The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 23, 1899, Image 1

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Their Fourth Anniversary.
0 The South Side C. E. society celebra
\l \ < d its fourth anniversary in Fitch
ijrove , last Sunday , in an all-day sessic
with interesting and instructive sessioi
and programs on both morning 1ui
afternoon. This is a union Endeavc
society , and the company that gathere
to celebrate the occasion was made u
of young people and others from diffe
ent parts of the county and from all ll
.young peoples' organizations. The pr <
; grauis were made up of devotional se
vices , music , papers , sermons etc. , an
despite the excessively hot weathe
were sources of enjoyment and intere :
to many. In the afternoon session tl
choir of the Congregational church <
RIcCook assisted in the musical portio
of the program. Rev. L. A. Turner <
Xndianola delivered a sermon on "Coi
secratiou , " which was intensely earue !
and forceful. President Fitch of tl :
society read an exhaustive history <
the society , and a number of otlu
thoughtful papers were read. The Ei
deavor has been a powerful element an
influence for good in the South Sidi
and we are happy to state that its usefu
ness is undiuiimshed and its futui
promising. May the society live to ce
ebrate many more anniversaries , to ei
in tl
oy many more years of ;
Master's vineyard.
Consumed by Fire.
The Burlington's three large ice house
at this place were destroyed by fire o
last Saturday afternoon about tlm
o'clock. Each of the ice houses has
capacity of about 500 tons. Two of the ]
were full and the third one was aboi
empty. All three of the buildings wei
consumed , but more than fifty per cer
of the ice was saved. The departmet
was embarrassed at the outstart by lo
water pressure , and after the pressui
was sufficient by the bursting of tw
lengths of hose , one in each of the lim
that were laid to the fire by the depar
tuent. The loss to the company on tli
buildings was about $1,000 , wnich
fully covered by a "blanket" polic
which the company carries on all ii
property. A force of men was at one
put at work building a temporary pr <
tection for the ice , which work w
completed on the following day , tin
preserving about a thousand tons of ici
It was quite a hot fire for a few minult
and attracted a large crowd to see It
novel event the burning of ice house :
A. spark from an engine is thought t
Stave caused the fire.
Board Fills the Corps.
At the meeting of the board of educi
tion- Monday evening last , the followiu
teachers were elected to teach during tl
ensuing term : J. A. Britton of Sidne ;
Ihigh school assistant. He is a gradual
of the state university and comes we
recommended and endorsed. Ella i
Kelly of Cambridge , who is an e :
perienced teacher and strongly recon
mended. Hannah Stangland and Mr
itary Duffey , both of whom are ol
teachers in the system and need no ei
dorsemeut. This , with the exceptioi
perhaps , of one assistant , fills the corj
of teachers.
Better Than a Job-Lot.
Colonel Comfort takes occasion to r
fer to the excellent office furniture r
cently bought b } ' the county commi
sioners in Beaver City for use in the ne
court house , as "second-hand goods.
True , but very substantial and ham
some goods at that and bought at
bargain , too. However , when we coi
stder the job-lot that the colonel is , v
wonder that he has nerve enough to r
fer to anything as second-hand. But a
the people have long since declined
take the colonel seriously.
A Hunting Preserve.
Editor J. F. Haskins of the Benkeltui
News was down , Tuesday , to make a
rangements with members of the M
' Cook gun club to secure control oftl
lakes in the sandhills about twelve mil
north of Benkelman for shooting pu
" " lakes and tl
. These are "open"
favorite resort of several species of d
sirable ducks , which gather there
thousands annually.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertisi
by the McCook postoffice on June iSt
Mr. H. Bar , Mrs. W. S. Bale
William Collier , HannanW. Marti
E. W. Zimmerman ,
Supt. Orphan Home.
In calling for any of these letters , plea
that they are advertised.
say F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
For Sale Cheap.
A fine quarter sec. on Medicine cree
j mile from good town ; 30 acres choi
bottom land , 8 acres in alfalfa , some tii
ber , good stone quarry. No better pla
for stock. Call on or addresss ,
A. J. ZINT , McCook , Nebraska.
Had a Large Hearing.
The Brigade band gave an open-z
concert , last Friday evening , on Ma
and delight
street , having a large
hearing , as usual , notwithstanding t
feet that the concert was to be giv
was not generally known.
During the storm of Tuesday nigl
June I3th , a bay horse weighing abe
pounds. Barb wire scratch on 1 (
goo shoulder. Small white dot in mi
< lle of forehead. Finder will plea
leave word at this office.
Estray Notice.
miles southwi
Came to my farm 4
oC McCook , about May 1st , two r
. Owner c
yearling steers , white spots.
property and pa
faave same .
ing charges.
Your drug trade
Hammocks at McMillen's.
W. W. GKRVKR left for Omaha on i
GEORGE MEYER returned home , clo :
of last week.
MRS. E. M. RAZEE has gone to Fai
bury , this state.
L. H. JANSEN was in the city , la
Saturday , on business.
MRS. E. F. SKINNER is the guest '
Mrs. R. B. Archibald.
Miss MARGARET EVANS is visitii :
her sister , Mrs. W. S. Morlan.
T. J. FLOVD of Trenton had busine
in the valley's metropolis , Tuesday.
MRS. ANNA CLARY returned from lit
trip to Akron , last Saturday morning.
DR. W. V. GAGE went down the roa <
last Sunday evening , on a short busine :
Miss MARY MUGAN returned houi
close of last week , from her visit I
W.T. COLEMAN spent part of the wee
in Colorado , looking after some ininiti
the Huddleston dwelling from Georj
MRS. L. W. Cox departed , last Satu
day morning on 2 , for Monument , Kai
sas , on a visit.
MRS. L. E. GiLCREST and the childre
arrived home , Tuesday , from their trite
to Brush and Akron.
KNUD STANGLAND went up to Dei
ver , last Friday night , in search of wor
at his trade machinist.
MRS. A. P. THOMSON returned homi
Tuesday night , from her visit to reli
lives in Lincoln and Omaha.
WILLIAM DIVINE returned , Thursda
morning , from Cripple Creek , Colorad )
His sou Amer returned with him.
MRS. LILLIAN McCARL eutertaine
the Young Ladies' club , Tuesday evei
ing , in a clever and pleasing style.
had business in the city , Wednesda ;
taking No. 3 , that night , for Denver.
MRS. JOY E. R. ZINT went up to Co
ona , Colorado , Wednesday on i , to I
with her husband for a week or ten day
W. D. OLNEY , a time-lock expert , wi
in the city , Tuesday , cleaning the linn
locks in the First National and Citizei
L. W. McCoNNELL went down I
Omaha , Tuesday night on 6 , on bus
ness , returning home on 3 , Wednesda
LAWYER ABBOTT of the Lincoln firm <
Abbott , Selleck & Lane , was here , fir
of the week , looking up a damage ca ;
against the Burlington.
DARIUS KENDALL is suffering froi
injuries received , Saturday evening , t
a horse running over him at the crossin
over Dennison street at Main.
MRS. MARY ELDER of Denver arrive
in the city , Monday , and is visiting reli
lives , the Berrys , for a few days. Sheen
on the way to New York on a visit.
MESERVE were up from Lincoln , ovi
Sunday , coming up on Saturday nigl
and returning home , Sunday night.
MRS. F. M. KiMMELL and Mast
Schell went down to Lincoln , Thursdt
morning on 2 , to be absent a week <
ten days visiting Treasurer Meserve at
er were the guests of Mrs. W. S. Morlai
early part of the week. They left on I
Tuesday morning , for their home i
Miss BERTHA TOWNSEND departed c
6 , Tuesday night , for eastern Nebrask
on a short visit. She will then go i
Illinois , and expects to be absent aboi
three months.
MRS. A. M. CASSELL nnd daughl
Mary came in on No. 2 , Tuesday mor :
ing , from McCook. They departed c
No. 12 for their new home in Betlran
Oxford Standard.
WILLIAM DIVINE of Coleman pr
cinct departed , Monday noon on i , f
Cripple Creek , Colorado , being sut
moned to Goldfield by a telegram a
nouncing the serious illness of his sc
Amer , who was on his way home fro
Oklahoma , in company with a cousi
J. G. SCHOBEL was called to Hildret
Tuesday night on 6 , by a telegram a
nouncing Ihe death of his father , whS <
occurred on Tuesday afternoon. T ]
remains were taken to Minden for inte
ment , which took place on Thursdi
afternoon. Mr. Schobel's friends he
sympathize with him in this sorrow.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .
Hogs 3.
Fourth of July Rates.
Usual reduced rates one fare for t
round trip between Burlington Rou
stations not more than 200 miles apart
will be in effect July i , 2 , 3 , and 4. B
turn limit July 5.
The county officers expect to move i
to the new court house at once. T
clerk and treasurer will likely move 1
morrow , and the other officers in t
near fulure.
See Ihe Fourth of July dodgers. Arei
they three-color dandies ? The celebi
tion will be "all right , " too.
The salary of the postmasler has be
increased Jico for the year commend
July ist.
Arthur Culleu has gone into the shoj
Try Lear for drugs.
Wesley Chapel Dedicated.
Culbertson , Neb. , Juue aoth , 1899.
Edilor TRIBUNE : I am glad lo report
notable time at the dedication of Wesl <
chapel , last Sunday. Notwilhstandii
the weather was very warm , the chur <
was well filled. Rev. O. R. Beebe
Cambridge was present and preached
fine sermon from Isaiah 56:7 , last claus
He first called attention to the narro
limits of the Jewish worship , and ho
they were compelled to gather atjer
salem once a year ; but that now , uud
the gospel dispensalion , any place whe
men engaged in Ihe worship of God wi
a house of prayer. He Ihen indicalc
the uses of prayer , illustrating fro
Isaiah , Daniel and others , whose praye
brought blessings to them. He also spol
of "intense purpose" showing Ih
even wicked men who were intense i
purpose were successful iu a great mea
ure in their undertakings ; but thai the ;
who had back of their intensily of pu
pose a Christian spirit were more su
cessful calling allenlion lo Georj
Dewey , our naval hero , as an exampl
He closed with an earnest appeal I
come back lo more frequenl and mo :
earnest prayer.
The writer then made a financi
statement , $87.74 beiug needed to mei
Ihe balance of indebtedness. In le :
than twenty uiinules , $108 was pledgt
and part of the sum was paid in. Re1
Beebe then proceeded to dedicate tl
church lo Ihe service and worship of A
mighty God. Old "Coronation" wi
sung , the benediction was pronounce
and the people went home feeling llii
il was well with them for having bee
there. May God's richest blessings re
upon all who have lent a hand in th
sweet work.
Wesley chapel is situated in the soul !
west corner of Frontier county. As I
dimensions it is 30 x 30 feet , and wi
comfortably seat 120 persons. The :
are four large double Gothic window
one in each side , so that it is well lighU
and well venlilated. The entrance is i
the southwest corner , while the pulp
occupies the opposite diagonal come
The inside finish is in yellow pine , oilei
The lotal cost , counting in all donate
work , is $800 ; and the chapel is a bea >
tiful monument to the generosity oftl
people of that community.
G. B. MAYFIELD. Pastor.
It Will be a Great Day.
McCook proposes lo celebrale ll
Fourth with special reference to ente
laining Ihose who will be her gues
on thai day. There will be sporls gale
and cash prizes will be given in eac
case. The program has not been coi :
pleted , but there will be :
Sunrise gun by the famous Mosqui !
batlery of three guns.
Concert by Ihe Nebraska Brigade ban
Oraliou by Rev. W. J. Turner.
Foot race , lee yards , isl prize , $5.0
2d prize , $2 50.
Sack race , isl prize , $3 oo ; ad priz
Three-legged race , isl prize , $3.00 ; :
prize , $1.50.
Wheel-barrow race , ist prize , $3.0
2d prize , $1.50.
Catching greased pig , prize the pig.
Kid race , 100 yards , ist prize , $200 ; 21
$1.5 ° ; 3dii.oo ; 4th , 5oc.
Bicycle race , 1st prize , $5.00 ; sd$2.o
3d , SI.GO.
Kid bicycle race , ist prize , $2.00 ; 2 >
$1.50 ; 3d , $1.00 ; 4th , 50 cents.
Calithumpian parade , best and mo
unique design , ist prize , $5.00 ; 2d , 3 o
3d , $2.00.
In the evening there will beasplend
exhibition of fireworks.
No such effort to make the day enjo
able and full of interesl will beattempU
in Ihis parl of Ihe stale. Come and 1
happy with us.
The Town of Red Willow.
There is a prospecl lhal Ihe town
Red Willow may yel occupy a place c
Ihe map , afler many vicissiludes. Tl
Lincoln Laud Co. has bought 80 acr
jusl soulh of J. F. Helm's dwellin
soulheasl quarler of seclion 17 , and c
nexl Monday morning , Mr. Smilh of ll
company will commence lo survey ll
new town. Of course a switch will 1
put in and there is lalk of an elaval
and perchance a mill. A bridge ov
Ihe Republican south of the propos <
town site is being lalked of , and ever
thing looks quite promising for a sti
ring litlle lown springing up on ll
ruins of one of Red Willow counly's fit
town sites.
The Pythian Picnic.
The Pythian picnic at Cambridg
Thursday , was a stirring success. TV
carloads , including the Nebraska B :
gade band , attended from McCook , ai
the unanimous opinion is that an ii
perial time was had. Cambridge h
the grove and water , the weather w
propitious , and the crowd jolly and w <
provisioned for such an occasion
ihere was nothing to do bullet joy
unconfined. And the music was not t'
least of all the happiness and enlerlai
menl , eilher
"Now and Then. "
On next Tuesday evening in Ihe Co
gregalional church Ihe ladies of I
Dorcas society and members of Ihe E
deavor society will give their uniq
"Now and Then" social. The refres
menls will be served in Ihe slyle oft
now and of Ihe Ihen. You will
scarcely able lo decide which you Ii
beller , al a glance , so you will test bet
and then you wjll be certain both w
have their dislinct merits and atlrai
lions. The price will be small and y
can'I afford to miss the social.
The postoffice will be moved into t
Meeker building as soon as the coun
officers vacate. The government h
leased the room for a lerm of years a :
ordered Ihe removal.
The circus fever has caught Ihe you
of Ihe city and the surgeons wallet w
doubtless swell accordingly.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. i
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. t
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. i :
Communion and social meeting at i
Preaching in the Red Willow churcl
morning and evening.
T. P. BEALL , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. u
Preaching service at ii. Senior Unic
at 7. Join in union temperance nice
ing al the Congregational church at '
Morning subject , "State Missions i
Nebraska. " All are welcome.
T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at loa.n
Services at u. Subject , "Man's Dignil
and Destiny. " Union services at tl
Congregalional church in the eveuin )
Prayer and Bible study on Wednesda
evening at 8. All are welcome.
v JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school :
lOi * Preaching at n. Senior Eudeavt
at 7. Union leinperance nieeliug at J
Address by Rev. Stoy of Ihe Episcopi
church. Prayer-meeling on Weduesda
evening al 8. All are welcome. Mori
ing subject , "Humble Duties and E :
alted Faith. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at nc
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litanj
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Eveniu
Prayer. Sunday-school al 10:00 : a. u
Friday evening leclure al 8:00 : o'clocl
Holy communion Ihe firsl Sunday i
each month.
Rev. G. B. Mayfield of Culbertson WE
a visilor of Ihe melropolis , Monday.
During a receul Irip up lo Hayes coui
ty , Rev. G. Essig's horse ran awai
throwing him out of the vehicle wit
sufficient violence to render him quil
helpless for a while. He was cared fc
and returned home on Ihe Imperii
branch train. He is aboul as usual uov
The social held on Ihe lawn of Mr
Anna Golfer's residence , Wednesda
night , for the benefit of Ihe library <
St. Palrick's Sunday-school , was a moi
gralifying success from bolh financis
and arlislic slandpoints The thn
young ladies having the affair in charj
are to be congratulated. Over $30 wei
license to wed has been issued i
Lambert M. Best and Susie J. Lelaui
both of McCook.
John Morosic and Mary Lakin , bet
of Frilsch precinct , appeared before ll
county judge , Wednesday , secured ai
thority from and were duly married t
Ihe court.
License to marry was given Chester 1
Walker and Ursula J. Smith , both of ot
city , Thursday , and Rev. J. A. Badco
performed the ceremony the same evei
I. O. O. F. Memorial Sunday.
McCook Odd Fellows observed the
annual Memorial day , lasl Sunday , in a
impressive manner. Assembling at III
hall they marched in regalia to tl
Methodist church , where Rev. Badco
preached an excellent sermon on the a ]
propriate lopic , "The Good Samaritan.
The special music by the choir was fii
and greatly enjoyed. The floral decor ;
tions were most attraclive , specii
pieces represenling Ihe order emblen
"I.O.O.F. , " and a wrealh of three liul
beiug especially pretty. After the se
vices at the church , the members of tl :
order were conveyed lo Ihe cemeter
where the graves of Ihe following d
ceased brethren and members of It
families of Odd Fellows were lavish !
decoraled : Lougview C. T. Brewe
C. G. Holmes , Mrs. J. A. Badcon , F. V
Jeffries , two children of C. H. Jacol
and one of J. H. Ludwick. Riverview-
1 Marion B. Brown and child of C. V
Barnes. Returning to their hall the
disbanded and closed a tender incidei
in their order life.
We Feel Some Better.
The rain fall of Thursday mornir
amounted to .64 at the governinei
gauge here. Reports from around inc ]
< ate that the rain was uneven in qua
tttyi heavier in some localities and ligh
er in others. However , the moistu
* was highly beneficial and helpful , givit
renewed courage to Ihe farmers ar
helping Ihe crops in a noliceable mea
ure. Allhough all small grain has be
damaged in a degree , yet a few more
sucli. rains would give Red Willo
counly considerable small grain yel.
. Last evening at the bride's horn
Chester L. Walker and Ursula J. Smit
wo of our highly esteemed young pe
pie , were joined in wedlock by Rev.J. j
Badcon , in the presence of Ihe famili
of Ihe contracting parties and a few rel
lives. A wedding supper followed tl
ceremony. A number of prelly and us
ful gifts were beslowed. Heartiest co
The hot , dry weather of the past tv
weeks has greally damaged the smz
grain crop. We believe it is a conserv
live slalemeut at this time to say 4h
the small grain crop of Red Willc
county will not exceed 25 per cent of
full crop.
The telephone central office will
over the Famous in Chas. I. Hall's g !
lery. with Mr. Hall in charge.
Mrs. J. A. Ranney will take a limit
number of piano and organ pupi
805 Main avenue.
UNE office. Best in the market.
J. E. Walters is resling up with
smashed finger.
Mrs. J. F. Forbes has been enjoying
visit from her mother.
W. S. Perry returned home , Monda
from his trip lo Ohio.
Brakeman L. M. Besl is laying o
this week , gelling married.
W. C. Sparks was up al headquarlei
this week , from Holdrege.
Auditor Curry checked up the r
ceiver , Thursday moining.
Mrs. Harry Frey relumed home on
Wednesday , from her Irip easl.
G. C. Topping relumed , Wednesdt
noon , from his Irip lo Chicago.
Brakeman W. W. Prall is laying c
wilh a badly sprained shoulder.
Brakeuiun C. E. Throne left for Cli
cage , last night , on a business trip.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes was in Lii
coin , Tuesday , on railroad business.
Engineer G.R.Johnson returned horn
early in the week , from his Buffalo Iri ]
Mrs. D. B. Wirl of Hastings is tl
guesl of her daughler , Mrs. W.H.Browi
Supl. Campbell went east , Tuesda
morning , in his private car 10 , attache
to 12.
Mrs. J. F. Cusler and son Dell wei
down lo Oxford , Thursday morning , o
a visil.
A. P. Ely has returned to the con
pauy's service in the capacity of a pa
senger brakeinau.
Conductor M. Vaughn left , Tuesda ;
for Hastings and McCook on a busine :
trip. Alliance Grip.
J. A. Ritchie and family departed , fin
of Ihe week , for Wisconsin , on a visit <
a number of weeks.
Conductor and Mrs. M. O. McClui
welcomed a daughter at their honn
Monday of Ihis week.
Conduclor M. O. McClure is lay in
off , parl of the week , becoming ai
quaiuted with that new daughter.
Conductor C. W. Bronson returne
home , Monday , from Lis Irip to Buffal <
to atlend Ihe Imperial Council of tl :
Mystic Shrine.
Miss Caroline Benjamin , who has bee
visiting her brother , Conduclor Epl
Benjamin , deparled , yeslerday , for h <
home in Holyoke.
Operalor Roy Kleven was down fro ;
Culbertson , Thursday , helping at hea <
quarlers during Ihe absence of some i
Ihe force al Ihe Cambridge picnic.
Fireman G. E. Hicks and molher -
Alliance were called lo Bird Cily , Ka
Monday , by a message informing the
of the serious illness of relatives at Ih
place Alliance Grip.
Under the new rules and regulatioi
all the euginemen , trainmen , yardme
and statiounieu are being examined I
Ihe color and hearing tests , which
keeping Dr. Waters busy , this week.
Charles H. Abbolt was killed by ligh
ning near Akron , Wednesday eveniii ]
He was killed near where Frank Win :
was killed by lightning , a year or tw
since. He carried $2,000 in the Star <
W. M. Irwin will leave , tomorrow , f (
Chicago , to be examined at the hea <
quarters of Ihe Burlinglon Voluntai
Relief. He is very slow in picking u
from his recent severe illness of Ion
EngineerWestlandand FiremanDixoi
both of McCook , have engine No. 210 o
13 and 14 between here Wyrnore , takin
the third run. This is one of the B. <
M.'s famous fast engines. Oxfoi
T feere are soon to be some ralher e :
lensive changes in Ihe B. & M. sid' '
Irack syslem in Ihis cily. Eighl or le
new ones are lo be laid , including a Ion
Irack exlendiug Ihe whole lenglh of tl
yards and a Irack for Ihe diners 01
about a half mile west of town. Th
has been made necessary from the r
cently acquired heavy traffic. Oxfoi
Cards are out announcing the a
preaching wedding of Roy K. Warre
and Caroline M. Benjamin , which evei
will transpire in Holyoke , Tuesday eve ;
ing , June 27th , at the home of the bride
sister , Mrs. L. LeBlanc. Miss Benjam :
is a sister of Conductor Eph. Benjatu :
of our city. The young people will 1
at home in Holyoke , after July loth.
Mrs. H. A. Thompson of Alliam
spent Tuesday in the city on her wz
home from Chicago , where her husbau
a brother of G. E. . was recently lak <
for Ireattnenl iu Ihe Presbylerian he
pilal , having been seriously injured 1
jumping from his engine. The Chica ;
doctors gave him strong encourageme ;
for successful trealment for his bad
injured leg.
Brakeman Lambert M. Best and Mi
Susie J. Leland were made husband ai
wife at the home of the groom , Wedne
day noon , by Rev. J. A. Badcon. Aft
the ceremony , the guests , which we
in the main confined to the families
the contracting parties , sat down to
splendid wedding dinner. They we
to housekeeping in a litlle home , whi <
was already for iheir occupancy in Sou
McCook. THE TRIBUNE adds its wan
est congratulations.
A special train containing troop F
regular cavalry from Fort Leavenwort
Kansas , passed through McCook , Thui
day morning. They were bound f
Sequoia Park , Cal. , and will be trar
porled as far as Oakdale by rail , ridii
Ihe rest of Ihe way , about 200 mile
The special carried 91 men and
officer , and 77 horses 23 more ate
to be given them when they arrive
San Francisco. The Irain was made i
of 3 lourist cars , i baggage car , 3 b
cars and 4 palace slock cars. The hors
were fed at this point. This troop vi
engaged in the famous capture of S
Juan hill , near Santiago , losing 9 me
Conductor Solliday brought the spec
up from Red Cloud and Conductor Ow
went on west with them.
Glass , wall paper , paints and oils at
Lenlmrt is Ihe owner of a fine new de
livery wagon.
Always buy pure and fresh drugs.
Lear keeps them.
Wall paper , paints , oils and glass nl
McMilleu's drug store.
Repairing promplly and neatly done
at The Old Reliable shoe store.
Aren't the flies annoying theie hoi
days ? See McConnell aboul il.
'Tis easy lo keep cool , if you wear one
of Ihose Linen Suits sold by DeGrofF
Dr. John McPhee , Ihe dentist , has
taken quarters upstairs in the Meeker
C. L. DeGrofi" & Co. sell Ladies' Suits
at reduced prices. Good line ; call and
get a bargain.
A. F. Swarls will move into the Union
house , next week , having leased the
same from C. A. Leach.
We have a few rare bargains in small
lots of wallpaper. Can you use them ?
Come quick ! McConnell & Co.
Polk Bros. , the new tinners , make
well casing thai will give you good s > utis-
faction. Opposite Palace hotel. 6-2-41.
Isn't it about time lhal you purchased
lhal hammock you have promised your
self so long ? See McCONNELL about it.
Gel one of Ihose Linen Suils al De-
Gioff's and keep cool. They have all
sizes for ladies , men , boys and children.
You want a good binder , mower or
rake. The McCormick is thai machine
and Frank D. Burgess is their prophet.
Patriotism is so superabundant , this
year , lhal lliere will be a 4th of July cel
ebration al every cross-roads. So we
all may be happy yel.
M. E. Slell/.er , who has been ill for i
Ihe pasl Iwo months , expects to go to
Denver , soon , to have an operaliou for
appendicitis performed.
Miss Nina Thompson is suffering with
a fractured collar bone , received in a
runaway accident , last week. The ve
hicle was pretty badly damaged.
Ladies will find McConnell's 'a de
lightful resting place these hot days.
Coolest room in town. Tele-a-lete tables ,
easy chairs , delicious soda. Try it.
I have one more single driver to sell.
Suitable for lady or children. Young ,
kind , well broke and cheap.
6-26 41. W. A. McCooL , Indianola.
We are serving Ihis year some new and
delicious drinks al our soda fountain.
Try Iheni for lhal thirsty feeling. Our
motto , "Purest , best. " McConnell & Co.
Cullins Bros , amused the children ,
Tuesday. Their show appears to be a
good deal run down at the heels , but
they doubtless give you your money's
The Slayner drum corps has received
and accepled a call to Holdrege on the
Fourth. The boys had ordered new
uniforms , which they expect to have for
that day.
Frank D. Burgess is agent for the cel
ebrated McCormick binders , mowers
and rakes. Call and consult him before
making your purchase of any of these
The reservoir act is providing about
the only excileuient observable in this
satrapy , just now. It's always blood-
stirring to get in on the ground-floor of
a public land snap.
We have placed in our slore cosy lele-
a-lele lables and easy chairs and hope
Ihe ladies will make our room a resling
place when down lown. Come in and
meet your friends there.
McConnell & Co.
James H. Goodrich , jr. , has filed an
application under the bankruptcy law I
which came into Ihe hands of Referee
Spencer yeslerday. The slalement on
file shows the debts $43,019.88 and the
assets $50. ( Tuesday ) Lincoln Journal.
The hot wind of Sunday was very
damaging to the small grain crop , and
most uncomfortable to the inhabilants.
Some Ihermomelers regislered a temper
ature of 108 degrees on that day. Such
extreme heat and hot wind are very un
usual for mid-June.
Mrs. Alfred Bonnet of McCook arrived
in town , last Salurday , lo visit for a
short time wilh Ihe family of Mrs. J. R.
Phelan. Mrs. Bonnet is a highly ac
complished lady and possesses a voice
for singing lhat is a delight to hear.
Alliance society extends to her a warm
welcome. Alliance Grip.
Tin roofing , spouting , gutlering , well
casing , cleaning and repairing gasoline
stoves and stove repairs of all kinds on
short notice. A nice line of hand-made
tinware , and special atleulion to cus
tomers for work of all kinds made to
order. POLK BROS. ,
6-2-41. Opposile Palace Hotel.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. G.
Simonson gave a tea coaipliuienlary to
Mrs. Alfred Bonnet of McCook. Sixteen
of her lad } ' friends were invited and
were present. An elegant luncheon was
served in a charming and stylish man
ner , after which the ladies were enter i"
tained very pleasantly , Mrs. Bonnet
rendering a few vocal solos in a manner
that delighted all present. Mrs. Simon-
son was assisted bv Mrs. L. W. Emery
and it is needless to add the ladies en
joyed a most pleasant afternoon , as in
deed Ihey always do at the home of so
accomplished an entertainer as Mrs ,
Simonson. Alliance Grip.