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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
\ M'COOK TRIBTJNS . V. M. KIMMHLL , PnblUher. McCOOK , NEBRASKA NEBRASKA. Woodmen "of Wymoro hava dedi cated their new hall. The Methodists of Holbrook have de cided to build a church. Adams county old settlers held their heunion in Hastings last week. North Loup people are making an effort to secure a public library. The house of C. A. Weston , Madison county , was destroyed by flre last week. There are over 2,000 head of cattle taow on feed In the vicinity of Walce * field. Owing to the removal of H. J- Welt $ Thurston county is now without a. county attorney. J. T. Wilson of Nance county has a broken leg , resulting from a horse he was riding falling on him. The American bank of Sidney reports that their deposits have increased over $20,000 in the last few weeks. * The trustees of the Methodist church of North Platte have decided to at once begin the erection of a new building to replace the one which was burned recently. W. R. Olmstead of Winslde cultivat ed ten acres of suear beets the past season but lost the major portion of them on account of being unable to secure help to harvest the crop. Judge Powell of Blair sentenced "Couse" Button to two years in the penitentiary for forging a pay checx on the railroad company at that place to Station Agent S. WChambers. . Madison Methodists have just dedi cated a new church. On the day of dedication there was a small amount due on the church and this -was raised and ? 200 more subscribed with which to buy an organ. In the case of the state against Geo. Russell for placing a tie on the B. & M. track between Loup City and Area- die , the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty , the state not being able to make a case. The trial was held at Ord. Mrs. George Buck of Franklin met with a serious accident which , owing to her age , may prove fatal. She was riding in a buggy when the horse be came unmanagable and ran away , throwing her from the buggy , breaking her shoulder and dislocating her knee. Two colored lads drifted into Beat rice from Lincoln and after being giv en shelter and breakfast , called on County Judge Davis and asked him to send them to the reform school. They were referred to the county attorney and now the authorities are puzzled to know what to do with them , as they positively refuse to jar loose from the town. S. J. Weekes ana K. H. Jenncss , reg ister and receiver of the O'Neill land office , will leave for Ord via Omaha the 15th from which place they will proceed to. Fort Hartsuff abandoned military reservation , and dispose of the balance of unsold land at auction to the highest bidder. During their absence the United States land office will be closed for business , but \7ill be kept open for information. A fire at Greenwood destroyed four business buildings and the stocks therein. Losses are as follows : Clem ents & Co. , stock $6,500 , buildings $2- 500 , insurance $3,000 on stock and on building ; C. Schneider , building $600 , stock $200 , no insurance ; D. Saxton , building and fixtures , $1.000 , stock $500 , Insurance $600 ; C. A. Riggs. building $1,500 , stock $1.000 all handsome Roods insurance $800 on stock : Mrs. R. E. Yoder , slight damage to building , fully covered by insurance. A Mrs. Moore of Thedford , who has been a patient at the St. Francis hos pital in Grand Island for the past few weeks , returned to her home last week and took with her a novel Christmas present for Mr. Moore. When Mrs. Moore read the account in the local pa pers of the finding of an Infant at the door of a Grand Island home she at once was possessed with the idea of adopting the infant and having no children the happy couple will no doubt always have an active reminder of the holiday season of 1898. A peddler worked a .new game on some people east of Seward a few days ago. He went to a prominent farmer's house and sold a quantity of goods amounting to $24 and Instead of taking the cash Induced the farmer to give his note for $50 , paying him the difference in money. He explained that he had more cash than he wanted to carry and preferred the note. Then lie went to other families In the neigh borhood , showed the note as evidence of having sold goods to the first man and succeeded in disposing of a con siderable quantity of his goods at good prices. A Brownville dispatch says that the mystery regarding the return to D. H. McLaughlin's horse , which George Ray rode off after shooting Frank Ghees- man the nisht of November 29 , has been solved. A young : man named Bumhoff , who lives with his uncle , Mr. Doolittle , in Tecumseh , states that Ray arrived at their place at about 11 o'clock the night of the shooting on horseback. He refused to enter the house , but stated that his brother iri Colorado was very sick and he de sired to catch the "Irish mail" for the north and so to him. He requested Brumhoff to return the horse to Mc- Laughlln , and gave him one of the latter's letter heads on which to write the message whjch was found on the horse , "Return me to D. H. McLaugh- lin. " Brumhoff returned the horse on the night of December 2 , arriving in Brownville about 9 p. m. , and leaving the animal loose" in front of Mr. Mc Laughlin's residence. Cattle and hogs are being shipped from Sidney in large numbers. That town is becoming one of the liveliest stock centers on. the Union. Pacific sys tem. tem.John John Behrens , a well-to-do German farmer , living about nine miles north , of Columbus in Bismarck township , was almost instantly killed in a run away accident He started for homo about 7 o'clock and his team ran away throwing him out on his head. He was picked up and taken to St Mary's hos pital but died In a few minutes. He was about fifty-five years old and was sober and industrious. He leaves a familv. ' , Cafes Become American Bars With Annexes for Gambling ! GAMES OFALL KINDS RUNNING One of the Leading Hankers the Proprie tor of a Game Pntronlzod by Wealthy Jfew York Sports "Arranged" Matters % Vltb the American Authorities. HAVANA , Dec. in. The effect of the departure of so many officers and army camp followers on the cafes of Ha vana was the subject of interesting speculation a few weeks ago. It was thought most of them would be com pelled to close for lack of patronage. The proprietors have met the new conditions by leasing their places to "enterprising" Americans , who are converting the cafes into barrooms with all the attractions that go with these institutions in the states. The bar rooms have annexes in which gambling of all kinds can be indulged in after the most approved American methods. The annexes are , in fact , the main concerns. One of the leading bankers is understood to be the pro prietor of the game patronized by wealthy New Yorkers who go to Long Branch or Saratoga in summer. The Spanish proprietors were at first doubtful about putting their places in the hands of the Americans. They thought trouble might arise with the military authorities after the flag was floating from Morro castle. They were assured that all this had been "arranged. " The first business of the American military commander of Havana will be to show that it has not been "arranged. " THINKS US UNFRIENDLY , Expansion and the American-English Good Feeling ; IMsinrb the Czar. PAEIS , Dec. iy. A Russian cabinet minister here says that the policy of expansion of the United States is wor rying1 the czar. "It is impossible , " ho said , "that the United States should be anything1 except the rival of Russia in Asia , not only because all the West ern powers arc competing' with one another for superiority , of a political as well as an economic nature , but be cause it is inevitable that the United States should do otherwise than to fall into line with Great Britain , whose views and aspirations have so much in common with those of America , as far as the Orient is concerned. "The sympathy which has been cre ated between England and the United States during1 the year now coming- a close has exercised a most chilling influence upon the time-honored friendship between Russia and the great republic in the new world. The Russian government can inaka no at tempt to conceal that it strongly de plores and disapproves of the change in the ownership of the Philippine islands , and that it considei-s this ac tion on the part of the "Washington ad ministration as not only unjust toward Spain , as contrary to the declarations of President McKinley and of the state department- the beginning of the war , but also as utterly lacking in regard and consideration for the friendship that has hitherto united the American republic with Russia. In fact , the Russian government looks upon the acquisition of the Philippines by the United States as not only un wise in the extreme , but as an un friendly act toward my coantry. " LEE AT HIS OLD TABLE , Havana Sees the Ex-Consul In His Ac customed Place at the Inglctcrra. HAVANA , Dec. 39. General Lee came to town from camp and for the first time since the war had breakfast at his old hotel , the Ingleterra. He went to his old table and took his accus tomed seat near a window. Residents of Havana , recogniziug him , cheered lustily as his familiar figure was seen in the street. More people are going1 out of Havana than will come in for many months. The rottenness of the Spanish military methods dur ing the insurrection can be judged by the great number of oincers Avho were always in Havana on staff duty. The disproportion to those who in any cir cumstances were seeing active service in the field was marked. They were literally the only class of the popula tion which was too numerous to be counted. The void is one which will not be filled. The American garrison will be kept out of Havana. American officers will not be quartered in the city and spread over it like a cloud of locusts. A LONDON ROTHSCHILD DEAD , Baron Ferdinand "Was a Grandson of the Founder of the Kankluj ; House. LONDON , Dec. 19. Baron Ferdinand James de Rothschild , M. P. , is dead. The baron was the second son of An- selm Solomon Rothschild of Vienna , the first head of the Vienna house of Rothschild. Baron Ferdinand was a devotee of art. The Vienna branch of the family to which Baron Ferdinand belonged estimates its wealth at about 570,000,000. No Mexican Treaty Novr. CITY OF MEXICO , Dec. 19. United States Ambassador Clayton says that an extradition treaty is being ar ranged , but as the Mexican congress adjourned yesterday , unless there is an extra session , no treaty can bo rat ified before the raetting in April. Mr. Clayton thinks that there will be no treaty between the two countries for several months. It probably will be made retroactive. THE PRESIDENT IN ALABAMA , Enthusiastically Welcomed In the Con federacy's First Capital. MONTGOMERY , Ala. , Dec. 19. Tbe President and his party were given a magnificent welcome in the Confed eracy's first capital yesterday. The President's train was escorted from Atlanta to Tuskegee , where he visited Booker Washington's colored school , and hence here by the state assembly , Governor Johnston , Chief Justice Mc- Clellan and a party of ladies. The as sembly's train came in ahead of the President's. At the Union station the Presidential party was met by the gov ernor , committees from the assembly , the mayor and city council , and the Commercial and Industrial association. Mayor Clisby received the President with a well worded speech at the sta tion. The whole party was then taken in carriages through the leading busi ness and residence streets to the old Confederate capital. The entire route was ablaze with na tional colors , while tremendous crowds lined the streets as far as the eye could reach. No such gathering has been seen here since Mr. Cleve land's visit during his first term. Cap itol hill was one mass of humanity when the lines of carriages , escorted by the local military companies , reached it at 3 o'clock. When Gov ernor Johnston escorted President Mc Kinley into the hall , there was a tre mendous demonstration. Governor Johnston made a brief speech , in which he took occasion to say that Alabama had nothing to take back for what she did in 1SG1 , but that she was back in the Union to stay , and that she welcomed the President of the reunited country to the historic spot around the assemblage. He then introduced President Mc Kinley , who spoke as follows : "To be welcomed here in the city of Montgomery , the first capital of the Confederate states warmly and en thusiastically welcomed as the pres ident of a common country has filled and thrilled me with emotion. Once the capital of the Confederacy ; now the capital of a great and glorious state , one of the indestructible states of an indestructible Union. "Everybody is talking of Hobson , and justly so , but I want to thank Mother Hobson in this presence. Everybody is talking about Gen eral Joseph Wheeler , one of the bravest of the brave , but I want to speak of that sweet little daughter that followed him to Santiago ( great applause ) and ministered to the sick at Montauk. ( Cheers. ) "I like the feeling of the American people that we ought not to have a large standing arin3r ; but it has been demonstrated in the last few months that we need the standing army large enough to do all the work required while we are at peace and only rely on the great body of the people in an emergency to help us fight our battles ( Applause. ) GILLETT IN MEXICO CITY , The Tornior Cattle King : and C. R. Troxcl Register Assumed Names. CITY OF MEXICO , Dec. 19. Grant Gillett , the erstwhile cattle king1 of Kansas , and A. R. Troxcl were in this city for nearly three days this week. They arrived on the Mexican Central railway on December 13 , and left yes terday morning at 8 o'clock for Vera Cruz. Cruz.While While here the men were guests at the Hotel Coliseo , where they regis tered as "Willis P. Wilder" and "George E. Fisher , " of Fruita , Col. Gillett spent the entire time in his room. The ultimate destination of Gillett and Troxel is the Argentine republic , where Gillett says , he will go into the cattle business. HAWAII QUICK TO CATCH ON , Three Candidates Are Mentioned for Governorship of Island. HONOI/ULU , Dec. 9. Three candi dates are being- persistently mentioned for the governorship of the islands. They are S , M. Damon , Harold M. Se- wall and President Dole. Each candi date has a host of supporters. A peti tion is being circulated among the na tives praying President McKinley not to appoint to the position of governor any person connected with the recent revolution. Another petition of start ling nature is about to be circulated asking France to interfere with the present government and to restore the monarchy. Catholic ? In the Colonies. ROMK , Dec. 19. In response to the Vatican's inquiry on the subject. President McKinley has sent the as surance that the Catholics in Cuba and the Philippines will enjoy the same ample liberty as the Catholics in America. The Washington govern ment has also promised the pope that measures will be taken to prevent pro visional governments despoiling con vents or seizing ecclesiastical prop erty. The pope has sent his warmest thanks to President McKinley. Xotod Sodulla "Woman Is Dead. SEDALIA , Mo. , Dec. 19. Mrs. Sarah W. Warren , one of Sedalia's best known Christian women and a noted person , was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. Death was caused by heart failure. Finds His Money In the Ashes. LIBERTv , Mo. , Dec. 19. John Will iams , a merchant of Harlem , had Sl- 900 in gold hid in his store when it burned last Saturday night. All of it lias been recovered from the ashes but about $150. Denies the Report About Dewey's Health Being Broken , THE CLIMATE IS MALIGNED , The Germans Acted Qaoorly nt First and Did Not Call on the American Army Commander Until After Manila "Was Taken , and Then Did Jfot Act Friendly NEW YORK , Dec. 19. Major General Wesley Merritt , the late commander of the United States military forces in the Philippine islands , who was called to Paris to consult with the American peace commissioners , reached here to day on the steamer Lucania from Queenstown. The general will resume command of the military department of the East , the position he held when he was ordered to the Far East. From the steamship pier the Merritt party went in carriages to the Waldorf- Astoria. "It is some time since I left the Philippine islands. " said General Mer ritt , "and all that I can say about the situation there when I left is con tained in official reports which I made to the government and peace com mission. I can say , however , that there is no foundation for the report that Admiral Dewey's health has broken down as a result of his wonderful work in Manila harbor on May 1 , last. He was in fine physical condition when I left him and he was then over the strain of the naval fight. There is another thing that I would like the people to know. It is that the climate of the Philip pines is not by any means as it is said to be. I met a number of Europeans there who had been in the country for fourteen years or more and they seemed to thrive and had no serious complaints about the climate. The mortality among our troops sent to preserve order there is not so great as some would have the people believe. "The Germans acted a little queer when I got there first. They were kind of meddlesome in matters which I think they should have let alone. The German officers there made me no of ficial calls until Manila had fallen , and then their visit was not what might be termed friendly . There was no serious clash , and I am glad of it. The volunteers behaved nobly during the fights we had. They arc good sol diers. "As to General Miles' bill to increase the army to 100,000 , at present I can not discuss the proposed measure for the reason that I have not yet seen a copy of it. I think it will take about 30,000 soldiers to hold the islands in case this country desires to keep them , and I see no reason why it should not. "I have no comment to make on the so-called expansion which is being dis cussed pro and con these days. There are many Spaniards upon the islands that want to remain there. With 15- 000 United States soldiers and the re maining 15,000 evenly divided between the Filipinos and the Spanish , I feel sure that the islands could be gov erned properly and with credit to this country. "I did not meet Aguinaldo , but I am satisfied he is a very shrewd man. I did not recognize the insurgents , fear ing complications. Admiral Dewey , after my arrival , pursued the same course. What was said or done be fore my arrival I cannot state. I did not recognize Aguinaldo , nor his troops , nor use them in any way. I had been there ten days before Aguin aldo asked to see me , and then I was too busy. ' ' with I 'Talking leading Filipinos , told them the United States had no promises to make , but they might be assured that the government and the people of this country would treat them fairly. "Purposely , we did not give the in surgents notice of our attack on Manila because we did not need their co-operation and did not propose to have it. We were moved by fear that they might loot and plun der and possibly murder. Conversing with American officers. Aguinaldo's subordinate leaders frequently said that they intended to cut the throats of all Spaniards in Manila. "Aguinaldo himself wrote a com plaining letter , saying that the insur gents had been denied 'their share of the booty , ' whatever he may have meant. I took no notice of this letter nor did I think that the complaints of the Filipinos were a matter for discus sion between Aguinaldo and any rep resentative of the American govern ment. "The American peace commissioners had a hard task to make the Spaniards understand that the colonies were lost forever to Spain. They accomplished the job well and signed a treaty whicli is a credit to them. " More Americans March Through HAVANA , Dec. 19. The One Hun dred and Sixty-first Indiana battalion and the Second Illinois regiment marched to Qucmados camp from here this morning. There were two bands of music and 1,300 men in the detach ment. They made a fine display and aroused considerable enthusiasm. The American garrison now amounts to 5,000 men. School Children Give Maynard a Sword. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Dec. 19. Com mander Maynard and Constructor Hobson on their arrival hero were taken to the Tabernacle where 0.000 school children sang "America" and the "Star Spangled Banner. " Com mander Maynard was given a sword by the children. < Mt d jgp BAD FOR DEFENSE. Evidence Agtilnst Mrs. Botkin Very Con vincing Handkerchief Identified. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 19. The de fense in the Botkin murder trial yes terday received the worst setback it has experienced since the case opened. The evidence clearly showed that Mrs. Botkin wrote the anonymous letters sent to Mrs. Dunning from this city , apprising'Mrs. Dunning of the alleged misconduct of her husband , and in forming the dead woman that she had grounds for commencing a suit for di vorce. The handkerchief which was inclosed in the box of poisoned candy was proved to have been purchased in this city by Mrs. Botkin , another link in the chain of the prosecution. Tariff Schedule for Cuba. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. President McKinley. before leaving for the south last Tuesday , signed his executive order establishing a customs tariff for the island of Cuba , to go into effect January 1 next. This tariff is based upon the report and recommendations made by Robert P. Porter , special commissioner of the United States , who was sent to Cuba some months ago for the special purpose of making an investigation of the subjects and reve nues of _ the island. The average rate is not o'vcr 25 per cent on all articles imported into Cuba and 02 per cent below the rate imposed by Spain on all imports from the United States. Cruelties to the Carllsts. MADRID , Dec. 19. Count Casa Sola , brother of the Marquis Ceralbo , in an interview has confirmed the reports that savage cruelties similar to those inflicted upon the anarchists confined in the fortress of Montjuich , at Barcelona lena , have been applied to the Carlists arrested at Bilbao , in order to extract information from them regarding the armament designs of the Carlists. It is apprehended that these tortures will lead to terrible reprisals should the Carlists take the field. Makes a Large Concession. MEXICO CITY , Dae. 19. The last act of the Mexican congress to-day was the confirmation of one of the largest concessions for many years. The con cession was granted to Captain A. B. Smith , of Los Angeles , Cal. , and his associates for colonizing , steamship and railway enterprises of the first magnitude. The colony lands include many leagues of the Gulf of California. To Prosecute Vlrden Rioters. CAELHJVH.I.E , 111. , Dec. 19. State Attorney Vaughn is busy arranging to prosecute all the persons indicted for participating in the Virden riot. The cases will come tip at the January term of court. Doubt is expressed as to whether the indictments against Governor Tanner will stand , and the same question applies to Manager Lukens. Car Famine at St. ST. Louis. Mo. Dec. 1C. The car- famine has become so serious that the entire grain trade of St. Louis is crip pled , and exporters find it almost im possible to obtain cars to carry their grain to the seaboard. It would take more than a thousand cars to fill the orders which have been received by the i-ailroads. Z.outl Kill Is Kelntroduced. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. Chairman Loud of the house committee on post- ofiices and post roads , re-introduced the bill relating to second class mat ter and known as the L oud bill with an amendment allowing the mailing of sample copies of newspapers at one- half cent for every two ounces , stamps being attached in advance. Four ICillcd , Two Fatally Injured. NEW YORK , Dec. 19. A wagon con taining eight persons was struck by a train on the Pennsylvania railroad last night at the Allenwood crossing , a ten' miles from Manasquan , K. J. , and four persons were killed , two fa tal - injured and two others seriously injured. Will Use a Thousand Mon. HAVANA , Dec. 19. Captain McCul- lagh , the former chief of police of New York city , has reported to General ' Greene a police plan for Havana on the same basis as that of New York , but modified by local conditions. The force will-amount to 1,000 men. to Purchase Guns. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The Russian government recently contracted a loan of So5f)12,000 in France to be used in replacing her artillery with rapid firing small caliber guns , according to ad vices sent to the state department by Consul General Holloway at St. Peters burg. Kxcropt From the War Tax. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The commis sioner of internal revenue has modi fied his former ruling on the subject and now holds that releases of mort gages and deeds of trust considered as mortgages , are exempt from the stamp tax under the war revenue act. General Murrltt Arrives. NEW YORK , Due. 19. Among the passengers who arrived on the Cunard Line steamer Lucania from Europe wore General Wesley Merritt and Mrs Herri tt. Tier to Bo Built at Page WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The navy de partment will shortly send a steamer to Page Page with material for the construction of a pier and other im provements for the American coaling station there. To Stop All Lottery Schemes. WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The House judiciary committee yesterday gave a. hearing to the Gillett biil to prohibit the use of the telegraph and telephone lines for the purpose of lottery and race horse gambling. REED AND DE ARMOND , The Speaker and the Mlisonrl Member Have a Tilt In the Home. WASJIINQTOH , Dec. JO The Honse yesterday , for the second time during this Congress , refused to consider the Lodge immigration bill. At the last session an attempt was made to take it from the speaker's table , but it was defeated by a large majority. Mr. Danforth of Ohio , chairman of the im migration committee , thought the bill would be stronger after the elections were over , but yesterday when he tried again to secure consideration , the House declined , 100 to 103 , to take it up. An interesting but brief debate on the rules was precipitated during the session by Mr. Grow of Pennsylvania , during which Mr. DeArmond made a speech on the decadence of the privi lege of debate in the House and held Speaker Reed responsible for the fact that the House had had no opportunity to adopt a new system of rules at this session. The speaker replied with a sarcastic speech , in which he referred to the complaints of John Randolph in the early days of the country , to show that the same remonstrances were made then that were being heard to day.The The pension appropriation bill was reported to the House and Mr. Barney , Republican , of Wisconsin , gave notice that he would call it up to-day. The consideration ot the bill to incorporate - corporate the International American bank , which was a special order , was postponed until to-day. SAILS FOR HAVANA , rirst Class Crnlser Brooklyn Is Already En Ronte Sigsbce Itotnrns. WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. Within four hours from the moment the order was received by Captain Cook , who com manded the Brooklyn , to proceed to Havana , the ship was speeding away on the high seas. The Texas was tel egraphed to leave for Cuba at 4 o'clock yesterday and got away soon after midnight from Hampton Roads under command of Captain Sigsbee. Prob ably the Brooklyn will overhaul her before she makes port. On the Brook lyn , as a passenger , is Commodore Cromwell , who goes to take command of the Havana naval station. All of the ships carry marine guards and it is expected they will be able to maintain the best of order in Havana should the local authorities prove unable to do so. To Warn the Natives. APIA , Samoa , Nov. 20 , via San Fran cisco , Dec. 16. Considerable excite ment was created here November 10 by the landing of a party of bluejack ets from the British and German war ships. While no serious trouble is anticipated at present , the repre sentatives of the powers thought it wise to make a demonstration , owing to the number of natives who have congregated at Aulinuu , so as to show that the powers had determined to protect the whit _ residents. / To Give Sl.OOO.OOO to a College. MONTREAL , Dec. 1G. At the last meeting of the board of governors of McGill university. Lord Strathion an nounced his intention of endowing the new Victoria college for women , which lie built , at a cost of § 230,000 , to the amount of 51,000,000. Hawaiian Admitted to Practice. WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. Paul Nen- tnan , of Honolulu , was admitted to practice in the Supreme court yester day. Mr. Neuman is the first of our annexed citizens to be admitted to practice before the highest tribunal of the land. Ainslee's Magazine for December is a Christmas number at once seasonable and refreshing. Anthony Hope con tributes the first dialogue he has writ ten since he finished his famous Dolly- DialoguesHon. . Calvin S. Brice fur- aishes a most instructive and interest ing article under the title "An Ameri can Conquest in China. " J. Lincoln Steffens writes -with force and insight on "The Real Roosevelt. " George R. Sims is represented by a beautiful Christmas story in really Dickensian mood. "God Bless the Master of This House. " Robert Barr continues his fascinating serial/Tales of the Rhine. " LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE 3 ma ha , Chicago und Xew Yorlc Market Quotations. OMAHA. Sutler Creamery separator. . . 21 A MM lutter Choice fancy country. u a 16 2&KS per do 20 a 21 CJnickctib dressed per pound. . iJ a 04 ! L'urkuys. live 5 a jCti * * t ? llvo " " " " " " 5 a c" . ' ! ! . 4 50 a 5 00 'Igeoiib live , tier doz 50 a fiO Jemons Per box 3 75 a 4 50 ) rances Per box 3 75 a 4 00 Jranbcrries Jersoyspcr bbl. . . . 5 50 a 6 CO Apples Per barrel 375 a 4 00 : loney Choice , per pound 14 a 15 Jnions Per bushel 35 a 40 loans Hand picked navy 1 25 a 1 50 'ot.ttoes. Per bushel , new 35 a 40 3ay Upland per ton 500 a 550 SOUTH OMAHA. logs Choice lljiht 3 30 a 3 Z5 IORS Heavy wights 3 3 > a 35U ieef steers 3 JO a5M > lulls 255 a4 00 itaps 3 r\ > a5W 'alvcs. 3 X ) a 750 iVcstern feeders 2 75 U300 ? ovs 2 CO a 5 W lelfers 4 10 a500 tockcrs and fecilers. 3 50 a 4 CO Sheep I < amh < t. . . . . . . 3 75 a 4 DO ihcop Western 3 Zi a 4 00 CHICAGO. Yhcnt No. 2 sprinp Joru Per bushel Jats Per bushel larli v No , 2 tyc No. 2 L'lmothy secil , per bu 'ork Pcrcvrt < ard Per luo pounds Jattle Wi'Murii Itanzcrs battle Native beef steers logs Mixed Uitop l.aniks 'necp ' Western Hangers NEW YOKK MAKRKT. Vhcnt-No.2. red winter 'orn No. " ' ' " " > ; its No. 2 . . . . KANSAS CITY. Vhont No. 2spring. . /orn No. 2 ) ats > No.2 Ihcep Muttons I'lIII * * " * * * * * logs Mixed . Jattlc Stockers und feeders. . .