Our Tliaulcsglvlus ; . By Helen Ctmffee. We'd thought on this Thanksgivin' Day To eat oar punkin pie With dear old mother at the farm , As in the days gone by. But greater Power than we had milled That mother shouldn't stay , An' then we couldn't bear the farm , When she had slipped away. So brother John , he sent me word Ter visit him a spell , An' eat in style Tlianksgivin' Day Up at his big hotel. Well , sech a bill o' fare as that I never see afore , With all the things I ever cat , An' several dozen more. I labored hard to do my part At talk an' etiquette ; Though John was hardened to this world. Sometimes his eyes wuz wet. t knew that though his purse could buy The costliest liind of dish. For mother's rare Thanksgtvin' treat He often felt a wish. An' when I left him for the night , I couldn't help but say , "It ain't the food ner yit the style That makes ' " Thanksgivin' Day. "We are the first , " whispered Nellie , as she seated herself near the reading desk. "How queer Sunday school looks when it is empty , " sa'd her sister Ruth , climbing up by her side. A scuffling step sounded in the aisle. * "I know who that is , " said Nellie , soltly. "That is Annie Ridley. Her hoes are so old. " "Yea , " said Ruth , peeping over the 5 > aclc of the bench. "Her shoes are all in holes , and her dress is patched , and " "Hush ! " whispered Nellie. Annie Ridley passed by without ' turning her head , sajt down on thn veryenfl of the opposite bench , covered her shoes with her dress , and frown ed. "Is she cross ? " asked Ruth. "Hush ! " said Nellie. One by one the other scholars ar rived , and as each prettily dressed girl came in Annie Ridley frowned at her and turned her head away. No one sat close to her the children seemed rather to prefer to be crowded than to do so. At last one girl came to Nel lie and said : "Move up , please. " Nellie tried to move , but there wai no room. "Why don't you go over there ? " said Ruth , pointing to the vacant seat by Annie. "She is so ragged , " replied the girl. "I don't like to. " "She is clean , " said Ruth. "You may have my seat. I will go and sit by her. May I , Nellie ? " "Yes , " she said , after a moment , "but you must be eoocl. " . "I am always good in Sunday school , " replied the little one , and crossing the space between the benches she said to Annie : "Please may 1 sit here ? " - "You may if you want to , " replied Annie , rather crossly. All the scholars looked at each other and smiled. Her sister blushed. "She is so small , " she said to her neighbor. Then the teacher entered , and Annie and Ruth were forgotten. When the scholars stood up to sing. Ruth offered one side of her hymnbook - book to Annie , who took hold of the cover with the tip end of her fingers and sang from it. "How nice you sing , " whispered Ruth. "I wish I could slug so. " Annie smiled. "You are too little yet , " she said , and moved closer. Then when the singing was over she added : "You are the nicest girl in the school. But Ruth did not answer , for just then a gentleman began to speak , and she knew that she must pay attention. So she listened and he told them the stories of Thanksgiving day and ended by saying : "No one is too poor or too small to be of use. " "He don't know everybody , " whis pered Annie. "He don't know us. " Then she added suddenly : "Say , what is Thanksgiving for , anyhow ? " "Mamma said that long ago , when the people first came to America to live , they were so glad when the grain and pumpkins and potatoes were put away safe in the barn for the winter that they appointed one day to go to church and give thanks. " "Oh , " said Annie , "but suppose they had no barn and no pumpkins and things. Then what ? " "We have no barn. " replied Ruth , "but mamma buys the pumpkin and turkey at the store. " "My mother never does , " said An nie. "Why ? " asked Ruth. "Because she can't , " answered An nie. nie."Don't "Don't you have any Thanksgiving dinner then ? " asked Ruth. Annie shook her head. "No , " she said , "we don't often have bread enough , so you see I could not do anything for any one if I wanted to ever so much. " "And I am afraid I'm too little , " said Ruth , thoughtfully. Just then the collection plate was passed before them. Ruth had two five-cent pieces in her hand , but when she saw that her new friend had noth ing to give she laid one of the coins on her lap. Annie turned red. but she gave Ruth a shy smile and placed the money on the plate. VAS PULLED TO THE PAVEMENT. "You see you are not too little , " she vhisperod. "That was nothing , " replied Ruth. When it was time to go home she ooked around to say good-by to An- lie , but the child had slipped away. Ruth was thinking so hard of poor ittle Annie that when Nellie dropped ' icr hand and turned to speak to. an- ither girl she forgot to wait and start- id to cross the street alone , and half vay across she tripped and fell. Be- br she could struggle to bar feet a horse came swiftly around the corner. She had no time to be frightened , how ever , for the next moment her hand was seized and she was pulled back to the pavement. It was little Annie Ridley , who had seen the accident , and ran back to help her. "There , " she said ; "now wait for your sister. " She was darting away when Ruth caught her hand. "You thought you could not do any thing for any one , " she said , "but you have saved me from being hurt , ilam- ma will be so glad. " "That was noliiing , " said Annie , and hurried away. Of course when Ruth got home she told her mother all about Annie , and you may be sure Annie had a splendid Thanksgiving dinner that year , for Ruth's mother was so grateful to the little girl that she felt as though she could not do enough for her. The next time Annie Ridley came to Sunday school she was dressed as nicely as any little girl need be , and her face wore a very pleasant expres sion instead of a frown. g a Record. Reverend Party "Young man , do If you realize what j ou have to be thank PC ful for this day " atn Brawny Footballist "Sure , pop. I n sent three fellers to the hospital today gi who belonged to the other team. " h 1L A Thanksgiving Discussion. "What use are my riches , " i grumbled , "When there's never a sweetheart to share ? " With my watch fob I dallied and fum Dl bled. As we two sat alone on the stair. The old folks still lingered o'er din ki ner , tei While the youngsters played hide- teim and-go-seek. in Dolly said : "I'm afraid.you're a sin eij ner , for For you ought to be thankful and CO meek. " , m. ga "To be thankful and meek were a ' ject folly Pii When singleness hangs like a pall , be And you don't know how lonely 'tis , . the Dolly' ' ho To live In a bachelor's hall. Why , I've turned on the dog in a passion - , sion , sn Because the poor brute couldn't it speak ! and And here you go on In this fashion- su I ought to be thankful and meek ! " I fe < sir So we argued , and I had the pleasure Of gazing down into her eyes , gr Of taking her fairy waist's measure ure Despite her reproving surprise ; The 'Till at last I grew stronger and bolder. rine While Dolly no longer demurred ; ered For as her dear head touched my he shoulder vast "Now , wilt you be thankful ? " she ou purred tin PKOTECTION'S WHY THE ISSUE SHOULD BE KEPT BbFORE THE PUBLIC. Increase In the Amount Paid to YTn-je- Karnerrt During the Current Year Estimated to lie Upwards or Two Thousand Millions of Dollars. The recently published coniprchenF sive industrial census of leading Industries - dustries in forty-seven states and ter- ritories. issued by the American Prop teclive Tariff League , proves that the amount cf wages paid io labor in the United States was 44 per cent greater in 1898 than during the distressful year of 1895. Tb.is document v/aa pre pared by Hon. Robert \V. Taylor , who represents In congress the district for merly represented by President Me- Kinley. The vitally important question arises , What does the increase of 41 ' per cent in wages amount to in dollars and cents ? This can DC answered ap proximately upon the basis of the wages paid during the census ypar 1S90. The wages paid in manufac tures alone during that year amounted - ed to § 2,253,216,529. Forty-four per cent of this amount is $1,001,615,272. This represents approximately the in creased amount of wages paid to labor in manufactures in the United States during the year 1S9K , as compared with the amount paid in 1895. It far ex ceeds the value of the commercial ad vantages which will be realized from all the ten'torial acquisitions of the country during the recent war , even if we shall acquire Cuba. In a word , during ( he present adminlstvati oi our national affairs the victories of peace through the adequate protection of American icdustry are far more re nowned than those of war. Again. Uiis increase in the amount of wages paid to labor exceeds the average annual valitf of the exports of merchandise frora the United States during thf last five years by $31- 662,966. This is not a strange thing. The internal commerce of the United j Slates many times exceeds In value 'Is foreign rscnerce. The value of the hcne inarkct is at jcast twenty times tte eggreaate value oi cl ! our foreign markets. But the foregoing statement as to the value cl the advantages derived from protection ( ? 1,004,615,27 ) falls very Mr sLort of th ? truth. H Is based upon the wag s pa'd in manufactures alone , in mining and in all olher in dustries : he gain for the year 1S9S over the year 1S95 would undoubtedly amount to nearly , if not quite , two thousand million dollars a year. Under unbroken protection the num ber ot persons employed in manufac tures increased from 1,311.2-lG in 1SCO to 4.712.C22 in 1890 ; the value of the products of manufacture increased frora f2.883,861,676 in 1SCO to $3.372- 437,253 ia i 90 , and the annual earn ings per capita of laborers employed in manufactures increased from . ? 2J > 9 in 1SCO to S-JS4 in 1810. Again , the value of domestic ex ports of merchandise from the United Stales increased from $793,092,599 dur ing the calamitous year of 1S95 io $1,210.281,913 during the prosperous year of 1 SOS. For the first time in the cl history of the country the value of the exports of inanurnctured poods from the United Slates during the sn year ended JHQP .10 , IS93. exceeded eCm the value cf the imports of manufac eCm tured goods into the United States. m In his last annual message to congress - " of gress , submitted December. 1SS2 , President Harrison shewed that the country wts then at the high water mark of "prosperity. Upon the inaug uration of President Cleveland in 1S93 the country was plunged Into the depJhs of despondency as the result of free trade. I3ut again , under pro tection , it has attained unto n greater degree of prosperity than e\cr be'- fore. It would seem that these important facts are being lost sight of even by many Republican speakers and uews- pppers in the light of the brilliant achievements cf our army and navy. we fail to profit by the more 1m- \ pcrtant lessens of experience in the arts of peace , the patriotic soul of this 5 nation may well exclaim , in the lan guage of Rmlyard Kipling's recessional hymn : : "Lord. 1 God of Hosts , be with r.s yet , Lest < we forget ; lest we forget. " THE ONLY REMEDY. Dliicriniinntlng ; Dutten u Bleann of ue- storlntr Our aiurlno Prestige. In view of the fact that Senator El- kins' bill , providing for adequate pro te tection to the American merchant pr marine ; , by the imposition of discrim prm inating duties against imports in for Ai eign vessels , will probably be pressed tin action at the ensuing session of na . It is well to congress. consider what we . be the attitude of may members re m garding measures having for their ob to < the promotion of American fihip- sal ping interests. The administration NE being favorable to it. it is believed that majority of the members of the ' house are also in favor of extending Tc some degree of protection to American tri shipping. If this belief is well founded ab will need only well directed effort its convincing arguments to secure th such legislation as will be entirely ef isl fective in accomplishing the much de shi sired object. thi Eight years ago the Fifty-first con- wi ress had under consideration a meas foe providing for a mileage subsidy. ou * house committee on merchant ma Slli and fisheries exhaustively consid- j ica the measure , giving extended ini hearings to interested parties , took a It amount of testimony , and thor ItAr oughly examined official reports with wi object of obtaining all possible in- formation bearing upon the Important subject of placing the American mer chant marine upon an equality with that of other nations. The results cf this investigation were submitted to congress in an elaborate report by the committee , accompanied by all the evi dence , and this report completely sus tained the contention that remedial legislation of a radical character was absolutely necessary. The outcome of this inquiry was the passage , Mvrch 3 , 1891 , of the postal subsidy act , which measure was amended in the following year so as to provide that the privileges of the act should be applied to the admission to registry of foreign built vessels , owned by Americans , upon condition that the same number of ships of equal tonnage should be constructed In American yards. This law enabled the steam ships "New York" and "Paris , " con structed In England , to be admitted to registry , while the "St. Louis" and "St. Paul" v/ere built in this country. This line of four ocean steamers , of great cpeed and of most modem equip ment , rendered effective service during the war as auxiliary naval cruisers. While the acts of 1891 and 1S92 have been measurcably effective in promot ing the object sought , they do not give 'the protection which is absolutely re quired , and which , it is believed , can best be given by the imposition of dis criminating duties against imports in foreign vesselo. The above acts pro vide for postal subsidies. These in volve annually increasing expenditures by the government , and also involve the probability that some future con gress may demand the repeal of the acts. These laws also provide for the purchase by Americans of foreign built vessels , which shall be admitted to registry on certain condition ? . They do not stimulate the organization of new shipbuilding plants to the extent that these plants would be established were all vessels entitled to postal sub sidies required to be built in this coun try. There seeras to be no good reason why Americans should go abroad for ships , and contribute to the develop ment and profit of foreign shipbuild ers . , while American shipbuilding plants have material of a superior quality and workmen of equal or even greater skill than are possessed by for eigners. With 90 per cent of labor ex pended upon a vessel , why should we give it to aliens by purchasing ships abroad ? The acts of 1S91 and 1892 , therefore , give only a small measure of benefit to American shipbuilding interests. The chief advantages accruing from the execution of these acts are in enabling American ships to compete with for eign vessels as regards cost of opera tion , in wages and subsistence. The v.-nera of thece ships are not benefited to such an extent as to enable them to ( meet the competition of low freights. | d They have to seek for cargoes under many disadvantages , ami they are subjected - ' jected to innumerable discouraging an noyances in the prosecution of their busine.s. If an inquiry should now bo made i'rom the interested parties who testified before the committee on mer chant marine and fisheries in 1890 , doubtless it would be found that the majority of these parties would de clare that neither mileage subsidy , which they then advocated , nor postal subsidy , which they obtained , had been effective in restoring the American merchant marine , and that the only measure likely to accomplish the de sired object would be the imposition - discriminating duties against im ports in foreign vessels. An Astonishing 1'at-t. Croatly to He Desired. The American Economist is for pro- ction * with a vengeance. It would ovltle , in addition to the present etnod of fixing prices and forcing the merican consumer to accept or pay iem , heavy penalties on ships of other itious coming Into our ports , ana ouhl pay high subsidies to Eastern anufacturers to help them build ships carry their surplus goods forth for Di le in other lands. Dallas ( Texas ) DWS. ii How ] about Western manufacturers ? ( > were under the Impression that : xas had lately developed an Indus- ire all ial ambition and was desirous ot son laudoniiig the folly of shipping dat for me raw materials and then buying em < back again in the shape if lin- hed products. It the Lone Star State Fl .ould be fortunate enough to realize is laudable aspiration through the Sr ise : economic industries to gain 2. firm r.ii. otholtl , woulil it not be desirable that lieu itsitle markets bo provided for its lioPi rplus goods by means of an Anier- Pi an merchant marine built up in the terest of American trade extension ? is this result , good friends , that the merican Economist is striving for 1th all its might. Is it not a result eatly to be desired ? The ceremony of owning Edwards " BOD. R Evans , a cousin of "Fighting S the pastor of a Congregational church In Danbury , Conn. , got aa rar as crowding the church with specta tors to witness the rite before it was ' views decided that the candidate's were not sufficiently o'rthodox. wr. ofthe Yale Evans , who Is a graduate divinity school , has preached several times m the church he was to nave taken charge of and is quite popular with its congregation. It's well enough to keep up to date , but it's foolish to borrow trouble ahead. Blood Purified by Hood's Sarsapa- rila ! and Health is Good. "I was a sufferer from catarrn. One or my neighbors advised me to toke Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did so. A few bottles pur led my blood and cured me. I have remained In good health ever since. " JAS. T. ADKINS , Athensvllle , Illinois. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. 51 ; six for $5. Hood's Pills cure all Liver IDs. 25cent * . Speaking of the immense power of Boss Croker , Bourke Cochran says ev ery financial house in New York city dreads his hostility , and that , if he declared that he needed $1,000,000 for political purposes , § 2,000,000 would bo immediately forthcoming. It's just as easy to buy Diamond "C" Soap as inferior kinds. Your grocer sells it. Young Doctor I find It hard to draw the line between hay fever and influ enza. Old Doctor It is hard , my boy ; but social distinctions have to be made ; there's no help for it. " Detroit Journal. General'Wheeler was the youngest man in the confederate army to attain the rank of lieutenant general. He was 26. Established 1760. Chocolate , celebrated for more ' than a century as a delicious , nutritious , and flesh-forming beverage , has our < ? well-known | 3 > Yellow Label < ? j lill li on the fron t of every x ll package , and our | xjjj trade-mark"LaBelle I - , Chocolatiere/'onthe back. NONE OTHER GENUINE. MADE : ONLY BY WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Dorchester , Mass. THIS GIZE.VT SYSTEM IS THE DIIiECT HOCTE OMAHA TO KANSAS COT ST. LOUIS And All Points i-outh and Southeast- Fast Time and Supvior Through Service Re- cling Chair are ( Seats Frre ) Pullman Uufiett bleeping Ca-s. .T. 0. 1-HTLLllMT. TIleS F. GOUFKEV. A. G. r. & v. . \ . r. & T. A. W. C. I5ARNES. T p. A. OfficeS. . R C > r. llth anil Dots-las , Omaha , Nebraska Arc now usiaj ; our international TypeHigh Pteiss Sawed to LflSOB-SAVlfiS LENGTHS. 1 They will save tiny * In your comroslnK room as they can bo handled even uuicKer thau type. Nooxti-.ichanro Is made Tor sawing plates to short , lencths. > on < l a trial order to tills oalcc andba convinced. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UW1DW , OMAHA , NEB. Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. ' O'FARRELL. Pension Ajsnt. 1435 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C. DrKay's Lung Balm "KATIE KELLY , " "A SAILING OVER THE SEA. " and "THE EM- BLEMOFTHEFREE' 4 Rood BODCS. Canal price * . 4 forfOc. Special Offer Me c ch : onrsC3o , or sonas nnd any o.tjer We piece : Any cno of the nlxms mrni.nl or vocal ) you mar nauio ( lastru- fo-45c. Cbnsa kent postpaid for 4. > c. Ye * , both a ECJW Ca , 3105 ? nailiaiT8.SL , LajEA. . ffav's Rsnfivatnr ) cuarantood . constipation , liver and Iddr.rydu.i-aso.tjf'- tocurcdyspop- ntss. cr-ii'ssshe. . - etc. At drusj-is'sfcSc & S1. 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