The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1899, Image 6

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A Digest.of Bills Put Through at the Recent
Session of the Legislature ,
Election , School , Judicial and Other Enactments With Which
All May Become Familiar by Giving Due Attention
to What Appears in These Columns.
S. F. 281 , by Prout of Cage : A resolu
tion to provide for the presentation ol
medals to the officers and men of the
First , Second and Third regiments , Ne
braska volunteer infantry , and troop
"K , " Third United Stated volunteer cav
alry , In the Spanish-American war.
Resolved , By the senate of the state
of Nebraska , the house concurring there
in , , that the governor be. and he is here
by authorized to cause 4,016 medals to be
prepared with suitable emblematic de
vices , and to direct that the same be nre-
sented in the name of the state or Ne
braska us suitable testimonial in behalf
of the state in recognition of the patri
otism of its citizen soldiery.
House roll G23 , by special request ol
the governor. Appropriates J2.UOO for tht
relief and comfort of the sick and wound
ed soldiers nov/ members of the First
and Third regiments of Nebraska infan
try volunteers. The money shall ba ex
pended under the direction of the gover
nor who shall report the expenditure to
the legislature of 1331. Emergency clause ,
Approved March 31.
Senate llle 103 , by Steele of Jefferson :
To amend sections 1G and ID , chapter / ,
statutes of lt > 97.
Amending section 1C , relating to duties
of county attorneys by adding the follow
ing : "Jt shall also be his du .y to appear
jtiid prosecute or dsfend on behalf oi the
suite and county all such suits , appli
cations or motions , which may have ueen
transferred by change ot venue from his
county to any other county In the state ,
pi-oviucd further , mat any counsel who
may have been assisting ihe county at
torney in such auits , applications or mo
tions in his county may be allowed ta
assist in any other to which said cause
ha : been removed. "
Amending section 19 , relating to sal
aries of county attorneys : "Provided fur
ther than in all cases whsre the county at
torney has bean engaged in the courta
of another county upon any suits , appli
cations or motions , cither civil or crimi
nal in which the state or county is a par
ty cr interested , which have bc-en trans
ferred by change of vcr.ue from his coun
ty to any other county in the state ,
lie shall be allowed all his reasonable and
necessary traveling and hotel expenses
while so engaged in addition to his regu-
alr salary. Said traveling and other ex
penses shall be paid to him upsn the
presentation of his bill for the same ac
companied by proper vouchers , to the
county commissioners or supervisors o
his county in like manner as provided
in all other cases of claims against the
county. "
Emergency clause. Approved March 2.
Senate file 33. by Talbot of Lancaster.
To Amend sections 4 and 11 , chapter 7
of the compiled statute * , , entitled "At
torneys. " by inserting the words , "dis
trict judge , " in the list of persons who
shall not be permitted to practice as an
.attorney of the courts of this state , oren
on any matter brought before- himself
cr appealed from his decision to a hlgner
Senate file 4G , by Alexander of Adams :
Relating to oitcnses against killing game ,
to amend sections kbl > , ttic , ktid. of chap
ter 11 of the criminal code and to re
peal sai dsections anil to repeal section
Section Gb is amended by striking
from the list of protected geess and
ducks red haaded duck blue bill or scaup
cluck , plover , Wilson or jacksnine or
woodcock. The closed season remains as
before , between May 1 and September 1.
Section SCd of the present law , relat
ing to hunting water fowl , is amended
by striking out the following : "And it
shall also ba unlawful lui- any person at
any time cf the year , to dig , oulld , or
ccnstiuet r.ny bhr.d , hiding place , or
structure in the bed of any river , streamer
or lake with the Intent to catch , kill ,
wound or destroy any of said birds , or
at any time of the year to shoot or shoot
at any of said birds from any such blind ,
hiding place cr sracture. " The penalty
for violating this section relating to hunt
ing water fowl by the aid of a big-gun
cr by boat at any time of the year Is
changed to read not less than $3 nor
mcra than $29 , or imprisonment in the
county jail not more than thirty days.
Section SSd is amended by striking out
plover , woodcock , Wilson or jacksnioe
from the list of birds that it is unlawful
to sell or have in one's possession or for
any corporation or company to sell or
have in their possession between May 1
and September 1 of each year.
Section SGe , making it unlawful for any
railroad or express company to receive
or carry as freight , baggage or express ,
any of the birds or animals described in ,
the game law. Is repealed.
Emergency clause. Approved March 7.
Senate file 44. by Miller of Buffalo : A
reenactment of chapter 77 , session laws
cf 1893 , 117a of the criminal code , to
punish cattle stealing , the same having
been irregularly passed in 1S95 :
Section 1. If any person or persons
shall steal any cow , steer , bull , heifar or
calf , of any value , or if any person shall
receive or buy any cow , steer , bull , heifer ,
cr calf that shall have been stolen know
ing the same to have been stolen , with
intent by such receiving or buying to
defraud the owner , or if any person shall
conceal any such thief , knowing him to
* = ch. or if any person shall conceal
any cow , steer , bull , heifer or calf ,
knowing the same to have been stolen ,
every such person so offending shall be
imprisoned in the penitentiary not more
than ten years nor less than one year ,
and shall pay the costs of the prosecu
House roll No. GS. by Beverly. An act
to limit and regulate the employment
.cf children , in manufacturing , industrial ,
incchanlcal and mercantile establish
ments to provide a penalty for its viola
tion and the enforcements of Its pro-
this act to be known as sections 2J5aa ,
visions and the repeal sections 243aa.
2'.5bb and 245cc of the criminal code ot
the state of Nebraska ; the provisions of
this act to be known as sections 243aa ,
> 45lb 2 3cc. 215dd , 255ee and 2-5ff of the
criminal code of the state cf Nebraska.
St-ct'on 243aa. That any male or female
chPd under the age of ten years shall
not be employed in any manufacturing ,
mechanical , industrial or mercantile es-
lI < *
SecStion 215bb. That any male or female
child under the age of lourteen years
shall not be employed In any manufactur-
l"g mechanical , industrial or mercatile
establishment , except during the vaca
tions of the public schools ; unless during
such employment
the year next preceding
twenty weeks attended
1-e has for at least
tended some public or private day . "chocj
where the English is taught ; nor shall
employment continue , unless such child
shall in each and every year attend
school as herein provided , and no child
does not pre-
" employed wno
iili be 50
certificate signed by the president
nt Vi a ocretary of the school board cf the
sSfoo1 district in which he resides , of his
with the requirements of th s
sSn Nor shall any owner , superin-
of any such estab
te"dcnt or arentor guardian consent .to
nt s.
the of any child
_ l * U- * * J3 * - * * * * *
[ Til LIU i * w -
of every male and female
mount ° SCh ° 01 a"end"
cn.a. B - *
Action 245CC-1. The penalty . for vl ;
plasms ' the , „ , act morn snau than „ u. § JJ-
less than $20
Section 24acc
missioncr is given special authority to
enforce the act.
House roll is , by Mann :
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any
person to plow up or upon any public
highway in this state witnout the consent
or direction of the overseer ofroads. .
Section 2. Any person violating the pro
visions of this act shall upon convicuon
be lined not less than 55 nor more than
House roll 43 , by Grandstaff. Amends
section 208 , criminal code , and repeals
safd section. Tha bill removes the words
"in a state of adultery" wherever they
appear in the section.
House roll 37 , by Kasterling. Amends
section 125 chapter 58 of the criminal code
of Nebraska of 1S73 , and to repeal said
original section 125 cf chapter 08 of the
criminal code of Nebraska of 1S73 , and to
repeal section 125 of chapter 31 of the
criminal code of Nebrasna cf 18S1 , and to
repeal section 125 of chapter 15 of the
criminal code ot Nebraska of 1837 , and to
repeal section 125 of chapter lu of the
criminal code of Nebraska of 1S31.
The bill re-enacts the law providing
a penalty for obtaining money under
talse pretenses and extends the crime
to persons stealing from s/'corporatioii ,
association of parnership. "
House roll 1S3. by W. T. Wilccx :
Section 1. That no company , corpora
lion or parson operating a railroad in
whole or in part , witnm the stats of
Nebraska , shall permit cr require any
conductor , engineer , fireman , brakeman ,
telegraph operator or any trainman who
has worked in his respective capacity tor
eighteen consecutive hours , except in
case of cjisualty , or unavoidable emergen
cy , to again go on duty or perform any
work until he has had at least eight
hours of rest.
Section 2. Any company who shall violate
late this act shall be titled not less than
$50 nor more than $200. for each and every
violation of this act ; provided , however ,
that the proceedings to enforce the pen
alty , as approved in this act , sha'.l be
commenced within six months from the
date of the violation of the same.
House roll 192 , by Beverly.
Section 1. That no female shall bs em
ployed in any .manufacturing , mechanical
or mercantile establishment , hotel or res
taurant in this state , more than sixty
hours during any one week and that ten
hours shall constitute a clay's labor. The
hours of each day may be arranged as
to permit the employment of such fe
males at any time from 6 o'clock 'a. m.
to 10 p. m.
Section 2. Every employer shall post in
a conspicuous place in every room where
such females are employed a prt.-U'-d
notice , stating the number of hours worn
required of them each day of the wee * .
Section 3. Every employer shall provk'e
suitable seats for the" females so em
ployed , and shall permit the use of suc.a
seats by them when they are not neces
sarily engaged in the active duties tcr
which they are employed.
Section 4. Provides a r-2"alty for violating
lating the act.
House roll No. C5 , by Burman.
Section 1. Any person or persons who
loan money upon deposits , or pledges of
personal property or other valuable thiag.
or any person , persons or corporation
who loan money upon chattel prop'ertyfor
security , and require possession" ; ho
property so mortgaged on condition of
returning the same upon the payment of
a stipulated amount of money , is henviy
declared to be a pawnbroker , or ch-itrsl
loan broker , for the purpose of this enact
Section 2. Every person , firm or corpor
ation engaged in the business of pawn
broker or chattel loaning shall pay 10
the city or village treasurer for a licer.c-s
to carry on the same the sum of S10J
par year or $30 for every six months , in
metropolitan cities , but in all other ci'.i s.
towns or villages the sum of $50 per
year or the sum of $25 for every six
months , such a license to be obtainsin
the usual manner. Such person or Ttrm
shall pay said sum and give bond to city ,
town or village in which he is to do busi
ness in the sum of $5,000 , with surety
to be approved by the mayor or its chief
executive officer , conditioned for tre
faithful performance by the principal , cf
each and all the trusts imposed by law
or by usage attached to pawnbrokers , or
chattel loan brokers , provided , that no
license fee shall be exacted in munici
palities which impose a license fee on
this business by ordinance.
Section 3. No person or firm shall be
allowed to do business in more than one
place under one license.
Section 4. All persons who shall be
engaged in the business shall keep a
book In which shall be legibly written
in ink , at the time any loan or purchase ,
an accurate account of description , 'n
the English language , of the goods
pawned , pledged or mortgaged or pur-
phased , the amount of money loaned .r
paid therefor , the time the same ws
received , and the name , residence and
description of the person pawning , pledg
ing , mortgaging or selling the same ,
which book , as .well as the article pawned
cr purchased , shall be at all reasonable
times open to the inspection of the mor ;
or any member of police department ,
or any officer of the law.
Section 5 provides for a daily report to
the police department.
Section C. No personal property re
ceived on deposit or purchase bv any
pawnbroker , chattel loan broker , dealer
in second-hand goods or junk dealer , shall
be sold or permitted from the place of
business of such person for the space
of twenty-four hours after the copy and
statement required to be delivered to the
chief police officer shall have been deliv
ered as required b'y section 5 of this act.
Section 7 excludes Sunday as a working
day f9r those coming under the act.
Section S provides a penalty of between
$50 and $100 for violating the act.
Section 0. It shall be unlawful for aiiy
broker , agent or dealer mentioned in
this act tp sell any goods so pawned to ,
or received by him , during the period
of six months , from date of pawning
or receiving such goods ; and after the
expiration of four months as aforesaid
he may sell any such article to the
highest bidder therefor after tirst having
posted a notice of said sale one week
in a conspicuous place of business where
such article was pawned or received , erin
in the place where such broker or dealer
is then located because of having changed
h.s place of business , gavlng in said no
tice an accurate description of the arti
cles or 'goods to be sold , and the date _
and the hour that said sale is to begin ,
and also after having endeavored to no
tify tha pawner of such goods jit least
one weak before the time set for such
sale , that same would be sold. Said sale
may be adjourned from day to day for
want of sufficient bidders. Said sale shall
vest the title to said property in the
House roll No. CIS , by Flynn , repeals
sections 4 , 5 and C , chapter 33 , compiled
statutes , and creates new sections.
Within six months after the passage
of this act all buildings in this state ,
four or more stories in height , excepting
private residences exclusively , but in
cluding Hats and apartment buildings ,
shall be provided with one or more
metallic laddar or s air fire escape at
tached to the outer walls and provided
with platforms of such size and dimen
sions , and such proximity to one or more
windows of each story above the first ,
as to render access to suoh ladder or
stairs from each .such story easy and
safe , ami shall also be provided with
one or more automatic metallic fire es
capes , or other nroner device , to be at
tached to the Inside of said building seas
as to afford an effective means of escape
to all occupants who , for any reason ,
are unable to use said ladders or stairs ;
the number , material , location and con
struction of such escapes U' Ve subject
to the approval of the commissioner oi
labor or his deputy ; provided , however ,
that all buildings more than two stories
in height , used for manufacturing pur
poses , or for hotels , dormitories , schools
seminaries , hospitals , or asylums , shall
have at leat one such fire escape for
every fifty persons , and one such auto
matic metallic escape for every twenty-
five persons , for which working , sleeping
or living accommodations are provide
above the second stories of said build
ings ; and that all public halls , which
provide seating room above the first 01
ground story , shall be provided with sucti
numbers of said ladders or other lire
escapes as said commissioner of laboi
or his deputy shall designate.
The duty of the commissioner of laboi
and his deputy shall be to serve notion
on owners of Buildings not provided witli
fire escapes and to command their erec
tion in thirty days. Grand juries are
empowered to look into cases of neglecl
to put up the fire escapes. Failure tc
erect a fire escape on notice shall meet
with a .fine of from $25 to J200 and to a
further fine of ? 50 for every additional
week of neglect to comply with the law ,
The commissioner of labor and his
deputy shall have supervision of the erec
tion of all flre escapes , and none shall
be erected except by a written permit
from him. Applications for permits cc
construct fire escapes shall be filed witl :
the commissioner of labor , giving descrip.
tion cf the building , and in return foi
this the permit is to be issued.
Senate file No. C2 , by Fowler of Fill-
more. To amend section 1039 , civil coda ,
relating to the transfer of replevin suits
to the district court , by adding the fol
lowing to said section :
In case where the appraised value ol
the property so taken is less than $2'K
and a trial is begun before the justice
and in case the jury agree upon a ver
dict finding the value of the property sc
taken to be more than $200 , or in case
a jury is waived and /the case tried tc
the justice and he finds that the value
of the property so taken exceeds $200 ,
then In either case no judgment shall
be entered and all subsquent proceedings
shall cease before the justice , and he shai ;
certify the proceedings to the dis
trict court in ihe same manner as pro
vided for in this section where the
appraised value of the property taken
exceeds the sum of $200 , and the saine
proceedings shall be had in the district
court as a case certified up by the justice
when the appraised value of the property
taken exceeds J200.
Senate file No. 23 , by Fowler of Fill-
more. To repeal sections 917. 913 , 819 , 2. > ,
f-21 , 322 , 923 and 921 of the civil code relat
ing to arrest before and after judgment.
House roll No. 93. by Weaver. To amend
section COla , civil code , and to repeal
th3 section before existing.
Section 1. That section COla of the code
of civil procedure , be amended , so as
to read as follows :
Section COla. A complete record of every
original clause in the supreme court , as
soon as it is finally determined , shall be
made by the cJerk of such court , unless
both parties shall declare in open court ,
at the term at which the final order or
judgment shall be made or hearing had ,
their agreement that no record shall ba
House roll No. 251 , by Olmsted. Adds
to section C of the civil code the follow
ing :
"Provided , however , that there shall be
no limitation to the time within which
any county , city. town , village or other
municipal corporation may begin an ac
tion for the recovery of the title or pos
session of any public road , street , alley
or other public grounds or city or town
lets. "
House roll No. 31 , by Evans. Amends
scection fi02 , cede of civil procedure , relat
ing tp proceedings to reserve , vacate or
modify judgments and orders in courts
in which they are rendered by striking
the words , "married woman , " from tha
following : "For erroneous proceedings
against an infant , married woman , or
person of unsound mind where the con
dition of such defendant does not appear
in the record nor the error in the pro
ceedings. "
House roll No. SS , bv Weaver. An act
concerning compensation of receivers.
Section 1. Receivers shall receive for
their services such compensation as the
court in its discretion may award , subject
to the following restrictions :
First , receivers appointed for the pur
pose of preserving and prctectingproperty
pending litigation , or tor the purpose of
continuing the business of the debtor or
corporation pending litigation , or when
financially embarrassed , may be awarded
a salary or lump sum.
Second , receivers appointed for the
purpose of winding up the affairs of a
debtor or corporation , reducing the assets
to cash and distributin them , shall be
awarded a percentage upon the cash
received and properly accounted for by
them. Which percentage may be in
creased where extraordinary services
have been performed , and correspond
ingly reduced where the services have not
been meritoriously performed.
Twenty-three bills passed were curative
acts. They are so designated by attor
neys because they cure defects in present
laws. The most common defect , as
sho\vn by foot notes in the compiled
statutes. Is the absence of repealing
clauses. The courts have held that when
an amendatory act is passed the bill
must designate the section sought to be
amended and also repeal such section.
Some imaortant sections in the statutes
have been declared unconstitutional , because -
cause legislatures have not followed this
plan of repealing sections sought to be
amended. Lawyers deem the curat've
acts among the most important passed
by the legislature. Some of the curative
acts merely strike out words that have
been abrogated by decisions of the courts ,
pr correct palpable errors that occurred
in times past ia the enrolling room , such
is the misspelling of a word or the substi
tution cf a wrong word. The following
are the curative acts yassed :
Senate file No. 121 , by Reynolds of
Dawes , attaching a repealing clause to
section G2 , criminal code , relating to set
ting fire to woods and prairies.
Senate file No. 117 , by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
iS2 , civil code , relating to limitation of
Lime in which judgments may be enacted
Dr modified.
Senate file No. 113. by Prout of Gage ,
ittachjng a repealing clause to section
i2 > , criminal code , relating to imprison
ment at hard labor.
Senate file No. Sj ! , by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
li civil code , relating to verification of
leadings by affidavit.
Senate file No. 5S , by Talbot of Lan
caster , attaching a repealing clause to
section 12. chapter 9 , statutes of 1S97.
elating to registration of county bonds
jy the state auditor.
Senate file No. ! ' 3. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
M , civil code , relating to amendment of
pleadings by the court in furtherance
> f justice.
Senate tile No. 07. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
175. civil code , relating to contemot.
Senate file No. 114. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
0. criminal code , relating to injuries to
irnamental trees on commons and streets.
Senate file No. 113. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
'I. criminal code , relating to stealing or
nterfering with bees and honey , and
Ixing the liability to the patty injured at
'all damages received" instead of "double
laihages. "
Senate ille No. 119 , by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching repealing clair s to sections S92
ind 83 ? . civil code , relating to partition
ind service upon defendants in partition
suits. N
Senate file No. 115. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
16 , criminal code , relating to stolen
Senate file No. 150 , by Rocek of Lan
caster , attaching a repealing clause to
ne sale of or allowing diseased animals
; o run at Inrpe.
Senate file No. 151 , by Rocke of Lan
caster , correcting an error in section S52.
civil code , relating to sale of mortgaged
ireml.-ies. by changing the word , "specu-
ation , " to "execution , " the original bill
laving been incorrectly enrolled.
Senate file No. 155 , by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
! 5 , criminal cod. ? , relating to carrying
[ concealed weapons.
Senate file No. 157 , by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
! 6 , criminal code , relating to unlawful
Senate file No. 155. by Prout of Gage ,
ittaching a repealing clause to section
> , criminal code , to aideis and abettors
n prize fights.
Senate file No. 153 , by Talbot of Lan-
: aster. attaching a repealing clause to
section HO , criminal code , relating to the
idulteration of liquors and tha sale of
.he same.
Senate file No. 8 , by Owens of Dawson.
ittaching a repealing clause to section
i , chapter 12 , statutes of 1SD7 , relating to
the time and place of the aalo of propert
taken under chattel mortage.
Senate file No. 125 , by Reynolds o
Dawes , attaching repealing clauses t
.sections 323 , 324 and 327 , civil code , relat
ing to proceedings before the court , tria
docket and order of trial , and repeallni
section 327a. which is practically the sani
as section 327.
Senate file No. 129 , by Talbot of Lan
caster , attaching a repealing clause ti
section 373 , civil code , relating to servic
of notice before taking depositions.
Senate nle No. 140 , by Prout of Gage , n
amend section C09 , civil code , relating t <
modification of judgments , by strikin ;
out the words , "married women , " th <
same having been abrogated by tin
House roll No. 22 , by Lane. Amem ]
sections 30 and 31 , chapter 23 , part 11
revised statutes , being sections 33 and 31
chapter 31 , compiled statutes , by supply
ing a repealing clause.
House roll No. 24 , by Lane. Amend
section 26 , chapter 34 , compiled statutes
relating to guardians and wards , supply
ing a repealing clause to tha origlna
act. Approved March 7.
House roll No. 170. by Armstrong.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of tin
state board of health within sixty day :
after the passage of this act to appoin
a board of secretaries or examiners fo
embalmers. Said board shall consist o
three members.
Section 2. No person shall be eligible
as member of safd board who has no
been engaged in the business of , anc
practiced embalming in this state for i
period of at least five years next preced
ing said appointment. The terms fo
which the members of said board shal
hold their office shall be three years
except that the members of the boart
first to be appointed under this act shal
hold their onice for the term of one , twc
and three years , respectively , and unti
their successors shall be duly appointed
Section 3. The board shall meet ant
organize within thirty days and sha !
meet at least once a year. The recoYd :
shall be kept at the office of the stat
superintendent of public Instruction.
Section 4. All persons engaged in em
balming in the state for one year shal
have a certificate on furnishing proo :
and paying J5 for the same. The cer
tificate must be secured in six months.
Section 5. No person not registered
after six months may practice embalming
until certificate Is secured.
Section 6. Examinations shall be giver
to any person at the regular meeting ;
of the board.
Section 7. An annual fea of $2 is re
quired of all persons practicing embalm ,
Section 8. All certificates shall be reg
istered in the office of the county cer ! <
of the county in which the party holdin-j
It resides , for which the clerk may charge
L5 cents.
Section 9. Evary applicant for exam
ination shall pay the board of examiners
513. Each member shall receive $5 pei
day for each day actually employed , to-
ether with all traveling expenses , anil
may receive such farther compansatior
as the board may determine , ail to come
from the fees of the office.
Section 10. The secretary and treasure !
of the board shall make an annual repori
to the auditor. Any surplus over salarj
and expenses shall be paid into the state.
Section 11. Violations of the act shall
be misdemeanors and the penalty shall
be a fine of between $25 and $100.
House roll No. 271. by Olmsted.
All persons following ths occupation of
barber in the state shall obtain a certifi
cate of registration. The barbers' exam
ining board , consisting of the governor ,
attorney general z nd auditor , shall in
sixty days appoint three examiners oi
secretaries , appointed one for one , one
for tv.'o and one for three years , two o :
whom shall be recommended by the bar
bers' protective association. One of the
sjcretarios shall be a practicing physi
cian who shall have been practicing his
profession five years prior to appoint
ment. The secretaries shall give bond in
the sum of $3.000.
The beard shai ! adopt rules with refer
ence to precautions to prevent creating
ar.d spreading of infectious and con
tagious diseases. Public examinations
by the secretaries shall be held , notice
of which shall be given.
Within sixty days from the passage
of the act all barbers on making satis
factory showing may secure a certificate
for SI. After that time an examination
will bo necessary at an expense of 55.
The board of examination will not issue
a certificate till satisfied that the appli
cant is above the age of eighteen years ;
of good moral character , free' from con
tagious or infectious diseases , has either
studied the barbers' trade for ty/o years
as an apprentice under a qualified ar.d
practicing barber , or studied at least one
year in a properly appointed and con
ducted barbars' school or college , or prac
ticed at the barbers' trade in another
state for at least two years , and is pos
sessed of the requisite skill In said trade
to pronerly perform all the duties and
services incidental thereto , and is pos
sessed cf sufficient knowlsdge concerning
the comr.-.on diseases of the face and
skin to avoid the aggravation and spreading -
ing thereof in the practice of his trade.
Certificates shal ! be good for a year.
Apprentices may serve in barber shop
but not over one apprentice to three
barbers. All barber colleges must keep
up a sign giving evidence of the facr.
The board may revoKe a certificate for
conviction of crime , habitual drunken
ness , trross incompetency and contagious
or infectious disease.
The fees are to. be distributed among
the secretaries of the board and they
are to receive no more than the fees
of office. The board of secretaries may
hold examinations anywhere in the state
they see fit. Penalties for violation of
the act are provided.
House roll Ko. 347 , by Fisher. Repeals
chapter 51 , compiled statutes.
Any person or persons having cattle ,
liogs. sheep , horses , n-.utes or asses , shall
have the right to adopt a brand or mark ,
for the use of which he shall have the
exclusive right in this state , after record
ing such brand or mark as hereinafter
That for the purpose of creating a
state brand and mark committee , and
state registry of brands and marks , it
shall be the duty or'the governor to ap
point three reputable stock raisers , v/iio
shall be chosen from those largely inter
ested in cattle , who shall hold their of
fice for a term of two years. Said three
persons so chosen , together with the sec
retary of state , shall constitute a state
brand committee. Said committee shail
meet at least twice each year and at the
office of the secretary of state , and as
often at the call of the chairman as id
A record shall be kept by the secretary
of state of all brands and a fee of $1.50
shall be charged for recording i uch
brands. Twenty per cent of these fees
shall be paid each .member of the state
committee and 20 per cent shall constitute
a fund to defray the expenses of the
secretary of state incurred under the
act.No person shall adopt a brand previous
ly recorded. The committee shall decida
whether brands offered for record con
flict , provided that no brand shall bo ac
cepted described as besng of either side
of the animal and that a brand describe-l
as being on both skl s may be accepted.
Where two brands are the com
mittee shall decide as to priority of own
ership at its regular meeting. The party
thus losing his brand shall not thu.- * have
his ownership of stock in any wav in
validated , the object of the act being to
make illegal and enioin from the fur
ther use of the brand.
Owners of cattle bringing them to a
county for grazing shall submit the
brands to the committee to obtain per
mission to use the same nnd assurance
that it does not cor.flict with others and
the owner may be enjoined from the
use of a conflicting brand.
Provision as to "inconnnsr stock grow
ers" and "brands to be roj cted by com
mittee' are as in the old law.
The following penalty is attached :
"Any person or persons who shall violate
the nrovisior.s of this act shall be d emPd
guilty of misdemeanor , and upon convic
tion shall be punished by a fine of not
exceeding $1.O'0 or by imprisonment in
the county jail for a term not exceeding
one year , or by both such tine and im-
prisonmpnt. in the discretion of th * court.
Senate file 135. by Crow of Douclas : To
amend section 16. fh nter 4. article 1.
compiled statutes of 1S97 , to read as fol
lows :
Section 11. That dosrs nre hprehy do-
clarort to be personal propprty for all
intents and purnoos and flip OWDT or
owners of anv dog or doirs shall be liable
for any and all dnmncrf > s that may accrue
to anv person , firm or cornnration by rea
son of such dosr or dogs Killing , wounding ,
worrying or ch.nsintr or.v sh ep or other
dorreie an'.mnis ' riPlnnfcing to such per
son , firm or cornoratons and such Jam-
age be receovered from any court havin
jurisdiction of the amount claimed.
House roll 15U , by Wiicox. Amends sut
di\-ision 1L1 , section t'J , article 1. chaptt
14 , compiled statutes and repeals sectio
as existing.
Section i. In cities of secnd class , ta
on dogs is placed at from ? 1 to $3 ir
stead of from S3 to $10 as In prevlousl
existing law.
House roll 197. by Lcmar. To legallz
all oaths and affirmations heretofore aO
ministered and all acknowledgement
heretofore taken by commissioners o
deeds In the legal form and which hav
no certificate of the secretary of stat
as required by section 35 , chanter 7 ;
compiled statutes , if in other respect
they are in regular form.
House roll 2SO , by Detweiler. Approprl
atea J25.C00 for the construction and itu
nlshlng of a three-story brick and ston
school building at the institute for th
deaf and dumb at Omaha. The sucsesstt
contractor shall tile a $20,000 bond for th
faithful performance Of the % vork. Th
board of public lands and buildings shai
appoint a superintendent with a compen
sation of $4 a day. Fifteen p r cent of th
contract shall be retained till completio
of the work.
House roll 275 , by Detweiler. Approprl
ating $7,700 for the construction of a bol !
er , engine , coal and pump house at th
institute for the deaf and dumb at Om
aha. One brick and stone boiler houa
shall be erected which shall be equip'pe >
with four boilers for heating purpose
of the institution together with ongln
room , coal bins , electric lighting plant ani
pump house belonging thereto. Bids shal
be advertised for within thirty days. Th
bond required of the successful bidde
shall not exceed $20,000. Fifteen per cen
of the price shall bs retained till ac
Emergency clause. Approved April 5
House roll 351 , by Hellers. Appropriate ;
$1.500 for the purpose of creating ai
emergency fund to be used as occasioi
may require by the state board of healtl
in the suppression of epidemics and th
prevention of diseases and protection o
human life in Nebraska.
When the public health is threatened
the board of heaUh may pass a resolu
tion setting forth the tacts and givln ;
an estimate of the expense necessary ti
light the disease which when approve
by the governor and attested by me at
torney genc-rai shail bd filed with the au
ditur who shall draw a warrant on thi
treasurer for the amount approved.
The emergency fund shall oe available
for the payment of bills contracted bj
the boaru iqr the suppression of the re
cent epiaernic of smallpox in the state
kmergcney clause. Approved February 25
House roll 121 , by Thompson of Mer
ricK. Appropriates $40,00. ; for the pay-men
ot the incidental expenses of botn houae ;
including printing , postage , stationery
luel , liynt and other special expense :
which may be lawfully incurred by elthei
house. Emergency clause. Approvet
January 2-5.
House roll S , by Evans.
Uactjjn 1. To appropriate $ C.'lOOO tc
erect one three-story bnck , stone am
iron fireproof building with stone base
ment. on the grounds of the asylum foi
the chronic insane at Hastings to accom
modate not less than 00 nor more thar
225 patients , and to conform in architect
ural design to the buildings now in use
on the said grounds.
Section 2. Tne board of public lands and
buildings shall advertise for bids.
Section 3. The board shall accecpt the
lowest responsible bid.
Section 4. The successful bidder shall
execute a bond to the state in the surr
of $25.COO for the completion cf the worli
according to contract and the payment
of all labor claims.
Section 5. The board shall appoint a
superintendent to see that plans are fol
lowed and to return monthly statements
of work done. The superintendent's bond
shcill be in the sum of $10.000. His com
pensation shall bo $5.0) per day.
Section C. The building shail bs completed -
ploted by October 1 , 1'W. ! At its comple
tion SO per cent of the amount shall be
paid , the balance to be paid when final
estimate Is made.
Section 7. The superintendent is quali
fied to act in the absence of the board.
Section 8. The treasurer shall pay war
rants for the work.
House roll No. 29C , by Dittmar , appro
priates $40OtJO for a building at the Lin
coln hospital for the insane. Contractors
shall give a $10,00-3 bond to insure com
pletion of the work. The board of public
lands and buildings shall appoint a
superintendent whose compensation shall
ba not over $5 a day. Twenty-five per
cent of each estimate is to be retained
till the work is completed and accepted.
House roll No. 45 ? , by Murray , appro
priates S5li2 for the relief of Thurston
county for the purpose of liquidation of
indebtedness incurred in the prosecution
of V. * . C. Ream , ar.d J. Sidney Good-
rr.anson , for felonies , and other trials.
House roll No. COO. by committees on
deficiencies. Appropriates $ J3G$1.03 out ot
the general fund for the payment of items
of indebtedness owing "oy tne state.
Emergency clause. Approved April 5.
House roll No. 9. by Evans. Appropri
ates $15,000 out of the general fund for
the purpose of erecting and furnishing
one boiler and engine houso. cold storage
room , new wells and air lift pump for
the asylum for the chronic insane at
Hastings. The board shall advertise for
bids immediately. A good bond is required
from the successful bidder , to be accepted
by the board of public lands and build-
Emergency clause. Approved April 3.
House roll No. 3 0. by Young. Appro
priates money belonging to the state
normal school library fund on March 31 ,
1SS1) . and all sums accruing till March
31 , 1S91 , for the purchase of books for
the institution.
Emergency clause. Approved March 23.
House roll No. 418 , by Grafton. Appro-
pi iutes $5COO to be expended under the
direction of tha board of education of
the state normal school for a stand pipe
for protection from fire ; to enlarge the
heating and lighting apparatus and to
aid in furnishing the new chapei at tha
state normal.
House roil No. 2S5. by committee on
soldiers' and sailors' home. Appropriates
$ ! . ! .5'W to purchase the site of tlie sol
diers' home at Milford. boinjy 35 ac-rt a.
togathcr with brick building and the
appurtenances thereto , and requires a
vaiM title and surrender of lease. Tha
board of public lands and buildings makes
the purchase.
Emergency clause. Approved March 31.
House roll No. 533 , by Harris. Appro
priates SG.OOO to erect and equip a new
building to bs used as a shop , gymnasium
and laboratory and for building a barn
at the Institution for the blind at Ne
braska City. Bids shall be advertised
for on or before June 1. The shop is not
to exceed $3.500 and the barn not to cost
moje than $1.000.
House roll No. 09. by committee on
I'eticiencies ? . Appropriates $ ' :2. > .C2 from the
state library fund for payment of items
of indebtedness owing by state for claims
101 books.
Emergency clause. Approved April 3.
House roll No. 233. by Chitter.ilen. Ap
propriates StS.500 for four new buildings
at the Beatrice institute for the feeble
minrl > d youth. Estimate for two new
buildings. S'27.i)0i ) ; furniture for two new
buildings. $2JvM ; bakory. kitchen , brush
shon and laundry. $0.000 : kitchen furniture
nnd utensils for new kitchen , § 1.000 ; now
machinery . ae\v laundry , including
sus online , $2,500 ; two new boilers. $2' > J ) ;
water and steam , fixtures. _ $2,300 ; dam at
water works. $1.000 ; replacing plumbing ,
$2,000 ; : i.-.v engine. $1.000 : new dynan.o.
51.000. EKls shall be advertised for within
thirty days.
Hottfcc roll No. 141 , by committeon
finance , ways and means. Appropriates
$ $35..Vv ) for the payment of salaries of
officers of the state government.
Emersercy clause. Approved April 5.
IIous. ; roll No. 301 , by committee 0:1
finance , ways and means. Approp'-'atou
Jl.OGO.055 for the payment of the current
expenses of the state government for
years ending March 31 , 1900 , and .March
21. l 0i.
Emergency clause. Approved April 5.
House roll No. OM. by claims committee.
Appropriates $75.97S. It ) for the payment
of miscellaneous items of indebtedness
owing i-v the stttof Nebraska.
House roll No. G10. by Grafton. Appro
priates .TIVKK ) to purchase , pay for and
furnish an executive mansion. Within
thiity days the 1-oard of public landi
ani hulKlirgs shall advertise for oiils
tor proposals for sale to the state of a
dwelling house properly located in Lin-
L-oin for an executive mansion to be occu
pied by the governor. The board is au
thorized to purchase sucn a residence as
seems fit. The board shall be furnished
a complete abstract of title. After the
purchase the board shall furnish the
premises suitable for an executive man
sion and the jame shall be occupied by
Ihe governor. Emergency clause. Ap
proved April 1.
Board of Managers Decide to
Rest Ono Year.
Five Year Contract \Vltu Omaha Expires
" This Year Interpretation of New I aw
Cutting Down Interest on State Pundit
1'uzzllng the State Ireasurer Mljcel-
Inncous Notes.
The board of managers of tL ; state
board of agriculture has decided not
to hold a state fair this year , says the
State Journal. This action was taken
Monday night at a meeting of the
managers at the Lincoln hotel. Coming
as it did after the published announce
ment that the fair would be held In
connection with the Omaha exposition
this action was a surprise. The man
agers discussed the matter of a fair
and closed the meeting by passing this
resolution :
"Resolved , That it is the sense of the
board of managers of the Nebraska
state board of agriculture , after a
careful consideration of the whole mat
ter , that no state fair be held during
the year 1S99- "
No reason for the decision is given ,
but it is understood that terms with
the exposition association cculd not
be satisfactorily arranged and in par
ticular that the exposition managers
had not given a bond , personal or any
other kind , to guarantee the payment
of the expenses of the fair. Members
of the board of managers declare they
never agreed to hold a state fair and
that their action was taken after due
deliberation and that it cannot be
changed. Another reason advanced
for not holding a fair this year is that
it is too late to begin the preliminary
work of getting things in readiness.
The state fair managers went to Oma
ha last week at the invitation of the
exposition managers and terms of a
consolidation were discussed. The fair
managers wanted at least § 50.000 to
pay all expenses of the fair. The ex
position managers offered $30.000. Now-
all negotiations are said to be closed.
The last legislature passed a bill lo
cating the state fair permanently in
Lincoiii but no provision was made for
equipping state fair grounds. The fair
was not held last year on account of
the exposition and the five year con
tract to hold the state fair at Omaha
will expire this year.
llertha Greeger a Suicide.
There was considerable doubt as to
the cause of the sudden death of Miss
Bertha Greeger until the coroner's
jury last night , says' a Grand Island
dispatch , heard the evidence of the
physicians who had made chemical
analysis of the contents of the stomach
ach of the deceased and found therein ,
strychnine- Miss Greeger was found
dead on the parlor floor by her step
father on the evening previous.
A singular fatality appears to have
hovered over the family. About four
months ago a sister of the deceased
attempted to commit suicide. Her con
dition became apparent in time for the
physician to save her , but a month
later she became insane. Early in.
April this year her monther died. The
older sister has been quite despondent
since her mother died. In the last few
days she seemed to her associates to
be more lively in spirits and it was
known that she expected a letter from ,
her lover. After she was found dead
the letter was discovered , it being from
George Alinandinger. from some point
in Iowa , in which the writer stated
that he would not be able to marry at
the present time owing to the fact that
he was in duty bound to care for a
blind father and an aged mother. The
letter was in endearing terms through
out and the lover expressed the hone
that she would not be be rtbroscn
over the postponement.
It appeal s that the girl became more
despondent and took her life. The act
was committed while the stepfather ,
who is now absolutely alone in the
world , was at the cemetery planting
trees at the grave of the mother oi
the deceased. It was shown at the in
quest that the relations of the step
father to the girl were the best. The
funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon
Memorial to I > cwey.
In response to an inquiry from tha
president of the Norxvich uiuversity
relative to the feasibility of erecting a
monument to Admiral Dewey Governor
Poyater replied as follows :
-Rev , Allan D. Brown , President ,
Norwich University , Northfield , Vt.
My Dear Sir : I beg to acknowledge
receipt of your favor of the 22nd inst.
relative to the erection of a suitable
memorial in connection with the Nor
wich university , to be known as Dewey
hall. I certainly feel that too much ,
cannot be done to show the gratitude
and appreciation which the American
people owe to Admiral Dewey and the
brave marines who assisted in achiev
ing the most glorious naval victory-
recorded in the annals of history , and
as the enterprise suggested by you has
his approval , I trust it will be pushed
to a speedy conclusion. Such a struc
ture as is contemplated will not only
be an honor to the admiral himself ,
but a credit to the patriotic citizens of
Vermont as well. With best wishes
for the success of the undertaking. E
am , very truly yours ,
"W. A. POYNTER , Governor. "
Delegate ! * Are Appointed.
Governor Poynter has appointed tha
following delegates to the tenth annual
session of the Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial congress , which xvill be held
in Wichita. Kan. , May 31. , June 11. 12
and 1C : R. M. Allen. Ames ; Robert
W. Furnas , Brownville : F. J. Hale.
Butte Creek ; M. F.Harrington.O'Neill ;
R. L. Metcalfe. Hugh Melntosh. Victor
Rosewater , Omaha ; C. J. Bowloy.
Crete ; Edgar Hoard. Papillion ; Otto
Mutz , Springview ; Robert Oberfelder.
Sidney : alternates. B. F. Wood. Valen
tine ; John Evans. Thedford ; J. L.
Tallin. Ord : Matt Gering.Plattsmouth ;
Dr G. L. Miller , Omaha.