The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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    Citizen's Caucus Nominates.
-"Responsive to a call made per dodgers ,
'Saturday , a well-attended caucus was
held in the opera house , Saturday even
ing , for the purpose of placing in nomi
nation a Citizen's city ticket. Colonel
U. J Mitchell of the Comfort was called
to the chair and presided over the delib
erations of the evening with conspicuous
dignity. C. H. Boyle was elected to the
'secretary's desk. The following nomi
nations were uiade :
.Mayor U. J. Warren.
'Clerk I. B. Taylor.
Treasurer J. N. Purvis.
Engineer C. H. Meeker.
-Council in a 11. First ward D. C. , Marsh.
Councilman , Second ward V.D.Selby.
"Members of Hoard of Education J. M.
Bell and John Wentz.
Authority was vested in the chairman
and secretary of the caucus to fill any
and all vacancies that might occur on
ihe ticket for 3113- cause , and both nomi-
liees for members of the school board
having declined those officers placed
the names of Mrs.V. . R. Starr and Mrs.
A. G. Dole , on the ticket for members of
* the board of education.
! LATER Both of the lady nominees
"for members of the board of education
liave tendered their declinations.
1 Important , if True.
The following news , from Oxford , sent
to the Lincoln Journal , is important , if
true :
'Oxford , Neb. , March iS. ( Special. )
From recent developments in railway
circles it is confidently believed that
avithin the next thirt3' days Oxford will
"be launched upon an old time westem
boom. Orders have been given by the
Burlington for the removal of the Red
Cloud round-house to this place and for
tlie enlargement of the local rouud-
"house to a capacity of twenty stalls. It
is also understood that the passenger
division for the main line will be trans
ferred here from McCook. These changes
would add tremendously to the already
large railway force and probably double
ihe population within twelve months
'The excitement caused by the proposec
improvements has greatly slimulatec
realty sales and advanced pricee nearl
JCOQ per cent.
There is no longer any doubt , it is be
lieved , that the much talked of nev
track to Mascot will be built , thereby
shortening the distance between tha
place and Oxford two miles.
The Assessors Meet.
According to law , the assessors of the
county met at the county clerk's office
Tuesday of this week , and agreed upon a
-schedule for the coming annual assess
ient. Out of the 20 assessors 18 were
present , the precincts of Danbury auc
Driftwood not being represented in the
meeting. The schedule is as follows :
Horses of all ages $3 to $1
Cattle of all ages $3-25
2 < at cattle 750. per cwt
Mules of all ages $3 to $
Sheep of all ages 250. to 500.
Steam enginesboilersincl' to $100
Fire and burglar proof safes. . . $10 to $25
Billiard and similar tables $10 to $25
Carriages and wagons , all kinds.$2 to $20
Watches and clocks $1 to $10
Sewing and knitting machines. . . $ i to $5
Piano-fortes $5 to $25
-Slelodeons and organs $3 to $15
Merchandise on hand Rvalue
Material and rn'Pd articles Rvalue
Plate , diamonds and jewelry Rvalue
"Household or office furniture. . . $3 to $50
I/and $ f to $4 per acre
Moneys , credits , etc Rvalue
"Carl Johnson , the Woodman. "
Osburn camp , M. W. A. , will on Mon
day , April 3d , in the opera house , pre
sent the serio-comic drama of five acts ,
entitled , "Carl Johnson , the Woodman. "
"There will be an open meeting with
songs and recitations , and music by the
McCook orchestra. Admission , 25 and .
55 cents. Children under 12 years. 15
cents. Children under five years , free.
The performance will begin at 8 o'clock.
LATER Unavoidable circumstances
2iave made necessary the cancelling of .
the above date , and the drama will not
"be presented in this city. Sickness of
sonie of the members and in the coin-
suunity had some weight in bringing >
about this decision.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised :
by the McCook postoffice on March igth :
.Nellie Byse , J. C. Duffy ,
John Button , W. H. Garner ,
W. D. Reyner , Mattie Thompson ,
W. R. Stewart , Mrs. Tillie Winters ,
< 3eo. L. Jarrett , Mrs.Mary E.Cal vert. cl
Iti calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMSZ.X , , Postmaster.
They all admit cheerfully , that the
American Woven Wire is far and away
the best wire on earth. You will use no
other after trying it. S.M.Cochran &Co.
C. A. LEACH is visiting in Denver ,
this week.
J. W. HUPP will go over to Lebanon
tomorrow morning.
MAYOR KELLEY transacted business
in Hastings , Wednesday.
MRS. J. B. MSSERVE returned to Lin
coln , last night , on No. 6.
G. W. FREY of Broken Bow is here on
a short visit to his son Harry.
J. B. BALLARD and family moved into
the Lowman residence , yesterday.
county was down from Imperial on husi-
A. A. WELDER came up from Syra
cuse , last night , to look after his extens
ive business interests.
FRANK MOORE was over from Tyrone
early part of the week , attending the
congress of county assessors.
MiSS SMITH went down to Indianola ,
Wednesday morning on 12 , accompany
ing the children of Larry McEntee home.
MRS E. H. WILLIAMS is down from
Wauneta , part of this week , renewing
her oldtime acquaintances in this city.
MOLLIE RYAN went down to Button ,
last Saturday , and has gone into busi
ness with her aunts , the Halligan sisters.
MRS. H. P. SuTTON and Mrs. Vina
Wood departed , last night , for Omaha ,
to be asbent until next Tuesday , on a
MiSS MAUDE DOAN succeeds to the
clerkship in the Bee Hive made vacant
by the marriage of Miss Mabel Percy ,
this week.
DEACON MORLAN now "scorches"
over to the great chicken ranch and
orchard on a new chainless that is the
envy of all.
CALEB CLOTHIER was down from the
ranch in Hayes county , close of last
week , on a little business , the guest of
H. H. Troth.
JOHN T. McCLURE , the well-known
Beaver City lawyer , had business in the
city , yesterday , before the clerk of the
district court.
J. W. HUPP went over to Lebanon ,
Monday , on business connected with his
bank and other business interests over in
the Beaver country.
I. M. BEARDSLEE and family are re
turning to Indianola , this week. The i
circumstances of their removal from our
city are keenly regretted by all.
W. F. MILLER and C. W. Hodgkin ,
assessors for Indianola and East Valley
precincts , respectively , were in the city ,
Tuesday , in attendance on the annual
from Lincoln , Saturday night , on a little
private business , returning to the state
capital on Sunday night. Mrs. Meserve
accompanied him.
Miss EDNA DIXON returned home ,
Tuesday night , from Lincoln , where she
has been pursuing her musical studies ,
the past winter at the university.
Traveling Engineer Dixon went down to
accompany her home.
Louis SUESS went to Chicago , Sunday ,
to buy goods for the heavy establishment
under his management , the Cash Bargain i
Store. He visited his children at Crete
an the way. C. L. DeGroff accompanied
aim from Nebraska City.
A recent ruling of the supreme lodge ,
M. W. A. , will make it necessary for a .
lozen members of the order in our city
in railroad circles to retire from the or-
ier , as the ruling practically shuts them
jut of reliable insurance in that order.
Deep and long cracks may be seen in tltt
.he peach trees and there is room for ttsc
ear that these trees have been severely sc
lamaged by the severe winter. fc
Paint is to a house what clothing is to
.he body. It is just as important. Mc- siu
Vlillen guarantees every gallon of paint
le sells.
The Third Nebraska volunteers are to
e mustered out in April at Ft. Crook ,
10 today's daily dispatches announce.
The Tennesseeaus are coming , and if P' > '
ou want good bread use Bullard's Slier- ol
dan coal. '
The Comfort failed to appear , yester- er
lay , and now we are prepared for any
When you see it you will like it that
hicken tight-hog proof fence at Bul- sc
ard's. sp
The city election will be pulled off on
ipril 4th , on schedule time.
Good morning ! Did you buy that C <
rood at Bullard's.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. ur
Tennesseeans Are Coming.
P. R. Miller's Original Tennessee Jub
ilee Singers will appear in the opera
house , Friday evening , March 3ist ,
under League auspices. Admission : Re
served seats , 5oc. General admission ,
35 and 25 cents. Reserved seats at Mc
Connell's after Monday , March 27th at
9 a. m. The following press notice is
from the Lincoln Journal :
The Teunesseean Jubilee Singers met
with a hearty reception at the First Bap
tist church last evening , almost too
hearty , in fact , for the audience was
merciless in its recitals. Every available
seat was taken in the body of the church ,
and in the lecture room many chairs
were brought in to accommodate late
The singers had that enthusiasm and
spirit in their singing that always makes
the songs of slavery daj'S attractive.
They responded to almost every encore ,
so that the program was almost triple iu
John T. Boxford and Hulda PetepbnT
both of Holbrook , were authufized to
wed by the county Judge , 16st Saturda r
and at the same time duty\narried by'
the official with neatness anu.dispatch.
Leon A. Clark and Mabel ftl. Percy
were granted license to marrj\ this
Allen C. Clyde has appealed the As
sault and battery case in which he is
fendant from the county court to the
district court.
The equity case of Ralph L. Wheeler
vs. Lena W. Legyett et al. , to quiet title ,
was filed in the court , yesterday.
The Millinery Openings.
The ladies of the city were out in their
best bibs and tuckers , j'esterday after
noon and evening , in force , to inspect
the season's products in the spring and
summer millinery line as displayed by
the Lowmans and Mrs. M. E. Barger.
The Lowmans utilized the entire Green
storeroom to display their fashionable
and seasonable goods , making an ex
hibit of pattern hats and the multitud
inous articles of latest millinery and no
tions , and ready-made suits , to great ad
vantage and the joy of many feminine
hearts. Mrs. Barger's entire storeroom
was also well filled with a fine display of
the latest things in the millinery line ,
pattern hats , flowers and notions galore.
Both displays were tasteful and extens
ive , and altogether highly creditable.
I have for sale , on easy terms , the fol
lowing described real estate in McCook ,
Nebraska :
Lot one in block twenty-six , First Ad
dition to McCook , $600.00.
Lot and building on Dennison street ,
occupied by the Probst bakery , $640.00.
Lot eleven in block ten , First Addition
to South McCook , $240.00.
Lots five and six in block one , Second
Addition of McCook , $600.00.
McCook , Nebraska.
happily Wedded.
Leon A. Clark and Mabel M. Percy
were united in marriage , Wednesday
afternoon , Rev. T. L. Ketinan officiating , C
it the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Col-
son , in the presence of the relatives and n
few friends of the contracting parties ,
rhey were the recipients of a number of
landsome and useful gifts from admir-
ng friends. They will live on the Wil-
ox-Flitcraft farm across the river. THE Cl
FRIBUNE joins a host of friends in best
.vishes and congratulations.
Tablets Below Cost.
We have come into possession of an
issorttnent of tablets , of different prices ,
vhich we will sell at cost to dispose of
hem in a hurry. If you want a good
eu cent tablet for five cents , call in and
iee our line. We have them at from 2
or 5 cents up , and they are good quality
ind value. And some superb Crane's
mperfine paper and envelopes at a price
inheard of in this city.
Baby Wardrobe Patterns. [
Twenty-seven patterns for different
irticles in long clothes with full and
omplete directions for making same ,
hewing necessary materials , sent post-
aid for 250 in stamps. Fifteen patterns .
short clothes 250 or both for 4oc. k : <
'Information to Mothers" sent free with at
ach order. Address Downey Pattern ;
o. , Butler , Indiana.
Eggs for Hatching.
I will sell a few sittings from my high m
coring pen of White Plymouth Rocks M
pecially mated by Judge Hewes. Eggs lu ;
2.00 per 13. D. CUM.BN , su
610 Monroe St. , McCook , Neb.
In every branch of hardware business
ochran & Co. lead the procession in .
ariety , quantity and quality , and nat-
rally enough in price as well.
CATHOLIC Muss at 8 o'clock a. in
Hjgh mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a.m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Services in the Odd Fel
low's hull as follows : Bible school at 10
u. in. Sermon at n. Junior Y. P. S. C.
E. at 3 and Senior Y. P. S. C. E. at 7.
Evening sermon at 8. All are cordially
invited. T. P. BKAI.L , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. in.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching service at ir. Senior
Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at 8.
Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening
at 7:30 : All are welcome. Morning sub
ject , "The Royal Entry Into Jerusalem. "
Evening subject , "A Historic""Faith. "
W. J.JTUR'NER , Pastor.
METiWDISTSundayschool at loa.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
Le > { W Aj 2:30 : , Miss M. Buker , Supt.
Ep qrth tteague at 7. Preaching at 8.
Prayer ai'AlIJible-stiidy on U'ednesday
evejiing atVrp. m. EducationaKseruion
tftirva. m. y Chancellor Huntington of
the Wesleyan university. All are wel-
cbme.\ \ JAS. A.BADCON , Pastor/
13 Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at y a. m. Junior Union at 3
p. ni. Song service at 7:30. Gospel ser-
ice at,8. Evangelist J. W. Thompson
will.fpreach at n o'clock Sunday morn-
jng. At 3 in the afternoon he will skeak
to the children and at 8 in the evening
to young men. The evangelist will re
main with us all next week. Services
eaclj night at 8. All are invited.
T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
Box Elder Circuit.
Sunday-schopl at Box Elder church
every Sunday at 10 a.m. Church services
at ii a. m. every two weeks dating from
Sunday , Dec. 4. Sunday-school at Red
Willow school house every Sunday at 2
p. m. Church service at 3 p. m. every
two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4
Sunday-school at Garden Prairie ap
pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m
Preaching at 11 a. m. every two weeks Preaching service
at Spring Creek at 3 p. m. every two
weeks dating from Dec n.
k D. L. MATSON , Pastor.
Rev. J. A. Badcon is in Omaha ant
Lincoln , this week , on business. s
Chancellor Huntington of the Wesley
an university at Lincoln will speak in
the Methodist church , next Suuday , on
"Education. "
There will be special meetings in the
Congregational church , next week ex
cepting Saturday , at 8 o'clock p. m. .
Subjects appropriate to Passion week.
Rev. W. J. Turner occupied the Con :
gregational pulpit at Franklin , last Sun .
day ; morning and evening , delivering an [
address before the students of Franklin
academy on Saturday night.
Rev. G. W. Mitchell of Franklin oc
cupied the Congregational pulpir , Sunday -
day morning and evening , exchanging
pulpits with Rev. W. J. Turner. His
sermons were well received upon both
occasions. He is a strong and thought
ful preacher of the simple word. He re
turned home , Monday morning on 2.
He was a guest at the parsonage.
At the semi-annual election of the
Christian Endeavor society , Tuesday
evening , the following officers were w
named : President , T. B. Campbell , vice
president and corresponding secretary , ai
Dlive Rittenhouse ; recording secretary ,
Stella Norval ; treasurer , E. O. Scott.
Following are chairmen of the several
lommittees : Prayer-meeting , R. B. Carl- ;
ion ; lookout , Russell McMillen ; mission-
iry , Elizabeth Thomson ; social , Nelle
junn ; business , C. F. Heber.
A local W. C. T. U. was organized ,
yesterday afternoonafter the meeting in
he Methodist church , conducted by the
state President , Mrs. S. M. Walker.
lhe following officers were elected ;
President , Mrs. M. V. Traver ; Corresponding
pending Secretary , Mrs. M. A. North- tl
up ; Recording Secretary , Mrs. I. T.
Benjamin ; Treasurer , Mrs. T. B. Camp- :
jell. Vice Presidents will be selected
roui the various churches of the city.
The next meeting of the union will be
icld in the residence of Mrs. C. H.
toyle on April 7th.
There's money in it for you , if you are f
prospective buyer , to see the stock
ept by Cochraii & Co. , before making
ny purchases iu their line and they
eep everything , and lots of them , and
large varietj * .
The Republican city ticket recom- FiW
lends itself to the Republican voters of Hi
Ic'Cook , who will , as usual , give it a at t
earty support , and win out with a good CO
ubstantial plurality.
A nice porch would add to the appear-
nce of your house. Let Bullard tell you
ow much it will cost.
McConnell'a Balsam curta coughs.
Mrs. L. E. Gilcrest is a great sufferer
this week , with rheumatism.
W. H. Starks has Walter Sayers' run
during the latter's indisposition.
Matt. Lawritson was a Cambridge
visitor , Sunday , between trains.
Word from Warren Knowles at Curtis
announces the death of his little son.
Fireman Jack Henderson has joined
the cane brigade , being laid off with a
R. A. Hagberg shot the first goose of
the season , this week , and Conductor C.
E. Pope ate it.
John Bramble is now located at Holyoke -
eke , Colorado , having moved there from
Elsie , this state.
Trainmaster Web. Josselyn was up
from Orleans , Saturday last , on business
at headquarters.
Fay Stayner has been suffering terri
bly , part of the week , with an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism.
Conductor T. F. Enright was called to
Iowa , close of last week , by the news of
the serious illness of his mother.
Chief Clerk Montmoreucy took a run
into Omaha , last Saturday , and visited
the home folks over Sunday , as is his
W. O. Simons was up from Red
Cloud , yesterday , on a visit to the fami
ly , and C. V. Kerr filled his place mean
Walter Sayers is laying off nursing
sundry burns and spots devoid of cuticle ,
the result of his exercise at the Doll fire ,
ast week.
It may not be denied that the rumors
of the proposed change to Oxford of the
passenger division from McCook are de
cidedly disquieting and a source of con
siderable comment in local railroad cir
cles. Such an order would necessitate
the removal of a number of families
from our city.
Alice and Clara , daughters of Conduc
tor and Mrs. P. F. McKenna , celebrated
their birthdays , yesterday afternoon ,
jointly , in a very happy manner. A j
score and a half of guests from among
their little friends were present , and the
youthful hearts of them all were made
glad by the affair.
A new round house and turn table
similar in design to that at Havelock
will also be built at Oxford , and it is
said five stalls will be taken from the
large round house at Red Cloud. A new
Sfty-four foot prairie turn table is being
onstructed in the B. & M. carpenter
.bops. When finished it will be sent to
mperial. Journal.
The Burlington will build about 20
niles of railroad , this spring , up the
Middle Loup river from Arcadia iu Val-
ey county to Sargent in Cnster county ,
rhis extension is expected to be com
pleted by August. It is unofficially
stated that the line will eventually be
extended on beyond Brewster to tap the
Billings line somewhere near Thedford. <
Two companies of the Ninth regulars ,
nfantry , from Sackett's Harbor , N. Y. ,
jassed through McCook , Sunday after-
loon , on their way to San Francisco ,
vhere they will embark for Manila.
fhere were about 200 of the soldier boys ,
ind a fine body of young men were they.
Juite a number of citizens went down
o the depot to see them go through ,
ilthoug the fact of their passing was not
eiierally known. The train only re-
uained here a few minutes. There
vere five Wagner palace cars and two
laggage cars in the train.
Next week is the spring vacation. :
James Borueman of the Tenth grade
las been under the doctor's care , part of
his week.
Miss Meserve of the Eighth grade will
ave tonight to spend the spring vncn-
ion with her parents in Lincoln.
Mrs. S. M. Walker , state president of .
lie W.C.T.U. , visited the public schools ,
'hursday , and both spoke and sang to
lie children , who were delighted. Mrs.
. H. Williams , corresponding secretary
the Eleventh district , accompanied .
er in her visit.
For Sale and Lease.
Several good ranches located on the
renchiuan river and the Stinking :
/ater , best streams in the state. Un-
rnited range. Also small farms to sell
small prices. For further information ,
jrrespond with
Imperial , Chase county , Nebraska.
In the circle under the grand old bird
ut an X.
See Bullard's before you buy. cl
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Don't fail to see Loar's wall paper.
WANTED Short-hand pupils. L. W.
Loar's wall paper line is complete and
Sample ballots will be ready for dfs-
tribution today.
Your prescriptions will receive carefal
atteution at Loar's.
Wire is high , but not so high as to be
outf reach at Bullard's.
FOR SALE Sixteen head good , > o g
work horses. J. S. MCBRAYKR.
A few remnants of
paper at re
duced prices at McMillen's.the druggist.
Prices that surprise ; values tbat teH ;
at McMillen Bros. ' harness and b * Wlery.
They have stock tanks to bora at
Cochran & Co.'s. And the price is rtgbt.
You will be glad if you do. aad < * rrj
if you don't , buy your harness sad sad
dles from McMillen Bros.
Harmou Thompson has purchased
three Paine houses south of ihe Metho
dist church. Consideration. 52.500
Beautiful \\11 paper contribute *
to happy homes. McMillea's wa
contribute much to beautiful
Red Cypress from Lotusiaoa. wb K k
is made right , makes the best r Mi :
stock tank on earth ; and that is ihr
kind you get at Bullard's.
Ed Aylward took his departure per
manently for McCook , this we k.
he expects to entjage in farming
chicken raising. Berlraad liermld.
It was doubtless a revelation lo
parties in this neighborhood wbo
been making their own ciets
license to learn thai it
lawlul so to do.
The indications are thai ibete wiU be
no dearth of entertainments in the city >
he near future , but rather that it w O
ake some skill to avoid conflicts in d4cs
or holding those scheduled to appe r.
The way goorts are rolHag MMO the
immense ; establishment of Cocbrax it
Co. , these days , one would tbiak tbcr
would soon be too full for mteraace.
but call and see and hear ail aboat it.
This week , C. J. Ryan closed rbc deal
whereby the George W. Roper farm ever
in Valley Grange precinct becomes tbe
property , of Orson G. Vahae of Allcgaa ,
Michigan. He says the Vabt es expect
to become residents of our coaary.
Stephen Belles , Jr. , has bee * trans
ferred from the Washington icgisneat ia
which he enlisted to the First Nebraska ,
in which he will be more at botac , and
in closer touch with the IIOBIC folks.
Asst. Secretary of War Meiklejohn se
cured the action.
Dr. J. P. Williams , associated with I > c.
W. L. Dayton of Lincoln , Neb. . wOl
again be in McCook , Friday and Satur
day , March 3ist and April 1st , at tbc
office of Ur.V. . V. Gage , for the treat
ment of diseases of the eye , c r , nose
and throat and the fitting of glasses
McCook's grocers arc modest MICH
None of them are bold enough to appear
iu the public press. Hence the cawvasscr
for grocery concerns in Chicago and Oma
ha flourish. Advertise your business a d
make prices that will put to rout tfcc
canvasser. Defend your own tra le aa
The spring is already unusually late
for western Nebraska , and operations OK
the farm will be a number ofxcks
later , this spring than lnt even , wkick
was not uncommonly early. Hut the ex
pectations of the husbandman boat high ,
nid the confidence in n crop i < most c -
They have u fine , large girl Vwby al
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. i > . M N
llrayer. Joe is crowing so over the sue
ind weight of the young miss , which is
now about two weeks old. that tlwrc is a ,
suspicion that he waited purjH > sely abtwl
jiving the newspaper uwn the news , M-
.il the little miss had n opportunity lo
Colonel Mitchell is a journalistic ctoty-
iantheuiuiu : I.nst week ho "Predicted
.hut the entire ( Republican city > tickol
vould be elected. " And on
light he gave dignity nnd
o n Citizen's caucus by | > residittK over
ts deliberations ami findings. It is get-
ing more and more dilttcnlt to trtke the
ol6nel seriously.
Cochrnn & Co. curry 7 kinds of steel
angcs at fiom i25 to $50 ; S nirtkos of
ook stoves t from $ to to &O ; . \ Umlt
barb wire ; all heights of ponltty nol- >
ing ; 7 different makes of washing ma
hincs ; 5 kinds of sewing machine * .
Lnd their entire stock is built on Ihe
ame plan the most nnd best an *
hcapcst price on everything.