The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1898, Image 8

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    Cuatlllan Calalne.
Oil and pepper are the two things
that especially characterize the Oastilian
cuisino. , OQQof'the favorite dishes in
Gnba'is"tasajo , " which is simply dried
'meat ' , cooked with tomatoes , red pep
pers nnd onions. "Tripa a la Andaluza"
is another preparation frequently seen.
As the name indicates , the basis is
boiled tripe , which is cooked with beans
end potatoes , and always served with
the small red Spanish sausage known
as "Bntafarra Catalina. " A similar
sausage , only black , is known as"Buta-
farra Astoriaua. "
"Ohilo con carne , " which evprybody
eats , is nothing more than a thick stew
of beef ( carne ) and beans seasoned with
chiles. Spanifih "tortillas" are corn
cakes flavored with red peppers , and
differ from tlio Mexican tortilla in thttt
the latter , when properly made , are
rolled in chopped vegetables. A salad
a la Espanola is prepared of lettnco
ind celery , with a few sliced tomatoen
tnd poppers. Served with French dress
ing it is very good.
The Spanish soups are as a rule a lit
tle too heavy for the American taste ,
which runs more toward the consomme.
They are thick decoctions , full of vege
tables , and look frightfully greasy
Soup , however , does not have the im
portant role among the Spaniards that
it playe in French domestic economy ,
and is an article of secondary impor
tance. The dishes named are pretty apt
to appear ore long on homo menus , nud
it is interesting to know in advance
what they are composed of. New Or
leans Times-Democrat.
Hooks Rather Than Food.
Success gives an interesting anecdote
told by Agassiz of his visit when a
young man to the great German nat
uralist , Professor Lorenz Oken.
The professor received his guest with
warm enthusiasm , but apparent embar
rassment. He showed his visitor the
laboratory and the students at work ,
also his cabinet ; and lastly his splendid
library of boobs pertaining to zoological
science , a collection worth some § 7,000 ,
and well deserving the glow of pride
which the owner manifested as he ex
piated on its excellence. The dinner
hour came , and then the embarrassment
of the great German reached its maxi
mum point. "M. Agassiz , " he said ,
with perturbation , "to gather and keep
up this library exacts the utmost hus
bandry of my pecuniary means. To ao-
cornplish this I allow myself no luxuiy
whatever. ' Hence my table is restricted
to the plainest fare. Thrice a week our
table boasts of meat , the other days we
have only potatoes and salt. I very
much regret that your visit has occurred
upon a potato day. " And so the splen
did Swftzer and the great German , with
his students , dined together on potatoes
and salt. And what must those students
have enjoyed in the conversation of
those remarkable men !
Telling : Him the Truth.
"I think Willie is learning to smoke , "
said his mother. "I wish yon to speak
to him about it. "
" What shall I say to him ? " asked his
"Why , tell him the truth , of course. "
And so "Willie was duly called up ,
and his father put on a severe look and
Eaid :
"Willie , I understand you are learn
ing to smoke. Now , before it goes any
further , I want to" tell you what the re
sult ; may be. You may die in a year ,
and then again yon may live to be 100
years old. "
" Why , John , " expostulated the boy's
"You told me to tell him the truth , "
returned the father , "and there's hard
ly a week goes by that I don't hear of
some one close to the century mark who
has smoked ever since he was 14 years
old , while people who never smoked at
all die in infancy with great frequency. ' '
It is sometimes difficult to get a man
who smokes to look at the subject from
the right point of : view. Chicago Post.
Going ? Without Sleep.
It is an interesting question to.studi-
ous people how long a man can go
without sleep. A physician asserts that
no healthy man can overwork because
eventually nature will compel him to
fall asleep at hia task. A journalist re
cently claimed to have worked 72 hours
without sleeping. Humboldt said that
when a young man he required only
two hours sleep each night , but that in
his old age he found he really needed
as many as three or four. Victims sub
jected to the Chinese torture of being
kept continually awake die on or before
the fifth day. By far the most inspiring
example , however , is that of one of the
saints , who is related to have lived 19
years without sleep and to have remain
ed standing a large portion of that time.
San Francisco Argonaut.
Irascible Cnrlyle.
A lady who lived near Thomas Car
lyle kept Cochin China fowls , and their
crowing was such a nuisance that the
philosopher sent a complaint to her.
The owner was indignant upon hearing
the appeal.
"Why"said she , "they crow only
four times a day , and how can Mr.
Carlyle bo seriously annoyed at that ? "
Upon hearing of her attitude upon
the subject , Carlyle replied , "The lady
forgets the pain I suffer in waiting for
those four crows. "
Ilniltcr Mean.
"Did the old skinflint give you a re
ward for returning his pocketbook ? "
/ asked the policeman of the little news
boy who helps support his mother.
"Naw , he tried ter make me pay fnr
de advertisiu 'cause I didu' return de
stuff 'fore I knowed who it b'longed
ter. " Detroit Free Press.
Frances Harry says he just wants to
fall down and worship me all the time.
Her Mamma Oh , well , don't mind
that , dear. After you're married ho
< won't let it interfere with his business.
' -Chicaco News.
Physical Bndarance.
It should be impressed upon all young
persons that during life each member
of the body , in the very net of living ,
produces poison to itself , notes a writer
in Popular Science Monthly. When this
poison accumulates faster than it can be
eliminated , which always occurs unless
the muscle has an interval of rest , then
will come fatigue , which is only anoth
er expression for toxic infection. If th
muscle is given an interval of rest ,
that the cell can give off its waste prod
uct to keep pace with the new produc
tions , the muscle will then liberate en
ergy for a long time. This latter condi
tion is what we call endurance.
The power and endurance of the hu
man machine is limited according t
our understanding * > f the above facts ,
and alee our recognition of its slownes
in getting started. Like any other pen
derons and intricate machine , the bed ;
requires time to get in harmoniou
working order. The brain , nerves , hear
and skeletal muscles must be given
some warning of the work they are ex <
pected collectively to perform. Ignorance
ranco of this fact has broken down many
a young man whd aspired to honors on
the cinder path.
The necessity of getting all the parti
of the body slowly in working order is
well understood by trainers and jockeys
on the race track , as is evidenced by th
preliminary "warming up" they give
their horses , although it is doubtful if
the trainers could give any physiologic
reason for this custom.
His Wonderful Curio * .
The author of "Idyls of Spain" speaks
of a notary whom he met , whose naive
simplicity surely could not be exceeded.
"He asked for our autographs , and I
inquired whether he was a collector of
such trifles.
" 'Yes , sir , ' he replied , 'I am , and
among others I have a most precious
collection of anonymous ones. '
"Beaming with delight , he produced
a rare manuscript of the time of Fer
dinand and Isabella , exquisitely writ
ten , and with the initial letters beauti
fully painted.
" 'Senores. ' he cried with enthusi
asm , 'look at this. Isn't it a beauty ?
I'm always collecting such things.
Then I have just purchased by letter the
manuscript of the "Iliad , " written by
Homer himself , his own handwriting.
The pity of it is that the work is not
written in Greek. '
"At this Miguel came to the rescue ,
for Luis and I were almosf hysterical
with amusement.
" 'I say , ' inquired Miguel , 'what doc
ument would your worship like most
to have in your possession ? '
" 'Why , ' answered the notary , 'the
telegram from Christopher Columbus
announcing the discovery of the new
world. ' "
Bannnas In Typhoid Fever.
After a long experience with typhoid
patients , Dr. Ussery of St. Louis main
tains that the best food for them is the
banana. He explains by stating that in
this disease the lining membrane of the
small intestines becomes intensely in
flamed and engorged , eventually begin
ning to slough away in spots , leaving
well defined ulcers , at which places the
intestinal walls become dangerously
Now , a solid food , if taken into the
stomach , is likely to produce perforation
of the intestines , dire results naturally
following , and , this being the case ,
solid foods or those containing a large
amount of innutritions substances are
to be avoided as dangerous.
But the banana , though it may be
classed as a solid food , containing as it
does some 05 per cent nutrition , does
not possess sufficient waste to irritate
the sore spots. Nearly the whole amount
taken into the stomach is absorbed , giv
ing the patient more strength than can
be obtained from other food. Ameri
can Druggist.
A Mountain of Sulphur.
The "Soufriere , " or sulphurous
mountain , is considered to be the great
est natural curiosity of St. Lucia , and ,
in fact , of the West Indies. It is situ
ated about h.alf an hour's ride from the
town of Soufriere , to which it has given
its name , and nearly two miles to the
east of the Pitons , and is at the foot of
two small hills , both of which are
quite bare of vegetation on the sides
facing the crater.
It covers a space of about three acres
and is crusted over with sulphur and
alum. There are several caldrons in a
perpetual state of ebullition. The water
is quite black in the larger ones and
boils up to the height of two or three
feet , but in the smaller ones it is quite
Visitors never fail to boil some eggs
in one of the smaller caldrons , obtain
ing them from one of the creole guides ,
who keep a supply on hand on purpose.
Personal Reflection.
"Are you a resident of this ward ? "
asked the challenger.
"I reckon I am , sir , " replied Tuffold
"Where do you have your washing
done ? " pursued the challenger , still un
"Sir , " rejoined Tuffold Knutt witheringly -
eringly , "I've been votiu off an on fur
29 year , an nobody ever axed me that
question before. " Chicago Tribune.
Not Very Amiable.
"Excuse me ! " exclaimed the timor
ous man , "but may I disturb you for a
few minutes on a matter of considerable
importance to myself and possibly of
some concern to your"
"No , sir ! " replied the disagreeable
citizen. "Not unless you promise not
to waste as much time talking business
as yon do apologizing. " Washington
Had Lived a Slow Life.
A negro called at a residence in Bev
erly , Mass. , and asked for assistance
and food , and told the lady who assisted
him the remarkable fact that he was 75
years of ago and was born 80 years ago
[ n Boston. Exchange.
The McCook schools are now on the
university "accredited list. "
Miss Case of the Seventh grade was
ill. Thursday , and Walter Clark substi
tuted for her.
Miss Leonard , principal of- the West
ward school , visited the family in Lin
coln over Saturday and Sunday.
More radiation was provided for the
city hall school , Saturday , to enable the
children to keep warm in the more se
vere weather.
It is proposed soon to give an enter
tainment for the purpose of raising funds
with which to liquidate the balance due
on the lantern.
Slides representing scenes oflCuba and
Porto Rico are expected soon to form the
basis for a lantern entertainment. They
will be especially pertinent and enter
taining at this time.
The board of education will in time
enclose grounds about the South McCook
school-house. Such a fence is needed
since the construction of the fence by
the railroad company.
MR. AND MRS. CANFIELD of Harvard ,
old time friends of the Perrj's , were up
to attend the Perry-Strauaban wedding ,
this week.
J. S. PHILLIPS of the Indianola Re
porter sojourned a brief while in the city
of political conventions and seat of coun
ty affairs , Thursday afternoon.
have made McCook their headquarters
for a number of years , will leave for
Cambridge , tomorrow , to make that
town their future headquarters in order
to better accommodate his business in
terests and convenience. Many good
wishes will go with them.
Few men in this country are better or
more favorably known to the drug and
medicine trade than Mr. E. J. Schall ,
buyer in the proprietary medicine de
partmentof the Meyer Bros. ' Drug Co. ,
St. Louis He says : "My boy came
home from school with bis hand badly
lacerated and bleeding , and suffering
great pain. I dressed the wound and ap
plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely ;
all pain ceased , and in a remarkably healed without leaving a
scar. For wounds , sprains , swellings
and rheumatism , I know of no medicine
or prescription equal to it. I consider it
a household necessity. " Sold by L. W.
McCounell & Co.
Rev , White preached in the
Dodge school-house. Sunday.
Seeding is about completed nud
corn husking well under way.
George Rowland was drilling in
wheat on W. A. Gold's place , last
The election passed off quietly
at this place and resulted in a
Republican victory. '
Some of our farmers were plow
ing and drilling in small grain in
the snow , last week.
Win. Relph is having his house
plastered , this week , an outfit from
McCook doing the work.
Henry Richardson , Anna Bell
and Mary Sigwing visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Relph , Sunday.
George Cooper threshed , last
week. It was about the last job of
the kind in Grant precinct.
A traveling magic lantern show
exhibited at the Dodge schoolhouse -
house , last Tuesday evening.
W. H. Benjamin and J.H. Relph
were assisting H. H. Benjamin to
overhaul his pump , Wednesday.
E. B. Nelson and family will
start for Guthrie Center , Iowa , the
latter part of this week or first of
It was decided by the Pleasant
Prairie Sunday-school to have a
Christmas tree , and the several
committees were appointed last
Licenses to wed have been issued , this
week , by the county judge , to John M.
Stranahan and Mabel C. Perry , and to
James J. Moore and Josie M. Snell. The
county judge married the latter couple
on Tuesday evening.
The clerk of the court is preparing hi
smokeless powder and quick-firers in
readiness to commence a lively campaign
of collecting delinquent fees of the offic
and if you are not square with the cap
tain you had belter take to the tail grass
He means all kinds and colors of busi
A new typewriter graces the office o
the clerk of the court and the whol <
court house gang is calling him blessed
or words to that effect. The old ma
chine made as much noise as an olc
style threshing machine almost as much
as Colonel Green's unspeakable "lulu
Violins and Guitars at the Bee
The best And Cheapest.
The New York Independent , the lead
ing weekly newspaper of the world , ami
one whose pages exercise the widest in
fluence , is entering upon its fiftieth-year
of publication. The Independent em
phasizes its fiftieth year by changing its
form to that of a magazine , and by re
ducing its annual subscription price
from $3.00 to $2.00 ; single copies from 10
to 5 cents. The Independent in its new
form will print 3,640 pages of reading
matter per year at a cost , to subscribes of
$2.00 , while the prominent magazine1 ; ,
which sell for $4.00 a year , print only
2,000 pages. The subscriber to The In
dependent gets 82 per cent more of
equally good reading matter at one-half
the cost ! It is not only the leading fam
ily weekly newspaper but by far the
cheapest uml hesu A free specimen
copy may he had by addressing The In
dependent , 130 Fulton Street , New York.
Fresh Candy at the Bee Hive.
THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
F .
American Beauties
Tribune Clubblnj ? List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : I
Detroit Free Press . Si oo Si 50
Leslie's Weekly . 4 oo 3 oo 1
Prairie Farmer i oo
Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo
Cincinnati Enquirer. oo
New-York Tribune oo
Demorest's Magazine oo
Toledo Blade oo
Nebraska Farmer oo
Iowa Homestead I oo 175
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture oo 150
New-York World oo 165
Omaha Bee oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magpzine. . . . oo i So
St. Louis Republic oo 175
We ate prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , Octo
ber 29,1898. Notice is herebv given that the
Following-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made be
fore register or receiver at McCook , Neb , on
Saturday , December loth , 1898 , viz : Joseph
1 * . Sanders , Homestead entry No. 9985 , for the
E'S WK and WH S Etf of section 4. town
ship 4 , north of range 30 west 6th P. M. lie
names the following witnesses to prove his
: ontinuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : James Ryan , Thomas F. Kyan.
folm N. Smith and William H. Epperly , all
af McCook , Nebraska. F. M. RATHIJUN ,
n-4-6ts. Register.
Less than One Cent a Bushel
Think of it
If A
> Am
Made with 10 Galvanized Steel Wire Cables
around each Crib interwoved with $ & = inch T r
Pickets , space 1 % inches apart , r T r
A Crib of 500 bushels capacity , 131-2 feet in diameter ,
8 feet high and 5 rods long : , for $3.75.
Cheap , Convenient and Practical.
Can be put up in 15 minutes. f' ' "
' n
For sale by W. C. BULLARD & CO. ,
"I can't see how any family lives with
out Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy , " says J R. Adams ,
a well known druggist of Geneva , Ala. ,
it a letter inquiring the price of a dozeu
bottles , that he might not only have it
or use in his own family but supply it to
lis neighbors. The reason some people
get along without it , is because they do
lot know its value , and what a vast
amount of suffering it will save. Wher
ever it becomes known and used , it is
ecogiiized as a necessity , for it is the
only remedy that can always he depend
ed upon for bowel complaints , both for
children and adults. For sale by L. W.
McConnell & Co.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Kromo Quinine Tablets.
\ \ \ druggists lefund money if it fails to
tire. 250. The genuine has L. B. Q. on
ach tablet.
THE TRIBUNE nud The New-York
rribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad-
ance. _
0. L EVER 1ST & C0.7
WlcCook Transfer Line
furniture vau iu the
jity. Office oue block north of
Baniett Lumber Yard. Leave or-
lers for bus calls at Commercial
lotel ; ordets for drayiug at Ev-
jrist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
team Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Wmdmil.s. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest apency foreocurinfrpatente.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
tpeeial notice , without chanre. In the
Scientific jWican.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Rawest clr-
MUNN & Co.361Broadwajr' New York
Branch Offleo.63 F St. WaanlagtOD , D. C.
7e have four children , "With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
J2 to J4 hours/ and had to be placed tmJcr
the influence of chloroform , I used three
bottles of Mother's Friend before our last
child came , which
is a strong , fat and
Lcoliliy boy > doing
my housework up ;
to within two hours
of birth , and suf
fered butafew hard
paics. This lini
ment is the grandest - i
est remedy ever
made. "
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter. Not to it
use during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother's Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect , which ia
turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness.
It pub all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour , so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless. Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided , and recovery is merely a matter o
a few days.
rustfsts sell Mother's Friend for Si a bottle.
The BradaeW Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Scad for oar free Illustrated book.
For Infants and Children , ' >
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Frazer Axle Grease
Not affected by Heat or Cold.
Chclaoo , St. Loirft , NewYw * .