The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1898, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
THERE seems to be no doubt
that the Populist state ticket is
elected by pluralities ranging from
2,500 to 5,000. The early returns
indicated Republican success in
the state , but the later returns soon
wiped out the small Republican
pluralities claimed. The Populist
pluralities were largely reduced ,
but not enough to bring Republi
can victory.
The legislature is claimed to be
safely Republican , by a small plu
rality on joint ballotwhich insures
a Republican United States sena
tor to succeed Senator Allen.
Congressman Sutherland is reelected -
elected by a largely reduced ma
jority , between 500 and 1,000.
There are very good grounds on
which to claim the election to the
state senate of E.N.Alleu by a safe
though small plurality.
The election of Dr. Hathorn to
the legislature is certain by a de
cisive vote.
So there is some room for all to
rejoice. It might have been worse ;
it might have been better ; we are
thankful for small favors.
THIS appears to be a Republican
THE last laugh is always the
most satisfactory , as well as the
NEBRASKA is in line again. The
state is and always has been Re
publican at the core.
THE way Colonel Teddy Roosevelt
velt of the Rough Riders twisted
the tail of the Tammany tiger is
most delirious.
THE successor to Senator W. V.
Allen will be a Republican ; and
tue contest will be a royal one for
the high honor.
THE people came nobly to the
support of President McKinley and
his policy. His admiuistrrtion is
strictly all right , don't you know ?
As prophesied in this paper
during the campaign , Samuel Ran
dolph Smith was "all shot to
pieces. " It is only a question of
the majority in Starr's case.
HATHORN ran like a prairie fire.
He will make Red Willow county
an able representative. He will
vote for a Republican United
States senator , too. That's the
joy of it.
THERE seems to be no doubt but
that the next congress will be Re
publican in both branches by good
working majorities a fact that
will be highly gratifying to Presi
dent McKinley and his advisers.
can plurality was heavily reduced
from what it was two years since ,
the victory of the gallant and cour
ageous Roosevelt over Judge Yan
Wyck and Tammany was glori
ously decisive.
A LEAGUE is to be formed having -
ing for its object the widening of
1the scope of the postal service.
It might be made self-sustaining ,
"if nofc a source of profit to the gov-
eminent , is one of the pur-
po&es-'o the proposed league to
bring this about.
On the railroad page of this
issue appear the official figures of
the votes cast in this county. The
result is altogether gratifying to
the Republicans of this county.
There is no doubt that the
United States senate will have a
Republican majority after March
4th next. Republican successors
to Murphy in New York , Smith in
New Jersey , Gray in Delaware and
White in California are assured ,
which , if there are no other gains ,
will place the senate in control of
the Republipans.
In regard to the house of repre
sentatives there is less certainty ,
but'the latest estimate of the con
servative chairman of the congres
sional committee gives the Repub
licans a small majority , which is
more likely to be increased than
diminished by the complete re
turns. A majority of 13 , as esti
mated by Chairman Babcock , is
very much less than Republicans
reasonably expected , but it is an
off year and rarely has apathy in
the Republican ranks been more
marked , so far as the congressional
campaign generally was concerned.
It can hardly be profitable now to
seek explanations of this. . In those
states where the Republicans suf
fered the greatest loss in congress
men various influences operated ,
some entirely local in character ,
but a comparison of the vote with
two years ago will quite generally
show that there was widespread
indifference among Republicans
which may have been chiefly due
to excess of confidence. Bee.
Small grain is looking fine.
A. Prentice threshed three days
last week.
W. K. Forsey and Bob Moore
were clerks of election for this
R. Traphagan hauled out brick ,
Tuesday , for a new chimney to his
house. He is having his house
H. B. Wales has 150 acres sown
to small grain and thirty acres
plowed for corn. He has over
1,500 bushels of corn already
husked and is not half done yet.
Mr. and Mrs. George White of
Dundy county were in this town
ship a couple of days , last week
and were present at the wedding
of their niece , Miss Gertrude Cole-
Uncle Billy sowed four and
half acres of alfalfa in ] 895 , and
has cut it every year since. This
year he got three big loads per
acre at one cutting. Now it is six
to ten inches high and the stock
runs on it every day and don't ob
ject to it at all.
MARRIED At the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Coleman , in this
precinct , their daughter , Gertrude
A. , to Mr. Berton H. Wales. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
G. B. Mayfield of Culbertson in
the presence of over sixty relatives
and friends , who heartily wished
these young Christian people all
the pleasure this world affords and
a home in- the realms of bliss when
this life is done. The guests at
tested their sincere friendship and
well wishes by presenting these
estimable young people a large
number of valuable and useful
gifts. When the ceremony was
over and well wishes and congrat
ulations extended , the guests sat
down to a sumptuous supper , fit
for kings and queens. Miss Ger
trude came here with her parents
in 1881 , and the members of the
family were the only residents of
this precinct for several years.
She has lived here since except
three years she spent in Cali
fornia. She took a homestead and
lived on it seven years. It was
contested five times , but she beat
them all , proved up and got a pat-
ant for the land and still holds it.
Mr. Wales came here with his
parents in 1893 and has lived here
since. Bert is an industrious , ex-
amplary young man. He began
ivorking for himself in the fall of'
95 and has , by good habits and
trugal methods , accumulated a fair
share of temporal belongings.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
. .
E. E. Smith has reopened his
meat market and A. B. Wilson is
the artist with the cleaver and
Will Bentley , employed on the
Burlington's Southern division , is
home with a smashed hand and
will rest up in parental headquar
ters a few days.
Rev. and Mrs. I. N. Clover de
parted on Monday for Omaha on a
visit to the children. They have
disposed of their property inter
ests here and will piobably make
Colorado their futuie home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Vickrey and
Glenn went up to Culbertson on 1 ,
Wednesday morning , on a short
visit to Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Mayfield -
field , formerly of this place. Mr.
Vickrey also gave attention to mat
ters of business moment farther up
the road.
The local election was a very
tame affair and all one-sided , the
Fusiouists being smothered under
an avalanche of Republican votes.
The precinct vote averaged about
81 to 33 and there Was only one
"Pop" with sufficient nerve to stay
to see the count finished. '
S. W. Clark went up to the cen
ter of county affairs , Wednesday
morning , with the election returns.
The smile which overspread his
features on his return could not be
interpreted to mean that there was
anything wrong with illow
county Republicans , this year.
The election of Dr. J. E. Hath
orn of this place to represent the
Sixty-fifth district in the approach
ing legislature is a source of much
satisfaction to many. That the
district will be ably represented
and -well will not be questioned
for an instant by his bitterest po
litical opponents , and the doctor's
large majority , J81 , is noted with
The business of this place is
perhaps larger at the present time
than it has ever been. The busi
ness houses are all full for the first
time in years and there is not an
empty dwelling house in the town.
Property is in greater demand than
for many moous , and most of that
formerly owned by out-of-town
parties has been recently trans
ferred to local ownership.
The brick bank block occupied
by Yickrey's store , the bank room ,
Inter-Ocean office , etc. , has been
purchased by the State Bank of
Bartley and the bank room will be
immediately refitted for occupation
by that concern , which has had
quarters in Yickrey's store since
its institution. W. Y. Vickrey was
up the road , this week , looking for
a safe with which to replace the
one removed from the vaults after
the suspension of the Bank of
Bartley about two year's ago. The
present institution is handling a
large business and the demand for
more commodious quarters has
been a pressing one for some time.
The change will be scarcely less
gratifying to the patrons than to
the management.
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
DR ;
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
SPECIAL. Train Horvieii between
Atwood and St. Francis has bcoi
restored. The trains run daily between
tween St. Francis and Oxford , OIIH
and wost. Business IKIH been M
good that in addition to tht'BO reg
ular trains an extra in sent ever
day to relieve trains 171 and 172
The grain elevators are filling ii |
with wheat and cars are scarce
St. Francis still Meads as the firs
station on the brunch in when
shipments , She has shipped con
sidorubly over 100 cars of whoa
and will ship from 50 to 75 cars
of broom corn.
The business of Herndon is
double that of 1897 with tw <
months to increase the credit o
1898. The total ending Novein
bor 1st is as follows : Wheat , 105
carloads ; hogs , 89 ; cattle , 10 ; rye
14 ; corn , 7 ; broom corn , 2 ; mis
cellaueous , 2 ; total , 179 carloads
shipped out. The number of car
loads shipped in are : Lumber , 30
coal , 25 ; stock cattle , 4 ; miecel
laneous , 24 ; total , 83 ; grand total
2G2 for ten mouths of 1898.
Cedar Bluffs has shipped 30 cars
of wheat and 13 cars of rye ; Truer
13 cars of wheat and 3 of rye.
The total shipments from Dan
bury for ten months ending No
vember 7th are as follows : Hogs
129 carloads ; wheat , 96 ; corn , 49
rye , 31 ; cactle , 14 , sheep , 5 : total
324 carloads shipped out. Leba
nou has shipped east during the
last 10 months as follows : "Wheat
50 car loads ; hogs. 120cattle ; , 18
sheep , 5 ; rye , 7 ; corn , 40 ; total , 250
carloads. Ludell has shipped eas
during the last ten months 35 cars
of wheat , 21 of hogs , 4 of rye anc
3 of corn. Ludell is in the centei
of the best wheat belt on the line
and has in reserve considerably
over 100 carloads of wheat. Las
year wheat was such a paying
crop that many of the farmers go
out of debt and do not have to sel
at prevailing low prices. The
largest wheat fields in Eawlius
county are north of Ludell.
A poultry car full of turkeys ,
geese and chickens was shippec
east , Monday. Daubury shippec
nine carloads of stock , this week.
Wilsonville , the banner station
of the St. Francis branch , has
shipped out the following to date
Grain , 93 carloads : cattle , 211
hogs , 194 ; mules , 2 ; total , 50C
carloads for ten months of 1898.
Heudley has shipped out 140 car
loads of grain and 300 of live
stock , a total of 440 carloads foi
the past ten mouths of this year.
St. Francis has shipped out in
the last two mouths 140 cars oi
grain and 30 of broom corn. There
is a reserve of at least 150 cars oi
grain. Farmers are hauling forty
miles to this market and St. Fran
cis is getting a good share of pro
duce from Hock Island territory.
Herndon. up to November 9th ,
has shipped 115 carloads of wheat.
Trainmaster Josselyn may well
feel proud of his management and
the great increase of business since
he first took charge of the St.Fran-
cis branch. For two weeks the
branch has averaged an extra be
sides a regular train each way
It is rumored that "Johnnie"
Morrissey , ageut at Atwood , con
templates entering the journalistic
field. It is said ho has received
a flattering offer from a leading
daily. Mr. Morrissey is a bright
and fluent writer and is conspicu
ous for his wit and brilliant imag
ination and would be a credit to
any paper.
President Perkins of the Burl
ington is out on his annual hunt
near Ludell. The people of that
vicinity are always glad to wel
come Mr. Perkins. Mrs. Perkins ,
the wife of the president , went east
on a special , Saturday , from Lu
dell , where she has been'spending
a few days with him. This line
was honored with the presence of
General Superintendent Cahert ,
Superintendent A. Campbell and
Trainmaster Josselyn , who came
up on the special with President
Perkins , last week.
. 28. IS98 ' ,
The McCook Tribune. October .
The Famous , i
This week we announce a
We bought too many
now just in season
We are preparing to make reductions
in prices to clear the stock.
Come in and look through the
Stock and See the Low Prices
our stock is marked.
: s
Ho Day Passes
without added evidences'of our increasing repu
tation for good , worthy goods and close cash
prices. The news spreads and cannot be con
fined. Every yard and item of goods sent out of
our store becomes a reliable and earnest adver
tiser of our methods and merchandise. We
stand ready to make good any defect or deficien
cy found in any article we sell. Skimpy , slazy ,
shoddy , undersized , unshapely goods or gar
ments cannot be found in our stock. BUT , for
the same or even lower prices than such goods
are priced where handled , we give you honest ,
full = sized , up = to = date goods that LOOK \YELL
Good , clean Cotton Halts , sire 3 ft. x 7 ft. , be. cnch ; better oweat KV ,
i2J/2c , 150. Comturt Calico u ? 3 c. 40. 50 , 6e. 7 ic yd. ComfortAble * j 1
up by us from 14 yds. oi goods and filled with six TOO l > lts Jt.fco , $1.7 * ;
$2.00 each.Ve carry no factory made comfortables filled uilh r ; s uml
dirl. Greatbitj,611 > . , heavy llecced Cotton ISI.nnkets ( < ? < r. = ; o per p mothers
( ? 5i-25 , $ i.i5 , ? , 850 S : 6oc. Woolen Rlnukcts $3.25. $4,00 , ; J.oo. 7.00
Cotton Sheets made up Si x 90 for 451 . Pillow Slips t 'jc each. Tidies *
Overskirts in black brocaded \\orsted goods , cut from 7-jjored November
JJntterick pattern , $3 oo , 53.25 , 53-75.5-J-5 [ . l.adio.s * Uudcr > kirts tE 500 , 750.
$ r.oo. Half-made skirts of flannel ready to hem and finish 050 , St.U\5t.s *
Wide Blanket Skirting with buttonhole stitched hem , 16Sc vd. Hea\\
Heaver Shawls ( ft 51.25 , 51.40 , 5-25 , 5o-7o , 5-1-5 . Men's Mack Vur Over
coats with quilted lining , hitjh collar , side pockets and WHruuttj * pockets ,
buttons and loops on both right and left sides , ver\ long , sill ? > irs up to
breast , $16.50. These coats have the makers guaranty se\\ed right into
lining , llulfaln Fur Mittens , Ji.oo. A few odd pairs of Hoots * t vouro\\n
price to them out. Men's Underwear 0 * 250 , oje , 500. 750, , ft. 50.
52.00. Kven the 250 kind have libbed skirts. Men's Rubber-lnied lUiutket
Duck Coats $ i ,50. Othir lUanke-lined Duck Coats. Jt 25. uml $50. We
defy competition on these goods.
DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS in great variety.
CLOAKS for Ladies , Misses and Children , $1.85 to $15,00. all kinds.
NEW BUCKLES just received.
FUR COLLARETTES the right styles and prices.
MACKINTOSHES onr assortment must be seen.
In Meeker Per
Adj. County Offices GEO. E. THOMPSON. McCOOK , NEU.