The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1898, Image 2

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, V. it , KIMMEI.L , I'ablUher.
HcCOOK , - : - - : NEBRASKA
Several casca of diphtheria , have of
late- developed at Norfolk.
Mrs. Henry Sprngue , an estimable
woman of Grand Island , died last week.
By the bursting of < i lamp , Miss
Mniul Egar of Bertrand was burned to
, . - death.
The average yield of corn iu Cuming
county is about thirty-two bushels to
the acre.
The Commercial club of Omaha will
push the buiidiug of a new beet sugar
Fremont's charity ball was a great
eucccsB , an immense throng being in
There is a brisk demand at Colum
bus for nil kinds of labor , both skilled
and unnltilled.
The latest report from -the Third
regiment shows men absent and sick ,
64 ; officers , 2 ; in quarters , 38.
Gus Fallert. a blacksmith at Hoi-
brook , had both eyes blown entirely
out by an explosion of babbit metal.
A number of young people of Wy-
morc , returning from a dance , went
over an embankment. Three or four
were painfully injured.
The Nebraska City Athletic club has
been , organized. It has some fifty mem
bers arid they will have a good gym
nasium and reading room.
A hospital patient named Anderson ,
from Dav/son county , hanged himself
i in his room at the Norfolk asylum
I with a cord he had somehow secured.
I A meeting of the board of public
( lands and buildings was held and the
j addition to the Hastings asylum'for
mally accepted from the guaranty com-
I pany which had become respou.sible.for
I the finishing of the building.
Cuming county claims the champion
corn raiser of Nebraska In the person
of Anton Posta of West Point , who
raleed on five acres of land 437 bush
els and thirty pounds , wnlch is equiv
alent to eighty-seven , and one-half
bushels to an acre.
Ora Lathrop , a young man living
twelve miles nortuwest of Arapahoe ,
was accidentally shot by a pun in the
hands of his brotho- the shot taking
effect In the hip joint , from which he
riled , living about _ irty-six hours after
the accident occurred.
The heavy shaft which broke com
pletely in two at the susar factory in
Grand Island has been repaired by a
new shaft made at the shops In. Omaha
and work has been resumed. It is es
timated that the factory will run on.
beets until the 10th of December.
The city council of Nebraska City
nt a special meeting received and ac
cepted a proposition from Spltzer &
Co.of New refund $237,000 of
the city's bonds. The nev bonds draw
5 per cent interest. $1150,000 to run for
twenty years and $87,009 optional aft
er ten years.
The total number of votes cast in
Platte county at the recent election as
shown by the poll book is 2,821 as
against 3.79G at the presidential elec
tion in 1896. This is a decrease of over
950 votes and is not readily understood
by the politicians and those familiar
with the county.
James W. Pine , a switchman em
ployed in the B. & M. yards at Platts-
mouth , was run over anil instantly
killed by his engine. Mr. Pine has
held many responsible positions dur
ing his twelve years' service under the
B. & M. , having served as wardmaster
at Lincoln and at Plattsmouth.
While at work putting corrugated
iron , on the Duff Grain company's ele
vator at Nebraska City -A. Vr. Adams
fell some sixty i.oet from a scaffold ,
striking on the roof of the scale shed
and breaking two 2x6 scantlings. His
nose , jaw. one arm and one rib were
broken. He will doubtless die.
A terrible accident , resulting in the
death of Mrsr Dick Kriemelmeyer oc
curred at Cambridge. While a loaded
shotgun was being removed from one
portion of the room to another by a
member of the family it was accident
ally discharged , the charge entering
the forehead of the victim and literal
ly tearing off the entire top of her
During the month of October the
mortgages filed and released in Adams
county were as follows : Farm mort
gages filed , twenty ; amount , $19,890.13 ;
released , fifty-twO ; amount , 29,980.13 ;
city mortgages filed , eight ; amount ,
$3.130 ; released , twelve ; amount , $6.-
350 ; chattel mortgages filed , 172 ;
amount , $71.229.05 ; released , 132 ;
amount , SCS.6C6.20.
When the cas of the state against
McNeal was called in the county court
of Platte county the defendant could
not be found and a default was en
tered against his bondsmen. McNeal
is charged with bigamy , and his former
wife was present from Missouri to
prosecute him. The bondsmen main
tain that they will produce him in a
reasonable time , uuc it is believed that
he has gone out of the country , as the
case seems to be very strong against
A number of ranchmen living in the
southern part of Cherry and Brown
counties , among them W. K. Kennedy ,
J. B. Enders and the Smolk brothers ,
suffered great loss last week from a
devastating prairie fire which swept
that region for many miles , burning
up thousands of ao As of winter range
and many thousands of tons of hay.
The town of Amsworth was thought
to be imperiled , but the wind veered
and carried uie flames away from the
At Geneva relatives and friends of
the members of company G. First reg
iment , made up one hundred and seven
Christmas boxes , one for each mem
ber of the company.
Major Furay and other Grand Ar
my men of the city have taken the
matter In hand and have started a
movement in Omaha that will enable
the boys of the Third Nebraska regi
ment now stationed in the south to
feel thankful on "i nankspiving day. It
is the purpose of the old veterans to
secure a number of boxes of food and
dainties , all of which will be forwarded
in time to reach the soldiers on
Thanksgiving day. j
Wreck of the Atalanta Due to the
Captain's Carelessness ,
Was Rncliiff With Another Vowel and
Kept Too Clcnc In Shnro In Making n
Short Cut to Head the Other Vessel Off
Snapped the Vomel In Two.
Ore. , Nov. 21. One of
the survivors of the Atalanta , wrecked
off the Oregon coast Thursday , claims
that the wreck was due to the care
lessness of the captain who paid for
his folly with his life. The Atalanta
was racing- with another- vessel
and was keeping closer in shore
in order to get the advantage
of the wind in tacking and
to make a short cut to head the other
vessels off. It was closa in shore and
not seeing the light at Cape Foul
Weather , steered ahead until it struck
the reef about four miles below Alsea
bay and about one mile and a half
from shore with such terrifie force as
to snap the masts off like tooth-picks ,
carrying- the risrgiug and everything
with it.
Two of the survivors after reaching
land made their way to a cabin and
awakening t'j3 occupants started them
in all directions for help. The farmers
were very slow in notifying the life
saving station at South Ueach , twenty
miles away , and the life savers did not
reach the wreck for ten hours after it
Captain Clark and his life crew en
deavored to reach the wreck , but hav
ing no horses it was difficult to get
the surf boat wagon and the cannon
down the beach toward the wreck ,
twenty miles away , and tha men
were compelled to drag the wagon and
cannon. They arrived at Alsea early
in the morning , and hurrying1 to the
wreck they found they were unable to
do anything , as the ship was beyond
the reach of their lines and their can
non was useless. The ship had broken
in two , and the waves were dashing
over her.
Pnritaaloal Action of London J > vrnmkerjj
Opposed by Queen VlclorlH.
LONDON" , Nov. 21. Intense interest
has been aroused by the puritanical
decision of the licensing committee of
the London county council to refuse
licenses to halls where Sunday con
certs are given for profit. This will
practically mean the abolition of the
concerts which have brightened the
London Sunday for the last few years ,
which even their opponents admit
always consist of the highest class of
music. The newspapers are unani
mous in denouncing the decision and
demand that the London county coun
cil refuse to ratify it.
The queen gives a snub to the oppo
nents of Sunday musie by having the
guards band play on the terrace at
Windsor castle every Sunday afternoon
while she resides there. Tbe public is
then admitted to the castle grounds ,
and last Sunday , for instants , a large
concourse of people listeuod to I be
Torches : it Xoo , in n London Yoy.
Loxnox , Nov. 21. Almost unprece
dented mild weather it being exper
ienced for this time of the year in
England. The open gardens are full
of flowers which are blooming in great
profusion. One of the most dense ; fogs
in many years , however , enveloped
London Thursday , greatly impeding
railroad and street traffic. The quaint
spectacle of pedestrians feeling their
way with flaming torches at noon was
seen in the London streets.
Colonel 3Iorjjan for Governor.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 21. Not a
few state Democratic politicians are
casting about already fora man to suc
ceed Lon "V. Stephens as governor. A
new man who is about to come into
the field is Colonel Charles II. Morgan
of La mar. He was twice a congress
man from his district and was recently
lieutenant colonel of one of the Mis
souri regiments. His friends assert
that he will cause a splash if he jumps
into the race for governor.
Airs. Henderson' * ITaib.tnd Gets : i Divorce
WAimr.xsBUKG , Mo. , Nov. 21. Will
iam Henderson of Columbus township
was granted a divorce from Cora Hen
derson in the circuit court here yester
day. Mrs. Henderson is the woman
who eloped with the llcv. Ilobcrt E.-
Uowell , the man who committed sui
cide in a hotel at Olathc , Kan. , re
cently. This week Charles Pinson ,
the man whom the Eev. Ilowell em
ployed to burn bis bouse , will be tried
for arson
liotkln WitncHSes to Cost S3DOO.
SAX FKAXCISCO , Nov. 21. Sheriff
Whalen has given to Chief of Police
Lees SIJ.OOO in gold to bring the Itotkin
witnesses from Delaware to this cit3' .
This money will be forwarded at once
by the chief , so that the witnesses can
be here by December 5 , the date of the
The Detained Dynamiter JIa Kscnpcd.
QuKitic , Nov. 12. Patrick Flanagan ,
who served fifteen years in Euglish
prisons for connection with a dynamite
plot , and who was detained here by
the immigration bureau , has disap
peared. He left by the Grand Trunk
railway for Montreal , presumably
bound for the United States.
A $400,00(1 Flro In u Shipyard.
NEW YOIK , Nov. 21. A fire iu the
shipyards of J. II. Sturiu , in West
Jsew'brighton , StaU-n Island , destroyed
-even buildings , causing a loss of
JiOO,000 to-day.
Dewey Informs Xnvy Department of : >
Korlou * Aff.tlr.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. News of a
mixed character came to the navy de-
department from Admiral Dcwey ,
touching the situation in the Philip
, The admiral sent two of his war
ships , the Charleston and the Concord ,
some time ago to the southward from
Manila to ascertain whether there was
truth in reports that the insurgents
had extended their activities in that
direction. Yesterday he cabled as fol
lows :
"Charleston and Concord arrived
to-day from Iloilo. Glass reports that
the entire island of Panay is in pos
session of the insurgents , except Iloilo ,
which is defended by aOO Spanish
troops. All foreign citizens there beg
for American protection. The island
of Negros has declared independence
and desires American protectorate. "
Glass is the commander of the
Charleston. So far nothing has been
done bjf the administration toward
curbing the insurgents in their opera
tions , save verbal representations from
the American commanders to Aguin-
alclo , in which it has been pointed out
to him that it would bo good policy , in
view of tiie probability of the annexa
tion of the islands by the United
States , to pursue a course that would
not be obnoxious to the United States ,
liut the situation is now realised to be
critical. So far as the Spaniards arc
concerned , perhaps they can be left to
take care of themselves , but the for
eign residents at Hello are differently
The difficulty in the situation is that
with the best intentions to intervene
to protect the Europeans and other
foreigners and to save the city of Iloilo ,
the second of importance iu the Phil
ippine group , from looting the United
States forces appear to be stopped
under the rules of war from moving
from their positions. Such is the con
struction placed upon the clause in the
protocol relating to a suspension of
John \V. Koelny of "Motor" Fame IlcIn
Pnii.AUKM'iirA , Nov. 21 * John W.
Keeley. the inventor of the Keeley
motor , died yesterday at his home in
this city from pneumonia. He was
taken ill on Saturday last and con
tinued to grow steadily worse until
his death.
Mr. Keeley was ( > 1 years of age and
leaves a widow. He was a native of
this city. education was meagre :
and at an early age he became a car
penter , following that trade until 1S72.
It was in that year that he announced
that bo was the discoverer of a new
force bj' which motive power would be
revolutionised Following this lie
constructed what has become known
as the Keeley motor. On November
10 , 1874 , he gave its first exhibition
before a number of capitalists aud
scientists , who advanced § 100,000 to
enable him to perfect his discovery
and apply the principle. Since then
large .sums of money have been ex
pended without any practical public
Uetwccn 1674 aud 1S91 , Keeley con
structed and discarded IJ-'O tl'urerent
models. In his first model he em
ployed water as a generator , but later
the experjincuts were made with what
he called a "liberator , ' ' a machine
equipped with a large number of tun
ing forks , which , be claimed , disinte
grated the air and released a power/ul
ethcric force.
To Knixe Illoro Warship * .
WASHiXGTOJs , Nov. 21. Admiral
Dewcy has informed the navy depart
ment that he has contracted with a
Hong- Kong firm of wreckers to raise
three of the Spanish war vessels sunk
in the battle of Manila last May day.
The cost of raising the ships and
putting them in thorough repair will
be § 500,000. The vessels to be raised
are gunboats of large type , and , in the
opinion of Chief Constructor Hich-
born , they will be the very best kind j
of craft for the protection of the
United States' interests among ; the
Philippines and along the Asiatic
coast. They arc the sister ships , Isla
dc Cuba and Isla de Luzon , and the
Don Juan dc Austria.
Double Kansas Murder.
OARDKX Crrv , Kan. , Nov. 21. A
loublc murder was committed seven
miles went of Garden City j'esterclay.
A. F. Pitts shot and killed George
Neighbors and bis son , Lewis Neigh
bors , on their farm while at work.
* itts and the NeighIxjrs reside on ad-
oining farms , and the difficulty seems
, o have arisen out of an attempt by
. 'itts to join fences. Pitts is in jail.
School Hey Murdered.
ST. JosKi'ii , Mo. , Nov. 2'1. Henry
Stachorowski , a ii-ycar-old school boj- ,
was nmrdered by a companion on the
way to school after the noon recess
yesterday. The little fellow was
stabbed in the breast. He ran home
and fell bleeding in sight of his
mother. "When p'ickcd up he was dead.
His assailant is unknown.
Train Held Up in Cuh.i.
HAVAXA , Nov. 21. A oar on the line
running from this city to Jesus del
.Monte , a suburb , was held up by a
fy.-ng of robbars close to the Cristina
station. Every passenger in the car
was forced to throw up his hands , and
the thieves then took their valuables.
After this work had been accomplished
the car was allowed to proceed on its
SAX Fr.A.vcisco , Nov. 21. The trans
port St. Paul sailed yesterday for
Manila , carrying a cargo of Chris.ttnas
presents for "the soldiers and sailors in
the Philippines.
An American Soldier Killed and
Others Wounded by Natives ,
Insurgents Koported to Have Captured
Hello The Crulsc-rs Isla do Cuba and
Isla do Lu-foii Floated niul Now In
the American Navy.
MAXIT.A , Nov. 21. Three Filipino
natives hired a carriage last night and
afterwards became engaged in' a dis
pute with the driver i-egarding the
fare. Some members of the American
police force attempted to arrest the
natives , but the 'latter resisted , and
Sergeant Price , of the Minnesota regi
ment , was stabbe : ! and killed. Three
American soldiers.Mahcr , Montgomery
and Iloyt , were wounded. Maher shot
one native dead. The others were ar
It is reported that Hello , capital of
the Island of Panay , is in the hands of
the insurgents. The United States
cruiser Charleston and the United
States gunboat Concord have gone
MANILA , Nov. 21. The Spanish
cruisers Isla de Cuba and Isla do
Luzon , which were sunk during the
battle of Manila , have been floated
and docked at Cavite.
Troops Are In State of Unrest iind
IVIjy Also iu Kevolt.
HAVASA , Nov. 21. Havana is in a
state not of turmoil , but unrest. The
mass of the population is as anxious
as the business men for a quiet trans
ition from Spanish rule to Ainericau
control. Outside the vicious and crim
inal classes , whose nunibcr.s have un
fortunately been increasing , the city
dreads disorder.
That many of the battalions are
ready to mutiny is apparent. These
will ba the fii-st ones placed aboard
the transports and hastened back.
The evacuation will probably ba has
tened by this circumstance. The au
thorities have been slow and have
found pretexts for delay , but when
they themselves are threatened if the
inaction continues they will fiud it
feasible to embark with some rapidity.
Captain General lilaneo is himself
anxious to return , but lie cannot em
bark till the preparations for sending
back the troops in Havana province
have reached a more forward step.
r TVIllliim'd Tarklsh Visit Crit
icised hy the Duke of Westminster.
LOXDOX , Nov. 21. The Duke of
Westminster has written a letter in
which he says : "After what has been
said aud recorded ia blue books about
the misdeeds of the sultan and his
complicity in the murder of 100.000 of
his subjects. I feel that Emperor Will
iam's acceptance of the hospitality of
a monarch wiio by a series of unparal
leled crimes has placed himself outside
the pale of rlYili/.utinu , mut b deeply
regretted and deplored. ' '
This letter elicited a vehement at
tack on the Duke of Westminster in
William Waldorf A.stor's Pall Mall Ga
zette. It is known that Mr. Astor
and the duke are the reverse of
friends , owing to a squabble over the
possession of tlsc famous visitors' book
and other personal articles which Mr.
Astor insisted were included in the
purchase of Clivodcn.
.Recommendations to 15n M du to the Xu-
llonal Industrial Commission.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. Tbe national as
sembly of the Knights of Labor , at
their annual meeting in this city , have
decided to recommend to the indus
trial commission the repeal of govern
ment by injunction , the prohibition of
employment of children under Jfi years
of age , the prohibition of watering
stock by any railroad or corporation ,
the establishment of pohtal savings
banks , government control of rail
roads , the ifaMmnce of greenbacks by
the government direct , the election of
United States Senators by the people's
vote , the election of the President by
popular vote and the initiative and
referendum. A committee of three is
to be appointed to submit ree-
ommendationJTto the com'nih ion.
S.i\v Himseir us "Shjrn > . "
LONDON , Nov. 21. Mr. Hooley , the
promoter , was so sanguine that he
.vouhl get a baronetcy , at the time of
Lbe jubilee that he issued invitation
sards to scats which he rented on the
top of Lndgutu hill , overlooking the
L-eremany at St. Paul's cathedral , in
t.he name of "Sir Ernest and Lady
Hooley. " It is understood that the
jueen or the Marquis of Salisbury ve-
Locd his baronetcy , which the Conservative
vative wire pullers did their best to
secure. The politicians returned Mr.
Hooley his check , which was for S250-
300 , 01113- after the jubilee honors had
been published.
A l > lro Prophecy for Krltain.
PARIS , Nov. 1 . The Rappel to-day ,
in threatening Great Britain with
French hostility in the future , say.s :
"The blunders of Great Britain in tt > u
Fashoda question have irritated Eu-
opc and excited the appetite * of , the
United States. England and AmdVica
ran scarcely continue to agree. Can-
vda is very tempting after Cuba , aud
.hen Jamaica , Uritish Guiana and the
Jape. A decade hence Great Britain
, vill be caught between Europe and
> hc United States , and that day will
je Great ItritaiifB death. ' ' <
Ttronly Mon Severely Injured In a Wreck
During : i Fog.
Wn/roN , Iowa , Nov. 21 ? Twenty-
two men were more or less injured in
two railway wrecks near here yester
day during a heavy fog. In a head-end
freight collision on the Ilock Island at
Moscow , Itrukcman John Donahue was
fatally hurt. Brakeman Marshall
Miller had a leg broken. Three other
trainmen were seriously injured. Don
ahue did not long survive.
Just after the Moscow accident a
construction train whieh left here to
clear the wreck was struck by the fast
mail train. The crew of the mail train
failed to see the signals displayed at
Wilton to stop. The construction train
had on board about twenty men , in
cluding section msn and citixens of
Wilton goingto the scene of the Mos
cow wreck. Of this number seventeen
were more or less seriously injured ,
but none was killed.
Mora KJotin In Panu.
. PAKA , III. , Nov. 21. The town was
kept iu a state of terror last evening
by numerous encounters between ne
groes and striking miners. Both are
heavily armed anil use their ammuni
tion freely. About 7 o'clock Deputy
Sheriff Sid Watts , who was returning
from the Spring-side mine , where he
had been on duty , was shot from am
bush. The bullet tool ; effect in lis
right arm , which had to be amputated.
A number of residences have been
pierced by bullets , and those who were
able to do so have sent their families
to the country. The principal streets
arc patrolled by soldiers. Captain But
ler had a long conversation by tele
phone with Governor Tanner last
night.-and it is .said that more troops
will ba here t
The First Spanish rcntion.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. Commission
er Evans of the pension office notified
Secretary AUrer to-ilay that Jesse T.
Gates of the Second United States ar
tillery , who lost part of his upper lip
in the West Indian campaign , has
been awarded the first pension on ac
count of the Spanish war. Gates will
receive § 17 per month , and this being
inadequate a private pension bill in
creasing the pension probably will be
introduced in Congress. Claims on
account of the war are now
coming in rapidly. The total on file
up to date is 1,947 for war service and
173 for naval service , exclusive of the
claims of the battleship Maine victims
B.inlceri to J'o Arrested.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Nov. ; i. Before
Judge Gordon , District Attorney Gra
ham asked for and was granted at
tachments for the arrest for contempt
of court of William Montgomery , cash
ier of the Allegheny National bank of
Pittsburg. and Stephen H. Stone , cash
ier of the Beaver Deposits bank of
Beaver. Pa. , for failing to appear and
testify in the case of the common
wealth against United States Senator
Quay , his son. Richard II. Quay , anil
ex-State Treasurer Haywood , who are
charged with conspiracy in the misuse
of state funds.
C'.iillicotlic Without TV.itor.
CniLMCOTHK. Mo. . Nov. 22. The
pumping station win eh supplied Chilli-
cothe with water was destroyed by
fire , entailing a loss to the water coin-
pany that will approximate 810,000 and
rendering a water famine in the city
unavoidable. The city is without pro
tection against firt\ and the electric
light company will have to depend on
hauling water to supply its boilers un
til the water company can rebuild its
house and replace its engine and
boilers with new ones. All the rail
roads are dependent on the water
company for water at this point.
FiD > ou > Csin it to IIJ Sold.
BALTIMOUE. Md. . Nov. 21. The
board of public works to-day decided
Lo sell all the interest of the state or
Maryland in the famous Chesapeake &
Ohio eana ! . This interest has cost the
state , in one way or another about
f . * ) .000,000. but its present value is In
determinate , as it is now in the hands
i > f receivers. The cmiai was for over
half a century the main public work of
Maryland and was built almost entirely
by the stale.
In Honor of Schley.
FninKiiCK. Md. , Nov. ' 1. Admiral
Schlcy reached this city yesterday and
will remain until Sunday , visiting his
relatives here. His coming was the
occasion of an immense popular out
pouring and ovation. Many houses
ivere elaborately decoratedthe church
ind other bells of the city were rung
ind thousands gathered at the depot
Lo cheer him.
KryaiiN Leave Extended.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Nov. LM. Colonel
William J. Bryan's health docs not
neiul as rapidly as he has expected ,
ind on recommendation of his physi-
: iau , he was granted an additional ten
lays' leave of absence , which permits
lim to remain in Lincoln until Decem-
jer 4. Colonel Bryan complains of
acl : of strength and vigor.
Xntt AVuni * a Pardon
ATCHISOJC , Kan. , Nov. 2 ! . James Vf.
S'utl , now serving-a fifteen year term
it Lansing for assault with intent to
cill , made public last evening that he
vill , on December i > . make application
o the governor of Kansas for a par-
MUSKOGKI : . I. T. Wagoner , I. T. ,
vas visited last night by a 840,000 fire.
Phere was Sl. j.000 insurance. The fire
vas in the business portion of the city ,
iestroying about twelve stores. The
> ricfin of the fire is unknown.
Jlollo People In
WASHIKGTOX , Nor. 18. Reports of a
somewhat disquieting nature have
been received from General Otis , IB
command at Manila. He says that the
province of Iliolo in the island of
Tanay , which is technically occupied
is surrounded by the
by the Spaniards ,
insurgents and that fears are enter
tained that the Spanish population and
garrison will be massacred. Thetroopa
under General Otis are not available
for any such duty and under the terms
of the protocol , pending peace negotia
tions , it is not desirable to send a force
from the army to the island of Panay.
Nicaragua Canal.
NEW YORK , Nov. 18. E. F. Cragin
of Chicago , who engineered the pur
chase of the concession for the build
ing of the Nicaragua canal in the in
terest of the Grace syndicate , arrived
here yesterday on the steamer Alle
gheny from Grey town. - He was ac
companied by a corps of civil en
gineers belonging to the corporation.
Mr. Cragin says that the syndicate
which he represents has now full con
trol of the building of 'the interoceanic
canal , and that the old grant has been
canceled. He says work will begin at
once and that the route of the canal
will not be materially changed , and
that the capital to complete the work
has already been subscribed.
'Wanted at Once.
WASHIJTGTOX , Nov. 18. The United
States government is anxious that the
military forces shall have possession of
the port of Cienfuegoa. on the south
ern coast of Cuba , as soon as this can
be arranged. It has been represented
to the officials here that the vast sugar
cane fields in the province of Santa
Clara , Cienfuegos , being the port of
9ntry for that province , arc almost
ripe and ready for cutting , and that
implements for the work and oxen for
hauling the cane , should be sent into
the district as soon as possible. The
United States , in order that these may
be given prompt admission , desires-
control of the port.
Teresa Has Keen Abandoned.
WASHINGTON , Nov. IS. The armored
cruiser Maria Teresa has been aban
doned by this time , and lies a wreck
off Cat island. The department has
xvired Captain McCalla as follows :
"If you are satisfied , after consulta
tion of the officers named , the Teresa ,
cannot be saved , you are authorized to
abandon the wreck. As to other mat
ters , exercise your own judgment.
Notify the Uritish. authorities. "When
you have done all you can , return to-
Norfolk. "
TTTO Hundred Meteors Seen.
WILLIAMS BAY , Wis. . Nov. 18. The
lauch-talked-of meteoric shower was
observed here between midnight and
daybreak. While there was a good
display , the brilliancy was not what
was popularly expected. In the short
space of time during which they were
visible from the Yerkes observatory
about 200 meteors were seen. V
Kmbezzler Goes Scott .Free.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Nov. 18. In a letter
to Edward A. KozScr , United States
district attorney in this city , from At
torney General John W. Griggs , the
former was ordered to discontinue the
prosecution of David II. Hays , who
was indicted in 1S97 for embezzlement
; > SJ5,0'JO postal funds while acting as
cashier of the postoffiee at St. Louis.
JJJanco Han One Regret.
MADRID , .Nov. IS. Captain General '
Blanco , in a letter to Senator Tinlado , 'I
jays : "The keenest sorrow of my life
is surrendering Cuba , with an army of
150,000 men and 200 guns , to an enemv
rvho claims to have conquered Cuba ,
rrhile we are possessed of such re
sources. "
SrrellYiiite Honso Dinner.
WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. The Prcs-
dent and Mrs. McKinley entertained
it dinner last night the joint high
lommiesioners on the part of Great
LJritain and the United States. The
linner was the most elaborate social
Inaction at the White
house for manv
Minor * Blown to Atom * .
S , Mont. , Nov. IS. Kobcrt Mc-
ifaddea , V.'illiaiu Henderson. John
Kelly and George Morgan were blown
: p in the bottom of the KerfceU'y shaft
> y the explosion of dynamite.
Jmaha , Chicago and Xeir York Mnrtcet
Jnttor Creamery separator. . . is a 20
Sutler C'lioi.-e .
fancy country. 10 it :
SRR IMT do/ . is a IT
iprtnsrChirkcns- pound . 6 a 7
'lutrie Chirk * n . 3 5j a < iIO'I
'IRO II livo. pcrtloz . 73 a 1 00
Demons -1'cr box .
473 : x 7 00
) ranze& Per box . : 7.- a : i 00
'ranowrrie- -\Vi.M-ons5n , per bov 1 .V ) a 1 70
Ipple.s Per barrel . i 75 a. 3 M
ioney Choice , pt-r pound . u a 15
) nlonv I'er bushel . 33 a 40
' juis IIurHlpN-Ui-'l nary . 1 > u 1 r 3
'otatot'N For lm > h l. new . 33
Jsy Upland prton . 3 ( X ) a fi 50
logs Choice ll-lit . 330 a 3 50
logs Heavy weights . 3 3i a 3 40
teof. steers . a 13 a. 5 10
"ills . 2 &
J * ! ? S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jj 30 a a 3 4 no Cu
a 7 0 J
extern feeders 73
, u 3 tib
k-Ifcrt -
3 ,
„ a 4 T-O
lockers and feeders 73
a 4 00
hcup Muttons II
3 33
a 4 0-1
; lira * . Western
heep * < 10 a 4 3)
Vlirut Xo. 2 spring
" a
torn Per bushel II" : v
) ats Per bushel
u r
Ijirlor No. 2 31
tye No. 2 I .
' " A. 4K <
'imothy seed , per bu a 230
'ork ! crcwt
" " " a 7 1C
.artl Per 100 pounds II"
a 4 SS
Jnttlo ' Western Rancors 2 , o a 4 ( V >
'attU > Native beef steers 4 20 H. 4 r. %
logs Mixed 3 .y ) : i .1 7.
litpp I.itnbs < 31 . "
" ' " " a > do
necp AVcstcrn Kansers..I 1 00 a I ' 'a
ilieal No.2 , red winter 74
'orn No. 2
. . . . „ KANSAS CITY.
y heat-No. = sprUiK . iV )
- .
iats-No.2 09 u : y.\
. 0 .
u 31.
heop-M . ,
ttpus . nee u 4 S5
Josrs-Mlxod . 3,0 R. : t A
Juttlc Mockers and feeders. . . 3 IK a < iIO