The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1899, Image 3

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    Probability That Fillipinos Will
Sue for Peace.
Officials Are Well I'lcnscil with Conti- :
tlons In tlio lolunils Washington noEl-
mcnt Captures T urgc Party of Insur-
Rcntft The Outlook us It Appears at
Tills Time.
WASHINGTON. March 18. Advic
es 'have ' been received from Manila
which indicate that the climax may
occur at any hour. The officials TIRI-R
are very well pleased with the condi
tion of affairs , but will not at nros-
ent discuss the details of the dispatch
es. The indications -are that hostili
ties may end within a very short time.
President McKinley has been advised.
THOMASVILLE , Ga. , March 18.
The president has received official ad
vices from Washington saying that
dispatches from Manila showed a very
favorable situation for the American
HONG KONG , March IS' . The fol
lowing eeneral view of the situation
is from a correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press at Manila and has evi
dently not been subjected to censor
ship. The most remarkable featurs
of the situation is the inability of the
Americans and residents to estimate
tnj numbers , resources and plans of
the Filipinos. Prominent generals
think that two or three disastrous bat
tles will 'break their spirit and make
them sue for peace. A majority of the
JSngilsh and other residents are of the
opinion that tlie extermination of the
Tagalos is the only guaranty of peace ,
that they can easily be whipped if
they give battle , but that they will
dodge a meeting with the
forces. Some people think that they
will risk battles at Malabon and Par-
anqua , where they are strongly en
trenched , and if they are defeated
they will resume bushwhacking as
long as any of them are left.
"United States Consul Williams
says : "I don't expect to live to see
the end of the war. "
The rebels shift so much that it is
impossible to estimate their numbers.
The correspondent questioned sev
eral generals as to the number of the
rebels and the replies ranged from 20-
000 to 100,000. The estimates of the
quantity o. arms possessed by the reb
els are equally uncertain. The best
authorities say 30,000. Large sections
of the armed natives are ignorant of
the use of their weapons.
The country beyond the American
lines is rice fields , cane and brush. The
rebels are familiar Avith every inch of
it and it affords fine hiding places. The
residents say the Tagalos are unani
mously rebels , and they predict the
Americans will be resisted at Mindoro
and Mindanao and that they will be
obliged to subdue them.
The extent of the support which the
other Luzon tribes are giving Aguin
aldo is a mystery. It is known that sev
eral regiments were under arms but
the majority of them are supposed to
be jealous of the Tagalos , who are re
ported to be treating the other tribes
in the fashion of the Spaniards , domi
nating the island and holding all the
Reports from the rebels are to the ef
fect that the recent tactics of the Amer
icans in retiring to their established
lines after pursuing makes the rebels
r think they are winning victories.
Their character is so deceptive that
the residents of Manila are ignorant as
to whether servants sympathize with
the rebels or not. It is known that a
rebel organization exists in the city
and the evidence is growing that there
is a wide-spread plot to assassinate the
Americans , the signal being the com-
mencemnt of hostilities. The servants
were instructed to kill their employers ,
but they were terrorized by the ven
geance dealt out to offenders and they
weakened. Every Tagalo would have
cut his employer's throat if he dared ,
or at least this is a current saying.
The faithlessness of the natives is
illlnstrated by the action of the com
missioners who come here to offer the
allegiance of the island of Negros. It
is now known that they were in friend
ly communication with Aguinaldo
. while here.
The rebels have been resupplied with
ammunition and smokeless powder.
Nearly every house here displays a
foreign flag for protection whether it
is entitled to it or not. All flags ex
cept the Spanifih flag , are seen. From
the native huts hang white towels or
shirts. The natives working in the
fields plant a white flag on a bamboo ,
as a protection against being mistak
en for active rebels. Every hut between
the city and the American line is a heap
of ashes.
Holocaust in a. > "c iv York Hotel.
NEW YORK , March 18. Flames
which originated from the igniting of a
lace curtain burst forth from the second
end floor windows of the Windsor hotel
at Forty-seventh street and Fifth ave
nue shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon , just as the St. Patrick's day
parade was passing the building , and
in a few moments they had leaped up
to the roof and enveloped the entire
i/ Fifth avenue and Forty-seventh street
fronts of the hotel.
Ten minutes later the flames were
roaring through the interior of the ho
tel , and all escape by means of stair
ways and elevators was cut off. There
was the wildest scene of excitement
within and without the building. A
complete list of dead will not be known
until the debris is searched , but prob
ably fifteen lost their lives and there is
a long list of injured.
Accident on the Rail.
VOLLAND , Kan. , March IS. Eastbound -
bound passenger train No. 3 , con
ductor Thomas , jumped the track just
west of Volland yesterday en the ROCK
Island road , throwing the tank , bag
gage car and smoker down a bank and
leaving the chair car anu baggage car
partly tipped over. The train caught
lire , the flames destroying the com
bination baggage and mail car. two
coaches and a chair car. Twenty-six
passengers were injured , two seri
ously , 'ihe train baggageman was
The Queen Rccont of Spain Affixes Her
Signature Thereto.
MADRID , March 18. The queen regent -
gent has signed the treaty of ucaca
between Spain and the United States.
The signed treaty of peace will be-
forwarded to the French ambassador
at Washington , M. Jules Cambon , for
exchange with the one signed by Pres
ident McKinley. No decree on the
subject will be published in the Official
WASHINGTON. March 18 In the
absence of any direct diplomatic com
munication between the United States
and Spain , Secretary Hay expects to
receive his first formal notice of the
ratincation of the peace treaty by the
queen regent through the medium o
the French embassy here.
The next step must be taken by
Spain ; that is , it must name its special
envoy and noti'y the United States
government of t e probable date upon
which he will present himself in
Washington with the exchange copy
of the treaty o. . peace. Although in
most instances little more than a
perfunctory ceremony , in the case of
tne exchange of ratifications of this
treaty the details wM be of more than
ordinary interest , for the occasion will
be historical.
The draft of the treaty of peace be
tween Spain and the United btates
was signed in Paris on December 10 ,
1898. It was approved by the United
States senate by a vote of 57 to 27 on
j-'ebruary G and was signed by the
president on February 10.
Forming : > Mosquito Fleet.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 18.
-ne navy department is taking steps
toward the formation of a mosquito
fleet for the Philippines. The condi
tions now prevailing in Luzon indicate
that for a long time it will be neces
sary to maintain a strict police of the
coast and inland waters. For the in
land work , especially , the government
will need some very ligut draft coats.
For this work the big ocean tugs that
formed the mosquito fleet that oper
ated around Cuba during the blockade
and of which the government has a
number , are now being looked over
with a view to just this service. Sone
of them are on the Pacific coast.
The department has figured out a
coasting voyage that will take them
up the Alaskan coast , coaling at Sitka ,
Unalaska , Cook's inlet , and so down
through the Aleutian islands to Hake-
dota , the northern point of Japan.
Thence they can make the run across
the.China sea down to Hong Kong and
thence to the Philippines. It will be
about a two months' voyage , but one
that can be made safsly. Spain had
a large fleet of the small gunboats and
torpedo gunboats , admirably suited
for this work in the Philippines , but
has recently sold thirteen of them at
Hong Kong. It is possible some of
these vessels may be repurchased by
the government in case they are in
good condition ana can be had for a
reasonable sum. The tugs destineu for
Philippine service will be armed with
an abundance of machine guns and
with heavier rapid-fire guns up to G
or 12 Dounders.
McKinley in the Country.
THOMASVILLE , Ga. , March 18.
President McKinley enjoyed the sun
shine and delightful atmosphere or a
perfect day , . A half hour was spent
in dispatching early business , includ
ing the signing of some army commis
sions. Shortly after 10 o'clock the
party left the house for a drive to Melrose -
rose , the beautiful plantation ofi. . A.
Hanna. Senator Hanna drove one
team and President McKinley himself
held the reins in the smart yellow
trap which followed , both teams go
ing at a good , sharp gait. Vice Presi
dent Hobart and two women of the
party were with the president. Lunch
eon was served at Melrose and nearly
the entire afternoon spent in the
Abnndoii Annlstoii HospUal.
ANNISTON , Ala. , March IS. The fe
male nurses who have been at the
Camp Shipp field hospital were dis
charged today. Orders were also re
ceived directing that the field hospital
be closed Monday and the patients
transferred to the regimental hospitals.
The patients , who are few in number ,
are convalescent. The hospital corps is
ordered to proceed to Savannah next
Monday. Lieutenant M. M. Cloud , who
has been in charge of the field hospital ,
has been directed to report to Fort Sill
Raising the Value of Stock.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March 18 The
Wyoming State Board of Equalization
today raised tlie valuation upon live
stock for purposes of taxation 30 per
cent over last year's rates. Range cat-
tale are raised from $15 to | 19 per
head , range sheep from ? 1.75 to ? 2.25
and other classes of stock excepting
horses , which are unchanged are raised
in the same proportion. The rise in
these valuations will increase the as
sessed valuation of the state $2,000,000
Fiilluino * Tire of Defeat.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . March 18.
Advices have been received from Ma
nila which indicate that the climax
may occur at any hour. The officials
here are very well pleased with the
condition of affairs , but will not at
present discuss the details of the dis
patches. The indications are that hos
tilities may end within a very short
time. President icKinley has been
Ultike Capture
MANILA , March 18. Company G of
the Washington regiment has captured
150 additional prisoners near Taguig
and also seized some ammunition.
Most of the rebels' arms were hidden
or thrown into the river.
The engineers threw a temporary
bridge across the Pasig river for the
artillery and commissary trains.
The Twentieth regiment will return
from the front today. I
T.i lit Hiitterips for Otis.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . March 18.
The war department has ordered sent
to General Otis three light batteries
and a half dozen HotchKiss guns to be
used as mountain batteries. The gen
eral cabled last evening for these , say
ing that seventy-two horses should
accompany the three batteries. These
batteries are needed where a is im
possible to move the heavier artillery ;
now in the Philippines. " ' '
The News Briefly
| 8
The Midland Railway company , of
England , , has ordered ten more loco
motives from the Baldwin locomotive
works at Philadelphia.
Judge William Margrave , who has
been a justice o th peace in Fort
Scott , Kan , , for forty-five years , has
been legislated out of office by the
state legislature.
The body of. the late Princess Bis
marck will be transferred from Vai-
zin to Friedricksruhe , where on April
1 it will be buried with the imiy of the
prince in the Bismarck mausoleum.
John S. Gooke , president of the
Cooke Brewing company , Chicago ,
and well known among liquor dealers
throughout the west , died ) of heart
failure after a short illness , nge-1 61
P. H. Sprague of Chicago , who has
made his large fortune in poultry , fig
ures that 3,350,000 chickens and 13-
000,000,000 eggs , valued together at
$290,000,000 , were produced in the
United States during 1898.
{ The total amount received by the
Red Cross society as the result of the
endless letter chain started during last
summer by Miss Natalie Schenck of
Babylon , . L. I. , is $20,000. She still
receives an occasional letter.
John Kelly and J. Burns ware ar
rested at Wausau , Wis. , suspected of
being implicated in the Amherst rob
bery. When searched over $1,800 was
found in their possession. Several oth
ers were rounded up after an exchang
of shots and $400 more recovered.
The will of Herbert Stewa' ' " a weal
thy New York engineer anl contract
or , bequeaths $50.000 to establish the
Herbert Stewart scientific at "Sal
university. Its purpose is to
deserving young men who need aid
to secure a higher scientific education.
At the meeting of the board of di
rectors of the St. Paul Globe company
George F. Gifford was chosen editor
of the Globe , vice George F. Spinney ,
who has been in charge of the paper
the last thirteen months. Mr. Spinney
resigned because of a disagreement
Avith the directors.
The Paris Eclair confirms the report
that the government inquiry regarding
the explosion of the naval oowder
magazine at ! . Goubran has shown
that it was not of accidental origin ,
and much credence is now given to
the rumor that it was an anarchiseiu
The navy department is informed by
Admiral Dewey that the supply ship
Nanshan has left Manila with supplies
for the new naval station at Guam.
The position of the Spanish prison
ers in the Philippine islands , it is
announced , is a question which must
remain in.abeyance , as the ransom de
manded by Aguinaldo is so enormous
that the government cannot come tea
a decision.
A movement is on foot at Santiago
to persuade the United States govern
ment to purchase San Juan hill , to be
used as a public park. The idea is
that a certain portion could be set
apart to be used as an American ceme
tery and the site of a mortuary
The Shanghai correspondent of the
London Daily Mail says : The Chi
nese here report that Great Britain
has seized the Miao-Tao islands , opposite
site Port" Arthur in the strait of Po-
Chi-Li , and north of Teng-Chati-Fu.
in the northwest portion of the ShanTung -
Tung peninsula.
Promotions in the marine corps in
accordance with the naval personnel
law were announced at the navy de
partment as follows : Colonel Charles
Heywood , to be brigadier general and
commandant- ; Captain Charles Lauch-
eimer to be assistant adjutant ; Lieu
tenants F. J. Moses and S. S. Radford ,
to be captains.
j The navy department has agreed to
loan the fine steamship Dixie , formerly
the Morgan line to the war depart
ment for use as a troop transport.
The vessel is now at Philadelphia and
will be immediately sent to New York
to be supplied with sleeping arrange
ments. It is said it will carry no less
than 1,200 troops. It is to ply between
Cuban and Porto Ricau ports and the
United States. The navy will provide
a complement of officers to work the
1 The United States transport McPherson -
Pherson arrived from San Juan and
Santiago , having on board ex-Con
gressman E. K. Valentine of Nebras
Admiral Koesler , commande" in-
chief of the Baltic fleet , the probable
successor of Admiral von Knorr as
commander in chief of the Gorman
navy , has been appointed inspector
general of the navy.
Captain John M. Neall , Fourth cav
alry , who left the Presidio , Sail Fran
cisco , as a defaulter , will retura and
give himself up. Friends have made
up his shortage and his punishment
is expected to be light.
The presence of 300 soldiers repa
triated from Cuba at a Te Deum , cele
brated in honor of Carlists who were
killed in colonial wars , exemplifies
the intrigues of the Carlists to gain
the support of the repatriated troops.
It is found that the Carlists paid 5 pez-
etas to each soldier attending.
All the men appointed second lio-.i-
tenants in the army yeueriiayvill
have to pass examinarlons l.-pfore
they are commissioned. They will take
rank according to the examinations
which they pass , the men from the
regular army taking precedence over
those appointed from civil life.
An order has been issued by the
war department increarn- ? the ae
limit of enlistment from 21 to 35. The
youngest age at which a man can be
enlisted is IS years. The results so
far of the enlistment of troops are
very encouraging.
Arrangements are nowheins per
fected at the treasury dppurtimmt to
restore the patrol of the Soaring'sea
by four ships of the r-jrtnue cutter
service , the vessels to be assigned to
this duty being the Rush the Oorwin ,
the Perry and the G.ranf , all of which
are now on the Pacific coas ; . Tim fleet
will sail north about May 1. and remain -
main on dutv until September 15.
St. Louis expects ? 800,000i from street
railways and $500,000 from breweries
in furtherance of the World's fare In.
The process of organizing the nut.
and bolt factories into a trust is rap
id , arrangements now approaching ,
Ceveral witnesses were examined by
the Pennsylvania legislative commie-
tee investigating bribery charges , b.ic
no startling testimony developed yes
The Chicago-Missouri riven lines-
have decided to meet the $25 one-way
colonist rate made by the Great North
ern and Northern Pacific roads from
St. Paul to North Pacific coast points
via the Missouri river gateways.
The British ship Bridston HilL nas
been chartered by the government to
carry merchandise for the troops at
Manila. She is to be paid the lump
sum of $20,500. The Bridston Hill can
carry a cargo of about 3,500 tons , anil
should make the run in about forty-
five days.
The executive council of the Ameri
can Bankers' association met in New
York , twenty-six members attending ,
including the president of the associ
ation , George H. Russell , president of
the Michigan Savings bank of De
troit. Cleveland was selected as the
next meeting place of the association.
The forty-ninth , ballot for United
States senator in. the Pennsylvania
legislature resulted : Quay , . 94 ; Jenks ,
73 ; Dalzell , 17 ; Huff , . 5 ; Irwin , 4 :
Stewart , 7 ; Stone , . 4 ; Widener , 3 ; Rice ,
2 ; Riter , 2 ; Grow , 1 ; Smith , 2 ; Tubbs ,
2. Total , 221. Necessary to a choice ,
111 ; paired or not voting , 32. No
The Texas legislature passed a bill
making an appropriation of § 2,000 to
be used by the state health officials
in suppressing the prevalence of
smallpox at Laredo , It is reported
that there are now 500 people aieX
in bed in Laredo as victims of the
smallpox. Ths state health officers
will take charge at once and institute
drastic measures to relieve Laredo of
the disease.
Postmaster Gordon and Mr. Alex
ander H. Revell of Chicago and Comp
troller of the Currency Dawes , consti
tuting the committee on invitation for
the Chicago day celebration at Chicago
cage ctober 9 , formally invited Secre
tary of the Navy Long , Postmaster
general Charles Emory Smith antv
Adjutant General Corbin to attend.
All accepted and Secretary Loii
agreed to speak at the banquet.
G. A. Birt , wanted in London , Ens. ,
for embezzlement of over $1,000,000 ,
has been arrested there.
The American Ship Building com
pany , capital $50,000,000 , has become
incorporated in New Jersey.
James Nettles , colored , has been
sentenced at St. Louis to nang on April
25 for murdering Samuel W. Mann.
At Philadelphia a company is ue-
ing formed to be known as the Betn-
lehem Steel company , to acquire the
business and property of the famous
Bethlehem Iron company.
Ex-Governor Thomas C. Fletcher ,
Missouri's war governor , who was par
alyzed at his home in Washington
about three weeks ago , is gradually
sinking and the end is expected at
any hour.
James DePugh , a gambler at Cincin
nati , shot and killed James Patterson ,
a well known politician , while Patter
son was standing in his dooryard with
his wife. Mrs. Patterson was hit in
the wrist.
Judge Clark in the United States
circuit court at Chattanooga has filed
a decision dismissing a bill of Secre
tary of War R. A. Alger against the
heirs of John F. Anderson. General
Alger sued for the return of $150,000 ,
which he had paid the , Anderson heirs
for a tract of fand in Franklin county.
The Copenhagen correspondent of
the Daily Mail says : It is asserted
here that M. Heide , director of the
Danish East African Steamship com
pany's interest , is about to go to China
in the company's interests. It is also
said he has a government mission to
seek some convenient harbor in Chi
na , as Denmark intends to follow in
the footsteps of the other powers
The United States survey steamer"
Pathfinder made fourteen knots and
passed the trial test.
Claims against the United States
during the Spanish imbroglio are es
timated at $3,000,000.
Two receivers have been appointed
for a Georgia bank , one by Comptrol
ler Dawes and another by a circuit
Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn is
sued an order for a military expedi
tion in the Copper river region of
Company G , Ninth infantry , left Ft.
Ontario for Manila via San Francisco.
A public demonstration was given on
their departure. The post here may be
Ihe body of Lieutenant William M.
Shipp , Tenth United States cavalry ,
was buried at Lincolnton , N. C. . wi-i
military honors. Many prominent men
of the state and about 3,000 people
from the surrounding country were
present. Lieutenant Shipp was killed
in Cuba July 1 , at the battle of San
Juan. Last week his body , which had
been buried on the battlefield , was
brought here for final interment.
The annual report of the Burling
ton , Cedar Rapids & Northern for the
year ending December 31 , 1S9S. shows :
Gross earnings , $4,545,643 ; increase ,
$253,483 ; net earnings , $1,430.8 1 ; in
crease , $187,491 ; surplus , $3S4'to4 ; in
crease , $141,747. President Ives in his
report said that business for the year
was the best on record and the direc
tors , thereiore , made a special divid
end of 2 per cent , which will appear in
1899 contracts.
The Capitol City guards of Atlanta ,
who were sent to Palmeto. Ga. . by
Governor Chandler to aid in preserv
ing order , left for home. John Uig-
by , one of the negroes wounded by
the party of lynchers , is still alive.
The other wounded men will recover.
No action looking to an investigation
of i e affair has been taken by the
county authorises
When F. D. Underwood left Mlnno-
apolia to como to Baltimore to take
the position of general manager of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ho
brought a straw hat and linen diiatcr
expecting to bank In the balmy south
ern breezcH that blow up Chesapeake
Bay sometimeu. Within ten days after
he took charge two hundred mllc.s of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were
blocked with snow and Baltimore had
a worse blizzard than any one In the
northwest over experienced. It cost
the road about sixty thousand dollar *
a day for four days to get the tracks
in condition to resume traffic , but the
officials are very proud of the fact
that they beat all competitors in get
ting trains through from Plttsburg and
other western points to Baltimore ,
Philadelphia and New York. All of
the- through trains that were delayed
by the storm were fortunately tied up
at large towns , so that none of the
passengers suffered from hunger or
The proposition to erect a monument
General Beauregard in New Orleans
is again being agitated. Some time ago
an effort was made to collect funds for
the- purpose , and 54.000 was secured
and safely invested. This was not
deemed sufficient to erect a monumoot
worthy of the soldier , and since then
nothing has been done in the matter.
An effort will now be made to secure
additional funds. General Beauregard
was a native and for a large part , f
his life a resident of Louisiana.
Rev. James Duane , a vicar btehoo in
tha African Methodist Episcopal
church. South , is on the way to Cape
Town , Africa , where he expects to start
a school and church for the instruction
and redemption of the Kaffirs. He 5s
himself a native of Kaffir , and for the
-first fourteen years of his life lived
as a savage among his people. The
proposed school will be modeled after
the Indian school at Carlisle , Pa. , and
the Wilberforce university , in Ohio.
Buck Taylor Says "Fo-ru-na Is the Hest
Catarrh Cure oil Earth Cured Me. "
Sergeant Buck Taylor , one of the
famous Rough Riders , is a personal
friend of Governor Roosevelt of New
York. He accompanied Governor
Roosevelt on his great stumping tour
through upper New York state. He
was promoted through gallantry in the
field during the late war.
The Sergeant has the following to
say of Pe-rti-na : "I think there is no
better medicine on earth than Pe-ru-
na , for catarrh. It has cured me. It
Sergeant Buck Taylor. i
would take a volume to tell you all the
good it has done me. Pe-ru-na is the
best catarrh cure on earth , and I know ,
for I have tried nearly all of them , j
Respectfully , Buck F. Taylor. " j
"Winter weather causes catarrh , |
Everybody knows this. But everybody
does not stop to think that winter
weather delays the cure of catarrh. It
takes longer to cure a case of catarrh
in the winter generally , than in the
] , warm season. Spring is here. Now is
the time favorable to the treatment of ;
old and especially stubborn cases of
catarrh. I
Send for book entitled "Facts and j
Faces. " Sent free by The Pe-ru-ua |
Drug MTg Co. , Columbus , 0. j
Some men's charitable contributions
are confined to suggestions.
Iowa Patent Ofllco Kuport.
The total number of U. S. Patens [
issued last week is 349. Of this num
ber 43 are for Designs. 28 for trade
marks , 7 for1 labels , 2 for prints aim I
reissue ; all the others for compositions - !
tions , methods and mechanical do- j
vices. [
A patent has been allowed to P. I
Woodring , of Oelwine. la. , for a sim- j
pie and ingenious improvement in a i
well known art and described in his j
claim as follows : i
In a buck saw frame the combin.i- j
tion of two mating wooden stays tliat
are unimpaired at their central portions
tions by removal of wood , a flexible j
U-shaped metal clam having coincM- :
ing bolts in its ends and a screw l > olt !
and nut , and for the purposes sot i
forth. ' ,
A simple improvement in any known <
art may be of such importance as to (
control sales. When a dealer can i
point to a late patented improvement
in a wagon , or farm implement , it often '
decides the selection of the farmer in ,
making a purchase. I
Consultations and advice about in
ventions and printed matter giving
valuable information about securip. ;
and selling patents , free to all inquir
ers. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. . ]
Solicitors of Patents. I
DCS Moines , March 4 , 1S90. ii i i
It pays better to be a dentist
an oculist. A man has thirty-iv. o _
teeth and only two eyes.
FITS rcnnanentlyCured. Xo fit * ornervoiisncs * after
first day's u o of Dr. Kline's ( Srcnt NYr * liftorrr.
Semi for FKEK > % . ( ) ( > trial liottle mid troatl-r.
DB. K. II. KLINE , Ltd. , 'J31 Arch St. , I'hiludelpUla. To.
- !
Wise is the fool who knows enougn
to keep his mouth closed.
"Spring Unlocks
The Flowers
To TdM the Laugfimg Sal , "
And not even Nature would
allow the flowers fo grow
and blossom to perfection
without good soil. Now
Nature and people are much
alike ; the former must have
sunshine , latter must have
pure blood in. order to- have
perfect health.
Ilood'a Sarrfaparilla cures blood trou
bles of ail HortH. It Ifl to tint human
system what sunshine is to Xature
the destroyer of disease germs. It
never disappoint * .
Poor ElOOd- " The doctor said then ?
wen ; not seven drops of good blood In my
body. Hood's Sarsaparilla built me np and
made me strong and w H. " HCHIK E.Iiaovr .
J Astor Hill. Lynn , Mass.
Dyspepsia , CtC ; . "A complication cr
troubles , dyspepsia , ehronli : catarrb and
inflammation of the stomach , rheumatism ,
etc. , made me miserable. Hadlno appetite
until J took Jfoo 's Sarsaparllla. which ,
acted like magic. I am thoroughly cnred/ *
N. H. SEKI.EY , 1874V. . Hth. A.v .Durer.Co .
Rheumatism "M > iuwfiaud wa
obliged to give up work on account of rheu
matism. No remedy helpedtuitii he Ui - < l
Ilood'a Sarsaparilla , which permanently
cured him. It cured my daughter of ca
tarrh. I giveIt to the children with see < J
results. " Mns. J. S. Mt MATH , Stamford , ft.
Hood's I'ill < cure llrer 111 * . t ie nonjrriutlrigand
the only cathartic totakajrUliiroo3T's _ riatr > rHijC
There are fewer things in heaven
and earth than are dreamed of ia z.
Take I asative HroKi Quinine Tablet * All
druggists refund the money If it fail * vt care.
25c. The senuise has L. li Q. on each taM .
A man never cares anything about
meeting his wife's relations unless
they are rich and distinguished.
8100 Keward , 81OO.
The readers of this paper -will be pleased t
learn that there is at lea- one dreaded
that science has been able to cure fa aH ! w
stages and that. Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to its
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a ooassios-
tlonal disease , requires a con.titutio2al treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken laterasUr.
acting directly upon the blood and siseoas snr-
faces of the system , thereby destroyiBR ti e
foundation of the disease , and jivins the patiess
strength by building up the constitution sad
assisting aature in doing Its -c-ork. Tii pro
prietors have so rcuch faith ia Its corstire
powers that thev offer One Hundred DaHzrs ; r
anv case that it fails to cure. Send for 11 = - : cr
Testimonials _ , _
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Sold bv drucpists c.
HaJ's"Family Pills ire the besi
The newspaper of the future srfil l s
issued tomorrow.
Opens February 23rd. In the Ozark M < wm-
tains. Delichtful climate. Beautifsl scea-
ery. Unequaled medicinal waters. Cheap
excursion rate * . Tlironph sleepers via
Frisco Line. A dress J. O. Plank , Maar
aper. Room H. Arcade. Contnry Building ;
or Frisco Ticket Office. No. 102 X. Broad.-
wav. St. Louis.
A Kanssa man recently paid a il--
souri woman $4.000 to marry him. ih
question of "What i ? the matter wtfc
Kansas ? " is now up to the worao
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a r 50. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at 1- the eost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health *
Insist that ronrtr ircfr * * joa GUAIX-O.
; ioa.
Ov. ft 'I.
J-TiMUKU " ; . HOHM.S ,
t .75 t.i
hand wht * : $ > p vM
ew , P3 to !
tiu > rmbNl : Uiorvxluit.n. . \ > m > t ktx * < ir - ,
K. H. MKUICiri.K tO U'lNll rv < S 1H > .
SpaldingTs ;
Trade R
of Quality"
on Athletic Goods
Snsist upon Spaldin 's
IluuKoa'i ; I'aulojn" Kroo
YorU. C'lt-iix : IVtuvr
B mis kiv'iii t iml onrfrvr t
C'H < Ci > . . '
Kn-o. itr. \i ,