IVifaf * By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. * & IT is the Cambridge Clarion vice the Cambridge Kaleidoscope with J. M. Hollingsworth as edit or , J. C. Harlan retiring after fourteen years' service. THE vote on U. S. senator in the legislature , yesterday , gave Hayward - ward 35 , Thompson 10 , Webster 7. A committee has been appointed to draft rules to govern a senatorial caucus. A TENDER has been telegraphed the presidout from Nebraska offer ing to recruit a regiment of cavalry for service in the Philippines. T. J. Majors , H. C. Russell , J.H.Cul ver , J. D. Gage and C. E. Adams have their names attached to the telegram. A BILL has been introduced in the senate and house reducing the number of judicial districts in the state. Under the proposed bill the Tenth judicial district would include as follows : Phelps , Kear ney , Franklin , Harlan , Furnas , Gosper , Furnas , Frontier , Eed Willow , Hayes , Hitchcock , Chase and Duudy counties. BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES P. EAGAN , commissary general of subsistence , has been suspended 1 from rank and duty for six years for his ungentlemanly and unsol- dierly remarks concerning the general - oral commanding. The sentence will take him up to within a short time of his retirement from the army on half pay , when he will likely be reinstated. THE Philippine question took a lively turn , last Saturday night , when the insurgents at Manila , in the cover of darkness , attacked the American forces. The battle waged during tnat night and the follow ing day , with the result that the insurgents were driven back and defeated by the American forces , who fought with characteristic bravery and inflicted heavy pun ishment on the enemy , whose loss is placed as high as 4,000 killed , wounded and captured. American loss : Killed , three officers and 56 men ; wounded , eight officers and 199 enlisted men ; two enlisted men missing. The First Nebraska did heroic service in the advance. Seven are reported killed and 26 wounded , in the regiment. PERHAPS no article that has re cently appeared in the magazines has attracted more attention and comment than the one from the pen of Mrs. Lew Wallace in the February number of the Ladies' Home Journal , in which she gravely decries the present school system , which she assails as the "murderer of the innocents of the nineteenth century. " Those who are even little acquainted with the free school system of America must stand in utter astonishment at the exheme views and state ments made by the lady in ques tion and must feel chagrined in an equal degree that so over-wrought an article should so widely stir the American heart. The conditions described by Mrs. Wallace can ex ist only in the most limited degree and do not touch the great system as an entirety. The American it child of today has the best chance ever given by a free people for a free education under the most favorable circumstances , physical and mental. They have the best text-books , the school-houses are better built , better lighted , and s provided with better sanitary ar rangements , every provision for health and comfort and ready ac quirement of knowledge in larger measure than was possible to their parents is at hand , and the gait is far from killing , with plenty of ti time for play and recreation. When we pass beyond the free or common schools , there may be some basis for such an article as Mrs. Wallace is responsible for , bat as touching the free or com S mon shools of the land it should r < be promptly challenged ; not for its spirit , but for the lack of facts and the gross over-statement of r < facts and the unreasonable enlarge- inent of minor facts and details. tl ; a" f rf ° e . BARTLEY. , A SOCIAL EVENING. This frolicsome and antiquated municipality was the scene of a very merry social affair on Thurs day evening of last week. Then it was that Sam Bryan aud Oliver Bush with a convivial friend or two drove up to the little hamlet on the west and returned with their pelts aud a couple of bottles filled with condensed cusseduess and wearing a determination to distinguish themselves. On arriv ing Sam made his way to that popular and swell cafe ycleped the Star restaurant , halting en route to shake hands with his shadow and embrace the friendly lamp posts as they came by , and there announced his ability and willing ness to whip his weight m wil. . cats , intimating incidentally that he would find pleasure in mixiu , things with Bush. The last named gentleman ( heaven save the mark ) soon sauntered in with combativeness - ness in his soul and a gatling gun in his southeast pocket , and I an exchange of pleasantries both began to feel that the other was a Spaniard and it was his duty as a patriot to remember the Maine. Bush retired in good order to the inner room of the hash-foundry and Sam followed as far as the door of the partition to conclude his remarks. After a spirited in terchange of hot air Bush got ac tion on his artillery and after the din and confusion of battle had subsided Sam took an inventory and found that his left hand had been the means of s < | > | > iii a b I- let after it came through the par tition. Bush's action being quite rude and unexpected Sam was a trifle embarrassed for the once , but he soon recovered his compos ure and a stool and evinced a yearning to part his friend's hair with the latter. He was dissuaded , however , by some friends , and Bush improved the opportunity to depart without even a formal "our reservoir. " Then someone who didn't un derstand the playful spirit of the affair telegraphed for Sheriff Neel , who made an early call at the Bush domicile , the next morning , with the request that the young man accompany him up town. With a gesture which might be interpret ed to mean "Nev' min' , that'll be all right some dayhe informed the sheriff that he would be up at his earliest convenience , or words to that effect , but the officer argued that a Bush in the hand was better than a load of saplings by promise and his eloquence persuaded the young man to accompany him. In the evening he was brought before Squire Hodgkin's court where a charge of shooting with intent to kill had been preferred against him , and as he couldn't think of anything to improve matters he acquiesced with the views of the county attorney and opined that the charge was about the right thing. After pleading guilty his bond was fixed at $500 and not being able to furnish it he was re manded to the keeping of the sheriff. He now languishes in durance vile with abundant oppor tunity to cogitate on the advisa bility of wearing Krupp guns in the pocket behind. The case will come up at the term of court in the county seat , next week , and this bold , bad man will doubtless find that his protracted * and un ceasing efforts to break into the penitentiary have been crowned with SUCCPSS. Bryan had the bullet extracted from his "flipper" on Sunday , but , while the member is quite painful , wont keep him fro n vuiikm at his trade. Sam has been engaged in heavy resting most of the wintni. E. E. Smith shipped a car of hogs to Denver , Monday. w \ \ C. F. Shaffer was speiup ; sights ; at the county seat , Tuesday. DeWitt Clinton has been assisting - ing in Duff Grain Co.'s elevatoi , this week. J. W. Billings made a business trip to Cambridge , Monday , re turning same day. Geo. Johnson was a guest at the Bartley House , Tuesday evening , an route from Stockville. J. C. Stewart and family spent Saturday in Cambridge visiting relatives from Wisconsin. Lee Jones is driving on the mail route , this week , during the warm \ veather. Uncle Ben can't stand fn he heat. E. E. Moon moved back into his own house , Thursday. A son came to claim a plaee in the affections of Mr. and Mrs. J H. Keys , Friday of last week. The little daughter of Mr. Wil liamson , who has been very sic ! for some time past , is now slowl ; recovering. The Stars will have a "spread' after their meeting , next Thursdaj night. A profusion of fresh frui is announced as one of the features / Sam Bryan went up to Indian ola , Saturday evening , to have the bullet removed which lodged in his "mitt" during the late uupleas autness. . There was a very pleasant socia gathering at the home of Mr. auc Mrs. M. Finnegan , Thursday even ing , and the young people had the usual jolly time. W. H. Garrett of Phillipsburg : Kansas , stopped off between trains , Tuesday , to negotiate with W. F. Miller on a laud trade. He ex pects to locate here in the future. Richard Kuox and bride of Mc Cook were the guests of J. F. Farrell - rell and family , Sunday. They were on their return from a visil to the Black Hills country and Billings , Montana. B. F. Sibbett has moved from the Sexton property , recently pur chased by J. M. Brown , into the Chrysler residence. The doctor will make some repairs on his new possession aud occupy it in the near future. J. G. Ogg returned , Tuesday morning , from his old home in Missouri , where he was summoned to the death-bed of his father. He spent several weeks in that state and reports extreme cold weather , being very wet and muddy before freezing up. Frank Walsworth , who is attend ing a medical school in Kansas City , spent a few days here with his brother Floyd , the first of the week , having been called home to attend court at Beaver City. He returned to the City on the Kaw , Tuesday morning. Sam Clark and Perry Premer went up to McCook , Monday even ing , on a matter of business , re turning home on the following morning train. The boys took in the play in the county seat , Mon day night , and there are good re liable men who will make affidav its that they sat so far front that the dance artist kicked sand into their eyes. All kinds of Valentines at the "Bee Hive. " DANBURY. Last Friday morning the regis ter indicated twenty degrees below. The cold weather has been hold ing on pretty well for the past two weeks. A. C. Furman 'of the News is again able to be out after a siege of measles lasting two weeks. Thomas Good of Wilsonville was up , Wednesday , and bought ten head of cattle from Everist and Wicks. The representative of Dr. Coe sanitarium of Kansas City , who has been here for a mouth past , left on Monday for Denver. Dr. W. A. DeMay is on the sick list , this Aveek. The doctor has been ailing for some time , but owing to so much sickness he has no been able to take care of him tl self. The Atwood doctor was sum moned , Thursday , and we hope he will soon be able to attend to his work. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , if " CREAM BAKING POWMR it. MOST PJERFECT MADE. to pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. INDIANOLA. S. R. Smith had business in the county seat , Thursday. John Harrison was a county metropolis visitor , Monday. Mayor Harrison is in Lincoln receiving treatment at a sanitar ium. Old lady Glandon , mother of the Glandon boys living northeast of the city , died on Monday. Joseph Junker , Jr. , and Mary E. Uerling were married in Mc Cook , Wednesday , by the county judge. Geo. Webster , formerly pharmacist macist- for F. B. Duckworth , was renewing acquaintances in the city the fore part of the week. F. B. Duckworth has sold his brick residence in Beukelmau to J. W. Smith of that place , who is placing it in condition to rent. We understand that the firm of Welborn &Son has dissolved part nership. The junior member , J. F. , intends going to Oregon. Rev. J.A. Badcon of McCook will occupy the Methodist pulpit here , next Sunday morning and evening , and will conduct Quar terly meeting for the presiding elder. Commissioner Crabtree met with the board at McCook , Monday. Little business was transacted on account of the absence of Commis sioner Robinson. The board will meet again on February 27th. Rev. W. J. Boyd of the Meth odist church will occupy the Meth odist pulpit in McCook , Sunday morning and evening next , and the pastor at that place will con duct Quarterly meeting services here. Engineer and Mrs. W. C. Schenck were down from Denver to the burial of Mrs. William Hall , Sunday. He is in the employ of the Burlington out of Denver. Mrs. Scheuck is a sister-in-law of the deceased. Mrs. Martha Hall , wife of Wil. liam Hall , who lives a few miles northwest of Indianola , died on last Friday , and was buried on Sunday , in the Indianola cemetery. The funeral services were held in the Congregational church. Word was received here , Tues day night , that C. W. Beck of Liun coin was dead. Judge Beck \vas county judge of this county for two terms , aud many friends in this city and county will sympa thize deeply with the bereaved family. J. A. Taylor , local manager f r the Barnett Lumber Company , has resigned to accept a position in Holdrege. Mr. Taylor has made many friends here who are sorry to see him leave. C. W. Keys of Bartley , wo understand , will fill the vacancy here. Our former townsman , R. L. Duckworth , now residing in Fron tier county , come to town , Tues day , to bring his young sou in for surgical treatment , the lad having fallen and sustained a dislocation of the left arm at the elbow. Dr. Hoyt reduced the dislocation. n Ed. Lawrence , o' ' ' > " l > mvh a was one of the participants in a pugilistic encounter in this city , several nights ago , was brought before his honor , Police Judge fi : Hetherington , Tuesday , aud fined 33 and trimmings. By the way , our new police judge aud city mar ; shal seem to make a pret 13 uoi > team. From the various reports we hear about town , the Woodmen tf lodge of this place is having very interesting sessions. They are said to have exhibitions of hyp notism and oratory galore. At the present writing Bro. Phillips of the Reporter is commauder-iii- C ( chief , determined to hold the fort it breaks a name-string : . Novelties in Valentines at the "Bee Hive. " BOTH branches of the Nebraska 1V1S S legislature are now on record as Favoring a direct vote of the people ple for United States senator. And w the people almost universally want m . That system will put an end these fiascos that every few 01 pears bring anything but high 01bi bih jredit to the people of the differ- h < 3ut states. n < NORTH COLEMAN. So far as known there has been no loss of stock on account of the severe weather. Levi Sommera will soon move over in Chase county where he will reside in the future. Elza Ward has hauled two loads of material with which to build a granary on his homestead. . H. K. Bixler has a well filled Ice-house , and he and his family will keep cool the coming summer. Wm. Prentice is selling off the personal property of the late A. Prentice , and will soon return to Illinois. Most of those who have had a tussel with the grip are convalesc ing. It was a pretty hard grip with some of them. The cold wave predicted came with a vengeance , but we manage to keep right side up when we don't slip on a piece of ice. S. C. Johns is getting ready to move to his farm not far from Mc Cook. We are sorry to have him go as he is a good neighbor. The literary at Spring Creek flourished like a green bay tree four weeks ago , but the combina tion of grip and cold snap has been too much for it to withstand. Rev. D. L. Matson has not had any meeting at Spring Creek for two appointments , although the congregation was there to hear him. He has been sick , but we hope he will soon be able to re sume his work. The cold wave did not only touch us here in Nebraska , but we learn from Illinois that the ther mometer has ranged from twenty to thirty degrees below zero there. And at Cando , North Dakota , it was fifty below on the twenty- eighth of January. RED WILLOW. It's real cold at the Willow. Wonder if that news is of import ance. Mrs. J. F. Helm went up to Stratton , the first of the week , to attend the funeral of her little grandchild. There were lots of benutifn Light Brahmas from the Willow at the chicken show in McCook , this week. First honors were shared between Mesdames Helm. Taylor and Byfield , Mrs. Helm securing - q curing first on pen , Mrs. Taylor h first on cock , and Mrs. Byfield the si same on hen , pullet and cockerel , siCJ Benj. Baker was the winner of first irfa premium on Wyandottes. There is some very fine poultry to be found in Red Willow precinct. tl ; LEBANON. Ernest Fichtner entered school , ° Monday. The billiard hall opened for business , last week. es : Tom Morris left for Stark , Kan er : sas , Wednesday morning. stbe The M. W. A. lodge initiated R. B. Paugh , Tuesday night. Ti va The new firm of West & Bod- ivell is doing a flourishing busi- ness. M CO The Ladies' Aid society will give of ' cake and coffee social at R. B. ve is Campbell's , Friday night. iswl an Seven scholars were promoted lei rom the primary room to Prof. ur Abbott's room , Monday. bv John Mngart has started a res- aurant in the building formerly 17 ccupied by T. F. West. int > cla The Lebanon cornet band met , tlu ast Friday night , and reorganized , flCl " 1 J , akiuo ; in three members. 1M ( o for 28 , PROSPECT PARK. nai coi Mr. Holbrook is on the sick list. sai Ne We are having- quite a siege of am 1-2 sold weather. The Slys visited with the King amily , Sunday. At roc Mat Webber from Illinois is D. ' vorkiug for the Crattys. the de < Mrs. Abe Myers' brothers from of : tra JcCook were out visiting them , Ke . ary Sunday. for Owing to the cold weather there ten cot > eas no church at this appoint- she uent , Sunday. she per A crowd of young people went the sail nit sleigh-riding , the other night , in' int the load was too much for the per : we < torses and they came very near ( lot coming home till daylight. i GRIP- AFTER-EFFECTS-OF - Mrs. S. E. Dicker , of Osykar letter to Dr. . Miss. , in a recent Hartman , says : "I am sure that Pe-ru-na is one of th - best medi cines on the market. I have takeu it every winter for the last four years. I first tried it , after a long , , hard spell of la grippe. I am sure- that I would of been in my grave- now had I not used it. I have- told many others the good it did me. Everybody said that I had consumption , and I knew that I would have it unless I got relief. Every fall for the last four years- I take it as a preventive from cold- I believe that if people knew what a great preventive Pe-ru-na is theyr. would have less trouble from that , dreaded disease , la grippe. It never fails. I am well advanced in life , but I feel that I might live through many winters with the help of Pe-ru-na. I never forget to recommend it to young as well- as old for all kinds of colds , coughsr catarrh , etc. I feel it my duty to- give praise where it is due. I am and ever shall be grateful to the- man who discovered Pe-ru-na.5' Pe-ru-na meets perfectly the con-- ditious produced by the aftereffects fects of la grippe. Send for a free book written- by Dr. Hartmau , entitled "Winter r- Catarrh. " Address Dr. Hartman. . Columbus , O. Officials of western railroads anticipate- almost as great a movement to California , this year , as in 1897. The occasion is the- annual meeting of the National Educa tional association at Los Angeles in July. Rates have not yet been fixed but they will probably be somewhere in the neigh borhood of one fare for the round trip. In other words , the cost of a round trip * ticket to Los Angeles from Nebraska will be about $52 oo. The "Bee Hive" for Valentines. Horrible agony is caused by piles , , burns , and skin diseases. These are im mediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Beware of worthless imitations. A McMillen. ' Valentines at the "Bee Hive. " Children who are troubled with worms are pale in the face , fretful by spells , , restless in sleep , have blue rings around their eyes , bad dreams , variable appetite , , and pick the nose. White's Cream Verm ifuge will kill and expel these parasites. Price 25c at McConnelPs. ff. Valentines at the "Bee Hive. " Tabler's Buckeye Pile ointment * is no- panacea , but is recommended for piles Dnly. These it will cure. Price soc m bottles ; tubes 750 at McConnell's. COWS FOR SALE. Three or four fresh milk cows. In- juire of C. H. MEEKER. Frequently accidents occur in the- tiousehold , which cause burns , cuts , , ipraius and bruises. For use in such ases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Price 250 and 500 at L. . IV. McConnell & Co.'s. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Faults of digestion cause disorders of he : liver , and the whole system becomes leranged. Herbine perfects the process- f digestion and assimilation , and thus , nakes pure blood. Price 25C at L. W. . tfcConnell's. McMillen's Cream Lotion. The smallest thing ma\ exert the great- st influence DeWitt's Little Early Ris- rs are unequalled for overcoming con- tipation and liver troubles. Small pill. . est pill , safe pill. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad- ance. Vn Honest Medicine for La Grippe- George W. Waitt of South Gardiner , ile. , says : "I have had the worst cough , , old , chills and grip and have taken lots trash of no account but profit to the endor. Chamberlain's Cough Reuiedv the only thing that has done any good hntever. I have used one 5o-cent bottle ml the chills , cold and grip have all ft me. I congratulate the manafuct- res of an honest medicine. " For sale L W. McConnell & Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Land 1 Office at McCook , Nebraska , January * , 1899. Notice is hereby civen that the fol- wins : named settler lias filed notice of his- itention to make final proof in support of his- laim.aml that said proof will be made before register or receiver of the U. S. Land Of- ce at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , Fehruaiy 1899ir : George M. Mohler , guardian for loriU Mohler. Homestead entry No. ioS > o. r the E54 NW J4' and W H NE M of section township 4. north of _ range 29 west. lie ames the following witnesses to prove his intinuous resilience upon ami cultivation of. lid land , viz : Charles E. Werner , H x Elder , 'eband John S. Mnilrcll , Willi.un Johnson , ml S\lvanus Modrellall , of McCook. Ne IK 20-6ts. F. M. RATH HUN , Register. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska. Red Willow county , ss _ a County Court , held in the county court om , in and for said county , January 231 ! . A. ib'qo , present G. S. Bishop , countv judge , irr matter of the estate of Mathilda Hermit , , sceased. On reading and filing the petition Albert Schwertfeger , praying that minimis ation of said estate may be granted to J. E. elley as administrator , ordered that Febru- 15 , 1899 , at ten o'clock a. nu is assigned hearing said petition , when all persons in- rested in said matter may appear at a county urt to be held in and for said county , and" LOW cause why the prayer of petitioner lould not be granted ; and that notice of the ndency of said petition and the hearing- ereof be given to all persons interested in , matter by publishing a copy of this order THK McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspa- printed in said county , for three successive- ceks prior to said day of hearing. A true copy. ) fSeal. ] G. S. BISHOP. 27-i-3t. County Judge