The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1899, Image 3

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Thc Flying Dutchman.
CHAPTER I. ( Continued. )
"That , Philip , i shall never be. I feel
that death claims me ; and , oh , my son ,
were it not for you how I should quit
this world rejoicing ! I have long been
dying , Philip and long , long have I
prayed for death. "
"And why so , mother ? " replied
Philip , bluntly ; "I've done my best. "
"You have , my child , you have ; and
may God bless you for it. Often have
I seen you curb your fiery temper re
strain yourself when justified in wrath
to share a mother's feelings. 'Tis
now some days that even hunger has
not persuaded you to disobey your
mother. And , Philip , you must have
thought ine mad or foolish to insist so
long , and yet to give no reason , I'll
speak again directly. "
The widow turned her head upott
the pillow , and remained quiet for
some minutes ; then , as If revived , she
resumed :
"I believe I have been mad at times
have I not , Philip ? And God knows
I have had a secret in my heart enough
to drive a wife to frenzy. It has oppressed -
} pressed me day and night , .worn my
t mind , impaired my reason , and now , at
, last , thank Heaven ! it has overcome
. this mortal frame ; the blow is struck ,
Philip I'm sure it is. I wait but to
tell you all and yet I would not
'twill turn your brain as It has turned
mine , Philip. "
"Mother , " replied Philip , earnestly ,
"I conjure you let me hear this killing
secret. Be Heaven or hell mixed up
with it I fear not. Heaven will not
hurt me , and Satan I defy. "
"I know thy bold , proud spirit ,
Philip thy strength of mind. If any
one could bear the load of such a
dreadful tale , thou couldst. My brain ,
alas , was far too weak for it ; and I
see it is my duty to tell it to thee. "
The widow paused as her thoughts
reverted to that which she had to con
fide ; for a few minutes the tears rain
ed down her hollow cheeks ; she then
appeared to have summoned resolution
and to have regained strength.
"Philip , it was of your father I would
speak. It is supposed that he was
drowned at sea. "
"Andwas he not , mother ? " replied
Philip , with surprise.
"Oh , no ! "
"But he has long beed dead ,
i mother ? "
"No yes and yet no , " said the
v widow , covering her eyes. Her brain
\ -wanders , thought Philip , but he spolce
"Then where is he , mother ? "
The widow raised herself , and a
tremor visibly ran through her whole
frame , as she replied :
"In living judgment. "
The poor woman then sank down
again upon the pillow , and covered her
head with the bed clothes , as if she
would have hid herself from her own
memory. Philip was so much perplex
ed and astounded , that he1 could make
no reply. A silence of some minutes
ensued , When , no longer able to bear
the agony of suspense , Philip faintly
whispered :
"The secret , mother , the secret ;
quick , let me hear it ! "
"I can now tell all , Philip , " replied
his mother , in a solemn tone of voice.
"Hear me , my son. Your father's disposition -
- position was but too like your own.
Oh , may his cruel fate be a lesson to
you , my dear , dear child ! He was a
bold , a daring , and , they say , a first-
rate seaman. He was not born here ,
but In Amsterdam ; but he would not
live there because he still adhered to
the Catholic religion. The Dutch , you
know , Philip , are heretics , according to
our creed. It is now seventeen years
or more since he sailed for India in his
fine chip , the Amsterdammer , with a
valuable cargo. It was his third voy
age to India , Philip , and It was to have
been , if it had so pleased God , his last ,
- for he had purchased that good ship
> -with only part of his earnings , and
one more voyage would have made his
fortune. Oh , how often did we talk
-over what we would do upon his re
turn , and how these plans for the future -
> ture consoled me at the idea of his
absence , for I loved him dearly , Philip
he was always good and kind to me
and after he had sailed , how I hoped
for his return ! The lot of a sailor's
wife is not to be envied. Alone and
solitary for so many months , watch
ing the long wick of the candle , and
listening to the howling of the wind
foreboding evil and accident wreck
.and widowhood. He had been gone
about six months , Philip , and there <
-was still a long , dreary year to wait ]
"before I could expect him back. One 1
night you , my child , were fast asleep ; 1
.you were my only solace , my comfort ]
in my loneliness. I had been watching - 1
ing over you in your slumbers : you ]
smiled and half pronounced the name <
of mother ; and at last I kissed your <
-unconscious lips , and I knelt and
prayed prayed for God's blessing on
you , my child , and upon him too i
little thinking , at the time , that he was t ;
BO horribly , so fearfully cursed. "
The widow paused for breath , and
then resumed. Philip could not speak. .
His lips were sundered , and his eyes
riveted upon his mother , as he devour
ed her words. s
"I left you and went downstairs into a
that room , Philip , which since that
dreadful night has never been reopen-
ed. I sat me down and read , for the
wind was strong , and when the gale
blows , a sailor's wife can seldom sleep.
It was past midnight , and the rain
poured down. I felt unusual fear I
knew not why. I rose from the couch ,
and dipped my finger in the blessed
water , and I crossed myself. A violent
gust of wind roared round the house ,
and alarmed me still more. I had a
painful , horrible foreboding ; when , of
a sudden , the windows and window-
shutters were blown in , the light was
extinguished , and I was left in utter
darkness. I screamed with fright ; but
at last I recovered myself , and was
proceeding toward the window that I
might reclose it , when whom should I
behold , slowly entering at the case
ment , but your father Philip ! Yes ,
Philip , it was your father ! "
"Merciful God ! " muttered Philip , in
! a low tone almost subdued to a whis
"I knew not what to think he was
in the room ; and although the dark
ness was Intense , his form and fea
tures were as clear and as defined as if
it were noonday. Fear would have in
clined me to recoil from his loved
presence to fly toward him. I remain
ed on that spot where I was , choked
with agonizing sensations. When he
had entered the room , the windows and
shutters closed of themselves , and the
candle was relighted then I thought
It was his apparition , and I fainted on
the floor.
"When I recovered I found myself
on the couch , and perceived that a cold
oh , how cold ! and dripping hand
was clasped in mine. This reassured
me , and I forgot the supernatural
signs which accompanied his appear
ance. I imagined that he had been un
fortunate , and had returned home. I
opened my eyes , and beheld my loved
husband , and threw myself into his
arms. His clothes were saturated with
rain ; I felt as if I had embraced ice
but nothing can check the warmth of
'woman's love , Philip. He received my
caresses , but he caressed not again ; he
spoke not , but looked thoughtfully and
unhappy. 'William William , " cried I ;
'speak , Vanderdecken ; speak to your
dear Catherine. '
" 'I will , ' replied he , solemnly , 'for
my time is short. '
" 'No , no , you must not go to sea
again ; you have lost your vessel ; but
you are safe. Have I not you again ? '
" 'Alas , no be not alarmed , but lis
ten , for my time is short. I have not
lost my vessel , Catherine , but I have
lost Make no reply , but listen. I
am not dead , nor yet am I alive. I
hover between this world and the
world of spirits. Mark me.
" 'For nine weeks did I try to force
my passage against the elements round
the stormy Cape , but without success ;
and I swore terribly. For nine weeks
more did I carry sail against the adverse -
verse winds and currents , and yet
could gain no ground ; and then I
blasphemed ay , terribly blasphemed.
Yet still I persevered. The crew , worn
out with long fatigue , would have had
me return to the Table Bay , but I re
fused ; nay more , I became a murderer
unintentionally , it is true , but still
a murderer. The pilot opposed me ,
and persuaded the men to bind me , and
in the excess of my fury , when he took 1
me by the collar , I struck at him ; he
reeled ; and with the sudden lurch of
the vessel he fell overboard , and sank. ,
Even this fearful death did not restrain -
strain me ; and I swore by the frag
ment of the Holy Cross , preserved in
that relic now hanging round your
neck , that I would gain my point in
defiance of storm and seas , of light
ning , of Heaven , or of hell , even if I
should beat about until the Day of
" 'My oath was registered in thun
der , and in streams of sulphurous fire.
The hurricane burst upon the ship , the
canvas flew away in ribbons ; moun
tains of seas swept over us , and in the
center of a deep overhanging cloud , :
which shrouded all in utter darkness ,
were written in letters of livid flame ,
these words : Until the Day of Judg .
" 'Listen to me , Catherine , my time '
is short. One hope alone remains , and
for this I am permitted to come here.
Take this letter. ' He put a sealed
paper on the table. 'Read it , Catherine
dear , and try if you can assist me. P
Read it , and now farewell my time
n ;
is come.
"Again the window and window-
shutters burst open again the light .
was extinguished , and the form of my
husband was , as it were , -wafted in the
ilark expanse. I started up and fol- a.
lowed him with outstretched arms and
frantic screams as he sailed through
the window ; my glaring eyes beheld
ais form borne away like lightning on
the wings of the wild gale till it was
lost as a speck of light , and then it
lisappeared. Again the windows
; losed , the light burned , and I was left
ilone !
"Heaven have mercy ! My brain ! ai
ny brainPhilip ! ! Philip ! " shrieked aiPi
" '
he poor woman ; "don't leave me
lon't don't pray don't ! "
During these exclamations the fran- ,
.ice widow had raised herself from the
jed and , at last , had fallen into the
inns of her son. She remained there
iome minutes without motion. After
L time Philip felt alarmed at her long tl
juiesence ; he laid her gently down clK
ipon the bed , and as he did so her clm
lead fell back her eyes were turned m
he Widow Vanderdecken was no more. S ;
Philip Vanderdecken , strong as he
was in mental courage , was almost
paralyzed by the shock when he dis
covered that his mother's spirit had
fled ; and for some time he remained
by the side of the bed , with his eyes
fixed 'upon the corpse , and his mind
in a state of vacuity. Gradually he re
covered himself ; he rose , smoothed
down the pillow , the tears trickled
down his manly cheeks. Ho impressed
a solemn kiss upon the pale , white
forehead of the departed , and drew the
curtains round the bed.
"Poor mother ! " said he , sorrowful
ly , as he completed his task , "at length
thou hast found rest but thou hast
left thy son a bitter legacy. "
And as Philip's thoughts reverted to
what had passed , the dreadful narra
tive whirled in his imagination and
scathed his brain. He raised his hands
to his temples , compressed them with
force and tried to collect his thoughts ,
that he might decide upon what meas
ures he should take. He felt that he
had no time to indulge his grief. His
mother was in peace ; but his father
where was he ?
He recalled his mother's words
"One hope alone remained. " Then
there was hope. His father had laid a
paper on the table could it be there
now ? Yes , it must be ! his mother had
not had the courage to take it up.
There was hope in that prayer , and it
had lain unopened for more than sev
enteen years.
Philip Vanderdecken resolved that
he would examine the fatal chamber
at once he would know the worst.
Should he do it now , or wait till day
light ? but the key , where was it ? His ,
eyes rested upon an old japanned cab
inet in the room ; he had never seen
his mother open it in his presence ; it
was the only likely place of conceal
ment that he was aware of. Prompt
in all his decisions , he took up the
candle and proceeded to examine it.
It was not locked ; the door swung
open , and drawer after drawer was ex
amined , but Philip discovered not the
object of his search ; again and again
did he open the drawers , but they were
all empty. It occurred to Philip that
there might be secret drawers , and he
examined for some time in vain. At
last he took out all the drawers , and
laid them on the floor , and lifting the
cabinet off its stand he shook it. A
rattling sound in one corner told him
that in all probability the key was
there concealed. He renewed his at
tempts to discover how to gain it , but
in vain. Daylight now streamed
through the casements , and Philip had
not desisted from his attempts ; at last ,
wearied out , he went into the adjoining
room , threw himself upon his bed , and
in a few minutes was in a sleep as
sound as that permitted to the wretch
a few hours previous to his execution.
During his slumbers the neighbors
had come in , and had prepared every
thing for the widow's interment. They
had been careful not to wake the son ,
for they held as sacred the sleep of
those who must wake up to sorrow.
Among' others , soon after the hour of
noon , arrived Mynheer Foots ; he had
been informed of the death of the
widow , but having a spare hour , he
thought he might as well call , as it
would raise his charges by another
guilder. He first went into the room
where the bodV lay , and from thence
he proceeded to the chamber of Philip ,
and shook him by the shoulder.
Philip awoke , and , sitting up , per
ceived the doctor standing by him.
"Well , Mynheer Vanderdecken , "
commenced the unfeeling little man ,
"so it's all over. I knew it would be
30 ; and recollect you owe me now an
other guilder , and you promised faith
fully to pay me ; altogether , with the
potion , it will be three guilders and a
half that is , provided you return my
rial. "
Philip , who at first waking was con-
iused , gradually recovered his senses
luring this address.
' ( To be continued. )
Friends Well Met.
When true-hearted men in north and
iouth met and understood each other ,
here was never real enmity between
hem. A certain Virginian lived near
he field of Mechanicsville , where Mc-
Jlellan fought one of his severe battles
n the summer of 1862. This man went
mt to the field , after the northern
roops had retired from it , and noticed
little fellow lying , wounded , in the
lot sun. As he looked pityingly at
he boy , the young fellow gained cour-
.ge to make a request : "Neighbor ,
I'on't you get me a drink of water ?
'm very thirsty. " "Of course , I will , "
aid the man , and he brought the
/ater. The little fellow was encour-
ged by this , and he asked again :
Won't you get me taken to the hos-
ital ? I'm badly wounded. " "Well ,
ow , my boy , " said the man , "if I get
ou taken care of , and you are well
nough to go home again , are you com-
ag down here to fight me and my folks >
nee more ? How about that ? " It was
hard test for a wounded prisoner , but
lie boy stood it. He looked his captor
rmly in the eye , and said : "That I :
rould , my friend. " "I tell you , " said
he Virginian afterward , "I liked his
luck. I had that boy taken to the
ospital , and he had good care. "
III Idea.
Little Ikey "Fader , vat ish a phil-
athropist ? " Old Swindlebaum "A
hilanthropist , mein sohn , ish a man
ot induces oder peoples to gif avay )
Bir monish mit charity. " New York
What She Desired.
Knicker I tried to convince my wife
lat I couldn't afford a new sealskin
ioak. Becker And did you succeed ? ;
Inicker No , she wanted the argu-
lent ! brought home to her. St. Louis
American Troops Engage in
General Battle.
American Loss Is Twenty Killed and One
Hundred and Twenty-Five Wounded
Charleston and Concord Throw Shells
Into Knetny Jfcbr/tsku Troops in the
Conlllct buffer Severely.
MANILA , Feb. 5. 3:15 : p.m. The
long expected rupture between the
Americans and the Filipinos has come
at last. The former are now engaged
in solving the Philippine problem with
the utmost expedition possible.
The clash came yesterday at 8:40 :
in the evening , when three daring Fil
ipinos darted past the Nebraska regi
ment's pickets at Santa Mesa , but re
tired when challenged. They repeat
ed the experiment without drawing the
sentries. But the third time Corporal
Greeley challenged the Filipinos and
then fired , killing one of them anu
v/ounding another.
Almost immediately afterward the
Filipinos' line from Caloocan to Santa
Mesa commenced a fusillade which was
The Nebraska , Montana and North
Dakota outposts replied vigorously
and held their ground until reinforce
ments arrived.
The Filipinos in the meantime con
centrated at three points , Haloocan ,
Gagalangin and Santa J'tesa.
At about 1 o'clock the Filioinos
opened a hot fire from all three places
simultaneously. This was supp.ement-
od by the fire of two siege guns at
Balik-Balik and by advancing their
skirmishers from Pace and Pandacan.
The Americans responded with a
terrific fire , but owing to the dark
ness they were unable to determine
its effect.
The Utah light artillery finally
succeeded in silencing the native bat
The Third artillery also did good
work on the extreme left.
The engagement lasted over an
The United States cruiser Charles
ton and the gunboat Concord , sta
tioned off Malabona , opened fire from
their secondary batteries on the Fil-
ippinos' position at Caloocan and
kept it up vigorously.
At 2:45 : there was another fusillade
along the entire line and the United
States seagoing double-turreted mon
itor Monadnock opened fire on the off Malate.
With daylight the Americans ad
vanced. The California and Wash
ington regiments made a splendid
charge and drove the Filipinos from
the villages of Pace and Santa Mesa.
The Nebraska regiment also distin
guished itself , capturing several pris
oners and one howitzer and a very
strong position on the reservoir , that
is connected with the water works.
The Kansas and Dakota regiments
'ompelled the enemy's right flank to
retire to Caloocan.
There was intermittent firing at va
rious points all day long. The losses
of the Filipinos cannot be estimated
at present , but they are known to be
The American losses are estimated
at twenty men killed and 125 wounded.
The Ygorates , armed with bows and
arrows , made a very determined
stand in the face of a hot artillery
fire and left many dead on the field.
Several attempts were made in this
city yesterday evening to assassinate
American officers.
WASHINGTON , Feb. C. 12:15 a.
m. The follwing dispatch from Gen
eral Otis has been made public- :
"MANILA , Feb. 5. To the Adjutant
General : Insurgents in large force
opened attack on our lines at S:45
o'clock last evening. Renewed at
tack several times during the night
and at 4 o'clock this morning entire
line engaged. All attacks renulsed.
At daybreak advanced against insurg- '
gents and have driven them beyond
the lines they formerly occupied , cap :
turing several villages and their de
fense works. Insurgent loss in dead
ties thus far estimated at 175 ; very
few fatal. Troops enthusiastic and
actiing fearlessly. Navy did splendid
Gxecution on flanks of enemy , city held
In check and absolute quiet prevails.
Insurgents have secured good many
Mauser riffes , a few field pieces and
luick firing guns with ammunition
luring last month.
Signed ) OTIS. "
WASHINGTON , Feb. G The fol
lowing message was received from
Manila this morning :
"To the secretary of the navy.
Washington : Insurgents here inaug
urated general engagement last night ,
svliich has continued today. The
American army and navy are generally
successful. Insurgents have been
Iriven back and our line advanced.
Mo casualties to navy. .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 5. 9:55 p. m.
The following telegram just receiv-
d by the chief signal officer , is the
irst news received from the army at
Manila :
"MANILA , Feb. Feb. 5 To General
Jreely , chief signal officer : Action
ontinues since early morning.
Losses quite heavy. Everything fa-
rorable to our arms. ,
Colonel Thompson is the chief sig
nal officer on the staff of General
Idaho Men Among the Killed.
CHICAGO , Feb. 6 A special to the
rimes-Herald from Boise , Idaho , says :
The following Idaho men are rejj
orted killed in Manila : „
Maojr Edward McConville , who
vas in command of the second bat-
alien , Idaho volunteers. fcP
Corporal Frank Caldwell , company fch
3 , aged 34 years ; born in Chicago ; h
inlisted at Harrison , Idaho. h ;
Private George Hall , company B ,
ged 25. Sweet , IdaKo. n
Private Ernest Scott , company B , nai
iged 21 ; born at Ashalnd , Wis. aihi
Private James Hensen , . company H , hi
5 years old ; 'born at Overton , Tenn. hifll
First Regiment Leads a Charge and Suffci
from Insurgents' I'lro.
Charles 0. Ballenger , Company L ,
Omaha ; Ralph K. Wells , Company L ,
Omaha ; Harry S. Hull , First Sergeant
Company A , York ; Charles R. Keckley ,
Company A. York ; Orrin T. Curtis ,
Second Sergenat , Company C , Beat ;
rice ; Davis Lagger , Company I ; Louis
Begler , Company F ; E. Eggen , Com
pany unknown ; James Pierce , Musi
OMAHA , Feb. 6. These nine Ne
braska boys , says the Omaha Bee , are
reported among the killed at Manila.
The First regiment was right at the
front of the fighting line and appar
ently was the heaviest sufferer from
the lire of the insurgents. It is not
known to what extent it contributed
to the list of wounded.
As in the former battle of Manila ,
it was one of the Nebraska boys , this
time Corporal Greely , who fired the
first shot when the natives attempted
to pass the outposts. The pickets con
sisted of Nebraska , Montana and North
Dakota soldiers and they held their
ground until reinforcements arrived.
In the furious charge which drove
the enemy from its uosition the Ne
braska boys captured several prison
ers , one howitzer and a very strong
position on the reservoir which is con
nected with the waterworks.
It is plain from the list of killed that
all the companies in the Nebraska reg
iment porticipated in the conflict. At
the hour of going to press but meager
information is available respecting the
Nebraska dead.
A cable message was received last
night from Manila signed by Captain
Taylor of the Thurston Rifles con
firming the killing of Ballenger and
Kells of his company , both privates ,
residing at Omaha.
Besides the First Nebraska the other
volunteer regiments at Manila are :
First California infantry , First Colorado
rado Iowa infantry
infantry , Fifty-first
try , First troop , Nevada cavalry , Second
end Oregon iniantry , First Washing
ton infantry , First Wyoming infantry ,
A and D California artillery. First
Idaho infantry , Twentieth Kansas in
fantry , First Montana infantry , First
North Dakota infantry , Tenth Penn
sylvania infantry , A and B Utah light
artillery and Wyoming light battery.
LONDON , Feu. . The Morning .Post
publishes the following account of the
lighting at Manila : The immediate
cause of the attack was an advance
by two Filipinos to the Nebraska out
post on the northeast of the city.
When ordered to halt they refused and
the sentry fired. An insurgent signal
gun was then fired from block house
No. 7 and an attack was immediately
begun on the Nebraska regiment. The
fighting soon spread on both sides un
til firing was in progress on all the
outposts around the city. The Ameri
can troops responded vigorously , the
insurgents fire being heavy and the at
tack evidently hurriedly planned.
Firing continued throughout the
night , with an occasional cessation
'rom half an hour to an hour at a
At daybreak the war ships Charles
ton and Callao began shelling the
north side of the city. Their fire was
followed later by that of the Monad-
nock on tne southern side , the insurg
ent positions having been previously
accurately located.
The Filipino loss is reported to have
been heavy. The wounded on the
American side are now estimated at
200. Few Americans were killed.
The Americans began a vigorous ad
vance all along the line this morning :
( Sunday ) and were soon rressi
back the insurgents in every direction
maintaining steadily their advanced
positions , and capturing the villages
of San Juan del Monte , Santa Ana.
San Pedro , Macati , Santa Mesa and
Lorn in.
The splendid police system prevent
ed a general outbreak in the city ,
though several soldiers were attacked
by natives in the streets. Lieutenant
Charles Hogan and Serg ° ant Wall
were shot by three natives , the former
being : seriously wounded and the lat
ter slightly.
Give Up Their Seats.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Feb. 6. The
nquiry ordered by the house of repre
sentatives as to what members had
'orfeited their seats by reason of ac-
epting other offices ended today with
L finding by a judiciary commission
hat Major General Wheeler , member
rom Alabama ; Colonel James R.
Liinpbell of Illinois , Colonel David G.
lolson of Kentucky , and Major Edward
3. Robbins of Pennsylvania had vaca-
ed their seats in the house by accept-
ng cofmissions in the army. At the
ame time the committee determined
hat none of the members of congress
erving on civil commissions had
hereby vacated their seats in the
louse. *
Heavy Firing on Both Sides.
MANILA , Feb. 5 : 8:15 p. m. The
Filipinos attacked the American line
rom Calvocan to Santa Mesa at 8:45
Saturday evening. There was a heavy
usillade on both sides and the artil-
ery was used.
The United States cruiser Charleston
.nd the gunboat Concord bombarded
he enemy.
The Americans lost twenty killed
nd had 125 wounded. The Filipinos
Dst heavily.
1VIieeler Ready for the Frny.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. G.
Jews of the attack on Manila has
gain aroused the military aidor of
lajor General Joseph Wfieeler. He
'ould accept an assignment at once
a the Philippines. He believes , liow-
ver , that more can be accomplished
ttrough the medium of diplomacy
ban by
Shock to the Administration. :
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. Admiral
lewey today cabled the navy depart-
icnt that hostilities had begun be-
ivcen the American army and naval F
jrces in and about Manila and tlu . I ,
hilippine insurgents. The insurgents
e said , had been the aggressors , an-1
ad been repulsed.
The news came like a shock , for the 9
'ministration , though apprised that
u ugly situation prevailed in the
hilippines , had clunc steadily to a
ope that by tact and patience actual
ghting might be averted.
Captain Welby , a young cavalry
officer , recently spent a furlough la
trudging 2,000 miles through Thibet ,
from Leb to Pekin. For fourteen
weeks he' and his party did not meet a
single human being and rarely saw any
vegetation higher than a wild onion.
They crossed one pass which was 19,000
feet in height , and for a long time
their food consisted only of yak fat.
The people generally hate an
"agent , " but it is rare you find an
"agent" who is not doing well. So it
doesn't seem to make much difference
when a man is unpopular.
Oh That Dellclonn Coffee I
Costs but Ic per Ib. to Grow. Salzer has
the seed. German Coffee Berry , pkfj. 15c ;
Java Coffee pkp. lac. Salzer's New Am
erican Chicory 15c. Cut this out and send
lac for any of above packages or send
30c and get all 3 pkgs , and great Cata
logue free to JOHN A. SALZER SEED
CO. . La Crosse , AV'ls. [ w.n.J
The stern man isn't always behind
in business affairs.
My doctor said I would die , but Piso'a
Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos
Holner , Cherry Valley , 111. , Nov. Ji'5 , "J3.
Why isn't the man who tips the scale-
at SOO pounds a high-weighman ?
FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness after
lirst day's u--e of Dr. Kline's ( ireat Nerve Uestnrer.
Send tnr FKEK S2.OO trial bottle and treatl.vj.
UB. R. II. UU.VE. Ltd. , Ml Arch St. ,
Why shouldn't children's gloves al
ways be of the "kid" variety ?
Coo's Congh Balsam
? * the olde t and best. It will lirrak up ncoldqutcker
thau anything else. It la always reliable. Try It.
Why isn't difference of opinion the
greatest common divisor ?
BIrs. tYInslow's SoothingSyrnp. .
For children teethln ? , softens the Rume , reduces In-
Summation , allays pain , cures wind colic. Mo a bottle.
Wisdom consists In Knowing whaf
j'ou should learn in order to be wise.
In my family for 23 years. Mrs. A. Sucbaneclc ,
Minneapolis , Minn. 25c. a bottle.
Chewing gum continues in favor
with females as a lockjaw preventive.
Opens February 23rd. In the Ozark Moun
tains. Delightful climate. Beautiful scen
ery. Unequaled medicinal waters. Cheap
excursion rates. Throuph sleepers via
Frisco Line. Adress J. O. Plank , Man
ager , Room H , Arcade , Century Building ,
or Frisco Ticket Office , No. 103 N. Broad
way , St. Louis.
Why is the lawyer's brief usually
such a. long and tiresome document ?
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination , but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
Co. only , and we wish , to impress npon
all the importance of purchasing' the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
only , a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the -worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the CALI
FORNIA FIG Srp.up Co. with the medi
cal profession , and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families , makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives ,
as it acts on the kidneys , liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them , and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects , please remember the name of
the Company
Partfcnlnrs and testl-j
moalals In plain sealed i
FRENCH DRUG CO. , 381 & 383 Pearl St. , Now York :
31ost smoked in a fctr boars with
Made from hickory wood. Cheaper , cleaner.
Knceter , and surer than the old way. S nd for
.Circular. E.KUACSKKA 11UO.JIHtunI a.
With Hog Cholera Vac
cine ViruH. Headers your
hogs iminuno from C'hol-
era and cur < * those af
fected. Any farmer can
so the Virus , fresh cultures daily. Put up in
ibcs ready for use for 30 anil fO lioss : price
:00 and $3.00. mailed to your address with full
" rections for u .in ? . upon receipt of price
"rite for testimonial- ! . Address , rilK
iVIXE VAtClXK FAISM CO. , 1' . O. Box
IS , 1'urKoii ? . Ixiinsutf.
securedornio * j llr turneJ. Senrrh free.
Coliaiiieritco..34 F St. . Wxsh 1 > * ' .