The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1898, Image 6

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How lie Arrived at tli Conclusion That
the Only Snro 1la U of Good Time *
for Tufa 'Country Ja n
I had occasion to visit a college town
in an eastern state a few days ago ,
and in a few leisure moments I rook a
run up to the old familiar campus. Col
lege had Just opened and students were
everywhere. Soon a familiar voice
greeted me , and I turned to see a young
fellow.whom I knew well.
, "You here ? " I said.
"Yes , " was the reply ; "I'm here and
every one else is here. Biggest fresh
man class we ever had. That is what
prosperity means. I tell you , the col
leges feel it is well as every one else.
And I'm back for my senior year. Been
out two years , you know , on account
of hard times , but I can see my finish
now all right"
"Got free silver out ycur way ? " I
asked. "I remember that two years ,
when you told me that your college
days were done on account of hard
times , you said that there never would
bo any better limes until the country
had free silver and the people had mote
money. And when I told you that the
way for us to get more money was to
kill free trade , give protection to
American industries and employment
to American labor , you thought that 1
was an antiquated fool and was talk
ing 'dead issues , ' and you dida't hesi
tate to say so. "
A sheepish look had come over I he
young fellow's face , so I thought I
wouldn't rub it in any harder just then
and I said : "Well , never mind that just
now. Tell us how it happened. "
"Well , as you know , " he began , "ray
father is a business man , and at the
time of the panic of 1893 "
"When the free-trade party came
into power , " I interrupted.
"At the time of the panic of 1893 , "
he went on , "things began to go down.
A lot of his customers failed , trade fell
off and business didn't pay. My father
is a pretty solid sort of man. though ,
and ho managed to pull through pretty
well for three years. Then , as you
know , two years ago he had to pull in
more , and he couldn't afford college for
me , so I "
"Had to go to work. Yes , I know , " 1
put in again.
"Well , not just exactly that , " was
the reply. "You see , I couldn't lind
any work outside the business , and 1
wasn't needed there , though I did hang
around the place and do what there
was for me to do. "
"Among other things , shouted for
free-trade Bryan , I suppose ? "
"Some , " was the answer. "But any
how , things have begun to pick up in
great shape. In fact , business is near
ly as good as it was in 1S91' , and here
1 am. "
"What has brought it up ? " I asked.
"Well , people have bought more be
cause they have had more money , " he
"If it wasn't silver , " I remarked.
"Then two or three factories in the
place that had been shut down for
some time started up on full time , "
he went on.
"Dingley bill been heard from ? " 1
put in.
"The factory hands had work and ,
of course , more money , " he continued.
They could buy more and did buy
more , and that started up the business
of the small traders , and they bought
more , and so on. Then the big crops
and good prices that the farmers got
made them able to buy more , and so
the country traders wanted more.
Farm mortgages were paid off and
there was money to invest in new en
terprises , and so employment for more
people and we profited at every turn. "
"Yes , " I said ; "a sort of 'endless
chain. ' Not the kind of a one the
prophet of free trade used to talk
about , but an 'endless chain' of pros
perity such as is always hitched to a
protective tariff. Now , look here , " I [
went on ; "don't you see what is at the
bottom of all this ? It is just as Pres
ident McKinley said during the cam
paign. The thing we wanted was more
employment for labor and a protective
rariff to give more employrexjt for
labor. More employment for labor
meant more money for the laborers ,
and more demand by the laborers for
what everybody else , farmers , manu
facturers , whatever they were , had to
sell. You have told the whole siory
veryclearly. . The beginning of your
prosperity and the prosperity of every
one was the election of President McKinley -
Kinley and the resultant repeal of the
free-trade Wilson-Gorman law and
the enactment of a law giving protec
tion to American labor and , as a re
sult , employment to American labor-
crs. When we were at the height of
prosperity in 1891 and 1892 we had the
same financial system as in 1893-189G ,
but a different tariff policy. There
wi ; ? prosperity in 1891 and 3892 , be
cause Ameitcan labor was protected ,
and , as I told you , free silver or no free
silver , we will never have prosperity
.without a protective tariff. We have
proved that again and again. And , as
you see , a protective tariff brought
back prosperity without any change in
our financial system. Don't the facts
prove what I say ? " I asked.
"I will be frank wilh you. " said my
young friend , "and admit that it does
look that way. I have been doing some
thinking , and I have thought a good
deal about what you said two years
ago , and when McKinlcy was elected
I said to myself , 'I'll put my whole
stake on one thing. If we get back to
prosperity again with no great change
in our policy other than the change
from what is practically free trade tea
a protective tariff , from that time on
I will be a protectionist first and any
thing else afterward. ' We have done
it. The only great change in policy has
been in our tariff system. Money has
rolled into the country , labor has been
employed , business has started up ,
prosperity has come back , and all this ,
too , when we have been obliged to car
ry on a foreign war. And we have
carried it on successfully , too , " he
"When I have been in the wrong .1
am not afraid to say so , " he continued ,
"and I have come to the conclusion
that the basis of prosperity for this
country is a protective tariff , and ,
however I stand on other questions , in
the future my vote is going to be cast
for whatever party guarantees protec
tion. 'McKinlcyism' is good enough
for me , whether it is the McKinleyism
of 1S91 and 1S92 or the McKinleyisir
of 189S. , "
"Same here , " I answered , and then
our talk drifted to other things.
G. L.
Increasing Disparity Between Kritlsh
Imports and Exports.
Readers of the Evening Post of this
city have been assured for years that
if a country does not buy it cannot
sell. In its issue of Sept. 24 , speaking
of the long continued adverse trade
balance of Great Britain , it says :
Even in a perfectly normal trade
year , the nation's merchandise imports
heavily exceed its exports , the import
excess rarely falling below $500,000,000 ,
annually a sum which measures , of
course , the returns from England's in
vestments in foreign industry and the
shipping trade.
Adding that as "a result of unfore
seen circumstances , British imports
have increased $125,000,000 , while an
nual exports simultaneously have de
creased $170,000.000. "
The paper above quoted from has
frequently referred to the vast increase
in our exports , particularly in manu
factured goods , since the bars against
foreign commerce were put up by the
Dingley bill , without , however , notic
ing the coincidence. Now it chronicles
the fact that the great free-trade na
tion of the world after for years im
porting ? 500,000,00.0 worth more mer
chandise than it exports , increases its
purchases by an average of $125,000,000
annually for three years , to find its
sales curtailed by 1170,000,000 a year.
That is , its adverse balance of trade is
increased by 59 per cent.
Possibly the Post will be kind
enough to explain the marked differ
ence between its theory and the facts
above cited. And while it is doing that
it might also explain its hostility to
American shipping , it being generally
understood that commerce with this
country returns some $200,000,000 in
annual profits to England's invest
ments in the shipping trade.
Obvious Values.
The value of a merchant marine as
an auxiliary navy was well illustrated
in the recent war. It was fortunate
for the country that so many Ameri-i ?
can millionaires had yachts which
cowl be transferred to navy service.s
It was fortunate that the government
was able to secure the use of the big
ocean steamers of one transatlantic
Hue. It would have been much more
fortunate if we had had an inexhaustible -
ble supply of merchant vessels and
many times the number of ocean lin-
crs available for service.
Perhaps the government agsntb
would not have had to hunt Europe
over so anxiously in order to piece out
our navy. We might have pieced it out
more satisfactorily at home. Certain
ly the valuable services rendered by
the auxiliary cruisers ought to be sufficient -
cient to lead congress to take measures -
ures to secure a large auxiliary navy
for the government by securing the ;
establishment" more lines of ocean „
steamers sailing under the American tl ;
flag and by building up an extensive
merchant marine. And not even the
icace-at-any-price men could object , ;
since a merchant marine and fast lin
ers would be of even more benefit to :
the nation in time of peace than they ;
would be in war. ;
Sa\r wIHi Clear Vinlon.
The men who saw with clearest
vision the commercial future of the
United States were the most ardent
protectionists. And they , in common
with the great bulk of their fair-mind-
2d and intelligent fellow countrymen ,
perceive that our commanding' position
in the world's markets today is direct
ly due to the wise policy which fos- .
Lered the creation of American indus
tries , stimulated them to prosperous :
ictivity and guarded them from dls-
istrous foreign rivalry when fairly os- G
ablished. Troy Times. i
Patriotism , What It Is and What It
Means "The Frlendlr Shadow , " a Ja
venlln Story bjr Frances lleunet Gallo
way "Over the Hills , " a Sous.
Over the Hills.
Over the hills to "sleepy hollow , "
Over the hills and away ;
The red sun's gone , and you must fol
low ,
Tired quite out with play.
Over the hills .with lagging footstep
Hard "to say good-by ,
Long he waits on the pale blue door
Before he leaves the sky. "
Over the hills a starry lantern
Lighted to show the way
To "sleepy hollow's" cozy curtain ,
To say good-by to play.
"Up over the stairs , I'm going slowly
Into my cozy cot.
Good-night , good-night , I'm saying
That must n't be forgot ! "
Nachville , Ore.
TIio Friendly Sliartotr.
By Frances Bennett Callaway.
Once upon a time there grew by the
wayside a sturdy oak with such wide-
spreading branches , rustling leaves
and glossy acorns , that passers-by
used to look up and exclaim with ad
miration : "What a magnificent tree ! "
But no one ever noticed the friendly
shadow. The oak tree used to scold
until hoarse , while this quiet com
panion would uod pleasantly in reply ,
and sometimes , after the longest mon
ologue one might have suspected the
shadow was sound asleep.
The shadow , though so quiet , had a
way of entering intimately into all
one's thoughts and feelings which the
oak understood perfectly ; so the oak
tree loved the shadow , and felt lonely
and dismal enough on dark days when
this friend was hidden away.
On a sunshiny May morning , when
the oak was clad in downy , half-open
leaves , the shadow would come forth
as shy as any young girl , in light and
filmy dress , and every step would be
-soft-ias > a caress * over , the young
grass. How different in midsummer
when the leaves were crisp and dark !
Then the shadow , grown more con
fident , put on innumerable crimps and
frills with opulent rich gowns which
threw a velvet coolness all about the
In autumn weather when red leaves
were flying fast , the shadow would
come in fluttering skirts all shimmer
ing with drops of brightness , and to
and fro with jocund steps dance in per
fect time wjiile the oak tree and the
wind whistled measures of shrill
music together. The sceue was
changed on a winter's night when
the moon peering between wild , dark
clouds found only a few torn leaves
shivering on the oak tree and the
faithful shadow also wrapped in rags ,
shivered with the tree.
One day the oak tree was cut down
and carried away. Then the little
children cried because their old play
mate , the shadow , was gone , and the
poor , tired woman with a burden io
bear sighed whenever she passed the
spot where the shadow , had been , feel
ing as if she had lost some sweet
solace out of her life. The harvesters
complained loudly because there was
no shadow at noon to fan them to cool
ness , and the poor wayfarer in the
blazing sun found no resting place.
One and all lamented as if a friend
was gone when they said , c
"How we miss the shadow ! "
Patriotism -
By Rev. D. Sutherland. j
Patriotism , the love of the land in
which we were born , the pride in it ,
the desire for it whenever we are ab
sent , is among the noblest of human
affections. It has often been observed
that a man who is incapable of it is
Incapable of all high emotion. The
eeling lies deeper than any logical ex
pression , among those pulses of the
heart which vibrate to the sanctities of
liome and to the thoughts which leap
up from the graves of our fathers. It
tias the power to transfigure the least
ittractive country with a halo of glory t
peculiarly its own. Even the desert is
remembered with pleasure if it be the
lace where life began. The Cretans
jailed it by a name which indicated a
mother's love for her children. The
Ethiopian is possessed by the convic-
Llon that God made his sands and des-
irts , while only angels were employed
n the making of other portions of the :
jlobe. Some Arabian tribes fancy that
he sun , moon and stars rise only for
hem. The Maltese , isolated on a rock ,
listlnguish their island by the appella- :
ion of "The Flower of the World- ;
ind In the Carribees patriotism be-
omes so conceited that the people es-
eem their country a paradise and :
hemselves alone eutitled to the name
f men. :
We live in days when some globe-
xotters would have us believe that
patriotism is but a rudimentary pas- _
ilon and that it passes into a higher :
stage when it is merged in an affection
which they call cosmopolitanism ; but
iloser acquaintance with such people
eveals the fact that either in their
icarts , in spite of all that they say ,
.hey love their own country best , sr
jlse that in exchanging patriotism fur
osmopolltanism they have lost a great si
leal more than they have gained. The .
3od who gave us birth on this conti-
mt , putting American blond in our :
veins and American memories in our
minds , never intended us to esteem one
? atlon as good as another. At least so
we believe , and so we know every
right-thinking man feels. He who
sneers at patriotism is unworthy of the
country that gave him birth and nour
ishes him from day to day. Ian Mac-
'laren ; the famous novelist add equally
famous preacher , emphasized the truth
In a noble sermon that the most ardent
patriotism Is the moat real cosmopolit
anism. The highest development of
the human race and of the human
character Is worked out , according to
him , not by making little of patriot
ism , but by each country fulfilling Us
own destiny , being loyal to its own
history , and accomplishing its own
mission. Thus all countries , uniting In
one harmonious whole , shall * build up
the prosperity of humanity. The
brotherhood of man is best served by
the brotherhood of the members of one
country working for the welfare of the
citizens of the state In which they were
born and to which their allegiance is
Men who place self first , personal
friends second , party third , and country
fourth , in the order of consideration ,
swell the ranks of corrupt politicians ,
who are the caterpillars of the state.
Those who place country first , party
second , personal friends third , and self
last , constitute the company of true
citizens and faithful patriots in whom
the hope of the state is to be found.
Which question you ask in any crises
"What is best for me ? " or "What is
best for my country ? " decides your
claim to the proud name of patriot.
Your duty is determined by the call of
the hour for the service that will best
promote the welfare of the country. In
the time of war it is to shoulder the
musket and march to the front againat
the enemy. In the time of election it
is to go to the ballot-box and cast your
vote for just measures and honest men.
In all circumstances It is to pay a fair
share of the expense of government.
Virgil wrote long ago : "The noblest
motive is the public good ; " and that
country is truly happy and prosperous
where parents train their children to
manliness , self-reliance and fidelity to
the duties of the station in which they
are placed , where the schoolmaster in
stills into the minds of his pupils the
principles that shall rule well the des
tinies of the coming generation , where
editors and preachers of the'gospel
teach the people that righetous seeking
of the common weal is a nobler code
of conduct than selfishness of policy.
Such patriotism is the claimant need
of the day.
An Elephant Tried bjr Court-Mart Ul.
An elephant was once court-mar
tialed at Mhow , Central India. The
animal had been put under arrest ,
and charged with killing his keeper ,
a native soldier. It was found that
the native had given the elephant of
fence by stealing some of his food ,
after it had been served out to him.
The elephant had caught him in the
act , and before the man could get
away the great brute put his foot on
him , then winding his trunk around
him lifted him into the air , and be
fore anyone could stop him he dashed
the man to the ground , and killed him.
The trial was most curious. First
came ' the whole of the elephants be
longing to the station in a long ,
solemn procession. They formed up
in two lines on either side of the
place of punishment. The prisoner
was then marched up. Around his
neck was a tremendous chain , the
ends of which were attached to the
collars of two other elephants , who
walked on either side of him. When
he reached the punishment stone his
feet were inserted into four holes and
chained. When the prisoner was thor
oughly secured , the brigade-major and
staff rode along the lines. They halted
on getting within a few yards of the
elephant. The brigade-major then
produced several sheets of foolscap ,
and calling the prisoner by name , bade
him give attention to what was go
ing to be read. The major first read
out the charge , then the evidence for
and against him. At the conclusion of
the evidence the prisoner was found
guilty , and was sentenced to receive
forty-eight lashes with a chain , and
after that punishment he should for
three months draw a log chained to his
leg. The corporal elephant then approached
preached to within a few feet of the
prisoner , and a large iron chain was
placed in his trunk. At a signal from
the major he commenced to flog the
prisoner. Not a sound was uttered by
the other elephants , but the groans
3f the prisoner as the chain descended
across his ribs were Indescribable.
A Storj of Ouccn Wllhelmlnn.
When Queen Wllhelmina , who was
recently crowned the girl ruler of
Holland , was a small child she used
o do mnny things that accorded with
tier idea of queenly powers , but were
not always approved by her mother
ir her infant subjects. The story is
old that two of the court children
kvere missed one day soon after they
lad been seen playing wiih the infant
lueen. Grave fears were entertained
hat they had been kidnaped , and or-
lera were about to be given the police
o search for the kidnapers , when
ittle Wilhelmina reluctantly confessed
hat she had locked her child com
panions up in an old cellar near the
oiirtyard. When asked why she did
o she said they had refused to ohsy
ler , and so she imprisoned them for
ebellion against their queen.
"Edie , " cried the mother from the
lall below , "what's all that noise up-
itairs ? It's shocking. " "Oh , it's these
.wo dolls of mine , maramzi. I'm going
o put them right to bed and see If we
an't have a little peace. "
An Kloctrlcul Foitraan.
In the Swiss city of Geneva there la
an electrical postman , or at least a sub-
ctitute for the postman. In high hous
es letters rightly dropped Into the box
provided ring an electrical bell on the
floor to which they are going , and ac
tuate an. automatic hydraulic lift ,
which carries the'letter up to the1 floor
and descends to be ready for the next.
German university students have In
creased in number from about 10,000
twenty-ftvo years ago to 32,241 last
year. The increase is out of proportion
tion to the population.
A Cheerful Woman.
There are emergencies in every
household which call for the display
of a statesman's skill. The cheerful
woman is pre-eminent on such occa
sions. She conquers the grim uncle or
the dyspeptic cousin with her infec
tious cheerfulness , and her servants
recognize her as their ally and friend
in all matters that are essential to
their welfare. The length of time
she keeps her servants is a source of
wonderment to her less fortunate
friends , but the secret of it is in her
own winsome disposition. She soothes
the tired worker with a word of kind
commendation where another might
make a querulous complaint.
J31OO Reward , G1OO.
The readers of tliSs paper will bo pleaded to
Icara that there Is nt least ono dreaded disease
that science has been uble to cure in all Itu
stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive euie now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tions ! disease , requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is ttikou Internally ,
acting directly \ipon tie blood and mucous s.ur-
facea of the system , thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease , and giving the patient
itrength by building up the constitution and
assisting- nature in doinjr Its work. The pro
prietors have so much rsith iu Its curative
powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollars to ?
any case that itnils to cure. Send for list of
Testimonial .
Address F. J. CHENEY i CO. , Toledo , a
Sold bj druggists 75c.
Hall's famfly Pills are the best
Even the optimist forgets to smile
when the tax-collector comes around.
Do ion Want to tlvo
In a One , mild and healthy climate ,
where cyclones and blizzards are un
known , where good , rich lands can be
bought at low prices , near cheap trans
portation and with educational and
industrial advantages ? Homeseekers'
excursions to Virginia via the "Big
Four Route" and the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive
book of Virginia , list of farms for
sale , excursion rates , dates , time-cards ,
etc. J. C. Tucker. G. N. A. . 23d Clark
street , Chicago. 111.
Adversity , the only scale that gives
the correct weight of our friends. i
I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lacy !
Wallace , rfarqnette , KMU , Dec. 12 , ' 1 > 5.
The poor are always with us and
some wealthy people are pretty clcae.
firM ds n < of l > r. klicirr.4i. . .N M i - i. > t r.
S-n. | lur l-'tK S'i.llO l > .ii'u ami trr.ti' i * j '
UU..P..H. K.I.INE. .t'l.Ml ! Art ti M. . PhUtdeSjii. ! * . i-fc. ' '
"I've worked with all my heart on i 5
that < book. " said a yr-une man who hd ( '
been treating Oliver \Yemiell Holinos ' J
to a long account of a recant collection j 1
of poetry which he bad edited : "I've j J
used ipy best tast ? , and judgment , and i ;
research , and I feel confident thut nobody - i
body could have done the thing better :
or more thoroughly than I have. And ,
what reward do I get ? Harsh eritij
cisms for my omission of a few popular - (
lar poets and a paltry hundred dol3
lars. " "A hundred dollars ? " echoed { 1
the Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.
wearily : "why. I wouldn't have writt
tcn that book for a thousand dollars. ' I
I'm sure. " , 1r
Mrs. Frpderick Douglas , widow of i
the colored orator , is to sro on the IP- ,
ture platform in deal with the history
of his race in this country. \ I
" do jou
Washington Star : "What
" asked one
think of Gen. Weyler ?
" ho vrhat you d
Spanish politician. "Is
call a safe man in an
'Undoubtedly. " answered the
patriot. "Look at his record. When
Cuba he never
there was , trouble in
gotanjrcloaerthan the telegraph , office.
of the safest men In
Why , he was one
the whole war. "
All students of the laboratory coursb
in the university of Heidelberg are
required to take out life insurance pol
In the Head
Is an Inflammation of the mucous mcmbrano
lining the nasal passages. It is caused by a
cold or succession of colds , combined with
impure blood. Catarrh is cured by Hood's
Sarsaparilla , which eradicates from tha
blood all scrofulous taints , rebuilds the deli
cate tissues and builds up the system.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
Is America's Greatest Medicine , gl-.alxforgs.
Hood's PIHs a11
Greatest Xcc'c Yoc ever In
vented , combining strongta *
durability and safety. Hand
somely painted. Will not allow
tongue to drop If traces become
loobe. 2 o nttle.
rialn.unnlckelod Sl.CO
Nickel Loops and . \cura
Heads ISO
> 7tclcl renters 1.23
Xlckel Tips ami Centers. . . . 1.73
Centers , without Yoke 63
Farm Wagon Grip Rlnff. 63
Made In three sizes , to nt pole tips IH to 1 ? { Sca-4
for > XEE Illustrated , circular.
Liberal Terms to Agouts. Address ,
81 Harding Street , Indianapolis , Intl. of nnfl"leaisji njat"7MPA -K-3
will not bundle. Send 5 cc b to KIpauR Chemical
Co. , "ew rork.for 10 tamoles zed 1JJOO tC3tlnionl l .
DfiTCSST securedorni n y iiTTDni ( a. Sfiorchfrce.
rAI till CotlamerfcCo. Si Fat..Wash.D.C.
The Lick of America
great telescope
ca reveals stars so far distant that it f I
would require 30,000 of them placed
together to be visible to the naked eye.
Special Notice.
To The Members of the Farmers-
Alliance & Industrial Union : I have
raatle a careful investigation from tha
best sources of reliable Information
about the Swanson Rheumat.c Cure
Co.'s Remedies , and found that they
were giving good satisfaction. I there
fore dceni it but an act of simple justice
to our members .to say , that I believe
that the claims made by the Conlpany
for their remedies will be fully real
ized by those who "will give them a
fair and reasonable trial. Years fra
ternally , Jno. C. Hanley , Business
Agt. P. A. & I. U.
St. Paul , Minn. , Oct. 2Sth. 1893.
The wonderful success that has at
tended the introduction of " 5 DROPo"
is unprecedented in the history of the
world. Think of it ! It has cured
more than one million and a quarter
sufferers within the last thfee years. f
This must appeal to you ! One million
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taken. If suffering from Rheumatism.
Sciatica , Neuralgia. Backache. Asth
ma , Cafarrh. Sleeplessness , Nervous
ness. Xervous and Neuralgic Head-
achrs. He.rt Weakness , Earache.
Croup , LaGrippe , Malaria , Creeping
Numbness. Bronchitis , and kindred
dU-eaes. send 25c. to the Swanson
Rheumatic Cure Company. 367 Dear
born St. . Chicago , III. , and they will
send you by return mail a trial'treat-
oK'iit or a large bottle. COO doses , pre
paid by mail or express for 51.00. No
household should be without this great
remedy " 5 props. " Agents appointed
in new territory.
Some men are so busy that they
Siave no time to enjoy prosperity.
* < ! i
* ' : :
As/stem which
has become run down
by the trying weather
of the jsast summer
is not in a condition
to meet the severe
winter of this climate
and will easily { all a
| > rey to disease unless
a proper tonic is
Dr Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People
are the best medicine
in the world for build
ing uj ) and strengthen
ing an enervated
Do not confuse
these Jills with ord
inary purgative pills.They do NOTactonthebowels.tnereby
further weakening the body. They build u | ) the blood and
strengthen the nerves.
Major A. C. Bishop , ofis Thin ! Are. , Detroit , Mich. , : n a weH-Uncnrn
civil engineer. ! Icnj ! > : ' * \Vh i I luitl aiy last spell of sickness ntul came
out of the hospital I v.-iit. a < sorry pij > ht. 1 could not regain my
nn < l cotihl not wall : over n block loriernl weeks. I noticed . .o"nie nrticlcs
in the nt-wi aivi-s rk' < nlinn Dr. Wilhnms' 1'ink 1'ill.s for Pale 1'eople
which convinced me that they wrre north trying nml I bought two bow *
I did not take them for tnv complexion 5 > ut JorstrcnRth. Alter u inr thrnt
I felt better. nn l Vno-nr they dul : ne morltN of RCIIM ! . J am pleased to
recommend them to iniiUUs who nvcti a tonic ur to build up a shattered
. " Dirat
S ! iiiirVriMiefaiidri | res w
lv of r tlnionJiti * nJ IO ! si
r. vt- . .ouljru. .
Boat COCKI ! Syrup. Tastes G"-J. ,
In time. Sold bj dnicgin.Jilxfgj
In 1 to 3 . | i.
not u > i
Pr. ° l .f , . " ' c o u ni .mbrnnf .
" "
ornt In
i.nt ou