The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1899, Image 1

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Robert T. Allam.
Died , at his home in Colorado C :
Colo. , May gth , 1899 , of heart troul
aged 69 years. He had not been as vas
-as usual for two weeks , having ha <
fainting spell , while participating in
Odd Fellow's celebration at Manit
and had to be assisted home , after wh
he frequently complained of pains in
Mrs. Allam and Clyde were at C <
rado Springs attending a lecture , retu
ing at 10:45 they found him sitting ii
rocking chair by the stove , the fire bu
ing briskly , as he had replenished
anticipating their return. He had wov
the clock and his watch , taken off
shoes preparatory to retiring for
night , and sat down in his chair i
"fell asleep" to wake no more in t
world. He had remarked to his v
sometime before , "The old man will
to sleep some night and not wake
again. " He had apparently just pas
away as he was yet warm when they
turned. His hands were crossed on
lap , one foot on the stove hearth ;
had gone without a struggle.
A large concourse of friends E
neighbors gathered on Friday , the 12
to pay the last tributes of respect ,
\ve laid him to rest under the shadow
Pikes Peak until the resurrection. 3
burial services were conducted by
Masons. He was a loving husband s
father , a faithful friend and kind nei |
bor as all know who knew him.
The Greater America Exposition ,
Which will open at Omaha , Neb. , J
cst and close November ist , 1899 , will
the most unique as well as the ni
successful exposition that has ever b <
held in the United States. The opp
tunity for special features which reo
conquests have given the manageme
will be utilized to the fullest extent ,
addition to the regular features , such
exhibits of all of the industrial intere
agriculture , mining a
of the country ,
arts , there will be a most complete c
lection of war relics , direct from I
seat of war , which will be of great int
st to all. An exhibit that will especi
ly appear to the people in general , v
be the colonial exhibits from the Phil
pines , from Cuba and from Hawaii. 2
only the representative people fr <
these islands will be at the expositii
but they will be placed before you
their own habitations , iust such as tr.
live in in their own countries , surroui
d by tropical plants and trees , such
you would find were you to visit th >
faraway islands. Even more excell *
musical talent has been secured th
last year , among them being Londo :
best band.
State Sunday-School Convention.
The Nebraska State Sunday-sch <
convention will be held in Holdre
June 13-15 , 1899.
Every Sunday-school in the state
entitled to one delegate for each J
members or fraction thereof. In ad
tion to these , the pastor is a delegate (
officio , and an alternate should
elected in case of his inability to attet
Entertainment will be provided for
delegates presenting proper credentia
Reduced rates of one and one-thi
fare on the certificate plan have be
granted by all the railroads in the sta
An excellent programme is in prepai
tion. Schools should elect delegates
once. For copy of programme and bla ;
credentials , address
E. J. WIGHTMAN , Secretary ,
York , Nebraska ,
Damon and Pythias.
Damon and Pythias , as presented
the opera house , last Friday evening ,
the Sanford Dodge company , was one
the finest dramatic performances c\
given in this city , and was a real plei
ure to all present. The audience VB
quite enthusiastic and appreciative. T
music of the Pythian orchestra was e
joyed fully. The Dodge performanc
were given under auspices of the lot
Pythian lodge , and deserved larger au
iences than greeted them.
George LeHew and Maud Reed si
prised their friends , last Sunday eve
ing , by pining their hearts and han
in. matrimony , the ceremony being pt
formed at the home of Mrs. Mate !
Gordon by Rev. T. L. Ketman of t ;
Baptist church. They are making the
home with his parents at present. V
extend congratulations and wishes for
happy and prosperous voyage.
Special Notice.
I will hold a special examination
the school house in Indianola , Saturda
May ayth. LlLWAN M. WKLBORN ,
Connty Superintendent.
UNE office. Best in the market.
' WANTED Your drug trade.
W.O NORVAI , is in Perry , Oklahoi
MRS. O. R. AMICK was a Hasti
visitor , this week.
MRS. E. M. Cox visited Treu
friends , this week.
MRS. GEORGE BECK made a short
it in Hastings , this week.
P. A. WEM.S was up from Red Clo
Wednesday , on business.
Denver , Wednesday morning.
EUGENE BELLAMY was up from At
ahoe , Monday , on a short visit.
MRS. W. B. M.II.I.S left to day
Iowa on a visit of a week or so.
RAY C. HALL returned home ,
Friday night , from his trip east.
MRS. O. E. REYNOLDS was down ft
Trenton , Wednesday , on business.
MRS. R. B. SIMMONS made a fly
trip to Omaha , last Friday and Saturd
MRS. C. A. DIXON returned hoi
last Friday , from her visit to Linc <
ARCHIE THOMAS of Dundy cpu
spent the early days of the week in
were McCook visitors , Wednesday , fr
Miss NELLIE CLARK is up from <
ford , the guest of relatives , until al
FRANK PURVIS leaves for Ametlr
Colorado , tonight , to take a position
clerk in a store.
MRS. J. A. PIPER came up from 1
coin , Weduesdaj- night , with the
ceiver , on a visit here.
H. W. COLE and J.V. . Hupp spen
day or two in Cheyenne , this week ,
Star of Jupiter business.
G.W.SHEAFOR has gone up to A
ance to work with a surveying gang
the Burlington's new line.
MRS. M. A. NORTHRUP went up
Denver , Tuesday on No. I , and cjcpc
to spend the summer there.
MRS. FRANK HARRIS was down fr
Denver , early part of the week , com
down on Tuesday morning.
Miss NELL FISHER returned home
Wauneta , Monday morning , after u v
of a few days to McCook friends.
Culbertsou were guests of their sis !
Mrs. Clara Harbison , Wednesday.
C. H. MEEKER went down to Omi
on business , Wednesday night on 6 ,
be absent the remainder of the week.
C. J. RYAN left , Sunday , for cast
Nebraska , to take charge of a meat refer
for the Cudahy Packing Co. , of Oma
Omaha , this week , on 6 , after visiti
her sister , Mrs. A. P. Thomson , a I
T. H. LEACH came up from Germi
town , this state , Suudav night on 3 , a
is visiting his sous , Charles , George a
BANKER MILLER of Fairmont v
the guest of his sister , Mrs. J. W. Hu ]
Wednesday evening , going east on
W. D. PATTON was down from DI
per , Monday , on some matters' of bi
ness. He was the guest of S. P. H
iuring his stay.
MRS. E. H. DOAN departed , Mend ;
for Iowa , on a visit of a number
weeks. She will visit Lincoln friet
: n route , this week.
A. R. GREENE , inspector of the g <
: ral land office of the interior depa
ment , has been in the city , this we <
: hecking up the local land officers.
J. T. McCLURE , the Beaver City la
per , was in the city , Tuesday , on bu
aess of the law. He was also a Co
nercial guest on Sunday and Monday
joing to and fro on business.
J. J. GARRARD has moved into 1
lew home , H. Thompson has occtipi
lis lately purchased residence and D. '
Lear has moved into the Tyler hoi
vacated by Mr. Thompson , this week.
DR. W. V. GAGE returned home , li
Saturday night , from Alliance , havi
ipent a few days in Lincoln , on the w
lome , attending a session ofNebras
loctors. Mrs. Gage , baby and maid i
ived home on Monday evening.
FRED HORN will start , Snndr
iwheel , for Plattsmouth , to gradiu
rom the Plattsmouth high school wi
he class of ' 99. He will return to 1
losition with F. J. Morgan after t
lommencement gayeties are over.
W. J. JKTKR went down to Mimic
Tuesday night , to make Missjetla ISon
iis bride , but on account of the nbsen
> f the clergy from that burg , they cai
o McCook on Wednesday morninj
rain and were duly married here. Ti
TRIBUNE adds a word of cougratu
ions. Both are comparatively strange
iniong us. Mr. Jeter is engaged in se
ng the J. F. Ganschow stock ofgoot
ANDREW DILLON and Thomas Fowli
nembers of company "L" , Third Is
iraska , just mustered out of the servi
it Savannah , Georgia , arrived lion :
Saturday night , and are receiving t
: ongratulations ref their friends , 11
veek. The boys look none the wors
> ut rather jmproved in physicial appei
.nee for their service in the voltmtet
vhich went to Cuba after the close
he war with Spain.
Tablets Below Cost.
We have come into possession of i
ssortment of tablets , of different price
rhich we will sell at cost to dispose
hem in a hurry. If you want a goi
en cent tablet for five cents , call in ai
ee our Jine. We have them at froia '
5r 5 cents up , and they are good qua'li
nd value. And some superb Crane
nperfine paper and envelopes at a pri
inheard of in this city.
_ Reliable Clothing.
Men's all-wool suits at $4.75 and u
rards , at C. L. DHGROFF & Co.'s.
Memorial Programmes.
Following are the programmes for
union Memorial and Decoration
services :
Members of the G. A. R. . all old
diers and Ladies Circle will meet
the G. A. R. headquarters at 10:15 : a.
Line of march will form at 10:45
march to the Methodist church wl
the following programme will be
lowed :
Song "Gloria" Cl
Reading Orders J. H. Yai
Song Cl
Prayer Rev. T. P. B
Thank offering for monument fund. ,
Scriptural lesson Rev. W. J. Tui
Anthem Cl
Sermon H. H. B
Song "America"Choir
Choir aud CongreRat
Benediction Rev. W. J. Hie
At 10 o'clock a. m. decoration of
soldiers' graves at Longview. Calv
and Riverview cemeteries by the foil
ing committee of old soldiers : Gee
W. Dillon , J. W. Underbill. John \
hams , Jacob Stehmietz.V. . S. Fit
and J. M. Henderson , All ciliirtis v
desire to join this committee i the t
oration at the cemetery rc cordially
vited to do so at tfaU hour.
Members of the G. A. R . mil oW
diers anil Ladies Circle will uirel Al
G. A. R. headquarter * promjxiy al l
o'clock p. m.
Forming lute of march * t i o'di
antler command of Ct im4r j. A. V
cox , chief marshal awl * id . U c
march will form a * follow * : G. A.
and all old soldiers on foot Mill fcxm
Dcnni m street , right tcXtag o * its
Ladies of the Circle will totm on Vv
son street , right neatittg on
civic societies * uU forat on MAM
right rcitini ; on DtaHiats.
carriages ami cosvcyaacr * wtll i
Dodge j'.rcct. right rottag ow
citizens on borvcbutck * il
Marshnll street , right rnt - o Dod
citizens on foot wtil foist CMS Mjarboi
street. ; > ght rc < U c on t > ctt twMi i
march to Rtvcrriewr ecatclcry b c
following programme will be felto- *
Song GlccC
Invocation Kcr. T ! . . Kct
MIMIC . . . Sia y rr * Drww Co
Unveiling monamcat according to tl
G. A. R. rUBal.
Oration HOM. S. L , Mt w
Mnsic Glee C
Dismissal and return to cUr
All ex-con federate ol itcr * rr c f
tally invited to attend with * the I
morial Sunday nnd Decoration
Ladits ft ml school children
others who can furnish AotrvM xre
vucstcd to deliver MWC at the olfict
H. H. Kerry us curly n < t poMiiric on I
morning of the jOth , where n commit
of ladies will receive them.
For Sale.
On Recount of removing from J
Zook , 1 offer for snle uiy lo-room n
3ence on Main avenue , facing the p
Dne and one-half lots , well itnprov
with good lawn , shrubbery and fruit
ill kinds. The house has large root
plenty of closets , bath room , Kood cell
There is also a good barn on the pr <
: rty.
Also will sell at n bargain the 6-roi
louse and corner lot on the southc
: orner of the second block cast of c
3ark. Also two four-room houses
south McCook , cnch house having t
Will dispose of all the nbovc prop
, ies at a rare bargain , or will sell a
> nc of them on easy terms in instr
iients or with suitable discount ( or en :
Address , FRANK. HARRIS ,
1900 i6lh st. , Denver , Cole
Dletl of Honrt Fnlluro.
Word from Colorado City , Colonu
innounces the sudden dentil , Tuesday
ast week , of R. T. Allam , a former r
dent of Gerver precinct , tliifl couiil
iiul well known to many of the rcadi
if TimTRiiiuNK. The other iiienibi
if the family had gone out iti the cvc
ugf leaving the old gentleman iti
; oed health as usual apparently , in ft
ic had not been complaining at all
11 health , and upon their return th
bund him dead in his chair. Burial u
nade in the cemetery of that city , Ol
hue friends here will join iu expressio
if sympathy.
Brutally Slugged.
This morning , between i and 2 o'cloc
Jight Policeman J. G. Rogers was bri
; lly slugged by an unknown person ,
he Burlington yard , while in dischar
if duty. He was passing along sot
ars , when he was struck twice over I
lead with a car pin , cutting two ujj
; ashes on the crown and back of 1
tead , in which the surgeon had to pul
ew stitches. He will be on the trail
vil doers in a few days , as usual , Uo
Spring : Colors.
The time for fresh paint is iu tl
pring. The best spring for it is tt
pring. Eevey gallon guaranteed.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Paste
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a.
Dedicatory service begins at n a.
Sermon by A. C. Corbin of Beaver C
Communion at 3 p. m. Protracted m
ing begins with evening service , to c
tinue iudeSnitely.
T. P. BKALL , Pastoi
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a.
At li we will join in the dedicatory :
vice at the Christian church. Jur
Union at 3 p. m. Senior Union al 7 p
Gospel service at S p. m. , subject. " 1
Dove That Found Rest. " All are *
come. T. L. KETMAN. Pastoi
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at u
o'clock , Morning Prayer and'Lita
Sunday evening at Sco o'clock , Kvcn
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10.00 .
Friday evening lecture at Sx oclo
Holy communion the first Sunday
each month.
METHODIST SurwUr.chel at : o * ,
Owing to the dedication of : be Chr
tan church at n a ta. and the b > tcci
Trale Jcrjm a t thr CovgiTX * * * *
church in the erc4n * thcjr Mill IK
terrier * in theit , 5t chttf ? b. S
evr tJ K at S p m
j iS A. SUtWTttX. ! * * t K
m. No MKKvtag * crr e-c CBMM 4 *
CaUKt xctvtrr M ifce Cbi * * KM < * M
Scalar Kwicutiw u 7 5m * to 1
_ * &yi wa
J. Tr * * * * . !
A. C Co * * * * f * * wT C * J w SI K C
T. L. K tmm
4 tk *
iwtoMu H j
m Stratum.
of CswHj r. 4 IttkM O
Trtcr. b li n (
OM & * t tfti T ,
Thr U * le of tbr
an ter rma MKi * ! lh *
WcCook M K chatrh on
cc i i : . Xy 4th lser
kc crfnttt d o kc 1Vt cr
benefit of the church. AH tc
Rev. T. I , . Kctm * will 0 UvcT * I *
ure on "The Vattkrc And the l > atchm < i <
nl the Zion Hill chwrch. T r * Jy cm
inp , May 7 > 1 Aiimu 4o i # * rrn
Proceeds to po ton an ! the jwirrhn r o
new or ! > . The lUplUt tnoJf qtMttr
vffurni \ \ li tmi ic
There wn < not a Jftrge uttcHdnncc r >
Ihc W. C. T I * tucctinR in the CO R
ntionnl church , Intt Sunday nftcrnot
but the interest wns stronjj untl cwooi
ir ing , ninny items of intercut l eiwR < 1
ciuscd. The work begins to how oi
itlvnnccincnt and more treugth.
The county judge wn < determined
maintain the uintriuiouinl ciintiou , U
iveek , and to ofTsct the four diver <
{ rallied by the district court atithnm
: he marriage of four couples :
John O. Miller nud Tiuy Telcr , bo
jf Hartley. Rcv.J. A. Hndoon pet form
.he ceremony.
John W. Johnson and Hlauche Ski
icr , both of Cambridge.
George D. 52. Lcllcw aud Maude i
( .tied , both of thh city.
William J. Jeter of llay\\oilh , llliuo
itul Jetta Houde of Mindeu , this slnl
icv. T. L. Ketiiiini united this couple
iiarringu , Wednesday niuiniii ) ; , nit
heir arrival from Miudcu.
There was tin adjourned letui of d
rict court , Tuesday aud Wednesday i
lay aud Thutmliiy inoruiug , lfour
roice cases were passed upon , and o
iquity ease was disposed ol :
ftlis. Motley K. Piper was grunted
livorce from her husband , ami ( jivi
he care of the child.
W. I1Corwiu wan gnUiled a divoi
rom his wife , who is n tesUtciit of Ni
t'ork aud made no appeal mice.
Michael O'Lcary , Jr. , WIIH tfvvu
egal separation from his wife.
Aftef n hotly contested ense , WHHn
I. Kifert WBB granted n divotcu from 1' '
vife , he heiug giveii the two older uhll
en both girls nud she the yotiugc
; irl , a bahv in arms. This ease was fi
if sensational evidence , and drew n lai |
tteudntice Irom that neighborhood ,
The separation of the Kifert clitliln
, 'tis n tearfully pathetic sight
In the equity case of Jennie Hush \
lobson , n writ of foreclosure was grail
d , nud judgment rendered for
? hia involves the Leland hotel of India
Court adjourned slue die. There w
ie no more court until the Septetnb
Brakeman J. J. Barry returnedj Ti
day night , from his visit to Iowa.
-Conductor J. J. Curran's little
Floyd is laid up with the measles. ,
Mrs. Dennis Cullen returned ho
last Friday , from her visit to Hart\
C. V. Kerr was in Akron rcliev
Switchman Jamison a few days , firs
the week.
Supt. Campbell went east oa Weds
day morning iu his private cr 10 ,
tachcd to 17.
L. K Cann cajoyod a. hrief ti
Wednesday , frora hi > mother xad ii
from Danbury.
Steve Dwycr is prrp H hwiU hi
self a hottxr oa the fee j * t M th
Gcvrg.c Beef * rrtdc Cr.
A aew lime ca 4 kK ibc
wilt < o i ta t lect O th *
rtl effort * on the pMl of IV
MUtx > d He
be iT * dc ctof
iml i fler
tit * * in. having
Hd "crutehc * . The
ii ( iicmi in co vrr l Uunc him
ii very n Arrow escMp * ' AUt er
The HHtHiiRtOM h
incut with oil. on
ondbed on thr Wyomin |
irevcnt the growth of vfcrtntion. Cr *
til is u rd. n < id l5ti < i * rMt Vksl lcx
he track * . It fmm : a cm t i > the t <
if the giouud which will twin H' lr , m
treveulo tin * Rrowlh of Rruw nnd ive l
I i < clniuird tlmt Uti < nd U lo thf CM
bit aud snfcty of the ttixvellcin ,
Iocs nwny nUli d\i t in the tttuuitfi *
on , pieviMits thr j inde uudvt thr tint
tout lu'nviuy ; l v froM , R MO
utei" the ground fiom nbovr. it
u events the jjindc * fiouinshiiiv ;
s the wnloi llows olV the suif ct' of t !
, indt qtiiekly nud dee * not wnh
he oiii'il foiuicd by tlio oil
dny , XVcducsdiiy , < to 5
nd 7 : 0 to 10 p. in.
( .t. W. Hut get t , high school
rim lukiMt slok , lust 1'itdnv , i\i d did
I'luin to hN woik ttnltl "t'uosdnv HUM
lfontth nniIMflh \ initivH evpeol
ilenlc i t the \vnlei4\okk" , tomouow , II
ievonlh on the Ihlflwood nud 11
tighth on Rod \VUlo\v
The bnsc bull | Hine , lait Suttttdny , h
ween the UiiuksvUlu tennt and the Uu
leluiol club wai an easy vlotot y fov u
jonl leiun in n sooie of - to to.
GitulnnUni ; exeiolsos of the clrtR1 * Of' :
, -iU lake place al the CotitirKi\tU > tt
huich , Tlinisdny , Mixy ijllt , Clnis a
less will he dcllveml by S. Wil '
littler , 1) . 1) . , of Umnhrt , DOOIH O\M \
I } J p. in. , oxonilscn bonln nt 8jo. A
lission free.
A two-yonf-old son orTtwmnn Kent
'orry ' precinct wns butted In Cnlvrv
etnetcry. Momlny nflctnoon , hnvli
led on ijundny.
Try Lear for drags.
Glass , wall paper. p& 8ts * M | Bs
Remember that
Always bttr * * *
Lear keeps lhe .
A few
dnced prices al
year , this ! . fi rr
* |
* S n
torn C % iw
. . .
* * * -
* r t * .
f * M l t %
TV- ft
* * *
tlkr to ti *
of A
hv timaiNt <
o M MM V N H
\-M v
to vnfov Miwwtf
ttd swW cht t
\vcd A rVw fttvprnt * M
, ill
H \ \
ft iV f pl < * l Urn *
i \\hk-H t * * * * ! * 1 * U
it m A
\vo\U \
U. U
Wonted nl Ik *
ctsrlh \ y < m
lot of MIOOH
ov ft-ont fo oo io f | A\\