The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1899, Image 4
t By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPEFl . Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. THE decision of the supreme court in establishing the authority o the state over the home for the frendless at Lincoln , is good sense as . well as good law , and settles the matter for good. It has been a disturbing element long enough. As a state institution , receiving state funds , it ought to be under state official direction. The court also decided that county treasurers must pay the freight on funds sent to the state treasurer. A COMBINED American and Eng lish reconuoitering force of marines was ambushed on Wednesday near Apia , Samoa , by King Mataafau's savages , and seven of the landing party , including one English and two American officers , were killed. A German plantation manager is being held prisoner on a British vessel for inciting the trouble. The matter is likely to lead to .complications between England , and America and the German ! government. INDIANOLA. 7 Ed and Chris. Vandenburgi\vere McCook visitors , Monday. ' I. M. Beardslee drove up to the county capital , Saturday. S. R. Smith got action on his little injunction , this week. B. B. Duckworth took a peep at the new court house , yesterday. "Mrs. D. J. Eitzgerald was a pil grim to the west end town , Satur day. County Clerk "Dick" Green was in the city between trains , Thurs day. ' . Ben Gossard spent Saturday in the county's metropolis , on busi ness. -William Hall made a business visit to the . court house town , Wednesday. Commissioner Crabtree is in the county seat , today , on busi ness matters. . CLB. McClung and , D. J. Fitz gerald'Ayere - in McCook , Sunday , between trains. " George Cramer meandered up to McCook , Wednesday , on a little matter of ; business. W. H. Walsworth was among the business visitors to the seat of county affairs , Saturday. Mrs. Daniel Lehii and Mrs. Kessler were guests of C. R Lehn at McCook , last Saturday. Mrs. William Washbnrn and sister of McCook have been spend ing the week here with relatives and friends. Hob Welborn , with the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company , was visit ing with the "old folks at home , " last'Saturday. J. S. Phillips breathed the air of the stand-pipe city , Tuesday. He had some legal business that drew him there. A voluble street fakir entertained our people , Saturday , to the tune of about | 200. And the suckers are not all caught yet. . A. J.Kand , formerly in the mer cantile business here , now iiving in Denver , shook hands -with : old- ' time friends here , last Friday. , ' - , _ RoVAL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alum baking powders arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day. . . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. DANBURY. W. A. Miuuiear was an Atwood visitor last week. Charlie Oman was a McCook , visitor , Monday. Mrs. A. J.Gillespie arrived from Chadron , last Friday. Miss Jessie Beckman of McCook is visiting at Mr. White's. Mrs. L. Canu and Maryftf over to McCook , Tug -iiiy. Clifford N A fi' and Miss Euo were la ia'uola visitors , Sunday. 0. W. Dow and family visitec friends at Cedar Bluffs , Sunday. Judging by the thermometer the back bone of winter is broken at last. . I. E. Wymore of Bartley was the guest of E. L. Dennis ovei Sunday. The work of plastering the uev Congregational church was begun Tuesday. Mr. Heathcote left , Wednesday morning , for his home at Loomis Nebraska. Painter Ed. West returned to his home at Tabor , Iowa , lasi Wednesday. The entertainment given at the Methodist church , Monday even ing , was a grand success. People are taking a lively inter est in the question of temperance here. May the good work go on. Kev. E. C. Hayes drove to Mc Cook , Monday , where he took the train for Trenton to attend a min isterial convention of the Congre gational church. Mrs. W. A. DeMay , Mrs. G. Morgan and Miss Rebecca Mess- ner were driven over to McCook , Wednesday , by John Cantrall , Agent L. Cnnn's genial helper. LEBANON. 1 A. C. Furmau of Daubury was down , > last Wednesday , on busi ness. Hoobler is erecting a residence on. his forty-acre tract north of town. town.Miss Miss Jennie Adkins was "sur prised' ' } ' the society folk of Leb anon at the home of her parents , last week. J. W. Hupp was over from Mc Cook , . Monday , on business con nected with his bank and other business interests here. Postmaster S. E. Halsten and Marion Walters attended the Ma sonic school of instruction at Mc Cook , Monday and Tuesday of this week , driving over and back. The Bradbury hall is being di vided into sleeping rooms to be used by the restaurant people for the accommodation of their board- are. * o Thursday night of last week , a jrowd of young people from Leba non met atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Penuiugtou and sur prised their son Ira. A very pleas- int evening was spent. THE Third Nebraska volunteers inder Colonel Vifquain arrived in Savannah , Ga. , Wednesday , from 3uba. They will be mustered out it that place in a few days. Awarded High esV Honors World's Fair , DR ; 1 ] CRE4M BAKING PQWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. i pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free om Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BARTLEY. OBITUAUY. William B. Haley was born in Nashville , Twin. , June 17 , 1838 , aud died April 8 , 1899 , ten miles north of Bartley , being at death 60 years , 9 months and 21 days old. Ho was married to Electa Olds on July 24,1859. In March , 1855 , he moved west with his family aud located for a time in Lancaster county , Neb. , where he lived until 1890 , when he came to Frontier county and located on a quarter section of laud near Mount Zioii M. E. church , where he re sided until his death. He leaves a wife and several children , all grown. Some years ago Father Baley was violently thrown from a wagon , striking his head against a stump , aud sustained severe in juries from which he suffered as an invalid for years , his mind at times being impaired. The fun eral services were conducted J 'Gui the Mount Zion church .on feuuday afternoon by M.-S/Foutch and the remains quietly laid to rest in tVie'cnurch cemetery. W.E. Roll ings is attending court in Cambridge , this week. Horace Ivey spent the first of the week with Stockville friends. C. W. Jackson is eutertaining a brother from Mayweed , this week. Guy Curlee was down from Mc Cook with the home folks over Sunday. Agent Enlow was visited by his father and mother from Cambridge , Sunday. L. T. McElroy went up to Im perial , Tuesday evening , on a visit to his mother. Miss Sophia Wright of Indi- auola visited with her sister , Mrs. E. E. Beutley over Sunday. E. E. Smith went in to South Omaha , Tuesday , with two cars of fat cattle of his own feeding. M. E. Corbin departed for Iowa , Sunday evening , and the opinion is prevalent that he will not return alone. Ed Rodwell of the Cambridge Milling Company biked up , Tues- ilay , and spent a few hours with friends. A number of our young people beard the Scandinavian sisters' quartet at Indiauola , Wednesday sveuing. Mrs. Delia Cook departed for Kansas City , Monday , to nurse her rather , who is in the hospital at : hat place. Y. Sells has moved into the old Beck property aud Joe McKiiizie X'cnpies the rooms in the Bank juilding thus vacated. A number of friends gathered it the home of Mrs. Olmstead , Cuesday , to celebrate with her jer sixty-fourth birthday. County Superintendent Wei born nsited the school in her official ; apacity , Tuesday , and was the juest of the Misses Teel and Hap- Dersett. J. M. Fuller , who has been sow- ng wheat for some" time on his 'arm south of town , departed , Sunday evening , for his home at istor , Iowa. * H. P. . Hodgkin went up to Mc- 3ook , Tuesday evening , to assist lis father-in-law , J. H. Stephens , vith his nursery stock deliveries. The Curlee boys have disposed > f their meat business to E. E. Smith , and his cutter , A. B. Wil- iou , is again in a position to serve he rich and poor , the high aud ow. Joe McKenzie's little sou took L tumble from the hay loft of the ivery barn , Monday , the fall ren- lering him unconscious for a phile.The lad's head and face pere badly bruised. In partnership with G. W. Jitchie , S. W. Clark is buildiug i large implement shed addition 0 his hardware store and will mgage in the implement business oore extensively than heretofore. Geo. Siemer and family arrived 1 ere from the eastern part of the tate , Tuesday evening. Mr. Sie- aer will have charge of the Bar- lett Lumber Company's business lere , vice C. W. Keys , transferred o Cambridge. Francis Sells has been trans- erred to Indianola as helper in be depot , and T. L. Bever to Red Jloud as messenger boy. Both dll receive encouragement in the ray of an advance in remunera- ion. Ed Lohr is the remaining lember of Agent Enlow's class of Indents. * Walt Latest Designs. Latest Colors. Come and see our Stock and get Prices. A. McMILLEN , Druggist , The Man Who Toils is the man who ough to have the best things to eat , because his system requires it. Workingrnen aud everybody else who want the bes to eat come to our shop. We run the best butcher , shop in the city. Our place is clean. The meats we sell are tender and fresh and the prices low enough to suit anybody. If you knew how particu lar we are to give satisfaction , you'c never buy elsewhere. EVERIST , MARSH & CO. B. E. ASHTOH , Pres. T. E. HcDONALD , Cah. CLIFFOSD1IABEN , Ast. Cash. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business 5ggr"Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooKTkiHUNE \vill receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. New' Stock ! New Patterns ! Don't Buy Before Examining : our Superb -Stock. ' L.W.MCCONNELL&CO. F. D. BtJKGESS5 J Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Dffice and Hospital over First National Bank. Dffice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. J5f"Massage given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEDRASKA. Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office lear of First National bank. J. B BALLARD , a DE"NTIST. o All dental'work done at our office is guar- nteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Irown , Bridge and Plate Work. . Drs. Smith c Bellamy , assistants. Ihildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. # < BARNETT LUMBER CO RED CEDAR * SASH LIME WHITE CEDAR Posts * DOORS CEMENT WHITE OAK MOULDING PLASTER TWO X FOUR Page Woven Wire , Barbed Wire , Poultry Netting | i I .dtxjfc& jft i f ALL THE WOMEN PRAISE AND USE PE-KU-NA POR THEIR PECULIAR ILL ? . ( An Illinois Lady oiMYoihiuence. ) BO.VP Tjiei , Vice President of tlie Illinois Woman's Alliance , in a letter dated Jan. 25th , from Chicago to Dr. Hartman , says : "During the past year I gradually lost flesh and strength until I was unable to perform myvork prop erly. I tried different remedies and finally Pe-ru-ua was suggested to me. It gave me new life and restored my strength. I cannot speak to highly of it. " "Tours truly , EOXA TYLER. " Mrs. Caroline Daft , of Evans- port , O. , writes : "I can testify to the merits of Pe-ru-ua. I am as well and healthy as I ever was in my life and give the credit entirely to your medicines. " A healthy woman is becoming more and more rare. But com paratively few womeu who are suffering with catarrh know that this is the case. Their trouble is called dyspepsia , heart trouble , fe male weakness , weak lungs , nerv ous debility ; indeed , almost the whole category of medical terms has been applied to catarrh of some organ of the female anatomy. If these women could only realize that their trouble is probably sys temic catarrh , and cure them selves with Pe-ru-ua , how much unnecessary suffering would be saved. Insist on having Pe-ru-ua. j There is no medicine that can take its place. There is only one systemic catarrh remedy , and that is Pe-ru-na. A free book for women only , sent free by Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. BANKSVILLE. Kay. - , , . q.iite sick for some time , is better. Kev. Vivian of South McCook preached at the Dodge schoolhouse - house , Suuday. Mrs. Vivian ac companied him. Mr. Beed of Lincoln is here having his farm seeded to wheat. He is stopping > vith N. J. Johnson , and expects to return to the cap ital city , latter part of this week. While trying to burn some stub ble , this week , Mr. Heed let the- fire get beyond control. WMI& the area burned was not large , as- the neighbors soon had the fir& in hand , the damage was consid erable. Ed Lawthers lost his sep arator , wagon , hay and grain , a . < " horse , four hogs and a number of < f small pigs that were in or near the- stable. Every one should exercise- great caution in setting out fires. . f these days. Eggs for Hatching. I will sell a few sittings from my high scoring pen of White Plymouth Rocks specially mated by Judge Hewes. Eggs ; $2.00 per 13. D. CuLLEN , 610 Monroe St. , McCook , Neb. The Golden Rule clothing store , Louis Richards and F. H. Douglass , is pre paring to open up for business in the H _ W. Cole building in the near future. THE McCooK TRIBUNE , the Omaha. Weekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan Mag azine , all three for $2. You can't beat it. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. The gutters and culverts have bee cleaned , this week , in anticipation of the- spring freshets. A destructive and extensive fire is re ported in the neighborhood of Wray _ Colorado. T H E H . ' ' " ' - - - ' s P O N RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS / for Summer Corsets Belt Buckles Silk Mitts and Gloves Belts and Girdles Lisle and Kid Gloves . . Sash and Belt Ribbons Wash Fabrics Dress Skirts Linens , Piques , Welts Underskirts Organdies , Challies Shirt Waists Ginghams , Batistes Muslimvear Etc. , Etc. , Etc. Neckwear Dress Goods Dress Trimmings Dress Silks Men's Pants , Shirts , Gloves , Overalls , Hats , Shoes , Underwear , Mackintoshes , Umbrellas , Etc. , at a saving of 10 % to 20 % to you. GEO. E. THOMPSON r PLAIN FIGURES