The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 13, 1899, Image 5

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All you who have
Como to the
and g-et a
pair of shoes
All other goods sold
at a reduction.
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6O,000
GEO. HQCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
IV. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEtittELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director A
RECAPITULATION , Showing the amount ou hand July r , 1898 , the cr llec
tioup- since made , warrants redeemed , aud amount remaining on hand at the
close of the 3ist day of December , 1898 , hi each aud all of the several funds and
accounts of J. H. Berge , Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska , together
with the total amounts of the several items stated.
.JLi tdMSfe „ * > C * j - . - , .
The Problem of the Future Life Had
the Dominant Intercut.
A reader of the "Life of Tennyson , "
by his son , will be struck by the facb
that no subject interested him so deep
ly as the problem of the future life. He
will also observe that it was always a
problem to him , one that he was con
stantly raising , that wonld not stay set
tled. To be sure , he was a believer in
immortality , bnt not a restful believer.
He was all the time digging up the
roots of his faith to be euro they were
alive. The old question wonld not stay
unanswered. The reader of his poetry
observes the same thing. He is always
on the side of faith , but of a somewhat
disturbed faith. He belonged to that
"metaphysical society" which invited
into its membership believers of all
shades , with all shades of nnbelievers ,
whose object was to raise and answer
doubts about God and the future life.
He was the spokesman of the scientific
doubt of the age , fluttering over the
dovecots of faith , but hardly settling
and resting and nesting therein.
One observes the contrast with this
fluttering faith who reads the poems of
Milton , with their aoidingjfaith in the
future life. This is the spiritual con
trast between "In Meraoriam" and
"Lycidas. " In Milton's requiem , even
under its paganized form , there is a ro
bust and jubilant faith in God and
eternal life. No question enters. The
mind and heart are satisfied. The dear
friend is beyond all doubt among the
saints and choirs above. One regrets
that Tennyson's mental structure per
haps could find positiveness and rest on
questions of politics or poetry , but
mnst perennially dnbitate to be sure ,
with the hopeful balance of probability
over questions of faith. "I believe I
know , " he once said , "the quantity of
every word in the English language
except scissors , " but one seems to de
tect a tremnlonsness in his best expres
sion of faith , "I hope to meet my Pilot
face to face , when I have crossed the
bar. " Independent.
Made From the Stoutest of Leather.
A Word About Hand Hold * .
The reins of a set of single harness
are each about 13 feet in length , those
of a double harness about 15 feet. For
business harness reina are made of
leather , tanned black ; the reins of car
riage harness are made of russet colored
Reins require to be very stout , and
they are almost always made of steer
hide , the leather of which traces are
made , these , however , being of more
than one thickness. Occasionally linea
for light or for cheap harness are made
of cowhide , but not often. As a rule the
best of leather is used for the reins ,
even in cheap harness. There can be ob
tained from the hides of leather suitable
for reins strips from seven to nine feet
in length , so that reins are always of
necessity made in two pieces.
The loops , or hand holds , often seen
on the reins of track or road horses are
commonly made of lighter leather
stitched together and then sometimes
stitched to the reins , bnt more often se
cured to them in such a manner that
they can be shifted on the reins to suit
the convenience of the driver. The
three loop hold , which is called the
Boston hand hold , is commonly used for
track driving. The single loop is the
one used by most drivers on the road.
There are patent hand holds made of
metal. The wooden buttons sometimes
seen on reins , used as hand holds , are
made in pairs , one button of each pair
having a stem , with a thread cut on it ,
which goes through the rein and is
screwed into the other button of the
pair on the opposite side. Now York
Sowing Pansy Seed.
During early October is a good time
for sowing pansy seed for next spring's
supply of plants for bedding out. The
reason for fall sowing out of doors is
that the plants are not then subjected
to the hot , drying influences of- the
house , which are so likely to bring on
red spider and other tioublcs.
Prepare a bed of very rich , porous
loam on a well drained location. Place
over it a fiamo to be filled with forest
leaves as a protection to the little plants
over winter. After sowing the seed in
the bed sift a very light covering of soil
over the seed , merely enough to hide
them. During the process of germina
tion never allow the bed to dry'out , as
moisture is essential to perfect germina
tion of any seed.
As severe weather approaches cover
the bed with a few inches of litter of
some sort , forest leaves being preferable.
At the proper time in the spring the
seedlings may bo pricked out of the soil
in the seedbed and transferred to the
bed in which they are to bloom. Wom
an's Home Companion.
One Day at n. Time.
It is a blessed secret , says the British
Weekly , this of living by the day.
Any one can carry his burden , however
heavy , till nightfall. Any one can live
sweetly , patiently , lovingly , purely ,
till the sun goes down. And this is all
that life ever really means to us just
one little day. Do today's duty. Fight
today's temptations , and do not weaken
and distract yourself by looking for
ward to things you cannot see and could
not understand if you saw them. God
gives us nights to stint down the cur-
bain of darkness on our little days. We
cannot see beyond. Short horizons
make life easier and give us one of
brave , true , holy living.
Worth IHscuBBlng- .
"Doctor , I don't know what's the
matter with me. I can't sleep nights
any more. "
"Um I Leti's see. What is your busi
ness ? "
"I'm a night watchman. "
"Ah , your case is a remarkable one.
: must write it up for our Monthly
Medical Record. " Chicago News.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TKIB-
UNK , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press . $ i oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly. . 400 300
Prairie Farmer . oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean . oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. . oo 150
New- York Tribune . po 125
Demorest's Magazine . oo 175
Toledo Blade . co 125
Nebraska Farmer . oo 165
Iowa Homestead . oo 175
Lincoln Journal . oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture . oo 150
New- York World . oo I 65
Omaha Bee . -oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine . oo I So
St. Louis Republic . oo 175
Kansas City Star . 25 115
We are prepared to fill orders for any "other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn , scald
cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve
the best in the world , will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures old sores
feyer sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns
all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold 'by McConnell & Co.
Try McMillen's Cough Cure.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you user :
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick ami nervous headaches
They make pure blood and strung nerves
nud build up jour health EHSV to take
Try them. Only 25 cents Money back
if not cured. Sold by McConnell & . Co.
New goods are now arriving : daily
at the "Bee Hive. "
Persons who lead a life of exposure are
subject to rheumatism , neuralgia am :
lumbago , will find a valuable remedy in
Ballard's Snow Liniment ; It will banish
pains and subdue inflammation. Price
25 and 50 cents. L. W. McConnell & Co.
THE TRIBUNE and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
The smallest thing may exert the great
est influence. DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers are unequalled for overcoming con
stipation and liver troubles. Small pill ,
best pill , safe pill. A. McMillen.
We have no dull days at the
"Bee Hive. "
When You Have a Bad Cola
You want the best medicine that can
be obtained , and that is Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
You want a remedy that will not only
give quick relief , but permanently cure.
You waut a remedy that will relieve
the lungs and keep expectoration easy.
You want a remedy that will counter
act any tendency toward pneumonia.
You want a remedy that is pleasant
and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the only medicine in use that
meets all of these requirements. This
remedy is famous for its cures of bad
colds throughout the United States and
in many foreign countries. It has many
rivals , but for the speedy and permanent
cure of bad colds stands without a peer
and its splendid qualities are every where
admired and praised. At McConnell's.
g. . . OF THE . . .
McCook Co-operative Building : and
Savings Association
on the 3istday of December , 1898.
First Mortgage Loans $ 28,763 22
Other Assets 42 71
Real Estate 4,020 Ao
Delinquent Dues and Interest 103 8 ;
Cash with Treasurer 405 4 ;
TOTAL S 33.335 6' '
Capital Stock , paid up S 21,072 10
Premiums Paid 845 70
Interest 29 69
Due Shareholders on withdrawals. 975 60
Matured Stock 8,200 oo
Interest on Matured Stock 140 59
Prepaid Dues and Interest 109 50
Contingent Fund 1,862 4 ;
TOTAL $ 33.335 61
State of Nebraska , Red Willow County , ss.
I , F.A. Pennell , Secretary of the above-
named Association , do solemnly swear that
the foregoing Statement of the Condition ol
said Association , is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
F. A. PENNELL , Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
day of January , 1899. C. II. BOYLK ,
Notary Public.
My commission expires January 15,1903.
Approved :
J.A.WiLCOX , J-Directors.
J.J.GARRARD , ) i-i3-4t.
Susan F.Calkins , formerly Susan F.Kneff )
John Calkins , J.E.Seeley , John J.Lsunborn ,
fames Wright , Amelia A.Wright , Citizens
Bank of McCook , and John Doe , real name
unknown , defendants , will take notice that
Anna M.Lockwood , plaintiff herein , has filed
ier petition in the district court of Ked Wil
low county , state of Nebraska , against the
said defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted on the first day of June , 1886 , by the
defendant , Susan F.Calkins , formerly Susan
F.Kneff , to one J.E.Seeley , and afterwards
duly assigned to plaintiff , upon the following
described real estate , to-wit : East half of
northwest quarter and lots number one and
two in section number eighteen in township
number one north of range number twenty-
eight , west of the 6th p.m. , said mortgage
) emg executed to secure the payment of her
one principal note of $600.00 , with ten coupon
nterest notes attached thereto for $21.00
each , evidencing the interest on said principal
note until its maturity , towit : June 1st , 1891 ;
hat there is now due upon the indebtedness
secured by said mortgage the sum of 5642.00 ,
with interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum on $21.00 thereof from December 1st ,
1895 , and on $621.00 thereof from June 1st ,
1896 , and plaintiff prays for a decree that the
defendant be required to pay the same or that
he said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount feund due , with interest and costs of
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 20th day of February ,
Dated this nth day of January , 1899.
ANNA M. LOCKWOOD , Plaintiff.
By W. S. Morlan , her attorney. 1-13-41.
Good , New , Seasonable Goods Goods
you want now = = we will sell at greatly -
ly Reduced Prices to make room
for Spring Goods.
Ladies' Jackets , Capes , Collarettes ,
Men's & Boys' Overcoats & Clothing
Dress Goods ,
Yarns , Blankets , Underwear , &c.
All included in this sale.
We have a good stock of all the above-
named items. Call now while
the assortment is good and \
get a bargain.
is up = to = date. We'll fill your orders
promptly. Try us.
THE . . . .
was ft
iftrjf r ifh"rfV : rflr W c ;
yyrsy ? * ge = gg ? ft J Jgcsg Tyrj Ta
< y O
§ Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000
. .
_ - ftr Jfcr iJV .Jfcr W ! l'J rJ r - fir ftr r
- ' -
Jt's 1 a t | ectr
Host in Quantity. Bostla Quality.
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies.
Q03JX > OEfZ.XjI * X > 3EtTJG-GrZSTS.
Prepared by * JAMES F. BALLARD , St. Louis.
At L. w. MCCONNELL & co.'s.