The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1899, Image 8

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Its Coining is Looked Forward ti
i Wrilt Both Joy and Fear and its
Cafe Arrival is Hailed With
Pride and Delight Toy All.
The arrival of the first baby in tin
household is the happiest and most im
portunt event of married life. Theypunj
wife who is to become a mother delight
lx > think of the happiness in store for he
when the little one shall nestle upon he
broust and latterly she shall hear it lisi
tuo sweet and holy name , "mother.1
But her happy anticipation quickly van
Jshes when .Lj realizes the terrible pail
find suffering through which she mus
pass while bringing the little one info
tlio world. An indescribable fear of th
dungei ? attendant upon the ordeul sooi
dissipates her. joyfulness.
Thousands of women have learnei
by experience that there is absolutely
no necessity for the sufferings which ut
tend child-birth ; they know that b ;
the use of "Mother's Friend" a scien
tific liniment for a few weeks befor
the trying hour , expectant mothers ca :
HD prepare themselves for the fina
hour that the pain and suffering of thi
dreaded event are entirely obviated am
it is safely passed through with com
positively little discomfort.
All women are interested , and es
pecially expectant mothers who forth
first time have to undergo this trial , i
such a remedy ; for they know the par
and suffering , to say nothing of the dan
ger , which is in store for them. "Moth
er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles
sing , for it takes her safely through th
severest ordeal of her life Every woma
should be glad to read the little boo !
"Before Baby is Born , " which contain
information of great value to all. 1
will be sent free to any one who send
their address to The Bradfield Eegu
later Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture ofAnui
5. Springer , ol 1125 Howard St. , Phils
delpha , Pa , when she found that Di
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hackiiij
cough that for many > ears had made lif
a burden. All other leinedies and doc
Jors could give her no help , but she say
of this royal cure "it soon removed th
pain in my chest and now J can slee ]
soundly , something I can scarcely re
member doing before. I feel like sound
ing its praises throughout the universe.1
So will every one who tries Dr. King'
New Discovery for any trouble of tlv
throat , chest or lungs. Price 5oc and $ i
Trial bottles free at McConnell's drtij
store ; every bottle guaranteed
McCook Markets.
Coireeled Friday morning.
Corn $ .2
; Wheat 4 !
Oats 2 <
Rye 3 !
Barley 31
Hogs 3.2 ;
Eggs o !
Butter i :
Potatoes A &
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident , of which Air. Johi
Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject
is narrated by him as follows : "I was ii
a most dreadful condition. My sku
was almost yellow , eyes sunken , tongut
coated , pain continually in back anc
sides , no appetite gradually growing
\yeaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately a frienr
advised trying Electric Bitters ; and tomj
great joy andf , surprise , the first botth
made a decided inprovement. I contin
ued their use for three weeks , and am
now a well man I know they saved my
Hfe , and robbed the grave of another vic
tim. " No one should fail to try them ,
Only 50 cts , guaranteed , at McConnell' ;
drug store.
Writing paper in bulk and bos , witli
envelopes to match , at very reasonable
figures THE TRIBUNE.
Tablets Below Cost.
We have come into possession of an
assortment of tablets , of different prices ,
which we will sell at cost to dispose ol
them in a hurry. If you want a good
ten cent tablet for five cents , call in and
see our line. We have them at from 2
for 5 cents up , and they are good quality
and value. And some superb Crane's
.superfine paper and envelopes at a price
unheard of in this city.
For La Grippe.
Thomas Whitefield & Co. , 240 Wabash-
AV. , comes Jackson-st. , one of Chicago's
oldest and most prominent druggists ,
recommended Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for la grippe- it not only
gives a prompt and complete relief , but
also counteracts any tendency of la
grippe to result in pneumonia. For
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co.
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in
Faults of digestion cause disorders of
the liver , and the whole system becomes
deranged. Herbine perfects the process
of digestion and assimilation , and thus
makes pure blood. Price 25C at L. W.
A nice new line of vest pocket memor
andums at THE TRIBUNE office.
Frequently accidents occur in the
household , which cause burns , cuts ,
sprains and bruises. For use in such
cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for
many years been the constant.favorite
fismily remedy. Price 250 and SDC at L.
W. McConnell & Co.'s.
UNE office. Best in the market.
Don't irritate your lungs with a stub
born cough when a pleasant and effective
remedy may be found in Ballard's Horehound -
hound Syrup. Price 250 and soc at
L. W. McConnell & Go's.
THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
- Are you restless at night , and harassed
fty n bad cough ? Use Ballard's Hore-
libnnd Syrup , it will secure you sound
steep and effect a promptand radical
cure. Price 250 and soc at McConnell's.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund money if it fails t
cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. o :
each tablet.
THB TRIBUNE and The Cincinnai
Weekly Enquirer for$1.50 a year , strictl
in advance.
Children who are'troubled with worm
are pale in the face , fretful by spell ;
restless in sleep , have blue rings aroun
their eyes , bad dreams , variable appetitt
and pick the nose. White's Cream Vern
ifuge will'kill and expel these parasite :
Price 2Sc atTMcConnell's.
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest.
The Burliugton Route has establishe
a twice-a-\veek tourist car line from Kar
sas City to Buttc , Spokane , Tacoma HU
Cars leave KUIISHS City , Lincoln am
Grand Island every Tuesday and Thtm
day , arriving at Seattle following Frida
and Sunday They are upholstered i :
rattan. The bed linen and furnishing
are clean and of good quality - Th
heating , ventilating and toilet iirr.angt
ments are all that can be desired am
each car Js in charge of a unitormei
Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to at
tend to the wants of passengers
Cars run through without change c
any kind and the berth rate from Lin
coin to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inter
mediate points it is proportionately low
Montana and the Puget Sound countr ;
are now enjoying a period of unexaniplei
prosperity. As a consequence , travel ti
the northwest is rapidly attaining larg
proportions. This new tourist car lin
has been established with a view of car
ing for the Burlington's share of it in th
best possible manner.
Berths , tickets and full informatioi
can be had on application to anv Bui
lington Route ticket agent or by address
ing J. Francis. G.P.A.Omaha. June 26
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Notice is hereby given ilm sealed bid
will be received at the office of the coun
ty clerk of Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , in the city of McCook , up to oir
o'clock , p. in. , of the ijth day of April
1899 , for the finishing of suitable rooms
entrances thereto , and vaults for office
for the County Commissioners , Count ;
Clerk , County Treasurer , Sheriff am
County Judge , according to the plan
and specifications to be found in tin
office of said county clerk.
All bids must be securely sealed auc
directed to the county clerk of said couu
13 * , and endorsed on the envelope enclos
iug the same , "Bids for finishing room :
for the county officers. " Said bids mus
each be accompanied by a certificate o
deposit in the sum of $ too oo , of som <
reliable bank in the count } ' , payable K
the order of R. A. Green , county clerk
in case the person making the bid shal
fail to enter into a contract and giv <
bond according to the terms of his bid
The person to whom the contract maj
be awarded shall within five days afiei
the acceptance of said bill , give bond ii
the sum of at least $3000.00 , with twc
good and sufficient sureties , to be ap
proved by the board of county comuiis
sioneis , in form and conditions as pre
pared and approved by the county at
torney , for the faithful performance 01
his contract , and shall enter into a writ
ten contract with said county , dulj
signed bv him , at the time of the execu
lion of said bond. The board of count }
commissioners reserve the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated this I7th day of March , 1899
R A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Tribune ClubbingList. .
For convenience ot readers of THE TKUI
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
Following newspapers and perodicals whereb )
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly. 400 300
Prairie Farmer i oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. i oo 150
Mew-York Tribune I oo I 25
Demorest's M ajjazine I oo I 75
Toledo Blade i oo 125
ebraska Farmer i oo 150
'owa Homestead i oo 145
Lincoln Journal i oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture l oo I 50
"Jew-York World i oo 165
DmahaBee , i oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I So
5t. Louis Republic i oo 175
Cansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Cansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15
Cansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
capers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
In County Court , within and for Red Wil-
aw County , Nebraska , February I5th , 1899 , in
he matter of the estate of Mathilda Berndt ,
leceased. To the creditors of said estate :
'ou are hereby notified that I wilj sit at the
ounty court room in McCook , in said county ,
n the i6th day of August , 1899 , at 10 o'clock receive and examine all claims against
aid estate , with a view to their adjustment
nd allowance. 1 he time limited for the prc-
entation of claims against said estate is six
lonths from the I5th day of February A. D.
899 , and the time limited for payment of
ebts is one year from said I5th-day of Febru-
ry , 1899.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
ounty court , this I5th clay of February , 1899.
[ SEAL ] G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
Frazer Axle Grease
Not affected by Heat or Cold.
Highest Awards at Centennial ,
Paris and World's Fair.
fertorto : CtoiH * , * < LM * * > NmYwfc.
A Letter From Harry Steers.
Camp Santa Mesa , Manila , P. I. Feh
I4tli , 1899. George D. Leach. Frieni
George : I will write you a few lines a
I have nothing else to do just now.
think I wrote in the last letter that I di <
not think we would have any troubl
with the niggers , but I was badly ini
taken , for on Saturday night , Februar
4th , they tried to push back our out-pos
aim one of their lieutenants and two sol
diers were shot as a result. Of cours
that started the ball rolling and in a fev
minutes the call to arms sounded am
nearly all the Nebniskans were going to
ward the out-posts , double time , under
heavy fire from Remington and Mause
riSes. Companies M , K. L and D tool
positions further out than our lines ha <
been and lav there for about half ai
hour when word came that our cam ]
was attacked. Companies M and Iwer
ordered hack , leaving K and D to holi
the position.
Just a short distance from camp is i
house where an Englishman named Me
Leod lives When we got back there w <
stopped to rest and we found two of thi
Utah battery's guns planted and read ;
for action , but they were compelled t (
remain silent until daylight , Sunday
When we had rested we started for ou :
position which ws to be south of cam ]
in a nearly level field that we used as s
drill ground , it is an old rice field am
the place where we took our position hac
several ridges which afforded us som <
protection. We stayed there till abou
midnight , Saturday , and the firing hat
nearly ceased , then \\e came hack intt
camp and with our blankets made oui
beds in the company street , as we di <
not like to go in our tents because the
had the range and every now and thei
a brass bullet or a Mauser woul > ! go scur
rying through them , not stopping foi
trunks or anything else. We had jusl
got settled down nicely when they op
ened up on us by volleys. The company
fell in , each man in his place , hut jusl
as close to- the ground as we could get
and then we marched out south of canif
to our former position I think it was
about one o'clock and ue stayed then
till just after daylight , Sunday morning
all the time under a heavy fire.V
were then ordered to fire a volley or twc
and advance on the bamboo thicket jusl
in front of us where the natives were 5r
hiding. We charged on the thicket and
I think we must have stood there for ten
minutes pouring volley after volley intc
them. They finally went bark out ol
range and we returned to our friendlv
rice ridges because we did not have men
enough to press them We stayed in
this same position till 2 o'clock , Sundav
afternoon , without a bite to eat and
some of us did not liave a drink.
In the charge we lost one man killed
Guy Livingston , a Plattsmouth boy.
Pet haps you knew him He was sent
back from San Fram-isco to help recruit
our regiment and he came on the
ship Arizona with the recruits. He
was heard to say that he knew he would
not see the states again. He was well
liked by the entire company. We had
four men wounded but they are all doing
Just after daj-liglit on Sunday morning
the Utah's guns began to talk , and a
very good piece of work the } * did , too.
I don't think thej- missed a shot. All
the time the fight lasted around camp ,
which I think was about sixteen or eigh
teen hours , an American lady stayed in
the gun pit with the Utahs. The boys
said she wouldn't get under cover at all.
I think she must have been a newspaper
correspondent. There must have been
a dozen reporters with us during the
About 2 o'clock , Sunday
zoinpany came into camp. We did not
liave anything to eat but salmon and
liardtack , which we do not relish very
liighly. About 3 o'clock we went to
Blockhouse No. 7 with about fifty men.
IVe stayed there till Monday morning
ivhen my company came into camp , and
, ve have done cauip duty ever since.
For four days and nights I did not
; et a wink of sleep. Most of the Ne-
jraska boys are out to the Stanolan
vater works , situated about four miles
rom our old cauip. Our firing line is
wenty-seven miles long. What do you
hink of that ?
The last hospital report I got there
vere 59 Americans killed , 245 wounded.
t is reported that the native loss is be-
ween 800 and 1,000. Of course we can't
jet a true report yet. We are looking
or more troops now. We don't expect
o get away for quite awhile.
There is some firing up the Pasig
iver I think it is the Washington
> oys , for they are up that way. I haven't
leard anything of Steve Belles since the
ighting began , but the company that
te is in has not had a man wounded
: ven. Hert Colter is all right , as are all
he rest of the McCook boys. Kinghorn
aid to tell you "Hello. "
Our men have about 30,000 natives
urrounded in a little town called Mala-
lon. They are going to attack them
oon. Our troops have burned nearly
: very native house that they came to.
Ve have fresh meat whenever we want
t. Once in a while our boys bring in a
'oung Calabou or Water Buffalo which
nnkes pretty good eating.
There is a small gun boat stationed in
he Pasig river near cauip. It was cap-
uretl from the Spaniards and cost the
Jnited States 48,000 Mexican dollars to
epair it.
I don't think we will have much more
ighting in the vicinity of our old camp.
guess I will close for this time , hoping
o hear from you soon. Your friend ,
lARRY C. STEERS , Co. M , Neb. Vols.
A Card of ThanKs.
The ladies of the Christian church Ai
society desire to express their gratefi
appreciation to all who assisted thei
with their patronage on Saturday , Apr
1st. To S. M. Cochran & Co. and Jarn <
McAdams for most courteous treatmen
to Robert Byers for use of the store-roou
to the press for kindly notices , to Ge <
E. Thompson , J. F. Gauschow , M. I
Knipple , Joe Menard and all others wh
rendered assistance in anyway , we e :
tend sincere thanks.
MRS. M. V. TRAVEK , Sec.
Dangers of the Grip.
The greatest danger from La'Gripp
is of its resulting in pneumonia. J
reasonable care is used , however , an
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken , a
danger will be avoided. Among the ten
of thousands who have used this remed
for la grippe we have yet to learn of
single case having resulted in pneumoni
which shows conclusively that this reir
edy is a certain preventive of that dar
gerotis disease. It will cure la grippe i
less time than any other treatment. 1
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale b
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Don't Lose Any Time About It.
If you expect to go west , this spring
ask the nearest Burlington Route ageii
about the specially reduced rates now i :
effect to Montana , Utah , California
Washington and Oregon points Asl
about them right away today. The
may be withdrawn at any moment
Through tourist sleeping car service I
San Francisco and Los Angeles ever
Thursday to Butte , Spokane and Seattl
every Tuesday and Thursday. J. Fran
cis , Geuetal Passenger Agent , Omaha
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burnscald
cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve
the best salve in the world , will kill tin
pain and promptly heal it. Cures oil
sores , fever sores , ulcers , boils , felons
corns , all skin eruptions. Best pile cun
on earth. Only 250 a box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by McConnell , druggist.
I have for sale , on easy terms , the fol
lowing described real estate in McCook
Nebraska :
Lot one in block twenty six , First Ad
dition to McCook , $600 co
Lot and building on Dennison street
occupied by the Probst bakery , $640 oa
Lot eleven in block ten , First Additioi
to South McCook , $240 oo
Lots five and six in block one , Secom
Addition of McCook , $600 oo.
McCook , Nebraska
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave 3 ou , if you usec
Dr.King's New Life Pills. Thousands o
sufferers have proven their matchles
merit for sick and nervous headaches
They make pure blood and strong nervei
and build up your health. Easy to take
Only 25c , money back if not cured. Sole
by McConnell , druggist.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-school at Box Elder churcl :
every Sunday at 10 a m. Church services
at n a. m. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec 4 Sunday-school at Reci
Willow school house every Sunday at s
p. in. Church service at 3 p. m. every
two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4 ,
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap >
poititinent every Sunday at 10 a. in.
Preaching at n a m every two weeks
rlating from Dec. n. Preaching service
at Spring Creek at 3 p. in. every two
weeks dating from Dec ii.
D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
An Honest Medicine for La Grippe.
George W. Waitt of South Gardiner ,
Me. , says : "I have had the worst cough ,
: old , chills and grip and have taken lots
jf trash of no account but profit to the
fendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is the only thing that has done any good
whatever. I have used one so-cent bottle
ind the chills , cold and grip have all
eft me. I congratulate the inanafact-
ires of an honest medicine. " For sale
jv L. W. McConnell & Co.
Our Great Clubbing Offer.
The unparalleled clubbing couibina-
ion we have been offering our farmer
eaders during the winter is still opener
or acceptance and gives the largest value
or the money ever offeied by a news-
laper. It consists of The Homestead ,
I'hich is the leading agricultural paper
n the west , its Special Farmers' Institute
ditions , containing the cream of western
arm experience and bringing a Farmers'
nstitute into every home every month ,
riie Poultry Farmer , which is the great
arm poultry paper of the country. The
raruiers' Mutual Insurance Journal , The
lumane Alliance , and last , though we
lope not least , this paper for local and
ounty news , making six papers in all
sr one year for only $1.45. The Home-
lead alone for the first week in April
onsists of forty pages and The Special
rarmers' Institute edition accompanying
t , of twenty-four , making an aggregate
f sixty-four pages , the largest weekly
gricultural paper in this country or iu
lie world. All our farmer readers who
ave not availed themselves of this great
ombinatioii offer should do so at once ,
DT nothing giving so large a"alue for
lie money has ever been known before ,
or any combination so suited to the
irniers' needs at all points.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile ointment is no
anacea , but is recommended for piles
nly. These it will cure. Price soc in
ottles ; tubes 750 at McConnelPs.
For Infants and Children.
lie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Bought , and which has been
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 3O years , has home the signature of
„ and has heen made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.v
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. :
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
1 !
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always BenIn
In Use For Over SO Years.
H - ;
Are recognized the world over as representing the highest type
of excellence in bicycle construction. . . . Are now within reach of all
King and Queen Roadsters $25
u at these prices.
Send for Catalogue Agents wanted in open , territory
Halsted and Fulton Sts. , CHICAGO e Church and Reade Sts. , NEW YORK
S S S. is the There aredozens of remedies recommended forf
, , . Only Scrofula , some of them no doubt being able
afford temporary relief , but S. S. S. is absolutely
Remedy Equal to this the only remedy which completely cures it.
Scrofula is one of the most obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases , and is beyond the reach of the
Obstinate [ many so-called purifiers and tonics because some
thing more than a mere tonic is required. S. S. S.
is equal to any blood trouble , and never fails to cure Scrofula , because it
goes down to the seat of the disease , thus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint. ,
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong
treatment has been relied upon , complicated glandular
swellings have resulted , for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. Jl.E.Thompsonof Milledgeville , Ga. , writes : "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck ,
which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I
was treated for a long while , but the physicians vrere un
able to cure me , and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used ,
but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. S. , and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken n , few bottles.
Continuing the remedy , I was soon cured permanently ,
and have never had a sign of the disease to return. " Swift's Specific
is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate , deep-seate
blood diseases. By relying upon it , and not experimenting ; with the vario
so-called tonics , etc. , all sufferers from blood troubles can DO promptly cureo
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermi f
the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable , and never fnfcls t
cure Scrofula , Eczema , Cancer , Rheumatism , Contagious Blood Poison , Boih
Tetter , Pimples , Sores , Ulcers , etc.Insist upon S. S S. ; nothing can take its pl u *
Books on mood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by t
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia.