The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 21, 1899, Image 8

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    MoPnBK ,
. . . .of Chicago
airs in Meeker building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldg , Upstair
fr-'in , varicocele ,
buffering - ' nervous debility
seminal \vc.iUnej.s , lost manhood , night
emissions and unnatural discharges caused
by errors of younger days , which , if not re
lieved by medical treatment , is deplorable
on mind and body ,
when suffering , as this leads to loss of
memory , loss of spirits , bashfulness in so
ciety , paiiib in .small of back , ( rightful
dreams , dark rings around the eyes , pirn-
pjcs or breaking out on face or body.
Send for our symptom blank. We can
cure you and especially do we desire old
and tried cases , as > we charge nothing for
advice and give you a written guarantee
to cure the worst case on record. Not
only are the weak organs restored , but
all losses , drains and discharges stopped.
Send 2c stamp for question blank.
First , < econd or tertiary stage. WE
NEVER FAIL. No detention from bus
iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. I.
I , made happy. Menthes -
J , ; es sure' \ the day >
Never fails. Cuies scanty , excessive or
painful menstration. $ i box. 2 boxes
cure any case. Dept. I.
Pharmacy ,
18th and Farnam , r-i2-iy Omaha , Neb.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnei
ship heretofore existing between L. W. Me
Council and 15. 15. Davis , under the firm nam
of L. W. McConnell & Co , has this day beei
dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. Davis retii
ing and his interest being purchased b
Geoige li. Berry. 'I he style of the new firii
will be , McConnell & Berry , who assume al
the indebtedness of the late firm of L.V
McConnell & Co. , and collect all outstandin ;
McCook , Neb. , July ist , 1809.
L. W. McCoNNEl.L.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Hat
& Bulger , as the Ideal Steam Laundry , ha
this day been dissolved by mutual consenl
-Alex. 11. Halt retires from said business , am
all accounts due the firm are to be paid ti
W. C.Bulger , who agrees to assume and pa
all bills owing by said firm.
Dated McCook , Nebraska , July 20 , 1899.
W. C. Uui.fiKR ,
Those who live on farms are liable t <
make accidental cuts , burns and bruises
which heal rapidly when Mallard's Suov
Liniment is promptly applied. Price 2 ,
and 50 cts. L. W McConnell & Co.
White'a CICHIII Vermifuge not enl }
effectually expels worm * , but is un
equalled as a tonic , and is a ceriair
cure for chills and fever in children
Price 25 cts. L.V. . McConuell & Co.
It is announced that a Missouri editoi
has inherited 500.000 in Cripple Creel
mining properties. What u lojkof uttti
scorn must now curtain his face when i
farmer drives up with a load of yellei
pumpkins to chip in on subscription.
Is. your liver tired ? Does it fiil to d <
its duty ? If so , don't neglect its call foi
help. A few doses of llerbine may savi
you a spell of sickness. Herbine is tlu
only liver medicine. It cures chil's am
fever. Price 50 cts. McConnell & Co
The trouble with this lockjaw epidemii
is that it uses very poor discriminativ <
powers in selecting its victims. If i
would attack the right people it inigh
be regarded as a blessing rather than t
The Indiana woman who lias just c > n
tributed four girl babies at a l irth U
the frtak world may have carried ( lit
expansion business a little too far to en
tirely harmonize with her liiisbtnd' :
views of the question
Our baby has been continually troublec
with colic and cholera mlaiitum sinct
his birth , and all that we could do foi
him did not seem to give more than tem
porary relief , until we trie I' ' > r
Iain's ColicCholera and Diarrhoea R m
edv Since giving him that remedv w <
have not been troubled. We want It
give you this testimonial as an evulenc <
of our gratitude , not that you need it <
advertise your meritorious remedy. G
M. Liw , Keokuk , Iowa For sale bj
L. W. McConnell & Co. , druggists.
In the District Court of Red Willow cetin
ty , state of Nebraska. In the matter of tin
estate of Florence A. Holmes , minor heir o
Charles G. Holmes , deceased.
This cause coming on for hearing upon thi
petition of J. W. Newkirk , guardian of Flor
ence A. Holmes , minor" heir of Charles G
Holmes , deceased , praying tor a licence t <
sell the following real estate , to-wit : Lo
number one ( i ) in block number twentv-om
(21) ( ) in the first addition to the city of Me
Cook , Red Wdow county , Nebraska.
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before me , sit
ing at chambers at my office in B-raver City
Furnas county , Nebraska , on the 25th day o
August , 1899 , at i o'clock p. m. , to shv causi
why a license should not 1)2 granted to sau
guardian to sell the above described rea
Dated this ioth day of July , 1899.
J , E. KELLKV , Judge of the Distnct Court.
Attorney. 7-21-415
No Rightto Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face.foru
and temper will always have fi lends , bu
one who would be attractive mut keej
her health. If she is wenk , Mekly am
all run down , she will be nervous and ir
ritable If she his constipation or kid
ney trouble , her impure blood will c-mst
pimples , blotches , skin eruptions ami i
wretched complexion. Electric Hitter ;
is tin.- bet medicine in the world to re
ulate stomach , liver and kidney * : , and tf
purify the blood. It givesjstiong nerves
bright eyes , sijioQUv.oTvety skin , riot
complexicm ' JLC will make a good loik
ingcharming woman of a riuul > wu in
-.alid. 502 at McConnell & Berry's.
Cuts and Binds 12-ft. Swat ]
We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Willo
county farmers , last year , and they were thorough !
pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enable
the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and 1
head later on in the season , both with the same mz
chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail an
handling the greatest possible amount of grain.
The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder.
The J. I. Case Threshing Machines.
small 8 horse Thresher.
The Columbia = = a , =
The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder.
The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of al
Klmbarlojr Road Almle of Knrtli Contu
Ing Fortunes In Gem * .
It Is not often that it Is given
man , outside of the favored gentlemt
who figured In the stirring story
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp ai
kindred productions of rich orient
Imagination , to travel daily on a hi ?
road literally groaning with diamond
says the New York Herald. Win
such an unusual privilege is voucl
safed. It would appear to he the prop <
thing to admit that one might lei
the very ground he walked on. Unt
a few years ago there was such a roz
nnd it was neither a vision of the pi ]
nor the press agent. It was located :
the Kimberley district In South Afri <
walked over it 1
and when a man
walked over millions of dollars' worl
of the precious stones. Five thousar
dollars a yard was the record of son
parts of the road. The diamonds ai
not there now , so it will do the gent
reader no good to ta"ke a ticket ft
Kimherley and seek to find a fortui
in the street. It seems that when tl
iliamond mining industry was son
years younger than it is today thei
water in tl
was a vexing scarcity of
Kimberley country. So when a mini
' of water to he
couldn't get a supply
him in his search he had to do tl
best he could and hustle around wit
his tools In the dry earth. He woa
spade here and there until he struc
[ Hump of earth which held the eager
sought prize. Then he would abandc
the little mound of earth his spade h
for diamonds i
overturned and seek
another place. After a while , sever ;
years in fact , these mounds amount *
obstruction to trav
to a considerahle
ind further digging. The loose earl
was in the way , but no one would vo
imteer to cart it away. Finally tl
Kimberley municipal council offered 1
macadamizing the roa (
use the dirt in
iround the city , which was branchir
aut and reaching quite respectable pr <
portions. The offer was gladly a <
cepted by the mine-owners and
mounds were cleared away. Nearly
score of years later there was a drop I
the diamond market. The price of tl
stones fell and in order to bring aboi
return . of high figures the mine-owi
srs decided to restrict their outpu
This necessitated a big cut in the pa
result the Kimberley di :
roll and as a
with unen
trict was soon
ployed miners. Then some of the wis
men in the land came to the conclusic
that they might pick up a few eve
looked gems from the high road if tht
could get municipal permission ar
i plentiful supply of water. They g <
of tl
each a portion
both , for year
road which had been strengthened t
the mound dirt was turned over to tl
men and they worked on it with a ;
tounding results. Diamonds to tl
value of $200,000 were recovered year !
Cor several years. From the little pie <
than the floor of
tf road no bigger
Harlem drawing room there was take
5100,000 worth of diamonds.
Where Iron Is Heated by Ilelnff Su
uierjjed ia VTater ,
One of the astonishing things devt
oped through the introduction of ele
tricity into every-day affairs is a forg
made for bench use , for the heating
soldering irons or light pieces of met
for working on the anvil , where tl
heating is accomplished by plungii
the article to be heated into a tray
water. This curious forge is made ;
follows : The tank is of wood or i
any other substance which will ho
water and not form an electrical coi
iuctor. One wire of the electric circu
passes to the bottom of the tank , whei
it is connected to a plate of met ;
which lies there. Over this plat
tvater , preferably saturated with sal
311s the tank nearly to the top an
; erves to conduct the current of wha
Jver object is to be heated. Nothiu
: ould be better for this purpose , for tt
vater naturally closes all about the ot
iect and fits it on every side. Th
) ther end of the current-conductin
vire is fastened to the tongs or led to
netal frame work at the edge of th
ank on which the tongs or the shan
if a soldering iron lie when it is to b
teated. The moment the object to b
teated is plunged into the water a cut
ent passes from the water through th
ibject , and at the same moment som
> f the water is decomposed by electro
ytic action. The nitrogen of the wate
Becomes electrified and adheres to th
bject to be heated and forms a film o
as , which separates the object com
letely from the water , -while at th
ame time this gas forms such an oh
truction to the passage of the electri
urrent that the anergy of the curren
3 turned into heat.
A Sample of Feminine \Vit.
Lady Blessington. who was accordei
he name of the "gorgeous" whei
> rince Louis Napoleon , the last em
eror of the French , was in exile ii
Condon- was remarkably courteous ti
iim , extending her hospitality in th
aost lavish way. After his accessioi
o the throne of France she was ii
'aris for a season , and somewhat nat
rally looked forward to an invitatioi
o the Tuileries. Time passed and non
ame. But at a sumptuous ball givei
Isewhere the emperor passed in ful
plendor of his triumph. Catchins
ight of his benefactress , he smiled ani
sked : "Ah , Lady Blessington ! Yoi
emain in Paris for a time ? " "Yes
ire , " said she ; "and you ? "
The Boston Girl.
"Were you out in all that rain ? '
sked the Clifton girl. "No , " said thi
oung woman from Boston , "I wa ;
aerely in the portion of the rain tha
.escended in my immediate vicinity. '
-Cincinnati Enquirer.
Business men find that the profuse quick lather of Ivory Soap
readily removes the dust and grime of the office.
Ivory Soap is so pure that it can be used as often as necessary ,
without causing chapping or roughness.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder church
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. m. every two weeks dating from
Sunday. Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Gar
den Prairie appointment every Sunday
at loa. m. Preaching at ii a. in. every
two weeks dating from Dec. u. Preach
ing service at Spring Creek at 3 p. m.
every two weeks dating from Dec ii.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Five Cents a Copy !
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series o
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
Arc recognized the * , vor5d ov-r as representing th6 highest type
of excsHcncc in bicycJc construction..Arc now witliin reach of all
Jr" > * > "S * * 5 1 < e * " ? > < ? 3 * ' US' * * " r"
OS T L R o b 3o
, . . r-,7 | f3T'Jv , yj.-i.-.fSQ'Jq , . 4JfVhyloo't further when machRC3cf :
- . Mi\A tJtjJj-u ; lU5.tlolGiv : > 4 * established reputation can bo had
" at those prices.
Seed for Catalogues Agents wanted in open territory
MONARCH cvni.e IV/IFO. co.
Uaisici ! sni Fui'.on Sis. . CHICAGO - Oiiurch and Reade Sis. , HEW YOHK
The greatest care should be given to
MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE any little sore , pimple or scratch which
shows no disposition to heal under ordin-
AT riRQT AQ ary treatment. No one can tell how soon these
ft I I I fid ! MO will develop into Cancer of the worst type.
So many people die from Cancer simply be
cause they do not know just what the disease is ;
Oi they naturally turn themselves over to the doctors ,
and are forced to submit to a cruel and dangerous
operation the only treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. The disease
promptly returns , however , and is even more violent and destructive than
before. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood , and an operation , plaster , or
other external treatment can have no effect whatever upon it. The cure must
come from within the last vestige of poison must be eradicated.
Mr. "Wm. "Walpole. of Walshtown S. D. , says : "A
little blotch about the size of a pea came under mv left
eye gradually growing larger , from which shooting'paing
at intervals ran in all directions. I became greatly alarmed
and consulted a good doctor , who pronounced it Cancer ,
and advised that it be cut out. but this I could not con
sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by
S S. S. , and decided to try it. It acted like a charm , the
ped off and now only a healthy little scar remains where
\ what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway. "
Positively the only cure for Cancer is Swift's Specifics
because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach , the root of
the disease and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation
does not reach the blood the real seat of the disease because the blood can
not be cut away. Insist upon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place.
S. S. S. cures also any case of Scrofula. Eczema , Rheumatism , Contagious
Blood Poison , Ulcers , Sores , or any other form of blood disease. Valuable
books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
His Life Was Saved.
citizen of Han-
I.E. Lilly , a ptouiinent dehv-
Mo lately had a
libal , ,
Irightful death , in telling
from a
with typhoid
> f it lie say- : I was taken
. Wy
into pneumonia.
ever which ran
hardened I was so weak
UMKM . Nothing
couldn't even sit up in
to soon die of
lelped me. I expected
onsumption when I heard of Dr. King s
STew Discovery. One bottle gave great
use it , and now
elief. I continued to
ini well and strong. I can't say too
iiuch in its praise. " This manellous
uedicine is the surest and quickest cure
n the word for all throat and lung trou-
> le. Regular sizes 50C and $ i. Trial
) cttles free at McConnell & Berry's.
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be
nterested in the experience of Mr.W.M.
3ush , clerk of Hotel Dorrance , Provi-
lence , R. I. He says : "For several
been almost a constant suf-
, -ears I have
ertr from diarrhoeathe frequent attacks
and render-
: otnplelely prostrating
ng me unfit for my duties at this hotel.
\.bout two years agon traveling salesman < f
of Chamber-
tindlygtve me u bottle
ierlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
lembdy. Much to my surprise and de-
ight its effects were immediate When
: fell symptoms of the disease I would
brlify mj-self against the attack
vith a few doses of this x'aluable remedy ,
'he result has been very satisfactory and
Imost comulete relief from the afllic-
ion " For sale by L.W.McConnell & Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets--
Ul druggists refund money if it fails to
: ure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on
ach tablet.
A learned professor of something back
ast says the moon will yet return to
he earth , whence it was cast off in times
> ast , but it is not probable that any _ who
ire living today will have the distin-
; uished honor of serving on the recep-
ion committee named to welcome the
air Luna back to her long-lost home.
Imperfect digestion and assimilation
iroduce disordered conditions of the
ysteiu , which grow and are confirmed
> y neglect. Herbine gives tone to the
totuach , and causes good digestion ,
'rice 50 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
The McCorniick is all right. Frank I ) .
Jurgess is agent for them. Don't buy a
tinder , mower or rake without getting
iis prices and learning all about those
: elebrated machines.
To eradicate worms from the system
; ive the child plain , nourishing food and
Vhite's Cream Vermifuge. The result
i-ill he , the worms will disappear and
he child become healthy and cheerful ,
'rice 25 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
helps the team. Saves wear and
expense. Sold everywhere.
i/IcCook / Transfer Line
J. H. DWYEE , Proprietor.
"Special attention paid to
anling furniture. Leave orders
fc either lumber yard.
known for 15 years as the
33RIK2D. CO. , S7. LOOT.
At i. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s.