The Kind You Have Always Bought , and -which has been in use for over 3O years , has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ! SL Have Always Boui In Use For Over SO Years. . . . THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. NATION A Authorized Capita , } , $1OOOOO. Capital and Surplus. $60.000 coo GEO. HQCKNELL , President B. fil. FREES , V. Pres. W F. LAWSON , Cashier. F A. PENNELL , Ass'i Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HAH HIS , Director. & We Have a Greater Variety to Select I From than Ever Before , and at Lower Prices , [ MEN'S SUITS $4.75 and upward. CHILDREN'S SUITS $1.75 and upward. Overcoats , Ulsters , Mackintoshes , Underwear , Plain and Fancy Shirts , Wool and Cotton Hose. ? \ Denton's Sleeping Garments. Everyone who has used these knows they are a luxury. IT1 -A. Under Ganschow's Store. AT THE © fftcs. INDIA&OLA. J. W. Doliui was a Lincoln vis itor , first of the week. J. S. Phillips had business in the county's capital city , Wednes day. Daniel Lehn and wife visited their son Charles in McCook , Tues- d y. Miss Welboru made her custom ary official visit to McCook , last Saturday. S. R. Smith and George Cramer luid business at the county seat , Wednesday. MepdnineB Pmv and Powell were the guests oE MVF. I. M. Benrdslee at Me Cook , Monday. Fred Eeardslee was down from McCook , ovfr Sunday , lending t ne to the social seL Indianola Republicans expect to give a good account of themselves at the coming election. Evangelist Redding is announced to begin religious work in Indian- o'a iii the not distant future. Rev. Boyd of the Methodist church drove up to McCook ou a brief fraternal visit , Tuesday. Frank D < ; ! nn and Harry Eanldn have received their discharges from company "L" of "Bryan's Braves. " Clark McClung and James Mo- Callnm circulated among the na tives in the county seat , Sunday ur afternoon. Ered Beardslee and Alden Ely drove down from McCookWednes day evening , to hear Captain W.C. Henry's appeal for the Republican | ticket and cause. i ii i Captain Henry addressed a good udience here. Wednesday evening. ' * G liM captain made a strong appeal for the Republican candidates and cause. The school choir furnished miibic for occasion. On Friday evening of last week a largely attended farewell recep tion was tendered Carlo Koriis , who has gone to rejoin his company at Savannah , Ga. The regiment to which he belongs is expected to leave soon with the Seventh corps for Cuba. VAILTON. Julius Cooper has been on the ; ick list during the week. S. A. Speer has moved onto the Marsh farm near McCook. Homer Stark is at Holyoke in the employ of the B. & M. A number of the farmers are building sheds , feed lots , etc. Miss Clara LeHew of McCook ias charge of ( the school work in ; his district. John Baldwin has an improved disk seeder a great advantage over old methods. E. S. Butcher and sou , A. W. , are busy threshing over in Grant precinct with their new machine. C. S. Ferris made n flying trip to the Cornell country , last Mon day , and bought a good cow while there. This fine weather comes just right in closing seeding and thresh ing and opening the corn gathering season. W. F. Esher was feeling the effect of the October cold wave , but we believe he is much better at this writing. We understand that Mr. Green and family will soon occupy their j recently purchased home , known as the Tobe Welch ranch ou Spring creek. Mr. Green is from the east and is greatly pleased with the country and outlook. We predict a rather dull elec I tion , next Tuesday. No candidate has as yet put in a personal appearance - pearanco in this neighborhood as far as we know. Perhaps they think the farmers too busy to listen to the voluble strains. Tablets and Box Papers. You will find a fhie line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual ity. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best iu the market. PROSPECT PARK. Mrs. John Sly has been on the sick list recently. Harry Wade is building an ad dition to his barn. Threshing is getting to be a thing of the past in this neighbor hood. Rev. Vivian and A. Anderson and family visited at John Sly's over Sunday. A small crowd gathered at the school-house , Sunday , to hear the sermon by Rev. Yiviau. It would be better if more of the good people ple of this neighborhood would come out to church oftener. NORTH COLEMAN. Summers finished threshing on Monday. A report comes that M. H. Cole is suffering witii an attack of rheu matism. Robert Traphagan is having his house plastered. G. W. Groves is doinjj the work. Frank Caret hern' granary burbt- ed letting out tin grain. He haul- ed it to McCook. A. Prentice had a three days' siege of threshing , this week. Me had 1,200 bushels , more or THE TKLBUNE will likely receive a better account of the iimiriage o : Bert Walftw and Gertie Coleman a G o'clock , Wednesday evening , thai we are- able to give. It Doesn't Cost a Cent. "Poultry on the Farm for Profit , " i-j the title of a seiie of articles now beiiij , published in the Inter-state PouUryinan of Tiffin , Ohio. The subscription price of thid practical poultry journal is Sftj cents a j-enr , but it will co-t the readers of THK TKIKUNH , nothing We will j i any one who subscribes for our paper or who pays all arrearages and one j' n advance , the Jnttr Stjite Poultryni.iii one whole ye'ir fret- . Now is your opportun ity to jet a valuable present Subscribe now and pa % one year in advance. Call in or remit by mail. Mention this offer. THK TRIBUNK. McCook , Neb. October Record. The filings and releases for the month of October are as follows : Farm filings , ? I3.343-26 ; releases , $15,20740. Town filings , $851 95 ; releases , $700 oo Chat- tie filings , $36,256 71 ; releases , $14,682 25. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxitive Ilrmno Quinine Tablets All druggists leftiml money if it fails to cure. 250. The { enuine has IK. . Q. on each tablet. Great interest is being manifested in a lecture of Dr. J. P. D John , ex-president of DePauw uiiivef iu , vihicli is to be given in this cit > , Ttiet > day evening , No vember I5th , at the Methodist church. This great lecture , which has attracted world wide attention and called forth thousands of columns of favorable criti cism from the daily press , is in the nat ure of a reply to the teachings of agnosticism ticism iu general and to the esbU\'S and lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll in partic ular. Dr John is a man of magnificient brain power and is everywhere recog nized as a careful and profound thinker , and an eloquent and most entertaining speaker.Ve trust that our people \\ill avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing a great theme discussed by one of our greatest platform orators. f NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. Office of the McCook Electric Light Co. S In compliance with the statutes of the state of Nebraska , and especially in compliance with section 136 of chapter 16 , entitled ' 'Corpora tions , " we , the president and majority of the board of directors , hereby give notice that the existing debts of the McCook Electric Light Company amount to fourteen hundred and twenty-five ( Si 425) ) dollars. McCook , Neb. . Oct. 28,1898. FRANK CARKUTH , J. A. Wn.cox , FRED \V. CARRUTH. N. V. COLE , C. A. LEACH. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. Octo ber 29 , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of 1m claim , and that said proof will be made be fore register or receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , December loth , 1808 , vi/ : Joseph T. Sartders. Homestead entry No. 998 = ; , for the E' SVJ4 and \V % S Etf of section 4. town ship 4 , north of iniige 30 west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and culti\ation of , said laud , \i/ : James Ryan , Thomas F. Ryan. John N. Smith and William II. Epperly , all of McCook , Nebraska. F. M. RATH HUN , l-4-6ts Register. 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' TRADE MARKS : DESIGNS : . . COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Slunn & Co. receive ; tpecfal notice , without charge. In the > Scientific Jlnterican. o ; A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tamest cir culation of any uciontlflc Journal. Terms , $3 a , yenr ; four months , ? L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3B1Broadwa > ' New York Branch Office. G25 F St , Washington. D. C. Less than One Cent a Bushel Think of it- Made with 10 Galvanized Steel Wire Gables / around each Crib interwoved with = inch v v & Pickets , space ij inches apart. T v v v v A Crib of 500 bushels capacity , 13 1-2 feet in diameter , 8 feet high and 5 rods long , for $3.75. , Cheap , Convenient and Practical. - r Can be put up in 15 minutes. For sale by W. G. BULLARD & CO. , McCOOK , NHB. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Sate to take. "I can't see how any family lives with out Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined1 , " says J R. Adams , a well known druggist of Geneva , Ala. , in a letter inquiring the price of a dozen bottles , that he might not only have it for use in his own family but supplv it to his neighbors. The reason some people get along without it , is because they do not i know its value , and what a vast amount i of suffering it will save. Wher < ever it becomes known and used , it is recognized as a necessit- , for it is the only remedy that can always be depend ed upon for bowel complaints , both for children and adults. For sale by L. W. McC&nnell & Co. 0. L EVERIST & CO. , PROPRIETORS OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS.j j furniture van iu the jity. Office oue block north of BnriiPtt Lumber Yard. Leave or- lers for bus calls at Cominerciul jotel ; orcleis for clrayiog at Ev- jrist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. D. BUKGESS , McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. JROEROF IlEARINT. ON' ORIGINAL 1'ROKATE OFVlI.L. . State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , 55. U a County Court held at the County Court \ooin , in and for said County , October 20th , X. U. . ibVjS. Present , G. S. Bishop , County udfje. In the matter of the estate of Mary Jolfer , deceased. On readintr and filing he petition of Moses CoTfer , praying hat the Instrument , filed on the JOth lay of October , iSpS , and purporting o be the last Will and Testament of the said leceased , may be proved , approved , probated , illowed , and recorded as the last Will and L'estament of the said Mary Golfer , deceased , tnd that the execution of said instrument may ie committed and the administration of said state may be granted to Mo es Golfer as e\- cutor. Ordered , that November 12th , A. D. , So.S , at 10 o'clock a. in. , is assigned for hear- ng said petition , when all persons interested n said matter may appear at a County Court o be held in and for said count ) * , and show ause why the prayer of petitioner should not ie granted ; and that notice of the pendency if said petition and the hearing thereof , be iven to all persons interested in said matter jy publishing a copy of this order in THE Mc- OOK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper printed n said county.for three successive wecks.prior o said day of hearing. G. S. BISHOP , SEAL. ] ( A true copy. ) County Judge. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That isvbat it was maac for. WOMEN IN TEOUBLE. The Approach , of Slothsrliood is the Occasion of SIttcii. Ansiety to All. Every woman dreads the ordeal through -which she inusfr pass in b cs min - in , < r a mother. The pain and suifariug- which is in store for'her is a source of concur.t anxiety , fear and dread , to sa7 nothing of the dangsr which the com'nr ? incident entails. The jovous an.- " > . -tions v.ith which she looks"for- TV r ' to bnby's coming gives way to an indescribable dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying event which will soon approach and have to be endured. Women should hail with delight a remedy which insures to them im munity from the pain , suffering end danger incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy is now offered , and women need j > ot fear longer the hour of childbirth. ' ' " 'Olothor's Friend" is a scientific linim-nt and if used before confinement , gt tly and surely prepares the body for the great requirements and changes it is undergoing , insures safety to both mother and child , and takes her throxgh the event with com parative ease and comfort. This won derful remedy is praised by every woman who has used it. "What woman is not interested in "Mother's Friend ? " This wonderful remedy has been tested and its price less value proven by the experience of thousands of happy mothers who have used it during the most critical period of woman's life the approach and culmination of motherhood. It has won their everlasting praise , for _ it gave them help and "hope in their most trying hour and when most needed. Every woman may some day need " ' " "Mother's Friend. The little book , "Before Baby is Born , " telling all about it , and when it should be used , will prove of great interest and oenent to all expectant mothers , and will be sent free to any address upon application to the Bradlield Regulator Company , Atlanta , Ga. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Frazer Grease ill Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest.Awards at Centennial Paris and World's Fa ! ? ' Kanufccturctl Cni-rrn I , , . I- * by FRAZER LUBRICATOR . Go , , Factories : Chclago , SL Louts , New York.