M'COUK TRIBUNE. r , j F. 41. KIALR1ELL , Publisher. McCOOK , NEBRASKA . NEBRASKA. Columbus is about to try the curfew law. law.Tho The postofffce at Norfolk Is about to get in new quarters. The Congregationalists of Grafton are holding a series of religious meet ings. ings.The The Nebraska exposition building has been sold to tne new exposition company. A Knights of Pythias lodge will or ganize at Gothenburg with thirty meniDers. The people of Pawnee county have subscribed $6,000 to lift the debt on Pawnee academy , v The St. Paul road has promised lo erect new depots in Tekamah and .Vakefleld in the spring. The two legislative halls at the capitol - itol building are being placed in con dition for the impending session. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swauson of Gage county , was found dead in bed where it had beeu placed after falling asleep a short time before. A female canvasser , wno pretendud to represent an eastern publishing house , recently worked the people of ! Ord for a consiner blo amount of money. J. C. Craven , a widower about 60. years of age , was arrested at Wymnre. charged 'with attempting to cora-'i.it a criminal assault upon an 8-year-old Bohemian girl , -whose father sword ! out the warrant. Owens Brothers , who have grading on the Union Pacific west of1 Gothenburg , quit -work the first of the week and loaded their machinery and stock last Tuesday morning aitd shipped the same to their farms neai Norfolk. The meeting of the Northeast Ne braska Teachers' association , which was fixed for the 25th and 26th of No vember at "Wayne , has been postponed until January 27 and 28 at the same place. The cause of the change is the prevalence of diptheria at that point The mortgage xecord for Otoe county for the month of November shows fif teen new mortgages filed , aggregatis S $25,790.60 ; eighteen released , amount ing to $26,580.55 ; on city property seven mortgages , aggregating $7,550. were filed and eight released , footing up $4,155. Jack Kayes , who was arrested for robbing John Flynn. & Co.'s store at Columbus , after a running fight with the police , had his preliminary hear ing before Justice Fuller. Damas ing evidence was produced and Have * was bound over to the district court in the sum of $1,000. Postmaster Campbell of Mead , op ened the office the other morning find ing bis safe blown open and contents lying around the room. The safe contained nothing but stamps , regis tered letters and some private papers. The robbers secured about $25 vrprth of stamps of different denominations and a little over ? 1 in pennies. Authority has been Issued by the adjutant general's office to Dr. Georco Roeder to recruit Company M , Second regiment , Nebraska national guard , at Grand Island. Dr. Roeder Is an old captain of the former company of that place. An election will be held by the battery at "Wymore on Decem ber 8 to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration , of Captain Murdochs commission. The large addition to the principal building of the Fremont Normal rehpol is roofed over and work has begun on the inside. The north part of the building will be used for tha chapel , at the east end of - whichwill be a tall Gothic window. The re mainder will bo used for recitauo i halls. When completed it will be o . & of the largest and best appointed school buildings in the -west. Aotr.it BOO students are enrolled this term. Adjutant General Gage or tne Grau-i Army has been informed that the Christmas boxes forwarded by him to members of the First Nebraska , -will reach San Francisco Dec. 10th. The ship on which the boxes will be loaded will sail for Manila between the 10th and i7th. General Gage will now take up th'e-work of collecting boxes for the Third regiment. The shipment for the First regiment weighs 37,000 pounds and the freight charges to San Francisco , if raid in cash would be between $400 and $450. When Valentino Beck and wife of Otoe county , left for Germany about six months ago they promised quite a number of parties that they -would write , but they have never been hed from since they arrived in New York. Mr. Beck had a draft for sometliius like $5,000. This draft had been pre sented hero and paid. Their many friends now begin to think that lliev have met -with foul play in New York City and are anxious for any informa tion that will throw light on their mysterious disappearance. A man , who gave his name as A , Johns and claimed to be a buyer of horses representing the noted Berry of Chicago , came to Schuyler from Columbus , and at once caused a great Interest among those having horses to dispose of by buying at the sellers' own prices , not even making the cus tomary examinations to discover the qualities of the animals purchased. He had horses engaged and bs'ifjr ' brought in to the various boardlas stabies at -wholesale rate , and man * aged to borrow considerable money on his supposed sterling financial con dition. Later he spent the funds in various saloons and is now in jail for passing a forged'check. . Of the fund raised to take the N $ braska City school children to Omahn during the later days of the exposi tion some § 20 remained unexpended and this was given to the ladles' help ing hand society to be used In caring for the poor of the city. During November four farm moit- gages amounting to $1,165 were filed in Lincoln county and fifteen , amount ing to $5,090.55 , were released. One city mortgage amounting to $300was filed and four , amounting to $1,700 , were released. Seventy-one chattle mortgages , amounting to $66,028.67 , were illed and sixty-one , amounting to $45,210.45 , were released. Stolen From Hotel Mail by Cuban Acting As Waiter. IT NEVER REA.CHED HAVANA , The Ex-Spanish Minister's Gallantry Led to His Downfall A Woman In the Employ of the Cnban Junta learned Many of tha Spanish Minister's Sccrots. CHICAGO , Dee. 12. The Chicago Jour nal prints an interview to-day with Senor Carlos Vinccnte de Qucsada y Socarras , cousin of Secretary Quesada of the Cuban junta and son of Genera' Quesada y Aguirawho commandcc part of the Cuban forces during the ten years' war for independence. According to the interview Senor Qucsada claims that the "DeLorae letter" written by tha Spanish minis ter , ridiculing President McKinley , was stolen in the United States and not in Canada. Quesada. * who fought under all of the prominent Cuban leaders and who was present at the death of Maceo , says that DeLoino's gallahtry led to his downfall ; that a woman in the employ of the junta learned many of the Spanish minister's secrets. "There were many parties to the conspiracy which resulted in the theft of the DeLoino letter , " he said. "The junta had worked trusted agents into the employ of the Spanish legation. These clerks kept us posted on all matters which they could , but that was not enough. So it was arranged that a woman was to start up a flirta tion with Senor DeLome and endeavor to gain his confidence. "The woman selected to ensare Do Lome is now in New York. DeLome confided many things to her. " "When Canaiejas came to this coun try he was watched every .minute. Through the influence of friends the junta managed to get a Cuban as a waiter into the hotel where he was stopping. Ho was supposed to be a Venezuelan. As lie spoke Spanish he was naturally assigned to wait on De- Lome. "When the Spanish minister wrote that letter the. junta was promptly informed - formed that a letter , contents un known , had been written to Canaiejas. The letter reached its destination , at the hotel , but it never got to Cauale- jas. The Venezuelan waiter took it out of the package of letters and tui-ned it over to the junta. "The junta sold that letter to a New York paper. It was turned over upon the condition , however , that it should bo supposed to have beeu stolen in Ha vana , so as to avoid any trouble with the postal authorities. Secretary Day saw it before it was published. " About the time of the DeLomo inci dent Carlos de Quesada was in Wash ington in the interest of the junta , passing as a Venezuelan. LEITER'S MILK TRUST A FACT , Trices to Bo Cut Until ChlctffoN Small Dealers Are Forced Out. CniCAGO , Dec. 12. The milk trust , with a capital stock of 810,000,000 , is now an assured fact and application will be made within ten days for arti cles of incorporation. Joseph Leiter , who began investigating dairying a few weeks ago.found that it was a bus iness in which there was a large profit. Then he went to Philadelphia and in vestigated the milk organization in that city. There are nightly meetings of Mr. Leiter , a few other capitalists and about a dozen of the largest Chicago cage milk dealers. L. Z. Leiter and William C. Seipp are to be the largest stockholders , and each will be inter ested to the extent of § 2,200,000. Milk dealers will be given stock according to the value of their plants. The di rectors of the Milk Shippers' union have been approached with proposi tions for the purchase of their product. After milk has been sold for low prices until every rival has closed his shop and sold his wagons the trust ex pects to regulate the price of milk. A VERDICT AGAINST ROBERTS , The Young Man of Faola Convicted of Manslnnshtor In Killing His Father. PAOLA , Kan. , Dec. 32. The case of John Roberts , charged with the mur der of his father , was given to the jury at noon yesterday. A verdict was returned this morning finding Eoberts guilty of manslaughter. St. Joseph Bank Kecolver. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Dec. 12. Secretary of State Lcsueur came here yesterday to examine affairs of the Central Sav- ings'bank , which closed Tuesday on account of a run precipitated by a re port that the bank held § 30,000 of Plunger Giliett's paper. Secretary LesueuV appointed 11. L. McDonald , wholesale merchant , and ono of the directors of the bank , to serve as re ceiver until Monday , when the bank will resume business. Court Olnrtial far 71st Now York Offlsarj ALBANY , N. Y. , Dec. 12. Major General Hoc has issued an order con vening court martial for trial of Cap tain Anthony K. Uleeker and Captain William F. Weeeksof the Seventy-first New York volunteers on charges of conduct unbecoming officers. This is the regiment said to have shown cow ardice at Santiago. Sandbagged and Kobbed of 8700. GUTHRIE , Ok. , Dec. 12. Charley Shepherd , agent of the Hunter Mill ing company , of Wellington , Kansas , was held up by masked men at Black- well , sandbagged and robbed of S700 in cash , revolver , watch and account books. MADRID PRESS BITTER , Moved to Exceeding ; Wrath by McKtn- ley's Reference to the Maine. MADRID , Dec. 12. The Imparcial publishes another inflammatory article on the subject of the Maine charges. The paper intimates that the explosion was the outcome of an intense desire "upon the part of certain factions in the United States to see the outbreak of war , which was unpopular with the majority of Americans. " The Imparcial adds : "The partisans of the war realized that something startling was necessary to arouse na tional sentiment it was a remarkable chance. Almost all the Maine's olheers were on board another ship at the time of the catastrophe. Those who charge the Spaniards with being capa ble of such a monstrous act are well capable of committing it themselves. " In conclusion , the Imparcial says : "Spain cannot remain quiet under such an infamous charge. It would be pre ferable to give the world the spectacle of national suicide. " WAR TAX LAW CHANGES , Commissioner Scott Snggcsts Many Amendments Bo Made. WASHINGTON , Dsc. 12. Chairman Diugley of the ways and means com mittee has received a letter from the commissioner of internal revenue , N. B. Scott , recommending a number of amendments to the act of June 13 , 1898 , known as the war revenue act. The recommendations cover changes of an administrative character under * schedules A and B , also for the monthly - ly payment of excise taxes on sugar refineries and for a penalty for failing to stamp parlor car tickets. Further provisions are suggested as to the ex aminations by internal revenue offi cers of articles subject to internal rev enue taxes. CORNER ON SCREENINGS , Sheep Feeding Industry st the Twin Cities Is In Serious Danger. ST. PATJI. , Minn. , Dec. 12. Several large commission firms , acting with prominent Twin City millers , have se cured a corner on wheat screenings and control all this product in the Northwest. They have already raised the price per ton from $ . " > to 53.50 , making it im practicable for Western ranchers to send their sheep to St. Paul to be fed during tha winter months. Over 100- 000 sheep have been diverted this month to the corn belt in Iowa and Ne braska instead of being sent here for their winter feeding. SITUATION IS IMPROVING , Xnvy Department Receives a Decidedly Favorable Report From Dovroy. WASHINGTON , Dae. 12. The navy de partment has received a cablegram from Admiral Dcwcy summarizing the existing conditions at Manila and such points in the Philippines as have been visited by his officers. Advices also have been received from General Otis , the commandant of the United States military forces in the islands , and they both go to show a notabio improve ment in conditions and the growth of a better spirit among those factions of the natives which promised to give trouble. Mahcr Wins a Fight. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 12. Peter her bested Ed Dunkhorsb in a one sided six-round go at the Arena last night. Peter did most of the landing , and in the second round sent the Syra- cusean to the boards twice. In the fifth round a hard left on the jaw sent him down again , but the bell sounded before the ten seconds were up. Ma- oer went at his man in the sixth in hurricane fashion , and landed almost at will , but Dunkhorst managed to last out to the end. ( Wanamnksr Subpoenaed. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 12. Counsel for Senator Quay in the conspiracy charges for which he is to be tried next week , have subpoenaed ex-Com mon Pleas Judge James Gay Gordon and ex-Postmaster General John Wan- amaker as witnesses for the defense. This step is.regarded as interesting in view of the known opposition of both of these men to Senator Quay polit ically. Klvcr Rises Kino Foot. ST. PETERSBURG : , Dec. J2. The river Nava suddenly rose nine feet last night , inundating the lower quarters of the city , where communication is now carried on by boats. Tha inhab itants are panic stricken and there was great loss of property. Great loss of Ufa has been reported. The flood i ] now subsiding. 1 Mlssonrl SolUIor Killed. SAVANNAH , Ga. , Dec. 15. Private E Kein of the Sixth Missouri regiment , was shot and instantly killed last night , near Thunderbolt tollgate , The shooting was done by Private R. E. Lovejoy in company B , first Texas regiment , on provost guard , and was . justifiable. The young man greatly E deplores the killing , but states he haO to shoot to save his own life. , TVhoolcr n s Jfot Decided to Resign. WASIIINOTON , Dae. 12. Major Gen eral Wheeler authorized the following statement as to reports that he had de cided to resign from the house of rep resentatives : "I was surprised to sec what purports to bo an interview about my resigning from Congress. I lave never gene further than to say , hat I would consider the question ' vhcn I had time , and would take such I Ic action as 'my friends would approve. Chus far , however , I have reached no c inal conclusion. " - - I , The Santiago Commander Speaks On the War With Spain , if -r , - _ _ BEFORE A NEW YORK SOCIETY , IVo Began the TVar With an Army , oa Fapcr , of 80,000 , to Attack the Span ish Soldiers Who , for 430 Yourj , Hail V Been * Known as Stubborn Fighters. NEW YORK , Dec. 12. General Shaf ter , in a speech at a meeting of the New York Genealogical and Biograph ical Society , referred to the war with Spain as "the war which has resulted so gloriously for the land forces of the United States at Santiago. " He adflcd that it was unnecessary to say that the navy had also performsd its work in the most efficient manner "if the ab solute destruction of the enemy was what they were after. " General Shafter then went on to say that the United States began the war with an army ou paper , of 25,000. This army was to attack the Spanish sol diers , who for 400 years had been known as gallant lighters , and for the last 150 years noted for their stxib- bornness in defensive campaigns. The speaker said that the officers of the fleet contended when Cervera's squadron was in the harbor of Santi ago that the city could be taken and the Spanish vessels destroyed in forty- eight hours , bho-ald a force of 10,000 infantry be sent to assist. He said that the army which inarched against the city was as perfect a force as could be found in the world. It consisted practically of the whole regular army of the United States with three regi ments of volunteers , for whom room was found at the last minute on the transports. Speaking of the fight at El Caney , General Sliaftcr says that an officer of the division engaged hero ( General Lawton commanding ) , contended that ho could take the place by 9 o'clock in the morning without fail , and , much against his better judgment , Shafter says , lie allowed him to make the at tempt. Instead of 9 o'clock in tha morning , El Caney was not captured until nearly 5 o'clock in the evening and with loss of life as great as at San Juan hill , greater , indeed , in proportion tion to the number of troops ojtgaged. Proceeding , the speaker said that the army in Cuba had as good a staff of quartermasters and subsistence officers as the world had ever seen. There had been a great coal said about the suffering among the American troops in Cuba. General Shafter said he would not expect his hearers to believe him if ho told them there was no suffering. The more effective the work of an army the greater the amount of suffering that was necessary. But he could say with certainty that there was not ono hour after they landed in Cuba that all the American soldiers did not have bread , meat , sugar and coffee. On one day only half rations of the two last named provisions were given to part of the trooprf , bub the deficiency was made up the next day. There luis been some talk of the Seventy-first , New York and the Second Massachusetts volunteers not standing fire. The only reason for this was the fact that some ot the msa of these two regiments got among the regulars , who were using1 smokeless powder. The volunteers hail the old powder , and the regulars simply would not have them. Every shot fired by a vol unteer brought a hail of bullets from the Spaniards. Thespsakcr then told of the re markable good feeling that existed be tween the American and Spanish troops after the fall of Santiago. In conclusion , he said that he took little credit to himself for the successful re- suit of the campaign. That was duo to the best army ever brought to gether in the United States. If the war had taken the course originally mapped out , ho said , and hostilities had been begun in the autumn , with a great battle between the Americans nud the Spanish army in and around Havana , 50,000 Americans , he declared , would have been lost. 1t LEEDY MAY CALL A SESSION , t a Jlajoilty of legislators to Vote for .1 Kilrond Bill. TornicA , Kan. , Dae 12. Extra ses sion talk , which died down a month ago , is spreading among the Populists and among tha railroad officials. J. n. Richards of the Missouri Pacific came uere chiefly to see what information be could gather on the subject. He found that since the big conference of Populists a month ago , twenty-three . senators and sixty members of the bouse of representatives have signed "o rcements to abide a caucus decision ind vote for a railroad bill if Governor Lccdy will call an extra session : Leedy's friends predict that ho will dose so if he gets enough additional signa tures from house members. It takea ) jixty-thi'cc to make a constitutional majority of the lower house , but sixty- ' Eive arc wanted. Tobacco Growers to right the Trust. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Dec. 12. At. a rneet- ig of the State League of Tobacco [ Srowcrs , held here , a state organizer tvas chosen to organize county leagues. ; Uho league is taking active legal steps igainst the tobacco trust. This is the . Eirst meeting since its organization a few days ago. > SAT/T EA.KU Crrv , Utah , Dec. 12. A 'oaded freight car on the Oregon Short Dne railroad , between here and Og- len , was blown from the track while iho train was in motion by the wind , prhich was very high last night. THE ROPE BROKE , Hanging of John Andoracn , Cook of the Ollre rocker , t Norfolk , Va. , Botched. NOKFOLIC , Va , , Dec. 12. John An derson , the Swede who , while cook of the schooner Olive Pecker , of Boston , murdered the captain and mate off the coast of Brazil , August Gth , was hanged yesterda } * afternoon at 3:10. Andersen was calm and said that he was ready to go. "I shall die and go into the presence of God without blot or blemish of guilt on my soul , ' ' he solemnly declared. At 3:00 : the trap was sprung , and Anderson's body shot downward. The rope parted just inside the knot and his body fell to the cobblestones. A thrill of horror ran through the crowd. Officers and witnesses rushed to the body and snatchad the cap from his head to find blood oozing from the mouth , nose and eyes. A doctor was called , and soon Ander son opened his eves , and , it was said , began to breathe naturally. He was carried , feet foremost , up the stairs to the platform and laid down until a chair was obtained. He was placed in this , but never spoke. Preparations for rehauging him were hurriedly made. The other end of the I'ope was adjusted around his neck. He was raised to n standing position and tue straps again placed on his limbs. While being- supported by the officers the trap was again sprung. la twenty-three minutes life was again pronoiinecd extinct. CHICAGO AROUSED , Citizens U ; > hi Arms Against Franchise CHICAGO , Dec. 12. Democrats , Ee- publicans and citizens , irrespective of party , assembled in mass meetings in various wards of the city last night and declared themselves unalterably opposed to any street railway legisla tion under the Allen law. Prominent speakers were in attendance anco at all of the meetings. The ward machinery o tha Democratic part } took up the cause , just as the Eepubli can party had a few days previous. Chicago has never -witnessed such a spectacle before , and it is doubtful i : any other city has. Mayor Harrison called for volunteers to heJp him with the fight against the fifty-year franchise ordinance on the proposition : "No franchise extension ordinance of any kind until the Allen law is repealed. " A score of men started out last night distributing white badges , on which were printed a gibbet , from which dangled a noose. The words printed on the badge were "anti-fifty-year steal. " Before the theater crowds reached home these badges were all all over the city. One of the men dis tributing the ribbons said over 200,000 have been printed. TROOPS W HAVANA , Yorkers to 3Iarct Through Ilaart of City 2To Trouble Is Expected. HAVANA , Dec. 12. Tha first United States troops to march through the streets of Havana will be the Two Hundred and Second Nev/ York regi ment , which , with band playing and colors flying , will march Sunday from ihe Sau Jose wharf , after landing there from the transport Minuewaska , ih rough tha heart of Havana to the Western railroad station. The line of march will be through ( he Prado and Central park. These troops will be acnt to Pinar del Kio province. No objection has been made so far jy General Castellanos to the march through the city. It is intended that the first appearance of the United States troops in Havana shall have an impressive moral effect upon the Cubans. A number of Spanish sol- fliers gathered in the vicinity of San Jose wharf to get a look at their late adversaries. Friendly gestures were made on both sides. The Spaniards commented on the largo size of the American men. MUCH MONEY FROM CUSTOMS , [ aland of Porto Rico Tarn * In S10O.OOO In Collection * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. Assistant Secretary Vandcrlip. who is expected io arrive in Washington from Porto Rico next Monday , has made a pre liminary and informal report to Secre tary Gage of his observations in that sland. Under date of the 27th ultimo , he reports [ ports that the military authorities are jetting along fairly well with customs : ollcctions. Everything received has seen deposited with De Fcrd & Co. , . luancial agents of the government , ind the amount now on deposit aggre gates nioro than ? 100COO. Spanish justom officials have been put to work it the various ports , and this system vorks satisfactorily. The men , he ; .vrites , are honest , and it is thought by prominent military officials that the roverumcnt is getting everything it ihould. A Victory for COT. L T. , Dec. 12. The Jlicrokee senate voted , 12 to G , in favor f awarding to Wiley O. Cox of Kansas 2ity the contract to collect over § V KX,000 alleged to bs due the Cherokees 'rom the United States. ThoronghbradH ut S23 Each. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Dec. 12. Gens R * eigh , turfman and breeder , returned yesterday from St. Louis , where ho old 100 poorly bred thoroughbred narcs purchased by the Breeders' Pro- .cctive association at the recent cattle ! iales here. They brought an average f § 22 , having cost 52:5. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Dec. 12. Sarah 5toko Theme , widow of Charles K. Chorne , Sr. , who died five years ago , md who , like him , was well known on ) he stage , is dead at the age of 75 rears. THE TALE : OF A HARDTACK , How It Bronsbt Joy and Grief to Pretty Louisa Kugan , of Sedalla. SEDAMA , Mo. , Dec. 9. It was an army hardtack that brought a season 'of happiness and then , sorrow to pretty Lonisa Kugan , of Sedalia. Kobert J. Brown , Miss Eugan * affianced husband , who deserted his bride at the altar on Monday night , has quite an interesting history. When the war broke out with Spain , Brown was making an enviable record as an insurance agent in San Fran cisco , but he was anxious for a brush with the Dons and joined the regular army. When his regiment passed through Sedalia last May , hundreds of pretty maidens were at the depot to wave tiny flags and cheer the boys in blue. Brown saw Miss Eugan and handed a hardtack upon which was written his name , number of his com pany and regiment , with the request , "write to me. " A correspondence com menced and resulted in an engage ment. Brown was among the sol diers who faced shot and shell at San Juan hill , where he was wounded while charging the Span ish trenches. When he recovered from his wounds he was honor ably discharged for physical disa bility and then came direct to Se dalia , making his home at the Eugan residence. While in the army he be came a slave to drink. He succeeded in hiding his failing from his bride to be , but it led him into using his em ployer's money. Knowing that his shortage with the insurance company was liable to be discovered at any mo ment , he fled the city at the hour hia bride expected to be married to him. * f HE CALLS CORBETPS BLUFF , Sharkey Says He Will Box Pompadour Jim In Any Old Way. NEW YOHK , Dec , 9. Tom Sharkey last night issued the following letter : : < i "I will cover Mr. Corbett's -forfeit , although I think it very foolish to meet in private for 55,000 a side , when we can get so much more money by boxing in public ; but if Mr. Corbett will find the place to box in with ten men on a side and guarantee me pro tection from arrest , I will box him any old way. I will give the 55,000 to the poor of New York , or , what's better , seeing Mr. Corbett has mentioned charity as an excuse for a return match , I will box him in public , where there is no chance for arrest , as itwill be according ts the Horton law , and will agree to give the whola or any amount agreeable to him to the poor , ' the same to be under the provision of a committee from the press of this city. " Scientists Badly Burned. COLUMBUS , Ohio , Dec. 9. While Dr. L. E. Custer of Dayton was experi menting with an oxyhydrogen blow pipe before that "State Dental Society at the Great Southern hotel , an explo sion of the gases occurred. The windows dews were blown out and Dr. Custer and his assistant in the demonstration. Dr. J. B. Brauuian of Cohunbus , were badly burned by the flames. The in jured men were given medical atten tion at once. More rillplno Agents Comln/x. HOXQ KONG , Dec. 9. General XJie- wcciaos and Dr. Lcsdajluna , represen tatives of the Filipino junta , started to-day for Washington under instruc tions "to endeavor to remove misap prehensions and suspicions and culti vate the friendliest relations with the American government and people. " To Contest Sadler's Election. CARSON , Nev. , Dec. 9. William Mc Millan , the defeated Republican nom inee for governor , will contest the election of Reinhold Sadler , fusionist , " on the ground that the apparent ma jority credited to Sadler is based upon a , sufficient number of illegal votes to change the result of the election. Colonel Little' * Battalion In Manila. MANILA , Dee. 9. The United States transport Newport , bearing General Miller and staff and the First battal ion , Twentieth Kansas regiment , un- fler Lieutenant Colonel Little , with the Wyoming light battery , which left San Francisco November 8 , arrived yesterday. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE 3maha , Chicago and Keir York Market Quota tlona. OMAHA. Jutter Creamery separator. . . 21 Suitor Choice fancy country. 14 16 EgRs > Frcsb. per do/ ; 19 Unickciis ( Iroshed per pound. . 0s OK Curkuys , live s CJi JcebO , live 5 6 'ralrle ChlcUeus 459 a 5 00 'Igeons live , per iloz 50 a CO Lemons-1'er box 375 u-150 Granges Per box 3 75 a 4 CO nuiucrrles Jorsoysper bbl. . . . 550 U 800 Vpplcs Per birrcf S75 u 4 00 rloney Choice , per pound 14 a 15 Unions Per bushel : n 40 Jeans Ilondptcked navy 125 al 50 fotutoes Per bu&bel. JJCTV u5 a . 40 flay Upland per ton 500 U 5 50 BOOTH OMAHA. Jogs Choice light 3 r a 3 > HORS Heavy weights 33J a 3 > ieef steers a 5 10 lulls 253 u. 3 XO 355 a 5 00 3alvei < 4fO u 7 00 iVestern feeders 275 a 3 00 ? OTVS 385 U325 Teifers 375 a 5 10 itcckcrs raid feeders. 3 ti > a 4 05 hcep Lambs 375 a 4 00 iheep Western 4 00 a 4 05 CHICAGO. Vheat No. 2 spring Jorn Per busbel ) ats Per bushel Jarlov No , 2 lye No. 2 Jimotby seed , per bu 'ork Perewt jard Per 100 pounds Jattle Western Ilansors 'attic Native beef steers logs Mixed Ilitop Lambs uecp Western Ranjrers NEW YOBK MAUKET. Vhca No.2 , red winter Jorn No. 2 ) ats No. 2 KAXSAS cur. Vlicat No. 2spring torn-No.2..I. . . . . ats No.2 Ihoop Muttons. . , Iocs Mixed Jaule-Stockcrs and fce < 3ors.