The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1898, Image 4

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    F. M. KIMMELL.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and dellcloui.
Absolutely Pure
. .
Republican State Ticket.
Governor M. L. HAYWARD , Nebraska City
Lieut. Governor. . .GEO. A. MURI'HV , Beatrice
Secretary of State C. DURAS , Wilbur
Auditor T. L. MATHUWS , Fremont
Treasurer I'ETKR MORTENSEN , Ord
Superintendent JOHN F. SAVLOR , Linco'- '
Attorney General , N , D , JACKSON Telip'h
Land ComV. A. F. WILLIAMS , Elk cfty
Congressman / " * C. E. ADAMS , Superior
State Senator E.N , ALI.UN , Arapahoe
Representative J. K , llAtttoRN , Hartley
County. AttorneyV. . R. STARR , McCook
Commissioner 3d district..STEPHEN BOLLES
Tins fall will be a good time to
get in line and cast yonr ballot for
the G. O. P.
PENNSYLVANIA are all properly
proud of the state of their nativity ,
hence all Red Willow county Peun-
sylvanians should be prompt to or
ganize a Pennsylvania club. Call
at THE TRIBUNE office and enroll
yourself , and join the proud sons of
the magnificent Keystone state.
nated for governor of New York
state , Tuesday , on the first ballot
by a decisive vote of 753 to 218
for Black. The gallant "Rough
Eider" will be elected , and the
state of New York will be the bet
ter for the introduction and carry
ing out of his splendid and aggress
ive methods and policies. Here's
to the intrepid Teddy. We might
add that he is all right ; but it is
unnecessary. Everybody believes
but Platt. And he will.
publican nominee for congress in
this district , it will be observed by
all Republicans with pleasure , is
making a winning campaign over
the district wherever he has been.
The captain is a thorough gentle
man , able yet retiring and modest ;
successful , yet not boastful ; Re
publican to the core , yet fair and
respectful ; indeed physically , men
tally and morally the captain is
royalty equipped to make this dis
tiict just such a congressman as
the district deserves to have. An
old soldier , an upright citizen , a
successful business mau , a loyal
Nebraskan and a clean Republican ,
the captain is entitled to the votes
of the people of this district.
REPUBLICANS may well devote
themselves to the work of electing
the legislative tickets over the
state. The election of a Republi
can to succeed Senator Allen is of
paramount importance. In Red
Willow county we are favored with
a strong and able candidate on the
Republican ticket , in Dr. J. .E.
Hathorn , and he should be elected
by a goodly majority. All differ
ences and personalities should be
laid aside to that end. And in E.
N. Allen , the Republicans have a
splendid candidate for state sena
tor , a man who will represent the
district with honor and efficiency.
Everything is in first-class shape
for a clean victory , this fall , in
this county and senatorial district.
Let the party only do its duty and
both our legislative candidates
will read their titles clear to seats
in the next legislature.
Dane Fletcher mnde n business
trip to Cambridge the first of the
Bartloy wns represented by a
large delegation at the reunion in
McCook , yesterday.
Mrs. 0. Cowles made a business
trip to Cambridge , Tuesday , re
turning the same evening ,
AgentEnlow wns called to Cam
bridge , Wednesday , to attend the
funeral of his grandfather.
Mrs. E. R Hamilton and Sadie
returned , Sunday evening , from
their visit to the exposition.
Harry Maxon , of the night force
at the depot , is visiting at the re
union in McCook , this week.
W. V. Vickrey and family re
turned , Monday , from a week's
sight-seeing at Omaha and the
exposition ,
Will GrlsseJl departed for Kan
sas City , Tuesday morning , to ou
ter upon and finish his coarse in
Hie medical college.
A.L. Sexton o Stockville loaded
a car of cattle here , Tuesday , for
the Omaha m&fketi Hie Sou Lewis
went down with them.
The people o our village and
vicinity will be glad to learn that
Rev. Foutch has been returned to
this charge for another year.
The exposition visitors , this
week , all returned within their
limit and report a fine time and
value received for money expended.
The daughter of Mrs. C. E. Wil
liams , who is at Hastings under
going treatment for the loss of an
eye , is doing nicely and is expect
ed home soon.
J. E. Sipe is absent , this week ,
making a visit to his old home in
Iowa. Jim Eosenfelt of Cam
bridge has charge of the business
during Mr. Sipe's absence.
E. E. Smith has several cases of
blackleg among his cattle and has
procured some of Pasteur's vaccine
from Chicago and will experiment
with it. It is hoped that good re
sults may be obtained.
Miss Daisy Stoddard "elocuted"
in the hall , Friday evening of last
week , under auspices of the Ep-
worth League. The attendance
was light and the same might also
be said of the receipts.
Mrs. J. D. Mangos has pur
chased the hotel of Mrs. Olmstead
and will take possession as soon
as Mrs. Olmstead can gain the oc-
C ?
cupaucy of another house. Mrs.
Mangus expects to conduct a first-
class hostelry , and we predict for
her success in the enterprise.
ALL honor to the American vol
unteer ; but if the Cuban war has
taught one thing more clearly
than another it has made plain
the necessity of having a larger
regular army. No matter what
the valor and esprit clu corps of
the volunteer , it cannot compen
sate for the discipline and train
ing of the regular service. Equal
personality cannot be found in any
other soldier on the face of the
footstool. The American regular
has proven himself unsurpassable.
With proper seasoning and train
ing the American volunteer makes
the veteran.
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
DR ;
\ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rrom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
-w"1 v
The McCook Tribune. September 3O. 1898
offer you advantages both in Goods and Prices or we wouldn't ask. for yonr J
trade. This week we call particular attention to our
Our Fall Stock is in , every article fresh from the factory ; all this season's make andi
contracted for early in the spring * before the rise in the price of wool. It is the
Best Line of Styles we ever had in our Store ; Honest Wools , Stylish in
Cut , Durable Trimming's , Low Prices. We will ask you to note a
few of the new things in each department.
In this department as
all others the stock and
Variety of styles and
f colors is very large = =
much superior in every
way and at least double
in quantity to what you
will find elsewhere.
Our prices are cut
down to the lowest
Serviceable Suits at - $3.75
Better Ones at - - 4.50
Still Better at - $5.00 to 6.00
Finer Goods - T.OO to 8.50
and some very choice
styles at - 9.00 to 10.00
Come in and examine
this great assortment.
No trouble to show
A vast assortment ,
ranging in price from
$1.00 to $6.00 , compris =
ing every novelty in
No other house be =
tween Denver and Hast =
ings can show you one =
half the variety or make
the low prices.
We take pleasure in
showing our goods.
Come in and see them.
Serviceable , well madewar-
ranted all cotton , suits $3.00
Better grade , part wool , no
shoddy at any price , - 4.50
Better grade - - 5.00
All Scotch wool , mixed and
plain cheviots - - 6.00
Fancy styles - 7.00
Better Plain and Fancy
Styles - $8.00 to 9.00
First class Fine Wool , Plain
and Very Serviceable and
some Very Nobby Styles ,
20 different patterns , - 10.00
These are suits that
most houses will ask
you from $12 to $15 for.
We guarantee our prices
and goods as represent =
ed. We have also some
Extra Fine Dress Suits
from $12 upwards to $20 ,
all at 10 to 33 per cent
less than you can buy
the same goods else =
Hats & Caps , Furnish
ing Goods , Extra Pants
for Men and Boys ; Work *
Clothes , such as Over
alls , Cotton Coats , Duck
Coats ; Shirts , Hosiery ,
Gloves , Handkerchiefs.
Our assortments are
not only unequalled in
quantity and quality ,
but in low prices.
Come in and look over
our vast stock , whether
you are ready to buyer
not. We are glad to
show our goods and
quote the low prices
they are selling for.
The Curse of Familiarity.
In their strife for mental equality with
men women have unintentionally broken
down a fine reserve of manner whicl
previously lent them an air of mystery
of superiority , in the best sense , than
which no element is more successful ii
holding a man's interest , love and re
spect. The young woman who greets
a man friend with "Hello , old man ! " or
its equivalent in modern slang , might ii
return be called "a peach , " but she
would be a peach with the bloom rubbec
off.Every day I become more convince !
that the root of the increasing evidences
of whispered marital unhappiness woulc
be found in familiarity that breeds con
tempt. When a boy climbs a tree for
green apples or cherries , whichever he
prefers , he constantly sees a better one
higher up beyond his reach , until he
nearly breaks his neck to get the one
out of his stretch , partly hidden by foli
age. And so man's ideol woman hangs
at the tip-top of the tree of knowledge.
If the ideal drops into his hands he
throws it to the ground as worthless and
begins to climb again. Would it be
reasonable to think , after working so
hard for cherries , that he would value
them long if he ate a surfeit of them ?
Frances Evans , in the October Ladies'
Home Journal.
"Many have said their children would
have died of croup if Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy had not been given , "
write Kellam & Ourren , druggists , Sea-
view , Va. "People come from far and
near to get it and speak of it in the high
est terms. " This is equally true of this
remedy in every community where it is
known. Buy a bottle at McConnell's
drug store and test it for yourself.
Truth wears well. People have learn
ed that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
reliable little pills for regulating the
bowels , curing constipation and sick
headache. They don't gripe. A. McMil-
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .20
Wheat 41
Oats 15
Rye 29
Barley 18
Hogs 3-io
Eggs 10
Butter 15
Potatoes 40
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers are pleasant , easy , thorough little
pills. They cure constipation and sick
tieadache just as sure as you take them.
\ . McMillen.
E. A. Sexson was a county cap
ital visitor , Tuesday.
J. Louguecker is puttiug out
150 acres of fall grain.
Will Myers is takiug in the ex
position at Omaha , this week.
T. R Quigley hac his big house
raised. Golden of Indianola is
doing the work.
H.H. Thomas and family started
by wagon , last Saturday , for the
Omaha exposition.
Will Sexson and family were
camped at jNIcCook during the
reunion , taking in the sights.
At the date of the last reporl
Carlo Horns was in the hospital
at Jacksonville , and Albert Helm
was some better.
Chris. Jensou's baby has been
quite sick with typhoid fever and
inflammation of the stomachbut is
improving under Dr. Logan's care.
Frank Unudus has changed the
tone of his letters quite materially.
We wonder how much Bryan's
followers pay him for such stuff.
Lewis Longuecker of Company
UL" is home on sick leave , but at
present is feeling some better.
He says the soldier boys are well
Eed and cared for.
We do not believe that Captain
Lamboru ever took anything from
ihe boys to fix up his own quar-
: ers and left the boys to get along
: he best they could. We have it
TOIU good authority that he took
ris own money and bought pro
visions for the sick soldiers and
did all he could for them.
We have put our entire line of
California novelties into one lot and
vill close them out at lOc. each.
They are going like hot cakes at
The "BEE HIVE. "
above zero the last week in September is not
conducive to early buying of winter things , but
it is wise to remember the many times you've
been caught by the sudden changes at this time
of the year , and still wiser to profit by that ex =
perience. Thelong = headed and forehanded
providers are already at work making their se =
lections of Dress Goods and Trimmings , of
Capes , Jackets and Collarettes , of Blankets and
Underwear , of Ties , Ribbons , Belts and Buckles ,
of Gloves , Hosiery and Corsets , and all the in =
numerablejitems of family needs at this time of
And the Main Point is
that thosejsame bright buyers have already
found that our store is
the Right Place.
We sell not only all the lines of Dry Goods that interest the
women-folks , but are strong on Men's and Boys' wear such as
Hats and Caps , Clothing , Underwear , Gloves ,
Sox , Handkerchiefs , Blanket-Lined Coats , Jackets ,
Overalls , Neckwear , Collars and Cuffs , Etc. , Etc.
Did youTget a sample of that extra drive in
muslin that we are now offering ? If not , we
will be glad to show it to you if you will visit
our store. Soliciting your trade ,
In Meeker BId . Per \
Adj. Count } * Offices. GEO. E.THOMPSON. ' MCCOOK , NEB.