The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1899, Image 7

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    It is noted as a curious fact that the
majority of the Japanese rtudents who
conio to America to study political
economy go to Ann Arbor to seek in
struction under I'rofessor Adams. This
preference is due to the inlliienre. of
Count Ono , now chief inspector of the
Bank of Japan , who studied at the
University of Michigan under Professor
ser Adams and who J& spreading the
professor's reptitation abroad through
out the Japanese islands.
You can pick out fools by their
questions and wise men by their ans
It is pretty hard for some men to live
up to their opportunities and within
their income at the same time. Kan
sas City Star.
Da Tour feet A die ttnd llura ?
Shake into your shoes , Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
On September 1) ) next people will date
their letters not all people , but a
large number it-fK < 9. How long will
it be before a bimilar collection of
numbers occurs , and bow offer will it
DC-CHI in the twentieth century ? asks
the London Chronicle.
The nurse on duty in a certain Lon
don hospital was giving the little ones
their last meal for tin4 day. All savi *
one was patiently waiting their turn
to be served , th" one in question being
a little rosy checked convalescent , who
was calling lustily for her portion.
"Aren't you just a little impatient ,
Dorothy ? " inquired the kindly nurse ,
with just a little tinge of correction u
in her tone. "No. I'm not ! " retorted
Dorothy , promptly , "I'm a little
patient ! '
The victims of the kleptomaniac suf
fer most from fits of abstraction
Groomed Women.
A pretty sbirt waist , properly laundered
with "Faultless Starch. ' ' makes a woman
look sweet and wholesome and adds greatly
to her attractiveness. Try it. All grocers , lOe. ITb
General Fuuston has sent to his ti
friend , ex-Senator Ingalls , a handsome S
Filipino sword , captured at Malolos.
Mrs. IVinfilow'n Soothing Syrop.
ritlren ! ! teething , ( toflen. the pumit , n-dures IT-
, cureB wliid colic. 25cabotu ilw
"You say Flip is a business woman.
What business is she interested in ? "
"Oh , everybody's. " Tid-Bits.
The New York state aviary located
at Sing Sing is said to be the largest in
the world , the ailbird being the fa
vorite species.
: n
A.yefs Sarsaparilla is the nk
i *
Medicine of Auld Lang Syne ' M
r j il
( \l \ i
\ tl
! hi
I m
1. 1 T , ; ;
K' ]
B :
doctor arc the or
| in
'l'l '
H [
has been the Sarsaparilla vhich the people hate bought
iihcn they ucre sick and wanted io be cured. If the best
is none too good f r you , you uill get Ayer's. One bottle
of Aycr's Sarsaparitla contains the strength of three of "r
the ordinary kind *
L <
ot :
Gofumbia BicyeEes for Women Clwi
Ladies' Columbia Bevel-Gear Cliainless , LADIES' COLUMBIA CHAIN ,
MODEL 51. MODEL 46. dt
1898 Prlco SI25. Reduced to 1898 Price S75- Reduced to th
S60.00. S42.50. thA in t ]
These maclrncs areColumbiasof the highest prado throughout and bear
the Columbia guarantee. Tbey are not shop-worn wheels carried over from th
last year , but are of 1 M manufacture. Compare them part for part with su
other bieycle * . and you will find g-ood reason for the admitted superiority
of Columbia quality. The stoek of these models is limited. fr
Jf there ! sno agent in your locality , write to us direct. cf [
POPE IVIFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. th
qi :
WHISKERS DYEEj P P K R1H P 5e'Your ? eriSCI ? ] vf
A Maluraf BSack by
Write CAPT. O FARRTLL Pension Agent , i er
2j New York A\erue , \\A5H1NGTON.D.C. : y1 !
! ffi
. .
Price cents of all dniprRi ts ; > r K. 1'
. .
' Best Coagn tjrup. Ta t Good. Uoo
In time. Bokl
} Thompson's Eye Water. I
The News Briefly Told * !
. , . , , , . . . . ,
sfcjlc.Jult < JcjfcX-Jit ifc.j > uu. jfcj | _ J J J > J. J. .I * Jc lid ik Jt Jk1fcjfcjlc
Sat u may.
The Berlin newt-papers are jnbilatF
ig over what they term Admiral viol
iautz's recall. M <
Owing to the politic . < : r ; t1. . . , i ! > - ! 'I
nets of Austria and Hiii.tMij , < * x- \ \ I ,
iect d to resign. j itar
The correspondent of the London si
) aily Mail sav = r---- , * -i- ' , ; j
nd governo . . i i. < 1 . < n < . , ; , ,
lered to put t ! * . ; : ( . < - . < > ia war ; , , f u
ooting. Uii
Attorneys f ( i John I ) . Ro-k < f < llrr j T
loved to diMiiii-s tin suit ot $1 < MIO UOO ' afev.c
irought by Jumes Corngan. The mat- j ajre
pr is under a" " > ' ; - . ' J . < > ,
s n
tone of Clevela > ' n
Brigadier Gene ) .i A-.i U 'any , , . ( ]
aymaster general nf ' ! . < ; . : iii > , has [ _ , , ,
< ? en granted leave ti > .i-M ; t to ami , -
icluding July 12. on wnuh day he , . . . "
'ill go on the letired list. j" *
Captain Julian Myers , who com the
manded the confederate ship Hunts- tire
ille during the engagements with
'arragut , b"low Mo'.nle. ' died at Mont !
Hair , N. J. , aped 71 yeuis.
Lieutenant J. II. HIIKS will leave
Vashington Maj . ' ! ! to recruit 300
amlsmeu in the wcf-t for the Hart- ton.
ortl. In addition to enlisting lands- tice :
nen : the navy is mruiting musicians. regi
Evane ot Belle Fourehe. S. Vev
) was > fiitenced to one year at hard com
t. . . penitentiary for ,
' * r l.tst winter from the ' a' ' ' °
: le ( orapany. Evans ia \ Jat < >
ait'ienian. no
n.all probability of the Pi
- ! ! - ut rf-oj-ening the ques" imp
f \f--niMria : Cuban mo't-1 c ulo
- li'uns ii.-t : that the - the
.dy crniit'd is not suf-i This
. .M.I : < > j'.otut debtors. J trail
< "i'in'f in.'tla has in a manner sought j sef r
in ! ' \tii < 1-iwcen the United States
n i Ho ! in the Pears case. The
' , ; . - goveininent has resisted the J duii
I..MJ. ! ' ( i ilu Mtinost for an indem- [ ' } -
it\ i $ ( . ' ' rO in LtLalf of the rela.- vest
v < s uf Pears. ' orui
William J. Bryan ? pke to intOO harl
eople at J"an\ile. ) ! 111. He followed ' ed
is upii :1 : hne.s ( A argument , '
ig the im.iay qtuj-t-.r-r. at U ngt1on - ' in ii
! , ptli ; > and tl f 'iu..s. . und aduwen |
'i.- ' : : in UK on-e * - ; . > xr-c <
"ill"1 riIc-T : N'tv n. , , , rs has 1-f t j
i" ' " : : . .r.for I' , Fla
; . ' . 'tijiers ! t in i > 'i * ---i of i : no- ia'-
' Y'
I ' ' ' " "Hi i 5:1 : ! " i iiD v . , > .
fTunii. ii : . < "r P < - ! : < f the di
aiisMil " -itu n . hi.i . : .r'- tlu.t , \ -
lKir- ( \ .11 hav. : ; . . - ' " IT pr .iLle
juare foot < -i-i ' \ . > * ' ' ! 'i tlror- DI '
ic. e.xpu.-ition .1-- . ' i - ' ' .f- light ' firm i
make contri"m. ! hsT
The ( apital ( .f the X'rth Gtrman Chic
ii''i-f-d frcm tji''iu" ' ' , ' ' ' > to 8'J'jOO.'jOu ' so t
Hrv.V. . H P. Fain : e. pFtor : cf the S <
- . : : ! . Avfnuo Bai.-t church. New fcots
nk. will a.ffpt the of him i
rown uinvf-isity. j trip >
Major Guif-ial Luciluw. at Havana , ' that t
--Mts thi.t he is the author < > f the conl
"dijianee < ks-rribing how workingmen Pat :
Cuba Phall ilr ss. , A
Seirttary Long ha ? appointed a iron
nard of r ar .idrr.irals to consider t en
Sans for rxp'di'ir.s the work of the fron
iff * rent 'cr.aitm nts. dete
TV mxt annual conventon of the for
ricinal ; l-t-- < ( - ia'' hca ! tiie ins'irspez
r.t , . --o uitK.Ks :11 : Ic htld at Buf- ! ji
Jo. X. Y. . Augtt : 0. jrve ;
Olivi r M. Lee an 1 J ir. s Giliiland , . mir. :
illsbv ro. N. M . cattlemen , are on ! cf t :
: ah ( hre"d ; vith the murder of S- ; the
ear-old Henry Fountain. j to r
Sergeant Charles Campb * 11. an as- j will [
istant Quartermaster at Fort Sheri- j next
tn. is arrested , charged with issuing j A
raised receipts to contractors. jajj
Near Norwalk. O. . lightning struck -or
barn in which a party of young peotion ' t
le sought shelter trorn the storm. , ; nd , tror
ouis Ehert. Jr. , was killed and three
hers knocked unconscious. ot
The committee investigating the
rounding ot the cruiser Raleigh at Tl
harieston , 'S. C. , reports the accident has
as unavoidable. payi
The Liverpool correspondent of the Tl
aily Chronicle asserts that Dr. Bly- to :
pn , a native Liberian , empowered by Aim
le Lebirian executive to demand an Jc
merican protectorate for Liberia , and of i
the event of the United States re- Safe
ising he is empowered to approach burf
ic British government on the same It
ibject. men
A special to the New York Herald excl
om Washington says : Information part
'ceived here in private letters from or i
ficers serving in the Philippines state repl , ;
lat the Filipinos show no respect to crtii
ic American dead. In one respect G (
officer who was on the firing line grar
lys he was shocked to see three beds - the
s of American soldiers who had been guai
illed in an advance and which were to <
rought within the American lines cate ?
idiy mutilated. acti1
Chief Surgeon Davis , at Havana , Pi
5ks the mayor to direct a ten days' remi
narantine on all cattle arriving , he- cperR
luse cf Texas fever. R (
Governor Wolcott of Massachusetts toda
tc.ed the so-called Spanish veterans' todaFi
reference bill , as well as the bill ex-
upting traders unions from the in-
irance laws , governing fraternal ben- arra
iciary organizations. The veterans'
reference bills exempted veterans of i cn. . ,
late war with Spain from civil ser- plor
ice examinations and gave them a Am <
reference on the public service ap- the
aintment list , next after the veterans and
the civil war. cjuir
t "i JTt , t T J * . K Jfi * f 3fi 3T " -TV * * * if * T\ j T
Yanz Jehim Pruhm , a well known
linist , is chad of heart disease at
. . . - . f0 - >
i . ] : -fr r
I. ' i'M < ( . . ! > ( , i t ! . < , : ti'f.ur I..1- re-
. . ( i his ci"i ision to a ! > . , r : < ! ' n the
y j.Gi-t at Fort Wushaskie. Wyo. i * l
tudebaker Bros. Manufacturing j l'
.j . -.nv ' .I . - ' ( , it ! . ! ' * r. ' ! ! : . ' ! . I : . , v ' *
i ' .i tr , i 1. t' : i ! , ( < .n < : ' ' ticn
iUt < n.ot/iitb agj.t : j.ung nearly $1- ,
he annual meeting of the National
ociation ot local fire insurance
cts ] will hold its fourth annual con-
in 1'iiffalo , N. Y. , August 9 ,
g to tJi * information furnish-
! ; ij Y.t Piei-nlent Markham of St.
us- , . j
x-Governur Frederick William i
kay Holhday is dead at his home t
Wiiioi' 'tf - Vu. He was tolonel in c
StOL > \ , ' . ! ! 'ii ' .i'i < ; , nd after his re-
ment : s- < i\ u n. il , . c cnfederate cone
ss uti ! the enn ( f the civil war.
was ck-ct < d go ; e ; nor of Virginia t
1877. t
rord has been received at Hamil-
. Ontario , from the minister ot jus- i
that no action will be taken with j t
ard to the importation of aliens , ia
of the iact that the international
mii.ssion last year agreed that the
n lavin Canada shall remain in
yanco. Until the United States vies -
s this understanding there will be
prosecution in Canada.
rof. Rudolph Yirchow delivered an
lortunt address before the tuber-
) sis congres at Berlin , rejecting
theory of hereditary tuberculosis.
s doctrine , he declared , was cor-
iicted by all his pathological re-
rches. He said he had never found
prcr.losis in unborn or new born
ints. though it might be contracted
ing the first day's existence.
he ] court of inquiry appointed to in-
tigat * ' the recent grounding of the
iser K-.leigh at the entrance of the
her of Charleston , 8C. . , has report-
that the accident was unavoidable :
war due mainly to recent changes
he c hnnnei trade by the army engi- >
rs in operations for the improve-
: t of the harbor. No further pro- < says the court , should be had
> any officer or man. attached to
Kaligh. .
r. X irran Kfrr , the inebriate spe- \ a
> t , ( l.e'l in London. j c
' -N n'.ay'rtatemfnt of the condij j
vf the United States treasury I
\f ' . : Available < j = h balance. Si72- j
he Jarat'i'a kgi&laiure has deci'led ( \
: r.r. . .lately > < nd ' delegation to
i . . t . . _ _ .1 _ * :
_ : - , " ' ' . "rit" a r ' ' . > : ty treaty , i
uaffi . .lly ai.iii'ti.--ed ) at the
. 'M ' > : f.vrt ' ! at * he Twentieth , [
i.-a- i * i'ln.ein. u'vm the Philip- !
-s. will ! ie : iii ! > : ee : ! out at the j
- : ; ! > > . ! racks. : in Francisco.
najrty c f the ji tkfs of the {
rt "f aj'pral ? of the Un.ted States
Uit idurt sitting in P-chtc-n , in a
isi ( > n handed clown yesterday , held
iior.-rts-ident stockholders are li-
frr the debt.of a corporation ,
'elegatts to the Episcopal conven- :
at Chicago indorsed the plan cf s
easing the endowment fund of the
cugo diocese to Sl'GO 000 by means
ten-year insnranc-e policy method ,
that Bishop McLaren may be pro-
K ! with a coadjutor ,
enator Hansbrough of North Da-
a called upon the president to urge :
to visit his state on his western
, but the president informed him ;
his arrangements thus far only
templated a journey as far as St.
1 to meet the returning volunteers ,
special to the Chicago Record
n Columbus , O. , says that the fif- S
republican members of congress
n Ohio at an informal conference
rrmined to east a unanimous vote r
David B. Henderson of Iowa for
ak r cf the r.ext house.
he United States government has
n notice to Switzerland of the ter-
ation ' ; f articles eight and twelve
he commercial treaty of 1830. and
Swiss f < deral council ha. = decided
accfi-t the situation. The articles
remain in force until March 23
Inert Pack , the well known cap-
ist and late republican candidate
United States senator , in opposi-
to Senator Burrows , died in De-
t from the effects of a surgical
ration performed for the removal
gallstones. Mr. Pack was a clcse
nd of Governor Pingree.
he Milwaukee Brewers' association
decreased hours from ten to nine ,
ing for ten hours.
he government is very short cf men | |
look after the artillery at the ! $
erican coast defenses.
ael D. Tyler has been found guilty
misappropriation of funds of the
sty Fund National bank of Fitch-
g , Mass.
is officially denied at the depart-
it 01 state that there have been any
banges whatever between the de-
tment and the German government
its representatives relative to the
acement of the Philadelphia by the
iser Newark at Apia. Samoa.
overnor Lind has received a cable4
m frcm Major Bean , stating that j <
Thirteenth Minnesota regiment is i |
rding the railroad from Caloocan. , $
Guiguinto. The cablrgram nidi- -
s that the regiment is again m
ve service.
resident Zelaya has issued a decree
oving eastern Nicaragua from the
ration of martial law.
ev. Father Durien. Roman Catholic
lop of Westminister district , died
y at Westminster City. B. r.
ish Commissioner Bowers informed >
president that he is about to s < nd
the most scientific expedition rv. r I . if !
inped by the commission. The tx-
ition will sail on the Albatross , in
rge of Prof. A. A. Agassiz , to c-x-
e portions of the Pacific ocean ,
ens the points to be visited are
Marshall. Society. Friendly. Fiji
Gilbert islands. The trip will re-
e eight months. '
"Tommy , " said a father to his pre
cocious five-year-old son and heir ,
'your mother tells me she gives you
pennies to be good. Do you thick that
is right ? " "Of course it is , " replied
Pommy ; "you certainly don't want mete
to grow up and be good for nothing ,
Jo ] you ? " Chicago News.
Her Theory "What makes young
VIr. Bught wear his hair so long , " said
Maud. "Oh , it isn't his fault , poor
Soy , " replied Miss Cayenne. "He has
> ] ee.n lionized so much he doesn't feel
' omfortablewithout a mane. " Wash
ington Star.
Even From Louisiana.
Last week a Louisiana catalogue
reader sent for a suit of clothes to
Hayden 1 Bros. , The Big Store , Omaha.
The growth of the catalogue business
is something remarkable and Haydeii
Bros , are today its foremost exemplars.
They distribute thousands upon thou
sands of free catalogues each season
and are besides liberal patrons of
newspapers. But the chief reason or
their success see ins to be the confi
dence the people have in them. "Hay-
dens will treat you right , " is a west-
era axiom. They are invading the ter
ritory of the eastern merchants ami
their low prices admit of no competi
tion whatever in the Trans-Mississippi
country. religion may fiud its dining table - ,
ble in tl , < church , but its workshop ,
will bo in the world. ,
A Tinted Stat -n Patent.
A patent has just been issued to C.
fV. Clafiln. of Omaha , for a fish hook.
rhi invention embodied but two
hings : a fish hook and a piece of rub
ier , but for these the inventor was ,
nabled to obtain , in effec-t. six patents. '
. copy of the Claflin patent will be ;
nailed to any address free by Sues & '
ro. . Patent Lawyers , Bee Building , j
3maha , Neb. i
Don't hide in the cellar of complaint }
ind talk as though tht. sun had gone
jut of business. j
Excursion to DetrcU . i. the IValKish
For the Y. P. S. C. E. Co
July 5th to li th . : ! ! lines will sell
lickcts on July 3rd. 4th j.n 1 > : . ' \ via : ne
\Vabasii , the Irirt line from CIu-
ago or St. Louis to Detroit. ide
rips to Niagar.i Fall ? . T : > ro-ito. .Viai-
real , Mackinaw and many other p nnts
it a vey knv rate > -a L.Ke ( > \ - " -iaii
; ave been arran tvl. Parties rjntem-
> lating a tr : ; > east ! i uld iall on or
writ0 for ra'e5 * and folders giving ii-t :
> f ide trips , etc. . ao li" titii"il souve
nir tntitle-J "I- * .cf a : : i SPS "
G. N. ( I.AYTOV.
P.oani 3J Karbach Bik. .
Cnaha , Ne ; ) .
What does it profit a man if he steals
he whole world and does a Booklyn
sentence ?
Hall's Catarrh Care
is a constitutional cure. Price. 7oc.
A man can Jay claim to srreatr.ess
ivhen his private affairs begin to in-
erest the public.
Pio's Cure for Consumption is the only
ough medicine used in niy house. D. O.
Albright , Mifflint-urg. Pa. , "Dec. 11 , ' 3u
Putting the bread of life on the
hureh steeple v/on't feed thoce on the
Itori't . .Xcei > s a S
V. lien vim a > .v , f r C'.iM-art t * . h ' . - iircJMJI p"f t ir
< i i. in t : - i an j. t atl > arti < * 1' i. t : n- < . t
r Ui.'ilt-ut m ! > -t'"itT. itiuta : . r > < -r fi > uit : rtt : - :
There is no greater happiness than
to remember happiness in misery.
Turtle Oil.
A lical.r. ; antlsp ; tic f. > r rutl l > ' ! rns and wounjs
It is asserted that Daviu's tomb on i
Mount Zioa. which is a Mohammedan j
shrine of the sacred character ,
and to which the Eniepior William
was recently admitted ! .y the sultan' j '
expres ? order , had never het-n seen by
a Christian since ll T.
Try Qrain = 0 !
Try Qrain = 0 ! 0V
Ask you Grocer to-day to show you 0o 0O
a packageof GRAIN-O , the new food
drink that takes the place jf coffee. o
The children rany drink it without
injury as well 03 the adult. All who
try it , like it. GRADC-0 has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java ,
but it is made from p'ire grains , and
the inostclfclicalo stoznacli receives it
without distress. the price of coflee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Ir.t ; that yonr grocer jrires you QRAUf-0
Accept no imitation. O
Xh' ; ! _ - ! , it ut > . it ; \\'iat ' > < ni mi ht
all .1 ' i -A * , , i ; ' - \\' v..i --.iiil
\ .i I > : .iir - ( . _ ' < it \ \ tji-t-rn i'an-
iia. i""i j irt. ' ' . . : . . < - t'1 iDiiti'S. rail-
viy f.m - . t. . .ipi'iy t > i s i > fritii iuint
Iiinii' i ; .in. I IMI tnii ni Intctinr tt-
a\\a. ' . .ii.i.i.i . < r t > > \V V. H.-niictt. bol
w York i.if.U nlilitiKUmaha. . Neb.
have ome estra-
ImrcalQ" In < ir-
p&ntWr'tc ut-andKre
lio\r low e cnn ttpure
do 'c "n ttic flnefct anil
fill.LLS ORU1N CO. . UtU.OOX , FA.
"Reoiember , boys , " czld the master ,
"th t in the bright lexicon of youlfc
there's no such word as fail. * " After
a tew moments a boy raised his hand.
"Well , what is it. my lad ? " asked the
master. "I was merely going to sug
gest , " replied the younpster , "that IT
sin h is the ease , it would be advisable
to write to the publishers of that te
i-on. ; and rail their attention to th :
omission. " Tit-Bits.
There is a quieksilver mine in I' * PI
170 fathoms in circumference and ivi
feet deep. In this profound abyss .ut-
streets , squares , and a chapel wi u
religious worship is held.
A Rare Occurrence.
The name of Browning. King & Co. .
of Omaha , has been before the publi
in such a favorable light for square
and trustworthy business methods for
so long that no doubt they will feel
gratified to learn they have placed
their spring assortment of Men's , Boys *
and Children's Clothing before the
public at just half price a 50 per cen *
discount. This is out of the usun !
for them to do , but the bac-kwa'ii
spring has compelled this sacrifn
This includes about 300 suits , .m'i '
means a hig saving for those wn > .if
inclined to take advantage of a tm--
Bona Fide Bargain. This EO.U- \ . .
continue one week.
General Lawton is a native of Indian
dian- and some of the papers of M. it
state are mentioning him as the next
govei nor.
[ LETT a TO MSS. riNKBAii RO. 26,7851
"DEAKMus. PI.VKHAM I have many ,
many thanks to { rive you for what yonr
Veg-e table Compound has done for me.
After first confinement I was sick for
nine years with prolapsus of the womb ,
had pain in left side , in small of back ,
a grrat deal of headache , palpitation
cf heart and leucorrhoea. I felt so
weak and tired that I could not do mr
work. I became pregnant apraln ami
took your Compound all through , and
now have a sweet baby girl. I nevt r
before had such an easy time durii. -
laLor. and I feel it was due to LT d-ri
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I
am now able to do my work and ft1
better tlu.n I have for years. I , -tni. < t
thank y. ; i enoiirh."T ilES. El > . Lu-
Lu.-orr. L' : VISE. Tfx.
Woc-lerfully Strrr.
"I h--- : ' 'een : . : : : . - 1 dia E. F'r.r-
hnu'-j Vepretaf-.e < < M . end. i 1
I rlncrantl Liver I * id fit- .
dcrfully strenc * ! . > ! , . r ,
your remedies 1 \\us hii rril > l - .
felt like fainting every little vk : ,
thought I must surely die. Bv.t
thanks to your remedies , thos.-
lags are Vil .L a . " MBS.
VN. . U. O M AHA. N o. 2 31
People's Unions
of America.
JULY I3-G ( , 1899.
reKouno ! Ti r
. . . . \fifi. . . .
Tit-Uof * ivill lie > n . . . ! .July 11. fi an l 13-
Rftumint ; ticki-t > . will beV < J until .luly
31 t. ulili a i r ii- < > for extrusion > " leave
ICichuitintl not ! : tr tian Amjast in , isyff.
upon dfpoit of tirbct utx Joint Agent aS
Kiliiu < in < l 011 or -forc Jaly 3.aud pay
ment uf fee of SO cents.
For full : nf tricar i c-n retm-i'in ? Tickets , ntrs
ami rout.acd urntof tnur.ii. call m aprr.ts
"Bi ? Four Route , ' or address the unUersigntd.
r Tra2c SIT. ILut. Gra. Pan. & Tit. Jtfft
55 to < 25 Xone
. Bicycles Sent C.O.D.
With t.nv'.Iese of examination.
TYPEWRIT" RS. all mak.-s.
HALL'S S A FE > . ne ' .mil second
Write for particular- . .
.i. J. miii HT & CO1. .
11IC. I -.rn.-i'ti St . Onial.x S
u o.iii. t re. ulirr. ct/rma ,
, i : i'.t inn. i r c tr.rr ui r.isJt trr > lcin < T 5Culp ,
; 01 : -.i- r U-.1-1 , Lee's Cermoxonc cam
rt ' . . i A ; j K t , . \ui.r i'ru fi t. or t the * , e . H.
1 n c ! . -rr.i _ . . . . < M-.oha. Nr'f i r f" --ampc ! and
' M * r u .11 tcst.nioiu.iN f r.u
> | > : ini-li and Cl\
, . , rs si.rv. : ; U'l.lows r
h. II l.LLS-TON CO. , AH rni-J . U hnft < > o , V. C.
. .
H-m- * * - *
f * ' Successfully Prosecutes Claims ,
I I t P-1rirlru' Exfim n > r I S Prnelon Hure-hu.
l ( l\ ll \T ! T i. . ( Ill , lTll ' . niS HtlV K.IIft- .
D ? . Kay's Renovator , SV .a"tK
lio-j.-ni vs iu-lli' , t It. \t orujr } : : > ts'J5c & Jl-
l-V - l niilpv [ firm | ) nj | nr
Robert Punis. nsMr I \
T 8
. > , . . , . . . , UL ! lu , LyyO.I uu ij
* nil tor t.uipi 1 ; ri t - I , i . ' -tn'.l ' . -7 .
t.n. ' Vv r.t' li. . , ri . _ ! TI.I ; r u .lir-
XVtstern baruers institute. U U IN ! : ; . Oru.ih
AH ' ! - < - trian !
" ' 'Typowrltiner- '
-cluH.iritee UlUsT
VTANTED-Case of baa ncaim ttut IM-P-A-Sf-S
win not bcni'Ct. Send 5 i-entK to Illpuos C'ficiiitcal
Co. , New Tort , for 1C eaail-Ice and 1 ,