The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1899, Image 1

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    _ , i 4 t-s.--
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Commissioners Receive the Lots.
At the adjourned meeting of the board
of county commissioners , last Friday , the
"following resolution was adopted :
"WHEREAS , The citizens of the city
of McCook have offered to donate to
- RedSJill8w county , Nebraska , the south
mlf of Block No. II in the First Addition
to the City of McCook for the purpose of
erecting a county court house thereon ,
< and for court house grounds , and
"WHEREAS , The county commission
ers of said county believe that the south-
eabt quarter of Block No. 4 in the orig-
nnal town of McCook is a more suitable
"location for the county court house , and
the citizens and electors of the said City
of McCook and the owners of said lots
. have tendered to the county deeds to
l/oIs Nos. 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , ii and 12 in said
-Block No. 4 in the original town of Mc-
Cook , the same being the southeast
quarter of said Block 4 , in lieu of the
south half of said Block No. n in the
Pirst Addition to the City of McCook ,
-therefore be it
-'RESOLVED , That the said deeds to
said lots be accepted by the county , and
the southeast quarter oflsaid Block 4 be
xleclared the location of the county court
.house 01 said county. "
This resolution formally accepts the
Hots upon which the new courfliouse is
rvj * . built , and declares the several lots
therein mentioned as the location
of the county court house of Red
i Willow county. The resolution was
favored by Commissioners Belles and
Robinson , who have thus taken another
.proper and wise step in the direction of
the settlement of this court house ques
tion in the interest of the people of the
The Wesleyans Please.
"The Wesleyau quartet sang to an en
thusiastic house , Monday evening , in
J the Congregational church. While the
programme was apparently short , the
numerous responses to encores made the
programme sufficiently long for a full
evening's pleasure. The quartet has
inade marked improvement since its
last appearance in our city , and now
igives an entertainment altogether meri
torious and entertaining. They sing
better music and in a more artistic man
gier. They made an impression in their
concert , Monday night which will be
A-aluable to them in future visits to our
Their reader , A. Roy Isreal , was suffer
ing from an attack of tonsilitis and only
appeared in one minor number ; but ,
although laboring under painful disad
vantages , clearly indicated that he could
-lill his part of the programme with cred
it , under normal conditions.
Ought to Prohibit All ot Them.
The temperance people are feeling
somewhat agrieved over the action of
Mayor Kelleyin prohibiting the further
pasting of the advertisements announc
ing Rev. E. O. Taylor's lecture , on the
sidewalks of the city. The action was
perfectly proper , though the reason given
does not seem to be adequate. This
miserable pasting and daubing business
has been carried too far over the sidewalks -
-walks of the city , and it should all be
prohibited ; there should be no discrimi
nation against temperance lecture an
nouncements , however.
A Small Blaze.
J. S. McBrayer had a small fire at the
4arm ( the old Luman Howe place ) , Sunday -
-day noon , which caused damage to the
extent of $25 to $50. The fire originated
-and was confined to tl e roof of the
kitchen part of the farm house , and was
probably caused by a spark which ,
fanned by the stiff breeze , soon threat
ened the destruction of the building.
Prompt workho\veversoou extinguished
the flames , with the loss as above indi
cated. The house is occupied by ] , A.
-Brinton and fatuity.
SMew Supreme Medical Examiner.
The board of directors of the supreme
sledge of the Star of Jupiter at their
aneeting , Wednesday night , elected Dr.
J. A. Gunn. supreme medical examiner
of the order , vice Dr. L. J. Spickelmier ,
-deceased. Dr. Guun was one of the few
men eligible to the position , and will
anake a strong addition to the directorate
of the Star of Jupiter.
SpringColors. .
The time for fresh paint is in the
spring. The best spring for it is this
Sspriug. Eevey gallon guaranteed.
Aguiualdo is about ready to quit and
so are the people who have been think
ing of sending away for their hose , since
thej' have been in their store and seen
the large stock of garden hose kept by
5. M. Cochran & Co. , who are surprising
everybody by the remarkably low price
they are selling the best s-ply hose at.
See us before buying barbed wire , wire
fencing , poultry netting or post | . . The
r 'largest assortment , the "best terjal
* * $ *
G. E. THOMPSON has moved into the
M. Y Starbuck dwelling.
FRED METZNER of Arapahoe was a
Sunday visitor of the valley's finest.
- MRS. D. L. BISHOP went down to
Franklin , this state , Tuesday on a visit.
MISS BERTHA SCHOBEL arrived in the
city , yesterday on I , and is the guest of
her brother.
MAYOR KELLEY was a Denver visitor ,
Sunday , returning home on No. 2 , Mon
day morning.
F. A. PENNELL has moved into Mrs.
Anna Golfer's dwelling , just north of
her residence.
W. O. NORVAL came in from the road ,
last Saturday night , and will be at home
for a short time.
MRS A. J. VENNUM and Miss Susie
were down from Palisade. Wednesday ,
returning home , this morning.
I J. REYNOLDS returned , first of the
week , from Oxford , where he had em
ployment as clerk for a short time.
Miss BELLE MORTON .was down from
Trentop , close of past and first of this
week , the guest of Mrs. C. E. Eldred
HARRY TROTH was down fiom Benk-
eluian over Sunday and Monday , to visit
, the family and take iri tV/i.J.V'sleyans.
MRS. G. W. DILLON is expected Fi'o'me
soon from the northwest She has not
been so well since her arrival in Oregon.
FRANK EDWARDS and Roy Williams ,
arrayed a la cow-boy , were conspicuous
and unusual figures on our st'reets , this
MR. AND MRS P. A. WELLS were up
from Red Cloud , most of thd week ,
on business , renewing oldtiine friend
ships while here.
MRS. A. P. WELLES was called up to
Colorado , first of the week , by the ill
ness of her father. She departed on
Monday night , for Areba.
MRS FRED HARRIS and one of her
daughters arrived in the city , Tuesday
night , and are visiting her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Menard.
CHARLES PETTY was out from Vail ,
Iowa , close of last week , looking over
the countrj * as a prospective investor.
He left for home , Saturday.
fined to the house , a day or two early in
the week , by illness , but is now able to
be about as usual breaking the record of
tax collections.
COLUMBUS B. ROWETL celebrated his
75 birthday , Sunday , by having a big
dinner with his children and grand
children at the Rowell home. Many
happy returns of the day.
MRS. J. A. WlLCOX returned home
from the hospital at Omaha , Monday
night , and all her friends will join in
the hope that her return to health and
strength may be rapid and sure.
W. C. WESTLAND of the Grand Lodge ,
Mich. , Independent , who has been in
the city for a number of weeks , for his
health , departed homeward , yesterday
on 12. He will see Lincoln on his way
SERVE cau-ie up from Lincoln , Tuesday
night , on business and pleasure com
bined. The treasurer returned home ,
Wednesday night , Mrs. Meserve remain
ing a few days longer.
MRS. HARVEY GUNDER , who has been
in the hospital at Omaha , for some
weeks , for treatment , arrived in the
city , Tuesday night , on her way home ,
remaining here until Wednesday morn
ing , guest of Mrs. A. G Dole , when she
continued her journey to Stratton.
Miss LIZZIE STEVENS of the land
commissioner's office came up from Lin
coln , Monday night , and accompanied
Conductor and Mrs. Frank Kendlen to
Denver , Tuesday , to participate in the
ball in connection with the meeting of
the Ladies' Auxiliary of the O. R. C. ,
which came off , Tuesday night.
MR. AND MRS. A. J. BATES of Corn
ing , Iowa , were in the city , between
5 and 3 , Thursday evening , visiting their
sons , A. A. and M. R. B. W. J. Bates of
Centralia , Wash. , who has been in the
city , a few days , visiting his brothers ,
left with them for Centralia , Wash. , on
the midnight train. This is the first
time the entire family has been together
in fifteen years.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. and Mrs. J. H. McManigal and
family wish to publicly acknowledge and
express their grateful appreciation of all
the kindnesses shown them by thought
ful and loving friends in the burial of
their son Will.
Samuel J. Stockton , who formerly
lived south of Indianola , but of late
j'ears has been at Hastings , Iowa , re
cently died in a hospital at Omaha , after
an operation for a rectal cancer.
The bazaar and supper by the Method
ist ladies , last night , repaid them nicely
for the efforts expended.
For a hog proof chicken tight fence go
to Bullard's and get the Elwood.
Loar's wall paper line is complete and
Joins the Silent Majority.
Last Sunday morning , after quite i
long battle with disease , Dr L. J. Spick
elmier joined the silent majority at the
age of 57 tears. Notwithstanding he
had long been ill , the news came as i
shock to most , few being prepared for
the sad news of his decease
The funeral services were held in the
Congregational church , Tuesilay after
noon , Rev W. J. Turner conducting ( lit
same , McCook lodge No 135 , A. F
A. M , being in charge of t lie'services
and McCook lodge No 61 , A. O U W
McCook lodge No I. Slur of Jupiter ,
and Crystal Lake tent No. 16 , K O T M.
acting as escorts. The popularity of the
departed and the sympathy of the com
munity were attested in the presence of
a large number of citizens at the services
and in the unusually numerous funeral
cortege that followed the remains to
Riverview cemetery , where the body was
laid away.
A touch of beauty was added to the
scene , in the floral decorations in the
church , and the wealth of beautiful floral
offerings to the memory of the deceased ,
which accompanied the casket , in vari
ous designs.
To the widow and children we extend and beartfelt condolence
and sympathy as'bitr omuion humanity
can offer.
Among those in attendance at the fu
neral from away wereJohii Spickelmier ,
Jehu Spickelmier , brothers , Burton Wilkins -
kins and wife , brother-iii law and sister ,
all of Hayes county.
The deceased carried $5,000 of life in
surance : Star of Jupiter , $2.000 ; A. O. U.
W. , $2,000 ; Maccabees , $1,000.
A wife and two children survive him ,
Mrs. Calvin Throne and Xenophou
Spickelmier , both of our city.
ust 25th , 1842. in Boone county. Indiana ,
and resided there until 1880. Was mar
ried to Sarah F. Smith on the loth day
of May , 1865 United with the Christ
ian church in March. 1870. and remained
a faithful member to the end. He at
tended college in Indianapolis , Indiana ,
four terms , and was graduated in 1880.
Coming west in the fall of 1880 , he locat
ed in Blue Hill , Nebraska , where he re-
sidtd and practiced his profession until
the fall of 1885 , when he removed to
McCook , Nebraska , wliere he continued
to live until the day of his death , Sun
day , April loth , 1899. )
To all the kind friends and neighbors ,
to the several orders represented , and to
all others for the many kindnesses and
willing assistance so faithfully rendered
during the long illness and after the
death of our dear one , we wish to express
our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude.
And in an especial sense to the neighbors
who so constantly rendered aid during
the many days of the doctor's sickness.
WHEREAS , It has pleased the Supreme
Architect of the Universe to call from
his earthly labors our well beloved
brother , Levi J Spickelmier , therefore
be it
RESOLVED , By McCook Lodge No. 135
A.F & A M.that , in the death of Brother
Spickelmier we have lost a worthy broth
er , the community air upright and ener
getic citizen and his family a kind hus
band and loving father ; and be it further
RESOLVED , That while we bow in
humble submission to the Divine .will ,
we have faith that the Master will re
ward him , not after the manner of men ,
but according to deeds done ; and be it
RESOLVED , That the sincere sympa
thy of the lodge be and the same is
hereby tendered to the bereaved family
in this hour of their utter loneliness ; and
be it further
RESOLVED , That a copy of these reso
lutions be given to the wife of the de
ceased and that the city papers be re
quested to publish the same.
( G. S. BISHOP ,
Committee ] H. W. COLE ,
( C. A. LEACH.
They Have Reorganized.
The members of the Nebraska Brigade
band held a meeting , Tuesday evening ,
and after clue discussion decided to re
organize the band. The new officers
are : President , A. Barnett ; secretary and
treasurer , J. G. Schobel ; manager , J. F.
Kenyon ; musical director , H P. Sutton.
The members of the band feel , that in a
measure their efforts have not been ap
preciated by the citizens of McCook ,
and if there really is any such lack , THE
TRIBUNE hopes it may be speedily re
moved , as nothing has ever advertised
McCook and delighted her citizens like
the Brigade band has , and it should re
ceive its full mead of praise and ap
At a Ripe Old Age.
Matthew Irviu of East McCook died
at his home , Thursday morning at 8:45 :
o'clock. The deceased has been ailing
all winter with heart disease. The fu
neral will be held at the house tomorrow
at two o'clock.
Front doors are not the only thing in
a house. Bullard has just as good doors
as anybody and a stock of dimension
sheatiug , shingles , finish , etc. , to make
the house to put the doors in ,
John Schmidt's barn was destroyed by
fire about eleven o'clock , this1 forenoon.
Loss is complete. Small boy and match.
CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at it. Junior Y. P. S. C. E.
at 3 and Senior Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. in.
Evening sermon at 8 p. in. Auxiliary
of the Christian Woman's Board of Mis
sions meets the first Lord's day of each
month All are cordially invited.
T. P. BEALL , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clockMorning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : u. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
METHODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 2:30 ; Epworth League at 7
Preaching at 8 Prayer and Bible study
on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Morn
ing subject , "Resurrection of the Body. "
Evening subject , "The Future Existence
of the Soul. " All are welcome
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at n a. in. Junior Union at 3
p. m. Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
it 8 p. ui. Morning subject , "The Amer-
"can Baptist Publication Society. " Even-
ng subject , "What is Sin ? " Ordinance
of baptism will be administered at the
Hose of the evening service All are
welcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Snnday-school at
10. Preaching service at 117 Senior
Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at o.
Praver-meeting on Wednesday evening
at 7:30 All are welcome Morning sub-
iect. "The Value of a Man. " Evening
subject , "The Twentieth Century City. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
WHEREAS , In the wise dispensation
of Divine Providence it has pleased Him
to receive our worthy brother William
M. McManigal , who died at Norcatur ,
Kansas , April lith , 1899 ; therefore be it
RESOLVED , That we , the members of
the Y P. S. C. E of the First Congrega
tional church of McCook , Nebraska ,
tender our heartfelt sympathies to the
family and friends of our deceased
Brother in their affliction ; and while they
mourn the loss of one so near and dear to
hem. we mourn and sincerely regret the
oss of a true and faithful brother "En-
deaj orer" ; and be it further
RESOLVED , That these resolutions be
spread upon the records and a copy of
hem be presented' to the family of the
leceased brother , and also a copy to
each of the city papers for publication.
Committee -JEDNA T. MESERVE ,
The German Congregationalists con
template the purchase of a parsonage.
The grounds about the Congregational
church and parsonage were improved
considerably , Wednesday of this week ,
by the planting of trees and shrubbery
An Old Veteran Gone.
Moses Battershall of Valley Grange
) recinct , who has been ailing for a nuui-
> er of months , but who was supposed
o be better and improving , passed into
a sleep , Wednesday afternoon , from
vhich he never awoke , dying peacefully
about five o'clock , Thursday afternoon.
Jp to the time of our going to press ar
rangements have not been made for the
funeral , which will , in all probabilities
occur on Sunday. The bereaved wife ,
laughters and son have the deepest
sympathy of all in their sorrow.
Miss Delia , who is in Oklahoma , has
been telegaaphed for , and will likely
arrive in time for the funeral.
Rev. J. W. Hickey united in marriage
at the Catholic church , Wednesday even
ing , John W. Spencer and Mamie Con
don. The ceremony was performed in
he presence of quite a company of
riends of the contracting parties. Both
are estimable young people and enter
upon their new life with the best wishes
of many. They have gone to housekeep-
ing in the city at once. May there's be
a happy , contented and prosperous voy
Butterfly Social.
The ladies of St. Alban's had a butter
fly social in McConuell's hall , Tuesday ,
which was well attended. It was a "fly"
social and everybody had a "fly" time ,
with a comfortable financial feature for
the guild.
Whether you believe in expansion or
lot , a call or lock box at the postoffice
s a great convenience and comfort ; and
vhen the small expense of the same is
considered , it is a wonder that an unoc-
upied box remains. But there are over
one hundred unrented boxes available ,
o no one need deprive themselves of
his modern convenience. See ?
The Weather Clerk authorizes us to
announce that spring is coming , though
a little off of schedule time , and this re
minds us that S. M. Cochran . Co. are
only asking 14 cents for the best 5-ply
jarden hose. You should buy some for
awn sprinkling the season is about at
All Coons may look-alike to you but
bey are not the same neither are all
encesthe same. Bullard's ELWOOD
ence is the BEST.
S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint
best to cover best to wear. Sold by
W. II. Starks has returned to duty.
Mrs O. D. Keith was a Hastings vis
itor , this ueek.
Mrs. George Martin visited in Hast
ings , this week.
Mrs. F. D Griffeth was an Edison
visitor , this week.
Will Pate of the telegraph office spent
Thursday in Mindeii.
Supt. Campbell was in Omaha , Tues
day , on business of the road.
Miss Jessie Stuart is the guest of Con
ductor and Mrs. G. W. Willetts.
Switchman W C. Sparks was at heau-
quariers , this week , from Holdrege.
Fireman Otis Shaffer was up from
Hastings , last Saturday , visiting rela
Brakeman J.J. Barry left , yesterday ,
for Ottuuiwa , Iowa , on a visit to his
fiert Pate , operator at Otis , Colorado ,
was at headquarters , Monday , guest of
his brother Will.
George Nicholson has commenced the
construction of an 18x24 feet addition to
liis dwelling hou-e.
C. E. MaLette , who has been at Red
Cloud , a few days , went up to Yuma ,
Colorado , last night.
Conductor O. R. Amick returned
Sunday night , from relieving Conductor
[ . J. Curran at Oxford.
Miss Euima McBride is down from
Frontier county , the guest of Conductor
H A. Rouch and family.
< 3 " . = e Jellie Shirley of Hastings came
up from Has > vlr.2 Monday , and is the
guest of Mrs O D Keith. . . .
Dennis Culleti is building an addition
to his residence , work on the same hav
ing been commenced this week.
Conductor J. J. Curran was up from
Oxford over Sunday to renew his ac
quaintanceship with the family.
Conductor Harry Conover returned ,
Wednesday night , from relieving Con
ductor Creep down on the Oxford run.
Brakeman William Hegenberger went
down to Hastings , Wednesday night on
6 , to relieve Brakeman C. L. Olmstead ,
Engineer F. G. Westlandreturned ,
Thursday night , from Lincoln , where he
has been receiving treatment at the j
Robt. T. Mansen of the freight house
force departed , last night , for London ,
Canada , where he will be married to Miss
Mary Johns on the 25th inst.
Brakeman C. V. Kerr has gone down ]
to Holdredge to relieve Yardmaster
Erway. who has gone east with his fam
ily on a visit of a week or two.
Supt. Campbell , Asst. Supt. Harris ;
and Asst. McFarlaud are in Peoria , Illi
nois , this week , attending the meeting
of Burlington division superintendents.
The Burlington is said to have large
coal land interests near Elk mountains j
in Carbon county , W } curing , and these , [
in addition to the iron fields , will be i
tapped by the extension from Camp' '
Clarke west to Hartville , of the line
which will start from Alliance and run
across part of Wyoming j
Instructive Lectures. 11
The scientific lectures delivered tn the
different churches of the city 03Rev. . Et
O. Taylor of Chicago were highly -
struclive , and called out large audiences.
They were quite different from the usual - !
ual temperance lectures and pleas , being j
scientific and educational in purpose i
scope , and devoid of anything approach- j
ing severity of sentiment or abiibe. The
various lectures were replete xvith good
advice to parents , "That Boy ot Yours"
being especially commendable along
that line. The closing lecture was given
in the Methodist church , Monday night ,
and various experiments made this one
of added interest The gentleman is
lecturing over the state under the auspi
ces of the W. C. T. U. He is an intelli
gent gentleman of fine ability and is do
ing good work in the temperance field.
J. T. Bullard Passes Away.
DIED At the home of his daughter ,
Mrs. E. M. Jones , 2522 Davenport street.
Omaha , Nebraska , Saturday utternoon ,
April 8th , 1899 , at 5:45 o'clock. J. T.
Bullard , late of Palisade , Nebraska
Funeral services were conducted at the
residence on Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The remains were taken to' ,
Chicago , Illinois. Monday evening , be
ing on Tuesday morning interred m the
family grounds in Rose Hill cemetery of
that city.
This simple announcement will bring
to the hearts of many of our readers a
painful feeling of personal loss The
departed was a noble , manly boul of
most upright , sterling character , and
during his short residence in our city
made a host of friends , who will learn of
his death with keen sorrow , joining TIIK
TRIIJUNE in siucerest expressions of
sympathy for the bereaved wife and
Refused the Application.
Yesterday at Beaver City in chambers ,
Judge Norris refused the application of
Maurice Reddy and others asking for an
injunction restraining the county com
missioners from making any appropria
tion to complete the county's new court
house. And the commissioners are now
free to do their plain duty in this mat
ter , and go ahead and complete the
building which the .generous people of
McCook have built and presented to the
county , expending first and last about
$14,000 on the same.
Don't fail to see Loar's wall paper.
There are a number of cases of measles
in the city.
Your prescriptions will receive careful
attention at Loar's.
Coughs and colds seem to be epidemic
throughout the city.
The fence is tall the price is small on
Bullard's poultry netting.
A few remnants of wall
paper at re
duced prices at McMillen's , the druggist.
Mrs. L. J. Burtless is hauling lumber
from the Barnett yard for the erection of
a new house and barn.
S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint
best to cover best to wear. Sold bv
An effort is being made to secure funds
to have the city water extended to the
new cemetery , "Riverview. " '
Election is over and nobody cares so
long as they can buy a hose repair at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s for 5 cents.
Beautiful tvall paper contributes much
to happy homes. McMillen's wall papers
contribute much to beautiful walls.
WANTED For Leadville market-
fresh eggs ; also live and dresse.i poultry.
Address , W. H. DAVIS , Granite , Colo.
Just received a carload of White Oak
and Yellow Poplar from Tennessee.
Those two by fours six feet long come
in the rough and are all white pine and
make _ oed cheap post. Sold by BuH-
Paint is to a house what clotiinij,5c-
the body. It is just as important. Mc-
Millen guarantees every gallon of paint
he sells.
The sprinkling season for lawns com
menced on last Saturday , the I5th. T&c
boms are from 7 to S. a. ra. , and front 5
to 7 , p. m.
THE TRIBUNE was misinformed as to
the possible change in the night polke-
uiauship James G. Rogers will coatiattc
in that capacity as heretofore
The Barnett Lumber Co. arc
two more lots with their yard ami putting
up new sheds to accommodate the 2 nc
stock of lumber they are carrying.
Eternal vigilance is the price of iibertj ,
but you can buy a lawn sprinkler at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s for 25 cents. Titey
have them at from 25 cents up to t c .
A fire alarm whistle has been attached
at the electric light house. It is of tile
"scale" variety , and in connection with
the whistle at the pump house , oogbi to
be able to "wake the dead" to R are.
Ben G. Gossard , ex-deputy clerk ad
ex-deputy treasurer , of Indianola , is now
doing the office work for C. F. Babcock ,
the real estate man , who is also a bonded
abstracter. Ben is one of the fiaest i
his line.
We are about to say that those laws
mowers at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s are oat
of sight , but they are not they win
take t pleasure in showing you their ! * rge
selection. Prices are low , from 53 tou.
Quality ( is the highest.
Scott McCoy , who was here ia Ike
earlt- Sos , and will be remembered by
all the horsemen , is now located t Ben
son , having a half interest in some fast
horses of great promise with W. A. Paxton -
ton , Jr. , and is gradually coining to the
front ' as n her > cmau. Scott married
ftbout ten years since , and is gathering
some moss , his friends will be pleased to
C. S. I.elson , well known vitixea ot
Heaver City , recently wont hunting in
the neighborhood of I'urunm. He pulled
a shot-gun out of a buggy with the busi
ness cud toward him , and the doctor did
thereat amputated the right armjost
below the elbow. Lctsou is a member
of the Star of Jupiter , and \\ill come n
for partial disability benefits nnder th
provisions of the lavts of that order.
Now that the lathes have disposed
the important quvstiou of Easter b
nets , the next question of vital impo .
auce is the purchase of a gu olt e
And by the wav , there isn't a stove
the market that excels the
Meal" gasoline stove. They have alt
sizes from the range to the smallest and
in all patterns. Whether you are from
Missouri or not , come nud be sho\\u.
A car-load of groceries wa il
at this place , last Saturday , by can
vassing agent for some custom house.
And the question suggests itself , " Would
these canvasserbe able to cut into the
local trade so heavily if the locnl merch
ants made the tight kind of prices nud
were not so backward about using print
er's ink ? " We shall not attempt to
answer the question , but .simply s
the matter for consideration of