The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1899, Image 4

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    F. M. K1MMELL.
Republican Caucus.
Notice is hereby given to the Republican
electors of the city ot McCook , Nebraska , that
a caucus will be held for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices
hereinafter named , for the annual election to
be held in said city on Tuesday , April 4th ,
1899 :
One Mayor.
One City Clerk.
One City Treasurer.
One City Engineer.
One Councilman from ist Ward.
One Councilman from 2nd Ward.
Two Members Board of Education.
Said caucus to be held on Monday , March
I3th , 1899 , at 7:3 ° Pmm the city hall.
Dated at McCook , Neb. . March z , 1899.
Committee : C. I. Hall , W.S. Perry J. A.VVil-
cox , C. B. Gray and R. B. Archibald.
UNCLE SAM has taken hold of the
plow iti this Philippine question ,
und once having done so , no mat
ter how distasteful the job may be ,
he will not look back nor let go ,
but go right on to the end of the
row. He may lack experience in
such cases , but not honesty and
ability to solve any great question ,
no matter how thrust upon him.
GovERNOit POYNTER has offered
$200 reward ou the part of the
state for the apprehension of the
murderer of Silas Bailey , whose
body was recently found in the
Kepublicau river near Beukelman.
Suspicion attaches to a young man ,
who was with the deceased on the
ranch near that place , just before
the tragedy.
THIRTY-NINE ballots have been
taken for TJ. S. senator in the Ne
braska legislature without a choice ,
The Republican caucus has so fa
not been able to make a selection
but there are signs that the dead
lock will soon be broken. Th
last ballot taken , last night , gav
Hayward 40 votes , Thompson 13
Webster 10 , Field 6. Necessar
to choice , 50.
Nine mor/e weeks of school.
Duck hunting is very good a
Frank Freelove will move on to
J. B. Meserve's place.
v W. S. Fitch reports the peach
trees greatly damaged by the ex
treme cold.
Chas. Wasson expects to make a
success of irrigation this spring
by the aid of a windmill.
The Endeavor was well attended ,
last Sunday evening , even if it was
a little cold and the speaking was
good , indeed.
Some of our young people at
tended the literary at Yailton ,
last Friday evening , an they re
port che society doing nicely.
Mrs. C. L. Nettleton returned ,
last Friday evening , from a long
visit among her many relatives in
the east. She will be welcomed
home by her friends and neighbors
of the South Side.
That was a fine snowstorm , last
Mike Crocker has just put up a
new windmill. -
Katie Hoi brook is the guest of
Mrs. John Sly , this week.
Robert Bair drove a bunch of
caHe over to the Beaver , last week.
No Sunday-school , last Sunday.
Have not learned the reason why ,
for it was a fine day.
Mrs. James Harris and O. L.
Thompson will discuss the ques
tion at .literary , Wednesday even
HighesX Honors World's Fair ,
OR ;
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
/ronr Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Mrs.H.V.Lord is ngain very sick.
Little Guv Bariteau is dowu
with the measles.
Lulie Ruby's school finished ,
last Friday , in district 42. A good
report from it.
Mrs. TTair , mother of Miss Ada ,
has beeu a great sufferer all win
ter from asthma.
Mrs. A. C. JFurmnu , wheu nearly
recovered from the measles had a
relapse and is quite low.
Miss Mary Gibson is again in
Danbury attending school after a
severe sickness of two weeks.
John Cantral is able to be limp
ing around the streets of Danbury.
His ankle was badly wrenched and
one bone broken.
Two teams , unhitched , dashed
up the street from the elevator at
a rapid rate but fortunately were
stopped before any damage was
Mr. L. L. Cann has supplied the
Methodist church pulpit one or
two Sabbaths in a very acceptable
manner. He is an earnest worker
in the Master's cause.
The pupils of Miss Ada Fair
will give an entertainment for the
benefit of the school library as
soon as the new hall is completed.
Miss Fair is one of our best
teachers , a leader in.all . good
Dr. DeMay returned , from Kan
sas City , Saturday , where he had
been to accompany Ed Ruby to
have an operation performed on
his eyes , and Geo. Harbor for
treatment for a cancer on his lip.
Mr. Euby returned with the doc
tor , his eyes being much better
and Mr. Harbor remained for fur
ther treatment.
Danbury people are agitating
the subject of temperance , and
there is need of it. Eev. Hayes in
his sermon , last Sunday , made
some very appropriate remarks to
call the attention of his hearers to
this important matter before the
new election of our town board
Rev. Hayes is doing good work a
It will be learned with satisfac
tion by its numerous readers in
this section that THE TRIBUNE has
igain been designated the officia
jouuty paper by the commission
ers. A record of all county busi
ness and legal notices , in addition
io the tax list , will appear in its
columns , and no tax payer in this
jounty can afford to be without it
The First Congregational church
) f Danbury is now ready for plas-
; ering and painting. It is a neat ,
slain , unpretending house , well
ocated to add a pleasing feature to
) ur rapidly growing little town.
3. Billing has done his work in a
jatisfactory manner and his per
sonal interest in the building of a
jood , durable house in good taste
ind within our efforts is most
gratefully acknowledged.
There is some corn to husk in
his part of the county yet.
D. J. Osburu is building a
nidge over the Willow to accom-
nodate himself and the public.
W. H. Epperly sold some pork-
irs , last week , for which he re-
: eived $3.10 a hundred-weight.
G. H. Simmerrnan finished his
.898 threshing , last week. Has
bout G50 bushels from 35 acres.
J. B. Smith is ready to thresh
lis 1898 crop ; when he is done ,
he threshing will be over in this
ireciuct until another crop is
The farmers will soon begin to
hink about putting in their spring
, 'heat. The ground will be in
, ne condition to receive the seed
rhen the frost is out.
The cold wave predicted came
rith a vengeance and snow ; about
liree inches of the beautiful fell ,
nd there was a strong wind to
elp it on its southward-way.
J. B .Smith has 70 porkers shut
p tofattenand has bought several
undred bushels of corn with which
) do the job , paying 25 cents a
ushel for it.
We receive the mail daily now
fc Osburn , which is quite an ac-
ammodatiou for its patrons one
: om the north and one from the
Duth. They meet at Osburn and
jed their horses and eat dinner
lemselves , then return.
E. E. Moon's little ones have the
W. G. Sheppard of the Valley's
Finest , was here , Wednesday.
Clyde Lake has again gone to
work on the section , after a tussle
with the measles.
E.M.Gallatiu is assisting on the
dray line , this week , vice Jamie
Fletcher , resigned.
Freem Utter of McCook was vis
iting with friends and looking af
ter his farm interests , Wednesday.
A traveler bound for Colby , Ks. ,
had a very valuable horse take sick
and die at the livery barnMonday.
C.E.Matthews has been engaged
to nurse William Smith of the In
ter-Ocean during his severe illness.
Charlie Lee departed , Saturday
evening , for Hygiene , Col. He
expects to spend the summer there.
The storm necessitated a post
ponement of the school entertain
ment from Saturday to Monday
Frank Untiedt sold to J.H.Eos-
enfelt , Tuesday , a bunch of 120
hogs of his own raising that aver
aged 250 pounds.
A large delegation of teachers
and pupils were down from Indi-
anola to the school entertainment ,
Monday evening.
It is rumored that Lymau Jen
nings has bought the postoffice
building , and in the near future it
is to be a hardware store , under
the management of Puckett and
W. B. Downs and Miss Irene
Bentley were married at the home
of the bride , Wednesday. The
wedding was a very quiet affair ,
only the relatives and a few friends
being present. A banquet was giv
en at the residence of the bride
groom's parents , the following day
in honor of the happy event.
The school entertainment in the
hall , Monday evening , is consider
ed by all to have eclipsed anything
that has heretofore been attempted
in that line. It's perfect success
can only be attributed to the un
tiring efforts of the teachers in
drilling their pupils. The proceeds
are about § 30 and will be used in
purchasing a library for the use of
the school.
WashingtonD.Q , March 20 , ' 98.
L848 Wyoming Ave. ThePe-ru-ua
Drug M'f'g Co. , Columbus , Ohio :
Greutlemeu The sample bottle of
Pe-ru-na came when I was suffer
ing with a cold and I used it with
* oed results.
Very sincerely ,
A cold is acute catarrh. Too
lew people seem to be aware of
; his. If a cold is neglected it will
ioon become chronic catarrh. Al-
; hough a cold is rarely fatal , yet
t is the most productive source of
ncurable diseases that is known to
; he medical profession. At least
me-third of the deaths in the
Jnited States are traced to the ef-
! ects of cold.
In perhaps no other particular
ire the masses of the people so
ecklessly neglectful of their own
uterests as in the matter of catcli-
ug cold. Not only do the great
majority fail to provide themselves
eith sufficiently warm clothing , but
rhen a slight cough or hawking
ir running at the nose warns them
. cold has been contracted , little
ir no attention is paid to it. There
.re , comparatively , so few people
i'ho regard a cold as of sufficient
ousequence to require prompt and
fficieut medical treatment , that
lot only is the death rate of the
Northern States increased one-half
hereby , but our laud is swarming
7'tli invalids and half-sick people
s a direct consequence of neglect-
d colds. Pe-ru-na is equally val-
.able to prevent , to cure , and to
ntirely remove the effects of a
old. No family , especially at
his season of the year , ought to
e without this excellent prevent-
ve and cure for that most insidi-
us , ever-present disease-breeding
mlady called a cold.
Dr. Hartman has written a book
ntitled "Health tmd "
Beauty" es-
ecially for women. It treats ex- f
lusively of the phases of catarrh
lost common to woman. It will
e sent free by addressing Dr.
[ artman , Columbus , Ohio.
S.E.Smith was a McCook visitoi
on Monday.
J. S. Phillips attended court ii
Trenton , Monday.
Miss Maud Allen's school in tin
Barber district closes today.
Editor Mitchell and Deputy
Sheriff Smith were on our streets
W. A. Miuniear of Danbury auc
W. O. Russell of McCook were ii
town , Tuesday.
Our merchants have been pay
ing 25 to 30 cents per dozen foi
the past few days.
Miss Welborn spent two 01
three days in McCook , this week
on business of her office.
F.O. Gray's resignation as agent
here took effect , Wednesday. He
will move to farm near Edison.
Commissioner Crabtree was ir
McCook , Monday and Tuesday , at
tending sessions of the county
Ex-Commissioner James Carmichael -
chael and family left for their new
home in Saline county , close oi
last week.
Mrs. Byrnes and family , who
have been farming northeast of the
city two or three years , left for
DubuqueIowa , Saturday morning.
The A. O. TJ. W. social , Monday
night , was a success , nearly all the
members with their families and
also the members of the D. of H.
were present.
The sales in this vicinity cried
by A.P.Day are well attended and
good prices are received for stock
sold one cow and calf at the
Byrnes sale selling for § 68.
C. S. Quick was on the Omaha
market , last Saturday , with two
carloads of cattle that were toppers.
He is on the market today , Thurs
day , with another load of fine ones.
Our enterprising merchantE. W.
White , is moving his store build
ing to the west side of Main street
north of the postoffice. E.H.Thom
as , the boss house-mover , has the
weak in charge.
The Boston auction store has
not yet folded its tent , but it is to
be hoped that they will soon pack
up their worm-eaten and shelf-
worn goods and leave the trade of
the territory tributary to this town
to the reliable merchants of the
town , to whom it justly belongs.
Gerold and Goble shelled corn
here , last week.
Measles have been getting in
; heir work in this vicinity.
Farmers here are mapping ou
: he season's work on an extensive
scale and are all full of vim etc.
Frank Moore taught school
nst week , in place of the schoo
nn'am , who spent the week in
Furuas county.
Rev. Robertson preached ai
excellent sermou , Sunday , ou the
iubject of "Freedmeu's Aid auc
southern Education. "
Joseph Abdulah of Jerusalem
itopped overnight at J. C. Moore's
ind told many things of interesl
ibout Palestine as it is today.
Your Bartley correspondent
'rows facetious about the shooting
here ; but , really , is it right to
reat so grave a matter in such a
portive way.
Edna Eitchie left for Ohio ,
ast week.
Lebanon has had a coal famine
or the pnst few weeksbut , coal ar-
ived , last week.
Bruce Cnmmiugs has bought
lie J. T. Crees property niid will
aove to town soon.
Horace Huron lectured in the
hurch , last Wednesday night ,
fet quite eighty persons attended.
James Huutziuger was quite
ariously hurt by a tree falling
u him , last week , but is recover-
Mr. Amos Thomas has purchased
16 two lots south of C. A. Water-
lau and has commenced building ,
iis week.
Last Friday afternoon , Mr. Ab-
ott's room gave an entertainment
i honor of Washington's birthday ,
hich was well attended by the
atrous of the district.
On Tuesday night , a number of
iends of Mr. and Mrs. Meeks met
i their home and gave them an
! d time serenade. They were in-
ited in and treated to cigars and
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stauton
is going back on her record for
fifty years by insisting that Mrs.
Place of New York , who was con
victed of a brutal and wanton
murder shall not be electrocuted.
Any man who committed such a
crime , under the same circum
stances , would have been executed
without any protest from Eliza
beth. And yet she claims to be
the apostle of absolute equality be
fore the law of the sexes Journal.
Weyler stands appalled at the
originality and genius shown by-
George Washington Simon Boli
var Napoleon Bonaparte Aguiualdo
in the matter of war dispatches.
He vainly thought that he took
the cake in that department of
military greatness , but Aguiualdo
can give him so many points that
he realizes that he is distanced on
the first quarter stretch. Lincoln
" " ' * : rl.'V * .i"
- _ TI- SJ"r'T - - - - t.s i - . - ! - - - . . =
Fresh , New , Desirable Goods
in the latest styles , in the newest colorings ,
weaves and patterns , at lower prices than
"plunder" stocks are offered at.
With no pretense of selling at cost or below ;
with no goods that need "slaughtering" at great
reductions from previous distress prices ( which
failed to sell the stuff ) , we present the strongest
inducements for your trade. Notice them :
Selling : prices below the COST of old travelingstocks. .
Goods undamaged by moths , mice , dust and dimness.
Goods of and for March , 1899 not past seasons and decades.
Courteous , accurate and capable store service.
Permanent residence here to make good our guaranties.
Return benefits We pay back to the community the greater
part of our profits for taxes , store expenses , living and general
Complete Lines of Table Linens , Napkins , Ready-made Sheets
and Pillow Slips , White Quilts , Lace Curtains , Tapestry and Chenille
Portieres , Drapery Stuffs , Towels and Toweling , Carpet Warps ,
Batting , &c. , &c.
SPECIAL : In addition to our unmatched qualities and oflerings in
Prints , Muslins , Ginghams , Percales , Shirtings , Denims , Tickings , Cotton
Cassimeres and Wool Suitings for Men's and Boys' wear , we put on sale on
Saturday morning , March 4lh , a good supply of Fine Cambric Muslin for
ladies' underwear , nightgowns , etc. , in pieces of ten yards each for 750. n
piece one to a customer. The quality is what sells 'most everywhere for
I24 cents per yard.
Many additional Spring Goods yet to arrive.