V * JS No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period be- fore/her little ones are 'jorh. Neglect or improper treatment tjien endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. \ is the one and the only preparation * - that if cafe to use. It is u linimen lh.it penetrates from the outside , i'xierzi. * ! applications are eternally i .tht. Internal medicines are radi caiiy v.-rr.tt . They arc more than hu-.lib'.icjs they endanger life. Homer's Friend helps the muscles to rci.L : ; and expand naturally re- i.cves morni : ; < sickness removes tlic cau.se of lurvousiic&s and head- aclis prevents hard and rising "briiasUj sliortens labor and lessens t'u ' pains and helps the patient to iauU recovery. Fror.7 a. leller byaShrcveport , La. , vctr.au : " [ have been using your v oriilerfiil remedy , Mother's Friend , for the last two months , and find it just as recommended. " = = * ' 't at SI per bottle. THE BRADRELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Send fcr our fry * Hlusfated book , ' Before ! 3aby is ISorn. " Mid-Winter Holiday Rates Account Chriblmns and New Year Hol- . Tickets \\ill be sold between potnls iii Missouri , Iowa , Nebras-ka and Kansas , not over 200 miles apart , at fare and one-third for the round trip. Be tween points in Colorado , Wyoming , Montana and South Dakota at fare and one fifth for the tuund trip , sufficient be ing added to make rule end in naught or five. Tickets to be sold December 24 , 24 , 26 3ist. 1898 , and January i , and 2 , 1899. Final limit of 11 .tickets to be January 4 , 1899 A. P.THOMSON , Agt. The sooner a cough or cold is cured uitliout harm to the sufferer , the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hack ing cough > is distressing. One Minute Cotu > h Cure quickly cures it. Why .suf fer when such a cough cure is within reach ? ' It is pleasant to the taste. A McMillen. . . To Reduce'Stock C. L. DeGroflT& Co. are selling Cloaks , Clothing and Overcoats at „ greatly re duced prices. It will pay 3-011 to call and see their stock before you buy. - - - . . - - - - _ . McConnell's Balsam cures coughs A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn.srald , cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the best in the world , will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores , fexer sores , ulcers , boils , felons , corns , all skin eruptions Best pile cure on earth Only 25cts , a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by L. W. McConnell & Co. THK TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. * The disposition of children largely de pends upon health. If they are troubled with worms they will be irritable , cross , feverish and perhaps seriously sick. White's Cream Vermifuge is a worm expeller and tonic to make them healthy and cheerful. Price 256. ; at McConnell's. Trees for Sale. Fifty large Cottonwood trees , three miles southwest of town. For particu lars call at the office of J. E. Kelley. - In sluggish liver , Herbine. by its ben eficial action upon lhe biliary tracts , ren ders the bile more fluid , and brings the liver into a sound , healthy condition , thereby banishing the sense of drowsi ness , lethargy , and the general feeling of apathy which arise from disorders of -the liver. Price soc. I/.W.McConnell. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LaxativeUromoQuinine-Tablets- All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. . Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trou ble and cure sick headache , biliousness , inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small , sugar-coated , don't gripe ot cause nausea. A. MCMilleu. De Witt's Witch Hazel Sa Cares Piles. Scalds. Burns Frazer Axl@ Grease ITI 3 $ 3j | i Mot affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. pRAZER YortuCO , , Factortes : Chctago , St. Louis , New Yortu tt Colic & Cholera Cure , leasaat , Ofuck Aesalta , S fe to take. Patronize Uncle Sam. Uncle-Sam desires UK to nnnoiuu-c ilmt he still has about. t\vo liundriul boxes , call end lock , in ihe..McCook p istoffice. for rent. The now quarter will com mence on January ist. Call I.nxe * cost 25 cents per quarter , l ock and combination - nation boxes 50 cents a quarter. Every box in the McCook postoffice ought U be rented. Commence the new year bj being an owner of a box yourself , Th convenience well repays the expense am an over-crowded general delivery will be relieved thereby. Writing pnner in bulk ami box , will envelopes to match , at very leusoimbl figuies TUB TRIBUNE In biliousness , Herbintr , by expelling from the body ihe excess of bile anil acids , improves the assimilative' process es , purifies the blood and tones up urn" strengthens the entire system. Price 5oc. L W. McConnell & Co. A copy of Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio for IDC. The series of 12 for ? i. A't THK TRIBUNK office. Evorlst & Marsh Those prompt and obliging meat innr- ket men , have everything seasonable. In addition to those superb export cuttle , for the holiday trade , they have a full supply uf everything that goes with an up to-date , first-class meat market. Just renu tuber this when ordering 3'our Xmas turkey , oysters , cranberries , cel ery , etc. Nobody more accommodating Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutelv certain cure for croup , such us One Minute "Cough Cure. See that your little ones are pro tected against emergency. A. McMillen. A nice new line of vest pocket memor andums at THE TRIBUNE office. I ! ! 'CURES ' NOTHING BUT PILES. , A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ! known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOtD BY AXJ.T > RUGGISXS. roilr BICHA2DSOJT USD. CO. , S3. LOUIS. At L. W. HcCONNELL & CO.'S. WAKE" American Beauties F.C. eoe Lengths * NEWEST MODELS. FANCY MD PLAIN. KALAMAZQO eORS SOLE MANUFACTURERS. ' SOLD BX 3VIKS. M. E. BARGER. McCook } VIarkets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn . - - . $ .25 Wheat 43 Oats . ' 20 Rye . - T. 39 t Barley , . . ' 30 Hogs r- 2.75 Eggs : 22 Dutter 15 Potatoes . .40 For broken limbs , chilblains , burns , scalds , bruised shins , sore throat and sores of every kind , apply Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will give immediate relief and heal any wound. Price 250 and L , . W. McConnell & Co. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident , of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia the subject , is narrated by him as follows : "I was iu a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow , eyes sunken , tongue coated , pain continually in back and sides , no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately , a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters ; ' and to my great joy and surprise , the first bottle made an improvement. I continued their use for three weeks , and am now a well man. I know they saved my life , and robbed thegraveof anothervictim. " No one should fail to try them. Only Sods. , guaranteed at McConnell's. X [ OFFICIAL HY AUTHORITY , ] Commissioners' Procoedlntrs. McCook , Neb. , December 23.1898. Board of county commissioners met pursu nut to adjournment : Present , Stephen Holies , James A. Robinson and Henry Cra trcecom missioners , llurlow \ V.vKeyes , county at torney and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting read am ! approved The following official hlfflih were examine * and on motion approved : W. R. Starr , county attorney. ASSESSORS , M. H. Cole , Colcman precinct. j- R. E. Divine , Perry precinct. Andy liarber , Kritsch precinct. x/ Frank Al Fitch , Driftwood precinct lK > UoodenberKer , Danbury precinct. J/LclIortdn , Lebanon precinct. - II. H. Kuhlmnn. NortH Valley precinct. NVnu M. Nint , Mo. Ridge precinct. Felix Wilhm , Valley Grange ; recinct. K W. Weaver , Hondville M. M. Vounj : , Ucaver precincU W.O. Dotlds , justice of thVpeace. Tyrone precinct. John E. Tirrill , justice of Jhe pence , Valley Grange precincL John U. Go.rely , constable Tyrone precinct. 'nOADOVKRSKKRS. * * Ira 11. Harrison , districj ofo ? * s John Feichtncr , districtTNdjiiS. Js ti , . J. Junker , district No. 22. f Milton Leopold , district No. 24 * " ; Frank Forbes , district No. 26.- C. E. Likens , district No. 32. " r A. Peters , district No. 37. The follouing claims weie audited nnd al lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on county jjencral furiil in pay ment thereof as follows : James F. Toy , erroneous tax sale , . . . . . $29 10 Barnett Lumber Co , coal , . . . , „ . . . 7 oo George Younger , calling election board. 3 So P. A. Brewer , use of b'kh ; . for election , . 400 * District No.35 , same , 3 oo District No. sS.same , a-oo Leisure Bros , poffin and nails , 531.50 , allowed , 26 50 Mitchell Young , putting up booths " i oo S. C. Boyer , director district No. 4 , use of building for election , 3 oo * Joseph Mennrd , same , 250 P. J. Colling , removing booth &c , W. C. Bullard & Co. , coal 13 05 Wm. McCallum , mdse , 255 oo C. H. Meeker , rent offices , 66 66 J.C. Oakley , board and care of paupers , 23 58 State Journal Co. , supplies , 20 50 DeGroff & Co , mdse. ( or paupers , 7 26 F. M. Kimmell , supplies , 14 90 Joseph Menard , mdse. for paupers , 17 95 James Me Adams , same , rj So And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as follows : G. B. Dimitt , road tax refunded , I 23 W. G. Higby , sharpening road plows , . . 75 \V. Hickhng , road tax refunded , 5 63 Mary Lang , same , 24 87 J. W. Corner , same , 90 \V. A. Minniear , same , I 51 Ira H. Harrison , sharpening road plows , 40 J. W. Dutcher , same and nails 65 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as follows : BarnetL Lumber Co , , lumber , 8 60 W.C.BulIard& Cosame . . . . . . .115 So S. M. Cochran & Co. nails and spikes , . . B 35 Sam Hughes , hauling lumber and build ing bridge , 15 oo A. Peters , hauling lumber , 2 oo I. R. Harry , same and bridge work , 4 CO Luke Hayden , bridge work , * . 2 50 R. II. Thomas , same , 3 oo James llatfield , same , 3 75 Adolph Schmidt , same , 2 50 A. N. Puckett , same , I 50 Resignation of A. B. Wilson , constable East Valley precinct , read and on motion accepted. On motion board adjourned to meet De cember 24,1898. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. McCook , Neb. , December 24,1898. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , lames A. Robinson and Henry Crabtreecom missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. The following claims were audited and al lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on county general fund , levy of iSgS.in payment thereof as follows : C.B. Gray , fees , state vs. lucker , $3 40 Isaac M. Smith , same making arrest , oo Ed Jordan , same subpoena witnesses , . . . oo Sarah J. Houchin , same witness , 00 Win. Huber , same , oo Geo. Lundy , same , oo Chas. Dewey , : oo C. B. Gray , same , order of arrest &c oo Isaac M. Smithsame , making arrest , . . . I oo G.C. Boatman , fees , insanity case , Black- fan 10 15 W. V. Gage , same , II oo f. E. Kelley , same , 6 oo f. R. Neel , same , n 35 C. C. Sibbett , same , attendance and mile age , 4 20 Wm. Smith , same , 4 20 [ . M. Smith , same , 23 30 L. Goodman , clothing for Sam O'Con- ner , n 35 W. A. McCarty , coffin for pauper , 15 oo A. P.Welles , M. D. , medical service un der contract , 75 ° ° LI. Crabtree , transportation for pauper , 2 60 H. Crabtree , services as commissioner and mileage , 29 oo f. A. Robinson , same , 26 50 Stephen Belles , same , 29 50 And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as Follows : fennie Gold , road tax refunded , $ 69 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as 'ollows : W. S. McTaggart , bridge work and ma terial $ il 50 The following official bond was examined uid on motion approved : W. C. Shockley , justice of the peace , Beaver precinct. ROAD NO. 331. Petition of C. Jensen , and others asking for i public road read and considered. The joard finds that all owners of land along line > f proposed road have given consent in writ- ng thereto. On motion same was granted istablishing a public road as follows : com- nencing at the northeast corner of section , township 3 , range 28 and running west one nile and terminating at the northeast corner ) f the same section. On motion county treasurer is directed to Tzjnsfer one thousand dollars from the county jriclge fund to the county general fund. On motion board adjourned to meet January 5,1899. Attest : R.A. GREEN , County Cleik. To Reduce Stock C. DeGroff & Co. are selling Cloaks. Clothing and Overcoats at greatly re- iuced prices. It will pay you to call jud see their stock before you buy. EHsha Berry of this place says he never liad anything do him so much good and jive such quick relief from rheumatism is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until he used this lini ment , which nffords prompt relief. B.F. Baker , Druggist , St. Paris , O. For sale by L. W. McCounell , Druggist. You can't afford to carry in coal in rour apron when 15 cents will buy a ijood coal hod at S. M. Cochrau & Co.'s. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. McMilleu's Cream Lotion. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ol readers of THE Txin- ONir , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with Till : TRIBUNE nt the following very low prices : VU LICATON. KICK. Detroit rrce Press Jioo fi 50 Leslie's Weekly. . . . . 400 300 } Prairie Farmer..i. . * . . too 135 Chicago Inter-Ocean. . . . . . . . . i oo i 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. too { 50 Ncxv-York Tribune. . , . . . . . . . . too 125 Dcmorest's Magazine I DO 175 Toledo Blade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i oo 135 Nebraska Farmer. I co 165 Iowa Homestead. . . . . . . ' . . . . . lee 175 Lincoln journal. . . . . . r. co 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture too 150 New-York World .v Too 165 OmnhaBee. . . . , i co 150 Cosmopolitan MagMinc. . . . . . I oo t So St. Loin's Republic. . . I oo 175 Kansas City Stnr. . . . . . . 25 115 \Ve are prepared to fill orders for anv other papers published , at reduced rates. THKTRIUUNK , .McCook , Neb , There are few ailments so uncouiforU- ble as piles , but they can be readily cured , by lining Tnbler's Buckeye Pile Ointment j Relief follows its use. unit any one suffering - ' ing from piles cannot afford to nrglccl to give it a trial. Pric r , 500 in bottle * ; tube * 75C. L W. McConnell & Co. McConnell's Halsaui cures coughs. | Box Elder Circuit. j * " Sunday-school at Box KIder church i every Sunday at 10 a m. Church services' ' at u a. m every two weeks dating from ! Sunday. Dec 4. Sunday-school at Red t Willow school house every Sunday t 2 p. m. Church service nt 3 p. m. every two weeks dating from Sunday , Dec. 4. Sundiix-school at Garden Prairie ap pointment every Sunday at 10 a. m Preaching at II a. m. every two weeks ) dating from Dec H. Preaching service 'at-Spring Creek at 3 p ui every two , \\eeks dating from Dec n D. L MATSOX. Pastor , i I < ate to bed and early to rise , prepares j u man for his home in the skies. Bui \ early to bed and a Little Early Rfcer , the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNK will club with any paper - ( per you may want. Try it. That Throblhfir Headache. Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless ! nerit for sick and nervous headaches ! Chey make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back f not cured. Sold by McConnell & Co. Tim TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve is the implacable ene- iiy of sores , b"uriis ancl wounds. It neVer ails'to cure piles. You may relv upon t A. McMillen. Tablets ancTBox Papers. You will find a fine line of tablets ami > ox papers at this office for sale at very easonable figures and of the best qual- ty. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute ? ough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup , bronchitis , pneu monia , grippe and all throat and lung [ iseases A. McMillen. THK TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade or $1.25 a yeat , strictly in advance. Try McMillen's Cough Cure. A cough is not like a fever. It does lot have to run a certain course. Cure t quickly and effectually with One Min- ite Cough Cure , the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We ecouimend it because it's good. A. Mc Millen. When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha- el Salve don't accept a counterfeit or mitation. There are more cases of piles ) eing cured by this , than all others coui- > ined. A. McMillen. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. J2r-Age.nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. ® All dental work done at our office is guar- nteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of 3rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. 0. L. EVERIST & CO. , PROPRIETORS OF THE VlcCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. J IT'Only furniture van in the city. Office one block north of Barnett Lumber Yard. Leave or- Lers foi bus calls at Commercial lotel ; ordeis for dray ing at Ev- erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. ) oo DROPS For Infants and CMMrtiu tfie Kind You Hav. Always Bought slmUating tteToodaodHegu Bears tlie Signature PromotestHesUonjCkcifuI- nessandBestCoflUIas neither Opuin.'Morphin& oof UfacxaL of A perfect Hemedy forConslipa- lion. Sour Stonach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimue Signature of # Z r YORK. Always Bought. At 6 mojvlKv old IXACT COPT OF WHAPPEB. rs rs Wave , , t * on pHtiiot ami put n on yours becau > < yon love "Old Glorv. " ildren Patriotissn , The Omnhn Weekly Bee has n plna whereby school ilislrict cnn socnre i flftg : without tAxntk i . Let the pupils get the ilr.g niul they will love it I1 ih MOT * . Write for particulars. Three sizes of Flags--8 feei , 10 feet and 12 feet. If not n subscriber to The Weekly Bee , write for sniuple. or send lOc for ton week's trial. Only Goo , R yenr for the biggest nnd best weekly in the west. THE WEEKLY BEE , Omaha. When You Have a Bad Cola You want the best medicine that can ) e obtained , and that is Chamberlain's rough Remedy. You want a remedy that will not only ; ive quick relief , but permanently cure You want : i remedy that will relieve .he lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will counter- let any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is plcas.mt i ml safe to tnke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only medicine in use that neets all of these requirements. This emcdy is famous for its cures of h.xd : olds throughout the United State * nnd n many foreign countries. It has many ivals , but for the speedy and permanent : ure of bad colds stands without u peer md its splendid qualities areevorywhcte ulmired and praised At MeCouucU's. Notice. The annual meeting of the McCook Electric Light Co. will be held at thr : ompnny's office on Monday , January a , 1898 , for the purpose of electing officers or the ensuing year. V. W.CAKKUTH , Sec. A Thousand Tangos Could not express the i until ! c of Annie 3. Springer , ol 1125 Howard st. , Phtlu- lelphui , Pa , when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption lad completly cured her of a hacking : ough that for man'years hud made life i burden. All other remedies and doc- .ors could give her no help , but she sajs ) f this royal cure "it soon removed the 3ain in my chest and I can now sleep ioundly , something I can t > cnrcely le- nember doing before. I feel like j-ouud- ng its praises throughout the universe. " 3o will every one who tries Dr. King's Slew Discover } ' for any trouble of the hroat , chest or lungs. Price 500 and 5i. Trial bottles free at McCounell's Irug store. Every bottle guaranteed. Have you a cold ? A dose of Ballaul's rlorebound Syrup at bedtime will remove t. Price 250 and soc. McCouuell & Co. Plumber and Steam Fitter AtcCOOX , ATSS. iioiv. Load , ami Sown FSp * S * * > Goods. Pumps , and fk > U' TnwMi * * Agent for HalRdav. \ \ * pww. to v" \\indmills Phillips bui't D r. isnroi ? . rr . BANK OF DANBURY } , DANBUMY. NK13 * > * A Gcuovul Itonkinff li\wuw With lllK MvVvVK \ * \ will ivcctxc j > iowptul \ < * < x' ' > > c tiou. SubnetM tlo * u 'VAv.t \ - , V - . 0 iov \v ' V UOSVITA1 Ur. W. V. OAOU McUook , - - - ORiccnntl Olficc hours nt 1-cfore 9 . m. uil \ \ McCook y