The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1898, Image 7

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    HohcnRtnflt , In the Rrancl duchy o
Baden , has selected a woman as Jt
town clerk.
The ItlffRcfit ISIcycIo In tli AVorlil.
' A German has just completed a hi
cycle that hns one wheel nine feet ii
diameter. Tv.-o people ride it one 01
each side. It runs easily because of it :
Bclcntlflc construction. The Bclcntill
formula of Hosteller's Stomach Bitter
Is the reason of Its great virtues h
making the weak Blrong. If you
health Is poor , try a bottle.
If a man has no trials and tribula
lions he Is unable to appreciate hup pi
TZdacato Xour isowcittwith Cascarcts.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forcvr"
Idc , ii6c. If G. C. C. f ail. itrust'lMsrelund money
Why is it that people who assumi
the most usually know the least ?
SOAP , exquisitely HcoutccI , is i-ootuing uud
Lcuoilciul. Hold everywhere.
If a girl doesn't appear lady-like on
a bike It's no fault of the wheel.
So the falling of the hair tells
' of the approach of age and
U'v ,
declining po\ver.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem ,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why ?
Because there is life at the
So you need not worry about
the falling of your hair , the
threatened departure of youth
and beauty. And why ?
Because if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
the hair
will arouse it into healthy activ
ity. The hair ceases to come
out : it begins to grow : and the
glory of your youth is restored
to vou.
tye have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
The Bast Advfco Free ,
If you do not obtain all the benefits
you expected from the use of the Vigor ,
write the doctor about it. 1'robab'y
there Is sotno dlffleultr with your Rcn-
eral system -which may be easily
removed. Addr- .
DR. J. C. ATER , Lowell , Mas * .
A drug store In Atlanta caught fire
the other day and a level-headed clerk
ran Into the etore cellar , seized a large
soda tank which had Juat ben charged
with the llcuid that bakes the "fizz , "
then rushed at the blaze with It and
opened the faucet. When the firemen
arrived there was nothing for them to
Don't Tobacco Spit ana imoxe rour Lito Away.
To quit tobacco cisily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , ntrve , find vigor , take Xo-To-
Uac , tlie wondcr-vrr rler. that makes weaU men
strong. All drugKlJts , WteorSI. Cure pu.-tmn-
te'-d. Booklet aruj sample free. Address
Sterling Hcmedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
There are 40,000 native pupils In the
Sunday cchools of the Fiji islands.
Why Is It that but few married men
ever pity old bachelors ?
\VIieit 4O cents a Ilnslicl.
IIow to grow vrhent with big profit nt 40
cents nnd Famplos of tjal/er'h lied Cro-ss (80 (
HtihliolH per acre ) Winter Wheat , Ryo. Oat * ,
Clovers , etc. , with Kurm Seed Catalogue
for 4 cents r > ostn o. .JOHN A. SALZEIl
SEED CO. , Lu CroHso , AVis. w.n.u.
Beauty may be only skin deep , but
the pride of it reaches into the heart.
kyitc'a < Lonan TIuTxnm
cWt ami tiestIt will Mean up ccoli } quicker
than iinytltliiK else. It Unhvajs reliable. Irs li.
Hero is a curiosity In the shape of
a Latin sentence : "Sator arepo teret
opera rotas , " which means , "The sewer
will wear away the wheels ; I cease
For n perfect complexion nud a clear ,
healthy f-kin , use COSMO UUTTERM1LK
SOAP. Sold every where.
Since the birth of Christ 4,000,000,000
men have bnnn slain in battle.
Rerent improvements in the new
models Nos. G , 7 , and 8 Remington
Typewriters make them better man
ever before. Send for a catalogue.
Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict , IGlii
Farnam Street. Omaha.
The oldest iron vessel in the world
is the Michigan , built in 1844.
Hall's Catarrh Core
Is a constitutional cure. Price , 7uc.
If you sit In a draught the doctor
may cash it for you.
makes the skin soft , white aud healthy.
Sold everywhere.
Those who prefer the service of sin
must be satisfied with the wages of sin.
Why isn't an air-castle builder a per
son of liigh esteem ?
Tort Arthur IJouto
with new trains to Kansas City and
the South. Quickest time to St. Louis
and the Southeast. Shortest route to
Qulncy and East.
Finest chair cars ( seats free ) in the
West. Low rates to all summer re
sorts. Everything up to date. For
rates and all information , call at PORT
ARTHUR ROUTE office , 1415 Farnam
street , ( Paxton Hotel Block ) or write
Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha ,
O. A. I . Cincinnati
The Monon Route , with its four
trains daily , is the best and most com
fortable line to Cincinnati. The rate
will be only 1 cent a mile. Tickets on
sale Sept. 3d. 4th , 5th and Cth , good
to return Sept. 6th to 13th inclusive ,
and by extension to Oct. 2d. Send 4
cents in stamps for the Monon's beau
tifully illustrated book on the Cincin
nati Encampment. Frank J. Reed , G
P. A. , Chicago. L. E. Sessions , T. f
A. , Minneapolis , Minn.
Reformation is the spring-time of
Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax.
There is no greater hardship than to be de
prived of your
and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax
will give up most any thing to get it. lOc. buys
a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other
kind of high grade quality.
$ Remember the name
s when you buy again.
Last year American wheat grower
enjoyed a double advantage. Thei
own. crop was an abundant one , an *
outside of the United States there ws
nn almost world-wide deficiency. Thl
occasioned an active demand fo
American wheat , intensified by the fac
thai the world's crop In 1SSC also hai
been deficient.
The government reports show tha
our exports of food products reaohe *
a value in the fiscal year just closed o
more than eight hundred million del
lars. Of breadstuffs alone wo sen
abroad last year nearly one million doi
lars' worth for every business day.
The government forecasts Indicat.
that the wheat crop this year will bi
even larger than last year. As usu
ally happens , after a particularly prof
Itable crop , there has been an incrcas <
in the acreage , which is this year b :
far the largest ever recorded.
The condition of the winter whca
crop , according to the system of per
centages on which the governmen
makes Its forecasts , is better than foi
seven years , and is twelve per cent ir
advance cf that of last year. Tht
'spring wheat crop is not beyond tlu
.influence of adverse weather condi-
.tions ; but the June estimate was
[ higher than for fifteen years , and elev-
cn per cent , in advance of June lasl
year. Later private reports were lest
favorable than this.
Foreign crop prospects are not yet
sufficiently defined to afford a basis foi
estimates. It is not probable that the
deficiency of last year and the yeai
preceding will be repeated ; but the
world's supplies have recently run so
low that , even with a good crop in
other wheat-producing countries , there
is likely to be an active demand for
the surplus from our wheat fields.
An English magazine , the Woman at
Home , told recently an incident in the
life of the Princess of Wales , which
shows how accuracy and thoroughness
were the means of avoiding a possible
catastrophe. The princess Is , it ap
pears , an enthusiastic amateur pho
tographer , and with her daughter , the
Princess Victoria , Is in the habit cf
taking pictures cf the scenery , people
and animals in and about Sandring-
ham , herself developing and mounting
them afterward.
Several months ago while out in the
park , she took a snap-shot of the rail
road bridge at Wolferton while a
freight train was crossing it. When
the picture was printed the princess
observed a slight curve in the bridge.
She went to the place from which she
had taken it , and carefully inspected
the structure. There was no such
curve in it perceptible.
"I held the camera at a wrong angle , ,
no doubt , " she said , and waiting until
another train crossed , took another
picture , developed and printed it.
Again the depression appeared at
the same point in the bridge. She
carried the picture anxiously to the
Prince of Wales , who sent for the su
perintendent of the railroad. On in
quiry It was found that the engineers
of the trains had perceived a vibrating
motion when crossing the bridge. It
was examined , found unsafe and con
The persistence of the princess in
seeking to make perfect her little pic
ture , and the intelligence that noted
the slight deflection and saw in it a
possible danger , in all probability pre
vented a catastrophe , and possibly a
frightful loss of human life.
Surgery for Animals.
Veterinary surgeons are becoming so
skilled that no longer is an ounce of
ead the chief medicine administered
; o a suffering pet anivaal. At the Royal
Veterinary college , Camden Town.Eng-
and , some wonderful operations have
3een performed lately. The beast is
'astened in a stock and chloroform is
idministered , and as much pains are
aken as if a royal duke was the pa-
ient. .A mongrel mastiff pup , who
vas given a false leg , takes great pride
n his wooden member. He soundly
brashes other dogs with it in the bouts
n which he still engages to the in-
ense amazement of his opponents. A
: ollie belonging to the duchess of Marl-
trough was run over by a cab and one
if its legs had to be amputated. A
alse leg of aluminum was supplied ,
[ he joints at the knee are movable
; prSngs. One little dog , a valuable
whippet , was so annoyed by its artifi-
ial legs that they were taken off , ancl
t hops about like a kangaroo. When !
torses' tails are docked they have no
irotection from the flies if they are
urned out to pasture. Therefore false
ails are devised , which allow them to
njoy their communion with nature. A
aluable terrier , "Toby , " belonging to
he duke of Bedford , was fitted for a
et of false teeth , which gives him
; reat assistance in rat catching.
Something1 for Nothing * .
Dixon "Biffkins seems to be eenjoy-
ng the fortune his aunt left -him. "
lixon "Why , I understand he lost it
ill in a wheat deal six months ago. "
) ixon "So he did ; but it has sup-
liied him with a never-failing topii
if conversation ever since. "
Often the Case.
She "As a rule a man judges all
ther women by his wife. " He "Yes ;
Jid & woman judges her husband by
he worst things she hears about other
nen. "
Argonaut's Return from AlasKn on the
Jloanokc Jcncjuln Milter Say * tl > c
Mines Arc the Kiclivgt in the World
and Hardest to Work.
Seattle , Wash. , July 19. The North
American Trading and Transportation
Company's steamer Roanoke arrived
here at 3:30 : o'clock this afternoon from
St. Michael's , Alaska , with 240 pas
sengers nnd with about four tons of
gold , which , reduced to dollars ,
amounts to between ? 1,5COCOO and ? - , -
Of this amount the Canadian Bank
of Commerce had 5,000 ounces and the
North American Tiading and Trans
portation Company 20,000 ounces.
Probably 50 per cent of the returning
miners have fortunes averaging at
least $10,000 each.
Joaquin Miller , the well known poet ,
who was among the Roanoke's passen
gers , briefly expressed the general ten
or of the storits told by the Roanokc's
passengers as follows :
"The Klondike mines are certainly
the richest ever found on the face of
the earth , but this geld is tenfold
harder to get than in any camp I have
ever seen. " is a list of those having the
largest individual amounts :
VTiii.n Slonu..jlIOItobcrt I.nscjr..t ! C.CCO
J. S. Opdeli ItUKX ) Davlil I'cneckon. .
Trnnk Smith t , 00 Alex.Uttlc J , ' J
II. Lt-CKinau fcWX ) Janes iecJ : 150
The miners are reticent about the
amounts they brought. The reason for
the observance of such secrecy lies in
a desire to evade the payment of the
10 per cent , royalty exacted Ly the Ca
nadian government. Not in every case
have the miners paid royalty on the
fll amount taken cut of their claims ,
and many of them have smuggled out
larger sums than they will admit.
It is said that the shipment of geld
on the Roanoke would have been
much heavier hr.d those in the interior
not felt some apprehension of an at-
tark at sea by privateers.
The North American Trading an3
Transportation Company will , it is
stated , ship most of their gold on later
boats. Some of the wealthiest miners
will come out later in the season.
If you have a skeleton in your closet
make no bones of it.
Itenuty Is I'looa Deep.
Cleft.u blood mc.nns aclejin skin. ! Co beauty
without It. Cuscireis , Candy < . ' : itiuric
cleans your blooil : iii ! keens it clean by stir-
rlng up the lary liver niul driving : ill impu
rities from tlic' Bugiu toliy : lo banish
limples. lioil.s , bloti-lics. b ackiieans. and that
sickly bilious complexion by taking Oasca-
icts beauty for ten rents. All d
guaranteed , me , 2 c , OGc.
If a pneumatic tire gathers enough
tacks it shows it's hardware.
Shnlce Into Tonr Shoes.
' powder for the
Allen's Foot-Ease , a
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart-
ng feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tiled , nervous , aching feet. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists ami shoe
stores. By mail for 23c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address , Allen
S. Olmsted , Le Roy. N. Y.
If you prove that a woman isn'i. con
trary you prove she isn't a woman.
Ko-To-Bac for JTZrty Cents.
nm i-d tobacco habit cure , icaltcsvreaU
men btron ; ; , olcod pure. 502.SI. Alldrnj.'Kh > ts.
A good man must be good as well
as do 2ood.
Piso's Cure for Consumption lias been n
God-send to me.'m. . li. McCiellan , Ches
ter , Fla. , Sept. 17 , 1S'J5.
Hardtack has become a fashionable
dainty at afternoon teas.
Tilrs. wmslows Sootlilnp Syrnp
For children teething of f enit'.e ( . mm-.rcUiue inCim-
matiou.nllayb pain , curehTriini couo. 0 centra bottle.
Leisure hours are the best or the
worst part of our lives.
FITS I'frmanentljCured. r > oIIts oruer misne safte.
irst dux s 119 of Dr. Kline 8 Grvut > erve Uemurer.
Send f. > t FJIKK S'i.CIO trial bottle unn treatise.
Du. E. U. KLINE.Ltd..921 Arch St. . Pbliadelpcii , fu.
Mrs. Nancy Yvrellman , who died last
week r.t her home near Louisa. Ky. ,
at the age of 95 years , was the mother
of sixteen children , eleven of whom
were married. She had 88 grandchil
dren , 192 sreat-grandchildren and 01
great-great-grandchildren. She also
raised 9 orphan children. Within the
past two months two cf her children
liave died of old age , being over 70
years old. Mrs. Wellman's father
fought in the revolutionary war.
There are two great walls in China j
one 'is forty feet thick and fifty feet |
ligli , and surrounds Pekin. It is six-
; en miles in circumference. The other
the great wall of China is nearly
[ ,300 miles long , and it was built over
> ,000 years ago.
Four Women Who Owe Their Present Happiness to Lydla E. Finis-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
DEAU Mns. PINIJHAM : When I wrote lo yen last Juno ,
I was not able to do anything. I wufTcrcd with back
ache , headache , bearing-down pains , pains in my lower
limbs , and cched all through my body. Menstruations
were very painful. I was almost a skeleton. 1 fol
lowed year advice and now am well and Ceshy , and able
to do all my own housework. 1 took medicine from ft
physician for over a year , and it did not do me a parliclo
of good. I would advise all suffering women to write
to Mrs. I'inkham. She will answer all Ic'v.era promptly ,
and tell them how to cure those aches and pains bocoin-
mon to women. Mrs. C.L.Wi.NN , Marqucz. Texas.
I think it is my duty to write and let you know what
your medicine 1ms done for me. For-two j-ears I suffered
with female weakness , bearing-down pains , headache ,
backache , and too frequent occurrence of the mcuscu.
1 was always complaining. My husband urged me to
try your Vegetable Compound , and I finally did. I
taken three bottles and it lias made me feel like a dif
ferent woman. I advise every woman that suffers to
take your medicine and be cured. Mrs. GAIIRETI :
LICIITV , G12 S. Prince St. , Lancaster , Pa.
I had suffered for over two years with backache ,
headache , dizziness , nervousness , falling and ulccralioii
of the womb , leucorrhcea , and about every ill a woman
could have. I had tried doctors , but with no success ,
aiui it seemed as though death was the only relief
forme. After using five bottlesof Lydhi E. Tinkham's
Vegetable Compound , and four packages of Sanative
Wash , I ana well. Have had no more pain , womb
trouble , backache or headache. Mrs. CLAUDIA
IIALFiiiCream Kidge , N. J.
Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I was alluded with female complaiutu
so that I could hardly walk. My back ached terri
bly , in fact , I ached all over. Was not able to raise myself up some of the
time. I had no appetite and was so nervous that I could hardly sleep. 1 have
taken but two bottles of your Compound and feel like another person , can now
eat and sleep to perfection , in fact , am perfectly well. Mrs. SCK McCuu.ouQii ,
/.dlai , W. Va.
LydiaE.PinKfiam'sYegetafcleCotnpoanfijAV/onian'gRented.vfo Woman'sins
Til 1C QfTrll is PrcParetl on
I l iO OlUl til scientific princi
ples , by men who have yesra of
experience Ssl fancy laundering1. It
t. restores old linen anil summer tlrcEsca
t3LU.S AW CfF ! STIFF MD IKE > M to their natural whiteness ami imparts
( Syria REST BC-iaiT ICT.r , n beautiful and lastingiinibh. . The
only starch that is perfectly harmless.
CKE POL' D Cr THIS STAnCK Witt GO Contains no arsenic , alum or other injurious
jurious substance. Can be used even
' for icr.
a baby pew
a.n.KUBK2ER ! BRGS'C ?
After S wn Induced to try CASCA-
S , I will noverbe without them In tbo house.
My liver was in a very bad shape and my head
actied and 1 had btomach trouble. Npvr. since tak-
IUK Cascareta. I feel flne. Jty wife "has alto used
thorn with Lcneficlal results for sour stomach. "
Jos. KltKULtNG. l'jl Cougices St. , Et. Louis , Ma
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Oood. DC
GooJ. Never Sicken , \Veaten. or Gripe. lOc. 'Joc.iOa
Ctrritf ! P nrdT fompaa ; , CLIcsco , Monlrral , Kcw Ycrk. 113
Sold and pinrnntCPrt by olldrujj-
gists to CUIIJB Tobacco ilablu
$50,000 Stock of ail grades of
Furniture recently bought at the
very lowest cash price will be of
fered during the next few months
at special prices.
Custoaiers visiting Omaha will
find this the largest and oldest
furniture store here , and we will
make every effort to please both
in goods and prices.
Chas. Shiverick & Co. .
12O6 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Next to Millnrd Hotel.
NOTE To satisfy ourselves at to whether th's
KlviTtUcnieat Is read we will make a discount of
I per rent on the puri'liasc of any customer who
trill tell us tliry were directed to us I > y It ami that
they A 111 rernmmcnti ns to their friends ! f lt
KooUs they buj arc mlisfa..lory.
tl to Ladies : VJs civs T.-adina Stzmos
fr'oii'n I II--IY r'T rcr coujrlis. coIfN ,
Br KSy 8 Llilig DaiiH andtHrSatdisease
h'EV/ DISCOVERY ; st.-
a ef. Seed for took Oi tcztln.ontals and IO days'
jfeatmentFree Cr.D.H.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No 35-1898
Answering EGvcrtlEctr.cata hindly
Mectioa This Faocr.
One Mile Wctt of tlie Unlveraly cf Noire Dime ,
. M AHVS APADEMV feir younj ; Indlcp. now .
teriiiKnp-'ii ' " furty-f.iiirth year ofartlie ertu
tiona ! worK. has earned the rcputHtlun of
one of the most tlior.mglity equipped ml HiicceKiful
! n tltnloin In the United States. The Araiiuiny
I > nil < llr4 < are beautifully altuatnl on an eminence
over-luukln the plctureMiic banks of the bt. Joat-yt )
IClver. All the branches of
A Thorough English and
Classical Education ,
Inrtadtn ? Gree'c , Latin , French nml German are
taiiKh : by a Faculty of competent tcnrhnro. On com-
pieties the full ccume of studies ktudunte recelvo
Re2u'ar ' Collegiate Degree of
Litt. B.f A. B. or A. M.
The Conservatory of Music In conducted oa
the plan of the best Clascal Conservatories or Kti-
rope. Three InHiruinental le BonF. nnd one In theory ,
weekly , are Im-luded lu the regular tuition ; c.ilriv
practice pro rata.
Tie Art Department IE mo'lellcd afterthe best
Art Schools In Europe.
1'rcpavatory and JHInlm DcpartmeiitH.
Pupils who nccc primary tralnln ? . ami the eof len
der axe , ore here carefully prepared for the Aca
demic Coarse airt Advanced Courp
llook-keeplcir. Phontigrnphy and Typrwrltlni : ex
tra. E\ery variety of Fancy Keedlework tnuirlit.
For catalogue ( .oatalnloK full Information ,
St. Mary's Academy ,
IV ) I5ij * ft.r uu-atiiral
, intlaiunjiti'.u .
cr ulrerutDin
cf in ur one nitznl ranr- .
. uti < : not uetria-
.Sold l > y
or Hrnt in vrarper.
l-y cxprrpR. prtpaic ! . for
SI tti , itr ? lKittI < > , { : 75.
Circular ecut ou request
P , Cuarcnteod
. ; tocure ( iyspep-
> a > . " ' ln\- \
2Tx : & . 51.
- . .VAXTF.Darc of > .a < ] hf a it that i : I r A K S
will not lipnetit. t 5 ffnis to kipnnp I'liemifjl
Co. , " * OVT York.for If nvles am' Uiy te tii. nu ! .
W. R. ROBERTS , for years Cashier of the Citizens' Bank oi 1
Omaha , and widely and very favorably known in Omaha and Iowa , [ T
writes on May 6. 1898 : ' 'Abolit 2i years s O I was troubled with ner- jg
vous DYSPEPSIA ? cold feet and hands , lack of circulation , loss of %
flesh , etc. 1 slept poorly and was in a terrible condition. I took
and found it to be the best remedy I ever used. I took no other medi
cine and in a short time I gained 40 pounds. I haw. sines taking-the
Kenovator , ate well , slept well , and atn frea from cold haniis and feet ,
calculation is good and the curebceras permanent and lasting- . "
Dr. Kay'a Kenovator Is sold by druggists , or sent by mrxil ( or 23 cts aart SI or 6 for
to. Do not take any substitute , for It has no equal. It is aa excellent purifier aatl the
test nerve tonic known. Send for Dr. Knv's Home Treatment , an illustrated lit jajc
took. free. One man said lie would not take (6 for ons o : Us receipts ; ancthcx &aid he
Toud not taic $10 for the took. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. , Omaha , Xcb.