tfl IMPORTANT j REDUCTION I am now making my annual I clean-up of small sizes in shoes i and slippers. Every pair offered at reduced figures is of sterling qual eS ity and make. The collection has been divided into four lots : 2323 Lot No. 1 at only $0.50 a Pair Sal Lot No. 2 at only 1.00 a Pair Lot No. 3 at only 1.50 a Pair Lot No. 4 at only 2.00 a Pair All ladies wearing- small sizes will find this a most opportune litf 'M ' time to secure a pair of g'Ood tff & shoes or nice slippers at a very \f \ i low fig-ure. THE OLD RELIABLE , SJ2 * \xr \ J. F. OAN8CHOW ? M McCOOK , NEBRASKA. jjiiri jj st * Marsft. S At Brewer's Old Stand. I FRESH AND SALT MEATS I Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. l | keep everything usually to si 4 | | be found in a first-class city market , | | and respectfully solicit your patronage. 1 < & &Sto/ / & ' /1i / ) SS/ < $ & ' < & /fy FOR CASH FOR CASH k OH Pure , Kettle-Rendered Lard OUR OWN MAKE. Ten pounds and upwards at 5 cents per pound for a short time. WILCOX & FLJTCRAFT. TIM I7 TABLL : . Route. JCCOZ , HSB2ACZA. LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. IJUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY. SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS AND AU. SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL I'OINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAIN'S LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- cage , and nil points south and east 6:15 A. M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Hast ings 11:00 P.M. No. 6. Chicago Flyer 4:40 r. M. No.l4S. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , IIol- drege , Hastings 6:30 A. M. No. So. Freightdaily , llastings and intermediate stations 7:27 A. M. No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:00 : A. M. No. 5. Local Express , daily , ar rives at 8:05 l' . M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. I. Denver Flyer 6:20 A. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. No.i49. Freight , daily , .ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:45 A. M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStratton,15en- kelman , Ilaigler , Wrayand Akron . i : y > r. M. No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonHen- kelman , Ilaigler , Wrayand Akron 4:30 r. M. No.i75. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 6:38 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write A. P.Thomson , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Sum Pope came up from Wymore , Monday , and is the guest of his brother C. E. Mrs. V. H. Solliday returned home , Saturday morning , from her visit to Denver. Conductor T. A. 1'oley is moving into the J. M. Henderson house on North Madison. Trainmaster Web Josselyn was up from Orleans , Wednesday , on business of his branch. Mrs. J. H. McManigal returned , Tues day morning , from visiting her husband up in Wj'oniing. Harold Thompson was down from Denver part of the week , visiting his sister Florence and friends. Mrs. Kd. Beyrer and Bert returned home , last Friday night , from their visit to Red Cloud relatives and friends. The new steam hammer was received and placed in position in Alliance black smith shop this week. Alliance Grip. Mrs. C. M. Bailey returned home , Tuesday morning on i , from her visit to the Grissels at Havelock and to the exposition. Edwin Sage of Wymore has been here , this week , the guest of his aunt , Mrs. W. S , Morlan , while on his way home from a visit to the mountains. The first of the monster freight engines , No. 333 , came into Lincoln , Thursday at 4:50 : , from Plattsniouth where it has been overhauled. Yesterday afternoon a num ber of people interested in machinery came down to the round-house to view the giant. All the other heavy engines looked puny beside 333 , with its huge boiler , raised high in the air , and short stack , which gave it a suggestion of bull dog appearance. She was shoved onto the turn-table and " 61 , " the diminutive house goat engine , crept almost noise lessly up and was coupled on. It was a most incongruous sight. Then the goat gave a wheeze out of its stack , butted against 333 , slid its wheels a little , and pushed the monster into the house. En gine 333 started for the Wyoming divis ion at 5:30 this morning. Three more of these large engines are at Plattsniouth having the ash pans they are now fitted with , exchanged for air pans Satur day's Lincoln Journal. M. C. Wayson had business in Beukcl- man , Monday. Louis Probst returned tovork , Tues day morning. Miss Ora Candy is visiting her sister , Mrs. E. M. Cox. W. C. Cox is taking in the reunion at Republican , this week. J A. O'Neil is a visitor to the Repub lican reunion , this week. Conductor and Mrs. George Willets were Indianola visitors , Sunday. Will McManigal went down to Atwood , Kansas , Tuesday , to assist at that place. Hrakeman Neal Beeler and E. J. Burns are on the Hastings-Obcrlin run at pres ent. Percy Marquis of Hastings is visiting the family of Conductor Burns , this week. Operator Ware Morton was over from Norcatur , Kansas , Sunday , on a visit to headquarters GilTomlinson is visiting in Oxford , this week , before the opening of the fall term of school. Mrs. M. D. King of Minden was the of her brother , Conductor Rron- son , mid-week. Conductor and Mrs. V. H. Solliday will leave for Indiana , Monday , to be absent a month. Conductor W. II. Brown left , yester day , for the east on a visit to embrace New York , Washington and other points. Supt. Campbell went up to Denver , Wednesday evening , in his private car , on a trip of inspection of the west end Mrs. Frank Currie is visiting her sister- in-law , Mrs. C. S. McElherron at Repub lican and taking in the reunion , this week. Mrs. J. W. Chambers and sister of Newcastle have gone to McCook on a visit. Mrs. Chambers will go to St. Louis before returning. Alliance Grip. Al. Sharp came down from Denver , Monday , where he has been in a hos pital for some time , seriously ill with an attack of typhoid fever. He is better and improving. Switchman W. C. Sparks was up from Holdrege , part of the week , visiting in headquarters. He was badly hurt , not long since , in the yards of that place and bids fair to be a cripple. Engineer C. A. Dixon entertained his brother , his brother's wife and son , from Kansas City , from last Friday night un til Tuesday night , when they continued on their way to Denver , to visit relatives. Mrs. C. E. Pope and the children re turned home from their visit to the ex position and relatives in the eastern part of the state , Monday night. Howard Lee of Oxford accompanied them and is visiting here. Exposition Rates. Tickets from McCook to Omaha and return will be sold from Sept. ist to Oct. 3ist , inclusive , for $8.95 , return limited to seven days. SHEET MUSIC. We have just received 200 new pieces which you can buy at 3c. each , come at once and have first choice. THE "BEE HIVE. " Truth wears well. People have learn ed that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regulating the bowels , curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. A. McMil- len. Machine Oils at McConnell's. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure. A. Mc- Millen. See McMillen's new stock of WALL PAPER. DeWitt's Witch Hazel S . Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. Menard Building , First Door North of Citizens Bank. " "We are here to do business with you. Our Grand Fall Stock is full of Bargains. It is a splendid assort ment of the Latest Styles and the Finest Grades , all at "Live and Let Live" Prices. You cannot help being pleased with our common-sense , popular prices , and in every way desirable line of MEN'S , BOYS' and CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS AND FURNISHING GOODS. BIG REDUCTION We still have a few Wash Goods which we are closing" out regardless of cost. We have some Genuine Bargains in V > L * J m r Jl a Closing out our line of Ladies' Oxford Ties. Call early before the assort ment is broken. UK ; NOTICE THE CHANGE ri * $ $ r-iJM IX OUR tm rs\i'M \ ® 3 jf ( < c Never have we been bettor prc & & pared to supply your wants h\ : SS8 this line. Yon can save money by givingus a SS8n call when , in need n of a new suit. AT THE . . . C. L. DeGROFF & CO uJSzji&JUrfi . gogragfrffi tffcsyfzjqjtxjp. ygp-y yrtyc > -agyrjigr : aayj ijg 3 ? V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. * f TTT7FW < RA * f Li 1 IZ/D1\ DA1IV e . ra eS. fr * s ? OF McCOOK , NEB. ? I Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5.000 $ = DIRECTORS = = V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. i ' ' ' ' ' - ' We do riot want you to pay ONE PRICE and your neighbor ANOTHER PRICE for the same article , and therefore mark EVERYTHING IN PLAIN FIGURES. Our facilities for buying GOOD GOODS for the LEAST : i /rVss l MONEY are great , as we buy in connection with our large Plattsniouth Store. Nothing we can say will convince you like OUR GOODS and OUR PRICES themselves , so come in and let them show you that it pays to trade with us. MORGAN - THE LEADING wwW fatf