The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1898, Image 5

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    LADIES :
I want to call your attention
to the nice line of fine shoes
I have just received. They are
good in quality , elegapt in | | |
style , and pleasing to the eye.
They will fit your feet and
make you smile when you see
THE PRICE 55 FROM $1.00 TO $4.50
You also may want some
school shoes. I have them
good and cheap. Do not
buy a shoddy shoe when
you can get a better one
for only a few cents more. /
I guarantee them.
- FOIi
We Have a Greater Variety to Select
From than Ever Before , and
at Lower Prices.
MEN'S SUITS $4.75 and upward.
CHILDREN'S SUITS $1.75 and upward.
Overcoats , Ulsters , Mackintoshes , Underwear , Plain and
Fancy Shirts , Wool and Cotton Hose.
Denton's Sleeping Garments. Even'one who has used
these knows they are a luxury.
Under Ganschow's Store.
J. Iy Magee has gone down to Orleans
ns station helper.
Miss Blanche Hest has been visiting
friends at Biirtley , this week.
Tonight will he pay night. Eight
o'clock is the hour bulletined
del Pope went np to Denver , last lri
dav , leturning home on Monday.
Mrs. McCarthy , mother of Mrs. Dav
Magner , is in the city and is very ill.
Brakenmn A. G. Dump has heen pro
inoted to the position of extra conductor ,
Conductor J. J. Curran was off duty
part of the week , on account of sickness
F. E Kidder has heen transferre <
from the train service to the McCook
W. D Nichols has been transferred
from the McCook yard to the trai :
\V. E Knglehorn has heen transferrei
from the Denver yard to the train servic
out of McCook.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Erb of the Akror
eating house were in the city , Monday
between trains.
Conductor Herman Brown was up
from Holdrege , Sunday , guest of Con
ductor Frank Rank.
Conductor Curran returned to work
Thursda- morning , atter a short lay-off
on account of sickness.
J K. Best , who has been up frou
Cowles to see his sick son , returnee
home , Monday morning.
Superintendent Campbell went down
to Holdrege , Wednesday morning , in hi ;
private car attached to 76.
Engineer R. A. Brown was up fron
the Holdrege yard , Saturday , andxwen
out on the road with the 210.
W. C. Bulger returned from Denver
last Friday night , and on Monday re
sumed work in the McCook yard.
Toney Clark is laid up with a sore
hand and has been improving the time
visiting Red Cloud relatives and friends
Conductor O. R. Amick has been en
tertainiug his brother J. F. from Grand
Island , whe/e the brother is in the U. P
train service.
Superintendent Campbell and Acting
Assistant Supt. Harris went up to Den
ver , Thursday morning , in the superin
tendent's private car.
Agent W. L. Washburn of Trenton
has been ill at his home in Brootnfield
this state , and extra Agent N. B. Busl :
has had that station in charge.
Switchman J. R. VanHorn of Red
Cloud is laying off on account of an ac
cident and C. W. Dewey of McCook i ;
acting in his place for the present.
W. B. Mills returned from Omaha
close of past week , and expects soon to
return to work , although his eye still is
a source of attention professionally.
Albert Thorgrimson , late of THE TRIB
UNE force , has accepted the position of
Western Union messenger. He com
menced work on Monday morning.
Dispatcher C. C. Chilson has rented
the residence of the late C. G. Holmes
and he and Mrs. Chilson expect to oc
cupy that cosy cottage about the isth.
J. Iy. Magee , the retiring messenger ,
went up to AkronNColorado , Sunday
morning on No. 2 , and entered upon his
new duties as night car checker at that
Acting Assistant Superintendent Frank
Harris left for Denver , Thursday morn
ing on No. i , to assume charge of his of
fice. Wishes for success from many
friends go with him.
Train-master Web. Josselyn has been
looking after Assist. Supt. E. F. High
land's duties since the latter's illness and
indisposition. ' His family from Orleans
has joined hirn in Denver.
Dispatcher T. B. Campbell leturned
home , last Saturday night , from visiting
a few weeks in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
He feels much improved by his short
outing and absence from business cares.
The number of clerks in the railway
mail service killed during the last fiscal
year , as reported by the general superin-
endent , was seven , and the number
icriously injured was thirty-four.
Norman Campbell went up to Denver ,
yesterday morning , on the superintend
ent's private car with the party which
escorted Acting Assistant Superintend
ent Harris to the "Queen City of the
Jlains" and officiated in his induction
nto office.
A new schedule will go into effect on
he Burlington , November 2oth. About
he only change so far announced will
) e in the time of No. 6 , which now
eaves Denver at 9.15 a. m. This train
vill then leave Denver at 1.40 p. m. , and
vill arrive here shortly after 9 o'clock ,
) . ni , Mountain time. This will give
yincoln and Omaha a daylight train.
Ernest Cordeal was nineteen years of
ge , Sunday past , and the occasion re-
eived suitable commemoration on the
veniug of Saturday preceeding. A corn-
mny of young friends was invited in to
elp in the festivities and the evening
> assed with pleasantest recollections ,
lefreshiuents were served , adding an
ppreciated gastronomic feature to the
"Did Man Make God or Did God Muke
Man ? " The ex-president of DePauw
university will tell you at the Methodist
church , Tuesday evening , November 15
Admission ,
Few men in this country are better or
more favorably known to the drug and
medicine trade than Mr. E. J. Schall ,
buyer in the proprietary medicine de
partment ot ihe Meyer Bros. ' Drug Co. ,
St. Louis He says : "My hey came
home from school with his hand badly
lacerated .uid bleeding , mid suffering
great pain. I dressed the \\oiuul and ap
plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freeh :
all pain ceased , and in a leinarka'dx '
short time , it healed without leaving i.
scar. For wounds , sprains , swellings
and rheumatism , I know of no inedicin -
or prescription equal to it. I consider u
a household necessity. " Sold by L.V. .
McConnell & Co.
Underwear , new goods , low prices
at the "Bee Hive. "
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolutely certain cure
for croup , such as One Minute Cougl
Cure. See that your little ones are pro
tected against emergency. A. Mc.Millen
Our Sc. and lOc. counters are wel
worth looking over. The Bee Hive
Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene
my of sores , burns and wounds. It neve
fails to cure piles. You may relv upon
it. A. McMillen.
You can find just what you need
at the "Bee Hive. "
THE TRIBUNE and The Cinciunat
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , stricth
in advance.
Oh , that line of Gloves at the "Bee
Hive. "
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Familj
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly ii
New dishes and novelties of ai :
kinds at the "Bee Hive. "
THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
McConuell's Balsam cures coughs.
Harlow W. Keyes had persona ]
and official business in McCook ,
John McCluug and Fred Barton
were pilgrims to the seat of county
affairs , Saturday evening.
George Cramer went up to the
county capital , early Wednesday
morning , to cast a tear or two with
the boys.
Dennis Fitzgerald hied him
away to McCook , Tuesday night ,
to learn election particulars and
were not to his liking , either.
William McCallum made a ily-
ing trip to McCook , Sunday , in
an effort to secure some grain cars
for this station. All his storage
capacity is now utilized and farm
ers have been asked to hold their
grain until cars 'could be secured.
Grain , coal , stock and other ship
ments are making heavy requisi
tions on the Burlington's freight
car equipment.
Robert Barr is home from Danbury -
bury again.
Walter Sly is gathering corn
for J. Dunham.
The Misses Myers were guests
of Miss Sly , Wednesday.
Mrs. W. D. Burnett was the
gjuest of Mrs. Harry Wade , Mon-
3ay of this week.
Miss Julia Slv came home from
Endiauola for a short visit with
her parents over Sunday.
The young people who attended
the party at Uncle Billy Hoi-
brook's , Wednesday evening of
last week , reported a very pleas
ant time.
In order to reduce our large stock of
Dress Goods , we have marked down
our already low prices. Now is
the time to buy. Call and
get a bargain .
are going fast. See our line before you
buy. New Qooods and Correct
Styles at lower prices than you
will find elsewhere. . . .
We have special bargains in this line.
m Call and see them.
We are better than ever prepared to
supply your wants in Groceries.
Bring us your Orders.
AT THE . .
g 2 C. L. DeGROFF & CO.
Fragrant Lotion
is a delightful preparation to
apply to the skin after a bath.
It is especially beneficial for a
too red , rough skin , and in
healing all kinds of facial
eruptions ; excellent for heated
and inflamed parts. It is a
grateful and refreshing addi
tion to the toilet , cooling , ton
ing and beautifying. Fortifies
against exposures to wind and I
produces a clear complexion.
25c. a bottle.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Constipation ptevents the hod } ' from
ridding itself of waste matter. DeWitt's
Little Karly Ri > ers \\ill leinove the trou
ble and cure sick headache , biliousness ,
inactive liver and clear the complexion.
Small , snjjar-contecl , don't uripeor cau e
nausea A. JUcMillen
DeWitt's Little Earty Risers ,
The lamous little pills.
"Many have said their children would
have died of croup if Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy hail not been given. "
write Kellam & Ourreu , druggists , Sesi-
view , Va. "People come from far and
near to get it ami speak of it in the high
est terms. " This is equally true of this
remedy in every- community where it is
known. Buy a bottle at McCouneU's
drug store and lest it for yourself.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sai >
Cures Plies. Scolds. Hums.
When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha
zel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or
nutation. There are more cases of piles
jeing cured by this , than all others com-
) ined. A. McMillen.
\ The ( > . > iir .1 cou li < * c . " -
without harm to tlic t.ujTerer , the ! ! >
Linperi jr coWs arc lEnc < ? rou < Unk
ing couti ! i < ili tremc One MTT
Coisyh Cure qtnrklx cnrs itVhv .
fervhct. . MSCJ a c uyh cur - is ] ' } - n
reach ? Iti- jlerf r.i i" ihr ; > tt \
rnt of I jncoln I an.i Co * * * * . '
Rear of Kir t National bans
i © ! > EXT ! ST. ©
All dental work done "t o..r offer i * fA
antecd to be tn > t-claxs- \\e do all ktr , t
Crown , Kndgc And Hale \ \ rk
& Hellnmv. a *
Ur. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - N'ebrask. *
Office and IK pital o\ts h r-t Vatiorn ! l ans
( Mlicc hour > at u' ulenoe. 7x
1-elore 0 a. m. and afte : p v >
" in , i }
B E. ACErCK , Trt : .
A General Bunking1 Business
U.ui.utith I'UK Mr ' . KrKiw \ >
will H' oi\o puMUpt and i.trrfwl aiten
lion Sul > - - iiption > io voo , i nltv
taken lor : i hciii"0 ient ! a ul ioh \ > iMk
; 'UT TO 1 ANM > 0\\NFRs
KOAP NO. ; ; o
I'o Ahnon ! ' O. MS.ll.unel M.UivMu'd
Ihotheis Hnihiu.x Stevens * uoi r Muisel. ll.
\V. Scott K\loii , l\C K. ton ami M i\ I
JohnMon. and to all whom t inv tt > cin
The Coinnu'-Monoi appointed toloostte a rvnd
eonnnencini ; at s\\ ot ve M'I l , township i.
janee > tii.inl piveniil. Kcdillo \ \ eo > >
tv. Ncl'ti.tsKa. tunning theiuv notth o e wid \
then east one hull nnle.lhennoithto lh # t
see. 16. all of township i , nut f > ow , ht i
ported in l.ixm of tlu * location theivot to'
lows , to wit : ConnneiuMnj ; * t the < w eoi > t
tin * ve ( unutei of see ji. theiuiMt 14 hrg V
nun . w bo chains is hnK , thence n 7 * kr ; . v
iS chains , thence n 7 de > ; . to n\in , e t eh s
So links , thence n j ( > dej H nun , e f ch .
thence south 07 dee A ) nun . e IS chaw * sv
links , thence n 77 dej : . . e to ne coi. ol $ rt tt t % >
21. thence n ijdejf.w o chains . | 0 Imkn , t.
the nw coi. of sec. is , all in township o * \ O ,
n , lanpe thiity ( , ? o ) . w of the M\th piiHcipal
tnetidian , m Red Willow * oimntv , Nrhmikw ,
and all objections thcieto or clu\u\t ! feu d'\n
ajjes nni5t he filed in the countv cli
on or befoie noon of the 3 st d v o (
A. 1) . tSoS , or said road will be o
without lefeicnce thereto. K. A l5
10-28 5ts , i'ouutvi'lpik.