M'cooK TRIBUN : F. JI. KIMMISLL , Publtalior. McCOOK , - - NEBRAS NEBRASKA ' Heal estate in and about Plain1 is constantly advancing. District court is in session at Jigh , with ex-Senator Allen on bench. Ten-Ealoons have been licensei do business in Fremont during succeeding year. The Burlington trains which i discontinued on account of high w between Nebraska City and Hanib la. , have been resumed. Leo Parker of Reynolds , the 14-y old son of'W. C. Parker , while tr ; to pound powder out of a Winchc cartridge , got his thumb and 'one fii blown off. Bloomington's new flour mill , w' is one of the largest in the west , is furnished throughout with the i est machinery , will be complctee a few days. The house of Edward Brown at braska City was struck by lightn took fire and with its contents bui to the ground. It is a severe los Mr. Brown , there being no insur ; thereon. George Merkle , who swallowed rosive sublimate at the home of Fi Plosters , near Mynard , and brought to Plattsmouth by Sheriff Bride , died from the effects of the eon. eon.Beatrice Beatrice relatives and friends of First Nebraska are greatly elated i the prospects of an early return of boys. In a few minutes over $30 subscribed for the First Nebraska ' . pital fund. The barn of Charles Judy of 1 was destroyed by fire , together A all contents , including hay , one he flour , grain and harness. The of about ? GOO is partially covered insurance. Deputy Revenue Collector Willi was in David City and found aboui 000 of the cigars which bore the cc terfeit revenue stamp , which has I largely used by- some Pennsylvz manufacturers. Nebraska City proposes to celeb the "Glorious Fourth" in a prc manner this year. A well attended enthusiastic meeting of the young 1 iness men of the city was held to the matter under way and commit were appointed to arrange all deti At the meeting of the Grand Isl council the occupation tax for lie ] dealers who wholesale and retail raised from $1,000 to $1,250. The ministration is also moving aga the club arrangements by which s eral licenses have been evaded. C. D. Fletcher arrived in Grand land and stopped at the Occidenta dollar a day hotel. He gave the ni clerk , H. H. Meyer , $198 in cash safe keeping until the following me ing. When daylight came no ni clerk or money was in evidence. The people of Cornell have beenbt ered for the last five years by p thieving. Last week four young i were brought before Jutjge Shurl of Trenton and pleaded guilty breaking and entering a school hoi They were each placed under bond appear at the next term of the dist court. Mr. Hart of Fairmont sent for a e tor to set a broken leg for a cl three years old. The doctor after amination pronounced the leg broken , and pulled oiit a darn needle , which had been driven into thigh the full length. The parents : felt the needle and thought it a sp : ter of bone. There has ben formed in Omah : sugar beet syndicate , the object which is to encourage the culture sugar beets in the immediate vicin of that city , with the ultimate p pose of esablishing a factory the When enough beets are raised to si nly a factory , such factory will be i mediately built at a cost of $500 , ( One of the heaviest hail storms t ] ever struck Beemer occurred last we Hail stones that measured eight r a half inches in circumference w picked up. The ground was entir covered with hail. Over half the gl ; in A. D. Beemer's greenhouse and W. King's photograph gallery w broken out. The board of commissioners of J ferson county have issued an order the assessors of the county to disci tinue the work of taking the lal 5tatisticswhicli was procjeding in C < infinity to the law oJ l&f. This tion was taken as a result of a h op ion expressed by County Attorney H. Denney , that the law upon wh they were operating was unconsti tional. I . - . The last week , says the Nebra ; weather bulletin , has been dry a windy , with an excess of sunshi : The average 'daily temperature dei iency has varied from about 1 elegi in the western counties to nearly degrees in the southeastern. The da maximum temperatures generally < ceeded 70 degrees on but one day the week and then but slightly abe The weekly minimum temperatu : ranged from 38 degrees to 22 , with heavy frost in most sections of t state. The rainfall has been bel normal in all counties. In most of t western counties no rain fell. In 1 central and eastern scattered showi occurred ; the amount of rainfall w liowever , very small , generally h than a tenth of an inch , except in few northeastern and southeast * counties , where it ranged from a qui ter to slightly more than halfan im Material is on the ground for a n grain elevator at Coleridge. Charles Ruby , son of T. M. Rul who lives six miles southeast of Ha ings , met with a serious accident. : was on a stock cutter , when the tez became frightened and ran away , attempting to get off Ruby beca ] jsstened to the machine and v dargged nearly a quarter of a mi The team went through two barb w : fences. Whc-n the boy was taken fre the machine he was in an unconscio condition and was covered with bloc His head and limbs are badly lacen of living are r ed. His prospects lavorable. Bacoler. Held By the Nati\ Will Be Attacked Next. TOWN IS STRONGLY ENTRENCt TIio Kcliel Garrison Has Yet to Learn tiio Americans Tight Jttascardo's ISoast of I'rowcBg TIic Women Ciiincso Dig l > itclies AVhlle Native 1 ! men Talk. MANILA , May 8. To clear the ipinos out of Eacolor , about five n southwest of San Fernando , wil' the next task of the Americans , rebel general , Mascardo , has a f of G.OOO men there , well armed possessed of plenty of ammunil His troops have never met Amer soldiers , and they think , accordin reports received at San Fernando , they can "whip the whole lot. " Bacolor is well entrenched and ti sands of natives are working live vers , digging trenches and carr the dirt in baskets. The enemy his riflemen for fighting only , but c pels the Bolomen and Chinese even the women to labor incessai The troops have an outpost aboi mile beyond San Fernando , with trench that holds between 200 300 men. From that point several leys were fired last night upon camp of the Twentieth Kansas r ment. Neither Major General J Arthur nor Major General Lav moved today. , although each rei noitered the country in his vici for some miles from headquarters , veloping the presence of small fo of the enemy. In the vicinity of Laguna de the rebels are very active , but the 1 of General Ovenshine and Col Wholly , who is commanding Gen ' King's brigade during the latter's ness , have been materially streni ened , and there is no danger in direction. The armed steamers , Laguna Bay and Cavadonga , under CUD Grant , have gone to Guagua , about miles southeast of Bacalor , presunu to establish a base of supplies for troops engaged on the northern c paign. It is rumored that Mabini , prosit of the cabinet and minister of fen affairs in the so-called Filipino j ernment , who is a radical , is to succeeded by Patreno , the framoi the Spanish treaty of 1896. T change is regarded as significant at present juncture. The entrance or the Amerieanss i San Fernando was virtually unopi edThe Filipinos , who expected invaders to approach from the i had that side of the town stror guarded , but there was only one of trenches beyond San Tonias. 1 battalions of the Fifty-first Iowa i iment , which swam the river nc of the city , were smartly peppe while in the water , but the rebels i appeared as soon as the Americ reached the shore. In the meant the hospital squad had got across bridge into the city , supposing Americans were there. They enco tered more natives. The ew Spaniards and Filipi who were left welcomed the Ami their houses to th : ans , and opened General MacArthur accepted enterts ment at the hands of Senor Hizoi ] sugar magnate. If the inhabitants of the San I nando region are to be believed th Is little sympathy with the insuri : ion in that Quarter. Before evacu ! ng the city the rebels burned jhurch and the public buildings z ooted the Chinese quarter. They dn nany rich Filipinos with their fa. ies out of the city before them as v is hundreds of Chinese , to prev .hem helping the Americans. Tl : ut the throats of some. Many Chin lid on roof tops or in cellars , t ; ome escaped by cutting off their ci : There are fifty-fresh graves in : hurch yard. The country beyond Calumpit is i if all sorts of ingenious trenches a litfalls in the roads , with sharper lamboo. Fortunately the AmericE iscaned the latter. In" the swamps near San Tom rhere General Wheaton's troops < heir hardest fighting the men sii ng in their waists in mud are mn lodies of Filipinos , smelling horrib The army is really enjoying life ! an Fernando which is the mi < W town 1 tnresaue agel _ Jnericans have entered since tne upation of Manila. It is largely bu is close at hand a f stone , the riven lieh hills almost surround it. Ma ugar factories indicate a thriving ustry in that respect and there i umerous fine residences. Gene facArthur's permanent headquarti 3 established in the best house own. around The troops are encamped he suburbs and arc beginning to thi there during t aey may be quartered ret season. Dies of Asphyxiation. WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 8.-S rard Gcodfellow , for many years cc ected with the United States co ; ad pecditic survey , died this morni t his apartments of accidental : hyxiation. Mr. Goodfellow was Do i'Philadelphia in 1828 , an'l the yc ftsr graduation at the university : ennsylvania , in 1S4S , he entered t eodetic survey and , pave for servi i the civil Avar , sppnt his life in tl epartment. Mrs. Goodfny and o aughter survive him. nta Scl.licrArs Stnyrrs. PIERRE , S. D. , May 8. Congres ian Burke states that he is in recei f numerous personal letters from ( cers and men of the First South I ofa in which the sentiment express all in favor 5 , with one exception , ontinuing in the service until t resent campaign is brought to a ST 3ssful issue , and no complaints in i ard to being kept in the Philippin re made. One officer writes that c\ 5 per cent of the regiment is des us of remaining to complete the wo i which they are at present engage DEALS OUT REBUKE , Court of Inquiry Arraigns Scx'eral Ofl in Authority. WASHINGTON , May 8. By d tion of the president , who appr the findings , Acting Secretary of Meiklejohn yesterday made public report and findings of the mili court appointed to investigate changes made by Major General M commanding the army , that the supplied to the army during the with Spain , was unfit for the use oi troops. The mcst important features of report are : The general's allegat that the refrigerated bsef was tre with chemicals v/ere net establish his allegatcins concerning the cai fresh cr canned roast beef were tained as to its unsuitability for as used on the transports and as continued field rations ; General L is censured for "error" in failim promptly notify the secretary of when first formed the opinion that food was unfit ; the commissary ge al ( then General Eagan ) is ceus for the too extensive purchase of canned beef as an untried ration ; onel Maus of General Miles' stal also censured. The finding st that the packers were not at fault that the meats supplied to the a were of the same quality as those ; plied to the trade generally , and recommendations made that nether ther proeedings be taken in the pi ises. ises.The conclusion of the court adv to further proceedings based upon charges is as follows : It has been developed in the co of the inquiry , as recited in this port , that in some instances some dividuals failed to perform the measure of duty or to observe proprieties which dignify high E tary command , but the court is of opinion that the mere statement in official report 01 the facts develc meets the ends of discipline and i the interest of the service will be subserved if further proceedings not taken. There is more or less criticise General Miles in various parts of report. Probably the mo&t direct stance is the one which states 1 beyond the criticism of officers fc elsewhere in the report : The court finds that against ri of the officers commanding corps , visions , brigades and regiments their staff officers should charge guilty be brought. The court i finds that the major general comma ing the army had no sufficient jus cation for alleging that the refri ; ated beef was embalmed or was u for issue to troops. It also finds 1 he committed an error in that , li ing belief or knovledge. as clain that the food was unfit ; that it can sickness and distress ; that some o was supplied under the pretense of periment ; that other beef was i balmed , he did not immediately rer ' such knowledge or belief to the 'i retary of war to the end that a pro remedy might be promptly appliei The censure of Cclonel Maus , specter general on General Mi staff , is based upon his failure to i attention to charged concerning beef at Chickamauga contained ii report of inspection made by Decor ( or Major ) Daly on October 2G 1 ; in which he stated his belief that beef was chemically treated. "The silence of Colonel Maus , " s the court , "on so important a mal is the chemicalized beef reported Major Daly and personally known limself is most remarkable. " The remark is also made that Ger il Miles' failure to draw special att ; ion to this report is "unexplained. Deivcy in Perfect Health. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , May S. he steamship City of Pekin , fr Jhina and Japan , was Dr. E. Pa last assistant surgeon United Sta lavy , and surgeon on the flags ) lympia for the past year and a hi le makes the following statement ; arding Admiral Dewey's health : "Admiral Dewey is in perfect heal le has not been more than twi y miles away from Manila si ; he first day of last May , a e has not felt the necessity . physician's aid in that tir 'he reports concerning the admire hysical condition have been grps xaggerated. The climate of Manila nervating of course , but ths commai r of the fleet has been no more acted by it than any one else. "The people of California will be d ppoSnted at not seeing Admiral De y , for he has determined to return lie United States in the Olyrapia ray of the Suez canal. " Working for Annexation. NEW YORK , May 8. The Cube .merican league is trying to pave t ; ay for the annexation of Cuba romoting the study of the Engli inguagc in the island and by encoucf ig and assisting the efforts of the c exationists in Cuba. According to itter received by President V\"illiam [ cDowell of the league , quarrels a issensions among the independents uba will greatly aid the aunesatic ; ts' work and thousands who are m [ raid to declare themselves will fie > their standard PS soon as assur lat under United States protecti iey will be allowed , to vote as th icase. V ' ; ir Ipv rtnrnt Order. WASHINGTON , May S. An ore" f the war department gives to t ommanding officers in Cuba , Poi uthority in the matter of transi cm the line and enlistment and i nlistment of the hospital corps. Acting Secretary Meiklejohn has led an order formally disbanding t econd and Seventh army corps. The headquarters of the First ca Iry has been transferred from Fc .obinson , Neb. , to Fort Meade , S. I'rosnincnt Omaha Mail Sulc'cles OMAHA. May S. William R. Bowe robably the best known member ; asonic bodies in the west , took 1 , vn life at his homo in this city. F venty-six years he had been grai : cretary of the grand lodge of Masc i Nebraska and as nuch has come intact with most of the members le order in the state. The cause a gned for his action is fir.anci ouble , which his friends believe r ilted in mental derangement. + eseSSSS3S9S9SS6SSSSSS63S9SSS9S9S3SSS3S333SSS9S9S9 + I The News Briefly Told. 1 ( C (6 ( Saturday. Senator Kyle will be succeeded Vice President Philips as chairmai the industrial commission. Six hundred employes of the W ern Stone Company in the Joliet , Re port and Lemont quarries , will to receive an advance of 25 cents per ( Other quarries will also make a s ilar advance. President and Mrs. McKinley si a quiet day Sunday in New York. the forenoon the president went church at Calvary Methodist chui driving in the afternoon over the c They return to the capital today. Two persons were killed , more t a dozen seriously injured and fifty ' . seriously hurt as the result of a wren on the Rochester & Lake Ontario r road , better known as the Bay r road , at Rosenbauer's Corners , at a mile and a half from Rochester. Captain Woodbury or the Sixtee United States infantry , ranking ( cer at Jefferson barracks , received defs to hold the troops in his comm ; in readiness to move at a mome. notice. That officer is in the d as to the destination of the troop : Secretary Alger being asked whet he would be a candidate before Michigan legislature for United Stz senator , to succeed Senator McMill replied : "I will say frankly that I think that if the state should see to send me to the senate I would preciate the honor , but after all state has done for me I shall not en into any scramble for it- " The transport Sherman brou from Manila the body of Colonel H. Egbert of the Twenty-second Uni States infantry , who was killed at front. The remains will be placed the mortuary chapel at St. Pa' church until the arrival of the 1 officer's family from Philadelphia. 1 dead officer was a brother-in-law Major Field , inspector-general of department of California. Friends of ex-Governor John P. J geld were greatly alarmed over a port to the effect that he was critics ill and that a surgical operation 1 been performed as a last measure his relief. The report went that he T afflicted with locomotor ataxia , an ; ment with which he is said to h ; been threatened for some time , c that the disease had developed a co plication which rendered an operati necessary. Monday. "Dewey Day" was enthusiastica celebrated in Philadelphia , New Yc and elsewhere. Secretary Gage has gone to the 1 springs of Virginia for a two wee vacation. He was accompanied Mrs. Gage. The comptroller has declared a d i'deut of 40 per cent in favor of t creditors of the First National bank New Lisbon , O. J. Pierpont Morgan , the Americ banker who is undergoing the cure Aix les Baines , has given the hospi there 50,000 francs. Rev. S. J. McPherson , Second Pr < bytenan church of Chicago , will i sign to become head of the Lawrem ville , N. J. , academy. The following customs and ta > were collected at the ports mention during April : Manila , $407,000 ; oilo , $45,534 ; Ccbu , $30,575 ; tot ? 533,293. Major General Merriam , cornman ing the department of the Colorac and his aide-de-camp , Lieutenant B. Bennett , have gone to Wardn < Idaho , to investigate the miners' stri and rioting. Brigadier General George W. Dai had a final consultation with Acti : Secretary Meiklejohn and Adjuta General Corbin previous to his cleps ture for Porto Rico , where he reliev General Henry as commander of th uepartment and governor general the island. Spain's economic situation , accor ing to El Liberal , is unfavorab tested by the official returns for t : first quarter of the current year. T imports showed an increase of 45,00i 300 pesetas , while the exports fell c 13,000,000 pesetas. The customs i : eipts showed a heavy decrease. Tuesday. President McKinley has approve the parcels post convention with Vei eziiela. The president has been invited ittend a general soldiers' reunion ; Terre Haute , Ind. , May 20. Terrific rains and thunder storm followed by snows , have orevaiied tl last week throughout Germany. The president has appointed Co Dnel Frederick Funston of the Twei : ieth Kansas a brigadier general < rolunteers. This appointment vi ccommended by Major General Lla : \rthur and supplemented very stror jy General Otis in a cable dispatch. Arrangements have been Started I everal Black H l& towns , includin Deaclwcod , Lead , Hot Springs , Cjstc' apid City and Speanish , to give tl : eturning soldiers , who enlisted fro ; he Hills , a rousing reception at son : ; ential place upon their return fro : .he Philippines. London representatives of the Fil ) ino junta say that they have receive i telegram from Aguinaldo date Ipril 30 , in which he states that h jovernment has nothing to do wit he present peace negotiations , whic ! ic asserts , are being conducted by ; roup of half castes and Creoles , wh ire anxious for peace in the expect ; ion of getting high office under a S3 government. The auxiliary cruiser Prairie saile rom League Island navy yard. Sfc nil spend five months or more in th raining service and will have o soard at various times naval militi rom all the states along the coas rom Louisiana to Maine. Captai I. R. Mackenzie is in command. Captain Charles M. Rockefeller , t he Ninth infantry , reported probabl aptured by the Filipinos , was sts ioned at Fort Leavenwoith for tw ears and was a member of the fir ? lass that graduated from the infantr net cavalry school when Major Ger ral Otis , its founder , was commanO , nL Wednesday. Brigadier General Thomas M. j drsou , who has returned recently fi the Philippines , has been assigned the command of the department of lakes. President Seth Low of Columbia i : versity , Captain A. T. Mahan , U. N. , and Frederick WHolz , the Am ican delegates to the peace confere at The Hague , sailed on the Amerii liner St. Louis. Judge Shiras in the federal co ordered the sale of the Dubuque Li ; and Traction company's property i less the bonds held by the Old Cole Trust company shall be paid within days. The amount involved is $5- 000- 000Rev. . Dr. Samuel P. Kellogg , one the best known theologians in country , died suddenly at Landour , dia , where , with two other emin scholars , he was engaged in trausl ing the scriptures into the Hindcsi language. Representative Henderson of To ' consultation with had a half hour's president regarding the work of 1 republican caucus at Atlantic City. explained to the president at lenj the currency reform plan which i committee unanimously decided to r ommend to the republicans of the m house. Edward Atkinson said that he s < no reason why he should concern hi self further about the stoppage by 1 postal authorities of circulars addr sed by him to persons in the Phil pines. He said he had received quiries as to whether he would lee but would nav no att < the country , tion to them. Stanton Sickles of New York I been appointed secretary of the Uni ! States legation at Madrid , and will jc Minister Storer at that place as so us the legation is reopened. Mr. S5 ( of General Daniel Sickl les is a son formerly minister to Spain , and h < the same position to which he is m appointed when Mr. Wcodford \ \ minister there. Senator Chandler of New Hampsh order prohibiting t speaking of the sending the literature of the Anti-I : perialistic league to the Philippin said that in his opinion the sending trc- undoubtedly iuch literature was sonable. "But I think it would , -ery foolish to prosecute Atkinson a Jis associates. " said he. "The liter have created dissensi : ure might our troops in the Philii Dn < imong v.'i but cared about , That is all we .he prospect of peace we do not ca p.uch about that Ihursday. Missouri , h Governor Stevens , ; igned the beer inspection bill , whi beer. all gallon on : alls for 1 cent a La Union , a pro-Spanish paper should n Spaniards lavana , declares ningle in Cuban politics , present uture. Commissioner General Peck has E Hired 8,000 additional feet of space he Paris exposition. It will be use o show bicycles. All railroads in Cuba , except t. mited railroads , will give free trarj iortation home to the Cuban soldie out. vhen they are mustered The mailing clerks at Washingt < re still sending official communic ions to volunteers in Cuba , althous 11 have been gone some time ago. The London papers are scoring tl iritish government for lack of intere a the Pacific cable , saying the Unit < , tates will seize the opportunity et in ahead. The Cuban national party will as ermission from Washington to ha1 portion of the customs receipts wii 'hich to buy implements , which a. mch needed. General Charles P. Eagan , ex-con lissary general of the United Stati ray , sailed for Honolulu on tl : eamer Australia. General Eagan ac is family will spend several montl n the islands. Brigadier General John C. Bates , 1 . V. , who has just been detached fro : Dmmand of the department of Sanl lara , reported arrival at New Yor Delay and was directed to proceed 1 [ anila by way of San Francisco an jport to Major General Otis. A committee of the trunk lines an entral Passenger association held > int meeting at Chicago to consicle rand Army rates. The principj .iestion under debate was whether tfc ual differentials should apply in cor sction with this business. The con .ittee will make two reports upo ntii : atter , and it will Ve taken up r. sst Wednesday's meeting of the Cer. al Passenger rssceiation. Friday. The president has decided to appoin Ibert S. Kenny paymaster general c sacceed Edwin Stuar ; is navy , to eimy is new general storekeeper i ew York city. Cracksmen blew open the safe in th : andard Oil company's ofiic ? at Si ) seph , Mo. , and partially wrecked th ick building. Severel hundred do ! rs and valuable papers were tuk n. A meeting of representatives of al .e St.Louis breweries was held at SI jiiis and arrangements made for tak g concerted action against the en Tccment of the new beer tax bill. Secretary Wilson will leave Wash gton next week on a trip to Louisi iaMississippiTcxas and other south n and southwestern states. He wil udy the agricultural situation in th1 ates he visits. Edward Atkinson said that the de and for copies of the pamphletswhicl e attorney general recently ordere < ken from the Philippine mnils ha creased so rapidly within the las w days that the supply has been ex msted temporarily. The interstate collegiate oratorica ntestvith representatives from tei ates participating , took place at tin iver theater in Lincoln , with the fol wing result : First place Rollo L . man of Beloit college , Wisconsin cond place George E. Farrar of De .uw university , Indiana ; third plac < A. M. Halladay , Simpson college wa. Nebraska got fourth place. 65 He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last A hearty laugh indicates a degree of good health obtain able through pure blood. As but one person in ten has other nine pure blood the should purify the blood 'with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then they can laugh first , last and all the time , for perfect hap piness comes with good health Hood's I'lIU cure liver Ills ; the non-Irritating and only cathartic to take with llood'a San aparllla. It takes two fools to make flattery ) ossible. Coo's Cough 15ilsam : the oMc t and liest. It1I1 lircuk up a cold quieter ban anything else. It is always reliable. Try It. There is no wealth that can ward : ears. The debilitating drains and discharges which weaken so many women are caused by Ca tarrh of the distinctly feminine organs. The sufferer may call her trouble Leuchorrhcea , or Weakness.cr Female Disease or some other name , but the real trouble is catarrh of the female organs and nothing else. Pe-ru-na radically and - - perma nently cures this and all othei forms of Catarrh. It is a positive specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining of the organs peculiar to women. 11 always cures if used ' persistently. It'L prompt and certain. I/ABASTINE is the original and only durable wall coating , entirely different from all kal- somines. Readv for use in white or twelve beautiful tints by adding cold water. ADIES naturally prefer AL.A- BASTINE for walls and ceil ings , because it is pure , clean , durable. Put up in dry pow dered form , in five-pound packages - * ages , v.-ith full directions. , L.L. kalscmines are cheap , tem- porarv preparations raado from whiting , chalk ? , clays. < ° tc. , and rtuck 0.1 walls wltfc. de caying animal g' ue. ALABAS- TINE is not a. kalsoraine. ETVABE of the dealer X7hf > says he can sell you the "same thing" as ALABASTINE or "something just as good. " H > is either " * r "t d ot is ury- lr 1.0 deceive you. 5CD IN OFFERING something- ' he has bougnt oheao and tries to sell on ALABASTINE'S de mands , he may not realize the damage j-ou will suffer by a. kalsomine on your nails. EXSIBL.E dealers will not bay a lausuit. Dealers risk one by selling and consumers by using" infringement. Alabastine Co. o n right to. make wall coat ing to mix xvith cold vater. HE INTERIOR WALLS Of every schoolhouse should be coatel cr.ly with pure , durable AL.ASASTIXE. It safeguards Health. Hundreds of tons are used annually for this work. N BUYING ALABASTINE.sea that packages arc- properly la beled. Lewire of large fonr- liouml package l.ght kalso- rnine cfft-reJ to customers us a fivc'-yound j-aekage. l'IANCE of wall parser is ob"- MP.ted ALAI5ATINE. . It can lie vt ? a on i < laFtered walls , wood ce.'ir.-s , bri k or can vas. A c'nM can brush it on. It dees not rub or scale off. 9TABLISHED in favor. Shr.n all Imitot'i-ns. Ask paint rtcnter or drusrcr.f .r tint card. AVrito for "Alar v tlne Era , " free , to ALAT-ASTIXE CO. , Grand Rapids , Michigan. * JSH BI\ Sag Keeps both nJcrar.a siJJIe per fectly dry In the furJcst Horns. bst-tuteswHilisapF nt Ask for I'oi-.me ! Sinker I&.7 f i h Brand It is e tircinp < - if not fir sale In > your town , wte for cataleptic to ' A J. TOWER Boston. 'housands fCiiledn Butcher's Fly Killer Ids the l i'H e 'f thousand- } Ho * . tli alt > rdine peace while j ou i . .t aiul the comfort of a najx ii. t ! * tM > rniiiK. Ai > kyourlrug- L.st nr ( , rr. 'cr. FREO'K LUTCHER DRUG CO. . St. Albins , Vt.