The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1899, Image 8
In Egypt the custom is for Princessc to lude their beauty by coverin the lower part of the face with a vei In America the beauty of many < our women is hidden because of tt weakness ar sickness peci liar to the se : Ifthe Egyp ian custom pr vailed in th country , men sufferers woul ! be glad 1 , cover thci prematu r /wrinkles , the sunkencheek : their unnealth cor'plexion , from the eyes of tb world with the veil of the Orient. "brings out a woman's true beautj 'I t indices her strong and well in thos wri ? ins upon which her whole gen en iv. : 'i dejjcmls. It corrects all met s t'i disorders. It stops the drain . r -corrhcca. . It restores the worn 1 . ii.i proper place. It removes th < " * os of headache , backache ar. u.-rv.iusncss. It takes the poor , d < bitited ! , weak , haggard , fadin w ijan and puts her on her fees s\ : ' : r , making her face beautiful b i.i ' . .ing her body well. DrusEists sell It for SI n bottle. Scud for our free iUustraiecl book forvromei The Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta , G : McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Coin $ .2 Wheat 4 Oats 2 Rye 3 Barley 3 Hogs 3.2 Bggs o Butter i Potatoes 8 "Wilting paper in bulk and box , will envelopes to match , at very reasonabl figures TUB TRIBUNE Many people suffer untold tortute from piles , because of the popular im pression that they can not be cured Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment wil cure them It has met with absolut success. Price , socts. in bottles , lube 75C at McConnell's. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plainfield , 111. makes the statement , that she cau h cold , which .settled On her lungs ; she \va : treated for a month by her family physi cian , but grew xvOtse. He told her shi WHS a hopeless victim of consumption ant that no medicine could cure her He : druggist suggested. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption ; she bought f bottle and to her delight found hersel benefited ! from the first dose She con limied its use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; no\v doe ; her own housework , and is HS well as sh < ever xvas Free trial bottles of this greai Discover } ' at McConnell's drug store Only SOG and $ t , every bottle guaranteed Tablets Below Cost , We have come into possession of ffi assortment of tablets , of different prices which we will sell at cost to.dispose o them in a hurry. If you want a goot .ten cent tablet for five cents , call in am : see our line. We have them at from c for 5 cents up , and they are good quality and value. And some superb Ciane's superfine paper and envelopes at a prict unheard of in this city. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and * t word from the wise should be sufficient , but you ask , who are the wise ? Those who know. The oft repeated experience of trustworthy persons may be taken foi "knowledge. Mr. W.M. Terry says Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the mar- "ket. He has been in the drug business -at Elkton , Ky. , for twelve years ; has siold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manufactured , which.shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfact ory to the -people , and is the best. For sale by L. W. McConnell , druggist. THKTRIHUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Cuts , wounds , burns , sprains and 'bruises quickly heal if you apply Hal- lard's Snow Liniment. Price 25 els and 50 cts. at McConnell's SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Rest in tbe market. Bismark's Iron Nerve -"Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable and tremendous energy are not found where stomach , liver , k''ineys , and bowels are out of ordei. If you want these qualities and success tlirv bring , use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain ai.d body. Only 25 cts at McConnell's drug .store. THE TRIBUNE and The Toled'o Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain rBalin for rheumatism with greut relief , and I can recomniend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. Cuyler. Red Creek , New York. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W. G. Phippin , Editor Red Creek Her ald. For sale by L W. McConnell. ' i * ; This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. I'or coughs and colds there is uo med icine so effective as Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It is the ideal remedy. Price , 25 cents and 50 cents at McConnell's. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome QuinineT il lt-i All drnggiMs icfund money if it fail- * cure. 251 : The genuine has L. BQ. . t each tablet.- TUB TRIBUNE and The Cincinna Weekly Enquirer for$1.50 a year , biriel in advance. Even the most vigorous and hear people have at times a feeling of weai ness and lassitude. To ditpel this fet ing take Herbine ; it will impart 'vini and vitality. Price 50 xents at L V McConnell's & Co.'s Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest The Burlington Route 1ms establish * a twice-a-week tourist car line from Ka : sas City to Ruttr , Spokane , Tacoma HI : Seattle Cars leave Knnsis City , Lincoln an Grand Island every Tuesday and Tbur day , arriving at Seattle following Fndc and Sunday Thev are uphoNtered i rattan. The bed linen and furnishing are clean and of good quality Tl heating , ventilating and toilet arrang uients are all that can be desired an t-ach car is in charge of n unifonne Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to a lend to the wants of passengers Cars run through without change < any kind and the berth rate from Lii coin to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inte mediate points it is proportionately lov Montana and the Puget Sound countr ire now enjoying a period of unexample prosperity. Asa consequence , travel t ihe northwest is rapidly attaining hire proportions. This new tourist car lin lias been established with a view of cai ng for the Burlington's share of it in th jest possible manner. Berths , tickets and full informatio ran be bad on application to any Bui ington Route ticket agent or by add res ng J. Francis , G.P. A..Omaha. June 2 < Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for yeai jy the chains of disease is the worst fori > f slavery. George D.Williams , of Mai : hester , Mich. , tells how such a slav , vas made free He says : "My wife ha > een so helpless for five years that sh : ould not turn over in bed alone. Afte aking two bottlesof Electric Bitterssb s wonderfully improved and able to d icr own work. " This supreme reined or female diseases quickly cures nervous less , sleeplessnessmelancholy.head an ) ackache , fainting and dizzy spells Thi niracle working medicine is a godsen o weak , sickly , rundown people. E\er Kittle guaranteed. Only500. Sold b kIcCoimt-11 , druggist THE TRIBUNE will club with any pr Der you may want. Try it. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FO ! FINISHING ROOAJS FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bid vill be received at the office of the couu y cleik of Red Willow county , Nebras : a , in the city of McCook , up to on 'clock , p. m. , of the 17111 day of April 899 , for the finishing of suitable room ; niirances thereto , and vaults for offue or the Count } ' Commissioners , Count ; llerk , County Treasurer , Sheriff am ; onnl\ judge , according to the plan ml specifications to be found in th ffice of said county clerk. All bids must be securely sealed am irected to the county clerk of sad conn > , aiid endorsed on the envelope endus ng the same , "Bids for finishing room ar tbe county officers " Said bidsmus neb be accompanied by a certificate o epo-it in the sum of $100 oo , of soun tillable bank in the count3' , payable t < be'order of R. A. Green , county clerk i case the person making the bid shal ill to enter into a contract and ivi end according to the terms of his bid % he person to whom the contract ina ] e awarded shall within five days afie lie acceptance of said bill , give bond ii lie sum of at least $3000.00 , with twc oed and sufficient sureties , to be ap roved by the board of county commis ioneis , in form and conditions as pre ared and approved by the county at Drney , for the faithful performance o is contract , and shall enter into a writ -n contract with said county , dul } igned bv him , at the time of the execu on of said bond. The board of count } ammissioners reserve the right to rejecl ny and all bids. Dated this I7th day of March , 1899 R A. GREEN , County Clerk. Tribune Clubblncr List. For convenience or. readers of THE TRIU NE , we have made arrangements with the Mowing newspapers and perodicals wherebj e can supply them in combination with THE RlltUNE at the following very low prices : WI'H I'UHI.ICATION. PRICE.WI'H TRIItUNE etroit Free Press Si oo $150 eslie's Weekly. 4 oo 300 rairie Farmer i oo 125 liicago Inter-Ocean I oo I3S incinnaii Enquirer. I oo i 50 ew-York Tribune i oo 125 emorest's Magazine I oo 175 oledo Blade lee 125 ebraska Farmer i oo 150 iwa Homestead I oo 145 ncoln Journal i oo 175 MripbelPs Soil-Culture I oo I 50 ew-York World i oo i 65 mail a Bee i oo i 50 asmopoliran Magazine I oo i So . Louis Republic i oo 175 .insas City Star 25 115 ebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 125 ansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115 ansas City Journal , daily. . . 400 420 \\'e are prepared to fill orders for any other ipers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIHUNE , McCook , Neb. Not affected by Heat or Cold. Ughest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. mufactured pRAZER Factories : Cbciage , SI Louii , Tom Harris in the Philippines. Manila , Philippine Islands , Februa 20 , 1899 Dear Mother : I suppose y < are frightened to death about me. b let me asburu you that 1 am O.K. The has been a great battle in which fifi seven were reported killed. On ll night of February 3d , at half past ti o'clock , the fight began , the main pa being to the northwest of the city , b afterwards the firing line extended around the city from bay to bay. Tl firing was continuous until the followir morning when Dewey opened up on tl north side , and his guns did great exec cion in the tneuiy's ranks ; and in couple of hours he began on the soul and they were slain by the hundred The firing continued three or four day and since then it has been at interval The battle line to the north is aboi eight miles out from the city , close i Malobou. The Fiist Washington volui teers were in the worst of the battle. The climate here is all that one coul wish. It reminds me of the early N braska autumn The wind blows , bi not so hard as it does there This plat is hard on people with catarrh. I e : pect to get out in two or three montl and , rest assured , I will come borne ; soon as possible after the fight is di dared off. The natives a'e not worthy of the pnl lie notice ue are enabling them to ge They are peculiarly repulsive to the eyi They have straight black hair and the toothless visages have the expression ( lense ignorance and evil cunning con bined. They are filthy and have a ador akin to the American polecat. I fighting they shoot very high , and til juns we captured with them had til sights set at eighteen hundred 3 art : when they had been firing point blanl [ suppose there will be some more figh ing , but don't worry about me. I wa-just going to close my letter , bi your letter came at noon and I tbought ivould write a little more. The inte : pening distance between here and honi tiad almost caused me to forget the ej istence of such a place as McCook , bt Mr. Kimmell's paper vividly brougl : iiack the familiar scenes Hurrah ft ECiuimell ! _ His speaking of the mime : jus dogs in McCook reminds me tlu : here are more dogs in Manila tha Mark Twain speaks of being in thos incienl cities. There are numerou nonkeys running about in the trees ii iide the walls of the fort. The horse icre are about the size of a Shetlan 30113 * . and the vehicles are mostty cai iiettas , a two-wheeled rig. The heav lauliug is done with water buffalos , ong-horned , awkward animal whic ives near the water , else they perish. The Spanish girls are beautiful arn he3 * are kind to us boys. I go to see Spanish girl of sixteen and am well rt : eived by the family and all the Spanisl rnerican-speaktng people that I hav net. net.The The bay lies directly north of the for ; nd is all the time crowded with mer : hantmen , sailing vessels and warship if all kinds , and truly it is an imposin ; ight to watch the sun go down from th i-alls of the old fort. The mail is abou o go and I must close. Your loving hon , THOMAS B HARRIS. S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Pain -best to cover best to wear Sold lr . W. MCCONNELL & Co. . SOUTH SIDE. Roy Barnes lias been on the sick-list James Roberson is building lateral ; jr W. S. Morlan. Beware ! for the assessor has been seer u the highways. There was an attendance of fifty-three t the Endeavor , Sunday evening. Rev. J. M. Bell and G. W. Dillon ol [ cCook were over on business , Satur- a\\ The scholars are getting along nicely ith their programme to be given at ic close of school J. H. Ludwick and family were out riving in our country , Sunday after- 9011 ; calling in the meantime on some f their old acquaintances. Rev. W. J. Turner , the pastor of the ongregational church of McCook , will reach to the South Side Endeavorers , jxt Sunday , April i6th , at 2:30 p. in. 11 are cordially invited. I was leading an advertisement of hauiberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dia- hoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter- rise recently , which leads me to write iis. I can truthfully say I never used ly remedy equal to it for colic and dia- hoea. I have never had to use more ian one or txvo doses to cure the worst ise with m3'self or children. W. A. : roud , I'opornoke Cil3' , Md. For sale f L W. McConnell , druggist. PLEASANT RIDGE. Spring has at last bid defiance to win- r and made its long desired appearance. We will save that much prized sen- nce for next winter and borrow it from [ IE TRIBUNE again. A little fire that accidentally got out , onday morning , gave the people of is vicinity hurried employment till > out half past three o'clock , before it [ is under control. Rev. J. A. Baclcon of McCook will each at Vailton , next Sunday , at 3 o'- ock. After services a Sunday-school ill be organized. Everybody come and ing your bibles. Don't Lose Any Time About It. If you expect to go west , this sprin ; ask the neare&t Burlington Route agei about the specially reduced rates now i effect to Montana , Utah , Californi ; Washington and Oregon points As about them right away today. Tht may be.withdrawn at any moment. Through tourist sleeping car service I San Francis'co and Los Angeles evei Thursday to Butte , Spokane and Seatt every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Frai cis , General Passenger Agent , Omahi Nebraska. Volcanic Eruptions Are grandbut skin eruptions rob life < joy. Bucklen's Arnica Scdve cures then also old , running and fever sores , ulcer boils , felons , corns , warts , cuts , bruise ; bump , scalds , chapped hands , chilblain : Best pile cure on earth , drives out pair and aches. Only 250 a box. Cure gua an teed. Sold by McConnell , druggist. FOR SALE. I have for sale , on eas3' terms , the fo lowing described real estate in McCool Nebraska : Lot one in block twenty six , First Ai dition to McCook , $600 oo Lot and building on Dennison streel occupied by the Probst bakery , $640 oc Lot eleven in block ten , First Additio to South McCook , $240 oo Lots five and six in block one , Secon Addition of McCook , $600 oo W. S MORLAN , McCook , Nebraskn " Box Elder Circuit. Sunday-school at Box Elder churcl ever3' Sunda3' at 10 a in. Church service at u a. in every two weeks dating frou Sunday. Dec 4 Sunday-school at Rei Willow school house ever\ ' Sunday at p. in. Church service at 3 p. m. tver two weeks dating from Sunday. Dec. 4 Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap poinlment every Sunday at 10 a. in Preaching at n a. ui. every two week dating from Dec u. Preaching servic at Spring Creek at 3 p m every tw < weeks dating from Dec 11 D L MATSON , Pastor. Those horrid fits of depression , melan cohlv , low spirits , and sudden irritabili Ly , that sometimes 'iffiict even good lernpertrd people , is 'lue to the blood be ing permeated \\ith black bile Herbin will purify the blood , restore health am inerrfulliifs-s Pice5Oc at McConnell's For Sale and Lease. Several good raiuhcs located on th Frenchman river an l the Stinkiiij Water , best streams in the Mate. Un limited run- * : . Also small f.irrns to sel it small prices For further information : oriespondilh AKTKRUUKN BROTHERS , Imperial , Chase counts. Nebraska. Mothers ! Beware of those secret rob > ers of 3'our baby's quiet and health Pliose sleepless ni ; > hts and long hour ; ) f tiresome vigil are caused 1)3 * thosi errible enemies of childhood worms Destroy and remove them with Whife'i 'team Vermifune Price 25 cents ai ' . . W McConnell & Co 's. VlcCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. j fPSpi-eiiil attention paid to inuliug ftirnitui'p. Leave orders t either lumber yard. TABLE ! ? 'CUBES ' NOTHING Bill PILES. A SURE and CERTASN CURE ' known for 15 years as the I BEST REIViEDYfor P3LE3. I SOI,1 > BY AXA DRUGGISTS. Pisporoi ty EIOHAEDSON USD. CO. , CT. LOUIS. ! ji. > yCBF-jBr * - * > - 3SiP yS .tJJWIH ! S > fc , At L. w MCCONNELL & co.'s. For Infants and Cliildren. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ignature of C4 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . , . . COPYRIGHTS & .c. Anyone sendlnR a sketch nml description may illicitly ascertain our opinion frco vrhcther an invention Is probably pntentable. Coramunlcn- tlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest npenoy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive rpeclal notice , without chargo. In the Scientific American. 1 hnndsomolr lllnstrated weekly. I-nrKest clr- : ulatlon of any nclentlfle Journa . Terms. | 3 a rear ; f our montha , f 1. Sold by all newsdealera. HUNN&Co.361Broad New York Branch Offlco. 025 P St. Washington. D. C. - hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TiiTiMJiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiinimiiiiiii ' iiiiiminiiiiiii'i'iii" J egetablePreparationfor As similating theToodandReguta- ling thaStomaEhs andBowels of PromotesDigestionCheerful- ness andRest.Contains neither OTIC. PontfJon Seed" sflxSenna * XotAtUeSiHi- jbustSecd. * JtamSccd - flanfud Sugar Apcrfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , V/orms.Convulsions.Feverish- ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. .EXACT COPY OF V/RAPPEB , Are recognized the world o of excellence in bicycle const R3ONARCH F DEFIANCE F I i Kug and Queen HoailsK MONARCH C Heu-l for Cit SfiONARCH and Rilton Sts. . CHICAGO RIDE A HOBARf A IU8 SIGN THAT IATURE iS APPEALING ! ; " " the OR MP1 P mustbco- tten Uii IILLI i a warning that can To neglect to pun1 me moans more tli in the annpyanct ns-ightly pimples. if these impur Miiain , Ilie system succumbs to any enable nable to withstand the many aih revaleiit during spring and summer Mrs.L. . Gentile , 'JOOl Second Av ivs : " I was alllicted for a long time ere verv annoying as they disfigure .f ter tibing many other remedies in v nd thoroughly cleansed my b'ood. good complexion , which I never had Capt. W It I ) R. Ii. . Cliattanoc " Several boils an great pain and a a riotous couditi any good. Six 1 % ami my blood hs S. S. So is the best blood nd is the only one that is absolu romptly purifies the blood and th te general health and strength. It ism. Tetter , Boils , Sores , etc. , by goi arcing out all impure blood. Books free to any address by the S\\ CUSTOM For Infants and Clnldren. You Have Bought Bears the Signature of THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY ! . ' as representing the highest type : tion..Are now within reach of all * = Q Sss < J Why look further wicn ! m clu' cf established reputation can to \ < zd atthesa prices. -IAINLESS $75 Agents v.-ant"ti ii ' > ; > ca tor-iory { OLE MFG. CO. Church a d Roada SJs. , K W'f ' . AND KEEP IN FROfiT When Nature is overtaxed , she has r own way of giving notice that assist- cc is needed. She does not ask for til it is impossible to get along without Is and pimples are an indication that tern i < accumulating impurities which ley are an urgent appeal for assistance . safely be ignored. , he blood at this ' painful boils and s are allowed to fk : iary illness , and is its which are so = ie. Seattle. Wash . th pimples , which 1 . ny fare fearfully. f - 'J . S S S. promptly I now I rejoice in fore. " ap. of the A. G S. . Tenn. , writes : : arbuncles broke out upon me. causing > yance. My blood seemed to be in and nothing T took seemed to do les of S S. S. cured mo completely jeen perfectly pure ever since. " ii medy , because it is purely vegetable free from potash and mercury It iifthly cleanses the system , builds up es Scrofula. Eczema. Cancer. Rhcuma- iHroct t < the cause of the trouble and j ) Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.