The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1899, Image 2

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F. At. KIMMEIX , Publisher.
* * " " B * * MWBM * BM.-n _ _ _ _ MH
McCOOK , - : - - : NEBRASKA
Gcrlng schools have closed on ac
count of measles.
Sveral cases o ! diphtheria and 'one
deathjirc reported in Utica.
A company has been incorporated to
build a creamery at Superior.
The new Congregational church at
Crawford was dedicated last Sunday.
Four hundred carloads of ice were
shipped from Gothenburg last week.
A number of stockmen near Oakland
have lost cattle from the cornstalk dis
Smallpox cases at Nebraska City ara
well in hand , and the excitement has
The dealers in Beatrice succeeded in
storing aboutG,000 tons of ice during
the late cold spell.
People in the vicinity of Superior
propose to celebrate the closing of the
year with a big wolf hunt.
Reports come from Manila of the
death of Private Taylor of the First
Nebraska of typhoid fever.
The pastor of the Congregational
church at Weeping Water received a
gold -watch as a Christmas present.
James Casey , a former hotel mana
ger of Omaha , has leased the Midway
hotel of Kearney and will take posses
sion January 1.
There is known to be tvvo cases of
smallpox in Siaplehurst. nine miles
northeast of Taniora. The schools
have been closed.
SantaGlaus appeai-ed all along the
line" in Nebraska making glad the
hearts of old and young. He was'ia'-JCli
more generous this year than last.
Albert Dierks of Fremont , son cf H.
J. Dierks , met his death while playing
about the cars in the Union Pacific
yards. He was struck by a hoc chute.
Asa Blackledge was badly hurt at
Bloomiugtcn by falling from a horse.
The road was covered with ice and the
animal fell with the rider underneath.
Miss Kitty Bothwell , who teaches
just outside cf Graftcn , was robbed cf
her purse , containing ? 30 and return
ticket , while waiting in the Lincoln
B. & M. depot.
Frank Smith and Otto Hoffman , two
neighboring farmers , living northeast
of Blccmiugton. got to fighting when
someone handed Hoffman a knife and
he cut Smith up very badly.
Sixty years ago last Tuesday Grand
pa and Grandma Woodard of Harrisburg -
burg commenced housekeeping , having
been married the October previous.
Mr. Woodard was IS years old , while
his wife was almost 17.
The offices cf the Western Travel
ers' Accident association were closed
at Grand Island and the records , furni
ture , etc. , were moved to Omaha where
the headquarters will be located in ths
future. WVth ihc.e offices go the cfh'res
of the Equitable Mutual Accident as
Eli McEride of Unadiila accidentally
shot and killed his wife. He was
handling his shotgun and it was dis
charged in seine way , the entire load j
cf shot entering her Icfl side on the 1
back , taking away one rib and spatter i
ing the wall with her Gesh.
The Sidney and North River Tele
phone company has completed its Una
to Redington and the following named
stations are now opened for business :
Higgins , Middlecreek , Davidson and
Redington. This same line will con
nect with La Peer and Bayard.
H. Needham , who sold his farm near
Cresco several years ago and went to
South Dakota to live , has returned to
Nebraska and boucht his old farm
back. He thinks Nebraska is good
enough for him. and is satisfied with
trying places which are = aH to he just
as good. "Stand up for Nebraska.
A petition is being clrculatad at the
agency , proposed at ths request of the
Omaha tribe , asking that they be given
a separate agent. They maintain that
they are neglected and that there is
business enough for two agents. Mr.
Chase , who drew the petition , says tna
it will be generally signed by bath
The patients at the state asylum ; n
Norfolk were given a merry Christmas.
Each patient received s. present of a
sack containing two oranges , two ap
ples , six ounces of candy and a quan
tity cf peanuts. In addition to the
regular bill of fare the inmates were
served with all the turkey and cran
berry sauce they cculd eat.
Postoffice officials have been notified
that the Burlington will extend the
run of passenger trains Ncs. 4.1 and 44 ,
from Grand Island to Broken Bow be
ginning January 1 , and Chief Clerk J.
M. Butier , cf the railway mall service ,
has recommended to the postoffice de
partment that the mail runs be also
extended that far.
Ole Seveson , who lives near Cresco ,
left two of his children at the house
while he drove to town. During his
absence one of them , aged about three
years , got hold of a bottle containing
carbolic acid and swallowed some of
the contents. Dr. Bush was hurriedly
called and applied the usual remedies ,
and the prospects seem good for the
child's recovery.
Stephen Davis , a former resident of
Beatrice and for the last year a resi
dent of Diller , was killed at Odell. Ha
had gone there to visit a brother. As
he heard the train whistle on which ,
he was to retforn home , he ran to catch
it As he reached the depot platform
the train was in motion , hin foot a
caught under the platform and threw
him under the wheels.
At the last session of the Board of
Supervisors of Dodge county each su
pervisor was directed to procure a
Christmas dinner at a cost of not to
exceed § 1 for each family In h % dis
trict who was worthy and unable to
procure a good dinner.
After being out twenty one hours
the jury in the case of Bonebrich ;
against Holbrook of Nebraska City ,
brought in a verdict in favor of B-nie-
bright. The case was an action m the
district court brought by Bonebright'a
wife claiming of G. A. Holbrock.
drugglsttho sum of $1,000 damages fop
the sale of intoxicating liquors to her
. .P..JI w
A Warn Time Over the Report Recom-
manding a Ticket.
Some Points in the Discussion oC Various
Subjects rayers Kcud by a Number
of Delegates The Recommendations
for LiesJi
There was a Avarm time at the an
nual election of the State Teachers'
association in Lincoln. The nominat
ing committee brought in a report
recommending the election of the fol
lowing cilicers : Piesrdent , C. F. Betlr-
deputy "state superintendent of ins true-
tipn , executive committecman , J. v.p.
Dinsmore of Beatrice ; secretary , Annie
B. Neeland of Box Butte ; treasurer , J.
B. Dalzell of Lexington. The fuht for
first place , which loomed up last night ,
at once became apparent. No sooner
Lad the report cf the committee bs n
read than the amendment vas offered
substituting the name of Prof. Charles
Fordyce of Wcsleyan university for
that of C. F. Esck. When the associa
tion emerged from the lire of motions ,
appeals and points of order which fol
lowed , it was found that the Fordyce
faction was at the top of the heap.
An amendment was adopted creating
a section for superintendents and
principals of schools. The constitution -
tion was also changed to allow each
section to select its own members of
the educational council as had been the
rule until Isst year.
The first paper en the projT"3 wi *
"Hew Can We Prevent Overcrowded
Courses cf Study ? " by SuperieteBdeat
J. T. Morey cf Kearney. H * acctptel
the paraiiel often drawn between in *
school system a d a mxeaiae and
agreed that the results were ranch tt
same In that each tried to turn cut
articles cf uniform quality and poUh _
The manufacturer and swperlniecdeat
alike are made miserable by tbe geaios
with his constant c'.alraa.for . new
things with merits yet r < rs * * tested.
Mr. Morey dwelt at soaw leiucta oa
the acknowledged delects oJ Hi * pw *
ent cramming system , aud gzte taurh
advice to patrons. teachers s d K > 'w4
boards , but left the problem a * vs
supposed to solve in tbe nm ? tmei-
tled state aa ia toe beginning.
The address by MI * * Sarah C.
Brooks , supervisor of primary * * k to
Jthe schools cf St. Paul. Mian. .
heard with Jem u mieret. S&e
for her subject. " .School EiTlroaw
Miss Brocks laid great strt * oa
help to be derived from goof ptctttr * * .
Accurate copies of great pale tier * rwa ?
sometimes bo secured at oall eot.
but even thesy are often beyond U
reach of schools. Photocmph * arc
valuable because they follow aatitr * ;
closely in everything except co'o * * , and '
we expect to have ifc&t later. TtM-1
great point in the selcticn of pitare
is that they shall b true to nature.
that the child may not form wn f iat- ,
pressions. The custom cf ceebral4a.j . i
the birthtiaya cf promhsen ; ea ta4 j
women was warmly cosuaended. i
Prof. U. S. Coan of Ways * look u
tiie questloa as to how far economy -
should be taught In the pnbHe tcJirota.
As a remedy for tie lack of thrift * a
many pupils the Kri3K3 bask plan
was urged. ThU had been tried In -
several localities with ssore or leas
success. Superintei.det Mouitoa of J
York , who ducussed the papr. said he ;
did not agree wholly 03 to making '
the getting of money so Important in j
the eyes of the ch'ld. More than :
enough of that greed fcr flaanc a ! gala j I
comes to him from outside forces. He ! ,
favored teaching economy In regard to j
the care and use of school prcpirty. j i
The educational council submitted a
report from its committee 01 legisla
tion , recommending the passage of
schools laws in the order of their im
portance as fellows :
1. Free high school attendance law.
2. Effective compulsory education
3. Bill establishing school district
libraries. j
4. Bill fcr providing suitable and
separate cut-houses.
5. Removal of six-mile limit , to en
able the formation of large districts.
6. Teachers' examination quarterly. ,
7. Bill relating to endorsement of
county certificates. !
8. Bird day concurrent resolution , j
9. Kindergarten certificates in State i
? Jcrmal school. 1
10. Requiring districts to file item
ized reports.
Any J'nroi. ! I
Lincoln dispatch : The Mills case j
from Harlan county has again corae to .
th)3 ) front on account of the strong ;
efforts being made to Induce Governor
Holcomb to either pardon or parole
Mills. The first movement in thin di
rection was made a copule of months
ago and many of the grand army people
ple took an interest In it. It seems
that therf was no politics in the move ,
as one of the most prominent workers
to secure the pardon was also one of
the most prominent fusionists of Uils
county , and who Is known to stand
very close to the governor. The plan
advanced by the workers in Mills' 1-e-
half was that the family of the im
prisoned man is in destitute circum
stances , that his wife is in delicate
health , and that the offense upon
which the sentence was based was ex-
aggregated. It is said that Governor j
Holcomb felt disposed to grant a
parole on account of the good showing
The news of the movement created
great stir in Harlan county , however ,
and it was ascertained that the senti
ment there was strongly against Mills.
Prominent people from that county
have recently called on the governor
snd entered strong protests against
any act of clemency.
IIo Must Answer.
"They have arrested me , but I have
done nothing to justify such treat
ment , " remarked F. J. Vanderberg ,
who was brought to Omaha from Sioux
City by Deputy United * States Marshal
Tracy , turned over to Marshal Thum-
mel and lodged In the Douglas county
jail to await trial in the United States
Vanderberg is under indictment ,
having been charged with using the
mails to defraud. Last winter he
came here as the promoter of a com
mercial college in which lie was the
president , secretary , board-of directors
and the whole thing. He ssnt out
large quantities of letters , promising
to furnish by mail the necessary in
struction for acquiring a business edu
cation. He charged from $ G to ? 15 ,
and at tiie same time agreed to furnish
books which give all the information
required. For this money he sent out
some leaflets and circulars , and that
was all that his students ever receive'l.
In November , 1SS7 , he was arrested by
Deputy United States Marshal Homan ,
and when his room was searched sev
eral bushels of letters from his dupes
were secured. All of these , which haj
contained money , drafts or postal or
ders , had been opened. The others
had not been touched. He was taken
before a commissioner , and after hav
ing been given a hearing was held to
court in bonds of $1.500. At the last
session of the grand jury he was in-
dieted , and when officers went to lo-
1 cate him it was discovered that he had
i ! jumped his toncl. A search was raado
! and it was learned that he was in
j j Iowa , whore 1m was arrested.
j i There is an indictment against Van-
j dorberg in Iowa , where he is accused
I of the sr.rae r.rimo that stands against
j him lirre. If be is not convicted in
Nebraska , ho wH ! be taken to Iowa for
Nebraska atVa ! iIt < ? toi.
Special to the Lincoln Joiiras ! : AJ :
Interesting runtor is aftaa ; U at oa
of the members of the drfegaUoa of
' th * upper house will shortly conlrae ;
a. marriage wlh the danshitr of a
I ieadlas eitlsen o < Ooutet. ThU ws
! aimed In oce of ihe Waahtasuta !
' papers yosteniey. and Is tit , ten' &MM * ; j
, his colleagues. Another Ucat of go * * j
sip of Interest to Nebr-uikaa * t * iiuc *
; te widow or aa exta ? of oorj
stele who resides la ite at vtii
- shortly marry a proajerat rtttesa l .
, Sallae couaiy. *
! Geaeral Colty. cazssa& ; < * ! s * ! * 8te |
j ocd brigs * * of the $ e ? < m4 div kw of ;
the Foarth corps K Asmtttaa , JU * It t
' in tie chy on a t&rt kas ? tS
General Colly l tfsts-vo tfcvt hi *
f pMh > * hl afi b ssifti osH of
* rrie ? ootll
' be wilt b * Karatsaftl ta kl e&xtrt * to
pr rett cb aeUs9 ca ac * 3H al
{ # xe * rai
at tfe * wr
A , H. Swart ,
> of te * Oixoa. Hi . l xr. ha & * * ; - '
potat d to
Joe m
| ! CbsMlct C. HeT nf
1of tiu ISM * | I ro gBil * J < 9 U * * * * * * *
to Waa&isj&Ki le re&e
nutlrtl f tfc Kort
sorJt inliMi trmif ,
In ffr r #
s Fran * a H ttAloa. < Mi9M > y A. T * 4
! boa te Ul t4 tftr *
t k *
A Uaeoln r T * p & 4 i rs * * Ta *
bamNr an4 tn * r * | fas 3i * *
are now to trim roc tt3a I * * * *
latur * freqtwnit * eU ac4 try Uttr i
rok ia tit * big but * Tai * It * * * - i
ally doseby filing at a wiwka * * I
who may be cttjpMt * ! la bchtai f up ?
the bras * ontacceet 01 tb tptmJtw ?
desk. If ibe orkta a yU * bark u ) * ,
a tlgTi teat be IUM b ard ae4 iJ > * * ! > j
or i at libeny { o plrk en : a * et win * f
b * stAadn. One old svtnfe mur rtv 4 s
some c ? the newer oar * by
perfectly stilt. No motion wa
left eyrltd. He explaleed that be
simply practician on ratcninc t
speaker's rye. as he had found
plan more effective than a load aoe ,
He admitted , however , that the Jn l
code inlicht be changed at this section.
but did not believe be would be slew
In catching on.
New matting has been laid In tne
corridors so that the tramp of fe t wil !
not disturb the legislative < rukt. OH
carpets ha\o been renovated and a ! !
the furniture shines with a fresh coat
ing that is guaranteed not to stick to
the trousers of even the heaviest maa-
Inquiries at the hotels roreals ( that
mo&t members have written that they
will occupy their rooms Monday.
Many members now in the city boli'ive
tbe early bird ifi most successful.
They think nrarlv all mnmbors will
he in Lincoln by Satunlay night.
Tim Sj .Ji'i CrUIrNcil.
In the XekruiiKa L'Uucattoral ronvcn-
tlon Hon. Hemy hauin , tx-sup-nn-
tendent of the lov/a sohoo's. on
the subject : "A New Go iioi ct liJJu-
cutioii/ and shov/cd up v/Jiat he ( Iceinn
the lallacic. } ot ttie system now in
voguy. He made a plea lor It'fss UUk
about cluiiafter biiiialng and rr.oiv
work to iisriist charncter giowih. fu-
round the child with good inlliiPiic R
and natiiro will fice to his chnraetor.
HeR \ entitled to more tliun Rci"titillc
teaching , for hu is an Immortal , 10-
sponsible being. Out of Instructlm
coins.H strcngrii. livery child should
draw fion it power to do its very ben } ,
the enthusiasm whic-h makes Hfj
worth living , and com ago to fi : e every
situation. Mr. Sabin found nnu-li feood
in some of the new niMlioils , luil iiiwd
that they should not hide the U'aclief.
The living inipcrsoinl'.cn ' of the
teacher behind is what makes any
method v/orth using. The g'owing
tendency to push the child faster than
ho can well go wus cilc'l us one of I he
worst evils of our proscnl By.-tfin. Two
important things have yel to b
learned first , respect for the individ
uality of the child , and se'-ond. respect
for the individuality cf lh < ? t'lichcr.
Ilcjoius HK |
Corporal John Jacobs , cf the Twelfth
regular infantry , who lought in all of
the Cuban battles , has been homo
at West Point fcr povcral incnths , and
left last weak to join his regiment ,
which is stationed at Jefferson Bar
racks , Mo. lie tame homo ou thirty
days' sick leave in August , but had to
have his leave extended saveni ! times
on account of his severe illnea. Ho
expects to leave scon for Manilla.
Union Pacific engine No. 1.100 han'ol
a string of seventy leaded freight cars
from Grand Island to South Omaha.
Taking forty feet as the average length
of the cars In the tiain the total length
would be nearly half a mile. The en
gine handled the train with wise.
si 001 ai
The Government Urged to Support
the Panama Measure ,
A Sr. Potowbnrff Taper S.iy * Alt Has
Changed b.v the War With Spain nnd
America's Now Territory In tUo t'.tr
PAWS , Dee. 31. The Xe\v York
Herald's European edition prints the
following : lluasia is evidently begin-
ninir a campaign against the Xicnrajrua
canal. The I\ovoe-Vrcmya of St.
1'etorsbtirg pubHshes an article not
only Xvarmly advorating the Panama
scheme , but filled with bitter dislike
of the Uniiexl States. The writer ays i
the prcdotniaancu of the United States
would have been desirable for , Uu&ia ]
a few years ngt . bet all Uiis has i
ch&u ed since thu last vr&r. |
The writer gee * on to sty thai , bar. !
inff despotic 1 po r Spain. lh * t'niud
States has beoooes cooaix ! party * d |
an Asiatic power.
-Kor tuay : & Jioaroo doeiHtt9 erf |
JLmerk * lor Anttrtoaa * . which Urn r *
\hs other Uovtdao : Jsai A er taui * > 5
DUQtun mu fae
.h < Yank * * * . * h *
Urric * inXo open e MBMriUUaa wisln MI "
in Cbiea Jka4 Corrsv Thrjr haf
far xl U
For UU
* *
it rmnMiii la
Tfc *
* *
t * Ufc * Itifc * * * * * * * I * * *
MI Item * * * * > *
* M
law in
* c * * ,
i * > r t - , f i
Ic-ft tfe , t t * si&f
Th * M l > * * . " ! f.-
Xcwrk i .
cpirtpi f r t
with Ctoneral llatr en.i -'a.'T and tt <
Sixth Ohio Tb ? Mwmt ra j
for HaTana trith a bvts ; ;
First refnlar lafkjatry.
OC r bnt ,
31 , The
linn thnl the I'nMcd ht t < p y the
soldiers of the Cnban army ot llbera- >
tion on condition that they lay down
their Arra < and ti.sperse. nil ! be
u-nviiiiy ititlorHctl hi a commnnication .
\vhieh Secretary Aljfjr will sentl to '
t'ongrress. The decision of the seerr- *
tury has the approval of the
7'lui Sohllvri IUo ' Out the On * . (
SV.NN. . \ . ( Jn , Dec. 31. Corporal s
Marshal \Villinins of Company K i
Is'inth Illinois re riiUPiil , 'tt" foutul
dead in : i house to-day. asphyxiated by
ff.'is. His ooinpnniun. ( 'iirp-trftl Jsime *
Neu'inini of the cant t'onipxiiy. H un-
eoti.seious. It is suppos.'il they were
intoxicated nnd that they blew out the
The D ! > U 1'ivtc Croin Alnlii >
CAI.UMII' , iSlieli. , Dee. , tl Jerry Mur
phy , a miner living in Calumet , sold
his \ > \ SI. Hermird , "Uurnoy , " to u
IClondiko purty eifrhteun months } fo.
The do/r / wtia'lnken to Dnwrnui Cily
mid performed jfooil nervlee. I < tist
nijrlit , "H.irney" icuppeured nt Mnr-
pliy's homo in Cnluinul. lloh
baulc from Alaska i n
A IHjj Urnji In lmi 14
I'oitr Hron , Kui. , Dee. : tl. A full
of HI deffroos in tlie lemperaluu1 In
SoutlicnnL Ivunsas lii'U. nljfht i- < report -
ed by Weather Observer Dlllat'd yfthli
.Nino iUmilli * of I'liinxN NlrlUo.
I'ANA , 111. , Joe. : il. It N nine
moiiUis to-day "Jiinee t lie union miners
left the pit1 } xvliieh ur no\v opentiod
by iiegrocH. The strikers reeolved
from the .sluto organisation to
day to conltnuu the Hl
NKW Our.itANH , Dei III. At Ihu olos-
mg1 of the Southern Edueallonnl asso
ciation to-daj' , a rcsolutiun deolarltiff
uniformity of text-books harmful to (
the best educntiontil Interests were
A Justice IioIO3 GllUUia's Slayer With
out Hail.
CARTHAGE , ? Jo. , Dec. 31. The argu
ments in tha preliminary hearing1 of
John D. ilcCriliis , charged Avith the
murder of W. J. Giifilia i , were com
pleted at G o'clock last nijjht and at 10
o'clock this mornintf Justice Gnriand
rendered his decision , holding' the de
fendant without bail.
Attorney Gray created soniethinjr of j i
a sensation by charging the justice ! I
with having- been imposed upon by | l
letting himself bs taken to the home :
of 3Irs. GilriihiB.widow of th dead j 1 1
man. for the signing cf her testimony , j
"The attorneys for the projection j
were there. " saitl he , "bat neither 1 ]
nor John 3rfcCrillu. knew najlhuijf '
about it. Hut I do not bbune you. |
| They took i d nature o year * jt cJ
] coa4ttoa. * *
J Theejs of xb * rett rbi * jiie *
Ucd with iear * M fct * aid : " 1 had
! no iaientioa o doing anjt inff
j 1 only treat tfare to a e fccr from
hkTiBf to eowe daw towa M . U |
wa * i my sagy * ilea U * kww MM ! -
1 iafea all UM
A. i : J J.a I
hat * urird U > < ! a WT dttty ia 1LU MM-
ter. to whiri IMV&i * two t * 4t * ;
n TOi : "H U
Tommy , t tow *
ti *
PUCES F0 iuUfu UDftS.
. . . .
* C C * U. 4- . * * *
* * * " * * v * I * . - J ' * * * . *
M * cA * - : , . f -
. * * v
"i.r . * * * * ( , * ,
l ' . .
S > * * J M
rf > . 1 *
f - V-Wtt <
ft. 5 1 * , '
I s ? * * l > 4 ft 5
t .
1 * '
- V
Ifir ; * * * t 1 * > \ - -
.v tTii" * ; * "i.t ? "
sn * * t1 * i- > i * , - >
! mt for
mak- him a mi i' < nii r
inm H iml < ? r oti. the tW
olopecl < with hi * form r w4fp , < i U < n
< l < TSHn , lust wwh ldy. . n-i n
married * t Inicpcaicmx ! > Mrv itn
ilsrson eloped lasi nmmr ith t'- >
Ucv. K. K lltiweU , the t. > lnn.
ppearhor. utter he h l Hiivl
burn hU hotnc for tlio uiMirntuv
py. Ilio p 5rrerv o.tplurtH ! ill
ffo , Kau. llefow hi * trial lon < H
inUtoil suleUlo nt l l the lit * oo
era to , 1'inM i.
to l\v , >
at onet >
1U < bcjjRn to enU > n her * t the home
her brother. JefC I'ofVnmii VheA left
'i * home nl
KMWHUW SritiNnn. M . IXv 3
Tluvt > oftloor-H u h >
old man named \llon for ol
tlu hljfhuuyoiv vp tstod >
Alli'ii liaiTlomlod hliuwlf lu hi1 *
oult \ \ und ffout h > op holi'a ttrvd on Ilu
ollli'ofs T\\o of lluMUtfiv \vo UM < *
A Inrjjo piu-ty. tu-tuod with \\tnehettov ] '
rlHi'S , tin * * vurrouudod the honsi\ but '
AI Ion hov.s no MI U * of i\jvn > udov j ,
\ , ) i . M A IVvIn
totho Ij-MfliMi N'nndu'd x \ : "A lot !
eKraiii fi' > > ni ltottord\m : nunounoe-tthnt
r > nitrt l'.sttM'h.iy hns beetv tdityluit
there Bhioo Hoeember U > . 1Un doptxvt
\ueforAinerien h re ar led n Imml-
nonl. "
I'oUrtiM'H l"iruchiMKii tlllloO ,
VIIMOHIA. Uco. .11 The NViUThuoo ,
from Honolulu nnd Auntviilln , bvtu 1 *
news of a ronol't at StvitlV : How
ennitt nnd thlrtoon tuonof the l-Vo oh
warship Knuo l\nd boon Iclllod In the
New Hebrides by natives * .
Good Proprietary K mcdlea and Cail.
By S. J. Edwards , M. D.
[ From American Journal of HsalthJ
Had Darwin pursued his researches
into the domain of proprietary reme
dies he might have aptly paraphrased
his famous dictum and remarked that
"the fittest survive. " proprietary
remedy comes and goes wita as much
regularity as the budding and fall o
the foliage of the yeaSoice reme
dies are perennial , however , and public
esteem will aever saner tneot 10 dl-
appear. These survive became they
are IB direct contrast to tbe cm *
which hare ao bad * of merit to * P-
port them , sad waiea m * t with taeir
Just , acd aatxmj tfi ftn oMTTifr ) )
There i * always room fcr what cor. * ,
bat the pabiic wearied at ta *
appearance * of aoouma a/t--
wkicb are tried octy la rala ,
arowa to bar * IitU ptilsStC * w Ci
lmpad > nt pretraJoea cf
tbeir product' M > ilra
ibat 9foof fUft r a * 4t * r U
atemls are t ife
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