Nothing makes a v/oman eo mad as having something to say and no one to listen. Wlmt Will ISrcomc of chlnn ? "None c.'in forefice the outcome of the quarrel between foreign powers over the division of China. It Is In teresting to watch the going to pieces of this race. Many people are also going to pieces because of dyspepsia , constipation r.nd Btomach diseases. Good health can be retained if we use Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Wounded prfdc uses dignity fcr a salvo. loxrit t'alcnt onire Itc [ > ort. DES MOINES , July 14 , ' 98. Seven U. S. Patents were issued to Iowa Inventors this week , viz. : To J. H. Ayrhart , of Dcdham , for a riding und foluing harrow ; to Thos. Caswcil , of Cliorokee. for a combined hay-rake nnd balling press ; to J. A. Cooper and. A. C. Savage , of Adalr , for a gun-sigm ; to Wm. W. Dodge , of Burlington , for a game apparatus ; to R. Harris , of Cedar Falls , for a rod-guide for dow el-machines ; to N. Kauffman , of Dubuque - buque , for a catch-basket for lawnmowers - mowers ; to F. A. Thoas , of Cellar Rap ids , for a belaying hook. F. K. H. , Oskaloosa , Iowa : Your let ter Is received and v.e answer this publicly for the benefit of others. For the first fee according to our terms ( $20) ) we will make one fcheet of draw I ings and specifications and gat the commissioners' receipt therefor and fcuch record evidence will be provls'on- al protection for one year without pay- ying more If you want to delay comple tion of the application and official ex amination at Washington For each additional sheet we charge $ u. When Use second fee ( $20) ) is paid us $13 of it will be forwarded to the commis sioner and the oilier ? n applied for prosecuting the claims , and after the patent is allowed the third $20 fee must be paid within six months from date of allowance before the patent will be printed and delivered. All questions relating to the secur ing of patents cheerfully answered r.nd valuable information in circulars sent free ! THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. What will the fault-finding Chris tian do in heaven ? J-Ifo nnd the Liver. " Success in life depends upon tbe liver " Is the way Chun. Lamb , the poet and pun ster put it. Jtocjfcal science bos proreu , that nine-tenths of the ailments of livinc have their origin in the liver , nnd in con- ftjpation caused bv its derangements. Keep the liver lively and it will bo Avell. .Modern science points out Cascarets ns the only perfect , gentle , positive liver regula tor fit to be used in the delicate human organism. All druggists sell Cascarcts lOc , &c , 50c , and AVO recommend them most heartily. Santiago hombardment pov.'der cost $1,000,000. Shnlco Into Tour Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart ing feet and instantly takes "the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , nervous , aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe slorea. By mall for 25e in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. The effort to make sugar from beets dates back as far as the year 17-17. Within the past month the first iron bridge erected In the state of Ohio has been removed. This bridge Avas over Salt Creek , on the Central Ohio di vision of the Baltimore and Ohio rail- read , in Muskingum county , and was lult ! in 1851. It was a single span , 71 feet in length , nnd Avas known as a "Bollman deck truss bridge with plate girders. " Bellman Avas at that time chief engineer of construction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. When you let go the good Avork the devil takes hold. I'lso's Cure lor Coubumj.tiou is tne ony ronph medicine used in my house. D. C. Albright , MiHlinlnirp , 1'a. , Dee. 11 , HK > . If your harvest is a failure , remeiu her you selected the seed. Coc'o Consrn "Halcnra Ir the oldest and beetIt will brtaw up a cold quicker loan anythlus : else. It is alwajs reliable. Try it. If a man makes a Tool of himself twice in the same Avay his case is hopeless. The Standard Dictionary. The Independent , New York : "It is a noble example in which the modern tendency to popularize knowledge has risen to the highest level yet reached. " The Boston Daily Herald : "It is a monument of the highest character which the publishers of this work have reared in honor of the English lan guage. " See display advertisement of how to obtain the Standard Dictionary by nakins a small payment down , the re mainder in installments. If a man doesn't lie after returning from a fishing trip his word is as good as his bond. The Automatic Grip Neck Yoke Co. , of Indianapolis , Ind. , whose ad. ay- pears elsewhere in this paper , have invented what is without doubt tha best and safest neck yoke on the mar ket. It is simple in construction , does not rattle , and the pole cannot pos sibly get away from it. They offer very liberal terms to agents and as it is a good seller we urge our readers to write them at once regarding it. Profanity is forbidden by both the army and navy regulations of the United States. f A bath with COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP , cxquisitelv scented , is teething and beneficial. Sold everywhere. A captain in the navy ranks with a colonel in the army. JTiInate tour Uoiveis TTItli Cascarcts. Candy Cathartic cure constipation forevc" . 10c , S6c. II C. C. C. fail , druggists refund money. The ascent of man comes through the descent of Christ. G-BANDPA'SCOUETSHTP "So you youngsters want a war story , " sighed Grundpa Sawyer , glanc ing fondly over the merry group of children and grandchildren that had as- eembled to celebrate his sixtieth birth day ; and wondering what he could pos sibly say on this august occasion that had not been repeated at least a score of times. "You might tell them about the time you fainted dead away , " suggested grandma , with her tender pensive smile , as she bent caressingly over his latest namesake fast asleep Su her arms. Yielding to the clamorous entreaties of more than a dozen young voices , the veteran slowly proceeded : "You see , I wag ju&t out of Amlersonville , and a little shaky even on an ordinary occa sion , and this was a most extraordinary occasion , being the day your grandma graduated at Holyokc. "I first enlisted for three months , full of fight and sure of victory , and I look ed so fine and tall in my blue uniform , I thought I'd go and say good-bye to Dr. Miller's daughter. I was only a common farmer , and she had another beau , a student at Amherst , but I re membered once at a party , when she had to choose a partner she selected me Instead of Jim ; so I thought I'd go and tell her I was off for Dixie In * he morning. I thought maybe she'd cry a little as iny mother did , or say something fine about my laying down my precious life for the dear old flag ; but she didn' . say much , and I didn't stay long , for Jim was there. "Martha went with me out to the gate. I reached out my big sun burned hand , end she took It in both her own and held it quite a bit , and she said : 'Bennie , I'm sorry you're going to the war ; you're too young a man , and too good a man to stand irp and be shot at. ' Then Jim appeared on the scene , and I went away half cursing my honest hand for being so brown , while Jim's was as white as a lily with a great flashing diamond on the smallest of his slender fingers. "Talk about standing up as a target for bullets ; that's nothing nothing at all compared with lying down to starve In a foul prison. As the days passed into weeks , and the weeks so long Into months so much longer that I lost all count , how many and many a time I looked at my white bony hands and wished they were as big and as tanned as they used to be , and when I would have prayed for an end- lug of my misery , how well I remem bered that Martha had said I was too young to die , and the way she had held my hand still thrilled me , and kept me alive and out of the clutch of old Giant Despair , and I said over and over to myself a thousand tim ° s , with grim determination , what Dr. Miller had so often repeated , 'While there is life there is hope , ' and at last I was exchanged and discharged. Oh. 3-ow happy I was to be set frea ! I did not 'rcgcin my freedom with a BENNIE , OH , BENNIE ! sigh , ' like that poor prisoner 01 Chil- lon , but with a great joy that buoyed me up for the long , weary journey home , and enabled me to assist others who were still weaker. "When at last the stage set me down in the familiar village poslof- fice , I was so weary and wasted no one seemed to recognize me , but looked at me in a pitying way I could not un derstand , and so I did not speak to any one , but staggered down the hill to the old farmhouse , trying in vain to scent the supper , or the clove pinks. I did not know my precious mother had been dead for almost a year , but when I reached the gate I felt the change. It hung by one hinge , and swayed and creaked with a dismal sound that seemed to me like the groaning of a ghost. It weakened me so that I had to rest awhile before going down the long walk still lined by my mother's flowerbeds ; but oh , how neglected they looked ! As I neared the porch I saw a red calf tied to a lilac bush , one that my mother had herself planted on the very day she Was a bride , and then I seemed to know that she was gone. War kills women as well as men. She thought her only boy was dead , and she had nothing to live for nothing but an empty home. "That was too good a house to be long unoccupied , and Dr. Millar had rented it to a needy family of for eigners , requesting that my room should be left just as my mother had last arranged it. "Oh ! how I had cheered myself with a picture of that waiting tea-table ! but I didn't drop down into my accus tomed place , for even the table had been moved into the little , over crowded kitchen , and the robust wo man who did her best to serve me could not understand my simple lan guage , but she did comprehend my sorrow and weariness and bitter dis appointment , and after I had taken a glass of milk she allowed me to go right up to my own airy chamber , where everything was sacredly famili- iar. How deliciousiy soft and clean the bed seemed , and I cried myself to sleep like a tired , homesick baby. "The first thing I heard on the morning was , not the chirping of the robins , as In the olden time , but the loud bawling of that steer calf undrr my window. I covered my head with the bedclothes and was the p ° or. weak baby over again. When I , woke later in the day , good Dr. Miller was sit ting by my bedside. lie helped me dress , and took me home to breakfast , where the talking , as well as the cookIng - Ing , was all United States ; but some how I wasn't hungry , and longed to ask what bad become of Martha. "I soon found out. Her father was going to Holyoke the very next clay to hear her valedictory , and he took me along with him. It was a long drive , but we look it slovr and easy , and I had my fill of fresh air , and re covered my appetite. We were a little late to the exhibition , and we found the chapel already crowded ; but the good doctor finally succeeded in get ting r. scat well up in front , and there , right before us , was Amherst Jim , just as slim and white as ever. He fin gered his watch chain and petted his mustache and made his diamond glisten and devoured the platform witli his eyes , just as he used to in the old red school house when Martha was going to speak her piece. Now he was a full-fledged physician , and Dr. Mil ler's partner. We had a long time to wait. The essays were lengthy and learned , and Martha's was the very last. The other graduates wore white , but she was all in black with a crape collar. I looked questioningly Into her father's face. He put his arm around me , and whispered : 'She wears mourn ing for your mother and for you. ' "For my mother and for me oh ! the pain of it ! oh , the joy of It ! and whether it was the pain or the joy , or the crowded room , or the way Jim looked at Martha , I cannot tell , but somehow everything slipped away into nothingness. "When I came back to conscious ness , the folks were all gone , all but Dr. Miller and his daughter , an.l Martha was holding me as handy as she is holding'that blessed baby now , and I was just as quiet and submis sive. "I didn't know much of anything but submission for a long time after that. I didn't know I was helpless in bed in the Miller mansion with Jim fcr night watch , mixing the medicine to suit himself , and always telling Martha I was slowly improving , and I could not see the noiseless hand that was stretching a pontoon bridge over the last river , but when my hand was wet with the cold surf , I reached it feebly toward Martha's , and she took it firmly just as she did when I was going away to the war , and she said : 'Bennie , oh Bennie ! you are too young to die ; If only you will live , my mother shall be your mother , ' and then she laid her warm cheek down on that cold hand and it thrilled me back to life again , and the good old doctor whispered , 'While there's life , there's hope , ' and after that he was the night watch , and Martha was the day watch , and Jim dropped out , and Martha's mother was my mother. "Martha's children are my children ; her grandchildren are all mine , too , and poor Jim never had any. I have outlived him by a quarter of a cen tury , and I'm good for twenty-five years more , but I want you youngsters distinctly to understand this is my last war story positively the last. " Two chubby arms were wound around grandpa's neck , and a reprov ing little kiss was dropped upon the veteran's forehead. Little Mattie welt remembered that he had said those very words , "positively the last , " on his very last birthday , and so her grateful caress must needs be a little reproving , for had he not often coun seled her "Tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , " and did not grandma sometimes says , "Con sistency is a jewel ? " Possibly the tender rebuke was quite lost upon grandpa , but the others all appreciated it , and truly , a little child shall lead them. New York Ledger. The Oldest Metallic Objects Dr. J. H. Gladstone , discussing at the Royal Institution the question of the metals used by the great nations of antiquity , said recently that gold was probably the first metal known to man , because it is generally found na tive. The old metallic objects to which we can assign a probable date were found in a royal tomb at Nagada in Egypt , supposed to have been that of King Menes. In one of the chambers were some bits of gold and a bead , a button and a fine wire of nearly pure copper. If the tomb has been properly identified , these objects are at least 6,300 years old. Nearly all the ancient gold that has been exam ined contains enough silver to give it a light color. It was gathered by the ancients in the bed of the Pactolus and other streams of Asia Minor. Power Required to Drive a Bicycle. The driving of a bicycle at ten miles an hour has been ascertained to re quire about one-twenty-third o * a horsepower. An expert rider for a short time may exert one-third of a horsepower. For rapid work , not scorching , one-seventh horsepower is needed. These figures are the result of scientific investigation. I.I PC Kelt of Rubber. A new life belt is made of sheet rub ber which passes round the neck , across the chest and round the waist , and can be inflated in one minute by the mouth. Its weight is about one pound , and is alike flexible , light and easily placed in position. George A. Fowler of Kansas City has given 521,000 to rebuild the ag ricultural shops of the university of Kansas , recently destroyed by fire. V IIIFIOWK soot tilus : Srrwp For rl.IMren te < 'tlilr..n > ftrns the { 'iiiur.rriiui e i P m- malica , alcy | > a.lii , cures. wii.dcoM. : . Slientt a Settle. The railroad mileage in Cuba is 1,105 miles , owned by seventeen rail road companies. Hull's Catarrli Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price , Tac. A map of Jerusalem in mosaic , over 1,500 years old , has been found in Pal estine. For a perfect complexion KUU a clear , healthy s-kiu , use COSMO BUTTEKlilLK SOAP. Sold eve'-ywhcro. Ninety reporters are employed in the zallery of the house of commons. FITIJ rrmaneittlyi.iircC. rioCts oracrsnunnessafte. < ir t du > ' of llr. Klines Great Nervu Torturer i'eml I.ii F.UKE V-4.OO Irml bottle nnd IrcaiiM * Uu. E. II. KLiSK.Z.ti.S31 ! Arch M. . PtHBdolpr.ia. f * . Fallinc on your knees is one way to prevent falling from grace. Iteauty Is itl o < ! Ueep. Clean blood incms a clean sKIn. No beauty without It. C'itM-aro-'s. Cituy ! < % utliirtlc clean * your blood : incl kerns 11 rlGiui. by rtir- tinc up MIL-l.-ts-y liver nncl driving a'.l Impu- riiii * from tlte boily. Bezln totlav to banish jilmlrs. 1 oils blotches , b acUheuus. and that Bti-lJly bilious complexion by taking Ca.Ma- i ts beauty fcr ten cents. All riruggUts. satisfaction guaranteed , inc. 5-j. 50c. If you would obtain information from a woman , i-retend indifference. Hay Fever. Mrs. J. C. Smith of Aledo , III. , writes : "I have been troubled v.-ith hay fever and asthma every fall for twelve or fourteen years , and a cough that gees with it , that nothing has ever done much to relieve un til I took your Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. LaFt year my brother-in-law had been away and brought a box home with him , nnd when my cough was at Its worst he want ed me to try it and I did and AVAS RE LIEVED AI-MOST INSTANT ! Y. So this fall when I pot so bad my husband went to all the drug stores here and couldn't find it , so we sent to you , and this fall my cough got better ns coon as I began to take it. I am all right now , but sup pose of course I will have hay fever again nrxt fall and will try and get the Dr. Kay's 1-ung Balm before I get so bad. " Send two stamps for "Dr. Kay's Home Treatment. " a 114-page illustrated book , or Bond 25 cents for "Kendall's Perfected Ile- ceipt Book , " 210 pages. Five hundred of the best receipts for everything : 120 cuts. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. B. J. Kay Medi cal Co. , Omaha , Neb. The army of Germany boasts eight women colonels. Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. GuaranVMil tobacco habit cure , makes -weal , men strong , olood pure. 50c. $1. All druggists. If you bet ? 13 and lost , it's unlucky. PEBIODS OF PAIN. Menstruation , the balance wheel oi woman's life , is also the bane of exist ence to many because it means a time of great suffering1. While no woman is entirely free from does not seem to have been na ture's plan V that women \l otherwise \ healthy should suffer so severely. LydiaE. Pink- ham's Vege table Com pound is the most thorough fe male regnla- tor known to medical sci ence. " It relieves the condition that pro duces so much discomfort and robs men struation of its terrors. Here is proof : DEAU Mns. PIXKIIASI : How can 1 thank you enough fcr what you have done for me ? When I wrote to you I was suffering" untold pain at time of menstruation ; was nervous , had head ache r.ll the time , no appetite , that tired feeliug- , and did not care for anything- . I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , one cf Blood Purifier , two boxes of Liver Pills , and to-day I am a well person. I would like to have those who suffer know that I am one of the many who have been cured of female complaints by your wonderful medicine and advice. Miss JEXXIE R. MILES. Leon , Wis. If you are suffering- this way , write as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for the advice which she offers free of charge to all women. * IZyvlfo Isad pimples on her face , but she has be < m tnklnu CASCARETS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time , but after tak- IUK the first Cascaret I have had no trouble with this aliment. We cannot speals too high ly of Cascarets. " FRED WARTMAN , 670S Gcrmontown Ave. . Philadelphia , Pa. CANDY CATHARTIC TrlADE MAOM RZCISTERCD Pleasnnt. Palatable. I'otent. Taste Good. Do Gccd , Never Slcicn , Weaken , or Grlie. lOe. sCc.Mto. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Bfrln ! ; Uristdtonpaaj , CMeofO , Montreal , Keir Yort. 514 Tfl BAI * Bold and guaranteed by nil drujf- I U-UflU cists to CTFKE Tobacco Habit. CANfiFRS ' TIIMflFtt ' Mzrah ! Canccr Remedy. lUBWnd , ivrfi-ct cure nt yosr Homo Never lost n cnzli' ! Cns-u : AV rile for cir cular * ! 3Il2paliMortlclnefo..3Zoi > ey , N.Y. NEW DISCOVERY ; _ _ _ _ _ quick lellcf ami cum worst . Bend Tor book o testimonials and 1O days * treatment Sice. Dr. U.H.C K. ' rcr coughs , colds. Or , Kay's Lung Balm Sa s CURLS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILSl i S Best Couch Syrup. Vaites Gocxl. DEO Intlmo. Sold by t ' SKILL OF DOCTORS TESTEi Fifteen Years of Suffering ' " I thought 1 should surely die/ n the Etomach begins to fail ia II * duties , ot'icr orpocs speedily become nflcctcd in sympathy , and life is simply a burden almost unbearable. Indigestion bui dyspcpj > ia nrc to common that only the sufferer from thc e diseai-cs knows the possibilities of inircry that inhere in them. A typicr.i example of the Miflcrmgs cl the vicim of indigestion is Itiruisiifil ia the of John C. 1'ritchard. lie \vcut on lor f.ilccti years , from bad tovor > e. In spite of doctors he grew constantly v.-enker , aid thought he would die. lie } ; ot well , however , and thus leiutcs his experience : " Vor fifteen years I was a great sufferer from indirection in its v.-orst lornih. 1 tested the skill of many electors , but grew v/orf-e nad- erse , until I bccntnc so weak I could not walk fifty yards v.-ithont having to sit down end rest. Mv Momnch , liver , nnd heart became affected , and J thought 1 would surely die. 1 tried Ur. J. C. Aycr's I'ills nnd they helped me light away. I continued their v. e end aii now entirely well. I don't know cf anything that will FO quickly relieve and cure tlic terrible sufferings of dyspepsia r.s Dr. Aycr's I'illi. . " C. Urodie IOIIN raiTCiiAKi ) , , War- ten Co. , 14. C. This care is not extraordinary , cither in the severity of the disease or the prompt and perfect cure performed by lr. Ayer'j * I'ills. Similar results occur in every cus where Dr. Aycr's I'ills nrc used. "They helped me right away" IH the common expression of tnot > e who have u ctl llietu- Herc IK another testimony to the truth cf this statement : "I formerly Miffcrcd from imligC5tiort end wenkueos ol the Monmcli , but Mnre X began the u ? > e of Dr. J. C. Aycr's rills , 1 ha\c the appetite ol the's bov. 1 nm 46 years of age , utul iccommcnil nit wno v.-i-h to he Irce liqm dyspepsia to take or.e of Di. Ayer's Pills alter dinner , till their digestive organs arc in goooi order. " V/ti. STIIINKT , Grant , Neb. Dr. Ayer's Tills offer the surest BwilU-it relief from constipation and nil its attendant ills. They cure di/zines.t , niiMa , heartburn , palpitation , bad breath , coated tongue , uetvoiisucsssleeplcssncjs , biliousness , anil a score of other aflcctiou * ? that are , alter all , only the signs of a ir.otcr deep rooted disease. You can find more information about Dr. Ayrr's I'ills. nnd the diseases they have cured , in Aycr's Curc- liook , a story o ( cures told by the cured. This book of ice pages is sent free , OH request , by the I.e. Aver Co. , Lowell.Sass. ; RON ING- MADE EASY. HAS MAHY IMITATORS , BUT NO EQUAL is PrePared on Hlb O lalUl scientific princl- m pies , by men who have hail years of , . experience la fancy laundering1. It fidr.-f "vl restores old linen and summer dresses . -wj- J ; to their natural whiteness and imparts HX.1S CCLUI3 KO COT S STIFF WO KICE ,1 beautiful and lasting1 finish. The only starch that is perfectly harmless. CHZ FOUND Or THIS STARCH WILL 00 Contains no arsenic , alum or other injurious AS FArt AS A POSIKC UiC A HALF GPAKY CTIIEI'.SIARCri. jurious substance. Can be used even IBER ERDS'CO for a baby pow.ier. KEWKAVEH.QWS./ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. UA BRIGHT HOME MAKES A MERRY HEART. " JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH Lv. CHICAGO I2OO Noow. An. Kiw YORK lNl..f _ _ , . 3:3O P. Wl. AR. ECSTON.- . . ) E'1 DA % 1 5:5O P. WJ. For further in'crmalirn snd a handsome illustrated fccoket ! sddrcss C. S. CRANE. G. P. & T. A. . St. Louis. 3- Book. | Icn't that sol Of course it is. Every . sensible person admits it. But Why Not Get That Book ? | We have it. It is full o ! THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW tut OUGHT TO KNOW. It doesn't matter on what subject you need information , this took wiH supply it. $ i $ vl/ \ & \i > vltt & Is the latest and best work published. It is just what its name indicates-THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. To educate the people , we have arranged to send this work to anyone sending us 51 CO cash and 51.00 per month thereafter for eleven months. In this way you will never miss the money and your library will be enriched by the addition of the greatest work of the century. STANDARD DICTIONARY AGENCY , 509-511 South 12th Street , LET US HEAR FROM YOU. OMAHA , NEB. EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF KOIRE DAME , NOTRE DAHE , INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics , Letters , Science. Law , Civil , Mechanical and Electrical Engi neering1. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Course.i. Rooms Free to all Students v.-lio hnvo com pleted the studies required for admission Into the Jnnioror Senior Year , of aay of the Col- k'idnte Courses. A limited number or Cccdidatcs for the Ecclc- slai-lic.ilstute bere.Mi.-cd atpedalratt-.1 ; . St. Edwcrd's Mall , for boya under 13 jrars. Is unique in ccmplctcr.e-vs of its equipments. The logthlerm op'n September 61n , 1898. Catalogue sent Free on siprlieajslon to REV. A. nORRl&SCY. C. SC. . . Dr Kavrs Renovator Guaranteed Ul aoy & UUiU UHl5 to cure dyspep sia , constipation , liver and khlwy jKheo-Jt.s.b- ! I.CUSKCSS , teailache , etc. At druggists > ; : ti Si. \V. 1 > J. U.OMAHA. NO. 31 1SOQ Answering Rfiverilsenicata Kcudca This Faser. FURNITURE. $50OOO Stock of all srrades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest price will be of- ferecl during- the next few months at special prices. Customers visiting- Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here , and we will make ewry effort to please botb in goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURE , 12O6 Douglas St. , Omaha. Next to Millixnl Hotel. KOTE To patlsfy ouwelvos a < to whrthor ftilvrrllM-inrnl N rVul wiwl.l uiaXi- llxonitit of I IHT rout mi tin' t > ur > IIISFC < if any eiiMonirr who will ti II iittuj" wtro Uirrcif J t < > us > tiy It ni ! UM t'iry will rn-OMiKUMi ! us to tlu-lr Irltmtc II lt * tlicy l-iij me tat.Kfa tory. ls ! to Lnuics : V/c ci e Trsdina CUi BBANKS