The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1899, Image 1

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"Your Eye In Mine. "
'My son Timotheus , when you have
learned the art of' saying , "Your eye in
TOine , " with overwhelming power and
all-persuasiveness , and can make the
< lear people do what they would not , and
'not do what they would , witli amusing
'unanimity , all the while making mon
keys of the same most comprehensively ,
without money and without price , 3ou
can wear diauionds as large as hens'
reggs and as dazzling as an arc light.
'Yea , you can wear the ' sparkers" with
as much abandon as a Sanioan belle
does her beads , swell clothes galore and
an air distingue all your own. Beside
this free and unlimited coinage of silver
eeems as nothing , for you have a snap , a
cinch dead-sure thing be-
Uead-pipe , a - -
'yond a peradventure. Go to , now , and
"remember his ways and mark his gait ,
' forgetting not his magic motions and
'Dick Dead-eye optics , and you will have
'bank notes even as some people have
'baled ' hay.
Good Nerve Saved Him.
While assisting in doing some switch
ing at Stratum , last Friday afternoon ,
- Freight Brakeman J. W. Bates was the
victim of an accident which cost him
'Iiis good right foot. The engine was
'Tunning backward , with Bates standing
on the box-frame of the rear wheel of
' the tender and holding to the rod which
operates the coupling attachment. His
'right foot slipped off of the frame and
winder the wheel , which quickly ground
" the member up in horrible shape , neces
sitating the amputation of the leg mid-
"way between the ankle and knee. The
injured man was promptly brought to
McCook and Dr. J. A. Gunn performed
the amputation. Bales' good nerve and
strong arm alone saved him from being
nlrawn under the engine and ground to
Colonel Mitchell , Bum Barrister.
Colonel Mitchell is as "bum" a lawyer
as he is art amusingly pathetic failure as
' a newspaperman. He cannot be safely
' taken seriously in either case. He
should have a surgical operation per
formed on his "think tank" before de
livering himself of any legal opinions ,
especially on the point of printers' fees.
-A little advice from some one who does
know a hawk from a hand-saw , legally ,
' might save him the disgrace of malic
iously libeling others , and might possi
bly save him the humiliation of so fre
quently exhibiting his ignorance of
matters pertaining to his own craft even.
Repair the Bridges.
There are two bridges in road district
,30 which require attention. We are in
formed that no overseer has qualified for
that district. Some person in the neigh-
'borbood of the road leading west -from
"the Carruth farm to the Evans farm
should regair them and present bills to
the county commissioners for the work
-and necessary lumber. This matter
should not be neglected until some body
is uurt'aiiuj j"t for damages has to be
5net by the authorities. Fi.vie bridges ,
"Our Boys" at Culbertson.
Last Saturday evening a number of
. young men of the city were entertained
'by the Culbertson girls in fine style.
Two carriage loads of the boys drove up
to the city at the mouth of the French-
< oiau , returning home , the following day.
The boys have uttered "all colors" of
compliments about the Culbertson girls
and the manner of their entertainment.
Those present were : O. B. Thorgrimson ,
C , N. Whittaker , C. C. Northrup , Ray
-McCarl , Roy Smith , T. E. McCarl , J. A.
Seyrer , Ernest Cordeal.
Willing Beneficiaries.
About 25 per cent of the business men
af McCook are heroically trying to do
what all the business and professional
men of the city ought to be doing
inaking it possible for newspapers to be
printed here by supporting the press.
The 75 per cent have no objection ,
Jioxvever , to enjoying and profiting by
the trade drawn by the enterprise and
sjenerous spirit of the 25 per cent.
We All Feel Better.
The fine rains of the close of last and
tSrst of the present week have been very
"reassuring and encouraging to the farmer -
er , starting the spring crops out in fine
shape. The grass , trees and flowers
Slave all been largely helped , and all
Mature has put on a brighter hue of
. green on account of the welcome
showers and warmer weather which fol
lowed the moisture.
The "Girls" Are Entertained.
The members of the "Girls club"
"were delightfully entertained , Tuesday
aright , by Miss Edna Meserve. Various
sjames were employed with which to
faiie away the evening hours. Light
refreshments were served : Between
twenty and thirty young ladies of the
city were present.
WANTED Year drag trade.
ED. DENNIS was over from Danbury
over Sunday.
SCOTT DOAN has been quite ill am
bedfast , this week.
J. N. PURVIS has been on the sick
list part of the week.
HOWARD HILKMAN is spending some
time with home folks i"ust now.
MRS. F. M. WASHBURN visited Treti
ton relatives , close oflast week.
H. II. TARTSCH and wife occupied the
Huddles toil residence , this week.
L. H. BLACKLKDGB was down from
Culbertson. Saturday , on business.
SAMUEL BALL of the Willow has gone
up into Hayes county with his cattle.
MRS. A. P. BoNNOT goes up to Den
ver , to night , on a visit of a few days.
the fond parents of a 'daughtel. this
visitor , Saturday , on matters of this
BISHOP GRAVES of the Episcopal
church was in the city , Monday , on mat
ters of the cloth.
is in the city , on a short visit to Agent
Thomson and family.
Miss MIMA RICHARDSON arrived from
Lincoln , close of last week , and will re
main at home for sonic time.
MRS. FRANK CLARY returned home ,
Thursday morning , from visiting in Den
ver and Akron for a week or so.
MRS. J. W. LINE and Miss Nell Fisher
went up to Denver , Tuesday , on a short
visit , returning on Thursday morning.
MRS. G. W. DILLON has returned
from the state of Washington , in a worse
condition physically than when she left
SHERMAN EVANS and wife have gone
to Parachute , Colorado , where his par
ents have been living for the past few
MESDAMES LAWS and Meserve de
parted for Lincoln , Saturday night , after
a short visit with McCook relatives and
MRS. MAE FORD is in the city on a
visit to her mother , Mrs. Ball , and sister ,
Miss Annetta , of the McCook surgical
have vacated the Burnett residence , and
have taken quarters in the A. O. U. W.
temple building.
LOUIS SUESS went down to Crete ,
Saturday night , to spend a few days
with thechildren , who are living with
his parents near Crete.
H. W. COLE , C. B. Gray , J. J. Garrard
audj. H. Bennett attended the grand
lodge meeting of the A. O. U. W. in
Lincoln , Monday of this week.
MRS. WOOD , sister of C. T. and L. S.
Watson , arrived in the city , Tuesday
night , from Indiana , and will spend a
month or so visiting the boys. C. T.
met her at Lincoln.
MRS. R. A. GREEN and the three
youngest of the children left on 2 ,
Wednesday morning , for Missouri and
Illinois , to be absent about a month on
a visit to relatives and friends.
MRS. NELLIE LOVE is in town sick
with typhoid fever , at Bert Thorndike's.
She stopped off here on her way to Mc
Cook several days ago and was suddenly
taken ill. Cambridge Clarion.
Miss JESSIE WILLIAMS , who has been
the guest of Mrs. A. P. Bonuot during
the past winter , departed for her home
in Wisconsin , yesterday morning. She
will visit in Iowa on the way. Miss
Williams is apparently much benefitted
in health by her sojourn here.
Miss SARA LOWMAN expects to leave ,
about June ist , for Europe , on a vaca
tion of such length as will permit of her
seeing the Paris exposition before her
return home. Years of close devotion to
business have earned for Miss Sara her
vacation with its grand and enrapturing
expectations and possibilities.
They Caught no Fish.
Last Saturday afternoon , between the
railroad track and the west river bridge ,
an accident happened to Mrs. H. P.
Waite and children and Miss Sarah
Hartman , as they were driving out to
Driftwood on a fishing excursion , which ,
though not lacking in exciting details ,
resulted quite fortunately for all con
cerned. At a narrow place in the road
way , the horse became uneasy at the approach
preach of a bicycle , and shied off the
road into a ditch , The carriage was
overturned and the horse got loose from
the vehicle in the mix-up. Miss Hart
man received a sprained ankle in the
accident and the other occupants of the
carriage were somewhat shaken up , but
no one , fortunately , was severely hurt.
The carriage top and thills were badly
3emoralized , however.
Spring has fired Old Man Winter off
of her lap , and the Lister season is about
over ; but , say , those Riding Cultivators
with Hammock Seats are just the proper
caper. No farmer can see one without
smiling all over. Cochran & Co. sell
Call and get some of that cotton seed.
Plant a little of it and experiment. S.
M. Cochran & Co. , McCook.
LOST Lady's cape in opera house ,
Saturday evening. Leave at this office.
Repair your sidewalks.
Memorial Dav Programs.
At 10 o'clock a. m. decoration of the
soldiers' graves at Longview , Calvary
and Riverview cemeteries by the' follow
ing committee of old soldiers : George
W. Dillon , J. W. Underbill , John Wil
liams , Jacob Steinnietz. W. S. Fitch ,
and J. M. Henderson. All citizens who
desire to join this committee in the dec
oration at the cemetery are cordially in
vited to do so at this hour.
Members of the G. A. R. , all old sol
diers and Ladies Circle will meet at the
G. A. R. headquarters promptly at 1:30
o'clock p. m.
Forming line of march at 2 o'clock
under command of Comrade J. A. Wilcox -
cox , chief marshal and aids. Line of
march will form as follows : G. A. R.
and all old soldiers on foot will form on
Deunison street , right resting on Main ;
Ladies of the Circle will form on Dennison -
son street , right resting on Marshall ;
civic societies will form on Main street ,
right resting on Dennison ; citizens in
carriages and conveyances will form on
Dodge street , right resting on Main ;
citizens on horseback will form on
Marshall street , right resting on Dodge ;
citizens on foot will form on Manchester
treet , right resting on Dennison and
march to Riverview cemetery where the
following programme will be followed :
Song Glee Club
[ nvocation Rev. T. L. Ketuian
Music Stayner's Drum Corps
Unveiling monument according to the
G. A. R. ritual
Oration Hon. S. L. Mathevvs
Music Glee Club
Dismissal and return to city
All ex-confederate soldiers are espec
ially invited to attend with us the Me
morial Sunday and Decoration day ser
Ladies and school children and all
others who can furnish flowers are re-
vuested to deliver same at the office of
H. H. Berry as early as possible on the
morning of the 3Oth , where a committee
of ladies will receive them.
Members of the G. A. R. . all old sol
diers and Ladies Circle will meet at
the G. A. R. headquarters at 10:15 : a. in.
jine of march will form at 10:45 a
march to the Methodist church where
' f ° U ° wing programme will be fol-
owed :
Song "Gloria" Choir
heading Orders J. H. Yarger
3ong Choir
Prayer Rev. T. P. Beall
Thank offering for monument fund. . .
Scriptural lesson Rev. W. J. Turner
Anthem Choir
Sermon H. H. Berry
Song "America"
Choir and Congregation
benediction Rev. W. J. Hickey
School Board Meeting.
At the meeting of the board ofeduca-
iou , last Saturday evening , the follow-
ng were chosen on the teacher corps for
he next school year :
A. L. Caviness , superintendent.
Rache Berry , principal high school.
Ella Leonard , principal west ward.
Nora Stroud , principal South McCook.
Beatrice Wibley , teacher.
Elizabeth Thomson , teacher.
Elizabeth Bettcher , teacher.
Mary Powers , teacher.
Mabel Wilcox , teacher.
If the teacher corps shall be organized
on the lines adopted , last year , there are
ive positions to be filled in the future.
Hiss Wilcox is the only new teacher so
ar chosen. Miss Meserve of the present
corps was not an applicant. No action
vas taken on the remaining five nietn-
jers of the present force : High school
assistant George Burgert , Mrs. Mary
) uffey , assistants Minnie Rowell , Sarah
Oyster and Susie Leland.
It was decided to hold a nine months
erm of school , commencing September
th , 1899.
It was decided to retain Janitor Rowell
during the interim between school years
t a salary of $20 per month , to look
after the property of the district.
Licenses to marry were issued to the
ollowing couples , since our last report :
Walter M. Pennington and Ora D.
Jartholomew , both of Lebanon.
Thopias M. Campbell and Martha E.
ohnson , both of McCook.
Roy W. King and Mary A. Modrell ,
oth of McCook.
Arthur Walsh vs. Squire Cox et al. ;
The next meeting of the board of
county commissioners will be held com
mencing June I2th. June I3th the board
will begin its sessions as a board of
equalization. This date should be kept
in mind by all tax payers who desire to
see that they are equitably taxed.
Vouchers are now being sent out over
the county covering old claims for wolf
scalps held in this county , and to pay
which , for years past , no appropriation
has been made by the several legislat
ures. The last legislature made an ap
propriation to pay these old claims , and
as soon as the vouchers sent out by the
county clerk are returned to him prop
erly signed , they will be sent to the
state auditor , and warrants will be is
sued after July ist , when the appropria
tion becomes available. It is estimated
that the old claims in Red Willow
county will aggregate between $250 and
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. ui.
All are cordially welcome.
REV.J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at ir. Junior Y. P. S. C. E.
at 3 and Senior Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m.
Evening sermon at 8 p. m. Auxiliary
of the Christian Woman's Board of Mis
sions meets .the first Lord's day of each
month. All are cordially invited.
T. P. BEALL , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at II a. in. Junior Union at 3
p. m. Senior Union at j. Gospel service
at 8 p. m. Morning subject , "The Holy
Spirit. " Evening theme , "Purpose in
Life. " Baptism will be administered at
the close of the evening service. All are
welcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching service at ir. Senior
"Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at 8.
Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening
at 7:30 All are welcome. Morning sub
ject , "The Inspiration of the Bible "
Evening subject , "Was a Ransom Need
ed ? " W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 2:30 ; Epworth League at 7.
Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible study
on Wednesday evening at 8 p. in. The
Lord's supper will be administered at
the close of the morning sermon. At 8
the tenth anniversary of the Epworth
League , subject , "The Wheel. " All are
welcome. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
Revs. W. J. Turner and W. F. Vogt
attended and participated in the Sunday
school convention at Indianola , Thurs
day.A .
A song and praise service will be held
in the M. E. Church , Sunday afternoon
at three o'clock. A cordial welcome is
extended to both young and old. Bert
Beyrer , leader.
Attendance upon the Endeavor "taffy-
pull , " last Friday night , at the home oi
President T. B. Campbell suffered con
siderably from the hypnotic influence oi
Professor Knowles and wife , whose
" " much and
mil" was evidently stronger
gjlt the crowd and fullness thereof.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a gospel
temperance meeting , Sunday at 3 p. m. ,
at the Congregational church. Subjects
of interest to all will be discussed. Min
isters of different denominations and
parents who are interested in the differ
ent phases of teuiperence work are es
pecially invited to attend.
The "Helping Friends" had to con
tend against the miraculous hypnotic
influences of Prof. Knowles and assist
ant , last Saturday evening , and so did
not realize all they hoped to from their
barn social in the new Thompson-Beyrer
barn , where refreshments were spread
and there were largest possibilities for
sport and gayety. Since the professor
has removed from our midst and our
citizens are without the zone of his "in
fluence , " which is most potential in lur
ing coin of the realm from the other fel
low's pocket to his own , we may expect
regular and reasonable things to happen
as of 3'ore.
The closing exercises of the McCook
schools will occupy the greater part of
the last week of school and will be of
special interest to all.
The main features are as follows :
Sunday evening , May 21 , will be the
annual sermon .to the graduates , de
livered by the Rev. W. J. Turner , at the
Congregational church.
Tuesday evening , May 23 , at the same
place , will be the Class day exercises of
the I2th grade , admission to which will
be by complimentar } ' tickets from mem
bers of the grade.
Weduesda } ' afternoon and evening at
the high school building , will be Visit-
Oi's day. All children , patrons and
friends of our schools are cordially in
vited to come for a social time and to
examine some of the work of the child
ren. Work of every child will be in
cluded not specially prepared "exhibit"
work , but the regular work of the classes
taken up from time to time during the
past year.
The annual graduating exercises will
take place on Thursday evening , May 25 ,
at the Congregational church , admission
to which is free to all ; "first come first
served. "
.Price and quality sell anything , and
that is why we have been compelled to
make the third order for garden hose ,
this season already. The third ship
ment received , this week. Where ?
Why at S. M. Cochrau & Co.'s , of
The Sanford Dodge company presented
" .V Prisoner of Spain" very acceptably tea
a fair house , last night. "Damon and
Pythias" is the number tonight. Under
auspices of the K. P. lodge.
Henry Carother of Coleman precinct
flied at an early hour this morning of
flropsy. Funeral eervives will be held
at his late residence tomorrow at eleven
A few remnants of wall paper at re-
3uced prices at McMillen's.the druggist.
The pay-checks will be in evidence ,
tonight on 5.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Gold , Saturday.
A daughter was born to Engineer and
Mrs. C. K. Putnam , this week.
C. J. Snell was up from Oxford , first
of the week , to see the family.
Supt. Campbell was down to Franklin ,
Tuesday on Burlington business.
Conductor Herman Brown was up from
Holdrege , Sunday , between trains.
C. E. Throne made a business visit to
Red Cloud , last Saturday between trains.
F. A. Stark was up from Oxford , Tues
day , moving the family down to Oxford.
M. C. Wayson went up to Straiten ,
this week , to see his father , who is very
Trainmaster Kenyon went up to Den
ver , Tuesday on i , on business of his
Charlie Franklin has been raised to
the dignity and emoluments of an en
J. M. Trammell was at headquarters.
Sunday , for the first time in a number
of weeks.
C. Wells , who had Manson's place
\vhile he was absent , has returned to
M. O. McClure left on Saturday morn-
ng for Detroit to attend the O. R. C.
W. F. Pate of the telegraph office
force went up to Fremont , last Friday ,
on business.
W. H. Starks is with Conductor Pope
vice Wayson , who is off on account of
llness of his father.
Harry Conover has McClure's run ,
vhile the latter is attending the O. R.
C. convention in Detroit.
Assist. Supt. Harris was down from
Denver , last night and this morning
going back on one , today.
O. W. Daling of Holdrege was D. J.
Best's guest , first of the week , leaving
for Red Cloud , on Tuesday.
Conductor A. G. Bump relieved Starks
while the latter was in McCook moving
the family down to Oxford.
R. A. Hagberg and I. B. Taylor went
a-fishin' on Wednesday , and everything
but six minnows escaped them.
On account of the increase of busi
ness , a second brakeman has been placed
on the Imperial run. D. F. Shaw is the
J. T. Brady is in charge of Beale's car ,
while the latter and wife are absent at
tending the O. R. C. convention in De
Machinist and Mrs. John Schmidt
have enlarged their affections to wel
come another daughter into their family ,
this week.
L. W. Stayner has been sick since the
close of last week , and Charlie Heber
has been doing Trainmaster Kenyon's
clerical work.
Conductor Mose Carmony is putting
some frills of comfort on his West Mc
Cook residence : Porches , bay-windows
and the like.
Frank Theme , brother-in-law of C. E.
Pope , has purchased the G. W. Burnett
residence on north Madison , and will
accupy the same.
Trainmaster Kenyon and Roaduiaster
Hagberg went up to Wauneta , yesterday
Morning , returning home on the road-
master's motor car.
Operator Charles McManigal has been
transferred from Benkelman to Red
21oud. J. M. O'Donnell of Holdrege
joes to Benkelmaii.
Will Brown has been transferred from
Red Cloud to Mascot , R. Hansen from
Mascot to Bartley , DeOrmand from
Holdrege to Red Cloud.
John Humphreys is attending the ses
sion of the grand lodge of the B. ofR.
r. , in New Orleans , representing the
McCook lodge of the order.
Extra Agents Bush and Zint were
it headquarters , part of this week ,
3oing extra work. Bush went to Ina-
irale , Wednesday , and Zint to Holbrook ,
Lhis morning , to relieve the agent there.
Last Saturday was Dare Kenyon's
twelfth birthday , and the occasion was
: elebrated by him and a company of
poung friends in a very happy manner ,
james and refreshments making the
: ime pass only to rapidly and enjoyably.
General Supt. Calvert of Lincoln
passed through the city , Tuesday morn-
ng on i , bound for Denver on company
Business. He gave the ice gang some
radical pointers in their line , while
vaiting for the change of engine etc. ,
it this point.
Colonel Phillips , who is a real lawyer ,
ast week in his Indianola Reporter , did
emove the cuticle from Colonel Mitch-
ill , who is an imitation lawyer , "proper. "
Colonel Phillips forgot himself for a
noinent and took Colonel Mitchell seri-
msly. both as a lawyer and an editor.
Jp here Colonel Mitchell has long since
ailed to more than amuse the innocent
md unsophisticated.
There were two things that Knowles
: ould not do : He couldn't put "Mickey"
o sleep , and he couldn't slip the wires
m the Elwood fence. Sold only by Bul-
Bronze Turkey Eggs for sale. $2 for o.
Try Lear for drugs.
Clean up your back-ynrd ; uid Hcy/
Glass , wall paper , paintn ntxl oili at
A fresh word from "The Hire Hive/ '
this week.
Always buy pure mid frcfth
Lear keeps them.
Well , you'd better try a rick of
lard's stove-wood.
Every road overseer houM do hi *
duty or "give up the gun. "
A new proclamation by George K.
Thompson in this issue.
The city will expend four or five hun
dred dollars , thisyear , on erodings etc.
Note the great closing out * alc an
nouncement of J. F. Ganschow in Ihw
WANTED A girl for house-work.
MRS. W. M. IRWIN , one mile northwest
S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint
best to cover best to wear. SoW by
Beautiful wall paper contributes roecH
to happy homes. McMiller.'s wall papers
contribute much to beautiful walls.
WANTED Girl for general housework ;
family of four ; good wages. Residence
of H. M. Tyler , North Manchester ave.
Paint is to a house what clothing is to
the body. It is just as important. Mc-
Millen guarantees every gallon of paint
he sells.
Street Commissioner Jordan is system
atically repairing the crosswalks of the
city , and putting down new ones where
they are needed.
A. Barnett is
getting the materials on
the ground for the two new houses he
proposes building on the lots in the rear
of his own residence.
How do you like to have the chickens
eat up the "garden sass" ? Bullards sell
the kind of fence that keeps ont chickens
and other old thing.
Young lady wants a place as cook ia
some good hotel or boarding hoc e in JL
town near Cambridge , Neb. Address
"X Y , " Cambridge , Neb.
It cuts no ice how fine your breed of
hogs may be ! Our celebrated Woven
Wire fence will hold them , jnst the same.
Those streets on which the citizens
have "parked" out to the i6-foot limit
present a most attractive appearance ,
which should encourage others to ce
A million $ x is a good deal of money.
We haven't that much , but we have the
best lot of stock tanks ever brought to
town and you can afford to buv one ; at
S M. Cochran & Co. are giving away
some cotton seed to those who call for it
at their store. And they will give a
premium to one who raises the best
cotton , next fall.
Get prices at C. L. DeGroff & Co.'s
Cash Bargain Store before you send out
of town for Dry Goods , Clothing or
Groceries , and get reliable goods , be
sides saving money.
Some people , and quite nice people at
that , never polish the heels of their
shoes. And occasionally you will observe
a citizen who forgets that there is a
back-yard or alley to his premises.
You will find an enterprising , up-to-
date business man reflected to life in his
stationery. It is not of the home-made ,
rubber-stamp sort , but the neat and
tasteful product of a modem printer.
Another car-load of those splendid
buggies , built especially for our trade ,
arrived in the city , Tuesday of this week.
Come and see them. Our carriage de
partment is full to the ceiling.
Speaking of bargains , thetc may be
some question whether Uncle Sam jot rt
bargain when he paid Spain $ : ooooooo
for the Philippines , but there is no
shadow of doubt about those 25 cents
sprinklers at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
iTou never bought the like for the money.
Rev. E. J. Vivian spoke the wools ,
Wednesday evening , uniting in marriage
X.oy W. King and Mary A. Modrell.
Ceremony was performed nt home of
jride's parents in presence of relatives
md near friends. A fine wedding sup
per and many gifts arc among the plcas-
int particulars. Our best wishes.
Thursday evening at the home of the
jride's parents , Thomas M. Campbell
md Martha E. Johnson were married by
R.ev. J A. Badcon in the presence of the
relatives and a few friends. A wedding
feast followed. Numerous presents were
received. Congratulations.