The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1899, Image 6

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    The Greatest of All Agnostics Summoned
Wcntli Co in OH to Him at Ills Summer
Ilninu , With Wife and Two Daughter *
Present Brief niogruphlcul Sketch of
a Man Who was Known From Quo End
of the Country to the Oilier.
NEW YORK , July 22. Robert G-
Ingersoll died at his home m Dobb's
Ferry , N. Y. , yesterday afternoon of
Mr. Ingersoll went to his summer
home in Dobbs' Ferry two uays ago ,
apparently in good health. Shortly
after his arrival there he complained
of a slight indisposition.
He spent yesterday morning In his
room , and shortly before he was
stricken his wife offered to have his
luncheon sent up to him so that he
would not have to walk down stairs
to the dining room below. He laugh
ingly replied that while he did not
feel quite as young as he used to ,
he guessed he was not yet an invalid
and he would go down with the others.
As he finished speaking and was about
to rise he fell back into his chair.
A physician was immediately sum
moned , but when he reached the
house he found that Mr. Ingersoll had
died almost instantly. The physician
did not give the cause of death , but
the family believe it was due to ape
Mr. Ingersoll's wife and two daugh
ters were with him when he died.
Colonel Rooert G. Ingersoll , gener
ally conceded to be the greatest of all
agnostics , was the son of a Presbyter
ian minister of the strictest sect , and
by many at least his views on the
bible are thought to be the revulsion of
feeling due to the severity of relig
ious discipline in his boyhood days.
He was a youth of tender years wnen
his father was installed as pastor of
a church at Ashtabula , O. , in 1841.
Here he spent several years , removing
to Madison , O. , and later to Illinois.
It is somewhat strange that his first
fame as an orator should have been
won at a Sunday school picnic in Illi
nois , where he was put in as a make
shift on account of the speakers who
had been expected failing to appear.
Later he studied law and was admit
ted to the bar. He served in an Illi
nois regiment during the war , where
he earned the title of colonel. He also
served in congress from Illinois. He
first sprang into national fame as an
orator by his speech nominating
Blaine for the presidency in the Cin
cinnati convention , wherein he portrayed
trayed him as a plumend knight in the
political arena , ready to meet and
vanquish any aspiring opponents.
Long before this every man , woman
and child in Peoria , 111. , his home ,
was familiar with his powers as an
orator and with his keen wit. Thomas
Cratty , the very opposite of Ingersoll
in personal appearance small , wrink
led-faced and sour looking was his
only rival. When it was known that
these two were to try a lawsuit it
mattered not what the case , the court
room was sure to be crowded. There
was certain to be clashing of wit , logic
and eloquence such as is worth any
man's while to listen to.
Later , when he became more of a
national figure , he removed to New
York , where by lecturing and in the
practice of his profession he earned
large sums of money , though by rea
son of his generosity and free spend
ing of money he accumulated little in
proportion to his opportunities.
Personally , he was a most genial
man and in his family , as with others ,
he was liberal to the point of prodi
gality. Every man , woman and child
in Peoria knew him and his kindly
heart and purse were always open
to the cry of distress. Whatever else
in his creed there may have been to
condemn , the people who knew him
could not help but admire these traits
of his character.
But Just What Was Done Was Not Made
CHICAGO , July 22. While the mem
bers of the national committee were
enjoying a view of the drainage canal
yesterday the silver leaders were in
conference at the auditorium annex.
Those present were John P. Altgeld ,
Georse Fred Williams , John P. Tarvin ,
president of the League of Bimetallic
Clubs of the Ohio valley ; General A.
J. Warner , president of the American
Bimetallic union ; C. A. Shively of In
diana and Moretou Frewen , the En
glish bimetallist. Those who partici
pated in the conference said that it
had no political significance whatever
and that they were at the annex simply
as guests of Moreton Frewen at a
The Transport Indiana Comes Into Port
With 358.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 22. The
United States transport Indiana ar
rived yesterday from Manila , the jour
ney occupying thirty-two days. The
vessel was sent to quarantine. The In
diana has 358 sick soldiers on board
and a number of Red Cross nurses.
The sick soldiers were taken from the
various regiments and a great many
of them are suffering from wounds
received in battle. After the work of
examining the vessel has been finished
by the quarantine officers the sick sol
diers will be removed to the newly
finished hospital at the Presidio.
Off for tlin Fossil Fields.
CHEYENNE , July 22. The famous
fossil fields expedition left Laramie
this morning at 10 o'clock. The long
caravan of wagons , over thirty in
number and carrying over 100 people ,
made an imposing sight as they wend
ed their way from the university
through the principal streets in Lar
amie. The first stop will be made to
night at Lake James , twenty-eight
miles north of hers.
Some Propositions Agreed to and Others
THE HAGUE , July 22. Baron dc
Slaal presided at the plenary session
of the International peace conference
yesterday to place the final seal upon
the labprs ot the first committee. The
first point M. van Karnebeck's report
dealing with prohibition of dropping
explosives from balloons , was unani
mously agreed to.
The second point , prohibition of the
use of asphyxiating projectiles , was
agreed to by all except the United
States and Great Britain , whose ab
stention nullifies the agreement of the
The third point , which relates to
expanding bullets , occupied the major
part of the sitting owing to the ques
tion of the dumdum bullets used by
the British army.
Sir Julian Pauncefote expressed re
gret that the plenary session had been
so suddenly summoned , as the British
government had intended to make a
statement regarding the dumdum bul
let. The conference agreed to leave
the minutes of the session open for the
Insertion of the British statement.
Andrew D. White , the head of the
Un.ted States delegation , then made
an important speech in opposition to
prohibition of such bullets as the dum
dum. Mr. White's arguments made a
great impression on the delegates ,
especially when he explained that the
adoption of the proposal as submitted
would not prevent the use of another
bullet , which had already been in
vented and would entail the same end
as the dumdunij but in a more cmel
manner. The new missile , Mr. White
said , was outside the specific defilni-
tions of the proposal.
Captain Crozier , the military mem
ber of the United States delegation ,
proposed as a substitute the following :
The use of bullets should be prohib
ited which inflict unnecessarily cruel
wounds , such as explosive bullets , and
in general every kind of bullet exceed
ing the limits necessary to put a man
immediately hors de combat.
The President HUB Bin do Choice of a New
War Secretary.
WASHINGTON , July 22. The name
of the successor to General Alger as
secretary of war may be announced
today. The president has made his
selection and it is understood that
Elihu Root of New York is his choice.
The question of his appointment of
a successor to Secretary Alger was the
subject of a conference last night at
the White House between the presi
dent and Senator Platt of New York ,
who came over on a late train. The
conference lasted about an hour and
afterward Mr. Platt said that the pres
ident has about decided upon the per
son to whom he will tender the posi
tion and that an announcement of his
name will be made very soon , proba
ble today. The senator was noncom-
municative as to who the appointee
probably will be , saying that he did
not feel at liberty to talk of what
passed at the conference. The sena
tor spoke to the president of the fit
ness of General Francis V. Greene
for the war portfolio , whom he said
was his choice for the position , but
it is understood that General Greene
is not the president's choice. A good
understanding , however , exists be
tween the president and the senator
regarding the secretaryship , notwith
standing General Greene was the sen
ator's choice , as Senator Platt said in
speaking of the prospective appoint
ment that "we did not disagree as to
the man for the position. "
Signal Companies In the Philippines In
Fine Shape.
WASHINGTON , July 22. The chief
sienal officer has received the official
sick report for the month of April ,
covering all the signal companies on
duty in the Philippines. It shows a
total of 14.23 per cent sicK , a remark
ably favorable state of affairs for any
climate. The sick report for the first
company for the month shows no sick
ness at all. This company had the
same record jr last month. So far
this company has lost but one man
from sckness this month. This was
from typhoid.
The Mayor Dethroned * .
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , July 22 A
State Register special from Taylorv-
ville says that in the Christian county
circuit court today in the contested
mayoralty election case of Former
Mayore E. Bach , democrat , against
Mayor W. E. Peabody , republican , in
which Peabody was declared elected
on the face of the returns , Judge
Farmer delivered his decision to the
effect that a recount of the ballots
shows that Bach was elected , and is
sued a decree to that effect.
Next Convention at San Francisco.
INDIANAPOLIS , July 22. The ex
ecutive committee of the Epworth
league occupied in deciding on the
meeting place for 1901 , finally select
ed San Francisco. Thre cities were
entered in the contest , San Francisco ,
Los Angeles and Denver. The former
city secured the majority of votes on
the first ballot.
Defaulter to Klondike.
CHICAGO , July 22. A special to the
Record from Vancouver , B. C. , says :
"The alleged defaulter Moore , who
is wanted on the charge of embezzle
ment of $50,000 from the Bank of
Commerce of Boston , slipped away on
a boat to the Klondike just as Detec
tive McMurty thought he had him.
Earthquake at Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , July 22. Two
sharp earthquake shocks were felt in
the southern part of the state at 4:34 :
p. m. today. The first shock lasted
several seconds and was most severe.
The vibrations were from east to west.
No damage worth mentioning was ex
perienced. _ _
Iowa Postmasters.
WASHINGTON , July 22. Iowa post
masters appointed : Jacob Jenewein.
at Boyd , Chickashaw county ; Samuel
G. Wilson , at Delta , Keokuk county ,
and Thomas W. Nilson , at Norwood ,
Lucas county.
San , Otis Attends to the Critical Press
t : . " > ey Wanted to Send Intelligence that
Would Imperil Military Operations
and Courted Martyrdom that It Wus
Manifestly Unwise to Give Them.
WASHINGTON , July 22. The war
department has issued a statement
quoting certain dispatches from Gen
eral Otis in answer to the press corre
spondents' "round robin. " The gen
eral says in substance that the corre-
opondents wish to send statements
that would imperil operations ; that
they had no specification to support
their charges against him and that
these charges were untrue. He denies
that he minimizes the work of the
navy and quotes from naval dispatches
to justify his statement.
The text of the statement is as fol
lows : General Otis in a dispatch under
date of July 20 says that the press cor
respondents demanded permission to
cable that official reports sent mis
represented conditions. This was
denied. They then demanded the priv
ilege to send without reservation facts
found by them and their opinion. This
was granted if public interests were
not imperiled. The answer was not
satisfactory and they therefore sent by
mail to Hong Kong. General Otis says
he is not conscious of sending mis
representations , but thinks that his
dispatches at times have been too con
servative. The press affair appeared
to be a threat. When correspondents
were asked for information wherein
General Otis' dispatches were mislead
ing they offered nothing tangible ex
cept that his conclusions were unwar
ranted. When told that they were dis
regarding military authority , it was
apparent that they courted martyrdom
which it was unwise to give them.
"In a later dispatch General Otis
says that the charges made by the
press correspondents are untrue. He
adds that the most harmonious rela
tions exist between the army and the
navy. He gives the following extract
from a letter just received from a leadr
ing Filipino at Tarlac , which is the
center of the main insurgent army :
" 'For some days have been trying
to leave this band of thieves. Watched
so closely impossible to leave. A great
many people here long for American
troops to advance , for every one is
desperate , with so much savagery
committed by Agulnaldo's arnrr. '
"Captain Barker of the navy. who
succeeded Admiral Dewey In command
of the fleet , in sending the report of
the commander of the Yorktown to
the navy department makes this en
dorsement :
" 'I am pleased to note the cordial
co-operation of army and navy. '
"As bearing upon the statement that
the operations of the navy had been
minimized , it may be stated that Gen
eral Otis has repeatedly recognized the
work of the navy , as , for example , in
his dispatch of June 15 last , in which
he says :
" 'The navy aided greatly on shore
of bay , landing forces occasionally. '
And again under date of July 9 : 'The
army and navy are in hearty accord
and the best of feeling prevails. ' "
Futile- Efforts to Draw Out Meiklejohu
on War Portfolio.
CHICAGO , July 22. A special to the
Tribune from New London Junction ,
Wis. , says : George D. Meiklejohn , as
sistant secretary of war , is reticent in
the matter of the resignation of Sec
retary Alger. It is understood that
Mr. Meiklejohn aspires to succeed the
retiring secretary.
Message after message was sent
from Washington to this city on Tues
day , entreating the assistant secretary
to return at once , that no might not
be overlooked in the search for a suc
cessor to Alger. Mr. Meiklejohn
claimed to be unaware of the fact that
Senator Thurston had gone east to
present his name for consideration ,
and as to the probable developments
in case he should be selected , the offi
cial would say nothing. He affirmed
that the manner in which the Philip
pine war is now being conducted is
perfectly satisfactory to the adminis
tration. Mr. Meiklejohn would say
nothing regarding any changes that
might result in the conduct of affairs
in those islands. He was reticent on
the relations of Mr. Alger to the presi
Gen. Anderson Explains Regarding a
Statement Attributed to Him.
CINCINNATI , July 22 General T.
M. Anderson , commanding the Depart
ment of the Lakes , who .was quoted
yesterday as saying if he had not been
held back he could have finished the
Filipino war with his own division ,
stated that he had been misnuoted.
General Anderson made the follow
ing statement : 'I said that my divi
sion or Lawton's could have defeated
the organize forces , but no one could
tell how long predatory warfare would
last. I said that a division commander
whose business was to fight did not
take the same view as a governor gen
eral restrained by political and diplo
matic considerations. The term poli
tics was not used in a party sense. "
Pensions for Western Veterans.
WASHINGTON , July 22 The fol
lowing pensions have been granted : Is
sue of July 8 , 1899 : Nebraska Orig
inal Ferdinand Hoffman , Ragan , $6 ;
Thomas H. Goodwin , Central City , $8 ;
Adam Kunkle , dead , Shelton , $12 ;
John Jackson , Grand Lake , $6.
Soldiers * Effects Arrive.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , July 22.
The box containing the effects of H.
Guy Livingston , who was killed at
Manila while engaged with the Thurs
ton Rifles in battle , was received by
express yesterday , billed to his mother ,
with charges amounting to about
Then It Is Proposed to Giro Him a Grand
Reception at Washington.
WASHINGTON , July 22. Admiral
Dewey , having cablet ! approval of the
plans for his reception at the national
capital , the committee in charge are
free to proceed at once with the neces
sary preparations. Some time ago the
District commissioners appointed
committee of 100 to take official cog
nizance of the admiral's return to the
national , capital , which committee
organized and subdivided. The execu
tive committee sketched a program ,
which was approved ny President McKinley -
Kinley , Secretary Long and the com
mittee of 100.
The program provides for an escort
from New York to Washington. Prob
ably on the afternoon of 'his arrival
the admiral will be conducted to the
east front of the capital , where Secre
tory Long will present the sword of
honor which was voted by congress. A
capacious platform , suitably decorated ,
will be erected for the accommodat/m
of the president , his cabinet , the mem
bers of the diplomatic corps and other
distinguished personages.
In the evening there will be a mili
tary , naval and civic parade , in which
every organized body in the District
of Columbia is expected to participate.
The feature is to be of the torchlight
variety and is to be accompanied by
general illumination , the most elabor
ate efforts being along the line of
march. The parade will be reviewed
by the president , Admiral Dewey and
many of the prominent naval officials.
Following the parade will be band con
certs in various sections of the city.
Admiral Dewey has been communi
cated with as to the reception and pre
sentation , both by letter and by cable.
A synopsis of the letter was cabled ,
and in reply thereto the following mes
sage has been received through the
secretary of the navy :
"Proposed arrangements reception
and presentation Washington approved
by president and secretary are entirely
agreeable to me. DEWEY. "
Dunn & Co. Detect No Cloud on the Com
mercial Horizon.
NEW YORK , July 22. R. G. Dun &
Co. , in their weekly review of trade ,
say :
Optimism is always popular , but
more than half that time dangerous.
Seven years' of halting reaction his
torically follow three of rapid progress.
But three of progress have not yet
passed , and the most cautious search
discloses no sign of halting. Foreign
inactivities have- been real , but seem
to be passing , and Europe has begun
paying liberally for more food without
expectation that securities can be sent
in settlement. The extensive labor
strikes have vanished , and the local
do not affect national business. Fears
of new and powerful corporations les
sen , as it is found that they are con
trolled by the same laws which govern
the small companies.
Above all , the general evidences of
prosperity continue convincing , fail
ures are the smallest ever known for
the season , railroad earnings are larg
est and solvent payments through
clearing houses in July have been
larger than last year , and 62.4 per cent
larger than in 1892 , the best of previ
ous years.
Official returns of the most wonder
ful year in the nation's commerce
show a decrease of $85,900,000 in value
of the great staples exported , largely
owing to prices , but an increase of
about $80,000,000 in other exports ,
mostly manufactures.
Reports of deficient crops have been
buried under western receipts from
farms , amounting to 13,861,046 bushels
of wheat , for the month thus far ,
against 3,773,118 last year , and 15-
298,655 bushels of corn , against 6,612-
315 last year. Exports of wheat , At
lantic and Pacific , have been 7,709,193
bushels during the month thus far ,
against 7,399,259 last year , and of corn ,
9,093,041 , against 5,097,847 last year.
Prices declined saarply , with assur
ance of ample supplies , wheat 3 cents
and corn 2 % , which is the more sig
nificant in view of the previous heavy
exports of both. Cotton also is gain
ing abroad largely , though the price
remains 6.19 cents.
The Muscjuakies in Iowa Want Matters
Their Own Way.
WASHINGTON , July 22. It is quite
probable that the Indian office will
adopt heroic measures to compel the
Musquakie Indians , located near To
ledo , la. , to send their children to the
school erected on the Sacs-Fox agency.
Special Agent Jenkins , who was re
cently detailed to proceed to Iowa and
make an investigation with a view
to suggesting a remedy for the diffi
culty with the Musquakies , has re
turned to Washington. He says that
the faction opposed to sending their
children to school are still in an ob
stinate frame of mind. Mr. Jenkins
tiad a conference with the district at-
: orney , in which the latter expressed
an opinion that the Indian commis
sioner had a right to compel the reds
to support the school.
Trained Nurses for Manila.
NEW YORK , July 22. The 6 o'clock
through train on the New York Cent
ral last night for San Francisco car
ried nine more trained nurses for the
Philippines sent out under the auspices
of auxiliary No. 3 for the maintenance
of trained nurses.
Saratoga at Southampton
bOUTHAMPTON , July 21. The
United States training ship Saratoga
las arrived her.
Death of an Editor.
SPRINGFIELD , Mo. , July 22.
George Geddes. managing editor of the
Republican , died yesterday of poison
ing from eating crawfish. The body
will be sent to Mansfield , 0. , for in
terment. Several other persons who
ate crawfish with i r. Geddes were
made sick and are still ill.
Grosgean Too Communicative.
PARIS , July 22. The court of cas
sation has suspended M. Grosjean , the
Versailles judge , for two months for
communicating to the newspapers a
document concerning the Dreyfus case.
George H. Daniels , general passenger
agent of New York Central and Hud
son River Railroad , recently delivered
an address before the New York Press
Association. Among other notable
things , he said :
Four years ago I predicted that ac
tive efforts toward the extension of
American commerce by commercia
bodies , supported by a liberal and
broad-minded policy on the part o
our government , would undoubtedly
secure to the United Slates the bless
ings that come from a great and varied
commerce , and I said that the New-
York Press Association , and similar
associations all over the country , could
stimulate a public spirit that would in
sure the important results outlined.
At that time we had no idea that a
war between one of the old nations of
the earth and our joung republic
would be fought ; at that time we had
no Idea that American manufacturers
would be furnishing locomotives to the
English railroads ; as well as Japanese
and no one thought four years ago that
American bridge builders would go in
to the- open market and tuccessfully
compete for the building of a great
steel bridge In Egypt ; nor that In so
brief a time American engineers would
be building railroads into the interior
of China from the most important sea
ports and furnishing locomotives by
the score to nearly every country on
the globe. In a letter from a friend in
Tokio , Japan , written only a short time
ago there was this significant sen
tence : "You will be interested in
knowing that I have hanging on the
wall of my office a framed picture of
your 'Empire State Express , ' and we
expect in the near future to be haul
ing a Japanese 'Empire Express , ' with
an American locomotive. " They have
now in Japan nearly 100 locomotives
that were built in the United States.
In Russia they have over 400 of our
locomotives , and nearly every railroad
in Great Britain has ordered locomo
tives from this country since the he-
ginning of the war with Spain.
In this connection it will be inter
esting to note in passing that the second
end American locomotive was built at
the West Point Foundry , near Cold
Spring , on the Hudson river , and was
called the "Best Friend , " and from
that day to this the locomotive has
been one of the best friends of all our
people. But it is not alone our loco
motives that have attracted the atten
tion of foreigners who have visited
our shores , our railway equipment gen
erally has commanded admiration and
Is now receiving the highest compli
ment , namely , imitation by many of
our sister nations. Prince Michel Hil-
koff , Imperial Minister of Railways of
Russia , has , since his visit to the
United States a few years ago , con
structed a train on much the same
lines as the New York Central's Lake
Shore Limited. Only a short time ago ,
at the request of cue of me
Imperial Commisisons of Ger
many , the New York Central
sent to Berlin photographs of the
interior and exterior of our finest cars
and other data in relation to the opera
tion of American railways. Several
other countries have asked for similar
Information and there Is a general
waking up of foreign nations on the
subject of transportation , brought
about mainly by the wonderful achiev-
ments of American railways.
The admiration of foreign nations
for us Is not by any means confined
to railways. One incident that startled
the entire world , and riveted the at
tention of thinking people everywhere
to American achievment.s in machin
ery , was that of the United States bat
tleship "Oregon , " built at the Union
Iron Works in San Francisco , and
which steamed a distance of more than
half round the globe , without loosening
a bolt or starting a rivet , and arrived
at her post off the island of Cuba pre
pared to perform any service required
of her ; and then having given a most
satisfactory account of herself on that
memorable 3d of July , 1S98 , off Santi
ago , she steamed back to the Pacific ,
and without unnecessary delay crossed
Lhat great ocean to join Admiral
Dewey's fleet at Manila. On her arriv
al there the Secretary
of the Navy re
ceived of those
one condensed mes
sages , for which the admiral who has
shed undying luster upon the name of
the American navy is so noted , which
read as follows : "Manila , March IS ,
1899. The Oregon and Iris arrived
here today. The Oregon is in fit con
dition for any duty. Dewey. "
These demonstrations of what Ameri
can shipbuilders can accomplish , cre
ated a desire on the part of every nav
al power in the world for ships of the
character of the Oregon , and the log
ical conclusion of thinking people was
that if we could build ships like the
Oregon , anything else that we built
Few Know It.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox is a recognized
authority on the subject of love.
Speaking of it she says : "Very few
people really love. I dare say not one-
third of the human family ever expe
rienced the passion in its height.depth ,
length and breadth. Scores , yes , hun
dreds of people go to their graves be
lieving that they have known love ,
when they have only encountered Its
pale shadow a warm friendship , or a
tender affection , or a good comrade
ship. "
must be of a superior quality , and the
demand for American manufacturers
began to increase and is increasing
with each day , until hundreds of our
factories are now running night aau
day. and business In the United States
was never in a more prosperous con
dition than it Is on the 21st day of
June , 1899.
It has been said by a great Ameri
can writer that "trade follows the
flag. " Our war with Spain has placed
our flag upon the islands of the Pa
cific , directly in the natural track be
tween the Pacific coast of the United
States and Japan and China , and as we
contemplate our growing commerce
with these old nations we are remind
ed of the prophetic statement made at
the completion of the first continuous
line of railroad between the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans , by the joining of
the Union and Central Pacific rail
roads , more than thirty years ago , by
that prophet of his time. Thomas H.
Benton , who , standing on the summit
of the Rocky Mountains and pointing
toward the Pacific ocean , said : "There
is the East ; there Is India. " Mr.
President , since the meeting at Lake
George , four years ago , the fortunes
of war have placed the United States
in the front rank among the powers
of the world , and we can no more shirk
the responsibility which these events
have brought on us as a nation , than
we can shirk our responsibility as pri
vate citizens.
There are some who seem to think
that we might get along without trade
with China , and that it is a new fan-
gled notion that Chinese trade can es
pecially benefit the United States.
Commerce with China is much older
than many suppose , for it began 115
years ago , the first vessel sailing from
New York on Washington's birthday ,
in the year 1774. This vessel returned
to New York May 11 , 1775. The suc
cess of the venture was such as to war
rant its repetition , and from that day
to this , trade between the United
States and China has continued with
out material interruption , until it is
now greater in importance and value
than that of any other nation trading
with China , with the single exception
of Great Britain. If we are to continue
as one of the great nations of the
world , we can hardly afford to Ignore
a country that comprises one-twelfth
of the land area and nearly one-fourth
of the population ot the globe.
The influence of the press , particu
larly in this country , is immense , and
it is growing year by year , and with
reasonable co-operation and reciproc
ity between the press , the transporta
tion companies and the commercial
and industrial interests of the country ,
there can be no doubt about our su
At times there have been periods of
legislation adverse to the great trans
portation interests of the country , al
most invariably the result of a misun
derstanding of the real situation , and
the hasty legislation of such times has
usually been repealed upon the sober
second thought of the people , for in the
language of oar great Lincoln : "You
can fool all the people some of the
time , some of the people all the time ,
but you can't fool all the people all
the time. " There are still some people
who fear that consolidations , especial
ly of transportation companies , will
result disastrously to the general In
terests of the country. There is one
example to which I wish to call your
attention , and which , I think , each of
you will appreciate. Forty-seven years
ago , there was issued an annual pass
over the Central Line of Railroads , bet -
t een Buffalo and Boston , and by the
People's Line of Steamboats to New
York ; this pass bearing the following
signatures on the back thereof : Ezekiel -
kiel C. Mclntosh , President. Albany
and Schenectady R. R. Co. ; Erastus
Corning , President , Utica and Schenec
tady R. R. Co. ; John Wilkinson. Presi
dent , Syracuse and Utica R. R. Co. ;
Henry B. Gibson , President , Rochester T
and Syracuse R. R. Co. ; Joseph Field.
President , Buffalo and Rochester R. R.
Co. ; William H. Swift , President , Wes
tern R. R. Co. ; Isaac Newton , People's
Line Steamboats ; Job Collamer , Wa-
tertown & Rome R. R. Co.
Mr. E. D. Worcester , Secretary of the
New York Central , says he rode on a
ticket of this kind from Albany to Bos
ton in the summer of 1S52. and he re
members distinctly the signature of
each of these Presidents. What would
you think if In preparing to attend
your annual meeting you had to write
: o eight different persons to secure
transportation from New York to Ni
agara Falls ? I am sure you appreciate
; he fact that it does not require eight
etters to secure such transportation ,
nor does it require seven
' changes of
cars to make'the journey
as it did a
She Dared.
"Your teacher whipped "
you ? roared
Gayboy. "How dared she ? " "Well "
blubbered the boy , "she said she also
licked you when you were in her class
and she guessed she'd risk it. "
( watching h
sleeping child-How true it is thlt
"heaven lies about us in our infancy ? "
Her "
and somebody eise
keep3 lt up