The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1899, Image 4

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    8y F. M. K1MMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
MATTHEW QUAY and Richard
Croker doubtless both agree that
this is not a good year for "patri
otic politicians" of their stripe.
WE agree with Colonel Bryan
when he says with such distinct
and characteristic unction , "The
hearts of the American people are
all right. '
SPEAKKU REED is to go to New
York , after a tour of Europe , to
enter a great law firm in the me
tropolis. And the politicians are
agitated over whom shall sucked to
his crown.
THE Pennsylvania legislature
adjourned without electing a U. S.
senator. Senator Quay was una
ble to secure a re-election , but the
opposition was not able to center
on a successor. The people should
IN the ambuscading of a boat's
crew from the gunboat York town ,
the Filipinos have scored their
first touch-down on the navy.
Lieut. Gilmore and fifteen men
were captured and their fate is un
known , the worst being feared.
RICHARD CHOKER , the great
iinuuy chief , is frank , to put it
( iu his testimony before the
x investigating committee ,
'eminds us of that other
famous New York per-
/ho expressed himself so
iy , "The-public-be-damned"
THE attempted poisoning of
Mrs. Morey and Mrs. Gaslin of
Hastings has stirred that city from
center to circumference. Both the
ladies , as well as the subject , Miss
Viola Horlocker , are social queens.
It is stated that Miss Horlocker
was madly infatuated with Lawyer
Morey , and this is thought to have
led to the jealous attempt on the
life of the wife.
church , Chicago , receives the pal
try salary of § 15,000 per annum ,
with which he is expected by
strict economy and taking advant
age of the bargain sales of that
great city , to keep the wolf from
the door and give the children
common school education. They
don't drink of the "Water of Life"
in that gay metropolis "Without
money and without price. "
THE new school laud law passed
by the late legislature repeals the
old law , while retaining the gen
eral features of the old law. It
omits an amount of dead and in
operative matter and makes , among
others , the following provisions :
Section 15 provides for leasing
the uuleased lands ( about 800,000) )
at what they are worth , to the
Section 8 provides- that owners
of sale contracts may pay all or
part of their principal and at the
same time settle the interest ac
count 011 a basis fair alike to them
selves and the state.
Section 12 provides for
for taxation all educational laud- ,
which will doubtless increase tli
amount of laud on the tax-lists ,
lauds which now escape taxation
on account of state deeds not being
Section 17 simplifies the dispo
sition of improvements on forfeit
ed laud and will discourage the
practice of allowing rentals to be
come delinquent , while encourag
ing the re-leasing of such laud
more readily. It makes more
specific the duties of the commiss
ioner of public lauds and build
ings , with regard to collecting
payments of interest and rental
within reasonable time.
Section 9 allows holders of ma
hiring sale contracts more time'oi.
the same giving ten years longer
in which to pay out.
Section 16 gives holders of
lease contracts who had expected
at some time to buy the land but
did not do before
so the same was
withdrawn from sale , an opportun
ity , as the expiration of said leases ,
to renew the same without compe
tition , thus protecting them in
whatever improvements have been
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
n guards the food
against alum *
Aluirt baking powders arc the greatest
menaccrs to uealth of the present day.
Mrs. W. H. Harrison is quite
J. Cautral went to St. Francis
Kansas , Tuesday.
A car of Kimball piauos was re
ceived here , Sunday.
L. Cuuii accompanied Rev. Win-
die to Lebanon , Sundny.
W. F. Everist and wife of Mc-
Cook were in town , Monday.
Miss Gertie Sewell did not come
home , Tuesday , as was expected.
Wm. Eifert and G. 0. Monroe
drove over to McCook , Saturday
Mrs. L. A. Pew took the morn
ing train , Wednesday , for Hebron ,
Roy Thomas started for Okla
homa , Monday , going overland on
his wheel.
Dr. E. T. Waters came up the
branch , Tuesday , on business for
the B. V. R.
S. W. Stilgebouer's confection
ery store is quite a nice addition
to our little town.
T. M. Godwin and E. T. Woods
have their new houses almost
ready for occupancy.
No stock was shipped from Danbury -
bury , Wednesday morning ; quite
an uncommon thing.
The third quarterly conference
of the M. E. church will be held
at the church , Saturday and Sun
The entertainment given by the
Christian Endeavor society at the
Congregational church was a suc
cessful one , enjoyed by ti good
A Women's Christian Temper-
auca Union was organized at the
M. E. church , Monday evening ,
after which all present visited a
meeting of the village trustees to
express their views on the subject
of license. Mrs. Devoe of Leba
non helped effect the organization
and made an interesting talk in
behalf of this work.
Mrs. Harlow W. Keyes visited
briefly in McCook , Monday.
S. R. Smith had legal business
in the county's capital , Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen vis
ited relatives in McCook , Tuesday.
County Supt. Wei born spent
Saturdav in McCook on business
of her office.
W. A. Dolan and Mike Morris
were Sunday visitors in the coun
ty's metropolis.
Mrs. W. G. Sheppard was down
from the west end town , Sunday ,
visiting friends.
Mrs. Mabel Strauahan of Mc
Cook was the guest of Miss Lulu
Beardsleepart of this week.
Ben Gossard went up to Mc
Cook , Sunday night , and is doing
the office work for C. F. Babcock ,
the real estate man.
HigheSV Honors World's Fair ,
\ . pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Farrell , Saturday last.
Agent Eulow , wife and baby
were visiting in Hastings , Monday.
W. E. Rollings made a business
trip to McCook , close of last week.
I. W. Stevens was doini * business
in the county capital , Wednesday.
A number from town attended
the dance at Jack Fifer's , Wednes
day evening.
Rev. M. S. Foutch sojourned in
Arapahoe a few days , latter part
of last week.
Clyde Lake is spending a few
days , this week , with his parents
at Oberliu , Kansas.
Drs. Brown and Hathoru made
their regular professional visit to
Indiauola , Wednesday.
H. L. Burton , W. S. Hamilton
and H. P. Hodgkin journeyed to
the county seat , Tuesday.
M. Lawritson and wife of Mc
Cook were visiting with Agent
Enlow and wife , Sunday.
Extra Agent Bert Bush was do
ing business at the depot , Monday ,
in the absence of the agent.
Earl Murray of Cambridge was
doing business in the burg , Tues
day , as agent for a dress chart.
Postmaster Miller has made at
tractive the front window of the
postoffice by the addition of a few
lovely plants just received from
the greenhouse.
The Arlington photograph car
has been doing a very nice busi
ness in our village , the past week.
They will invade Indianola the
first of next week.
Mrs. Mable Strauahau of Mc
Cook and-Miss Lulu Beardslee of
Indiauola visited the Misses Teel
and Happersett and their schools
here , Tuesday afternoon.
A change in mail service was
inaugurated , Thursday. No. 12
now has a mail car and will receive
and discharge mail for all points
east. A much appreciated accom
W. Geo. Sheppard , Guy Curlee
and three other McCookites were
down , Sunday , practicing with
some of the band boys here pre
paratory to furnishing the music
for the Decoration day services in
As was predicted , M. E. Corbin ,
on his return from the east , came
prepared to begin housekeeping on
a larger and decidedly grander
scale than ever before. M urn's
friends will join us in wishing
them prosperity and happiness.
C. W. Keys departed for Cam
bridge , Monday morning , to take
charge of the Barnett lumber yard
at that place. While congratulat
ing him on his promotion , it is
with regret that we note the re
moval of himself and family from
our village.
Bert Pate , who was night man
at the depot some time ago , passed
through on No. 5 , Monday even
ing , going to his work at Otis ,
Colo. , after a few days visit at his
home in Hastings. Bert is re
membered here as being the only
"Sandow" Agent Eulow ever had.
What appears to be a case of
hoise stealing developed , last Sun
day evening , when J. E. Smith's
people found the team which they
had driven to town was missing.
The team and buggy had been
left standing on the sheet while
they attended church and no trace
of the outfit has since been found.
Last evening , about 7 o'clock ,
fire was discovered in the storage-
age room of the depot , and in a
short time the building was to
tally destroyed , together with much
of its contents. Agent Eulow , who
occupied the second story as a
dwelling , lost many of his effects
and was quite badly hurt trying
to save them. He remained in the
building too long to escape by the
stairway , and cut his arm in break
ing through a window , and in ad
dition sustained severe bruises and
sprains from the fall. A special
was sent here at once from McCook
svith a force to repair the wires and
slear the track , trains passing on
the siding meanwhile. Extra Agent
Zint was sent to take charge of the
station. The fire probably had its
Drigin with the helper , who was
filling the switchlamps.
and Deincirest's Famil ;
Magazine for $1.75 a year , Mrictly ii
Latest Designs.
Latest Colors.
Come and see our Stock
and get Prices.
The Man Who Toils
is the man who oughl
to have the best things to eat , becaust
his system requires it. Workingmet
and everybody eke who want the besl
to eat come to our shop We run the
best butcher shop in the city. Our place
is clean. The meats we sell are tendei
and fresh and the prices low enough to
suit anybody. If you knew how particu
lar we are to give satisfaction , you'd
never buy elsewhere.
B. E. ASHTON , Pres. 7. E. UeflOHALD , Cash.
A General Banking Business
husiness you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
New Stock !
New Patterns !
Don't Buy Before Examining :
Our Superb Stock.
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills , Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Avc. ,
hefore g a. in. and after 6 p. m.
given in appropriate cases
McCook Surjjical Hospital.
837 Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is puar-
inteed to be first-class. We do nil kinds of
-rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
S : Bellamy , assistants.
j | Page Woven Wire , Barbed Wire , Poultry Netting
* .
-Xlf. tfa ifff jrfU rfV
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word from the wise should be Mitiicient ,
but 3ou ask , who are the wise ? Those
who know. The oft repeated experience
of trustworthy persons may be taken for
knowledge Air. W M. Terry says Cham-
herlain's Cough Remedy gives better
satisfaction than any other in the mar
ket. He has been in the drug business
at Elkton , Ky , for twelve years ; has
sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy
nnd nearly all other cough medicines
manufactured , which shows conclusively
that Chamberlain's is the most satisfact
ory to the people , and is the best. For
sale by LV. . McConnell , druggist.
Rheumatism Cured.
My wife has used Chamberlain's PJIR
Balm for rheumatism with great relief.
and I can recommend it as a > plcMhd
liniment for rheumatism ami ether
household use for which we have fottmi
it valuable W J. Cuyler. Red Creek.
New York.
Mr. Cuyler is one of the Icadiwg mer
chants of this village and one af ike
most prominent men in this viriahv
W. G. Phippin. Editor Red Creek Her
ald. For sale bv LV McCoandl
This paper and the great St. Loins-
SemiWeekly Republic for < i 75 a yer
is our handsome display of
Ladies' Plain Ribbed Vests button hole btadiag.
Ladies' Sleeveless Ve ts- with tape in arm d
Ladies' Half Sleeve Vests.
Ladies' Full Sleeve Vets. .
Ladies' Sleexeiess Vests with tinted binding.
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests with lace trimmings.
Ladies' Ribbe ' Pants with lace trintntisigs.
Ladies' Union Suits kiue length.
Silk Vests in nil sire *
Ladies' Silk-and-Lisle Ve ts in all size- * .
Men's Summer Underwear from 25c up.
Children's Summer Underwear 5c s d
SUMMER CORSETS - - We uill < = ell you a > corset amde of TWO-
THREAD net , well boned , 5 hooks , guard back of steels , xoacd o stripped
around the waist , for only 35 cents. Compares with other $ o-c * t corart * .
Our so-cent slimmer corset is elaborate and handsome. We curry ! Irrtis
Waists for Ladies , Misses and Children. I'ull line of rrRttlur corsels from
size 18 to 34. _
Handsome line to SHIRT WAISTS AND WASH FABRICS every
and every piece new this present season. Not a y ror garment 60
old in our stock !
Kid GlOVCS made of plump skins thicker than com won
gloves duianle dressy cheap. Complete hne < at 51 tx > * a * ? * 5 ° *
black and colors.
Silk Mitts , Silk Gloves , Belts , Fancy RiMjons. Laces , &al > r Merie $ ,
FinishiiijT Braids Etc. , Etc. _
Men's Gloves , Hats , Shoes , Pants , Overalls. Shirt * . So.Sttsrc > ler $ .
Handkerchiefs Etc. , at a saving1 to you of 10 to 20 per cent.
I In Meeker nid . ! Pe
, Adj. County Olfices. GEO. E. THOMPSON. , , .
Ihccsshr. Freights
Retail Profits
We carry in stock at Omaha tlu > lam ( * t lin >
of Jtiinlt'im'tiK WJUJOHH. Hupfru" ' H ni < ! .
Kindinjr TV. nu1. UiijHi" . Sowuit ; Mirlnn : " .
Stove ? and Rungee. I'ainttf. Oils , ok * and MM.
ov * rythiti { ? at
; ae ! Prises Direct to Oosisumsr
H j m lmu' u rn
4o niloU toity part jioMnco > on
10 to 40 nor font on oxoryttd" * N ' *
1HSC IIAKIEOXVS , x , . . . - > . . . . "llic House that Sin 08 Vu None.11