The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1899, Image 8

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In fifteen minutes , with only a cake of Ivory Soap and water ,
you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy.
Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clean
carpets , rugs , kid gloves , slippers , patent , enamel , russet leather and
wood-work and furniture. The
canvas shoes , leather Ix-lts , painted -
special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it
can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles
that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica
tion of water.
. of l water add one and one-half ounces
( one-quarter of the small size cale ) of Ivory Soap cut Into'shavlncs , boil five minutes after the soap is
thoroughly dissolved. Remove from the fire and cool in convenient dishes ( not tin ) . It will keep well
In an air-tight glass jar. .
Don't Lose Any Time About It.
If you expect to go west , this spring ,
ask the nearest Burlington Route agenl
about the specially reduced rates now ir
effect to Montana , Utah , - California ,
Washington ami Oregon points. Asl
about them right away today. Thej
may be withdrawn at any moment.
Through tourist sleeping car service tc
San Francisco and Los Angeles even
Thursday to Butte , Spokane and Seattlt
every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Fran
cis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha ,
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly , gratifying to the public
lo know of one concern in the land whc
are not afraid to be generous lo the
needy and suffering. The proprietors ol
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion , coughs and colds , have given away
over ten million trial bottles of this
jjreat medicine ; and have the satisfaction
of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma ,
bronchitis , hoarseness.and all diseases ol
The throat , chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on McConnell , drug
gist , and get a free trial bottle. Regular
size 500. and $1 . Every bottle guaran
teed , or price refunded.
Box Elder Circuit.
"Sunday-school at Box Elder church
everj' Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. in. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Red
Willow school house every Sunday at 2
p. in. Church service at 3 p. in. every
.two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4.
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap
pointment every Sunday at 10 a. in.
Preaching at n a. in. every two weeks
dating from Dec. n. Preaching service
at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every two
weeks dating from Dec I r.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach , liver and kidney
troubles as well as women , and all feel
the results tn the loss of appetite , poisons
iti the blood , backache , nervousness ,
headache and tired"listless , run-down
feeling. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner , Idaville ,
Snd. He says : "Electric Bitters are iust
the thing for a man when he is all run
tlown , and don't care whether he lives
or dies. It did more to give me strength
and good appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and have
a new lease on life. " Only 50 cents , at
McConuell's. Every bottle guaranteed.
XJNE office. Best in the market.
S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint
best to cover best to wear. Sold by
L , . W. MCCONNELL & Co.
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest.
The Burlington Route has establishe
a twice-a-week tourist car line from Kai
sas City to Butte , Spokane , Tacouia an
Cars leave Kansas City , Lincoln an
Grand Island every Tuesday and Thun
day , arriving at Seattle following Frida
and Sunday. They are upholstered i
rattan. The bed linen and furnishing
are clean and of good quality. Th
heating , ventilating and toilet arrange
meiits are all that can be desired an
each car is in charge of a uniforme
Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to al
tend lo the wants of passengers.
Cars run through without change c
any kind and the berth rate from Lir
coin to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To intei
mediate points it is proportionately low
Montana and the Puget Sound countr
are now enjoying a period of unexample
prosperity. As a consequence , travel t
the northwest is rapidly attaining larg
proportions. This new tourist car lin
lias been established with a view of cai
ing for the Burlington's share of it in th
best possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full informalio
can be had on application to any Bui
lington Route ticket agent or by address
ing J. Francis , G.P.A.Omaha. June 26
Red Hot From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B Steaduia :
of Newark , Mich. , in the Civil War. I
caused horrible ulcers that no treatmen
helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen"
Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts
bruises , burns , boils , felons , corns , ski :
eruptions Best pile cure on earth. 2.
cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold b ;
McConnell , druggist.
Tablets Below Cost.
We have come into possession of ai
assortment of tablets , of different prices
which we will sell at cost to dispose o
them in a hurry. If you want a goo <
ten cent tablet for five cents , call in anc
see our line. We have them at from :
for 5 cents up , and they are good qualit ;
and value. And some superb Crane'
superfine paper and envelopes at a prici
unheard of in this city.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thinj
that ever was made is Dr. King's Nev
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coatee
globule of health , that changes weaknesi
into strength , listlessness into energy
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health ,
Only 250. per box. Sold by McConnell ,
Writing paper in bulk and box , will
envelopes to match , at very reasonable
figures THE TRIBUNE.
In constipation Herbine affords a nat
ural , healthful remedy , acting promptly.
A. few small doses will usually be found
: o so regulate the excretory functions
that lliey are able to operate without
my aid whatever , /jocts. at McConnell's.
Bryan's New Book
With Supplementary
Cliiioi | iiom
liuu. Andrew Cariiu ie. Senator-
lluur. Vest , Allen. Uliite , Gor-
nmn. Bacon , M.ISOU. Daniel ,
Chilton. Butler , McL.mrin. Till-
Hoy.V. . J. Br.VAN man. Money , Turner , Teller.HON. . ANDREW CARNEOir
kdraunds. Clay : Hon. H. U. Johnson , Hon. Chas. A. Towne. Hon. Adlni E. Stevenson , Ex-Secretary Oar-
-lisle Kov. Ur.uu Dyke , Hon. Ch s. Francis Adams , Prof. David Starr Jordan , Gen'l Weaver , Hon.
Carl Schurz , Sani'l Gompers , Prest. Am. Fed. of Labor , nnd others.
Territorial Expansion denominated. "THE POOH .V.4.VS LOAD , " and opposed to thoConstitution
of the Un.tcd States , the Declaration of Independence , nnd all the most sacred doctrines of oar
Jtepubhcas liandad donu to us by our Fathers
It is profn ° ! y illustrated , giving benutifullinlf-tone portraits of Mr. Bryan nnd the other con
tributors ; . * -sjenes of thrilling interest , showinp the exact conditions nnd cut-toms in the
Philippines. .Nothing like it before attempted in book-publishing. A very bonanza for agents.
It cannot be boctght at book-stores ; it , cannot be furnished by nny other house. We nre the eole
OCScial Publishers.
The tirst Edition. 100,000 copies. A Jurpe octavo book , beautiful new type.
"IV tPATt FIvKKJUT ou each order amounting to 50 books nt one tima. when cash
.accompanies order.
TIZH OUTFIT BS . We make no charge for the elegant , complete Prospectus
Ontfit , vfith bianks. elf. , but uf. each Outfit costs us a lot of money , in order to protect ourselves
against many who nouM _ iiTirio.f. upon us by sending for Outfit with no intention oi working , but
merely out of i < Us curiosity , we require the applicant. n guarantee ol coed faith on his part ,
to vend us 25c to cover postage and wrapping , this cnionnt to be refunded to agent npon our
receipt of Cr t order lor 1O booU * .
Jtest Cloth Bimlin : : S1.5
licst Half KHS.MU Buiihnj ; . with marbled edges a 5
Boat Full Russia Buxlinir. with gold edges 3.OO
Write for our rnpirnllcled Term * to Accnt * . Address
You Now Have the Opportunity
of consulting one of thu leading physi
cians and surgeons ( in the treatment of
chronic and nervous diseases ) of this
country ,
He is well known in Nebraska , and is
reliable as well as eminent in His pro
fession , has but few superiors ia his line
of business.and from reports of the press
his rooms are crowded wherever h
stops. Al the request of his many
friends and patients who have usual !
Kone a long distance to see him , he has
decided to visit McCOOK and xvill he a
Ihe PALACE HOTEL on Thursday
June 1st,1899 , one da } ' only returnin ]
every four weeks for six months Con
sultation and examination FREE to all
His treatments and examinations '
understand are based upon new uietho
and are similar to those given in t
Eastern and Southern Hospital , whe
he learned his business.
He treats chronic and nervous diseast
chronic catarrh , diseases of the ear.iio ;
throat and lungs , dyspepsia , Brigh
disease , diabetes , liver , stomach , cons
pation , rheumatism , chronic female ai
bexual diseases , neuralgia , sciatica , diz :
ness , nervousness , slow growth in ch
dren and all wasting diseases in aduli
deformities , club feet , curvature of t
spine , diseases of the brain , paralys
heart disease , eczema , varicocele ai
hydrocele. Cancers , tumors , wens ai
birthmarks removed.
Young , middle-aged and old , marrv
or single man , and all who suffer fro
lost manhood , .jervous debility , sperm
torhoea , seminal losses , decay , failii
memory , weak eyes , stunted develo
ment. lack of energy , impoverish' '
blood , pimples , and blood and skin d
Eruption , hair falling , swellings , bo
pain , sore throat , ulcers , effects of rm
cury , kidney and bladder trouble , wei
back , burning urine , incontinence , gle *
stricture All receive searching tret
ment and prompt relief.
Both sexes treated confidentially ai
privately. Piles , fistula , fissure and ru
ture cured by our new method.
This paper and the great St. Lou
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a yea
THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Bla <
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
Are PraisingPeruna as a Panaci
for all Their Ills.
Miss Anna Carston , Clayton , 111 ;
says : "Your medicine did me so mu <
good. I believe I should have be *
dead by this time had I not used it.
am feeling MJ well now , I have not takt
any medicine for four or five month
If I am-ever troubled with anything
the kind again I shall take nothing b' '
Pe-ru-na , and I can cheerfully recor
mend it to my friends. "
A vast multitude of women have four
Pe-ru-na an indispensible remedy ,
meets all their irregularities , critic
periods , and peculiar weakness. It doi
this because it is a specific for pelv
Miss Sadie Martinet of New Yor
City , the prominent young actres
writes to Dr. Hartman in regard to Pi
rti-na , as follows : "It gives me grez
pleasure to recommend Pe-ru-na to men
bers of iny profession. I have found
'most helpful I consider Pe-ru-na <
especial benefit to women and partici
larly recommended it to them.M
dressing table is never without it. "
Everywhere the people , especially th
women , are praising Pe-ru-na as a ren
edy for all forms of catarrhal difBcultiei
Send for free book entitled "Health an
Beauty , " written especially for wonier.
Address Dr. Hartman , Columbus , O.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .2
Wheat 5
Rye 4
Barley 3
Hogs 3-2
Butter i
For whooping-cough , asthma , bror
chilis , or consumption , no medicin
equals Ballard's Horehound Syrup. 2
and 50 cts. at McConnell's.
THE TRIBUNE and Deniorest's Fainil
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly i
S-WP means Sherwin-Williams Pain
best to covet best to wear. Sold b
L. W. MCCONNET ! . it CO.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertise
by the McCook postoffice on May 301 ! ;
Jas. Doj'le , Mr. Jan Gainer ,
Charles Heuatt , Miss Lillian Do3 > le ,
John Johnson , Miss Fern Lotirdige
In calling for any of Ihese lellers , pleas
say lhat they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMEM. , Postmaster.
Many a fair young child , whose pallo
has puzzled the mother , until she ha
suspected rightly her darling was trout
led with worms , has regained the ros
hue of health with a few doses of White'
Cream Vermifuge. Price as cts. Sol
by McConnell's.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Neb. , May 3,1899
Board of county commissioners met pur
ant to adjournment. Present , James A. Rob
son , Henry Crabtree and Stephen
missioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney a
K. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of pre
uus meeting read and approved.
Moved l > y Crabtree that all the bids i
finishing rooms , entrances thereto and vau
therein in building located on lots 7 to
block 4 , original McCook , be rejected for t
reason that no estimates have been made I
that purpose by the board of county comm
sioncrs and that the board has no author
of law to let any contract without the estimt
provided by law. Motion carried.
On motion the county clerk was instruct
to advertise for bids for the following work
be done in the county court-house in McCoc
Finishing the commissioners1 roomthe cour
clerk's rooms and the sheriff's office : the sou
stair-way to the basement and to the seco
floor ; finishing and plastering the hall-wa
including the west side of the north and sou
partition on the first floor , and to put in
rough floor over the rooms and hall-wa
therein mentioned. Also to include finish )
the vault for the county clerk's room , and pi
ting in a partition wall of brick , eight inch
thick , on the east end of the south jnil roc
in the basement. The work to be done a
cording to the original plans and specific
tions by M. Leach , architect of the cou
house , and the specifications and details foui
in the office of the county clerk.
The following official bond was examiiv
and on motion approved : A. V. Olmstea
road overseer , district No. 14.
It appearing to the board from the petitii
of C. A. Bede and others , and upon cxamin
tion the board finds lhat the public goi
requires it , on motion the following ro ;
is established :
Commencing at southwest corner of sectii
17 , town. 4 , range 26 , running west on sectii
line to Ihe southwest corner of section i
town. 4 , range 26and terminating thereat , ai
clerk directed to notify overseeis of highwa
to open said road , and also to notify owne
of land along said road to file claims for dai
ages caused by the location of said road , <
or before noon of the I5th day of July , 1899 ,
no further reference will be made thereto.
The following claims were audited and :
lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed
draw warrants on county general fund , levy
1898 , in payment thereof , as follows :
C.B. lloag , livery $13
) . M. Brown , medical services per con't. 10
VVm. McCallum , mdse 24
E. J. Mitchell , supplies 19 i
State Journal Co. . supplies 103 .
C. II. Meeker , rent county offices. . . . . . 66 i
Stephen Belles , services as commission
er and mileage I ? '
Henry Crabtree , same 11
Jas. A. Robinson , same 20 ,
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , ;
Follows :
M. Hereth , hauling lumber $31
Geo. Younger , bridge work 9 (
B. F. Tate , hauling lumber 5 (
And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , ;
Follows :
K. E. Smith , road tax refunded 4
Fames Hatfiekl.same 3
L. L. Grimes , same I ;
( J. R. Newberry , same 2 .
Chas. Dubarko , poll tax refunded 31
N. Ploussard , poll and road tax 3
On motion board adjourned tomeeljui
I2th , 1899. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Nothing has ever been produced I
equal or compare with Tabler's Buckej
Pile Ointment as a curative and healin
application for piles , fissures , blind an
bleeding , external or internal , and itcl
ing and bleeding of the rectum The n
lief is immediate and cure infallibli
Price. 50 cts. in bottle , tubes 75 ct
Sold 1 > 3' McConnell , druggist.
THE McCoOK TRIBUNE , the Omali
Weekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan Ma {
izine , a'l three for $2. You can't beat i
IVicCook Transfer Lin <
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
attention paid t
inuliug furniture. Leave order
it either lumber yard.
* known for 15 years as the
Prepared ty EIOHASD20IT D. CO. . BT. LOUI3.
At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s.
For Infants and Children.
Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Not affected by Heat or Cold.
highest Awards at Centennial ,
Paris and World's Fair.
.anufactured . pRAZER | _ UBRQATOR ,
Factories : Cbcfego , St Louis , New York.
The Band You Have Always Bought , and which has been
iu use for over 30 years , has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you iu this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Wha >
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
and SoothingSyrups. . It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and TTiud
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You tee Always Bon
Sn Use For Over 3O Years.
. - * - - ' " * ' 'M
3gjpr | : ! * '
Are recognized the \voriu over as representing the highest type
o ? exceHcnce in bicycle conctvaciion Arc r-ov/\vithn rcpch o ? al !
! P-V g * " fl fA 5
. F i M ns 3 EI ,
' " Why look further when pischnc5ci
i\t\ t'no'5'--ta'r- !
U't - ' -DO : ! ' - ; -
\ "
i\SMH SM U 8 ; : hudliM&S ) 0 established reputation ccn be had
* * at these prices.
Semi for Catalogue Agci s wanted in npun territory
Ha'.sted nnd Fulton Sts. . CHICAGO Church and P.aade Sis. . NEW
Not much attention is often paid to the
Ho Torture Equal to tiie first symptoms of Eczema , but it is not long
before the little redness begins to itch and
burn. This is but the beginning , and will
Ming end Burning ot lead to suffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
a roughness and redness of the skin as
Riis Fearfoi Disi merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica
tion of a humor in the blood of terrible
Sczema which is more than skin-deep , and cnn not be reached by local appli-
iations of ointments , salves , etc. , applied to the surface. The disease itself ,
he real cause of the trouble , is in the blood , although all suffering is produced
hrough the skin ; the only way to reach the disease , therefore , is through
he blood.
Mr. Phil T. Jones , of Misersville , Ind. , writes :
"I had Eczema thirty years , and after a great deal
if treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave mo
ionstant pain. It finally broke into a running sore , and
> egan to spread and grow worse. For the past five or
is years I have suffered untold agony and had given up
.11 hope of ever being free from the disease , as I have
iepn treated by some of the best physicians and have
aken many blood medicines , all in vain. With little
aith left I began to take S. S. S. , and it apparently
nade the Eczema worse , but I knew that this was the
ray the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
i. fc > . S. , the sore healed up entirely , the skin became
lear and smooth , and I was cured perfectly. "
Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not be cured by a remedy which 13
inly a tonic. Swift's SpecificS
-is superior to other blood remedies because it cures diseases which they can
iot reach. It goes to the bottom to the cause of the disease and will cur
he worst case of Eczema , no matter what other treatment has failed. It ii
he only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash , mercury or nny
ther mineral , and never fails to cure Eczema , Scrofula , Contagious Blood
'oison , Cancer , Tetter , Rheumatism , Open Sores , Ulcers , Boils , etc. Insist
pen S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift
iflc Company , Atlanta , Georgia.