The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1899, Image 8

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    . JOHN MoPuKE ,
. . . . of Chicago.
, \i
* < r . J.-i3r Upstairs in Mcekci building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstairs
suffering from nervous debility , varicocele ,
seminal weakness , lost manhood , night
emissions and unnatural discharges caused
ly ; errors of younger days , which , if not re
lieved by inedicaltreatment , is deplorable
on mind and body ,
when suffering , as this leads to loss of
memory , loss of spirits , bashfulness in so
ciety , pains in small of back , frightful
dreams , dark rin s around the eyes , pim
ples or breaking out on face or body.
Send for our symptom blank. We cm
cure you and especially do we desire old
and tried cases , as we charge nothing for
advice and give you a written guarantee
to cure the worst case on record. Not
only are the weak organs restored , but
all losses , drains and discharges stopped.
Send 2c stamp for question blank.
First , second or tertiary stage. WE
NEVER KAIL. No detention from bus
iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. I.
LADIES made happyM ° "th-
- * " * - ' A-- < * J ,
| ,
sure to te
Never fails. Cures scanty , excessive or
painful menstralion. S > l box. 2 boxes
cure any case. Dept. i.
HANN'S Pharmacy ,
18th and Farnam , r-i2-iy Omaha , Neb.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between L. W. McConnell -
Connell and It. B. Davis , under the firm name
of L. W. McConnell & Co. , has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. Davis retir
ing and his interest being purchased by
George B. Kerry. ' 1 he style of the new firm
will be , McConnell & Berry , who assume all
the indebtedness of the late firm of L. W.
McConnell & Co. , and collect all outstanding
McCook , Neb. , July 1st , 1899.
L. W. McCoNNEU. .
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Halt
& Kulger , as the Ideal Steam Laundry , has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Alex. II. Halt retires from said business , and
all accounts due the firm are to be paid to
W. C. Bulger , who agrees to assume and pay
all bills owing by said firm.
Dated McCook , Nebraska , July 20 , 1899.
At.EX. II. 11 ATT.
Those who live on farms are liable to
make accidental cuts , burns and bruises ,
which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow
Liniment prompllv applied. Price 25
and 50 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
Our baby has been contimmlh troubled
with co'.ic and cholera infaiittiin since
his birth , and all that we could do for
him did not seem to give morel ban tem
porary relief , until we tried Chamber
lain's Colic.Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. Since jiving him that remedy we
have not been troubled.Ve want to
give you this testimonial as an evidence
of our gratitude , not that you need it to
advertise your meritorious remedy. G.
M. L'iw , 'Keokuk , Iowa For sale by
L. VV. McConnell & Co. , druggists.
We learn of a modest Perry maiden
who blushed and looked the other way
when a bald-headed man removed his
hat in her piesence.
White'a Cream Vermifuge not only
effectually expels worms , but is un
equalled as a tonic , and is a certain
cure for chills and fever in children.
Price 25 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .30
Wheat 46
Oats 25
Rye 35
Barley 30
Hogs 3.80
Eggs 10
Butter 14
Potatoes 60
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia of Barcelona , Spain ,
spends his winters at Aiken , S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the
back of the head. On using Electric
Bitters , America's greatest blood and
nerve remedy , all pain soon left him.
He says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble , purifies
the blood , tones up the stomach ,
strengthens the nerves , puts vim , vigor
and new life into every muscle , nerve
and organ of the body. If weak , tired
1 or ailing you need it. Every bottle
1 guaranteed , only 50 cents. Sold by Mc
Connell & Berry , druggists.
The McCoruiick is all right. Frank D.
Burgess is agent for them. Don't buy a
binder , mower or rake without getting
his prices and learning all about those
celebrated machines.
What among human ills are more an
noying than piles ? The afflictions that
prevent active exercises are bad enough ,
but one that makes even rest miserable
is worse. Women are among ics great
est martyrs. Tabler's Buckeye Pile
O.ntment will cure the most obstinate
cases Price , 50 cts. in bottle , tubes 75C.
at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s.
An exchange says : 'The city of Wash
ington is but a breeding ground for po
litical liars. " If this be true , the people
seeui to have forgotten whom their town
was named after.
Is your liver tired ? Does it fail to do
its dtit > ? If so , don't neglect its call for
help A few doses of Herbine may save
you a spell of sickness. Herbine is the
only liver medicine. It cures chil's and
fever. Price 50 cts McConnell & Co.
Cuts and Binds 12-ft. Swath
We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Willow
county farmers , last year , and they were thoroughly
pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enables
the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and to
head later on in the season , both with the same ma =
chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail and
handling the greatest possible amount of grain.
The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder.
The J. I. Case Threshing Machines.
The Columbia = = a small , 8 = horse Thresher.
The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder.
The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of all.
* < . ,
- *
T ' -
L. H. JANSKN is in the city today on
matters of business.
D. W. COI.SON has none to Fond clu
Lac , Wisconsin , on a visit.
visiting in Kirwin , Kansas.
MRS V. B FULTON of Red Cloud is
visiting Mrs H. G. Goble.
H. H.TARTSCH will occupy the Jacob
Burnett residence , in a few days.
A. C. HARLAN and I.V. . Spaulding
were Lincoln visitors , last Saturday.
MISS PEARI. ZiNT went down to Du-
rang , this state , yesterday morning , to
visit a sister.
MRS. J. W HUPP visited Mrs. W. G.
Manspeaker of Culbertson , early part of
the week.
REGISTER RATHBUN will occupy his
own dwelling , the old Huddleston home ,
about the first.
W. S. MORLAN and S. M. Cochrau
will depart , Sunday , for Colorado , on a
fishing-hunting expedition , to be gone a
number of weeks.
ENDS RISHEI/S two young daughters
left , yesterday morning , for Virginia ,
Nebraska , to live with their mother.
Martin will remain with his father.
MRS. FRANK THORNE , sister of C. E.
and \V. C. Pope , and who recently
moved here from Indiana for her health ,
is very low , and may not survive many
Miss NONA CASE was taken to Lin
coln , Sunday , by Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Fitch for treatment at the sanitarium ,
her health being seriously impaired by
her constant attendance at the bedside
of her mother. Stockville Faber.
J. B. Culbertson returned home , last
night , from his visit to Chariton , Iowa.
L. S. Watson has moved into the old
Day residence in the northeastern part
of the city.
Supt. Campbell has been doxvn on the
Hastings-Oberlin line , part of the week ,
looking after railroad matters.
Operator Will Pate accompanied hi
sister Etta to Denver , today on No. i
and will enjoy a short vacation.
J. Alex McLean , who has been visit
ing his uncle , Supt. Campbell , left
Thursday morning , for Butte , Montana
to accept a mining position.
Martin Thorgrimson has Roy Smith'
place in Supt. Campbell's office , while
the latter is vacating in the mountains
Martin's position in the master median
ic's office is "in the pool. "
An Unusual Scene In a Pennsylvania
A marriage was suddenly interrupted
at St. Catherine's church , Moscow , a
short distance from Scranton , on Sat
urday morning , by the bride , Miss
Margaret Moore , refusing to say the
fateful "yes" at the proper time. Foi
miles around in the Pocono mountain
region the friends of Miss Moore anil
Timothy Foley had assembled to see
the young couple married. The pastor
of St. Catherine's , the Rev. R. H.
Walsh , stood waiting at the altar rail
as the bridal party arrived. The bride
looked charming. She was attended by
her niece , Miss Foley , and the bride
groom's best man was Frank Daugh-
erty , a jury commissioner , of Lacka-
wanna county. Mr. Foley had already
made his solemn vow , and the officiat
ing priest asked : "Will you , Margaret
Moore , take Timothy Foley to be your
lawful husband ? " Instead of answer
ing , the young woman inquired : "Is
it yet too late , father ? " Father Walsh ,
though surprised by the unusual ques
tion , immediately answered : "It is not
too late , " whereupon the bride-elect
said : "Then I will not , " and turning
from the altar , her face as white as
marble , she faced the suddenly startled
spectators and walked down the aisle
toward the door. It was a moment
of intense excitement. The priest , the
bridegroom and the guests seemed
transfixed as the bride passed down
to the church door. After waiting for
half an hour , expecMng that the bride
would return , the guests gradually dis
persed , and soon the strange incident
became the talk of the entire town. No
reason has been given for the bride's
strange conduct. To all questioning
the answer is that she simply exercised
a woman's privilege and changed her
mind ; but this does not soothe Mr.
Foley , who was deserted at the altar
by the woman of his choice , who never
gave a hint of her displeasure until
she was asked the final question.
Good Story of Lord Charles Beresford.
A good story is told of Lord Charles
Beresford , during the time Commander
Beresford was on the East Indian sta
tion. They were cruising off tb- > Cey
lon coast , and the hero of the Condor
thought he would like a day's shoot
ing , so a boat was put off and landed.
Beresford and a Cingalese servant ,
after a weary tramp through the jun
gle , came to a river ; the river emptied
itself into the sea three miles distant.
His lordship stripped to have a bathe ,
but first asked his servant if ihere were
any alligatois in the water. The ser
vant replied in the negative.ier a
delightful swim in the cool placid
water , our plucky sailor landed , and
while dressing he asked his servant
why there were no alligators in that
part of the river. The Cingalese re
plied. "No alligators , sar ; they plenty
afraid of shark. " Tableau.
A simple and safe way to clean costly and easily-
injured articles is to make a suds of hot water and
Ivory Soap , and allow it to cool until lukewarm. This
solution , while very effective , is perfectly harmless.
Ivory Soap contains no alkali. It will not destroy the
surface or texture of any material , however delicate.
Ivory Soap differs from other soaps. It is more
carefully made , and the materials used in its manu
facture are the purest and best.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder church
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. ni. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Gar
den Prairie appointment every Sunday
at 10 a. 111. Preaching at n a. in. every
two weeks dating from Dec. n. Preach
ing service at Spring Creek at 3 p. in.
every two weeks dating from Dec n.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
TimTRiuuNR will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Five Cents a Copy !
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
Monarch Bicvc
< /
Are recognized the v/orlil over as representing the highest type
of excellence in bicycle construction Are now within reach of all
_ ,
, - , , - - ! Jlnati Why look further when machines of
kill ! established reputation can bo had
at these prices.
Send for Catalogue Agents wanted in open territory
Haistsd and Fulton Sts. , CHICAGO * Church and Reade Sts. , NEW YORK
S. There are dozens of remedies recommended for
S S Is tiie
. , , Only Scrofula , some of them no doubt being able to
afford temporary relief , but S. S. S. is absolutely
Remedy Equal to fills the only remedy which completely cures it.
Scrofula is one of the most obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases , and is beyond the reach of the
Obstinate Bisse , many so-called purifiers and tonics because some
thing more than a mere tonic is required. S. S. S.
is equal to any bicod trouble , and never fails to cure Scrofula , because it
goes down to the seat of the disease , thus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint.
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong
treatment has been relied upon , complicated glandular
swellings have resulted , for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. Jl. E. Thompsonof Milledgeville , Ga. , writes : "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck ,
which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I
was treated for a long while , but the physicians were un
able to cure me , and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used ,
but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. S. , and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a. few bottles.
Continuing the remedy , I was soon cured permanently ,
and have never had a sign of the disease to return. " Swift's Specific
is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases. By relying upon it , and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics , etc. , all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured ,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines
the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable , and never fails to
cure Scrofula , Eczema , Cancer , Rheumatism , Contagious Blood Poison , Boils ,
Tetter , Pimples , Sores , Ulcers , etc. Insist upon S S S. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on Wood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
Eureka Harness OH Is thabort
preservative of now leather
and the host renovator of old
leather. It oils , softens , blaclc-
ona and protects. Use
on your best hnrnere , your old har
ness , and your carriage top , and they
will not only look better but wear
longer. Sold every where In cuni-aU
elzea from half pints to live Ballons.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow
of the brave General Burnhaui of Much-
ias , Me. , when the doctors said she
could not live till morning" writes Mrs.
S. H. Lincoln , who attended her that
fearful night. "All thought she must
soon die from pneumonia , but she begged
for Dr. King's New Discovery , saying it f '
had more than once saved her life , and
had cured her of consumption. After
three Miiall doses she slept easily all
night , and its further use completely
cured her. " This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure nil throat , chest
and lung diseases. Only soc nmlfi.oo.
Trial bottles free at McConnell & Berry's.
New Jersey was.tieated to a shower of
bugs the other day and for a time it was
thought they might be kissing bugs as
sembling to lorm HII osculation trust ,
but scientists i > eon discovered that the *
were another species of bugs out on a or *
summer excur-ion. : r
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be
interested in the experience of Mr.W.M.
Bush , clerk of Hotel Dorrance. Provi
dence , R. I. lie says : "For several
years I have been almost a constant suf
ferer from diarrhoeathe frequent attacks
completely prostrating me and render
ing me unfit for my duties at this hotel.
About two yearsajio a traveling salesman
kindly gave me a bottle of Chamber-
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Rembdy. Much to my surprise and de
light its effects were immediate When
I felt symptoms of the disease I would
fortify myself against the attack
with a few doses of this valuable remedy.
The result has been very satisfactory nnd
almost complete relief from the afllic-
tion. " For sale by L. W.McConnell Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative BromoQuinineTablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. 0:1
each tablet.
The Washington Post thinks it will be
consoling to occupants of upper berths
to know that the Chicago courts have
decreed that the Pullman estate shall be
exempt from taxation.
Imperfect digestion and assimilation
produce disordered conditions of the ;
system , which grow nnd are confirmed
by neglect Herbine gives tone to the
stomach , nnd causes fiood digestion.
Price 50 cts. L W. McConnell & Co.
As KHhu Root squats himself in the
war secretary's chair from all over the
comitrv will come the crv : "Now ,
thai' , Elihu ! "
To eradicate worms from the svslexii
give the child plain , nourishing food and
White's Cream Veunifuge. The result
will he. the worms will disappear and
the chilil become heallhv and cheerful.
Price 25 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
§ ir > Spfccial attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
it either lumber yard.
? known for 15 years as the