The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 23, 1899, Image 7

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    The interesting fact Is revealed that
uM.paper moncy doesn't serve in the
imilpplnes. it is "demonetized"
tliere , not by business conditions , but
by the native ants , that eat it up.
El inst 8Uch ° PP ° sltton the effort
vrhlch has been made to Introduce our
currency in the way of paying the sol
diers must perforce be abandoned.
Nothing but gold and silver coin can
be sent there.
Mr . TiVlnilow's Bootlilnff Byrnp.
For children teething , * often the corni , reduces Inr
flatnmaUon , olloyi pain , cure * wind colic. 25cabottla
Torn carpets arc always ready to
trip the light fantastic too.
FOP Ensy Ironing
050 " Faultless Starch. " No sticking , blis
tering or breaking. It leaves a beautiful
finish and does not injure the most delicate
fabrics. All grocers soil it , loc a package.
I No man who has never been tempted
Is sure of his honesty.
Are Yon Cains Allen's Foot-KaieT
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
The soap of the queen's household
costs nearly 500 a year.
General Manager Underwood of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has 1s-
sued an order that holders of trip
passes , desiring to stop off at any sta
tion , will be allowed to do so. Con
ductors will note on the back of passes
the name of the station in ink or in
delible pencil , and this endorsement
will be honored for passage by con
ductors of succeeding trains.
Bad luck causes a man to take i
mental inventory of his friends.
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pale
gl cheeks won't do it.
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint
ments may be deep , but
they cannot make you look
One thing docs it and
never fails , e ky.
It is impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
* .
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
' color of youth. At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also ; stops it from falling
out ; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases/
The Baaf Advlca FFBO *
II you do not obtain all the bnno >
fits you erpectod from the use or
the Vigor , write th8 doctor about It.
Probably there Is some difficulty
with your peneral system whlca
maybe easily removed. Address
1JB. J. C. AVER , Lowell , JIa s.
"Nothing but \vheat ; what you might
call a sea of wheat. " Is what was said
by a lecturer speaking of Western Can
ada. For particulars as to routes , rail
way fares , etc. , apply to Superintendent
of Immigration , Department Interior Ot
" * tawa , Canada , or to W. V. Bennett SOI
> New York Life Building. Omaha. Neb.
> t
Whiskers Dyett
A Natural Black by
Buckingham's Dye.
Price 50 cents of all druggists or
K. P. Hall & Co. . Nashua. X. H.
i Bet Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent.
,425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C.
mruoinUC Spanish and Civil Wore. Sol-
1EHSIOBS dfers. Sailors , WidowsChlldren ,
. No lee untos success
and Mothers. ;
- Fathers BTu. GKLSTOS CO. , Altorafji , W Ungt t D. C.
AVnsUIngton , D.C
The Flying Dutchman.
CHAPTER XXV. ( Continued. )
Although Philip had said little to
Schriften since the separation from
Amine , It was very evident to him and
to Krantz that all the pilot's former
bitter feelings had returned. His
chuckle , his sarcasms , his "He ! he ! "
were incessant ; and his eye was now
as maliciously directed to Philip as it
was when they first met. It was evi
dent that Amine alone had for the
time conquered his disposition ; and
that with her disappearance had van
ished all the good-will of Schriften to
ward her husband. For this Philip
cared little ; he had a much more seri
ous weight on his heart the loss of
his dear Amine ; and he felt reckless
and indifferent concerning anything
The breeze now freshened , and they
expected that in two hours they would
run on the beach , but they were dis
appointed ; the step of the mast gave
way from the force of the wind , and
the sail fell upon the raft. This oc
casioned great delay ; and before they
could repair the mischief the wind
again subsided , and they were left
about a mile from the beach. Tired
and worn out with his feelings , Philip
at last fell asleep by the side of Krantz
leaving Schriften at the helm. He slept
soundly he dreamed of Amine he
thought she was under a grove of
cocoanuts , in a sweet sleep ; that he
stood by and watched her. and that
she smiled in her sleep , and mur
mured "Philip , " when suddenly he was
awakened by some unusual movement.
Half dreaming still , he thought that
Schriften , the pilot , had in his sleep
been attempting to gain his relic , had
passed the chain over his head , and
was removing quietly from underneath
his neck any portion of the chain ,
which , in his reclining posture , he lay
upon. Startled at the idea , he threw
up his hand to seize the arm of the
wretch , and found that he had really
seized hold of Schriften , who was
kneeling by him , and in possession of
the chain and relic. The struggle was
short , the relic was recovered , -and the
pilot lay at the mercy of Philip , who
held him down with his knee on his
chest. Philip replaced the relic on his
bosom , and , excited to madness , rose
from the body of the now breathless
Schriften , caught it in his arms , and
hurled it into the sea.
"Man or devil ! I care not which , "
exclaimed Philip , breathless , "escape
now , if you can ! "
The struggle had already roused up
Krantz and others , but not in time to
prevent Philip from wreaking his ven
geance upon Schriften. In a few words
he told Krantz what had passed ; as
for the men , they cared not ; they laid
their heads down again , and , satisfied
that their money was safe , inquired no
Philip watched to see if Schriften
would rise up again , and try to regain
the raft ; but he did not make his ap
pearance above water , and Philip felt
A few hours after he had thrown
the pilot into the sea they gained the
shore so long looked at with anxiety
and suspense. The spars of the raft ,
jerked by the running swell , undulat
ed and rubbed against each other , as
tney rose and fell to the waves break
ing on the beach. The breeze was
fresh , but the surf "was trifling , and
the landing was without difficulty.
Krantz supported Philip to the beach ,
and led him to the shade ; but after a
minute he rose , and running down to
the nearest point , looked anxiously for
the position of the raft which held
Amine , which was now far , far away.
Krantz had followed , aware that , now
the first paroxysms were past , there
was no fear of Philip's throwing away
his life.
"Gone , gone forever ; " exclaimed
Philip , pressing his hands to the balls
of his eyes.
"Not so , Philip , the same Provi
dence which has preserved us will cer
tainly assist her. It is impossible
that she can perish among so many
Islands , many of which are inhabited ;
and a woman will be certain of .kind
treatment. "
"If I could only think so , " replied
He and Krantz collected the carpen
ter's tools , and best arms , and all the
ammunition , as the possession of the
latter would give them an advantage
in case of necessity ; they then drag
ged on shore the sail and some small
spars , all of which they carried up tea
a clump of cocoanut trees , about a hun
dred yards from the beach.
In half an hour they had erected an
humble tent , and put into it what they
had brought with them , with the ex
ception of the major portion of the
a'mmunition , which , as soon as he was
screened by the tent , Krantz buried in
a heap of dry sand behind it.
The next day Philip and Krantz had
many serious consultations as to the
means which should be taken for quit
ting the Island , and going in search of
Amine ; for although Krantz thought
the latter part of Philip's proposal use
less , he did not venture to say so. To
quit this island was necessary ; and
provided they gained one of those
which were inhabited it was all that
they could expect As for Amine , he
considered that she was dead before
this , either having been washed off
the raft , or that her body was lying on
it exposed to the decomposing heat of
a torrid sun.
To cheer Philip , he expressed himself
otherwise ; and whenever they talked
about leaving the Island , it was not to
save their own lives , but invariably
to search after Philip's lost wife. The
plan which they proposed and acted
upon was to construct a light raft ,
the center to be composed of three
water casks , sawed In half , in a row
behind each other , firmly fixed by
cross-pieces to two long spars on each
side. This , under sail , would move
quickly through the water , and be
manageable so as to enable them to
steer a course. The outside spars had
been selected and hauled on shore , and
the work was already in progress ; but
they were left alone in their work ,
for the seamen appeared to have no
idea at present of quitting the island.
Restored by food and repose , they
were now not content with the money
which they had they were anxious for
more. A portion of. each party's wealth
had been dug up , and they now gambl
ed all day with pebbles , which they
had collected on the beach , and with
which they had invented a game. An
other evil had crept among them ; they
had cut steps in the largest cocoanut
trees and with the activity of seamen
had mounted them , and by tapping the
top of the trees , and fixing empty co
coanut shells underneath , had ob
tained the liquor which in its first
fermentation is termed toddy , and is
afterward distilled into arrack. But
as toddy it Is quite sufficient to intox
icate , and every day the scenes of
violence and intoxication , accompa
nied with oaths and execrations , be
came more and more dreadful. The
losers tore their hair , and rushed like
madmen upon those who had gained
their dollars ; but Krantz had fortu
nately thrown their weapons into the
sea , and those he had saved , as well as
the ammunition , he had secreted.
Blows and bloodshed , therefore ,
continual , but loss of life there vfis
none , as the contending parties were
separated by the others , who were anx
ious that the play should not be in
terrupted. Such had been the state of
affairs for now nearly a fortnight ,
while the work of the raft had slowly
proceeded. Some of the men had lost
their all , and had , by the general con
sent of those who had won their
wealth , been banished to a certain dis
tance that they might not pilfer from
them. These walked gloomily round
the island or on the beach , seeking
some instrument by which they might
avenge themselves and obtain repos
session of their money. Krantz and
Philip had proposed to these men to
they had sullenly refused.
The ax was now never parted with
by Krantz. He cut down what co
coanut trees they required for sub
join them and leave the island , but
sistence , and prevented the men from
notching more trees to procure the
means of inebriation. On the sixteenth
day all the money had passed into the
hands of three men , who had been
more fortunate than the rest. The
losers were now by far the more nu
merous party , and the consequence was
that the next morning these three men
were found lying strangled on the
beach ; the money had been redivided ,
and the gambling had recommenced
with more vigor than ever.
"How can this end ? " exclaimed
Philip to Krantz , as he looked upon
the blackened countenances of the
murdered men.
"In the death of all , " replied
Krantz. "We cannot prevent it. It
is a judgment. "
The raft was now ready ; the sand
had been dug from beneath it , so as to
allow the water to flow in and float
it , and it was now made fast to a
stake , and riding on the peaceful wa
ters. A large store of cocoanuts , old and
young , had been procured and put on
board of her , and it was the intention
of Philip and Krantz to have quitted
the island the next day.
Unfortunately , one of the men , when
bathing , had perceived the arms lying
in the shallow water. He had dived
down and procured a cutlass ; others
had followed his example , and all had
armed themselves. This induced Philip
and Krantz to sleep on board the raft
and keep watch ; and that night , as
the play was going on , a heavy lessen
on one side ended in a general fray.
The combat was furious , for all were
more or less excited by intoxication.
The result was melancholy , for only
three were left alive. Philip , with
Krantz , watched the issue ; every man
who fell wounded was put to the
sword , and the three left , who had
been fighting on the same side , rested
panting on their weapons. After a
pause two of them communicated with
each other , and the result was an at
tack upon the third man , who fell dead
beneath their blows.
"Merciful Father ! are these Thy
creatures ? " exclaimed Philip.
"No , " replied Krantz , "they wor
shiped the devil as Mammon. Do you
imagine that those two , who could now
divide more wealth than they could
spend if they return to their country ,
will consent to a division ? Never
they must have all yes , all ! "
Krantz had hardly expressed his
opinion , when one of the men , tak
ing advantage of the other turning
round a moment from him , passed his
sword through his back. The man fell
with a groan , and the sword was again
passed through his body.
"Said I not so ? But the treacherous
villain shall not reap his reward , con
tinued Krantz , leveling the musket
which he held in his hand , and shoot
ing him dead.
The following morning they hoisted
their sail and quitted the island. Need
it be said in what direction they steer
ed ? As may be well imagined , in that
quarter where they had last seen the
raft with the isolated Amine.
The raft was found to answer well ,
and although her progress through the
water was not very rapid , she obeyed
the helm and was under command.
Both Philip and Krantz were very
careful in taking such marks and ob
servations of the island as should en
able them , if necessary , to find it
again. With the current to assist
them they now proceeded rapidly to
the southward , in order that they
might examine a large Island which
lay in that direction. Their object ,
after seeking for Amine , was to find
out the direction of Ternate , the king
of which they knew to be a variance
with the Portuguese , who had a fort
and factory at Tidroe , not very far
distant from it ; and from thence to
obtain a passage in one of the Chinese
junks , which , on their way to Ban
tam , called at that island.
Toward evening they had neared the
large island , and they soon ran down
it close to the beach. Philip's eyes
wandered in every direction to ascer
tain the presence of A mine's raft , but
he could perceive nothing of the kind ,
nor did he see any inhabitants.
That they might not pass the object
of their search during the night , they
ran their raft ashore. In a small cove
where the waters were quite smooth ,
and remained there until the next
morning , when they again made sail
and prosecuted their voyage.
They sailed all day and when night
came put up their bark for safety in a
cove they came across.
Before morning a strong breeze ,
right on shore , had sprung up , and the
surf became so high as to endanger
the raft ; to continue their course was
impossible ; they could only haul up
their raft , to prevent its being dashed
to pieces by the -force of the waves as
the seas broke on the shore. Philip's
thoughts were , as usual , upon Amine ;
and as he watched the tossing waters ,
as the sunbeams lightened up their
crests , he exclaimed , "Ocean , hast thou
my Amine ? If so , give up thy dead !
What is that ? " continued he , pointing
to a speck on the horizon.
"The sail of a small craft of some
description or another , " replied
Krantz ; "and apparently coming down
before the wind to shelter herself in
the very nook we have selected. "
"You are right ; it is the sail of a
vessel one of those peroquas which
skim over these seas ; how she rises on
the swell ! She is full of men appar
ently. "
The peroqua rapidly approached ,
and was soon close to the beach ; the
sail was lowered , and she was backed
in through the surf.
"Resistance is useless should they
prove enemies , " observed Philip. "We
shall soon know our fate. "
The people in the peroqua took no
notice of them until the craft had been
hauled up and secured ; three of them
then advanced toward Philip and
Krantz. with spears in their hands ,
but evidently with no hostile inten
tions. One addressed them in Portu
guese , asking them who they were.
( To be continued. )
A Short Description of an Interesting
Briefly described , steel pens are
made as follows : First , the steel is
rolled into big sheets and then cut into
strips about three inches in width.
The strips are heated to a bright red
and are then allowed to cool gradually ,
which anneals them. They are next
rolled to the necessary thinness , and
are cut into blank flat pens , and the
pens , while flat , are usually stamped
with the brand or the name of the
manufacturer. To shape the pens is
the next process. The rounding makes
them hold the ink and distribute it
more gradually and evenly than could
be done if they were flat. To harden
them they are heated to a cherry ie.1.
and then suddenly cooled. This not
only hardens them , but makes them
clastic. The polishing , slitting , point
ing and finishing come next , and ther.
they are ready for use. The little
holes in the pens at the end of the slits
serve to make them more elastic and
to facilitate the flow of the ink. It is
said that more steel is now used in the
manufacture of pens than in that of
swords. It is even claimed that the
metal annually used in their manufac
ture weighs more than all the metal
used in the manufacture of war im
plements. If this be true , much force
Is added to the time-honored saying ,
that "the pen is mightier than the
sword. "
False Teeth of Paper.
Dentists in Germany are using false
teeth made of paper , instead of porce
lain or mineral composition. These pa
per teeth are said to be very satisfac
tory , as they do not break or chip , are
not sensitive to heat or cold or to the
action of the moisture of the mouth ,
and are very cheap.
For Sleeplessness.
An exceedingly nervous person , who
cannot sleep , may often be quieted and
put to sleep by being rubbed with a
towel wrung out of hot salted water.
Frequently a change from a warm bed
to a cool one will tend to quiet a ner
vous person and make him drowsy.
"r.ottliiff Down the Prlcer. . "
In Omaha they can't say those words
without adding "at llayden Bros. "
This big store has made that motto
a household word there , and their free
catalogues have carried it to nearly
every state in the union. Every freight
train out of Omaha carries big ship
ments from them to hundreds of ciia-
tomers. They sell in any quantity ,
great or small. Their customers get
the benefit of largest spot cash buying
and greatest assortments. Haydcn
Bros , are feeling elated over this ana-
son's mail order business and are look
ing forward to visits from thousands
of their customers during the Greater
America Exposition.
Captain Frederick Watkins Is still
on the wrecked steamship Paris ,
which he commanded and refuses to
leave the vessel. He is stricken with
grief at the disaster , and among his
friends there is an evident fear that
( he mental strain has proved too much
for him.
"A < ; < nuliu Leader. "
A leader is put forward to attract
one's attention ; It is not to make
money with , except indirectly , as it
may bring those who otherwise would
not come. We have bought a very
large order of fine navy blue serge
that we guarantee to be strictly fast
color. We have made it up into enough
suits to supply our fourteen retail
stores , a regular $12 or $15 suit , and
we have decided to put this splendid
value before the public for § 8 a suit ,
any size.BROWNING
Omaha , Neb.
Ex-Speaker Reed writes home that
he is enjoying his European tour as
he never enjoyed a vacation since his
school days.
Selling Inventions.
All inventors having inventions for
sale should write to Sues & Co. , Pat
ent Lawyers , Bee Building , Omaha ,
Neb. , for their free pamphlet on Pat
ent Property , which sets forth the best
methods of selling patents.
Stupid persons are seldom dissatis
fied wth themselves.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 150. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at \ the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health *
Insist that jour grocer gives you GRAIN-O.
Accept no imitation. - - "
[ LETTER TO UBS. riNxiiAU NO. 76,244 ]
"One year ago lust Juno three doc
tors gave me up to die , and us I had at
different times used your Vegetable
Compound with good results , I had too
much faith in il to die until I had tried
it again. I was apparently an invalid ,
was confined to my bed for ten weeks.
( I believe my trouble was ulccration of
womb ) . >
"After talcing1 four bottles of the
Compound and using1 some of the Liv r
Pills and Sanative Wash , at the end of
two months I hud. ( jrcatly improved
and weighed 155 pounds , when I never
before weighed over 138. Lydia E.
Finlcliam's Vegetable Compound is the
best medicine lever used , and I recom
mend it to all my friends. " Miss. ANNA
Itlrs. Uarnhart Enjoys Life Once More.
"DEAn Mas. PIXKUAJI I had been
eick ever since my marriage , seven
years ago ; have given birth to four
children , and had tv.-o miscarriages. I
had falling- womb , leucorrhcea , painn
in back and legs ; dyspepsia and a
nervous trembling- the stomach.
Now 1 have none of these troubles and
can enjoy my life. Your medicine baa
worked wonders for me. " MKS. S.
It aLso cures any thing in the nature of
wounds , eruptions , disclwrKes or inllum-
miitlon of the skin or mucous membrane.
Not a soap or ointment but a .sootMnp ,
healing lotion , giving immediate relief
from itching or burning , and insuring a
rapid cure.
GItos of mosquitoes and otiier Insects ,
poison-Ivy , tired , civottan , end Inltamcd
fool , chafing , and other skin disorders
peculiar to the summer .season , instantly
relieved by Gcrmozonc. Give Genno-
zone ton days' trial. If not found en
tirely satisfactory , return the unused
portion to us and we will promptly ref -
f uud your money.
Trial size , lOc ; largo size , 50c postpaid.
Omaha , ? iob. , or 63 IViurray St. , New York.
$4 SHOES for OR nfj
J . A u i r
New Styles , Cut and Pinisb.
Write or rail fur particular * .
1U1.S CiiiniKO St. , Omnliu.
We have Imitators , lint no Competitors.
Penil to-il-iv f < rmrhm.lvim 'lv enfrr-mil
S < : h nmilMT-ar } v.nrMI piiti-n's. FKI K.
Patt-nt I.airyers. \ \ aslciii ton , I ) . C.
IJK ! for unnatural
irritations or iiI
not to suicturr. of IIIIICOIIH membrane : ) .
Prctrau eoaugioo. . and nut Uotrm
THEtvmCHEWICJlLCO. S > t or poihonoux.
Sold liy
or snt In plain \rrnpjvr.
l > v exprma. prc-pniil. for
* I n > . or 3 bottle * , $2.75.
Circular eciit cu rtuutet.
WAXTED-Case of tall TiPaim that TC-I P-A-N-S
will not benefit. Send 5 cents to KIjmnH Chemical
Co. . New York.for 10 samples and 1,000 testimonials.
o'c ' r f Thompsons Eye Wafer.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 25-lb99
At Wholesale Prices ?
You say , "Yes , I do. " Then send for Free Catalogue and Terms.
To this Store to make it your stopping point your start
ing point your meeting point yonr trading point have your
mail come in our care check your parcels here make your home here I
while at the Exposition. Our object is to make it an object to you to
visit us. We want your friendship and your trade most of you trade
with us now and \ve went the rest of you to trade here. We believe we
can get it if you will come and look at our stock our establishment our
way of doing business.
. . . Why Not Send for Our Catalogue . . .
Ladies' Columbia Bevel-Gear Chainiess , LADIES1 COLUMBIA CHAIH ,
1898 Price SI25. Reduced to 1898 Price S75- Reduced to
These machines are Columbias of the highest grade throughout and Lear
the Columbia guarantee. They are not shop-worn wheels carried over from
last year , but are of 1S09 manufacture. Compare them part for part with
other bicycles and j-ou will find good reasons for the admitted superiority
of Columbia quality. The stock of these models is limited.
If there Is no agent la your locality , -write to ns dlrict.
POPE MFC , CO. , Hartford , Gonn.