The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1899, Image 8
Women suffer ing from.f emale t rou bles anc weakness , anc from irregular or painful men .ses , ought no I to lose hope i Jdoctors cannot P help them. Phy sicians are so ! busy with other I diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to BSfflS which is the true cure providoc by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing , who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers. wives and daughters. It is made of soothing. heuJing , strengthening herbs and vegetables , which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses , Leu- corrhcea. Falling of the Womb. Nerv ousness. Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad = > field's Female Regulator , every suffering woman ought to give it a trial. , A large $ i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. Send for a nicely Illustrated free boot on the subject. The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .27 Wheat 45 Oats 20 Rye 38 Barley 30 Hogs 3.15 Eggs 12 Butter 13 Potatoes 40 Writing paper in bulk and box , with envelopes to match , at very reasonable figures THK TRIBUNE. For La Grippe. Thomas Whitefield & Co ,240 Wabash- av. , corner Jackson-st. , one of Chicago' oldest and most prominent druggists , recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe , ns it not only gives a prompt and complete relief , bill also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia For sale by L. W. McConnell S : Co. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver , aud the whole system becomes deranged. Herbine perfects the process of digestion and assimilation , and thus uiakes pure blood. Price 250 at L. W. McConnell's. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THE TRIBUNE office. Frequently accidents occur in the household , which cause burns , cuts , sprains and bruises. For use in such cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Price 25C and SQC at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. ' irritate with stubborn Don't your lungs a born cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Ballard's Horehound - -hound Syrup. Price 250 aud soc at L. W. McConnell & Go's. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 335. To John Bassler , Joseph McKiever and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has established and ordered opened a road commencing at the northeast cor ner of section thirteen (13) ( ) in Fritscb precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on the section hue aud terminating at the northwest comer of section fourteen (14) ( ) in said preciuct ; and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county alerk's office on or before noon of the th day of May , A. D. , 1899 , or said road will be established without reference thereto. 3-10413. R. A. GREEN , Countv Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 336. To John Newhalfen and to all whom it may concern : . The board of county commissioners bas established and ordered opened a road commencing at the northeast corner of section seventeen (17) ( in Hondville precinct , Red Willow count } ' , Nebraska , running thence south one mile on section line and terminating at southeast corner of section seventeeni7)saidpre ( ) ; and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 6th day of May , A. D , 1899 , or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto. 3-io-4ts. R. A. GREEN , ' County Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 337. To David C. Sullivan , Levi D. Gaddis , Elizabeth T. Cleveland , Joseph Halm , Carrie E. Wright , Rosa Reiter , Henry Halm , J. W. Dolan and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has established and ordered opened a road commencing at the southeast corner of section fourteen (14) ( ) in Alliance pre cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on section line and terminating at the southwest corner of section seventeen (17) in 6aid precinct ; ' aad nil objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 6th day of May , A. D. , 1899 , ° r said road will be established without reference thereto. R- AGREEN. . County Clerk. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. THK TUIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer forr.5oayear , strictlj in advance. Children who are troubled with worms are pule in the face , fretful by spells , restles-s in sleep , have blue rings around their eyes , bad dreams , variable appt-tite , and pick the nose. White's Cream Verm ifuge will kill and expel these parasites. Price 250 at McConnell's. Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established a twice a-week tourist car line from Kan sas City lo Butte , Spokane. Tacoma and Seattle Cars Ji-Hve KHMSHS City , Lincoln nn < l Grand Island every Tuesday and Thuis- day , arriving at Seattle following Friday and Sunday They are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are clccii ) and of good qualityN The heating , ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter , whose sole duty is to at tend to the wants of passengers. Cars mil through without change of any'kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma is only $5 oo. To inter mediate points it is proportionately low. Montana and the Puget Sound countrv are now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. Asa consequence , travel to the northwest is rapidly attaining lar e proportions. This new tourist car line has been established with a view of car ing for the Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths , tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by address ing J. Francis. G.P.A.Omaha. June 26 THE TRIBUNK will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR FINISHING ROOAIS FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. - Notice is hereby given tint sealed bids will be received at the office of the comi ty clerk of Red Willow county , Nebras ka , in the city of McCook , up to one o'clock , p. m. , of the ijlh day of April , 1899 , for the finishing of suitable rooms , entrances thereto , and vaults for offi es for the County Commissioners , County Clerk , County Treasurer. Sheriff and County Judge , according to the plans and specifications to be found in the office of said county clerk. All bids must be securely sealed and directed to the county clerk of said comi ty , and endorsed on the envelope enclos ing the iame , "Bids for finishing rooms for the county officers. " Said bids must each be accompanied by a certificate of deposit in the sum of $100 oo , of some reliable bank in the 00111113 * , payable to the order of R. A. Green , county clerk , in case the person making the bid shall fail to enter into a contract and give bond according to the terms of his bid. The person to whom the contract may be awarded shall within five dajs af er the acceptance of said bill , give bond in the Mini of at least $3000.00 , with two good and .sufficient sureties , to be ap proved by the board of county commis sioner , in form and conditions as pre pared and approved by the county at torney , for the faithful performance of Ills contract , and shall enter into avrit - t-u contract with said county , dulv signed bv him , at the time of the execu tion of said bond. The board of county commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this ijth day of March , 1899 R A. GREEN , County Clerk. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TKIU- JNE , v/e have made arrangements with the bllowing newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : WIIH PUBLICATION. " Detroit Free Press Si oo eslie's Weekly 4 oo Prairie Farmer Chicago Inter-Ocean Cincinnati Enquirer. STew-York Tribune Demorest's Magazine Toledo Blade Nebraska Farmer qwa Homestead Jncoln Journal Campbell's Soil-Culture New-York World ) maha Bee Cosmopolitan Magazine at. Louis Republic I oo tansas City Star 25 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 50 vansas City Journal , weekly. 25 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court , within and for Red Wil- o\v County , Nebraska , February I5th , 1899 , in ie matter of the estate of Mathilda Berndt , eceascd. To the creditors of said estate : rou are hereby notified that I will sit at the ounly court room in McCook , in said county , n the i6th day of August , 1899 , at 10 o'clock receive and examine all claims against aid estate , with a view to their adjustment nd allowance. I he time limited for the pre- entation of claims against said estate is six months from the i th day of February A. D. 1899 , and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said I5th day of Febru ary , 1899. Frazer Axle Grease Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. Factories : Chdago , SI Louts , New York. ' INDIAN AND TIGER. A Clever Trick by Which the Former Out witted the latter. According to a good and true tiger story in Cornhill , an Indian who bad learned some of the elementary princi ples of jugglery and contortion went out one evening to walk upon a ridgy plain. When be reached the top of one of the mounds , he saw a tiger ahead of him , 500 or 600 yards a fay. Before the man could hide behind a mound the tiger had seen him and began to bound toward him at its topmost E5 ed. Having no means of defense , there was nothing for the man to do but to race for the nearest tree , but though ho tried it and put forth his utmost strength the tiger steadily gained upon him. him.What What was he to do ? In sheer despera tion Jbe resolved upon an unusual scheme. Justas be disappeared for an instant from the tiger's sight in run ning over a ridge be halted , stretched out bis legs at right angles , curled down bis bead so as to look between bis legs to the rear and extended his arms upward in a fantastic manner , like the sails of a windmill. In a few seconds the tiger hove in sight , and at that instant the face of the object assumed a hideous grimace. A prolonged yell arose , such as had per haps never before pierced the ear of any tiger , and the sails of the windmill be gan to revolve backward and forward as if a sudden whirlwind bad burst npon the scene. The tiger recoiled. What , bo evi dently thought , is this ? There stood a ferocious star shaped monster , gigantic against the sky. Its hideous head was situated ill the very center of its body nay , its viselike jaws , between which those fiendish roars were issuing , were actually placed above its two fiery eyes. Its limbs were furiously clamoring for action , and the man he bad been chas ing , where was he ? Already devoured by this terrible beast ? The tiger could not pause to reflect. He turned tail , and as be disappeared over a friendly ridge a last awful yell caused him to redouble bis pace. He was conquered by the unknown. THE POWER OF SHADOWS. A Gloomy View of the Power of Certain Popular Superstitions. As antique runuers passed from band to hand the sacred torch , so the genera tions transmit to the generations -\vhic succeed them all that they have c light and knowledge , leaving them as heritage the care of continuing the di vine work of enfranchisement and o helping to dissipate the shadows of ig norance. Little by little these clouds are van quished and disappear , and the touch o : intelligence flames the more radiantly in the midst of the travailing masses. But all of a sudden a veil covers th torch something surges up which seems like the darkness of another age. One feels that in a corner of this civi lization monstrous things have place , Here they burn a woman accused o sorcery ; there in Suabia a tribunal con demns to four days of imprisonment ; i laborer who had disinterred the corps of an infant. He wanted to make brace lets of its finger nails , which , according to a belief held in that country , const ! tute a sovereign remedy against colic. And all the stories of vampires , o : elfs , return to the mind with all the victims they have made and are making still. It seems in reading such things that the "power of shadows" is still impeu etrable to all that science has done and that , as I have said , the effort is vain. Figaro. On the Eating : of Man is a creature of prejudice. In Scotland be will not eat eels ; hi Con necticut be will not eat sturgeon , the royal fish of England , where the first one taken in the Thames goes to the queen's table ; in New York ho will not eat lampreys , miscalled "lainper eels , " which are delicacies in Connecti cut , and in England some old king I never could keep a record of kings died from a surfeit of lampreys. With these prejudices in mind , and I hate all prejudices except those which I enter tain , I decided to cat the loon. There may bo differences among loons , as there are between pigeons and squabs. I prefer an adult pigeon to a squab , there is better chewing oa it , but if a man wants real bard chewing , with a flavor of raw fish , let him tackle an adult loon. That ; bird could not bo picked. It was skinned , and in its stomach ach there was a catfish recently swal lowed , one partly digested and the bones of another. The triggers of the pectoral fins of the catfish were set , but the stomach of the loon did not seem to be troubled by that fact. Fred Mather in Forest and Stream. A Baldheaded Keply. A naval officer , very well and favor- ibly known in London , bas for some mknowu reason been advanced in his profession very slowly , though he has jrown gray in the service and indeed amentably bald. Recently one of his uniors was bold enough to question lim as to his remarkable absence of tair. " How comes it that you are so very The officer replied promptly and with nuch viudictiveness : "You , man , you would be bald , I hink , if you had bad men stepping over our head for years in the way I have. " -London Judy. Different Ideas as to Clothes. If the native women of Sumatra have heir knees properly covered , tbo rest oes not matter. The natives of some jlands off the coast of Guinea wear lothes only when they are going on a Durney. Some Indians of Venezuela re ashamed to wear clothes before dangers , as it seems indecent to them ) appear nnpainted. Mllllons Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tbe public to know of one concern in tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discover- for Consumption , coughs and colds , have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it bas absolutely cured thous ands of hopeless cases. Asthma , bron chitis , hoarseness and all diseases of tbe throat , chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on McConnell druggist , and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 500. and $ i. Every bottle guaranteed , or price refunded. Cash will buj more of the very best implements in the world at Cocbran & Co.'s , this spring , than have ever been s < * \ ' \ before anywhere. And they are coming in now by the car-load Two cars arrived , this week. THE McCooK TRIBUNE , the Omaha Weekly Bee and the Cosmopolitan Mag azine , a'l three for $2 You can't beat it. Are you restless at night , and harassed by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup , it will becuie you sound sleep , and effect a prompt and radical cure. Price 250 and 500 at McConnelPs Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach , liver and kidney troubles as well as women , and all feel the results in loss of appetite , poisons in tbe blood , backache , nervousness , head ache and tired , listless , feel ing. Hut there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner , Idaville , Ind. He says : "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down , and don't care whether he lives or dies It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than any thing I could take. I can now eat any thing and have a new lease on life. " Only 25 cents at McConnell's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed McConnell's Balsam cures coughs Working- Night and Day. The busiest ami mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health , that changes weakness into strength , listlessness into energy , brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building tip the health. Only 250 per box. Sold by McConnel' ' . McConnelPs Balsam cures coughs. Red Hot From the Gun ! Was the ball that hit G B. Steadrnai ' of Newark , Mich. , in the Civil War. I caused horrible ulcers that no trertmen helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts bruises , burns , boils , felons , corns , skir eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25C per box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConnell , druggist. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , March 22d 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will he made before the Register or Receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , April 29 1899 , viz : Moses Battershnll , Homestead En try No. 10,230 for the S 'A NW # and E 'A SW M of Section 22 , T 2 N , R 29 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation o said land , viz : John E. Tin-ill , Arthur II Thrill , William H. Smith and Alex. D.John ston , all of McCook , Neb. F. M. RATHBUN , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , February 27 , 1899. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will he made before the register or receiver of the U. S. Land Of fice at McCookeb. . , on Monday , April loth , 1899 , viz : Mack Tiller , II.E. No. 10,871.for the northeast quarter of section 12 , township 5 N. , range 29V. . , 6th P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz : Frank Garlick ot Quick , Nebraska , Charles Hoffman , Myron Travel piece and Fred Gar- lick of Fandon , Nebraska. 3-3-6t. F. M. RATHBUN , Register. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , l-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. given in appropriate cases. Miss ANNETTA BALL , McCook Surgical Hospital. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. B"Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. ® All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. f * * fb B53 = # ff"i i A CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought " " r Bears the Signature of f BUCK EYE i OINTMENT ; CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ? known for 15 years as the P BEST REMEPYfor PILES. P SOI.D BY ALL , DRUGGISTS. joi by S10HABDBKIHEB. CO. , BT. LOOT. ' Ati. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. \ : The Kind You Have Always Bought , and wnich has been in use for over 30 years , has borne the signature of , and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. * Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. dP * " " " ' ' ' f & i fa VJLjfi 4 4& ! ! What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and TVind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy aiul natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. 1 ] ! GENUINE ALWAYS -l\\ \ \ Bears the Signature of * - Use For Over SO Years. . . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. jSS SS a SS feSS WHITE'S CREAM Host in QuantityBest in Quality. m &ias Led soijXS s'S' j3LX.ii C Prepared ' JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Lpuis.j At L. W. McCONNSLL & CO.'S. onflrrr v 9ll cil J. Are recognised the wor t ! over as reprccxUinr ; : the highest tyoe of excellence in bicycle construction. . . .Arc now \vithia reach of all MONARCH ROADSTERS $5O DEFIANCE ROADSTERS U3 \ ? l fj clilPPn RnPfJQtP C Why look frrther when machines cf cih. liEHl yUbCll nUcJUDlGSO established reputation can be had at these prices. uflGNARCH CHAINLESS $75 Scad for Catalogue . * geats wanted ia open territorj MONARCH CVCL StIFG. CO. SkKcd and Fulton Sis. . CHICAGO Church and Readc Sis. , NEW YORK RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IR FROST \n Honest Medicine for La Grippe. George W. Waitt of South Gardiner , Me. , says : "I have had the worst cough , rolcl , chills and grip and have taken lots > f trash of no account but profit to the render. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy s the only thing that has done any good vhatever. I have used one so-ceut bottle ind the chills , cold and grip have all eft me. I congratulate the uianafact- ires of an honest medicine. " For sale > y L.V. . McConnell & Co. i They have buggies , spring wagons , oad wagons and surreys until you can't j est at Cochran & Co.'s big store. Car- ' oadsofthem are coming in. To make ooui for them they are making a "take- liem-away sale" of 23 or 24 vehicles of ill kinds now in stock. You will never ' iiry them cheaper. Get their figures. I Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from La Grippe j s of its resulting in pneumonia. If' ' easonable care is used , however , and ! lmiuberlaui's Cough Remedy taken , all langer will be avoided. Among the tens f thousands who have used this remedy or la grippe we have yet to learn of a ingle case having resulted in pneumonia , -hich shows conclusively that this retn- dy is a certain preventive of that dan- erous disease. It will cure la grippe in jss time than any other treatment. It 5 pleasant and safe to take. For sale by , . W. McConnell & Co. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York 'ribnne ' for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad- ance. 1 - B. E. ASHX01T , Pr . T. X. UcDONAU , Cath. OLirrOSD KASSN.Atti. Cisi. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business S37 Any business you may wish to transact with THE McCooK TKIHUNE will receive prompt ami careful atten tion. Subscriptions received , orders taken for advertisements and job work. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . . . . COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention la probably pntontablo. Communlc- tlonaatrlctlyconadontlal. Handbook oil I atouU sent f rco. Oldest agency for securlnjr patents. Patents taken through -Jluim i CoTrccoiTa tptclal notice , without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-arcwt cltw cuUtlon of any sclontino lonrnsL Terms. $3 & year ; four months , $1. P * - * - - ' --vvi- HewM ' Office , (06 P ufr\M T\ \ \ i