired
as follows :
Bismarck , N. D. Adjutant General
of this state on his way to California ,
with instructions to assist and care
for our sick volunteers. S. J. Fancher ,
Lincoln , Neb. All discharged First
Nebraska men will have free transpor
tation to Nebraska for sixty days. W.
A. Poynter , governor.
South Dakota Nothing definite de
cided. We will pay transportation for
all if for any. Am trying to raise the
money. Andrew B. Lee , governor.
Wj'oming Will transport honorably
discharged invalid Wyoming soldiers
home with battalion free. D. L. Rich
ards , governor.
Quiet nt Samoan Island May Be Only
Leigh , special correspondent of the
London Times , who has just arrived
from Samoa , says that while every-
: hing at present is quiet in the islands ,
the powers should act at once upon
; he proposed treaty , otherwise the dis-
; urbances hat have just subsided may
je renewed.
Commissioner , Eliot , who is also
here , does not anticipate a renewal
of hostilities , though he says that local
conflicts between the opposing factions
cannot be prevented. Mr. Eliot is
awaiting orders from his government ,
but expects to soon resume his formal
duties of the Britsh embassy at Wash
All Oulet.
DARIEN , Ga. , Aug. 28. There were
no hostilities between the blacks and
the military today , though the negroes
remain armed. That the situation is
improved is evidenced by the fact that
Colonel Lawton , commanding the First
regiment , has sent back to Savannah
eighty-six men and three officers
whose services are no longer needed.
There remain something more than 200
soldiers on duty. These will remain
until after the sitting of the special
term of the superior court , which Has
been called to meet on Wednesday to
try John Delageli for the murder of
Deputy Sheriff Townsend.
Mercer Appears Again.
RENNES , Aug. 28. General Merciei
was present as usual in the front row
of witnesses' seats when the fourth
week of the court-martial trial of Cap
tain Dreyfus was begun this morning.
M. Jaffay-Lavel , the draughtsman ,
whose testimony was begun Saturday ,
continued with the aid of a blackboard
his refutation of the argument of M.
I'aml'y Tr tajedy In Wisconsin.
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 28. A spe-
spal to the Times from Marshfield ,
Wis. , says : William Moran , fireman
on the Chicago & Northwestern road ,
shot and killed his wife and afterward v
killed himself this morning. Family
troubles caused separation and it was \
this that led to the deed. Four chil
dren are left orphans. Moran was ?
thought to be temporarily insane.
Favor reicCommls Ion.
LONDON , Aug. 28. A dispatch from
Johannesburg says that a dispatch received -
ceived from Pretoria is to the effect .
that both General Joubert and President -
dent Kruker favor sending a special
peace commission to England , com
posed of members of the volksraad ,
headed by F. W. Reitz , state secretary.
Col. Bryan Still for Silver.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 28. William
Jennings Bryan stopped here between
trains while en route to Denver. "I
shall continue to discuss silver , " said
Mr. Bryan in response to a reporter's
query , adding : "There was a story
from Des Moines , Iowa , recently , that
was putting silver in the background.
am not , I will not. I was incorrect
ly reported. Silver will be placed
alongside the other great issues , and
it will be given its due share of con
sideration. I stand by the Chicago
Democratic platform. "
Indescribable Scene Marks Arrival of
Pirst California Volunteers.
Sea Front Is Crowded AVI h Cltl/cnH
Armed With Koine-Producing Instru
ments mid lomi'g Guv if Join In the
Uproar Recognition of Br.iicry of
the lioya.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25. A11
morning long this city has been in a
state of feverish excitement due to the
arrivial off the Golden Gate of the
transport Sherman with the First Cali
fornia volunteers and batteries A and
D of the California heavy artillery.
The start of the welcoming vessels
from the Golden Gate will be made
promptly at 12 o'clock ; nd the Sher
man is scheduled to reacn a point op
posite Fort Point at 1 o'clock. As the
big transport nears the gate the na
tional salute will be nu > d from the
forts in the harbor an.1 from the bat
tleship Iowa. At a given signal from
Commodore Spreckles the yachts and
tugs will form in a disi nated order
and proceed up the bay.
Every pier and Telegraph hill , which
commands a magnificent view of the
Golden Gate and harbor , were crowded
with spectators anxious to catch
glimpse of the Sherman as it neared
the harbor. From every quarter of the
bay , yachts , launches , lugs and bay
craft of all descriptions made their
way through the water all converging
toward one point , the Sherman. The
pleasure craft were crowded. As the
fleet became greater , by the addition
of each new boat , the beats seemed to
jostle one another and on more than
one occasion it appeare-1 to the watch
ers on shore that collisions were im
minent. Their human cargoes all gath
ered on the shore side of the vesels
and the slant of the vessels toward
that side caused some ahum , but for
tunately there were no accidents of
any moment. The bo its took their
appointed positions as if by magic.
As the Sherman approached the
gate the land batteries belched forth
in a national salute and the bay
steamers took up the signal with their
sirens. Nearer and nearer the wel
come vessel came and at last pushed
its prow into the pace left for it and
such a scene occurred as has never
been seen on this coast before. Flags
dipped and were waved , whistles
screamed , cannon were fired , trumpets
were blowed and megaphones and ma
rine glasses were turned on the de
lighted boys who crowded the rigging
of the great steamer. The signal was
given to the fleet of yachts and tugs
to get under headway just in time for
them to fall into the wake of the
transport , which of course , was given
the place of honor. The fleet gathered
strength in numbers as it arrived well
inside the bay. It was a grand sight
and one never to be forgotten. The
gallant Californians on the transport
seemed wild with delight over the re
ception given them. They cheered and
cheered , waved flags and handker-
ciiiefs and caps and even their coats
in the excitement. As the fleet swept
the sea wall the din became more and
more deafening and the waving of
flags more frantic.
As the fleet neared the transport
dock , the Iowa let go its batteries and
the curling smoke , as it left the can
on's mouth , presented a sight which
few of the watcher on land and'water
had ever seen before.
Just before the anchor of the Sher
man was dropped , Commodore Spreck-
els gave the , signal for the escort to
disperse and the first detail of the
day's celebration was over. The
Sherman will lay off the transport
dock to-night and to-morrow morning
it will move into its position alongside -
side the pier and the boys will be j
taken ashore for breakfast , after which v
they will march to the Presidio , where
they will be given a furlough of twen
ty-four hours.
Brooke Decides Not to Make Payments
on Additional Rolls.
HAVANA , Aug. 25. Governor Gen
eral Brooke has virtually decided not
to make any payments to Cuban
troops on the payments of additional
rolls. The first payments brought to
light such an amount of thievery and
attempted swindling that he has ceas
ed to consider the question of dis
tributing what is left of the $3,000.000 :
in supplementary payments. The
sum now left in his hands he will t
probably use to assist wounded and
deserving officers , who , under the
original arrangement , were to receive
Most of the Cuban officials agree
with a remark recently made by Gen
eral Gomez. He said the $3,000,000
would prove more harmful than help
ful and the work of payment has re
vealed the depths of depravity that
the best friends of Cuba had not con
ceived could exist.
Only a Military E-cprdltlon.
WASHINGTON , Aug. . " . The state
department does not ppprehend any
international complications will arise
out of General Otis' co-irse in exclud
ing Chinese from the Philippines , as
this is said to be only a temporary
military expedient , leaving the general
question to be determined by congress.
Iowa's New Officers.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 25. The
following additional officers for volun
teer regiments have been appointed :
From Iowa To be captains , James
C. France , late first lieutenant. Fifti
eth Iowa volunteers : R. A. Nichols ,
late first lieutenant Fortieth Iowa ; W.
B. Humphrey , late colonel , Fifty-sec
end Iowa.
To be first lieutenants : Williard M.
Flynn , late captain Forty-ninth Iowa ;
E/A. Kreager , late captain Fifty-sec
end Iowa
The Outcome of the Ilpi > ubllcim State
Con volition.
Supreme court judge J. W. Brown
of Lancaster.
Superior court judge Josiah R.
Adams of Philadelphia.
State treasurer Lieutenant Colonel
James E. Barnett of Tenth Pennsylva
nia regiment.
HARRISBURG , Pa. , Aug. 25. The
ahove ticket was nominated yesterday
by the republican state convention.
The only discordant note in the
convention was sounded by Senator
William Flinn of Pittsburg , chairman
of the anti-Quay organization in the
last legislature. Mr. Flinn opposed
the plank in the platform endorsing
the appointment of United States Sen
ator Quay by Governor Stone. A roll
call was taken on the adoption of the
platform as a whole and it was adopt
ed by a large majority. The anti-
Quay delegates generally voted
against the adoption of the platfoi'Ji
and the nomination of Mr. Adams.
Before the result of the ballot for
supreme judge was announced the
friends of Judge Archibald of Scranton
and ex-Attorney General Palmer of
Wilkesbarre mo'-ed to make Mr.
Brown's nomination unanimous. For
the superior court , Dimner Beeber of
Philadelphia was named in opposi
tion to Mr. Adams and received the
votes of many of the anti-Quay del
egates. The nomination of Colonel
Barnett was made by acclamation.
Aside from the nomination of the
ticket and the adoption of the plat
form new rules were reported and
adopted for the government of the
state organization.
The star attraction was the pres
ence of Senator Quay as a delegates
from Beaver county. He entered the
convention hall with Chairman Blkin
just before the session was called.
His friends recognized him and cheer
ed and applauded as he took a seat.
Quay remained until the question of
resolutions came and quietly retired.
Senator C. L. Macee of Pittsburg was
conspicuous by his absence. He is
convalescent from a severe illness , and
by the advice of his physician did not
attend the convention.
Keport of Gen. Otis Confirming Sov-
rcignty Over < Tolo.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. Genera1
Otis today cabled the War department
that General Bates has returned from
his conference with the Mores and
confirming the Associated Press dis
patches ? s to the results of his mis
sion. General Otis says :
"General Bates returned. Mission
successful. Agreement made with
sultan and Dates whereby sovereignty
United States over entire Jolo archipelago
pelage acknowledged ; its flag to fly on
land and sea. United States to occupy
and control all points deemed neces
sary. Introducing firearms prohibited.
Sultan to assist in suppressing piracy.
Agrees to deliver criminals accused of
crime not committed by Mores
against Moros. Relations between
United States troops and all Mores
very friendly. Two other points in
archipelago will be occupied by United
States troops , when trade and com-
ern Mindanao friendly , ask permission
to drive out insurgents. Reports by
mail. "
Those From Nebraska and Other States
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 25. Ex-Con
gressman M. S. Peters of Kansas City
is promoting a combination of cattle
shippers and feeders which it is expected -
pected will practcalily control the cat
tle business of Kansas , Missouri , Ne
braska and the Indian Territory. It is
said that 100 shippers and feeders will
take stock in the concern , forty-one
stockmen having already signified
their intention of doing so. A meet
ing will be held here September 12 ,
when an organization will be complet
ed. Senator W. A. Harris of Kansas
is one of the prime movers in the pro
ject and it is said he will be president.
Ex-Congressman Peters will probably
be general manager.
Farmer Killed.
ALLEN , Neb. , Aug. 25.An alterca
tion over a private matter resulted in
quarrel and the death o a prominent
farmer of this section and the anest
on the charge of murder of another.
Henry Marron , about 63 years of age ,
lies dead , and Maurice Casey , a young
man 25 years of age and equally 'veil
esteemed , is under arrest on a serious
The two men live aboiit eight miles W
northeast of here and * he particulars e
of their quarrel are not ' -mown at this fi
ime. They lived on farms near to fit fiP
gether and it is believed had come t
trouble of long standing , for they met n
on the road today and after a few ii
words fell to blows. The younger tl
man , Casey , knocked the old gentle tlti tle
man down and in his rasjumpeJ on ti
and stamped him to death tifi
Devrpy Home September 28. f *
NEW YORK , Aug. 25. Acting .
Mayor Guggcnheimer lodsy received :
the following telegram from Admiral
Dewev : 3f
"VILLEFRANCHE , Aug. 25. Ran iz
dolph Guggenheimer , Acting mayor :
Will arrive Thursday , 28 , as requested. s
" " a
"Dewey. as
This will enable the reception com s ;
mittee to hold the naval parade on nw
Friday and the land par.ide on Satur w
day , and obviate the necessity of hav r <
ing a day intervene belween the two n
Nfcws for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. Major
Philip G. Wales , surgeon , captain and
assistant surgeon United States army , min
Fort Niobrara ; Captain Seaton Nor
man , assistant surgeon , Fort Monroe , inh
and First Lieutenant liflward G. Eee- h ;
son , assistant surgeon , have been as a :
signed to duty with the Thirty-ninth tl
infantry volunteers. Fort Cook. Pri fc :
vate James M. Connor , Company A , tl :
First Nebraska , has been discharged. ri
Acting Assistant Surgeon Arthur W. tt :
McArthur. U. S. A. , has been ordered tl
from Chillicothe , Mo. , to Fort Nio la
brara , for duty. tl
Clothing Caught on the Shaft.
. 28.-T. b.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug.
Hutchins , engineer at the canning factory
serous if not
tory , narrowly escaped
fatal injuries. He was repairing a
near the main shaft when h s clothing
caught on the shaft which threw him
violently to the floor and tore ws
clothing from him. Mr. Hutchins es
caped without injury.
Methodist Cumpmeotlnjr.
FULLERTON , Neb. , Aug. 28. The
Methodists of the Grand Island dis
trict are holding their annual camp
meeting at the beautiful camping
grounds near the "Loup , " conducted
by the presiding elder , D. L. Tyndall.
Many are camping at the grounds and
there is a large congregation present
ut all of the services.
Mortgages Another Mail's Jlorhe * .
PONCA , Neb. , Aug. 25. Joseph Mel
lon , a prominent young Irish farmer ,
living in Dakota county , and about
eight miles from Ponca , came to Ponca
driving his stepfather's team to get
a load of lumber. He mortgaged the
team , wagon and harness , besides a
lot of other property which he did not
own , to E. E. Halstead and secured ? 7S
in cash. He then went on a spree and
kept it up until Monday , when he took
the train south. He was found at Da
kota City and arrested.
A Demented AVomiin Captured.
FRIEND , Neb. , Aug. 28. John Mc-
Cawley , who lives northeast of this
city , noticed a nearly nude woman go
past his place and into his corn field.
When approached she fled like a wild
beast , but was finally cornered at a
wire fence and captured. When first
discovered she was eating the raw
green corn gathered from the field.
She was brought to town and proved
to be a half-demented woman by the
name of Rosa Wilds , and belongs
about five miles northwest of Crete.
According to her story she had beei1
out from home a week.
Hearing of Murder Charsre.
CHADRON , Neb. , Aug. 28. The pre
liminary hearing of George Cell for
the murder of Tom Ryan a few days
ago was held here , Judge Ricker pre
siding. Young Coil was unmoved dur
ing the hearing , although his father
was greatly moved and wept bitterly.
Mrs. Ryan , the widow of the murdered
man , testified as to how Coil informed
her of the murder , how she hurried to
where her husband lay and found life
extinct. She spoke of how she left her
two babes to watch over their father
while she went two miles away to se-
secure assistance. The defense intro
duced no testimony , and the case was
rested until Tuesday , when Judge
Ricker will pass decision on the ques
tion of bail.
Can Find no Trace of Him.
BLOOMINGTON , Neb. , Aug. 28. Dr.
J. H. Hubbell of Naponee , five miles
west of here , is missing under peculiar
circumstances. Monday night just be
fore retiring he told his wife hs had
been given a letter to mail and would
go and do so before going to bed. He
had been gone but a few minutes when V
he returned saying he had just got a
call to go to the country. He kissed
his wife and only child good night and
since then telegrams have been sent
in every direction , but no trace can be
found of him or his buggy. He has
been married for eight years and
seemed to think the world of his wife
and child , and people are hunting every
possible place in the hope of finding
Woman Killed In a Runaway.
. GRAND ISLAND , Neb ? , Aug. 28.-
A distresing accident occurred in this
city resulting in the death of Mrs. John
W. West. Mr. and Mrs. West had been
some miles in the country. When
within two blocks of their home the
cow gave a lunge. Mr. West was hold
ing the animal by a rope , sitting in
the rear end of the
wagon , on
some sacks of feed. He was jerked
from the wagon. The fall gave the
wagon a lunge and frightened the
horse. Mrs. West was driving. Be
side her was their little son. Mrs
West lost control of the animal and it
ran into a ditch near their home and
both remaining occupants were thrown
from the wagon. Mrs. West sustained
the fracture of several ribs near the
spine and lived only about half an
hour. The little
was run over by
the wagon , but was not seriously in
Deficiency Judgement Iaw.
OMAHA , Neb. , Aug. 28. Judge Dick-
mson has handed down
a decree in
which it is formally decided that the r
effect : of the amendment to the de
ficiency judgment law which was
passed by the legislature of 1897 is
to preclude the courts from receiving
motions to enter deficiency judgments
n .Nebraska. This settles a question
that has been a subject of much liti
gation and not a little political
tation. The law was known as senate
file No. 108
and is entitled "An
ict to repeal sections 847 and 849 of the
code ( of civil procedure
relating to d -
ficiency judgments , and to amend sec-
ions of 848 of said code of civil proced
ure by striking out the last five words
said section , namely , 'unless author
ized by the court. '
The text of section 848 "
was : "Afte-
such ; petition shall be filed ( meaning
petition in foreclosure ) , while the
same is pending , and after a decree
rendered thereon , no proceedings
whatever shall be had at law for the
recovery of the debt secured by the
mortgage : or any part thereof unless
Authorized by the court. "
To Bnlld KtRht New locomotives.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Aug. 28.
Fhe material for the-biulding of eight
lew engines in the shops here and
Havelock for the Burlington system
las been received and the workmen
ire now engaged in the construction of
he same. Orders base been received
or four more , and the material for
heir construction is
expected to ar-
ive soon. The material in one of
hese engines costs about § 4,000 and
he labor $6,000 , which shows that the
aboring men will receive $72,000 for
he building of the engines.