The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1898, Image 4

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    Royal makes the food pure , '
wholesome and dellcloui.
Absolute/ ! Pure
. .
IT looks clearly like Hayward
for governor. He will give W. A.
some "pointers" not down on the
THE Populist senatorial conven
tion will be held in Culbertson on
August 13th. The congressional
in Holdrege on the 23d.
DR. J. A. HATHORN of Bartley
seems to have pretty smooth sail
ing for the representative nomina
tion before the convention tomor
EEPUBLICAN state convention ,
Lincoln , Wednesday , August 10th ;
congressional , Holdrege , Tuesday ,
August 30th ; senatorial , McCook ,
Friday , August , 26th.
THE members of the Republican
Federation of Nebraska newspa
permen will meet in the Lincoln
hotel , Lincoln , on the evening of
August 9th , for the election of
officers and other business.
THE call for the Republican sen
atorial convention for the 29th dis
tricfc appears in this issue. The
Republican papers of the distric
are requested to publish the same
at once and until the convention
PEACE negotiations with Spain
are progressing very slowry. Mean
while operations against Porto Ri
co are being pushed vigorously
and in earnest. Shafter's men are
being brought north as rapidly as
circumstances will permit to camp
under healthier surroundings.
IN taking care of the great small
grain crop , the selection of a can
didate for senator from this district
must not be lost sight of. THE
TRIBUNE calls attention o the fact
that a good , strong candidate will
win in this district , this fall , and
the Republicans of the district
should be casting about for such a
man to place in nomination for
that office.
R. P. HIGH of Lebanon was in
town , Monday , feeling the public
pulse in regard to his candidacy I
for the nomination for commis
sioner of public lands and build
ings.before the state convention.
Mr. High has been a Republican
who has stuck to his post and Fur-
nas count } ' will probably be glad
to extend to him the courtesy he
deserves. "Wilsouville Review.
THE death of Prince .Bismarck re
moves from the scenes of time one
of the colossal figures of the nine
teenth ceuturv and one of the most
imposing of all times. Great to
the limit of the immortal , yet not
beloved by all peoples like Glad
stone who preceded him but re
cently , the Iron Chancellor has
written his name in imperishable
characters on the pages of the
world's history.
AFTER an all night session , the
Fusiouists placed in nomination
the following state ticket , Wednes
day of this week : Governor , W.
A. Poynter of Booue county ; Lieu
tenant Governor , E. A. Gilbert of
York county ; Secretary of State ,
Wm. F. Porter of Merrick county ;
Auditor of Public Accounts , John
F. Cornell of Richardson county ;
State Treasurer , John B. Meserve
of Red Willow county ; Superin
tendent of Public Instruction , Wil
liam R. Jackson of Holt county ;
Commissioner Public Lands , Jacob
V. Wolfe of Lancaster county ; At
torney General , Constantine J.
Smyth of Douglass county.
The Williamsport ( Peuna. ) In
dex recently took occasion to make
some odious comparisons between
Captain Bob Evans and Captain
Philip , to which Bob replies in
the following vigorous and manly
style , which recommends itself to
the editor of THE THIBUNE as be
ing about to the point :
"I beg to acknowledge the re
ceipt today of a copy of your paper
which you have been good enough
to send me.
"I am somewhat at a loss to
know whether you sent it for the
purpose of calling my attention to
the cuss words attributed to me in
the newspapers , or to Captain
Philip's official show of Christian
spirit in announcing to his men on
the quarter-deck of the Texas , after
the battle of Santiago , that he be
lieved in Almighty God. As , how
ever , you have seen fit to drag my
name into your newspaper , I hope
that you will publish this reply
that those who have read your is
sue of July 15th may also read
what I have to say about it.
' I have never considered it nec
essary , and I am sure that a great
majority of officers in the navy do
not consider it necessary to an-
nouuce to their crews that they
"believe in Almighty God. " I
think that goes without saying.
We , of course , have the right to
show by our acts how much we are
imbued with this belief. Captain
Philip had a perfect right to show
this to his men as he did ; it was
simply a matter of taste.
"Now , for myself , shortly aiter
the Spanish cruiser , Vizcaya , had
struck her colors , and my crew
had secured the guns , the chaplain
of the ship , an excellent man , came
to me and said : "Captain , shall ]
say a few words of thanks to Al
mighty God for our victory ? " . '
said : "By all means do so. I wil
have the men sent aft for that pur
pose , " and was on the point of do
ing so when it was reported to me
that a Spanish battlship was stand
ing toward us from the eastward.
My first duty to my God and my
country was to sink this Spanish
battleship , and 1 immediately made
preparations to do so. When it
was discovered that this ship was
an Austrian , I found my ship sur
rounded by boats carrying dying
and wounded prisoners and others
of the crew of the Vizcaya to the
number of 200. To leave these
men to suffer for want of food and
clothing while Tcalled my men aft
to offer prayers , was not my idea
of either Christianity or religion. I
preferred to clothe the naked , feed
the hungry and succor the sick ,
and I arn strongly of the opinion
that Almighty God has not put a
black mark against me on account
of it.
"I do not know whether I shall
stand with Captain Philip among t :
che first chosen in the hereafter ,
ant I have this to say in conclu
sion , that every drop of blood in
ny body on the afternoon of the li
; hird of July was singing thanks
uid praise to Almighty God for
; he victory we had won. "
THE winning county ticket will
36 named tomorrow. Wait for to-
Republican Senatorial Convention.
The Repubhcnn electors of the Twenty-
linth Senatorial district are requested to send
[ elevates from their respective counties to
sieet in convention in the city of McCook , d
Nebraska , Friday , August 26th , 1898 , at 7:30
' , for the purpose of placing in nomma-
ion a candidate for the office of state senator
nd for the transactson of such other business u
s may properly come before the convention. ir
The several counties are entitled to repre-
entation as follows : fc
Hiase 3 Dundy 3
rrontier 7 Furnas 10
josper 4 Hayes 3
litchcock 4 Red Willow 9
The apportionment being based on the vote
ast for lion. Albert J. Burnham for presiden-
ial elector in 1896 , giving each county one
elegate at large and one for each 125 votes
nd major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad-
litted to the convention , but that the dele- R ]
ates present be authorized to cast the full
ote of the county they represent. tlal
F. M. KIMMEU. , Secretary. al
FRED. BOEHNER , Chairman.
ligheSV. Honors World's Fair ,
POWDffl bfq
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free he
> m Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Our Fashion Plates for the Fall and Winter Season of 1S9S-99 are
now ready for your inspection. Samples of the latest thing's in Plain
and Fancy Woolens and Worsteds in great variety are now here.
A Practical and Personal Experience of more than Thirty Years ena
bles us to assist our patrons intelligently to make their selections to
take their orders properly ( it is 110 guess-work with us ) and to furnish
them with Clothing * that is becoming , good-fitting * and well-made.
If You Have Never Given Us a Trial , do so ; it Will Make You a Permanent Customer.
Miss Winnie Epperly is visiting
her .sister , Mrs. Joseph Trissel , at
W. E. Boilings and family de
parted for Omaha and the Exposi
tion , Monday night.
Agent Enlow made a business
trip to McCook , Wednesday even
ing , returning on No. 4.
Frank Walsworth and Harry
Maxon made a business trip to
Cambridge , Wednesday.
Truman Wood and daughter
left , last Friday , for Gothenburg ,
to make his son Arthur a visit.
Miss Ruby Fletcher went over
to Danbury , last Saturday , to spend
i couple of weeks with friends.
Jas. A. Finnegan is enrolled
, vith the B. & M. gang once more ,
is chief clerk to Agent Enlow.
Will Shoemaker and Ben Gos-
iard of Indianola were making
ihort calls in our village , last Sun
Mrs. B.C. Catlett and Miss Con
) aniels left , Tuesday morning , fo :
, few days' sight-seeing at the Ex
Miss Carrie Scott is spending
lie week in Frontier county witl
er friend and schoolmate , Maine
The Epworth League social anci
terary entertainment , Wednesday
veuing , was well attended and en-
> yed by all.
Horace Ivy of the Inter-Ocean
ent up to Stockville , last Satur-
ay , to visit friends , returning on
'uesday ' evening.
Charlie Lee left , last Saturday ,
ith his mother for Longmont ,
olo. , where she will visit with a
aughter for some weeks.
F. E. Teel of Frontier county
tiloaded a mammoth steam thresh-
ig outfit here , Monday , and left
> r home with it the same day.
Bev. N. S. Foutch departed for
incolu , Tuesday morning , to be
i attendance at the Epworth
eague assembly at that place.
The many friends of "Johnny"
[ angus will learn with pleasure
mt at this writing his fever has
sated somewhat and his condition
W. F. Miller and C. V. Vickrey
iparted for Lincoln , Wednesday
orning , to attend the Epworth
eague assembly which is now in
ssion in that city.
A heavy rain on Monday even-
g is responsible for the pleasant
luntenance which every one is
Baring now. Fashions will change
i the season advances.
Since that little social affair
liich eventuated in the livery
irn , last Sunday , itwouldn't re-
lire much argument to convince
liver and Lute Bush that a Bus-
an can fight , and fight hardwhen
knows he must. The boys will
i presentable in due time. i
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates from
their respective counties to meet in conven
tion in the city of Lincoln , on Wednesday ,
August 10 , 1898 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , for the
of placing in nomination candidates
Eurpose following offices :
1. Governor.
2. Lieutenant governor.
3. Secretary of state.
4. Auditor of public accounts.
5. Treasurer.
6. Superintendent of public instruction.
7. Attorney-general.
8. Commissioner of public lands and build
And to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
Red Willow county is entitled to 9. The
apportionment being based upon the vote cast
for Hon. Albert J. Burnham , for presidential
elector in 1896 , giving each county one dele
gate at large and one for each 125 votes and
major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention and that the delega
tion present be authorized to cast the entire
vote of the delegation of the county which
they represent.
Jt is requested that the county conventions
select their committeemen and perfect their
county organizations at the first convention
in counties in which two conventions are held.
ED. K. SIZER , Sec. Chairman.
Republican Congressional Convention.
The Republican electors of the Fifth con
gressional district are requested to send dele
gates from their respective counties to meet in
convention in the city of Holdrege on TuesJ J
day , August 30 , 1898 , at five o'clock , for the
purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
for representative and to transact such other
business as may properly come before the
The several counties are entitled to repre
sentation as follows :
Adams 15. Harlan 8
Chase 3 Hayes 3
Clay 15 Hitchcock 4
Dundy 3 Kearney 9
Franklin b' Nuckolls 10
Furnas 10 Perkins 2
Frontier 7 Phelps 9
Gosper 4 Red Willow 9
Half. 16 Webster 10
The apportionment being based upon the
vote cast for Hon. Albert J. Burnham for
presidential elector in 1896 , giving each coun
ty one delegate at large and one for eacli 125
votes and major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention and that the delega
tion present be authorized to cast the entire
vote of the county which they represent.
Secretary. Chairman.
Republican County Convention.
The republican voters of Red Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , are requested to send delegates
from their several voting precincts to meet in
convention in the City of McCook on Satur
day , August 6 , 1898 , at I o'clock p. m. , central _
time , to transact the" following business , to-j
ivit : i
To place in nomination one candidate for
: ach of the following offices :
County Attorney.
Commissioner 3d District.
To _ select nine delegates to attend the re
publican state convention to be held at Lin-
: oln , August 10,1898.
Also delegates to the congressional and
senatorial conventions , and to transact such
jther business as may come before the con
The several voting precincts are entitled to
epresentation as follows , being based _ on the
r'ote cast for W. A. McCool in 1897 , giving one
delegate for each fifteen votes or fraction
hereof and two delegates at large for each
Drecinct :
\lliance 5 Lebanon 6
Beaver 5 Missouri Ridge 4
I3ondville 4 North Valley 4
3ox ' Elder 4 Perry 4
Doleman 3 Red Willow 6
Danbury 4 Tyrone 4
Driftwood 4 Valley Grange 4
Sast Valley 7 WILLOW GROVE.
"ritsch 5 1st Precinct 8
Server 4 2d Precinct 5
jrant 3 3d Precinct 5
ndianola 10 4thPrecinct 6
Central committee recommends that pre-1
: inct caucuses be held on July 30,1898.
Secretary. Chairman.
IVIcConnelPs Colicure
Cures Colic , Cholera Morbus and Diar-
hoea. IMoney refunded if not as repre-
Machine Oils at McMillen's drug store.
Come in and secure the series of
' ' " while
'Uncle Satn's" navy portfolios
he series is yet complete.
) ne Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
- jaI
I vsrtst , Marsft &
At Brewer's Old Stand.
Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles.
e keep everything usually to $ *
be found in a first-class city market , 5
and respectfully solicit your patronage ! &
These Pictures are the most accurate , most authentic , the Best. F !
THE TRIBUNE , ever alert fo secure for its readers
the best and most valuable offerings , points with pride to
its now famous distribution of Portfolios of "UNCLE SAM'S
NAVY , " which has in every way surpassed anything of the
kind cefore attempted.
is now ready , and contains the following photographic views ,
accompanied by full historical and descriptive matter :
No.l. Admiral Dewey in his Office on the Olympia.
No.2. Portraits Of Sampson and Schley.
No.3. The Gunboat Wilmington.
No.4. The Crusier Topeka.
No.5. The Composite Gunboat Marietta.
No.6. The Composite Gunboat Wheeling.
No.T. The Composite Gunboat Vicksburg.
No.8. A Sugar Factory in Manila.
No.9. Rosario Street , Manila.
No.10. An Aristocratic Bungalow , Manila.
Ko.Il. Poop Deck of the New Orleans.
No.12. Ship's Company of the Baltimore.
No.13. Military Mast and Search Light.
No.14. View in Pensacola Shipyard.
No.15. Ship's Company of the Kearsarge.
No.16. General Muster on the Quarter Deck.
A superb portfolio series of photographic views iixi-
inches in size , of the battleships , cruisers , torpedo boats mom"
tors , coast defense boats , gunboats and auxiliary vessels of the U *
S. Navy , drill exercises , big guns and other interesting viewV
each illustration being accompanied by text matter giving i"li
needful information of our naval resources. Each portfolio con
tains 16 pages of pictures and text matter , printed on heavv date
paper , and bound in colored paper cover , and may be obtain * . , !
upon the following terms :
Each of these parts as issued ( weekly ) for one coupon and 10
. Cut out the "Naval Series"
cents. Coupon , which you will find
on another page of this paper , and send it or bring it to us with j \
10 cents and obtain Portfolio No. 10.
Numbers of Portfolios of Uncle Sam's Navv
' ! may still be had. J