The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1898, Image 1

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    * *
* :
To the Public.
During the months of January and
February of this year , a statement was
sent to each person assessed in the coun
ty having delinquent personal tax , show
ing the amount due and the years for
which it was assessed. In this notice
attention was called to the fact that un
less the amount stated therein was paid
within a few months , a distress warrant
would be issued to collect the same.
A large number responded , but there
are still many who have not attended to
this matter. I have endeavored to give
the people all the time possible and to
make it as easy as I could under the
laws of this state , but the time has come
when the delinquent tax MUST BE PAID ,
It takes just so much to run the county
and if one does not pay his lax the levy
must be raised and the rest pay more.
This we all realize to be unjust , especial
ly since two large crops have been har
vested in succession. During the years
of crop failures there was a good excuse
for not paying. Immediately after settle
ment in January , 1899 , I shall commence
in the beginning of the personal tax
book and issue distress warrants against
all delinquent tax payers , going through
the towns first and then take precinct
after precinct until the delinquent taxes
are paid.
No statement will be sent you and this
is the only notice that will be given ; but
there is time enough from now until dis
tress warrants will be issued in January
for all to pay and thereby save the cost
of collecting under warrant. This notice
must not be taken as extending the time
of payment , but if the interest of the
county demands it , a distress warrant
will be issued at any time. Let all take
Dated McCook , Neb. , Nov. 13,1898.
* J. H. BERGE , County Treasurer.
Educational Association.
The Southwestern Nebraska Educa
tional association will hold its annual
session in Arapahoe , Thursday. Friday
and Saturday , November 24th , 25th and
26th. A full and interesting program
has been blocked out for the occasion.
Write Mrs. Thomas Campbell , Minden ,
Nebraska , for a folder program.
Free entertainment will be provided
for all those paying the enrollment fee of
50 cents. Those desiring entertainment
. MUST write for same to R. H. Graham ,
Arapahoe , Nebraska , before November
24th. Liberal concessions will be made
by the hotels to those who do not wish
to avail themselves of this offer.
In case 75 persons are in attendance
one and one-third fare for the round trip
may be had on the certificate plan. You
pay full .fare coming and take a certifi
cate from the local agent , which , when
signed by the president of the associa
tion , entitles-you to return home at one-
third regular fare. Be sure to ask for a
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Nov. I3th :
John Benedict , Miss Susie Boyer ,
Norris Bell , John H. Dunklee ,
Mrs. Cook , Prof. W. M. Fulton ,
A. S. Harlaud , Miss Lizzie Meissel ,
33. A. Hatcher , Walter Murphy ,
W. R. Quinn , Z. Spickelmier ,
Charles Young , Martha E. Smith.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELL , Postmaster.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .20
Wheat 43
Oats 15
Rye 36
Barley 20
Hogs 3.10
Eggs 15
Batter 20
Potatoes 40
Must be Signed.
All communications to THE TRIBUNE
must be signed there" must be evidence
of authorship and responsibilitv. There
is no deviation from this inflexible rule.
The name need not necessarily appear
in the printed article , but must be at
tached to the manuscript as an evidence
of good faith.
Ten Fold Better Than Insurance.
Those wishing to make an investment
that will repay itself yearly and yet be
come more and more valuable each year
one that cannot be lost should apply
for paticulars to
J. FLETCHER & SON , Bartley , Neb.
Box Elder Circuit.
Services at Box Elder at 11 in the
morning and at Red Willow at 3 in the
afternoon. Cordial invitation to both
services. D. L. MATSOtf , Pastor.
Writing paper in bulk and box , with
envelopes to match , at very reasonable
figures. THE TRIBUNE.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
MRS. C. J. O'BRIEN has been quite ill
this week.
MRS. J. B. MESERVE came up from
Lincoln , last night , on a visit. (
GEORGE HOCKNELL is in California
looking after his interests there.
MRS. A. BARNETT entertained her
brother , Mr. Furbush , over Sunday.
MRS A. J. WASHBURN is down from
Curtis , thisweek , , on a visit to friends.
A. J. VENNUM , the Palisade banker ,
is in the city , undergoing medical treat
REGISTER RATH BUN spent a couple
days down on the farm north of Cam
bridge , this week.
REV. G. W. SHEAFOR went up to
Denver , Wednesday night , to meet his
mother and sister.
MRS. W. S. MORLAN returned , Satur
day evening , from visiting her sister ,
Mrs. Sage , in Wymore.
day afternoon for Bushnell , Illinois , to
see her invalid mother.
W. S. MORLAN has been absent from
the city , most of the week , returning
home , Thursday night on 5.
H. THOMPSON , wife and daughter re
turned , Tuesday morning , from visiting
in Iowa for a number of weeks.
U. J- WARREN returned from Wyom
ing , Tuesday night. Mrs. Warren has
been quite unwell , part of the week.
E. B. NELSON of Banksville left , this
week , for Guthrie Center , Iowa , where
he rnaj' decide to make his future home.
C. E. ELDRED went down to Geneva ,
Wednesday on 6. on important legal
business. He had just returned from
MRS. J. A. GUNN and Miss Nellie ar
rived home , Saturday evening , from
quite a prolonged visit in Red Oak
and Emerson , Iowa.
MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL was up from
Hastings , part of the week , the guest of
Mrs. J. F. Kenyon and other friends
Baby Gertrude accompanied her.
C. R. PARSONS returned from Savan
nah , Ga. , on 3 , Monday night , having
been mustered out of the service. He
was a member of Company "L" .
W. W. GERVER is in his old haunts
again. He has been in South Omaha ,
for some time. Wes. insists that the
people here have the old habit of "look
ing down on him. "
CHARLES NORTHRUP , who has been
employed at the Omaha exposition for
the past year , returned home on Thurs
day morning and is receiving a hearty
welcome from his young friends.
happily surprised Wednesday morning ,
by the arrival of Mr. J. W Stanley and
wife from Leon , Iowa. Mrs. Rowell and
Mrs. Stanley are sisters and had not seen
each other for twelve years.
W. R. STARR , C. E. Eldred and J. E.
Kelley attended court over in Stockville ,
this week. The Jansen murder case made
it necessary 50 postpone the term until
December on account of conflicting with
the date for the Hayes county term.
"L" spent a few hours in the city , Tues
day. He is about to return to Savan
nah , Georgia , to rejoin his company and
regiment , going south by easy stages.
Though not yet well , he is improving
M. J. ABBOTT of the Hayes Center Re
publican was in the city over night ,
Wednesday , on his way home from visit
ing in the eastern part of the state with
members of the family. The judge will
enter upon the duties of county judge ,
the first of the year.
RUSSELL MCMILLEN returned on 5 ,
Saturday evening , from Grand Island ,
where he recently went to canvass for
the sale of portable pantrys. Russell
was so delighted to quit the business and
get back to McCook that in his haste to
make the train at Grand Island he fell
down and plowed up the ground for a
painful distance with his countenance ,
which looks sadly the worse for wear on
that account.
DR. AND MRS. S. C. BEACH expect to
leave for their new home in Ravenna ,
about coming Monday. The doctor and
his amiable and esteemed better half
have a large circle of friends who will
regret seeing them remove from our city ,
but who will at the same time join THE
TRIBUNE in heartiest well-wishes for
their success and contentment in the
new home. The doctor will be missed
in musical circles ; has been since his
arrival in our city an enthusiastic and
invaluable member of the Nebraska Bri
gade band.
A BrlefVlslt.
A TRIBUNE emissary , this week
made a brief visit to the several schools
of the city and got a cursory glance at
the work being accomplished in the var
ious grades of the system. We present
a few items of news and fact in connec
tion therewith , which will be of interest
to our readers.
One of the greatest difficulties , that of
over-crowding in certain grades , has been ,
almost entirely overcome , and the results
from Believing this congestion are already
apparent in better work on the part of
the pupils and in removing excessive
burdens from some of the teachers.
Quite a few minor changes have been
made in the arrangements of the seats ,
location of library , laboratory etc. , all
tending to greater convenience , comfort
and the utilizing of limited room.
Time was taken by Superintendent
Caviness in determining just what
changes could best be made and they
have been made gradually to the pur
poses stated. The -system is now in
good and advantageous working order ,
assuring progress and profitable results
at the close of the term.
The seats in the Third grade room West
have been rearranged for the protection
of the eyes of the pupils ami in order to
increase the convenient seating capacity
of the room. It is thought that both
have been subserved.
Among the minor changes , the library
has been moved into the room formerly
occupied by the laboratory , which has
been moved to more commodious quar
ters in the basement. The former li
brary now serves as cloak room for the
Eighth grade , which occupies the adjoin
ing Assembly room.
The removal of the entire Third grade
to the West ward building has greatly
assisted in the work of relieving the con
gestion in the high school building and
in equalizing the work of the teachers
and opportunities of the pupils of the
system. Miss Weibly is getting encour
aging results from this interesting grade.
In order to make provision for a
teacher for the Seventh grade when
the Seventh and Eighth grades were
separated , the entire Third grade was
installed in the West ward building.
The First and Second grades East were
increased by additions from the West
ward. The work of equalization was
carried through the several grades by
the following promotions : 12 from the
Sixth to the Seventh ; 15 from the Fifth
to the Sixth ; 12 from the Fourth to the
Fifth ; 12 from the Third to the Fourth.
The Assembly room has undergone
some changes to better accommodate
the Eighth grade , which is now very
comfortably housed therein. The
lantern has been installed in the
iiallway on the east side of the room
and the curtain has consequently been
placed in the west side of the room.
This change has been made to provide
3etter light for the pupils at study.
The enrollment at present is as fol-
ows :
First and Second East Miss Thomson
and Miss Rowell 106. The grades oc
cupy two rooms and are in charge of
Miss Thomson. These rooms are
Bright and cosy and quite convenient.
Both are quite well provided with kin
dergarten appliances , and satisfactory
work is being performed.
First and Second West Mrs. Duffy
and Miss Oyster 75. They occupy one
room , with a small recitation adjoining.
Though not quite so well equipped or
comfortably situated as the East Ward
primary , creditable results are coming
rom their efforts.
First and Second South Miss Stroud
82. This building has been much im-
jroved in internal and external appear
ance , besides in added convenience and
comfort. It is one of the most interest-
ng departments of the city schools , and
although the work is too heavy for one
teacher , it is being done with tact and
skill and with success unusual and
> raise-worthy. The children are nearly
all of German-Russian parentage and
have to be first taught English. The
average attendance is about 66.
Third West Miss Weibly 67. This
jrade is doing encouragingly better work
since the readjustment and is expected
to accomplish very satisfactory results
> y the end of the school year.
Fourth West Miss Powers 63. Like
he Third .this grade is in good shape
and progressing nicely , hoping to fully
cover the grade work , this year.
Fifth West Miss Leonard 57. Sep7
arated from the Sixth , being less crowd
ed , and it being possible to do more
personal work among the pupils , this
grade is doing well and is expected to
live a good account of itself , this year.
Sixth , City Hall Miss Bettcher 54 ,
This grade is very comfortably located
and is settling down to do the work of
he grade earnestly and strongly.
Seventh East Miss Case 44. Separated -
rated from the Eighth and less crowded ,
this grade is improving the opportunities
gained by having a room and teacher oi
their own. This room is sorely in need
of more seats and desks.
Eighth East Miss Meserve 39. The
grade is making the Nbest of the ex
cellent facilities of the Assembly room
and are creditably covering the ground
required in that grade.
Ninth and Eleventh , High School 30
and 15 Mr. Burgert , who has charge ol
the mathemathics and science work of
these grades , and is securing good re
sults. ,
Tenth and Twelfth Miss Berry 40
and 6. In these grades Miss Berry is
meeting with her usual substantial re
Mutual good would result were parents
and patrons to more frequently visit the
different grades of the school system.
The children would feel that others are
interested in their progress. The super
intendent and teachers would thereby be
encouraged and stimulated to greater ef
forts. Wiser and broader views of the
work of the system would be held by the
public , ami more intelligent sympathy
woul'd be felt.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
* BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Junior Union at 3 p. m. Senior Union
at 7. Preaching at n a. m. and 8 p. m.
Rev. George Scott will preach both
morning and evening.
T. L. KETMAN , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. m.
and Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. each Lord's
day. Preaching morning and evening
every alternate Lord's day. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Sub
ject next Sunday morning , "Christian
Socialism. " Evening theme , "Dr. Jekell
and Mr. Hyde. " T. P. BEALL , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
ro. Preaching service at n. Junior
Endeavor at 3. Senior Endeavor at 7.
Preaching service at 8. Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:30. A wel
come to all. Morning subject , "Sin the
CrucialPointt. " Evening theme , "Char
ter of Christian Liberty. "
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month. Subject for Sunday even
ing , "Thankfulness ; " for Friday even
ing lecture , "Reverence. "
METHODIST Sunday-school at loa.m.
Preaching at II. Class at 12. Junior
League at 2:30. Epworth League service
at 7. p. m. Preaching at 8. Prayer and
Bible study , Wednesday evening at 8.
Morning sermon by Presiding Elder C.
A. Hale. The Lord's supper will be ad
ministered at the close of the sermon.
Evening subject , "Scene at Betheny. "
The male quartette will sing. All are
welcome. First quarterly meeting for
: his conference year will meet at H. H.
Berry's , Saturday evening , at 8 o'clock.
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The Nebraska Christian missionary
society , a year ago , was over $1,800 in
debt as a result of the hard times. It
will be pleasing now to note that the
society is less than $450 in debt , with a
fair prospect of paying that amount all
off by the end of the current year.
The Chicago Lady Quartette will ap
pear in our city under Endeavor auspices ,
December I7th. It will be an artistic
entertainment of high class singers , with
a reader of ability on the side.
Rev. J. A. Badcon attended the Hol-
drege Ministerial association meeting at
Cambridge , Wednesday , returning home
on Thursday morning.
"The Brownies at School. "
The Epworth League will give a social
in the Methodist church.Tuesday even
ing , November 2gth. A fine musical and
literary program will be given and "The
Brownies at School" will appear again
ay request. Coffee and cake will be
served without extra charge. Admission
at the door 15 cents. Everybody come.
Property to Trade.
Property in a good Iowa town to trade
br Nebraska farm. Inquire at TRIBUNE
office. ats.
The Babcock store room is being
shelved and put in readiness for D. W.
Lear of Beaver City , this state , who will
occupy the same with a stock of drugs
about the first of the year.
McMillen's Cream Lotion.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Wednesday evening at the home o :
the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Perry , Miss Mabel Caroline Perry and
Mr. John Martin Strauahan were sol
emnly joined in the bonds of wedlock.
Rev. W. J. Turner , pastor of the Congre
gational churchofficiatedand the beau
tiful and impressive service touched
every heart present.
It was a simple home wedding with
but a few invited friends in attendance.
Promptly at eight o'clock , Mrs. W.B.
Mills played Mendelssohn's wedding
march , and the bridesmaid and the
groomsman , Miss Lulu M. Beardslee and
Mr. Thomas E. McCarl , appeared , fol
lowed by the bride and groom , the party
taking positions under the decorated
The bride was beautifully gowned in
pearl gray silk and carried white carna
tions. The groom was conventionally
dressed in black.
After congratulations were offered , the
wedding supper was served with all
the good will and bounty so character
istic of the host and hostess.
At the close of a brief social hour the
guests departed and the young couple
was by the family escorted to their own
home adjoining the parental roof on the
Many beautiful and useful tokens were
received with the heartiest congratula
tions and warmest wishes of the donors.
The bride has grown from earliest
childhood to sweet and accomplished
womanhood in our city. The groom has
won his way into the hearts of a large
circle of friends during the comparatively
brief while of his residence in our midst ,
and all will join us in expressions of
warmest congratulations over the happy
God Made Man ,
And not man God , is the verdict of
Dr. John , who delivered his grand lect
ure against agnosticism in the Method
ist chuich , Tuesday evening , under Ep
worth League auspices , to the great de
light and edification of his hearers. The
lecture was a superb effort , the doctor
bombarding the citadel of reason and
agnosticism with the solid shot of reve
lation and religion with telling effect.
The doctor does not indulge in invective ,
but presents his arguments and answers
those advanced by Colonel Ingersoll with
most convincing and masterful ability.
His closing period was an admirable ,
scholarly and eloquent comparison of
the future and hope of religion as against
the fatalism of agnosticism , and he fairly
carried his audience away.
It is only to be regretted that more
people did not turn out to hear the lect
ure , which was one of the best ever de
livered in our city , and should have been
accorded a large hearing.
Their Annual Success.
The ladies of the Dorcas society scored
another success in their annual supper
and fair in the Smith building , Monday
and Tuesday of this week. They were
accorded the usual liberal patronage by
: he public and realized handsomely for
: heir exchequer.
The supper was a most excellent and
wholesome spread , well worth twice the
price asked and received a hearty recog
The ladies disposed of all their useful ,
ornamental articles and novelties , in ad
dition to a lot of toothsome home-made
candies and a collection of beautiful cut
The net proceeds will aggregate about
125 , all of which the society merited by
hard work and patient toil of weeks.
Slid Off the Seat.
August Droll received some painful
bruises and a pretty thorough shaking
up by being thrown from his wagon
while on the way to town , Tuesday
morning. The seat had no end pieces
and the frosted surface together with the
frosted side of the cushion turned down
made a dangerous combination which
shot Mr.Droll off into space as he turned
a corner. He will soon be about as usual ,
though with more or less pain and incon
The Lady Maccabees gave a reception ,
last night , in honor of Mrs. H. L. Ken
nedy , who is about to leave the city and
move to Cambridge. ItVas just such a
affair the Mac
pleasure-giving as Lady
cabees are wont to give on such occas
The "Excursion" social , last night , by
the Guild in McConnell's hall , attracted
a large crowd. The program was good ,
and the trip was profitable to the promo
ters as well as pleasurable to the passen
How about storm sash ? You had
better see W. C. Bullard & Co.
The new court house is looming up in
handsome proportions.
Try McMillen's Cough Cure.
Try McMillen's Cough Cure.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
WANTED Short-hand pupils. L. W.
Leave your orders for hard coal at
H. H. Berry is having a barn built on
his residence premises.
Of course you have tried it Sheridan
coal. You get it at Bullard's.
Cow FOR SALE Good milch cow for
sale. Inquire 706 Main avenue.
able location ; inquire of W. O. Norval.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
FoRSALE Residence of C. G. Holmes ,
deceased. Inquire of M.H.Holmes. i8-6t
About an inch of snow , Saturday ,
which was dissipated by Sunday's sun
FOR SAI.E A three-quarter blood
[ ersey heifer. Inquire at county treas
urer's office.
A copy of Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio
for IDC. The series of 12 for $ r. At THE
TRIBUNE office.
The Jansen murder trial has been put
over to the December term of district
court in Frontier county.
WANTED To buy Hog Millet seed.
Inquire at W. C. Bullard's lumber office.
J. H. Bennett has bought the unused
portion of the McCook club's furniture ,
embracing the pool table , some chairs ,
The Ladies' Circle of the G. A. R. will
meet with Mrs. E. E. Utter on Saturday ,
November igth , at 3 p.m. A full attend
ance is requested.
We still have a few of those "Uncle
Sam's Navy" portfolios in stock. They
are ten cents each or the entire series
of twelve for one dollar. You should se
cure a set.
Don't make any arrangements for
your year's reading matter without con
sulting THE TRIBUNE. We can club
with any paper or magazine you wish
save you money.
Socially , this has been a very busy
week in town ; the Bullard Lumber Co.
has also been selling lots of coal , but
still has enough to fill all orders
promptly. Try them.
Miss Maud Eager of Bertrand was
burned to death , last Friday night. The
amp fell off the sewing machine she was
operating and her garments caught fire
n attempting to extinguish the flames.
Invitations are out for a dance in the
opera house , Thanksgiving night. The
? ythian orchestra will give the musical
nspiration for the ocassion , which prom-
ses to be quite an event in dancing
The University of Nebraska foot-ball
team passed through the city , Wednes
day night on 3 , on their way to Denver ,
vhere they met the University of Colorado
rado foot-ball team on the gridiron ,
yesterday. _
A break in one of the steam heat rad-
ators in the H. T. Church residence ,
close of last week , caused some damage
to paper , plastering and flooring. The
house is unoccupied and the water had
not been turned off. The cold snap did
the rest.
All our farmer readers should take ad
vantage of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this year make , which includes ,
with this paper , The Iowa Homestead ,
its Special Farmers' Institute editions ,
The Poultry Farmer , The Farmers' Mut
ual Insurance Journal and the Hnmane
Alliance , The subscription price of
these five publications amounts to $2.80.
We are prepared to send them all , in
cluding our own paper , to any farmer in
this county for $1.45 , which is only 45
cents more than our own subscription
price. Never before was so much su
perior reading matter , of the most prac
tical and useful character , offered for
only $1.45. The first four of the papers
named are so well known throughout the
west that but little need be said of them.
They commend themselves to the read
er's favorable attention upon mere men
tion. The Humane Alliance is devoted
to humane education , and should be in
every farmer's family , so that the boys
and girls on the farm may early imbibe
the principles of a broad humanity that
shall include all God's creatures , and
earn the wickedness and brutalizing
tendency of cruelty of all kinds. Take
advantage of this great offer.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa-
jer you may want. Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
McMillen's Cream Lotion.