The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 14, 1899, Image 8

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    . JOHN McPHEE ,
. . . . of Chicagc
Jj2rUpstairs in Meeker building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstair
suffering from IITVOUS debility , varicocele ,
seminal weakness , lost manhood , mjjlit
emissions and unnatural discharges caused
by errors of younger davs , which , if not re
lieved by meclicaitreatment , is deplorable
on mind and body ,
when suffering , as this leads to loss of
memory , loss of spirits , bashfulness in so
ciety , pains in small of back , irichtful
dreams , dark rings around the eyes , pim
ples or breaking out on face or body.
Send for our symptom blank. We can
cure you and especially do we desire old
and tried cases , as we charge nothing for
advice and give you a written guarantee
to cure the worst case on record. Not
only are the weak organs restored , but
all losses , drains and discharges stopped.
Send 2c stamp for question blank.
First , second or tertiary stage. \VK
NEVER KAIL. No detention from bus
iness. Write us for particulars. Dept. i.
T , A DIES made haPPy.Month -
XJ-tx-L/JLJ-JK ; ' the .
- - - lies sure to day.
Never fails. Cures scanty , excessive or
painful menstration. Si box. 2 boxes
cure any case. Dept. I.
HANN'S Pharmacy ,
18th and Farnam , r-i2-iy Omaha , Neb.
ROAD NO. 338.
To William V. Marshall and Nelson i
\\Vst and to all whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to locate
road commencing at the southeast corner o
the southwest quarter of section 17 in Lei
anon precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraskr
running thence south eighty ( So ) rods ; thenc
east one hundred sixty (160) ( ) rods to sectioi
line between sections 20 and 21 , terminatini
thereat , has repoited in favor of the locatioi
thereof , and all objections thereto or claim
for damages must be filed in the count' '
clerk's office on or before noon of the 281 !
day of August , A. D. 1899 , or said road will b
established without reference thereto.
R. A. GISKKN , County Clerk.
6-16413 O. R. RITTENHOUSK , Deputy.
Notice is hereby < * iven that the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between L. W. Me
Council and 15. H. Davis , under the firm nam <
of L. W. McConnell & Co. , has this day beei
dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. Davis retir
ing and his interest being purchased b ;
George H. Berry. 'I he style of the new tini
will be , McConnell & Berry , who assume al
the indebtedness of the late firm of L. W
McConnell & Co. , and collect all outstanding
McCook , Neb. , July ist , 1809.
L.V. . McCoNNELi. .
There's a big difference ii
ivays of doing business. Some deal
irs simply strive to get a custome
n'their place , sell as much as the ;
: an at one sale by misrepresenta
: ion and never expect to see tha
: ustomer again. Our way is to al
yays satisfy a buyer , no matter hov
; mall the profit. This methtfd make :
jermanent patrons , and our trade i :
argely made up of customers whi
lave been coming back to our shoj
nonth after month. Try our wai
mce , and you'll keep coming bad
lie same way , too.
Spain's Greatest Need.
R.P Olivia of Barcelona , Spain , spend
lis winters at Aiken , S C. Weak nerve
lad caused severe pains in the back o
lis head. On using Electric Bitters
\merica's greatest nerve and blood rem
: dy , all pain soon left him. He says thi
; rand medicine is what his countr
iceds. All America knows that it cure
iver and kidney trouble , purifies tin
jlood , tones up the stomach , strengthen :
.he nerves , puts vim , vigor and new lifi
nto every muscle , nerve and organ o
he body. If weak , tired or ailing , yoi
leed it. Every bottle guaranteed ; onli
; oc. Sold by McConnell & Berry.
That ThrobbingI Headache
Would quickly leave you if you use
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand-
if sufferers have proved their matchles !
uent for sick aud nervous headaches
. 'hey make pure blood and strong nerve ;
md build up your health. Easy to take
Try them. Only 250. Money hack i
lohcured. Sold by McCoiiiiell it Berry
White'a Cream Vermifuge not enl }
ffectually expels worms , but is un-
qualled as a tonic , and is a certair
ure for chills and fever in children ,
rice 25 cts. L. W. McConnell & Co.
McCook , Nebraska , June 30 , 1899.
Notice is hereby given that McConnell &
Jerry have filed in the City Clerk's office
icir bond and petition for a druggist's permil
) sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous liquors ii
ic building at No. 212 Main Avenue , in the
econd Ward of the City of McCook , for the
jinainder of the year ending April 30 , 1900 ,
McCoNNEU. & BERRY , Applicants.
Cuts and Binds 12-ft Swat
We sold about a dozen of 'em to Red Willc
county farmers , last year , and they were thorough
pleased and satisfied. The Harvester King enabl
the up = to = date farmer to cut and bind early , and
head later on in the season , both with the same m
chine ; thus avoiding the greatest risk from hail ai
handling the greatest possible amount of grain.
-1 X
The Old Reliable Buckeye Binder.
The J. I. Case Threshing Machines.
The Columbia = = a small , 8 = horse Thresher.
The Renowned Piano Steel Jones Lever Binder.
The Celebrated Ideal Deering = = the wonder of a
Tacky'HM Become a Specialist and a C
to the Navy.
Jncky , who used to bo more B ;
than gunner , is now. more- gunner
sailor. - Just in .proportion as bo
leased to bo a part ; of tbo great en
m -which he lives , so ho has corao i
md more into the control of it , ar
the cardinal purpose of a warship
tiit things with her projectiles J :
has become a specialist in getting
work out of her. Ho does it in
places at the guns and at the eng ;
Correctly pointed guns are of no
unless the platform on which they
la put in proper relation to the thit
bo hit and kept there. Equally it is
less to get the ship into proper j
unless the guns are correctly poir
Men who can do either of these th
Bust have natural capacities aud bo
jeptible to education , and only inei
: his sort are eligible for our navy.
Accordingly the "beach comber ,
the "rock scorpion , " or any other
riety of that ruck of marine re
ivhich drifts around the great inari
ports and ships in any craft w
'grub" is plenty and work lighl
longer slings his hammock on D
Sam's berth deck , as ho used to di
.he shame of the service , in years j
jy. Nor can the tramp nor the jail
aor even the incorrigible black shee
; he family thus bo provided for , tc
elief of constables and long suffe
relatives. No man or boy can now
i United States naval recruiting of
mless ho is cleau , healthy , hoi
roung , strong and intelligent , nor
le afterward get that advancem
vhich is certainly open to him wit )
'ear or favor , unless he continue
ihow aptitude and ability. Park ]
amiu in Independent.
L Vast Difference In the Number of
Koquired to Handle Them.
The number of men required to :
laval guus of the British , French , (
can and American navies is about
ame , although the Freuch are uu
teed to have more men as a rule
omo of the larger guns.
For the 4 inch aud 5 inch all serv
equire four men to work each pier
or the 0 inch , six men are needed ,
or the 10 , 13 aud 13 inch the B :
As nearly all our 8 , 10 , 12 am
nch guus are used in pairs and moi
d in turrets the 12 men -working tl
re protected by heavy plates of st
or the little 1 pounders three men
lecessary to work them rapidly ,
or the 8 pounders and G pounders J
aen are assigned , and for the Hotch
hree men.
Treble the number of men seem t <
equired to work the same caliber
uus in our coast defence system ,
bough there is no special reason
bis , unless it bo due to the fact 1
be army guns are mounted on di :
icariug carriages and are not provi
nth turrets , which naturally limits
pace of the operators. An army 8 i
uu takes 15 rneu to work it ; a 10 i
un requires 18 meu , and a 12 i
uu , the largest now constructed by
rmy , calls for 21 men.
It will be seen , therefore , that a
ach naval gun is operated by six n
fhile an army gun of one inch less c
er calls for 21 men. The navy gun
e fired just as rapidly with its sis i
s the army guu cau be fired with
xrger uumber. Boston Herald.
At Sea on Maakat.
A funny scene occurred many y <
go in congress. A present of Arat
orses , a sword , etc. , arrived from
main of Maskat for President Ada
L western member with some 1 :
loved that the gift should be t
ack , with a letter from congress ,
arming the ruler of Maskat that
resident of the United States was
ing , but the servant of the people , ;
ras uot permitted to give or rec (
Another member rose. "Such a
2r , Mr. Speaker , " he said , "can ea ;
e written. But where is it to be si
There is Maskat ? "
There was no response. Apparei
ot a member of the house was prepa
3 answer , nor could Maskat ther
Dund in any atlas published in i
ountry. It was found at last on a C
ian map. A civil answer was retun
nd the geographers made haste to
3rfc Maskat in the next edition of tl
laps. Exchange.
The Other Way Around.
The loyalty of the Scottish highlac
3 his kilt is a picturesque thing ,
rill never admit that it makes 1
old , and highlanders who were suf
ag from cold in the ordinary dres
ivilization have been known to sub
ate the kilt for it in order to
? arm , though this would be much 1
amoving one's coat and waistcoat i
oiling up one's shirt sleeves for
ime purpose.
It is said that a stranger , seein
Dlclier in full highlauder uniform si
ring in a cold wind , asked him :
"Sandy , are-you cold with the kil
"Na , na , tnou , " the soldier answe
adignantly , "but I'm nigh kilty ;
ae cauld ! " Exchange.
Hurrah !
W. J. Spratley , the Egyptolog
[ links that "there can be no doubt t
tie Egyptian soldiers in ancient tii
rent into the battle to the iuspir
lieer of the' Hoe Ra ! Hoe Ra ! Hoe fi
ad if the average questioning n
sks why he replies with this , 'Beca
too Ea ( in the tongue of the Ramei
leans 'the king , the king , the king !
Turning the Stock.
A writer in The Dry Goods Chroni
iys : "A good point for the retail rx
liant to remember is that it is not h
irge a business he does , but how mi
, mes his stock is turned in the con
E the year , that really indicates
accessfnl merchant. "
There are many white soaps , each represented
to be just as good as the Ivory ; they are not , but
like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable
qualities of the genuine.
Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder church
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. in. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Gar
den Prairie appointment every Sunday
at 10 a. m. Preaching at ii a. in. every
two weeks dating from Dec. n. Preach
ing service at Spring Creek at 3 p. in.
every two weeks dating from Dec n.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any paper - [
per you may want. Try it.
Five Cents a Copy !
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Seini-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
RECAPITULATION , Showing the amount on hand January i. 1899 , I
redeemed and amount remaining on hand
collections since made , warrants ,
the close of the 3Oth day of June , 1899 , in each and all of the several funds a
accounts of J. H. Berge , Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska , togetl
with the total amounts of the several items stated :
t Transferred to County General Fund.
* $500.27 paid to schools ; balance transferred to County General Fund.
§ Transferred to District School Fund.
does not necessarily mea
SQ , C 0. IS 0 Q blcdl DlGSSIliy > lU feebleness and ill health , an
nearly all of the sickness amen
older people can he avoided. Most elderl
Old People. It Gives Them people are very susceptible to nines :
but it is wholly unnecessary. By kee {
inS tlieir blootl Pure theJ" can fortify themselve
Blood and Life , BO as to escape three-fourths of the ailment
from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. i
the remedy which will keep their systems young , by purifying the blooc
thoroughly removing all waste accumulations , and imparl
ing new strength and life to the whole bod3' . It increase
the appetite , builds up the energies , and sends new lift
giving blood throughout the entire system
Mrs. Sarah Pike. 477 Broadway , South Boston , writes
"I am seventy years old , and had "not en joyed good healt
for twenty years. .1 was sick in different ways , and. i
addition , had Eczema terribly on one of my legs. Th
doctor said that on account of my age , I would never b
weu again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured m
completely , and I am happy to say that
I feel as well as I ever did in my life. "
Mr. J. W. Loving , of Colquitt , Ga. , says : "For eighteen
I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on
een years but they
remedy ,
my skin. I tried almost every
my blood thoroughly , and now I am in perfect health.
S Sis i
which can build up and strengthen
is the only remedy which is guaranteed
because "it is the only one
old people ,
arsenic and other damaging
free from potash , mercury , chemicals whateve
from roots and herbs , and has no
minerals It is worst of Scrofula , Cancer , Eczema. Rheumatisnc
in it S S S 'cures Chronic the Ulcers , Boils , or any other disease of the blood.
Tetter Open Sores. . Atlanta. Ga.
Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co. ,
' dtuirhoeft will be
of Mr.W M.
iiterrst" < l in 'he experience
clerk of Hotel Dorr uce. Provi-
Hush ,
" .several
lenctK. . 1 He says : "For
, ears I have b.-en jilmo. i u con-iuiit suf-
"ertr from diarrhoen.the frequent attacks
probtiutniK " e and
xitnplelely iiH me iiifrit for my duties at this hotel.
\bout two yearsngon
bottle of Chamber-
tindly gve me
erlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
and de-
fcembily. Much to my surprise
ight Us effects were immediate When
[ felt symptoms of the disease I would
brtify myself against the attack
vith n few doses of this valuable remedy.
The result ha * been very-satisfactory and
ihnosl complete relief from the afflic-
ion " ForsalebyL.W.McConnell&Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets.
\.ll druggists refund money if it fails to
: nre. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on
such tablet.
Imperfect digestion and assimilation
> rodiice disordered conditions of the
ystem , which grow and are confirmed
> y neglect. Hrrliine gives tone to the
toniHch , ami causes > : oed digestion ,
'rice 50 cts. L W. McConnell & Co.
The McCoruiick is all right. Frank D.
Hirgess is agent for them. Don't buy n
tinder , mower or rake without getting
lis prices anil learning all about those
elebrated machines.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burnscald ,
ut or bruisf. Unckleif s Arnica Salve
he best i the world , will kill the
lid promptly heal it. Cures old sores ,
boils Mous , corns.
ever sores , tikers , ,
11 skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
arlb. Onlv 250. a box Cure gimran-
sed. Sold by McConnell & Berry.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs AdaK.
lart of Grolon.S D. : "Was taken with a , '
ad cold which settled on 1113- lungs ; a )
ough set in , finally terminating in con- ?
uinptiou. Four doctors gave me up say-
; ig I could live but a short time. I gave
lyself up to my Savior , determined if I
ould not stay with my friend * on earth.
wou'id meet my absent ones above. M >
usband was advised to gel Dr. King's
Tew Discovery for ConsumptionCoughs
ud Colds. I gave it a trial , took in all
ight buttles ; it has cured me ami , thank
led , I am now a well and healthy wom-
n " Trial bottles free at McCounell &
Berry's. Regular size , 500. ami $1.00.
luarauteed or price refunded.
To eradicate worms from the system
ive the child plain .nourishing food and
I'hite's Cream Vermifuge. The result
ill be , the worms will disappear and
ic child become healthv and cheerful
rice 25 cts. L. W. McCounell & Co.
' ' '
S f fruits. Jellies , pickles or catsup are dk
4 4 > more easily , more quickly , mora ffA
fA healthfully sealed with KefineJ Tg
Paraffins Wai than by any other nV ,
method. Dozens of other uaes will be Vfl
Paraffine Wax
'Vjf In every household. It la clean ,
\fl tasteless and o < lorless air , watery
\y and acid proof. Get a pound cake ot
JIt with a list of its many uaea
f Al from yonr drneglstor grocer.
j | Bold everywhere. Made by
IcCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYEK , Proprietor.
3r = Special attentiou paid to
mling furniture. Leave orders
either lumber yard.
known for 15 years as the
a ? d fcr 2ISA2B3GH HO. CO. , ST. LOTH3 ,
fl.t L. W. McCONHELL & CO'S