The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1899, Image 7

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    No old-time doctor discards the medicine which can show an
unbroken record of
Fifty Years of Cures.
To those doctors , who went up and down the country in every
kind of wind and weather , faithful , patient , and true , Ayer's Sarsaparilla -
parilla owes its rst success. Today any doctor of repute who
prescribes any Sarsaparilla prescribes Ayer's. We have thousands
of testimonials from doctors all over this land that it is the one
safe Sarsaparilla , and the doctors know what it is , because we have
been giving the formula of it to them for over half a century.
This is why
r "the leader of them all , " not because of much advertising nor
* c of what we put -around the bottle , but because of what
is in the bottle.
It is the one safe spring medicine for you.
We will sell you Lumber , Doors , Windows and
Will Work at Chicago wholesale prices. We are
It MflT IH TUC TDIIQT Send for Catalogue
% % uul \ \ \ frit Inuoli and price List
II ll
3500 Center Avenue , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS.
I- Hartford and
{ cycles for SB !
COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR CHAIHLESS. It is always ready to ride because
the running gear takes care of itself. Nothing to entangle or soil the clothing
because it has no chain. The best hill-climber because bevel-gearing never cramps
or twists under strains. Price $75.
frame connections , specially cut sprockets which pre
vent sliding of the chain , 3/16-inch chamfered chain ,
black and gold rims and other new and distinctive feat
ures. Price $50. >
HARTFORDS contain many improvements , including
frames of the latest design , flush joints , internal ex
panders , and crank-shaft construction which
does away with , the keyed-on crank. $35.
VEDETTES are built of excellent material
and are in every way adapted to those who
rw desire the first wear of a new bicycle at $
moderate cost. Men's , $25 ; Ladier' . ae.
Art Catalogue of any Columbia dealer or by mail for one 2-cent stamp.
w 1,1 POLI
A Natural Black is Produced by
SOcts. ofdtt-giiorR.P.Hall&Co.HashualN.H
Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent ,
1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C.
quick relief and cures worst
Book of testimonials and 1O days' treat-
ree. Dr. H.H.CKEE.\'SbOAS , Box B. Atl t . C -
S& Thompsons Eye Water.
Spalding's Official
Base Bali Guide
Official Averages Scientific bat
ages , Nation ting , fielding ,
al and minor pitching nnd
Icncucs and base running ;
coll'ge clubs ; bow to find
pictures of the players'
500 players. averages , etc.
New Playing Ruies
Send for Catalogue of Isaac Ball and
Athletic Goods.
Nevs York Chicago Denver
TVAXTED-Case of baa fceaim that K-I-P-A-K-S
will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Klpan ? Chemical
Co. . > ; ew York , for 10 samples and l.CW testimonial ! .
The Care of Ureedlnjc Ewes ,
We take it for granted that every
farmer knows enough to furnish his
sheep with proper shelter. If he will
only keep them out of the rain and out
of blizzards , they will go through in
nice shape , says Wallace's Farmer.
They suffer Jess from cold than any
other animal , and more from wet and
mud. The ewes , are most likely to get
out of proper condition by being im
properly fed. Most farmers think tim
othy hay is the best , because it com
mands the highest price in the market.
It is not the best for sheep ; in fact ,
very nearly the worst , for the reason
that It is constipating in its character
and the breeding ewe must be kept
from becoming constipated. Corn fodder
der is better , but only because it ia
loosening in its character. It does not
have the proper elements for the
proper development of the young lamb.
In short , it is too carbonaceous to fur
nish the proper amount of muscle.
Corn is too heating , and most farmers
give their ewes too much of it , to the
injury both of the ewe and the wool.
The forage above all things to be de
sired is good clover or alfalfa hay , and
if the farmer has plenty of this his
ewes will require comparatively little
grain. He can feed corn somewhat lib
erally in cold weather , provided he has
the hay to feed with it , and bring the
flock up to the critical period of lamb
ing in fine condition. When he feeds
corn fodder , the ground being dry , he
can very well afford to feed it some
distance from the sheds , and thus com
pel the ewes to take exercise. Plenty
of water should always be on hand ,
with "salt , and if these conditions are
observed and the ewes not allowed to
run through narrow gates so as to en
danger abortion , there is no reason
why he should not have from 100 to
125 per cent of lambs , and with this
per cent he cannot fail to make money.
He should have a lamb which at a year
old is worth $4 and at least $1 worth
of wool. He should keep three ewes
to the acre , and this will afford him a
better profit than he is likely to get
from any other department of the farm
and with less trouble.
For ECRS or Feather.
At a recent convention attended by
the writer the question of eggs versus
' feathers came up. One man gave his
experience in breeding Barred Ply
mouth Rocks. He declared that his
finest feathered birds were not doing
the amount of laying that birds did
that belonged to the same breed but
were off feather. Others cited similar
cases. He asked if it would be advis
able to use these "off birds" for breed
ing , or whether the standard feathered
birds only should be used. It appears
to us thaMt will depend on the pur
pose for which he wishes to use the
birds. If a man is producing eggs for
the market , and has no other object in
view it would pay him best to breed
entirely from the best layers , independ
ent of whether they had some off-
markings or not. It Is a little singu
lar that the best marked birds should
be poor layers. But this may be due
to the fact that the off-marked birds
were lighter in weight , possibly due to
the fact they had not developed
the flesh-forming habit enough to
make them conform to the standard.
Currants. Any rich clay loam is
good for this fruit ; and while the cur
rant will flourish in a rather moist lo
cation , yet ground that is naturally
dry or properly unaerdralnetl will
prove best for a term of years , says
Colman's Rural World. If well cared
for the bushes should produce average
crops for fifteen years or more. Set
the plants in rows not less than six
feet apart each way , so that all cul
tivation may be done with a horse.
Make holes for plants that are two
years old at least two feet in diameter.
Set them a trifle deeper than they were
in the nursery row , pressing the earth
firmly about the roots and stalks.
Then mulch with straw , coarse ma
nure , or other litter , as that in case of
drouth there will be no appreciable
cessation of growth.
Satsuma Plum. Mr. Hale writes to
Rural New Yorker concerning the Sat
suma plum. He says : "The criticisms
that have been made by many in re
lation to the Satsuma plum not fruit
ing freely , have seemed to apply to
young trees , for we are all learning
that , as the trees of this variety grow
older , they are inclined to become very
productive , in some cases so much seas
as to surpass nearly all others. It is
a wonderful plum in its keeping and
shipping qualities , and nothing can
compare with it for canning purposes.
I predict that , within a few years , Sat
suma will take a much higher place in
the opinion of orchardists than at the
present time , "
t 3
- , . . _ .
The Japanese are among the most in
genious gardeners in the world , and
their skill has been in no way more
fctriljjngl illustrated than in their
treatment of a native Japanese fern
known as iSavolia. They take moss
and tie it into an desired shape balls ,
rings , ships , etc. This moss is then ,
covered with the roots of Davolia. The
roots are about a quarter of an inch
in diameter and many feet long. These
forms are kept moist and in a short
time are covered with pretty green
fronds. These plants are very beauti
ful hung in conservatories , or on
poches , and are decide'dly picturesque.
A Ranch that Pastures 120,000 Cat
tle. The X. I. T. ranch , in the extreme
northwest corner of the Panhandle of
Texas , the lai'gest ranch in the world ,
has an area of five thousand square
miles. Its herds of cattle aggregate
120,000 head , beside 1,500 horses , and
the calf crop branded in 1897 exceeded
31,000. Surprising as it may seem , all
the work on the ranch is done by 125
men , one man to every 24,000 acres.
February Ladies' Home Journal.
Give the young chicks plenty of fine i
erlt They must have it. J
From Dennla Tnrohoy Who Went From
Austin , Minn. . Ulnrcli , 1808.
Winnipegosis , Man. , Jan. 23 , 1899.
Benjamin Davies , Esq. , Canadian
Government Agent St. Paul , Minn. ,
Dear Sir : I have great pleasure in
writing j-ou these few lines to let you
know how I like my new location and
how I have been getting along since
I left Southern Minnesota. I like this
country well , the climate agrees with
me and my family at all seasons , and
taken all around it is away ahead of
Minnesota. I may say that we have
not had one storm yet this winter. As
regards the productives of the soil , I
consider it beats Southern Minnesota. I
am a practical farmer , but have never
seen such vegetables in my life as I
have seen raised here. As regards
grain of all kinds , I have seen splen
did yields , in fact any man who can
not get along here and make a good
living cannot do it anywhere.
We have abundance of wood for fuel ,
timber for building , and lots of hay.
I have got good water on my place
about 24 feet. I have a good class of
neighbors around me , and have been
well used by everybody. I have been
able to get lots of work for myself
and team at fair wages , whenever I
wanted it , and I think any one else
can do the same. I would not care to
return to Minnesota. I am , sir , yours
very truly ,
The government has agents in sev
eral of the states , any of whom will be
pleased to give you information , as to
free homestead lands to those desiring
Michael D. Wild has been made sec
retary of the Baltimore and Ohio South
Western Railway , succeeding Edward
Bruce , and assistant secretary of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad , wittt
headquarters at No. 2 Wall st. , Nev-
York. For several years Mr. Wild has
held a very responsible position with
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad In
Baltimore , and the change is a pro
motion and recognition of his valuable
"EALTH and beauty are the glories of perfect woman
Women who suiter constantly with weakness peculiar
to their sex cannot retain their beauty. Preservation of
pretty features and rounded form is
a duty women owe to themselves.
The mark of excessive monthly suf-
ering is a familiar one in the faces of
young American women.
Don't wait , young women , until
your good looks are gone past i-ecall.
Consult Mrs. Pinkham at the out-
start. Write to her at Lynn , Mass.
Miss EDNA ELLIS , Higginsport , Ohio , writes : ' -DEAR MRS.
PINKHAM I am a school teacher and had suffered untold agony
during my menstrual periods for ten years. My nervous sys
tem was almost a wreck. I suffered with pain in my side and
had almost every ill human flesh is
heir to. I had taken treatment from a
number of physicians who gave mo
no relief. In fact one
eminent specialist said
no medicine could help
me , I must submit to
an operation. At my
mother's request , I
wrote to Mrs. Pink-
ham stating my
case in every par
ticular and re
ceived a prompt
reply. I followed
the advice given
me and now I
suffer no more
, during menses.
If anyone cares
to know more
about my case , I
will cheerfully answer all
letters. "
Miss KATE COOK , 16 Ad-
"dison St. , Mt. Jackson , Ind. , writes : -DEAR MRS. PINKHAM
I am by occupation a school teacher , and for a long while suf
fered with painful menstruation and nervousness. I have re
ceived more benefit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound than from all remedies that I have ever tried. "
Any Girl Can Tell
A physician v < ho mikes -the < J
* est and is honest about it can /
tell you that , in many cases.the L
number oF red corpuscles in the N ?
blood is doubled after a course < c |
of treatment with Dr. Williams * %
PinK Piils For Pale People. f
That this means good
may not be entirely clear from \
the doctor's statement , but any sj
girl vfho has tried the pills can tell
you that it means red lips , bright t
eyes , good appetite , absence of
headache , and that it trans
forms the paie and saHow girl
'into a maiden who glows with
the beauty which perfect health
alone can give.
Mothers whose daughters
grow debilitated as they pass
from ghihood into wosnanhood
should not nedlect the pill best
adapted for this particular ill.
Frank D. Trout , cf 103 Griswold Avc. , Detroit , Mich. , says : "At the
age of fourteen we had to take our daughter from bchool on account of ill
health. She weighed only 90 pounds , was pale and sallow and the doctors
" \ \ said she had anaemia. Finally we gave her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
pV Pale People. When she had taken two boxes bhe was strong enough toy
* -y leave her bed , nnd in less than six raonths was something like herself.
/J To-day she is entirely cured , and is a big , strong , healthy girl , weighing
tip * 3 ° pounds , and has never had a sick day since. " Detroit Evening Xc-jus.
\ The genuine Or.Williams' PinK Pills rot Pale People are
7 Sold only in packages , the wro.ppcT always bearing
fa the foil njktnc. At all dTu gibti , OT direct from the
* v Or Willi&ins Medicine Co. Schenect&tiyMY.50fptr box.
There is only one day in a year , that
Is : today.
TVhat "Alabastine" Is.
Alabastine is a durable and natural
coating for walls and ceilings. It is
entirely different from all "kalsomine"
preparations. Alabastine comes in
white or twelve beautiful tints , and ia
ready for use by adding cold water.
It is put up in dry powder form iu
five-pound packages , with full direc
tions on every package. Alabastine is
handsome , cleanly and permanent. It
can be re-coated and retinted at slight
expense. Paint dealers and druggists
sell Alabastine and furnish card of
Chinese streets are not often more
han eight feet wide.
Coo's Cough Ualsam
IP the oldest and Vest. 11 will break up a cold quicker
: linn anything else. It IB always reliable. Try it.
A great many last wills and testa-
nents are full of revelations.
iliss Lucy il. Salmon , professor of
history in Vassar college , who was one
of the very few foreigners permitted [
to witness the recent election of Presi- j '
dent Loubet at Versailles , contributes
to the April Review of Reviews an
interesting description of the event.
The Review prefaces her article with
some notes on Loubet's career which
contain a good deal of fresh informa
tion for American readers.
Professor Langley , secretary of the
SmitnstmSan institution , was recently
shown a criticism of one of his theo
ries and asked what he though of it.
, "I do not care for it myself , " he re-
't ' plied , "but I am worried for fear it
may trouble my mother V
The world is but a fleeting show to
which all are admitted free but it |
sometimes costs a lot to get out.
It is easier to keep off the grass than
it is to keep off the nark policeman. !
mam flnd" PS" Has Cured
[ .Trade Murk. ]
The above statement hasjust been received from Dr. C. A. Jackson tlie
veil-known Physician and Surgeon of Kearney , Neb. His letter , with others , '
sprinted below :
Kearney.cb.Manh 20. 1809. I
Dear Sir : I nrn a Physician and praduato of the University of Sweden , and have been in acth e prac-
ice for more than 30 years , but I must confess that no remedy has so astonished me In itR cures a < > jour " 3 ,
ntOl'S. " I have recommended it to hundreds of my patients who have been afflicted with Klieuiua-
.Ism and they Inform me that they are cured. Kindly send me the " 5 OKOl'S" as directed.
Very truly yours , C. A. JACKSON" , M. D.
Oxford. Chenanpo Co. , } : . V. , March 20. IS ? ' .
Dear Sir : I thoupht I would write n statement of my case and how 1 was when I commem-ed iisinc
our wonderful " 5 DROPS. " 1 had Ithcunintismeoliadl hadtOKlveup My little Kiribati tot-omit my hair
is I could not move my arm ? . I could not turn over In bed without my wife's help. Then I got the La Grippe
ind pave up hope of ever KCttlns wull. All the doctors I had dldnot do me any Rood. Since I bejran taklnn
our'Ti DIJOPS" I ha\c been KettlnK better every day and though I could nut work for four months J can
low do my choren and tend to my stock without any help. " 5 DKOPS" Is the best medicine I ever (
ised or heard of , and I am thankful for what It has done for me. Yours ery truly ,
Mr. S. II. Preston. of Cuba. 111. , write * us March 16th. 1S93.
Gentlemen : This Is to certify that 1 have worked at blackemlthlnp for forty vear . Am now Mtty-
mir veurs or HKC. Thought I was past work belnc all broken down with Kldnoy Trouble , Neuralgia , '
rlay Fever and Asthma. Suffered Intensely with pain almost constantly throughout my whole body.
1'oot Idi Grippe which laid me up badly. I tried alm-j't all kinds of remedies' , but cradually crew won-e
mtll I tried ' -suitors. " Used your Inhaler also. Inthrce weeks' time I mn t say after u&Inp " 5 J
IUOPS'1 1 f eel like a nciv mail. Pain all pone , appetite Improved wonderfully. I can sleep all rlijht i
ind am gaining strength right along. Am now working every day In my shop. Success to your great pain
emeiiv. " 5 DIJOPS. "
l"f you have not sufficient confidence after reading these letter * to seed for n large bottle , send 10 cents
or a sample bottle , which contains sufficient medicine to convince you of Its merits. This wonderful i-ura-
Ive pives almost Instant relief and Is a permanent cure for Rheumatism. Sciatica , Js'curalpla. Dys-
Uackache , Asthma. Hay Fever , Catarrh , Sleeplessness. .Nervousness. Ncrvoun
Headaches . Heart Weakness , Toothache , Earache. Croup , " .La Grippe , "
llalaria. Creeplne Numbness. Uronchltls and kindred diseases.
"FIVE DKOPS" la the name and dose. Lartre bottle (300 ( doses } , 81.00. Six bottles * 5.00. 35 cent
ample bottle , prepaid by mail , 1O cents. Sold only by us and our agents. Agent * appointed in
iew ' " '
W.N.U. OiVIAHA. No. 15-1S99
When Answering Advertisements fiisdly
Mention This Ftitj
uwibiiio aix&ui9ye3riviv
now cu&tomrra , nnd hence orfer S
1 Pks. 1 J Day Uadibh , 10ce
. Kariy llipa Cabbage , loc 9
Kariiebt Jled Beet , ice a
. . - 1JC Q
Hilzcr's BchtX ttncr , l c J
California FIR Tonmto , iic 5
Eiriy Dinner Onion , K'c 5
Brilliant Fjo\"crSccd3lJc _ 8
Worth $1.03 , jor cnt * , $ l.tu * *
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8TA.MJAUD ' 9S HOUtLj : ,
punranteed , S0.73 to
S1G. ShopVorn < S : ec-
end Iiand TThee ! ? , coed
as n rvr , S3 to SJO.
Gnat factory clearin :
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93 icodtlj. Wxcire cne nilir A nt la Mch town FREE USE
crwaplo rttei lei ntroduco Uiem. Vntc at cue * f our ipnui cSi.
E. n. BF.tD CYCLE ( .O31P.1.NY. CLica-o , III > .
In the preat Grain and Grazing Belts of Wo t-
rrn Canada and information as to hoxv to secure
them can be bad on application to the Depart
ment of the Interior. Ottawa , Canada , or to
AV. V. Bennett. SCI New York Life
Omaha , Neb.
I Washington , ! ) . < ' .
. Successfully Prosecutes Claims ,
j I.ttto Princioal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau.
\rsincivil war 15a < liiuiitii ! ; i'Iaimsatti MIIC.
Kteps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for
1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
it ( s entirely new. If not for sale in
your town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER , Bn ton. Mass
Br , Kay's Renovator , g
ia constipation , liver and Uidne > disea.xe.vbil-
liou-ne : > s , headache , etc. At druggists iV i Si.
Anrono Bonding n sketch and description mwy
Illicitly ascertain our opinion free whether nu
invention Is probnbljr pntentnMo. ( "onimnnira-
tionsRtrictlyconthlcntlr.l. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest n&ency for i ecuniir patent. .
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice , without charge , iu the
Scientific Bttericaiu
A rmndsomely Illustrated weekly. 1-irircst cir
culation of any pclentltle Journal. Terms. J3 n
year : four months , Soldbyall newsdealer" .
IfiUHN S Co.361Bfoad New York
Branch Offlce. G25 K St. . Washington. 1C. .
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
In time.