The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1898, Image 5

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    LADIES :
I want to call your attention
to the nice line of fine shoes
I have just received. They are
good in quality , elegant in
style , and pleasing to * the eye.
They will fit your feet and
make you smile when you see
THE PRICE IS FROM $1.00 TO $4.50
You also may want some
school shoes. I have them
good and cheap. Do not
buy a shoddy shoe when
you can get a better one
for only a few cents more.
I guarantee them.
V *
* vwvv
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $60,000
! r GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
VI. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash :
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
' - .
4 ; ! >
* Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000
# *
jt's © itfij $1 a trfear
| 4\
Mrs Hugh Brown left , Tuesday , on a
Mrs. Ed. Beyrer is visiting Red Clou <
E. Dyer visited a few days in Lincoln
this week.
Frank Jordan is firing out of Pueblo
Mrs. O. R. Amick visited in Hastings
first of the week.
Will Brown was up from Oxford , Sun
day , between 4 and 5.
C. A. Richardt is night operator at
Akron , Colorado , now.
Brakeman H. C. Kiser spent a few
days in Oxford , this week.
F. A. Thompson was down from Den
ver , Thursday , on business
W. D. and Anna Shepherd are the
guests of Engineer Thad Shepherd.
Brakeman and Mrs. O. D. Keith spent
part of the week in Denver on a visit.
Assist. Supt. Harris was down from
Denver over Sunday , with the family.
The addition to the depot is rapidly
assuming form , and will shortly be en
Switchman J. R. VanHorn was up at
headquarters from Red Cloud , part o
the week.
Mrs. C. O. LeHew and children are up
from Hastings on a visit to J. S. LeHew
and family.
Assist. Supt. D. F. McFarland was
down from Holyoke , Wednesday , be
tween trains.
Brakeman D. M. Taylor is visiting his
parents in Strang. A short Lincoln trip
will be included.
Engineer and Mrs. A. J. Chambers
went down to Lin coin , Tuesday night on
4 , on a short visit.
Dispatcher W. B. Mills resumed work ,
Saturday morning , after an enforced lay
off with a sore eye.
Supt. Campbell is going over the east
ern end of the division , in his private
car 10 on a trip of inspection.
Brakeman Charles Dewey was called
to Cripple Creek , Cole , Tuesday morn
ing , by the illness of his mother.
Operator D. J. Best went home to
Cowles , Nebraska , Sunday afternoon , to
recuperate from his recent illness.
The company has been offering $1.40
per day for a limited number of section
men down on the Orleans-St. Francis
Train-master Kenyan returned , Tues
day morning , from Holdrege , where he
had business of the company for a couple
of days.
Ed. Gresham and James Moore of the
shop force went up to Denver , last Fri
day evening , on a short jaunt , returning
on Sunday.
Conductor and Mrs. W. D. Beyrer
visited Trenton friends , Thursday , in
company with Mrs. S. L. Moench of
Rushville , Illinois.
Master Mechanic Archibald returned
on 3Monday night , from Chicago , where
he had been on business of the Voluntary
Relief Department.
Chief Dispatcher J. F. Forbes returned ,
Tuesday morning on i , from Lincoln
where he had business in connection
with the new time card.
James J. Moore , an employe in the
shops , and Josie M. Snell of Edgernont ,
5. D.were married on Tuesday evening
by County Judge Bishop.
J.H.Linsey has resigned as roadmaster
of the Galesburg division of the Burling
ton road , after a service of forty-five
years with the company.
Switchman John Humphrey has been
visiting his parents in the eastern part
of the state , this week. The family will
return with him in a few days.
Engineer F. W. Bosworth has been
ransferred from Denver to Hastings.
The family went there , Tuesday inorn-
ng , after a brief visit here with relatives.
Roadmaster Hagberg , Conductor Po'pe
and Engineer Johnson went up to Wau-
netta , Thursday morning on 175 , to hunt.
They took the roadmaster's motor car
along and returned on it.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens left on 6 ,
Monday , for Michigan City , Indiana ,
vhither they were summoned by a tele-
jram announcing the serious illness of
.ge , his mother , who is past So years of
and has been stricken with palsy.
Dan P. Crowe and Irene Putnam were
married in Hastings , Wednesday after
noon of this week , County Judge A. D.
Jowen officiating , at the Adams county
court house. Mr. Crowe is a Burlington
employe in the train service. Miss Put
nam is a daughter of Engineer C. K.
Putnam of our city.
The shop men and high school boys
will indulge in what ' _ . ises to be a
ively foot ball game , Thanksgiving day ,
o take place on the west side athletic
; rounds. A small admission fee will be
charged , The high school boys will be
hy something like a quarter of a ton in
weight but propose to give a good ac
count of themselves , nevertheless.
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in
Two Trains Taken Off.
After next Sunday Burlington trains
Nos. 4 and n will run no farther west
than Lincoln. The new time card will
go into effect on that date. No. 6 ,
which now arrives from the west at 12:55
a. m. wtll arrive under the new schedule
at 4:55 , and No. 5 for the west will
leave at 10:30 : instead of 10:45. : Several
slight changes in the running time of
freight trains have been made to make
meeting points better , but nothing has
been changed far enough outside of the
two trains noted to merit mention.
The retention in the service of train
No. 12 , and the abandonment of No. 4
was a surprise to . many railroaders
Hereafter No. 4 will start from Lincoln
leaving at 4 p. m. for the east. The
taking off of this train west of Lincoln
will make it necessary for Nos. 2 and 6
to do more local work , and they wil
stop at Harvard , Stilton , Fairmont , Ex
eter and Crete. No. 6 will continue to
be a very fast train , and will make its
former time east of Omaha. Journal.
All kinds of Shoe Dressing at the
Bee Hive.
E. Q. Robie Dead.
A private letter from Mrs. Robie to a
McCook friend announces the death o :
her husband , E Q. Robie , formerly an
employe on the train service of the
Western division , at their old home in
Raymond , N. H. , on Tuesday , November
Conductor Robie will be remembered
by all old employes of the Western di
vision , where he worked for a number oi
years ? although in such poor health that
he was finally compelled to retire from
the service , last spring , and go east , ex
pecting to go south from there. The
probabilities are that his condition wa
so grave that he decided to meet the end
at home.
Many friends of the deceased and Mrs.
Robie will drop the tear of sorrow and
utter the word of sympathy.
Table and pocket cutlery at the
Bee Hive.
The Last Call.
Attention is directed to the county
treasurer's announcement elsewhere in
this issue. The treasurer proposes to
collect the delinquent personal taxes of
this county and all interested parties will
do well to give this matter their early
attention. The too high taxes of this
county can be considerably reduced by
the collection of the delinquent personal
taxes , which will be collected without
favor by distress warrant after the Janu
ary settlement. All should bear the bur
den of taxation and not only those who
always pay and pay promptly. The
treasurer promises to equalize the burden
ay distress warrant collection , if that
extreme course becomes necessary. And
t is right that he should.
69 cents buys one of those large
Dictionaries at the Bee Hive.
Longfellow to be Illustrated.
Last year Charles Dana Gibson illus
trated "The People of Dickens" for The
ladies' Home Journal. The pictures
were so successful that this year , and
next year , W. L. Taylor , the New Eng-
and artist who has made such rapid
strides in his art , will illustrate "The
People of Longfellow" also for The
Ladies' Home Journal. The poems se
lected are "The Psalm of Life , " "Hia
watha , " "Evangeline , " "The Courtship
of Miles Standish , " "The Children's
Hour , " "The Village Blacksmith , " and
We'll save you money on Notions
every time at the Bee Hive.
Is $5O the Poorer.
Nick Krieger , a section laborer , is just
> 5o poorer as the result of an experience
lad not long since with a slick and per
suasive scamp , who persuaded him to
change a $50 bill for him. The bill was
) ut away , after the manner of people not
sufficiently well informed or lacking con-
idence in banks. He recently had oc
casion to use the money and was sadly
urprised to learn from the merchant to
vhoni he presented it that the bill was
vorthless. It is described by those who
aw it as being a very poor counterfeit
t that.
Maker Pays The Tax.
The commissioner of internal revenue
las made a ruling upon the requirements
f the revenue law in relation to assign
ments of school land leases , or sale con-
racts. The ruling is to the effect that
he maker of the assignment or transfer
must pay the tax and affix the stamp ,
'he collector of internal revenue holds
hat under this ruling stamps to the
mount of $ r will be required upon each
ssignment , and that the assignment will
) e void if not stamped.
K. of P. Officers-Elect.
McCook lodge , K. of P. , elected the
bllowing officers , Wednesday evening
f this week :
C. W. Barnes , C. C.
C. F. Heber , V. C. C.
F. A. Pennell , M. W.
M. Lawritson , M. F.
R. C. Hall , M. E.
L. W. Stayner , K. of R. and S.
Ed Jordan , M. A.
A. P. Ely , Prelate.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
n advance.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
In order to reduce our large stock of
Dress Goods , we have' marked down
our already low prices. Now is
the time to buy. Call and
get a bargain
are going fast. See our line before you
buy. New Gooods and Correct
Styles at lower prices than you
wt j will find elsewhere. . . .
We have special bargains in this line.
' VAJ Call and see them.
We are better than ever prepared to
supply your wants in Groceries.
Bring us your Orders :
THEC asfi
> *
a. L. DeGROFF & CO.
Fragrant Lotion
is a delightful preparation to
apply to the skin after a bath.
It is especially beneficial for a
too red , rough skin , and in
healing all kinds of facial
eruptions ; excellent for heated
and inflamed parts. It is a
grateful and refreshing addi
tion to the toilet , cooling , ton
ing and beautifying. Fortifies
against exposures to wind and
produces a clear complexion.
25c. a bottle.
L. W. McConnell & Co. ,
It Doesn't Cost a Cent.
"Poultry on the Farm for Profit , " is
the title of a series of articles now being
published in the Inter-state Poultryman ,
of Tiffin , Ohio. The subscription price
of this practical poultry journal is fifty
cents a year , but it will cost the readers
of THE TRIBUNE nothing. We will give
any one who subscribes for our paper or
who pays all arrearages and one year in
advance , the Inter-State Poultryman one
whole year free. Now is your opportun-
ty to get a valuable present. Subscribe
low and pay one year in advance. Call
n or remit by mail. Mention this offer.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
"Many have said their children would
lave died of croup if Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy had not been given , "
write Kellam & Ourreu , druggists , Sea-
view , Va. "People come from far and
near to get it and speak of it in the high
est terms. " This is equally true of this
remedy in every community where it is
known. Buy a bottle at McConnell's
drug store and test it for yourself.
Tablets and Box Papers.
You will find a fine line of tablets and
box papers at this office for sale at very
reasonable figures and of the best qual
UNE office. Best in the market.
of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
< § DENTIST. ©
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
l-efore 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
3T"Massage given m appropriate cases.
McCook hurjjicnl Hospital.
3. E. ASEIOS , Pros. T. E. HD01TALD , Cih.
A General Banking Business
J2TAny business you may to
transact with THE McCooK TKIUITNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
ROAD NO. 330.
To Almon E. DavisHarriet M. Davis.StulI
Brothers , Barbara Stevens , George Maisel , G.
W. Scott Eaton , D.C.Eaton and Mary E.
Johnston , and to all whom it may concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at sw of se sec 21 , township i ,
ranee 30in Grant precinctRed Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , running thence north one mile ,
then east one-half mile , then north to the ne of
sec. 16 , all of township I , range 30 , w. has re
ported in favor of the location thereof as fol
lows , to-wit : Commencing at the sw cor. of
the se quarter of sec. 21 , thence n 14 deg. 30
min. , w bo chains 15 links , thence n TJ deg. , e
18 chains , thence n deg. 10 min , e 6 chains
50 links , thence n 46 deg. 25 min. , e 6 chains ,
thence south 67 deg. 20 min. , e 15 chains 50
links , thence n 77 cleg. , e to ne cor. of said sec.
21 , thence n 14 deg. , w So chains 40 links , to
the nw cor. of sec. 15 , all in township one ( i ) .
n , range thirty (30) ) , w of the sixth principal
meridian , in Red Willow county , Nebraska ;
and all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the county clerk's office
on or before noon of the 3ist day of December
A. D. iSoS , or said road will he established
without reference thereto. R. A. GREEN ,
10-28-Sts. County Clerk.