By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. REED WILL BE SPEAKER. The statements of democratic newspapers that a movement had been started among Eepublicans to defeat the nomination of Thomas B. Heed for the speakership of the next house and that the adminis tration desires his defeat , have been given an unqualified denial by Representative Grosvenor of Ohio , whose authority will hardly be questioned.- General Grosveuor says that the name of Mr. Beed will be the only one mentioned in the caucus of the Republican party for speaker of the house of representatives and that he will be nominated unani mously and enthusiastically elected by the same unanimous vote of the Republican membership of the house. The administration , said General Grosvenor , will not only not oppose Mr. Reed , but in his opinion it would be the height of bad politics if any known friend of the administration should be found engaged in anj'thing of that char acter. "If it was deemed advisa ble four years ago and two years ago to elect Mr. Reed speaker , " said the Ohio congressman , "by much stronger reasons it is desir able now that he should not only be elected , but that he should be elected without opposition by the entire party. " There can be no doubt that all republicans who have the interests of the party at heart will be in accord with this view. It is well understood that Mr. Reed is not in sympathy with the territorial expansion idea and also that he does not approve of the proposal of the currency reformers to retire the United States legal tender notes. Doubtless there are some among these elements who would like to see him deposed from the speakership , but they should understand that his influence would not thereby be weakened , though his power in giving direction to legislation would be abridged. On the floor of the house the com manding force and authority of Thomas B. Reed as a leader would still be felt. But his place in a republican house is in the speak er's chair , where he has never had a superior and there is where at least nine-tenths of the republicans of the nation want him to remain. Bee. ALLEN'S plurality is 80. ILRAEL was defeated in the 67th representative district by three votes. THAT was a body blow to Sena tor Allen , and incidentally to Col. Bryan. THE Atlanta Constitution thinks that poets are nearly all men and women who are suffereriug from liver complaints. And the Denver Post has all along believed it was 'pendicitis. SPECULATION is already rife as to who will be Senator Allen's suc cessor. Among the possibilities are : D. E. Thompson , M. L. Hayward - ward , A. W. Field , B. J. Hainer , G. M. Lambertson , M. B. Reese. And the campaign is just opened. "I WOULD not , " says Senator Hale , "take the Philippines if Spain would give 840,000,000 with them. " This is the first intimation we of the distant west have had that an effort had been made to saddle the islands onto the honored senator. IT is given out on very good au thority that the war tax will remain for another year at least , and that t no tariff legislation will be enacted during the coming short session of congress , which will be devoted quite exclusively to passing the appropriation bills. " \ WHATEVER rnay be the prospects for the continuance of the war taxes , the gum on the goverment's documentary stamps was certainly not made to stick. This is really a a serious matter , as the "shedding" of a stamp from a check or docu ment may render it invalid in law and entail serious loss. Royal nakcs the food pure , wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. BARTLEY. Samuel Blnckfan departed for Omaha , Wednesday morning. M. E. Corbin made a flying trip to Holdrege , latter part of last week. B. C. Fidler moved from the farm into his town property , this week. Miss Nellie Stephens of Box Elder is visiting her sister , Mrs. H. P. Hodgkin. this week. John Blum of Culbertsou was shaking hands with friends here , Tuesday , returning on No. 5. Owing to the increase in busi ness Will Cowles has been assist ing on the dray line , this week. Mrs. C.E.Williams' mother , who has been visiting her for some time , returned to her home in Iowa on 4 , Tuesday evening. After an absence of some weeks , Mrs. W.W.Barngrover returned to her home in Stockville , Monday morning , via the stage route from here. here.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Hansom have been visiting theii son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Balph Waite , up on the Medicine , th"e week. 0. W. Eckerman , representative of the Smith-Premier Typewriter Company , spent Sunday here with his old-time friend , Prof. L. V. Patch. Prank Brown of Company "L,5 Third Nebraska Volunteers , left , last Saturday night , to rejoin his regiment at Savannah , Georgia , his sick furlough having expired Eev. N. F. ELletzing of Ontario , California , has been visiting his daughter , Mrs. Wm. Hoppe , in East Valley , this week. He was transacting business in town , Tues day and Wednesday. It was a merry company which spent a few hours at the home o A. B. Wilson , Friday evening o : last week. The sosial environ ments , games and kindred amuse ments served to make the evening of happiest recollections for those present. Miss Anna and Will Boucher o Kearney have been renewing ac quaintances here the past week , Miss Anna arrived early last week and Will came over on Friday to take part in the band concert , Sat urday evening. They left , Tues day morning , to continue their visit with Culbertson friends. The free distribution by the government of Senator W. V. Al len's speeches , which was perfected here , some weeks ago , did not seem : o have the desired effect. It is ; hought that had they been prop- jrly distributed over Frontier coun- ; y rather than along the Burling- ion's right-of-way that his royal jobs , Allen , would have won in a santer. The band concert , last Saturday sveniug , was not a rollicking suc- : ess as regards the monetary feat- ire , but the musical programme vas all that could have been ex acted and thoroughly enjoyed by hose present. The inclemency if the weather no doubt kept many , way , as the boys have always leen accorded a good patronage mder favorable conditions. THE Tammany tiger will now be ompelled to go into retirement , bserves the Denver Post until it an grow a new hide to replace the ne which Colonel Koosevelt has dded to his collection of big game lementoes. ANOTHER such an effort and the lepublicaus will have the earth. COLEMAN. Forty bushels per acre is the yield of M. H. Cole's corn. Mrs. M. H. Cole and Auntie Coleman exchanged parables and ate peaches at auntie's a half day , this week. The Republican majority up here was so big that Uncle Billy took a lumber wngou to get it to the county seat. Wm. Colemau had seven bushels of peaches , this year. About a bushel of late ones were frozen be fore they ripened , and so were lost. Worth Coleman and Geo. Carl of McCook drove across this town ship , last Saturday , and on their return put up at Uncle William's and stayed till Sunday afternoon. Bert Wales and bride have re turned from a visit of about two weeks in Perkins and Dundy coun ties and will be at home to their friends , after December 1st , on the P. Blatt farm , which they will oc cupy the coming year. Farmers up here are in the corn fields early and late , these fine days , and the cribs are filling up. M. H. Cole brought out a new crib , Monday. There is no excuse for any young man fooling his time away now while there is so much corn to pick. A young man up here wants a job in the round-house , and spent two and a half days of this fine corn weather in town , this week , when a half day should have an swered every purpose. Two days lost and Jwo ; dollars not earned. Followed up this will insure pov erty in this or any other country. We learn that a hunter said he would not pay any attention to the notice from up here in last week's paper. We kindly and gently hint that all persons hunting here will be turned over to the proper offi cers with instructions to prosecut to the law's utmost limit. A man who will kill a prairie chicken or i quail now is the farmer's wors enemy. DANBURY. The band's membership now numbers fifteen. Eev. Jacob Martin died sudden ly , last Thursday. George Godown was over to see the county's handsome new cour house , Saturday. The editor was in Danbury , las evening , for a short time and was surprised at the growth being made by that thriving town. Sev eral new residences have just been commenced or are in the course o construction , a ยง 1600 church is being built and a town hall to cos in the neighborhood of two thous and dollars is under way. A band has just been organized and an en tire new set of instruments pur chased. For public enterprise Danbury takes the cake. Wilson- ville Beview. PROSPECT PARK. About an inch of snow , close of last week. Eugene Dunham shelled corn , last Friday. Mrs. C. D. Eose's oldest son is at home now. Mrs" Andrew Anderson has a painful sore hand. Mrs. Susan Hilemau is suffering with a fractured collar bone. The surprise party at Mrs. Barnes' , last Thursday evening , was well attended and enjoyable. There was no preaching at the school house , last Sunday , as the ministers failed to put in an ap pearance. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , OR , CREAM BAKING POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADE. V pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Is n fickle Goddess. Seize her as ehu Hies and you have her. Let her pass beyond your roach mid you will uever catch her agnin in the same form. THE TRIBUNE menus to seize all opportunities that como within her reach , especially such an will benefit not only ourselves but all our BtibscriberK nnd patrons. Here is B clubWug opportunity we seized hold upon a few days ago. It is offered to every member of the big TRIBUNE family , which now nniubars 1,000 different households nnd includes 5,000 individuals. THE HOMESTEAD. The greatest and best farm paper in the west. Fstablishcd more than forty years apo. Ably edited and containing special depart ments covering alibranches of fanning and live stock giowing. An authority on cattle and swine. Sheepmen , dairymen , horticultur ists , etc. , all value it for the practical counsel given bv skilled spec ialists in various lines , while the general farmer finds it an almost * L * indispensable adjunct to profitable crop growing , banner * ' wives Hv 1 III A and daughters love its Home department. Regular price V ' J J THE SPECIAL FARMERS' INSTITUTE EDITION. The most remarkable success of the age. A Farmers' Institute in your own home every month. A previously announced programme of practical farm topics is discussed in each is&ue by farmers of ex- perience. These institutes are the farmers' own forum in which al ! , - . readers are invited to contribute their views on the topics proposed j ( I every month. There is nothing like them. Worth ' J\J THE POULTRY FARMER. A practical poultry paper for the farmer who wants to make farm poultry profitable. Hon. F. D. Coburn , secretary of the Kansas Slate Board of Agriculture , writing to the Poultry Farmer , sa > s : "I have never before seen a poultry journal that I thought a majority of farmers would be justified in subscribing tor , but from the looks and contents ot yours , I can scarcely see that it should fail to be worth several times its price to any one keep ing a dozen hens. " Full of helpful hints about care and management that will make , - . - . poultry grown for eggs and meat pay the grocery and dry goods K ( I bills and supply the good wife's pin money. Regular price tJ\J THE FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE JOURNAL. A new paper devoted to the interests of Farmers' Mutual Insurance Associations in the west. Full information about cooperative in- - . . . < surance. Answers inquiries and gives latest intelligence regarding < ( J matters of interest to members. Regular price w v/ THE HUMANE ALLIANCE. The organ of the National Humane Alliance , devoted to the cause of humanity and inculcating the law of kindi e < s. Invaluable m every farmer's family where children are beinp reared and educated - , - . cated , in order that they may imbibe early in life correct ideas in KJ ( regard to cruelty in all its forms. Regular price. . , * s\J THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. Indisputably Red Willow County's Best Newspaper. You can l > est .1. 1 _ _ . say whether or not this is true. Wespareneithcimoneynoreffort sM ( ) ( ) to make it so. Examine it. Price V' vW TOTAL , . $3.80 THE TRIBUNE always seeks to excel , and we expect to make it better J the coming year than ever before. Yours for Good Reading Matter. 5 F. Al. FCU1MELL , I V NBXfe INDIANOLA. Father Sproll assisted in n 40- hour devotion at Herclon , Kausas , last week. Cadtain J. J. Latuborn was able to make n trip to Lincoln , close of last week. J. G. Dole of McCook visited friends here , Tuesday evening and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Smith had business in the city of the Philis tines , Saturday. Austin Ganisby has returned from Lincoln where he was attend ing the state university. Earl Lerch arrived hero from California , Tuesday morning , for a visit of some length with friends Miss Clara Happersettvho is teaching in Bartley , spent Satur day and Sunday in McCook , guest of Miss Lulu Beardslee. The revival meetings now in progress hero under Rev. J. C. Bedding have been a success in every way thus far , and the good work is only commencing. Largo numbers have como to hear the evangelist's interesting , reasona ble , convincing addresses. His | singing is a notable feature of his work. A gocjdly number have taken the step. The meetings will continue through next week. Mr. Bedding will preach iu the Congregational church Sunday morning and evening as usual. At 3 p. m. a meeting for men only will be held. TYRONE. Frank Moore was elected as sessor. N. Walton's new frame house is ap and enclosed. A. J. Stahl , who recently got lie leg broken , is doing nicely. Bobt. Goreley is very low and inder the care of Dr. Hathoru. George Kinkead is doing the york on L. J. Shippee's now barn. On Thursday , Bov. Bobertsou md family stopped afc Tyrone for liuner while onrouto homo from Mas. All This Combination Of Excellent Rexllng- A Full Year F r . . ONLY Sir papers at a little mre than the price of one. We alsa furnish any other papers yea may desire at very low rates in connection with THE TRIB UNE , but this $1.45 offer is so good we thought we mast tell you about it. You may a < 34 tbe Chicago Inter Ocean if VH Mfcc and make it seven far $ LSQ , * Everisi , Alarsfi g At Brevrcr's Old Stand. FREShSALTviEATS Fish , Oysters , Celery. Pickles. " keep everything usually 10 be found in a first-class city market , and respectfully solicit your patronage The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which has be < m in use. for over 30 years , has homo the signature of - a d J as hccu made under his i > er- sonal supervision stneo its infancy. Allow no 0110 to dceetvo you in this. All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes arc but "Ex periments that trille with and endanjrer the health of Infants and Children Experience ajratnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Parejrorie. V rep * nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Xnrootio substance. Its ajro is its guarantee. Tt destroys Worms and allays IJVvcrishncss. Tt cures Diarrhcoa and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething : Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving ; healthy and natural sleop. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend , GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years , . . TMt CINTAUn COMPHMV. TT MUHHAT TK T. M1WYOHK CITY.