The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1899, Image 7

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LiitROit Advertising ; Contract Ever Placed
, In Chicago.
The , N. K. Fairbank Company , whose
idvertising amounts to several hun
dred thousand dollars per annum ,
has Just completed arrangements to do
nil its advertising through the Mahin
Advertising Company. This includes
all advertising In newspapers , high-
class magazines , street cars , etc. John
Lee Mahln , the president of the Mahln
Advertising Company , is widely known ,
and the securing of the N. K. Fair-
bank Company contract is a compli
ment to his ability. J. H. Snitzler , the
secretary and treasurer has had a long
and honorable business career in this
city. Since opening their office Dec.
28 last they have secured , aside from
the N. K. Fairbank Company contract ,
forty-eight customers whose business
will aggregate $200,000 per annum.
They will move from their present
rooms to the fifth floor of the New
York Life Building into greatly en
larged quarters , to accommodate their
rapidly increasing business. Chicago
Times-Herald , Feb. 17 , 1899.
For the celebration next Anrjl of
the seventieth birthday of General
Booth , the Salvation Army proposes
to raise by volunteer subscriptior. and
presents to him $350,000 to be used
in army \vork.
S3.OOO for a Nevr Corn.
That's what this new corn cost. Yields
813 bushels per acre. Big Four Oats 250
bushels Salzer's Itnpc to pasture sheep
nnil cattle at 2Gc per acre yields 50 tons ;
potatoes J1.20 per bbl. Bromus Inermis ,
the greatest grass on .earth ; Beardless
Barley CO bushels per acre ; 10 kinds
grasses and clovers , etc.
Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER
SEED CO. , LA CROSSE , WIS. . with lOc
V etamps and receive free great Catalogue ;
$3.000 Corn and 10 Farm Seed Sam
ples , [ w.n. ]
It frequently happens when a girl
imagines she is wearing a sad and In
teresting expression , some one will ank
her what she is looking so cross about.
The little good poetry in the world
has resulted in a flood of doggerel that
creates the suspicion that every man
and woman on earth believes that hoer
or she is a genius.
They WorK AVlille Vou MIeop
Wlillc your mind and body rcfct , Caficaret Candy Ca
thartic repair your digestion , your , liver , your
bowels , put lliein In perfect order. All druggists ,
lUc , 23c , SOc.
Don't cover your neglected duties
with the cloak of excuse.
$15.00 1'er Week.
We will pay a salary of S15 per week and
expenses for man with Illg to Introduce Per
fection I'oultryviMlxture and Insect Destroy
er In the country. Address with stamp.
Perfection Manufacturing Co. , Parsons , Kan.
Some people can't see what pleasure
those who mind their own business find
in living.
Mrs. Wlnslow'fl Soothing Syrnp.
For children teething , softens the gums , reduces Icr
Gaiuinatlon , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle.
An old bachelor says that a woman's
change of mind is an effect without a
Am delighted with DR. SETII AUXOLD'S COUGH
KILLER ; H cures every time. ISev. J. B. Cornish ,
Woyncsvllle.IH. 5c. a bottle.
Bread may the staff of life , but what
the average man wants is a fat pud
Coo's Cougli 31ilna in
Is the oldest and best. I twill break tip n cold quicker
lean anything else. It IE always reliable. Try It.
Some actions , like frescoe work , only
reveal their color after they have been
done awhile.
Piso's Cure for Consumption Las been
n God-send to mo. Wm. B. McClellan ,
Chester. Florida. Sept. 17,1895.
A peculiar death came to Carl Kr-s-
mer of Bellaire , Mich. Ho was sawing
down a hollow tree and his saw , being
short , he went inside the tre3 ami con
tinued his work. The tree fell and
crushed him.
"ANY a dutiful daughter pays in pain for her mother's
ignorance or perhaps neglect.
The mother suffered and she thinks her daughter
must suffer also. This is true only to a limited extent. No
excessive pain is healthy. Every mother should inform her
self for her own sake and especially
for the sake of her daughter. Write
to Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. ,
for her advice' about all matters
concerning the ills of the feminine
Many a young girl's beauty is wasted by unnecessary pain at
time of menstruation , and many indulgent mothers with
mistaken kindness permit their daughters to grow careless
about physical health.
Miss CARRIE M. LAMB , Big Beaver , Mich. , writes : "DEAR
MRS. PINKHAMA year ago I suffered from profuse and
irregular menstruation
and leucorrhcea. My
appetite was variable ,
stomach sour and bowels
were not regular , and
was subject to pains like
colic duringmenstruation.
I -wrote you and began to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and
used two packages of
Sanative Wash. You can't
imagine my relief. My
courses are natural and
general health improved. "
La Due , Mo. , writes :
. I feel it my duty to tell <
you of the good your/
Vegetable Compound has
done my daughter. She
suffered untold agony at
time of menstruation be
1- fore takingyourmedicine ;
i/- but the Compound has
relieved the pain , given her a better color , and she feels
stronger , and has improved every way. I am very grateful to
you for the benefit she has received. It is a great medicine
for young girls. "
- j ; j j j , j , ; X
Columbia Ghainless , Models 59 and 60 , . "i $75
Columbia Chain , Models 57 and 58 , , , , 50
Harifords , Patterns 19 and 20 , , . . . , 35 I
Vedettes , Patterns 21 and 22 i i S25 , 26
Our 1898 Models \vern the leaders of last season. We are closing
out a limited number of Columbias , Model 46 , ( Ladies' ) at $45 ; Models
45 and 49 ( improved ) 840 ; Ilartfords , Patterns 7 and 8 , at greatly re
duced prices.
See our New Catalogue.
POPE RflFQ. CO. * Hartford , Conn.
"WowishtoRainthisyearSCO.OOO jg
nenr customers , and hence oiler
1 Pkp. 13 Dr.y Kadisli , lUc
Kg. Karlr Kipe , lOc
" liarliest Red Beit , Ita
Longlilghtn' ; : Cucumber JOe cj
Salzer's Best Lettncc , lOc a ,
California Fij : Tomato , 0o JS
Karly Dinner Onion , lUc g
Brilliant Flower See Js15c _ _ < S
Worth $1.00 , fur 14 cent 11 , $ LfO 8
AbovolOpkgs. worth § 1.00 , wo will 2
mail yon free , together with onr
great Plant and Ijccd Catalogue W
upon receipt of this notice < t 14c ( H
) Etage. we invite yonr trade and j |
know when yon cnco try Snlzcr's i ,
up n. Ib. i'oiatocs at S'2U
a Bbl. Catalog alone 6c. ' ' .
Have You a Disease "Wo Successfully Treat ?
A11 forms of Tumor. SUln ,
- -
fA M/-H-O
CANGLzR Blood.and KcrvousDiseases
scientifically cured. Consult or correspond with
Dr. GKO. O. W. FARNHAM. Prop.
1C9 So. 10th St. , Lincoln , Neb.
Of Greater New York , Boston , and
many other places use Carter's Ink
exclusively and won't use any other.
That speaks -\vell for
and gives you food for thought.
Meat smoked in a few hears with
JIado from hickory wood. Cheaper , cleaner ,
sweeter , and sorer than the old way. Send for
circular. . KKACSKU A ; 1JKO. , illlton , i'a.
Hunting : for Food Plants Those on
South American PUlns Will lie Cul
tivated Here If Successful Our Food
Supply Will lie Increased.
Dr. D. G. Fail-child of the department
of agriculture has gone to South
America in search of new food plants ,
which will be introduced into the
United States. If these plants can be
successfully cultivated here , a revolu
tion will result in the character and
amount of our food supply. According
to Professor N. L. Britton of Columbia ,
Dr. Fairchild will make a careful study
of South American plants of all kinds
.such as can be grown in this country.
"I refer , of course , " he said , "to
plants of utilization the invaluable
commodities that commerce deals in
and which are essential to the well be
ing'and comfort of civilization. There
are vast tracts of desert lands in our
west where nothing grows , and where ,
it is believed , nothing can grow. I ex
pect that this state of affairs will soon
be changed , and that before many
years these desert lands hundreds or
thousands of square miles of waste
will be made to blossom like a fertile
"There is a vast desert in Chili , sim
ilar to the deserts in this country ,
where various plants of great use to
civilization flourish. We believe that
these plants can be transplanted here ,
where the same conditions obtain pret
ty much as in the Chilian desert of
Atacama , and these immense stretches
of unproductive land will be converted
into tracts of great fertility. From the
isthmus down to Patagonia there is a
variety of plants of immense value.
None of these is produced now within
the territory of the United States , but
they can be.
"There is a food plant known as
quinoa. This grows high on the An
des and produces a great quantity of
small black seeds which the natives
grind into meal. It serves the moun
tain men as bread food , and a very
gcod food it is , too. It is a starchy
stuff and takes the place of our own
grain , corn and buckwheat and is cul
tivated at high altitudes. This plant
is unknown in this country , but we be
lieve it can be grown everywhere in
the high altitudes in this country ,
where no other food plant will flour
ish , and also in Alaska. The introduc
tion of this plant alone will transform
what are now cold , uninhabitable ,
cheerless and barren stretches of
land into farms of great productive
ness. I myself grew this plant next to
my house here last summer , but it
didn't ripen to seeds. It does not thrive
in warm spots.
"Besides a number of other South
American food plants which can be
grown in this country , according to the
section , climate and altitude , there are
the drug and fiber plants. The indis
pensable quinine and the expensive
ipecac are now imported and grow no
where within our borders. The cin
chona bark is carried in , British or
German ships mainly from Brazilian
ports to ports in Great Britain or Ger
many , where it is ground into qui
nine powder and then exported to this
country. Now , the trees from which
quinine is extracted can be cultivated
properly in Porto Rico , Cuba and
doubtless in the Philippines. Here is
a trade worth untold millions that can
be , and undoubtedly will be , placed
within our own borders. So with ipe
cac , which is expensive because the
fierce competition for it has well-nigh
exhausted its roots. Balsam of co
paiba , tonca beans , Ferubian balsam
these and many other drug plants ,
yielding a tremendous revenue to our
merchants and a great gain and bene
fit to our people , can all be cultivated
in United States territory. New Yorlr
Religion and the Possnm.
An incident told by the Rev. V. B.
Carroll in the November Homiletic
Review makes apparent the necessity ,
in this transition period , of getting the
negro inwardly right in order that his
relationship to society may be right.
Wo were driving out one Sunday
from Decatur when we came upon a
negro , with a club in his hand and a
freshly killed possum on his shoulder.
We stopped to examine the prize , and
the colonel said :
"My friend , do you know it is Sun
day ? "
"Sartin , boss. "
"Are you not a religious man ? "
"I are. I'se jist on my way home
from church. "
"And what sort of religion have you
got that permits you to go hunting on
Sunday ? "
"Religion ? religion ? " queried the
man , as he held the possum up with
one hand and scratched his head with
the other. "Does you 'spect any black
man in Alabama is gwine to tie hisself
up to any religion dat 'lows a possum
to walk right across the road ahead of
him an' git away free ? No , sail ! A
religion which won't bend a little
when a fat possum heads you off could
n't be 'stablished round yere by all the
preachers in de univarse. "
Air TVo Consume.
A man with a penchant for computa
tion lias calculated that when we are
at rest we consume 500 cubic inches of
air a minute. If we walk at the rate
of one mile an hour we use 800 , two
miles 1,000 , three miles l,600four miles
2,300. If we start out and run six
miles an hour we consume 3,000 cubic
inches of air during every minute of
the time
, . , , * XJZZJ " % * r
pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Company , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles
of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste
and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative.
Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , gently yet promptly , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative.
In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but
by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects , and
toa\roid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package.
Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others
pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be even-where considered
the best of its class , an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed
purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture
and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , it has become important to all to have a
knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than
fifteen years ago , for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be
more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the
remedy , as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts , is attested by the sale of millions of bottles
annually , and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named
SYRUP OF FIGS is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only , the knowledge of that fact
will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties.
Fbr Sale by All Dru ishs , Price 5Q § Per Bel-He.
Hon. Ceo. P. Bemis , the "lost popular man ever elected as mayor of
the city of Omaha. Neb. He is also oue of the oldest and best known real
estate dealers and negotiators of loans in the west. Ilis business is very
extensive. He is not only one of the best judges of real estate but he knows
a good thing vrhen he sees it , whatever it may be. So we call attention to
the following statement made by him and several other men who are not
only popular in Omaha but are known from ocean to ocean. They are Hou.
A. U. Wyman. Ex-Treasurer of the United States and now President of the
Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , one of the largest and most prominent ncgojfcj
tiators of Western farm and city loans. Hon. "W. J. Connell , Ex-Congress- ?
man and now Omaha's City Attorney. Hon. W. A. Paxton. Fres. , Union
Stock Yards. Hon. T. S. Ciarkson. Ex-Commander in Chief G. A. R. Hon.
C. J. Smyth , Attorney General of Nebi-aska. Hon. A. S. Churchill , Ex-At
torney General of Nebraska , and many others as well known , each
of whom has personally signed the following statement.
"TO WHOffl THISCOPflES , CREETENC : We take pleasure In com
mending the virtues of the remedies prepared by the Dr. E. J. Kay
Medical Co. Having known of some remarkable cures of Omaha
people effected by the use of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Ksy's
Lung Balm , we believe that these great remedies are worthy of the
confidence of the public.
At this season , your system needs renovating. The internal organ * are
inactive. The waste matter is not eliminated but absorbed , thus contam
Hon. CeoP. . Bern is inating the blood and debilitating the entire system. The nerve force is not
Omaha's most popular Mayor. tired and have no . These
replenished , consequently you are energy. symp
toms are present in the Spring and after an epidemic of La-Grippe. To renovate the system and remove all
bad effects of La-Grippe or Spring lassitude use Dr. Kay's Renovator. It certainly has no equal. Send for
proof of it. It is a perfect renovator and regulator of all internal organs the very worst cases of
. _ _ _ _
.Tl A M * 4-1 vt n 4-1 n -i * /3 P\Crtll Y fk I 11Trkl O Tl LT1 fl Tl rtTT O TTIT ! 1 t T1TQ
. . . ' ' " for it has .
-.ay say is 'just as good" no equal.
S $1. Dr.B. * J. Kay Medical Co. . Saratoga Springs , N. Y. and Omaha. Neb.
Don't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If you want. , coat
that will keep you dry in tlichard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sa'.a in
town , \vrSz for wtalocue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
TVAN'TED-Cnse of Van health that IM-V-A-X-S
will not licncllt. Send 5 cents ti > Klpans Chemical
Co. . New York.for 10 samples and 1,000 testimonials.
' ror COURTIS , col.15 ,
, Kay's lung and throat disease
n Uri inllllll llL.lilL.Ul fnmpip
incut free. C. H. IMc'iard * Co. , Omalia. Xeb.
5 : Renovsffll * . Guaranteed
J 5 nSM'JVaiUlj
Ray to cure tlyspcp-
sia. constipation , liver and Uidncydiscases.bfl-
liousness , headache , etc. .At druggists 2f c& Si.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uoc
In time. Sold by drcgglsta.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. IS 1S99
Wfscn flnc-vcriao aavcstiscaeots KinUJy
Mer.tioG Th-s i'uccr.
WM ga B'segirsu ETZi *
BWfef1 ?
ana : a SQ
_ * s SilSe 3 Western Canada
ami pnnli uniras 10 Is v t- > - rro : t > . > . orv < > f the
l > \Vhcat-rrt'Wln5 ' .13 1 < m tli < - I i-nrn-nf. ftri be
ret-inc l on n ; > ptc.uioi to tin- > i r ntmlint of
lininlcniMon. Oit ia.i. c . .inttl.i.r it - : m I-iMenivl.
bpcci.illv < tl'tuT I cIP" ! n > .11 U1 ue > t. l * : l
onihenr-t ninl .hit ! v.ilnln rf rurh m.ith. .
mid ! -pprIi" > I u r.iti c n .1. ! ! 'ii < i > f railway moU-
liK t. r.uil'are hrtn im , > : otl for ovur-tim ; MlnB
tlu-rc on A ; > :5I 'I' : : r M.uii.ul > : i. A--tnlti > ! .i. x- > * -
K : ; hi--a-i ami Vrt.i. . \V V. Kemiett. S > 1 Xev
York Life l : > i.dinb' . Si'U
. . _ . ii'Diiiiinrats tu
irritations or uUn : inH
o ( in n oil"
l'uil -i. ami not aitju
rTHVMSCHEUIC.U.CO. r . Pt "r VoiMmoiw.
r VC'NCiS ATI.O.J " i * ! : ! > .v Draes
< I
/y\ I ' > v < "f : < riH- . pr > 'iu.i I.
'Q \j ? > < . -i > U.MI.M. * " -
iv * J ( irtulai M-nt u n-iuc-it.