The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1898, Image 5

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    LADIES :
I want to call your attention
to the nice line of fine shoes
I have just received. They are
good in quality , elegant in
style , and pleasing to the eye.
They will' fit your feet and
make you smile when you see
THE PRICE IS FROM $1.00 TO $4.50
You also may want seine
ii school shoes. I have them
i good and cheap. Do not
buy a shoddy shoe when
you can g-et a better one
for only a few cents more.
I guarantee them.
* > VAA/
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capita , ! and Surplus , $60,000
GEO. HOCKf/ELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros.
Iff. F. LAWSOH , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. \
ififeriBW IV.i
At Brewer's Old Stand.
L. kl MU
Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles.
keep everything usually to ! ?
be found in a first-elass city market , | |
and respectfully solicit your patronage. ?
= THEri ALL. ;
lftd jt's 1 a
See our imperial clubbing offer on our editorial page.
Any paper or magazine at reduced price.
Will Brown was up from Oxford
Thanksgiving day.
Conductor Al. Sharp was down from
Denver , first of the week.
Conductor T. A. Foley returned , Uii *
morning , from his sad trip to Itoone ,
Sunday nijjht , Monday and Momlm
night railroading was anything but a
Mrs Ed. CafTery is up from Oxford ,
this week , on a visit to her parents and
Double-headers were necessary to gel
trains over the division , Monday , in the
face of the storm.
Engineer Joe Slaby was down from
Denver , last Friday and Saturday , thr
guest of his sisters.
Trains from the east , Monday nighi
and Tuesday morning , were many houu
late on account of the storm.
Johns Hopkins university has sold its
B. & O. stock for 75 cents on the dollar
lar and realized $800,000 in the deal.
, Chief Dispatcher and Mrs. J. F. Forbes
and the children ate Thanksgiving tur
key with her parents and brother at
Mr. and Mrs. Cnnfield , who have beeii
the guests of W. S. Perry and family , re
turned to their home in Harvard , this
state , Wednesday morning.
George Irving , an uncle of Engineer
A. Monks , is here from Omaha , on a
visit. He was formerly connected with
the Burlington's engineer corps at this
Engine 46 got in the way of four cars
of coal as they came down off of the
shute at Holdrege , Wednesday afternoon ,
and the goat hasn't looked or felt well
Mrs. Frank Harris came down from
Denver , Thanksgiving morning , to take
the children up to their new home.
They went up to Denver , Thursday
night on 3 , in Supt. Campbell's private
car 10.
Little Lulu Moore , daughter of Engin
eer J. H. Moore ; gave a party. Wednes
day afternoon , in honor of her young
cousin Edna Moore of Crete , now here
on a visit. About a score of young girl
friends participated in the joy and feast
of the happy occasion.
Fireman and Mrs. Charles Etuerson
suffered the loss of their two-months-old
irl , Tuesday night. The little one was
ill but a brief while ; was thought to have
but a cold ; but a sudden and severe
change for the worse quickly trans
planted the frail flower. The remains
were buried in Riverview , Wednesday
afternoon. Rev.Ketman conducted brief
services at the Baptist church.
Western roads have agreed upon re
duced rates between points no more than
200 miles distant for Christmas and New
Year. One and one-third fares for the
round trip will be made where the rate
Is 3 cents a mile and one and one-fifth
fares where the rate is greater. Tickets
will be sold December 24 , 25 , 26 and 31
and January i and 2 , good for return
passage to and including'January 4.
Monday's storm was an unusually se
vere one in the eastern part of the state ,
; he railroad managers declaring it the
severest storm in years. No effort was
made to move freight trains on the east
ern , southern and northwestern divisions
of the Burlington and the passenger ser
vice was badly out of repair , "double-
headers" being the rule. The western
division made things move as usual , only
seing delayed by the trains coining late
Tom the other divisions. Telegraph
iues suffered in other parts of the state.
jut there was not enough snow in this
ection to disarrange' the wires much.
The storm extended as far south as
Louisiana and had its origin in the Brit-
sh provinces.
Violins and Guitars at the Bee
The doctors announce that there is
very little sickness in the city or vicinity
ust now. In fact there is an unusual
"reedoin from the usual ills of the flesh.
We'll save you money on Notions
every time at the Bee Hive.
The yellow and black acquitted them
selves handsomely , Thanksgiving day , .
carrying off the honors. Other games
are contemplated for the future. ]
Table and pocket cutlery at the
Bee Hive.
A Weasant Letter.
It takes a slever juuu to find a good
word to say on every occasion. It is Enid
of Thomas Bailey Aldrich that bo ouco
received a letter from his friend , Pro
fessor Edward S. Morse , nud fonnd the
handwriting wholly illegible. Mr. Al
drich was uot at n loss for an answer.
In duo time there came to Mr. Morse
the following reply :
My dear Morse , it was very pleasant
to receive a letter from yon the other
day. Perhaps I should have fonnd it
pleasantur if I had beeri able to decipher
it I don't think I mastered anything
beyond the date , which I knew , and the
signature , at which I guessed.
There is a singular and perpetual
charm in a letter of yours it never
grows old , and it never loses its novelty.
One can bay every morning as one looks
at it : "Here's a letter of Morse's I
haven't read yet. I think I shall tulco
another shy at it today , and maybe I
shall bo able in the course of a few
years to make out what he means by
those t'sthat look likow's and those i'a
that haven't "
any eyebrows.
Other letters are read and thrown
away and forgotten , but yours are kept
forever unread. One of them will last
a reasonable man a lifetime. Youth's
A Very Prndent Yoniifr Mnn.
Of "William and John Scott , after
ward Lord Stowell and Lord Elton ,
Lord John Russell used to tell this
story : When they were yonug meu at
the bar , having had a stroke of profes
sional lack , they determined to cele
brate the occasion by having a dinner
at the tavern and going to the play
When it was time to call for the reck
oning "William Scott dropped a guinea.
Ho and his brother searched for it in
vain and came to the conclusion that it
had fallen between the boards of the
nncarpeted floor.
"This is a bad job , " said William ,
"we must give up the play. "
"Stop a bit , " said John. "I know a
trick worth two of that , " and ho called
a waitress.
"Betty , " said ho , "we've dropped 2
guineas. See if you can find them. "
Betty went down on her hands and
knees and found the guinea , which had
rolled under the fender.
"That's a very good girl , Betty , "
said John Scott , pocketing the coin ,
"and when you find the other you can
keep it for your trouble. " Arid the pru
dent brothers went with light hearts to
the play and so eventually to the bench
and the woolsack.
Flnli In Icebound Waters.
Fish do not breathe air , but the life
supporting constituent of air oxygen
gas which is soluble in water to the
extent'of three volumes in 100 at ordi
nary temperatures and four in 100 at
freezing point.
The water containing the dissolved
oxygen is made to pass over the gills ,
where it is separated from the blood
only by a very thin membrane , through
which the gas is able to pass.
Fish in icebound rivers have to d&-
pend entirely upon this store of oxygen
for their respiration , and if it becomes
exhausted they are suffocated , just as
wo should bo if deprived of oxygen.
It rarely happens , however , that any
considerable area of water is entirely
covered with ice , especially in the casa
of rivers. Holes and cracks are almost
sure to occur hero and there , by which
the oxygen of the air can reach the wa
ter and become dissolved in it. During
a long frost fish may always bo found
congregated ( beneath air holes in large
numbers. They are there to breathe.
Enrly TJne of Tobncco.
I have heard my grandfather say that
one pipe was hriuded from man to man
round about the table. They had first
silver pipes ; the ordinary sort nmdn use
of a walnut shell and a straw. Tobacco
was sold then for its weight in silver.
I have heard some of our old yeomen
neighbors say that when they went to
Malmesbury or Chippenhaui market
they culled out their biggest shillings
to lay in the scales against the tobacco.
Sir W. R. , standing in a stand at Sir
Robert Poyntz's park at Acton , took ; i
pipe of tobacco , which imulo the ladies
quit it until ho had done. "Brief Lines
Set Down by John Aubrey , " 1GG9-OG.
Tlie Philosophical Tailor.
Hov often have 1 taken away a gar
ment for a fault which did not exist
and which I of course never intended to
rectify. How often have I taken back
the same garment without it ever hav
ing been unfolded and been commended
for the alteration which had not been
made , and then been reprehended for
not having done what was right at first.
A man to be a good tailor should bo
either a philosopher or a mean , cring
ing slave , whose feelings had never
been excited to the pitch cf manhood.
"Life of Francis Place. "
Literary Pursuit.
Fyushly What is Wally doing now ?
Harrison Well , when I last saw him
he was engaged in a literary pursuit.
Fyushly Indeed ! I didn't think ho
had enough brain to write.
Harrison Ho wasn't writing. He
was chasing a newspaper that the wind
had blown away. London Fun.
I'ntyer From n Grateful Heart.
Prayer as the expression of a sincere
nud grateful heart may have its uses ,
and doubtless has. But in the mouth of
man who loans money at 200 per cent
interest on chattel mortgage ifc may as
well be omitted. Columbus Press-Post.
"There is an old woman , " says a
London paper , "who has a milk stand
in St. .James park , who has stood at it
for G3 years. Her mother kept it before
her and her grandmother before that ,
the latter having been in possession for
72 years. "
The officers of a leading London hos
pital believe that the general increase
of cancer is duo to excess it meat cat-
In order to reduce our large stock of
Dress Goods , we have marked down
ffife our already low prices. Now is
81 $ the time to buy. Call and
get a bargain
CpMetsMaMte , , 1
' $ are going fast. See our line before you
SK ? buy.jjl New Gooods and Correct
Stylesjat lower prices than you
will find elsewhere.
We have specialf bargains in this line.
Call and see them.
We are better than ever prepared to
supply your wants in Groceries.
Bringgus your Orders.
I ? O
ftft OF MeCOOK. NEB.
II * Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus. $5.000 * < j
B * *
< >
= =
Soothinjr , hcnlinjj , cloniiMn j. PoWilt's
XVitch Hazel Salve is the implacnhle ene-
tuv cif sores , burns and \voiuuls. Jt never
f.iils to cure piles. Von may icly upon
it A. McMillen.
When you ask for DeXVUt's Witch Ha
zel Salve < lon't accept a counterfeit or
imitation. There are itiote cases of piles
lii-ii jj cuteil by this , than all othets coin-
A. McMillen.
Tribune Clubbimr List.
For convenience ol leaders of TllK TKIU-
UNI' , we have made airangcmcnts with the
following newspapers and pcrodicals wherehv
we can supply them in combination with THK
I'Kilil'Nr. at the following very low prices :
rur.uc.vnoN. n
Detroit Free Press Si oo
Leslie's Weekly * . | oo
Prairie Fanner
Chicago Inter-Ocean
Cincinnati Knquircr.
New-York Ti ihiitic
Demorest's Magazine. . .
loledo HIadc
Nchraska Farmer
loua Homestead
Lincoln Journal
CamphclPs Soil-Culture.
Omaha Hee
Cosmopolitan Mag ;
St. Louis Kepuhlic.
\Ve are prepared to fill oideis for any other
papers published , at reduced rates. j
TitKTiuiiUNK , McCook. Nch.
I-rasjraut Lotion
is a delightful preparation to
apply to the skin after a bath.
It is especially beneficial for a
too red. rough skin , and in )
healing all kinds of facial \
eruptions : excellent for heated
and inflamed parts. It is a s
grateful and refreshing addi
tion to the toilet , cooling , ton
ing and beautifying. Fortifies
against exposures to wind and
produces a clear complexion.
25c. a bottle.
* -
L. W. iUeComiell & Co.
Constipation pievenl * the boilv li MU
iul 15 K itself ola ste ttuUttM . IWYUl's
Little l \ly Riseis wilt UMIIOVO the Uvu
ble ami cine sick headache ,
inactive liver and cleai1 the
Small , snuar-coatml , don't ipco cn < r
nausea. A.